Download - Tops tips on creating an inspiring learner journey


Inspire your learners with the

Learning Pool Academy

What’s it all about?

1. “Moodle is rubbish!”

2. My experience of being a student.

Building on the basics

What are we aiming for

1. Stress free users

2. Obvious navigation

3. No dead ends

4. Returning users

Let’s start at the beginning.

How easy do you make it for new users?

When a first time user logs onto your site

are you confident they know where to go

and what to do?

What others do:

1. Documentation

2. Email

3. Screen capture videos

Screen capture videos

What others do:

1. Documentation

2. Email

3. Screen capture videos

4. HTML blocks and menu buttons

HTML blocks and menu buttons

What others do:

1. Documentation

2. Email

3. Screen capture videos

4. HTML blocks and menu buttons

5. Course progress blocks

Course progress blocks


TotaraA user’s learning can be informed by

1. The Audience they are in

2. Their place in the organisation

3. When they started

4. The competency framework

5. Their manager.


Beyond the front page

How to help your users get through a course

with as little stress as possible.

Course layout

1. Clarity

2. Consistency

3. Flow

(Logical flow of the contents and the

movement into and out of activities)

The sections / The activities

Are you signposting enough?

eLearning section

Resources section


We use them all the time for evaluation

forms but are we making it easy for our







Assessment / Quiz section

Assessment / Quiz section

Assessment / Quiz section

Assessment / Quiz section

Quiz feedback

Quiz feedback

Quiz feedback

Incidentally the button came from a website called Da Button Factory you can design your own buttons painlessly.


Unfortunately they can be another dead end.




In summary

1. Have I given the learner enough information to know what to do?

2. Have I given the learner a way to get back to the course (or anywhere else I need them to be)?

For every element you add ask yourself the

following questions:

If in doubt, log in as a student and carefully test

every item in the course.
