Download - Tor Children's and Young Adults - Jan to Apr 2013


Winter 2013Mass Market and Hardcover

B o o k s f o r G r a d e s 4 - 1 2

s t a r s c a p e T o r C l a s s i c sT o r T e e n T o r k i d s

Tor Children’s & Young Adult Publishing

J a n – M a y

J a n u a r y 2 0 1 3

David LubarHyde and SHriek: a MonSterrific tale

a new addition to acclaimed author david lubar’s monster series!

There’s something strange going on at Washington Irving Elementary School. People are turning into monsters—literally!

Ms. Clevis is one of the most popular teachers at Washington Irving. Until the morning she accidentally puts some of the wrong ingredients into her breakfast smoothie. Suddenly she finds herself switching back and forth between mean substitute teacher Ms. Hyde and a sweet sixth grade girl named Jackie. Will Jackie figure out the cure before she changes into the horrible Ms. Hyde forever?

Marketing PLans•Onlineandprintadvertisingintradeandeducationalmedia.•Promotionatmajortradeshowstargetingeducatorsandlibrarians.•Publicitytoincludeonlinepublicitycampaign,promotionatregionalevents,

promotion via school visits.•Digitalpromotionsontargetedsites,blogs,Facebook,Twitter,Goodreads,


key Points•AnewadditiontoLubar’smonsterseries,fourbookswhichwereoriginally

publishedasmassmarketpaperbackoriginalsbyScholasticin1997,buthavebeenout of print for over a decade.

•Withnearly2millionWeeniesbookssold,DavidLubar’spopularityandname recognition have grown since the publication of the original series.

•WewilllaunchwithHyde and Shriek,anoriginaltitle,inJanuary2013, thenre-releasethefourpreviouslypublishedtitleswithnewcovers—one book per season.

•ThenextbookwillbeThe Vanishing VampireinMay2013.•Thesixthandfinalbookwillbeanoriginaltitle.•TheacquisitionoftwonewWeeniescollectionswasannouncedinthePublishers

Weekly Children’s Newsletter.•In the Land of the Lawn WeenieswasanOprahChildren’sReadingListPickin


Praise for DaviD Lubar“Whoever thinks the short story is dead, or that kids don’t like short stories, hasn’t talked to any real live kids and hasn’t read the latest in this popular series.” —School library Journal on attack of the Vampire WeenieS

“Bullies and others get their due in this hilarious new collection of thirty-five warped and creepy tales by the master of the ‘weenie’ story.” —buffalo neWS on the battle of the red hot pepper WeenieS

ISBN:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-7653-3081-9Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99/$16.99 Can.Format: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HardcoverPages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128Trim: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51⁄2x81⁄4CPDA/Cat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09/YoungReaderAge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eight to twelveTerritory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WorldOrigin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OriginalAuthorresidence: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nazareth,PA

aLso avaiLabLeBeware the Ninja Weenies(StarscapeHC,5/12,978-0-7653-3213-4,$15.99/$18.50)

Attack of the Vampire Weenies (StarscapeMM,5/12,978-0-7653-6323-7,$5.99/$6.99))The Battle of the Red Hot Pepper Weenies (StarscapeMM,3/10,978-0-7653-6075-5,$5.99/$6.99)The Curse of the Campfire Weenies (StarscapeMM,9/08,978-0-7653-5771-7,$5.99/$6.99)Invasion of the Road Weenies (StarscapeMM,9/06,978-0-7653-5325-2,$5.99/$6.99)In the Land of the Lawn Weenies (StarscapeMM,6/03,978-0-7653-4570-7,$5.99/$6.99)

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kristen simmonsarticle 5

“everything fans of this genre are craving: a believable dystopian world, a thrilling story line, and perfect characters.” —ReAdINg TeeN



EmberMillerisoldenoughtorememberthatthingsweren’talwaysthisway.Livingwithherrebellioussinglemother,it’shardtoforgetthatpeopleweren’talwaysarrested for reading the wrong books or staying out after dark.

Inthethreeyearssincethewarended,Emberhasperfectedtheartofkeepingalowprofile.Sheknowshowtogetthethingssheneeds,andhowtopasstherandom home inspections by the military. Her life is as close to peaceful as circum-stancesallow.Thatis,untilhermotherisarrestedfornoncompliancewithArticle5oftheMoralStatutes.AndoneofthearrestingofficersisnoneotherthanChaseJennings…the only boy Ember has ever loved.

