Download - “Together, with God’s grace and our cooperation with the ...

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Page 311 South 5th Street, Colwich KS 67030 |

WWW.SACREDHEARTCOLWICH.ORG [email protected] Phone Number: 796-1224 Emergency Number: 316-796-0356

311 S 5th St, P O Box 578 Colwich, KS 67030 Office Hours: Weekdays, 9 am - Noon


Weekend Weekdays Weekdays 15 Minutes before Mass

Saturday 4:30 PM All Weekdays 8:00 AM Saturdays 3:00 - 4:00 PM

Sunday 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM And by Appointment


Vigil 6:30 PM Day Of 7:30 AM & 6:30 PM



Fr. Eric Weldon [email protected]

Secretary Bookkeeper

Julie Bardon [email protected] Kathy Seltenreich [email protected]

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 19, 2020


“Together, with God’s grace and our cooperation with the divine assistance, we will make it through.” - Bishop Kemme

Last week Bishop Kemme advised that we will keep the current restrictions & guidelines in place as this virus continues to run rampant throughout our communities. Please wear a mask if possible, use the available hand sanitizer, sit every other pew, and allow a 6’ distance from those outside of your household. We take these precautions not just for ourselves but for the well-being of others.

Pews are cleaned weekly by the Altar Society; however, we cannot guarantee they are 100% virus free at all times.

2020-21 PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION PSR Registration is now open! Please visit our website to register. If you are not an active registered parishioner please contact the office. Please register by August 3rd.

PSR will begin Monday, August 24th with all school Mass. At that time daily Mass will return to 7:30 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday and 6:30 pm Wednesday. We understand there continues to be uncertainty regarding COVID-19. We will follow the guidelines set forth by USD 267 & the Diocese of Wichita. We will update you with details as they are made available to us.

If you have not yet registered for the Parish Directory please do so as soon as possible!

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| Welcome to Sacred Heart Catholic Church Page 2

ADORATION ANSWERS Question: What happens if the person after me does not show up?

Answer: That rarely happens though someone may run late occasionally. You call the person or someone from the substitute list available on the sign-in table. A few names are on the bulletin board in case of an emergency. It is good to have the phone number of the next Adorer with you. All are on the parish website and there is a phone in the chapel.

Thoughts from Fr. Weldon The Church has been celebrating St. Mary Magdalene’s day for centuries. Recently, Pope Francis declared her day to be elevated from Memorial to Feast. For centuries the Liturgy of the Hours reads as if she has always been a feast day. No other female saint has such prominence. Mary Magdalen was so called either from Magdala near Tiberias, on the west shore of Galilee. She is mentioned among the women who accompanied Christ and ministered to Him (Lk 8:2-3). Both Mark and Luke write that she had seven demons cast out of her (Mk 16:9). All four Gospel writers speak of her standing at the foot of the cross. She saw Christ laid in the tomb, and she was the first recorded witness of the Resurrection. So, she is a proto Evangelist to the apostles. After these definite identifications of Mary Magdala, things become confusing. Is she the same as the sister of Martha? Is she the “sinner” in Lk 7: 36-50 who anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her tears? Pope St. Gregory the Great, 590-603, thought Mary Magdalene anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair. Of this we are not sure. Also, traditions differ as to what Mary Magdalene did later in life. The Greek East holds to the tradition that she went with Our Lady and St. John the Apostle to Ephesus. The French claim she went with Lazarus to La Sainte-Baume. Of her identity and the identity of similar women in question you can go to and read more. This selection holds more information about her post-Gospel travels. Interestingly enough, St Martha is celebrated exactly 7 days later. Perhaps the liturgical cycle dating to the early Middle Ages speaks to Mary’s identity.

Devotion to St. Anne and St. Joachim flows completely from Sacred Tradition, as there is no mention of them in Sacred Scripture. Their cultus developed first in the East through the reading of the Protoevangelium of James (apocryphal book, but well known) which speaks of St. Anne’s life. In the 6th century the emperor Justinian I dedicated a shrine to her. Devotion to St Anne began to be noticed in the West in the 8th century under Pope Constantine and Pope St. Leo III. The crusaders built a church in her honor in Jerusalem in 1100.

