Download - Top ten ways to Avoid a Work at Home Scam,


1. presents The Top Ten Ways To Avoid A Work from Home Scam 2. Here Are The Top Ten Ways 3. To Avoid a Work at Home Scam 4. 1.First if they begin by telling You that you can make tons of $$MONEY$$ right away. You have found a scam 5. 2. Secondly if you are told you will Make money starting from the Time you sign up. You have found yourself a scam. 6. 3.When they tell you it going to take little or no work. Easy work at home program or part-time easy income. It is probably a scam. 7. 4. The page you see when you are introduced to the Program has no content and no explanation of the Training program you are being sold. It is probably a scam. 8. . 5. You can tell that what you are looking at is a scam when the Program (page) host doesnt post a picture of him or herself. You know its a scam. 9. 6. When the call to action is the First thing that you see on the Page and is very urgent like Your life depends on it. You Know its a Scam 10. 7. You are asked to pay immediately. Then it is a scam 11. 8. Sounds too good to be true Then its a scam. 12. 9. If they show all the Beautiful Things you wish you Could have Like luxury cars, a 10 Bedroom Home with a maid and all that Cool stuff. Then it's a Scam. 13. 10. The mystery Shopper is the largest Target for scammers According to the FBI. You know you have found a SCAM 14. Go To For more Hints and Tips On How to Avoid Scams Online