Marketing PLans•Printandonlineadvertisinginyoungadult,educational,sciencefiction/fantasy,

and dystopian fiction media.•Promotionatmajortradeshowstargetingeducatorsandlibrarians.•Publicitytoincludeonlinepublicitycampaign,5-cityauthortour.•Digitalpromotionsontargetedsites,blogs,Facebook,Twitter,Goodreads,


key Points•ThisisthefirstinstallmentofathrillingnewdystopianYAseriesthathasallthe


•FeaturesaheroinewhoismoreKatnissthanBella:despitelivinginasociety whereeverythingisstrictlygovernment-controlled,sheisdeterminedtotakecharge of her own life.


•LikethemostpopularYAdystopianscurrentlyonthemarket,Article 5 mixes afast-paced,thriller-likeplotwithfullyrealizedcharactersandapowerful love story.

•KristenSimmonshasamaster’sdegreeinsocialworkandisanadvocatefor mentalhealth.Shedrawsonherexperienceworkingwithveteranswithpost- traumaticstressdisordertocraftanauthentic,heartbreakingvoiceforunwilling soldier Chase Jennings.


Praise for Article 5“[a] gripping, atmospheric story of survival. alongside a fierce depiction of oppressive government, Simmons has created a bleak portrait of an america lost. i could hardly put it down.” —Kendare BlaKe, author of anna dreSSed in blood

“[a] fun read...a good amount of adventure and action.” —

ISBN:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-7653-2961-5Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.99/$10.00 Can.Format: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trade PaperbackPages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368Trim: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51⁄2x81⁄4CPDA/Cat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09/YoungAdultAge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ThirteenandupTerritory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WorldOrigin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TorTeenHC,1/12 978-0-7653-2958-5Authorresidence: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville,KY

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Pamela sargentfarSeed

the critically acclaimed sequel to Earthseed, which has been optioned by Paramount Pictures and is set to be produced by the adaptor of the twilight series

Centuries ago, the people of earth sent Ship into space. deep within its core, it carried the seed of humankind….

MorethantwentyyearshavepassedsinceShipleftitschildrenonanuninhabited,earthlike planet. Zoheret and her companions have started settlements and had childrenoftheirown.Butsoonaftertheirarrival,Zoheret’soldnemesis,Ho,left to found his own settlement.

WhenHo’sdaughter,fifteen-year-oldNuy,spiesthreestrangersheadedtoward theirhome,thehostilitybetweenthetwogroupsofoldshipmatesbeginsanew. Can the divided settlers face the challenges of adapting to their new environment in spite of their conflicts?

Marketing PLans•Printandonlineadvertisingonscience-fiction/fantasyandyoungadultmedia,

including targeted outreach to fans of The Hunger games.•Educationandlibrarymarketingincludingpromotionatmajornationalconferences.•Digitalmarketingcampaigntoincludepromotionthroughtargetedsocial


key Points•Firsttimeinpaperback.•WiththepopularityofYAdystopianfictionandsciencefiction,asseenbythe

success of books such as glow and Across the Universe,thetimeisrighttoreleaseFarseedinTorTeentradepaperback.

•Sequeltoearthseed,whichcaptivatedandinspiredagenerationofyoung readers,includingParamountPicturesFilmGrouppresidentAdamGoodman, whosaid:“EversinceIwasakid,it’sbeenagoalofminetoseeearthseed get to the screen in an awesome way.”

•ParamountPictureshasoptionedearthseed and The Hollywood Reporter has picked it as one of four titles that might be the next Hunger games.

•MelissaRosenberg,whoadaptedalltheTwilightfilms,isattachedtowriteand producethescriptthroughherTallGirlsProductions.

• earthseedwasnamedanAmericanLibraryAssociationBestBookforYoungAdults,aBooklistYoungAdultReviewer’sChoiceselection,andaNewYorkPublicLibraryBookfortheTeenAgeselection



Praise for FArseed*a VOYA Best Science fiction, fantasy and Horror Selection of 2007

“this thoughtful planetary adventure is extremely well done. this novel is a fine example of [Sargent’s] work.” —Voya

“the interpersonal dynamics, plus the challenges of adapting to another world, give this long-awaited second book in the Seed trilogy strong appeal.” —bookliSt

ISBN:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-7653-3216-5Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.99/$10.99 Can.Format: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trade PaperbackPages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288Trim: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51⁄2x81⁄4CPDA/Cat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09/YoungAdultAge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ThirteenandupTerritory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . World EnglishOrigin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TorTeenHC,3/07 978-0-7653-1427-7Authorresidence: . . . . . . . . . UpstateNewYork

aLso avaiLabLeearthseed (TorTeenTPB,2/12,978-0-7653-3215-8,$9.99/$10.99)

