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  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook


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  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook


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    3 Tou Breakast Burrito

    3 Strawberry Sunrise Shake

    Appetizers & Sides

    4 Asian Tou in Butter Lettuce Wraps

    4 Tou Stued Peppers

    5 Pan-Fried Tou with Mango-Ginger Salsa

    5 Roasted Jicama Sticks with Tou-Basil Dip

    6 Pumpkin Seed Spread

    Soups & Salads

    7 Roasted Squash, Tou, and Spinach Salad

    7 Seaood and Tou Soup

    8 Rosemary and Orange Tou Salad

    8 Italian Bread Salad with Tou

    9 Arame Salad with Seared Tou and Red Peppers

    9 Zen Stew



    10 Broiled Tou with Cilantro-Ginger Sauce

    10 Indian-Seasoned Tou with Tomatoes

    11 Grape Lea-Wrapped Tou with Green Tea

    11 Basil-Coconut Curry with Tou

    12 Roasted Red Pepper and Pomegranate Sauce

    over Pan-Seared Tou

    12 Grilled Ratatouille with Tou

    13 Stir-Fried Udon with Flavored Tou

    13 Stir-Fried Tou with Snap Peas and Cashews


    14 Chocolate Nut-Butter Candy Cups

    14 Luscious Lemony Tou Cream Frosting

    15 Yellow Cake with Chocolate Tou Ganache

    15 Cocoa Nib Mousse

    16 Maple Cheesecake with Pecan Pralines

    17 Special Tofu Recipes

    from our Sponsor

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    **Tofu Breakfast BurritoServes 6 / This dish maes a hearty Snday breaast. Anyvegetables can be sbstitted r the nes listed. I y dnt have

    letver baed ptates, se resh ptates and sat 10 mintes.

    12 medium onion, chopped

    2 cloves garlic, minced

    12 red bell pepper, chopped

    12 green bell pepper, chopped

    1 teaspoon ground cumin 12 teaspoon ground coriander

    1 pound rm tou, crumbled

    1 teaspoon ground turmeric

    1 tablespoon low-sodium tamari or shoyu

    2-3 small baked potatoes, cubed

    14 cup chopped resh cilantro

    6 whole-wheat tortillas

    Homemade or bottled salsa, or garnish

    1. Heat il in a 10-inch sillet ver medim heat.

    Add nins and garlic and sat. Add peppers,

    cmin, and criander and cntine sating ntil

    vegetables are st.

    2. Crmble t int sillet with vegetables and stir.

    Sprinle in trmeric and mix. Add chpped ptates,

    tamari, and cilantr and stir.

    3. T assemble brrits: Place 13 cp the lling mixtre

    in a whle-wheat trtilla, rll p, and tp with salsa.

    Serve warm.

    PER SERVING: 292 cal, 26% at cal, 8g at, 1g sat at, 0mg chl,

    15g prtein, 37g carb, 5g ber, 298mg sdim

    BreakfastStrawberry Sunrise Shake

    Serves 2 / Breaast desnt get any easier than this. Encrage

    ids t mae their wn shaesa great way t intrdce them tbasic cing sills (and t).

    1 box silken tou, drained

    1 cup resh strawberries, hulled

    12 cup orange juice

    1 tablespoon honey or rice syrup

    2 tablespoons resh lemon or lime juice

    1 cup ice cubes

    1. Pre all ingredients in a blender ntil creamy smth.

    PER SERVING: 183 cal, 24% at cal, 5g at, 1g sat at, 0mg chl,

    9g prtein, 27g carb, 2g ber, 11mg sdim

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    Tofu Stuffed Peppers

    Serves 8 / The textre the t will be mre crmbly and

    meat-lie i y reeze it rst, then thaw. Drain thawed twellpressing the t between paper twels will release extra

    mistres that the favrs in the sace are nt dilted.