Particular observances of Sts Joachim and Anne grew in various parts of the Church. The feast was extended to the entire Church in 1584. It is a holy aspiration to think of St. Anne holding her grandson. It makes sense to see her as an aid to Mary and Joseph. In our window, she is represented teaching the Blessed Virgin Mary as a young girl. Like most Jewish girls or boys at that time, she would have been aware of the Scriptures. Perhaps St. Anne is pointing out Isaiah 7 to her daughter. St. Anne is patroness of women in labour, grandmothers, and of miners: Christ being compared to gold, Mary to silver. - Fr. Weldon

July 22nd

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Page 3 311 South 5th Street, Colwich KS 67030 |


Information Not Available at the time of printing

If you or anyone you know are in need of yard work this spring please contact Shelly Ewertz (253-2261 or [email protected]) as the CYM is happy to help!


MARRIAGE Contact the Pastor at least 9 months in advance.

BAPTISM After the 5:30 PM & 10:00 AM Masses. Babies should be baptized as soon as possible. A class is required for first-time parents & godparents. Contact the office at least 30 days ahead of time.

FACILITY USAGE Please contact the office to schedule use of the parish facilities. All dates & times must be approved by the Pastor.

BULLETIN All bulletin announcements must be submitted to the office in writing by Tuesday at noon.

Altar Society President Robbie Leighton .......... 316-640-8027

Holy Name Society President Joe Hemmen .................... 308-4517

Prayer Line Contact Jana Linnebur ................... 796-1533 ............................. [email protected] CYM Advisor Shelly Ewertz .................... 253-2261 ................ [email protected]

Parish Directory

Please take part in our new Parish Directory!

Faces come & go over the years. How can we be a family of faith if we don’t know each other?

Photography Sessions will be held Aug 4th-8th & 18th-20th. Weekday times are 2-9 pm & Saturday the 8th is 10 am - 5 pm

Reserve your time now by signing-up online by visiting our website or by contacting the office.

Deadline for registration is July 31st.

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| Welcome to Sacred Heart Catholic Church Page 4

Family Paschal Candle

July 18/19 Bill & Donna Quaney

July 25/26 Volunteer Needed

Vocations Statue

July 18/19 Bill & Donna Quaney

July 25/26 Phyllis Berens

“Adoration is not a luxury but a priority” - Pope Benedict XIV Open Hours: Monday 2 pm Tuesday 9 am Thursday 3 am Friday 8 am

Needing Partners: Monday 1 am Thursday 11 am Thursday 4 pm

Holy Name Society 2020 Mowing Schedule

July Group 6 Joe Hemmen August Group 1 Ted Blick

Group 7 Larry Blasi Group 2 Clem Stroot

Altar Servers


Minister Lector

Music Ministry

Sacristan Usher

Saturday, July 25th

4:30 pm

Whitney Schwartz

Alex Kraus Jack Kraus

Loretta Brenner Jenny Peloquin Lori Kraus Ben Kraus

Leia Gutschenritter

Steven Brenner Josh Heimerman Ken Clupny Kelly Simon

Sunday, July 26th

8:00 am

Cash Ungles Wyatt Lies

John Hecht Kim Lies Jenna Roth Ron Jackson

Marilyn Lies

James Ast Wayne Rau Steve Heimerman Alvin Neville

Sunday, July 26th

10:00 am

Brennan Leighton

Rebecca Durler Hannah Durler

Joan Omo Shelly Ewertz Arlys Ewertz Ron Jackson

Marilyn Lies

Virgil Pugh Paul Simon Steve Strunk Bryan Guy

MASS INTENTIONS Monday, July 20, 2020 St. Apollinarius

8:00 am - †Mary Ann Beyrle

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 St. Lawrence of Brindisi

8:00 am - †Sue Lies

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 St. Mary Magdalene

8:00 am - Int. Andrew & Wanissa Stuhlsatz

Thursday, July 23, 2020 St. Bridget

8:00 am - †Lloyd Belt

Friday, July 24, 2020 St. Sharbel Makhluf

8:00 am - Int. Eric Nichols

Saturday, July 25, 2020 St. James

4:30 pm -†Living & Deceased Members

of the Leo & Anna Wetta Family

Sunday, July 26, 2020 Sts. Joachim & Anne

8:00 am - People of the Parish 10:00 am - †Living & Deceased Members of the St. Anne Altar Society