Seed Seeker (TorHC,11/10,978-0-7653-1428-4,$25.99/$29.99)

t o r t e e n

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Laurence yepcity of deatH

two-time newbery Honor award–winning author laurence yep brings his epic city trilogy to an action-packed and heart-pounding conclusion

SciryeandherloyalcompanionschasethevillainousMr.Rolandforafinal showdownatRiyeSrukalleyis,theCityofDeath,locatedintheheartofthe

KushanEmpire,alongtheSilkRoad.There,theyreunitewitholdfriends, meetnewallies,andconfrontanevenmoredangerousfoe….

ThethrillingconclusiontothetrilogythatbeganwithCity of Fire and City of Ice byesteemedstorytellerLaurenceYep,whohasbeenoneofthepreeminentAsian-Americanauthorsforchildrenforthepastfortyyears.

Marketing PLans•Targetedprintandonlineadvertisingonscience-fiction/fantasymedia.•Digitalmarketingcampaigntoincludepromotionthroughtargetedsocial


key Points•ThethirdandfinalbookintheacclaimedCityTrilogybytwo-timeNewberyHonor


settings and elements that are not exclusively from the Western tradition.•Willincludeareader’sguide.•City of Ice,Book2,wasa2011VOYAPerfectTensselection.•City of Fire,Book1,wasaTeenTopTennominee,aKid’sIndieNextselection,


ofthepreeminentAsian-Americanauthorsforchildrenandyoungadultsforthepast forty years.


Praise for city oF ice*a VOYA 2011 Perfect tens Selection

“a magnificent adventure, mixing both history and fantasy.... this reader is looking forward to the final book in this most enjoyable trilogy.” —Voya

“yep’s second entry in the city trilogy sings and crackles with as much detail and action as the first.... new readers have enough clues to feel instantly at home. Makes a great read aloud too.” —bookliSt

aLso avaiLabLeCity of Ice(StarscapeMM,6/12,978-0-7653-5880-6,$5.99/$6.99)

City of Fire(StarscapeMM,8/10,978-0-7653-5879-0,$5.99/$6.99)

ISBN:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-7653-1926-5Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.99/$19.99 Can.Format: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HardcoverPages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384Trim: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51⁄2x81⁄4CPDA/Cat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09/YoungReaderAge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TenandupTerritory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . World EnglishOrigin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OriginalAuthorresidence: . . . . . . . . . .PacificGrove,CA

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kristen simmonsBreaking Point

the second installment in kristen Simmons’s fast-paced, gripping ya dystopian series



They’retakeninbytheKnoxvillebranchoftheResistance,anunderground organizationworkingtosystematicallytakedownthegovernment.Atheadquarters,alleyesareonthesniper,ananonymousassassintakingoutFBRsoldiersone byone.Rumorsareflyingaboutthesniper’strueidentity,andEmberandChase welcome the diversion...

Untilthegovernmentpoststheirmostwantedlist,andtheirnumberonesuspect is Ember herself.

Marketing PLans•Printandonlineadvertisinginyoungadult,educational,sciencefiction/fantasy,

and dystopian fiction media.•OnlineadvertisingonsocialmediawebsitestargetingfansofTheHungerGames




key Points•ThesecondinstallmentofathrillingnewdystopianYAseriesthathasallthe


•Authorisimmenselylikableandagreatnetworker.PriortoreleaseofArticle 5, sheintroducedherselftovariouslocalbooksellersandmanyofthemrequestedthat she come back for events.

•Withinweeksofourcontractingthetrilogy,MurdochBooksmadeapre-emptive,mid5-figureofferforAustralianrights.WehavesincesoldtoGermany,Taiwan,and Poland.


Praise for Article 5“a gripping, atmospheric story of survival. alongside a fierce depiction of oppressive government, Simmons has created a bleak portrait of an america lost. i could hardly put it down.” —Kendare BlaKe, author of anna dreSSed in blood

“[a] fun read...a good amount of adventure and action.” —

aLso avaiLabLeArticle 5(TorTeenTPB,1/13,978-0-7653-2961-5,$9.99/$11.99)

ISBN:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-7653-2959-2Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.99/$19.99 Can.Format: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HardcoverPages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400Trim: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51⁄2x81⁄4CPDA/Cat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09/YoungAdultAge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ThirteenandupTerritory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WorldOrigin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OriginalAuthorresidence: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tampa,FL

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Cory DoctorowHoMeland

the direct sequel to Little Brother—in which Marcus finds himself once again risking everything to take on creeping tyranny and surveillance

Just a few years after Little Brother,Marcus’sproblemsareback:California’s economyhascollapsed,takinghisparentsandhisuniversitytuitionwithit.

