Download - Tori

Page 1: Tori

Tori’s room

So i recently moved in with my sisters family; it's complicated, but yeah and when

i got here i was given my little sister christina's room. Which was purple and

tinkerbell was everywhere! Her bed was soft though. But anyways after a while i

got switched into a different room. The one right next to the one i was using. So

now i share with my sister Sara. How fun... no, not really but whatever. Now for a

description of my room! It has old lady wallpaper, a huge bunkbed that has a

space for a computer and theres a closet attached to it, and a spot for books or

misc. I have a guinea pig in my room, which at night gets annoying because her

water bottle thing makes tons of noise! I have a bookshelf filled with a bunch of

books i have never read before, and i do read sometimes, hahai'm not dissing

people who read; it can be relaxing sometimes. My room doesn't really describe

me at all.

I would like my room to be the color red with one of those huge japanese

hand fans lol i don't know the proper word for them! But yeah and with a cream

colored floor which i pretty much have already. But i would def. get rid of the

bunkbed and put in two really beautiful beds. With japanese sheets and linens

with matching pillows.

If i had a room like that i would most def. keep it nice looking and clean. In

the mornings i go threw a bunch of def. clothes and whatever i don't wear i throw

on the ground so i end up getting in trouble for that but i clean it up usually.

Page 2: Tori

My New Room

My Guinea Pig and lilwayne poster

Room I Used To Have

Page 3: Tori