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Top writing styles for writing good Application Essays

Thankfully, we have summer holidays before the admissions start and so students can get a head start

on their admissions essay. These are important as they have the power to add to your ordinary

admissions form, resulting in a positive response from the admissions committee. Though there is no

proper formula of writing an admission paper, we have 10 tips which may help you in writing a better


Your paper should tell about you. Though you may have a talent of presenting excellent history

reports or medical articles, the college wants to learn about you, so use this space to tell them

about you rather than things they can learn from elsewhere.

Write it yourself: even though it’s tempting to have it written by someone more experienced in

the art, nevertheless, the teachers are not fools and can probably detect insincerity of this sort

in the papers.

Write about one aspect. Though you may have a lot of interesting sides to you, it is better to

give a picture of one of your sides rather than giving a glimpse of multiple aspects. It seems

more focused and better structured.

Be original. Don’t use flowery words to impress. They probably know them all. Be yourself and

let your paper show who you really are.

Consider a simple topic: though it is probably our first choice to come up with an impressive

topic that is sure to impress the administration at one glance. Sometimes the simplest plans are

he greatest.

Don’t completely depend on “how to” sites: though they help in giving helpful guidelines, you

don’t need to follow them too strictly.

Target a diverse audience. Usually the judgment desk contains people from different

backgrounds and different beliefs so do not include things that may be strictly against a

community. It is good to talk about your opinions; nevertheless, you must not say anything that

is insulting to somebody else’s beliefs.

Make your paper interesting. Tell your story in an interesting manner. Do not simply describe

the journey you have made in your life, but tell them about it in a way that would make them

read it to the end.

Do not rewrite your application form. Write about an aspect of yourself that is not shared in the

form. Add diversity in your conversation.

Do not focus all your energy on the paper. Every question asked must be answered with the

same diligence as the article.

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