ButM1k3y’spoliticalpastsaveshimandlandshimajobaswebmasterfor a muckraking politician who promises reform.

Thingsareneversimple,though,asMarcusdiscoverswhenhisonetimegirlfriendMasha emerges from the political underground to give him a thumbdrive containing aWikileaks-stylecable-dumpfullofhardevidenceofconsciouscorporateand governmentalperfidy.It’sincendiarystuff—andifMashagoesmissing,Marcus is supposed to release it to the world.

ButMarcuscan’touthimself,becauseifhedoeshe’llcosthisemployersthe election.Andhe’ssurroundedbyfriendsandacquaintanceswhoregardhim as a hacker hero. He can’t even attend a demonstration without being dragged onstageandhandedamike.Nobody—hiscurrentgirlfriend,hiswearyparents, hisprogressive-mindedemployer,hishackeradmirers—knowsjusthowunsure of himself he really is.

Meanwhile,hardpeoplearebeginningtoshadowhim,peoplewholooklike they’ve got plenty of experience inflicting pain until they get the answers they want. InflictingitonMarcus…or,worse,onpeopleheloves.

Marketing PLans •Onlineadvertisingontechnologyblogsandsocialmedia.•PromotionatNewYorkComic-Con.•Nationalprintadvertisingincludingsciencefiction/fantasy,youngadultand

educational publications.•Publicitytoinclude7-cityauthortour,radiosatellitetour,onlinepublicity



key Points•ThisisthedirectsequeltoLittle Brother,andinthesameveinperfectlyaddresses

thelackofSFforyoungerreaders,particularlyyoungmalereaders.•InhardcoverLittle Brother was a New York Times bestseller for seven weeks.•Asanactivist,teacher,andop-edcolumnistforpublicationsrangingfrom

Information Week to the guardian,Doctorowisattheforefrontofthefightforbasiccivilrightsinthedigitalrealm.Thisnovelisadirectexpressionofthat activism,andalsoawarm,engaging,fast-movingadventurestoryaboutreal young people with real problems to overcome.


Praise for little Brother“a terrific read ... a neat story and a cogently written, passionately felt argument. it’s a stirring call to arms.” —the neW york timeS

“one of the year’s most important books.” —chicago tribune

ISBN:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-7653-3369-8Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.99/$19.99 Can.Format: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HardcoverPages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384Trim: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51⁄2x81⁄4CPDA/Cat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09/YoungAdultAge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ThirteenandupTerritory: . . . . . . . USCANPHILnx-OMnx-SA 30-daynx-AUOrigin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OriginalAuthorresidence: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .London

aLso avaiLabLeLittle Brother (TorTeenTPB,5/10,978-0-7653-2311-8,$9.99/$11.99)

t o r t e e n


in develo


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e. rose sabina PerilouS PoWer

the exciting follow-up to the award-winning A School for Sorcery!

TrevorBlakehasalwaysknownhepossessedTheGift.Butintheruraltown wherehegrewupmagiccouldonlybepracticedinsecret.Theonlywayhe

will ever learn how to control and deepen his understanding of his power is to find someonemoreexperiencedthanheinTheGift.Butwho?Andwhere?HisUncleMatt—himselfaGifted—helpsTrevorspiritawaytothelargecityofPortofLordswhere a small underground community of adepts lives and works and practices their crafts.


key Points •Astrongfollow-uptoasolidlyrevieweddebut,A School for Sorcery.•SabinisawinneroftheAndreNortonGryphonAwardfromtheWorldFantasy

Convention for A School for Sorcery.•Thethirdbook,When the Beast Ravens,isalsoavailable.

