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Page 1: Tools of hominids

Tools of HominidsBy Jenna Mellor

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Over thousands of years, there have been six different generations of humans or hominids. Throughout these many years, the tools of these hominids have progressed immensely. The tools have transformed from sharpened rocks and sticks, all the way to what the modern humans are able to construct today.

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Australopithecus afarensis “Southern Ape” Australopithecus afarensis were the first

hominid that evolved from apes. Their hands were jointed differently; therefore,

they could use tools instead of being able to climb and cling onto trees

They didn’t have the intelligence to make sophisticated tools, so they may have made tools out of bones that they found

Australopithecus afarensis mostly used tools that they found, they usually used the simplest, most basic tools

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Homo habilis “Handy Man”

Homo habilis were the second hominid on Earth. They evolved from Australopithecus afarensis.

Known as the “tool- makers” This period of time was called the Stone Age because

Homo habilis made tools out of stone They made stone tools for chopping, scraping, and

cutting They were able to hunt for food using sharpened

rocks and sticks Homo habilis could use fire but were unable to make

and control it They mostly made shelters out of tree branches and

used stones as tools These hominids used a knife edge, a side scraper, a

primitive hammer, and a scraper as tools to survive

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Homo erectus “Upright Man”

Homo erectus were the third hominid on Earth. They evolved from Homo habilis.

During this period of time, the tool making skills had improved

They could make weapons including stone axes and knives

Homo erectus were considered the first true hunters

They were able to make and control fire; therefore, they could migrate out of Africa

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Homo sapiens Neanderthalensis “Wise Man” Homo sapiens Neanderthalensis were the

fourth hominid on Earth. They evolved from Homo erectus.

They made stone tools, bone needles, and bone fish hooks

They were able to sew clothes from animal skins and thread from other parts of animals

They mostly used caves as their homes instead of building one

Homo sapiens Neanderthalensis were great hunters and cooked their prey

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Homo sapiens Cro- magnon “Early Modern Humans” Homo sapiens Cro- magnon were the fifth hominids

on Earth. They evolved from Homo sapiens Neanderthalensis.

They made permanent homes that looked like tents or tepees

Homo sapiens Cro- magnon made their homes out of tree branches, mammoth bones, and animal skins

Very skilled toolmakersTheir weapons include stone axes, knives, spears,

harpoons, wooden bows, and sharp, stone tipped arrows

They could make rafts so they could sail across oceans

These hominids made clothing and jewellery

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Homo sapiens sapiens “Modern Humans” Homo sapiens sapiens are the sixth

hominid and are on the Earth right now. Homo sapiens sapiens are us. We evolved from Cro- magnon.

Extremely sophisticated toolmakers; every man-made tool that we have today is made by Homo sapiens sapiens

We make several forms of transportationBuild permanent homes out of wood, stone,

bricks, etc.Make clothing and jewellery

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Tools Chart

Year Tools

10 000 years ago Blades

50 000 years ago Later hand axes

200 000 years ago Early hand axes

1million years agoChoppers

2.5 million years ago Pebble tools

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Tools over these many years have transformed by a huge amount. The progression of the tools has helped us fulfil our basic needs and lifestyles.

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Bibliography- Pictures Hominid transformation by [email protected] @

Australopithecus afarensis by Rafaelamonteiro80 @

Homo habilis by Sargoth @

Homo erectus by Ryan Somma @

Homo erectus skull by askabird @

Homo sapiens Neanderthalensis by Matt Celeskey @

Homo sapiens Cro- magnon by High Contrast @,_cavemen_-_National_Museum_of_Mongolian_History.jpg

Homo sapiens sapiens by Paulo Cesar-1 @

Homo sapiens sapiens skull by Dr. Gunter Bechly @

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Bibliography- Information

Books: Other Places, Other Times by Rosemary Neering and Peter

Grant Ancient Worlds by Arnold Toutant and Susan Doyle