Weekday Servers July 20th - 24th July 20th - 24th

Zoe Buessing Hudson Ungles

Servers, please remember to lead the rosary at least 20 minutes before all weekend Masses.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT OUR DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY One of Catholic Charities busiest ministries of late, Our Daily Bread Food Pantry needs more volunteers. The pantry is open from 8:30 a.m. to noon, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and on the fourth Saturday of the each month from 9am to noon. Volunteers must be 18 or older; youth ages 16 and 17 may volunteer with parental consent while those ages 12-15 must be accompanied by a parent.

For more information, email Cole at [email protected].

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Page 5 311 South 5th Street, Colwich KS 67030 |

Please remember all medical professionals & first responders in your prayers; particularly those in our

parish & in our families.

PRAYER TO FR. KAPAUN Fr. Emil Kapaun, gave glory to God by following his call to the priesthood and thus serving the people of Kansas and those in the military. Fr. Kapaun, I ask your

intercession not only for these needs which I mention now...but that I too may follow your example of service to God and my neighbor. For the gifts of courage in battle and perseverance of faith, we give you thanks O Lord. Amen

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, & 1 Glory Be.

Congratulations to Bradley & Laura (Dold)


Who were married here on July 18, 2020


Cooper David


Son of Josh & Chelsea Ravnikar

Baptized here on July 11th

Sacred Heart Prayer List The Sick of the Parish

Shannon Gould Jennifer Baalmann

Our Couples Preparing for Marriage

Brad Samakin & Laura Dold July 18, 2020

Evan Omo & Baylee Eck July 18, 2020 @ St. Mark

Derek Brenner & Randi Dierksen October 3, 2020

Cooper Tade & Hannah Hulett October 10, 2020

Alex Fox & Lindsey Hauschel November 14, 2020

Drew Goddard & Kaylee Konda November 28, 2020 in Manhattan

Our Military Personnel

A1C Lauren Simon, Daughter of Kelly & Angie Simon

SSgt Jesse Kraus, Son of Pat & Lori Kraus

SSgt Kurtis Liles, Son of Kelly & Karen Liles

Sgt Chad Mertes, Son of Sam & Mark Mertes

TSgt Rochelle Palmer, Daughter of Robert & Sharon Scroggins

TSgt Gabe Palmer, Son-In-Law of Robert & Sharon Scroggins

SSgt Kaleb Gage, Son of Kerry & Chris Gage

SMSgt Lynn Lefebvre, Son of Philip & Clara Lefebvre

LCpl Job Thompson, Son-in-Law of Jeff & Jennifer McKenzie

PA RD O N PRA Y ER : My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee. Amen.

Please remember the homebound in your prayers. St. Jeanne Jugan, Pray for Us!

Kathryn Ewertz Paul Spexarth Erwin Weninger

Irene Metzinger Mary Blasi Mary Ann Weber

Almeda Seiler Rosina Rau Jim & Loretta Luder

Millie Seiler Raymond Seiler

Our Expectant Parents

Danielle & Tyler Mies Teresa & Al Jirak

Dani & Evan Brand

Save the Date!

The ChristLife series

“Discovering Christ” begins

Thursday, September 10th.

Contact Don Aschenbrenner for more

information 316-516-8424 or

[email protected]

Before ChristLife I had a sense of restlessness and was uncertain how best to grow in my faith. ChristLife relieved that restlessness by reminding me of the importance of faith and prayer, and solidi-fying who Jesus is and why he is still relevant today. This knowledge helped quiet the noise of the world around me. Christ-Life allowed me to meet parishioners at Sacred Heart. It gave me examples and direction to grow in my faith without being over-whelmed. Much of what I learned was from the experience of others at my table. I was so busy and didn't think I had time to attend ChristLife, but now am so grateful that I did. - Robbie Leighton

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