Praise for A school For sorcery“J. k. rowling introduced us to the charms and secrets of Hogwarts; now elenora Sabin opens up a school for teens who possess equal talents. A School for Sorcery is an excellent study of teens and magic in a very unusual school.” —andre norton

“Should please the broad range of fantasy readers.” —bookliSt

“comparisons to Harry Potter are justified, and the same readers will enjoy discovering this book. nevertheless, Sabin creates a fascinating world of her own. the pacing and climactic scenes of this novel will surely keep…readers racing to the end.” —Voya

“this is a most enjoyable book! an elegant, complicated story, at times running into parallel action to perplex the pursuing reader. e. rose Sabin is a writer to look out for.” —Joan aiKen, author of the WolVeS of Willoughby chaSe

ISBN:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-7653-4760-2Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.99/$6.99 Can.Spine: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23/32”Pages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288Pack: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48CPDA/Cat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09/YoungReaderAge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TenandupTerritory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WorldOrigin: . . . . . . . . Reissue(StarscapeMM,9/04) StarscapeHC,1/04 978-0-7653-0859-7Authorresidence: . . . . . . . . St.Petersburgh,FLAuthorcomparison: . . . . . . . . . . J.K.Rowling, PhilipPullman, DianaWynneJones, CarolineStevermer, Patricia C. Wrede

s t a r s c a p e

m a r c h 2 0 1 3

Mindee arnetttHe nigHtMare affair

the first in a gripping new urban fantasy trilogy



BeingtheonlyNightmareatArkwellAcademy,aboardingschoolformagickind, andlivingintheshadowofhermother’sinfamy,ishardenough.ButwhenDustysneaksintoEliBooker’shouse,thingsgetawholelotmorecomplicated.He’shot,which means sitting on his chest and invading his dreams couldn’t get much more embarrassing. But it does. Eli is dreaming of a murder.


NowDustyhastofollowtheclues—bothwithinEli’sdreamsandoutofthem—tostopthekillerbeforemorepeopleturnupdead.Andbeforethekillerlearnswhatshe’s up to and marks her as the next target.

Marketing PLans•Nationalprintadvertisinginsciencefiction/fantasyandeducationalpublications•Publicitytoincludeonlinepublicitycampaignincludingablogtour,andauthor

appearances at regional events.•Digitalpromotionsontargetedsites,blogs,Facebook,Twitter,Goodreads;


key Points•Thefirstinanewurbanfantasytrilogyforteens,wheretheworld-buildingofHarry


•Themaincharacter,Dusty,isafeisty,endearingheroine,withplentyoftheangstthat appeals to teens today.

•The Nightmare AffairtakesanurbanfantasyconceptthatishugelypopularinYArightnowandputsanew,uniquetwistonit.

•PremiseshouldattractfansofthehitTVshow The Secret Circle,whichhasahugeteenfanbase.Liketheseshows,The Nightmare Affair features a supernaturally talented teen trying to solve a dark and personal mystery with the help of friends.

•ThisisMindeeArnett’sfirstnovel,butwehavetwomoreundercontract, tentativelyscheduledforMarch2014andMarch2015.

ISBN:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-7653-3333-9Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.99/$19.99 Can.Format: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HardcoverPages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352Trim: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51⁄2x81⁄4CPDA/Cat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09/YoungAdultAge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ThirteenandupTerritory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . World EnglishOrigin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OriginalAuthorresidence: . . . . . . . . . Germantown,OH

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L. a. CampbellcartBoy and tHe tiMe caPSule

in the tradition of diary of a Wimpy kid comes this laugh-out-loud debut novel about sixth grader Hal rikind—unfortunately nicknamed “cartboy”—and his horribly historic, hilarious year

Hal hates history class—it literally bores him to tears. But his father is a big history buff,andunlessHalgetsagoodgradethisyear,he’llnevergethisownroom.

SixthgradegetsofftoahorriblestartwhenhistoryteacherMr.Tupkingivesthe classanassignmenttowritejournalsthatwillbeburiedinatimecapsuleattheendoftheyear.Thingsgetevenworsewhenhisdadmakeshimtakehisneighbor’soldshoppingcarttoschool,earninghimthenickname“Cartboy.”Whatelsecould possiblygowrong?ReadHal’sjournaltofindout!

Marketing PLans •Printadvertisingtargetinglibrariansandeducators.•Promotionviamajoreducationaltradeshows.•Onlineoutreachtoeducators.•Publicitytoincludeonlinepublicitycampaign,andregionaleventsand

school visits.•Digitalpromotionsontargetedsites,blogs,Facebook,Twitter,Goodreads;


key Points•Thelaunchofafreshnewtalentinmiddle-gradehumor—aself-described



format is sure to appeal to boys and reluctant readers.•Forfansofillustrated,quirkymiddle-gradefictionsuchasDiaryofaWimpyKid,

DorkDiaries,andThe Strange Case of Origami Yoda.•WritingnovelsandscreenplaysisL.A.Campbell’sthirdcareer(afteradvertising

andmotherhood).Herfirstscreenplay,filledwith“sophomoric,scatologicaljokes,”got her a Hollywood agent and a meeting with the producer of The Hangover.


ISBN:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-7653-3317-9Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.99/$14.99 Can.Format: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paper Over BoardPages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192Trim: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51⁄2x81⁄4CPDA/Cat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09/YoungReaderAge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eight to twelveTerritory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . World EnglishOrigin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OriginalAuthorresidence: . . . . . . . . . . . . NewYork,NYAuthorcomparison: . . . . . . . . . . . . JeffKinney

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Mercedes Lackey and rosemary edghillSHadoW grail #3: SacrificeS

the third book in the Shadow grail series by the New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Mercedes lackey and rosemary edghill

AsOakhurstAcademygrowsincreasinglydangeroustoallwholivethere, the tensions and conspiracies threaten to tear apart even the close friendships


Marketing PLans•Nationalprintadvertisingtargetingyoungadultandeducationalpublications.•Onlineadvertisingonwebsitegearedtowardsyoungadultaudiences.•Onlinepublicitycampaign.•Digitalmarketingcampaigntoincludepromotionthroughtargetedsocial


key Points•Book3ofafour-bookteenseriesbybestsellingauthorsMercedesLackey


Combinedwithromantictriangles,danger,andmagic,thisseriesissureto captivate teen readers.

•ShadowGrailistheauthors’sfirstseriesspecificallywrittenfortheyoung adult audience.

•MercedesLackeyhasastrongYAfollowing;herValdemarbooksarepopularamong teens.

•TheObsidianTrilogy,alsocowrittenbyMercedesLackey,hittheNew York Times,USA Today,andPublishers Weekly bestseller lists.


Praise for shAdow GrAil #1: leGAcies“lackey and edghill know how to spin a action…. there’s also a touch of romance, and readers who appreciate everything from X -Men to Harry Potter will be begging for the sequel.” —bookliSt

“the authors expertly balance a heady mixture of mystery and teenage romance.” —rt book reVieWS

aLso avaiLabLeShadow grail #2: Conspiracies(TorTeenTPB,7/11,978-0-7653-1762-9,$10.99/$12.50)

Shadow grail #1: Legacies(TorTeenTPB,7/10,978-0-7653-1761-2,$9.99/$11.99)

ISBN:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-7653-1763-6Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.99/$12.50 Can.Format: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trade PaperbackPages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304Trim: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51⁄2x81⁄4CPDA/Cat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09/YoungAdultAge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ThirteenandupTerritory: . . . . . . . USCANPHILnx-OMnx-SAOrigin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OriginalAuthorresidence: . . . . . . . . . Lackey:Tulsa,OK; Edghill:Baltimore,MD

t o r t e e n

m a y 2 0 1 3

DC ComicsSuPerMan: Peace in tHe BalanceA Choose-Your-Fate Adventure Book

the latest choose-your-fate adventure Book, based on the most popular dc superheroes!

ClarkKentisabouttocoverthebiggeststoryofhiscareeratthedaily Planet—a World Peace Conference held on an orbiting space station.


That’suptoyou!YouareSuperman.Followthecluesinthisillustrated,action-packed story and then make your own choices about how the story will end. Figureoutpuzzlesandgamesalongtheway.Butchoosewisely…thefateoftheEarth and the very survival of the human race depends on you!

key Points•Aseriesofpuzzlebooksthatcombinestheappealofinteractivegameswith

threeofDCComics’smostpopularlicensedcharacters:Batman,WonderWoman,and Superman.

•ContainstwentypuzzlesandDCillustrationsforreaderstosolveastheyworktheirway through the adventure.

•MajormotionpicturesareindevelopmentforaWonderWomanreleaseand aSupermanrelease,withtheBatmanmotionpictureandfranchisecontinuing.


aLso avaiLabLeWonder Woman: Power Outage(StarscapeMM,10/12,978-0-7653-6479-1,$5.99/$6.99)

Batman: SuperVillains Strike(StarscapeMM,5/12,978-0-7653-6481-4,$5.99/$6.99)

ISBN:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978-0-7653-6480-7Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.99/$6.99 Can.Spine: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX/32”Pages:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128Pack: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48CPDA/Cat: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09/YoungReaderAge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eight to twelveTerritory: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . USCANOrigin: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OriginalAuthorresidence: . . . . . . . . . . . . NewYork,NY

s t a r s c a p e


in develo


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April 2013

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Rosemary Edghill

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rosemary edghill

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rosemary edghill

_______ 9780765364807 Superman: Peace in the Balance DC Comics Staff Starscape MM 5.99

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north by northanger Tor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 336 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-5274-3 $6.99/$8.99 CAN

romantic Times Best Book Award for Best Mystery & Suspense Novel

Pride and Prescience Forge TPB • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 36 • 288 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-1843-5 $12.95/$15.95 CAN

Library Journal Best Books Selection for Genre Fiction/Mystery

The Matters at Mansfield Tor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 72 • 288 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-5803-5 $6.99/$8.99 CAN

Bradshaw, Gillian

The sand-reckonerForge TPB • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 32 • 320 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-312-87581-7 $15.95/$17.95 CAN

ALA Alex Award Selection

Cleopatra’s HeirForge TPB • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 24 • 448 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-0229-8 $15.95/$22.95 CAN

Card, orson scott


speaker for the deadTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 416 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-8125-5075-7 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Selection

shadow of the HegemonTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 464 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-8125-6595-9 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

Booklist Best Adult Books for Young Adults Choice Selection

shadow PuppetsTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 384 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-7653-4005-4 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Nominee

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror


seventh sonTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 72 • 256 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-8125-3305-7 $6.99/$8.99 CAN

ALA Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults Selection

The Crystal CityForge MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 352 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-8125-6462-4 $7.99/$10.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

alten, steve

GoliathTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 512 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-7653-4024-5 $7.99/$10.99 CAN

ALA Quick Picks for the reluctant Young Adult readers Nominee

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

anthony, Piers


Harpy ThymeTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 352 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-3484-9 $6.99/$9.99 CAN

roc and a Hard PlaceTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 352 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-3486-3 $6.99/$9.99 CAN

Heaven CentTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 352 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-7498-2 $6.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

Xone of ContentionTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 384 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-5523-3 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

Up in a HeavalTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 352 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-7499-9 $6.99/$9.99 CAN

Cube routeTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 368 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4309-3 $6.99/$9.99 CAN

Currant eventsTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 368 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4310-9 $6.99/$8.99 CAN

Pet PeeveTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 384 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4311-6 $6.99/$9.99 CAN

Bear, Greg

Moving MarsTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 512 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-2480-2 $6.99/$8.99 CAN

international reading Association’s Young Adults’ Choices Nominee

Bebris, Carrie

suspense and sensibility Tor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 304 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-5092-3 $6.99/$9.99 CAN


PastwatchTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 416 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-8125-0864-2 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Selection

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

de Lint, Charles

forests of the HeartTor TPB • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 24 • 400 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-312-87568-8 $15.95/$17.95 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

Nebula Award winner

into the Greenorb TPB • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 40 • 256 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-0022-5 $14.95/$16.95 CAN

international reading Association’s Young Adults’ Choices Nominee

dreams Underfootorb TPB • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 24 • 416 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-0679-1 $16.95/$18.95 CAN

School Library Journal Best Adult Books for Young Adults Selection

spirits in the WiresTor TPB • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 20 • 448 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-312-86971-7 $15.95/$17.95 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

Traderorb TPB • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 28 • 352 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-0296-0 $15.95/$17.95 CAN

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Selection

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

world Fantasy Award Nominee

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

someplace to be flyingorb TPB • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 24 • 384 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-0757-6 $15.95/$17.95 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

WiddershinsTor TPB • 6 1/8 x 9 1/4 • CTN 20 • 560 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-1286-0 $14.95/$16.95 CAN

Library Journal Best Books for SF & Fantasy

romantic Times Best Book Award for Best Science Fiction & Fantasy

elderd, Tim

Grease MonkeyTor TPB • 7 x 10 • CTN 28 • 352 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-1326-3 $19.95/$21.95 CAN

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Selection

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

Gould, steven

reflexTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 384 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-8125-7854-6 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Nominee

The Quills Award Selection

Jumper: Griffin’s storyTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 320 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-7653-5785-4 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

Jordan, robert


The eye of the WorldTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 24 • 832 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-1181-9 $6.99/$8.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

The Great HuntTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 24 • 736 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-1772-9 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

The dragon rebornTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 24 • 704 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-1371-4 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

The shadow risingTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 24 • 1008 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-1373-8 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

The fires of HeavenTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 24 • 992 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-5030-6 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

Lord of ChaosTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 24 • 1024 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-1375-2 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

a Crown of swordsTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 896 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-5028-3 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

The Path of daggersTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 24 • 704 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-5029-0 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

Winter’s HeartTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 24 • 800 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-7558-3 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

Crossroads of TwilightTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 24 • 864 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-7133-2 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

More for TeensBooks currently available under the Tor and forGe imprints (for adult readers) that teens will enjoy

Modesitt, Jr., L. e.


The Magic of recluceTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 24 • 512 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-0518-4 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

The Towers of the sunsetTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 544 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-1967-9 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

The Magic engineerTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 624 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-3405-4 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

The order WarTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 608 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-3404-7 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

The death of ChaosTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 640 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-4824-2 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

fall of angelsTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 608 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-3895-3 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

The Chaos BalanceTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 608 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-7130-1 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

The White orderTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 480 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-4171-7 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

Colors of ChaosTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 816 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-7093-9 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

Magi’i of CyadorTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 560 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-7948-2 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

scion of CyadorTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 736 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-8926-9 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

Wellspring of ChaosTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 464 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4808-1 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

norton, andre & Lackey, Mercedes

elvenbaneTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 576 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-8125-1175-8 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Nominee

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

odom, Mel

The destruction of the BooksTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 432 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4649-0 $7.99/$10.99 CAN

The Quest for the TrilogyTor HC • 6 1/8 x 6 1/4 • CTN 20 • 464 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-1517-5 $25.95/$28.95 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

knife of dreamsTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 24 • 880 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-7756-3 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

new springTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 400 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4545-5 $6.99/$9.99 CAN

Lackey, Mercedes

firebirdTor TPB • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 32 • 352 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-7653-1719-3 $14.95/$16.95 CAN

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Nominee

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

Marillier, Juliet

daughter of the forestTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 560 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4343-7 $6.99/$8.99 CAN

ALA Alex Award Selection

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Selection

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

Booklist Editors’ Choice Best Adult Book for Young Adults

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

international reading Association’s Young Adult Choice Nominee

son of the shadowsTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 608 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4326-0 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Nominee

Child of the ProphecyTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 608 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4501-1 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

Booklist Top 10 Science Fiction and Fantasy Selection

WolfskinTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 544 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4590-5 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

foxmaskTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 576 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4591-2 $7.99/$10.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

Booklist Editors’ Choice Best Adult Books for Young Adults

Martinez, a. Lee

Gil’s all fright dinerTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 288 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-5001-5 $6.99/$8.99 CAN

ALA Alex Award Selection

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Selection

ALA Popular Paperbacks Selection

The Quills Award Selection

in the Company of ogresTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 336 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-5457-0 $6.99/$8.99 CAN

a nameless WitchTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 336 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-5458-7 $6.99/$8.99 CAN

Too Many CursesTor TPB • 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 32 • 320 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-1835-0 $14.95/$16.95 CAN

Palwick, susan

shelterTor TPB • 6 1/8 x 9 1/4 • CTN 16 • 576 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-312-86602-0 $17.99/$22.99 CAN

Park, Paul

a Princess of roumaniaTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 480 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-4950-7 $7.99/$10.99 CAN

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

LoCUS Year’s Best List Selection

The TourmalineTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 432 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-5296-5 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

The White TygerTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 336 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-5434-1 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

The Hidden WorldTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 384 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-7653-5587-4 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

Preston, douglas & Child, Lincoln

relicTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 480 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-8125-4326-1 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Selection

ALA Page Turners Adult Novels for Teens Nominee

Mount dragonTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 512 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-8125-6437-2 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Nominee

reliquaryTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 480 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-8125-4283-7 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

ALA Best Books for Young Adults Nominee

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

reed, kit

Thinner Than ThouTor TPB • 3 1/2 x 8 1/4 • CTN 32 • 336 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-7653-1195-5 $16.99/$21.99 CAN

ALA Alex Award Selection

scalzi, John

old Man’s WarTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 320 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-7653-4827-2 $6.99/$8.99

The android’s dreamTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 400 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-7653-4828-9 $7.99/$9.99

romantic Times Best Book Awards for Best Science Fiction & Fantasy

Barnes and Noble’s Explorations’ Top Ten Novels

The Last ColonyTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 336 pgs AGES 15-UP • 978-0-7653-5618-5 $7.99/$9.99

silverberg, robert (editor)

Legends: short novels by the Masters of Modern fantasyTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 400 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-6663-5 $6.99/$8.99 CAN

ALA Alex Award Selection

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

Vinge, Vernor

a fire Upon the deepTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 624 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-1528-2 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

NYPL Best Books for the Teen Age

Watt-evans, Lawrence

dragon WeatherTor MM • 4 3/16 x 6 3/4 • CTN 48 • 560 pgs AGES 13-UP • 978-0-8125-8955-9 $7.99/$9.99 CAN

VoYA Best Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror

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