    34 pound tou, rozen, thawed, and crumbled

    4 large green bell peppers

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    1 large onion, diced

    3 cloves garlic, chopped or minced

    2 Roma tomatoes, diced

    12 pound mushrooms, washed and sliced

    34 teaspoon salt, to taste

    1 teaspoon resh oregano, minced2 teaspoons resh marjoram, minced

    1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce

    1 14-ounce can stewed tomatoes

    1 cup cooked long-grain rice

    1 Roma tomato, quartered

    12 cup water

    Freshly ground black pepper

    Sour cream or garnish

    1. When rzen t has thawed cmpletely, drain as

    described abve.

    2. With small paring nie, ct t tp each green pepper

    and scp t seeds and inner membrane. Set aside.

    3. In 8-qart Dtch ven r small stcpt, heat il and

    sat t, nin, and garlic abt 45 mintes. Add diced

    tmates, mshrms, salt, regan, and marjram.

    Sat r anther 35 mintes. Add sy sace, stewed

    tmates, and rice. Mix and remve rm heat.

    4. Fill each bell pepper with t mixtre, pshing dwn

    gently with a spn t add mre stng. Wedge a

    tmat qarter int tp cavity each pepper. Place

    peppers in stcpt, leaving remaining tmat-rice

    mixtre arnd peppers. Add water and grnd blac

    pepper; cver. Simmer n medim heat r 2025

    mintes, ntil peppers are r-tender bt nt mshy.

    5. T serve, spn extra sace ver peppers, and garnish

    with a dllp sr cream. Halve and serve.

    PER SERVING: 158 cal, 35% at cal, 7g at, 1g sat at, 0mg chl,

    8g prtein, 19g carb, 3g ber, 354mg sdim

    Appetizers& Sides

    Asian Tofu in Butter Lettuce Wraps

    Serves 8 / This wld wr eqally well with grnd trey r bee.

    This can be served at the table with each persn having his r her

    wn plate lettce, separate bwls scallin, cilantr, lime

    slices, and peants, and the t ept warm in a centered serving

    disha please-yrsel apprach.

    2 teaspoons olive oil4 carrots, peeled and diced small

    4 celery stalks, diced small

    1 onion, diced small

    1 jalapeo pepper, minced

    2 cloves garlic, minced

    1 pound Asian- or Thai-spiced tou, drained,

    dried, and crumbled

    Low-sodium tamari, to taste

    2 tablespoons Thai red chili paste

    1 cup chopped scallions

    1 bunch resh cilantro, nely chopped

    Juice and zest o 1 lime

    12 cup dry-roasted peanuts, chopped

    1-2 heads butter lettuce (depending on size),

    washed and separated into leaves

    1. Heat live il in a large sat pan and add carrts,

    celery, nin, jalape, and garlic. Let c r 45

    mintes. Add t and seasn with tamari and Thai chili

    paste. Stir and c r anther 5 mintes.

    2. Trn heat and add chpped scallins, cilantr, lime

    jice and zest, and peants. Scp 23 tablespns t

    mixtre nt each btter lettce lea, wrap, and eat.

    PER SERVING: 167 cal, 51% at cal, 10g at, 1g sat at, 1mg chl,

    9g prtein, 12g carb, 3g ber, 221mg sdim

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    Pan-Fried Tofuwith Mango-Ginger Salsa

    Serves 8 / This is a great dish r intrdcing t t meat lvers.

    M A N G o - G IN G E R S A L S A

    1 large mango, peeled and diced into14-inch cubes

    1 small red onion, minced (about 1 cup)

    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    2 teaspoons minced resh ginger

    2 teaspoons olive oil

    14 cup chopped resh basil leaves

    T o Fu

    2 packages prebaked tou, any favor3 tablespoons canola oil, divided

    2 cloves garlic, minced

    1 green onion, minced, or garnish

    1. In a medim bwl, mix tgether salsa ingredients. Cver

    and rerigerate. Ct t int 8 thin, rectanglar pieces.

    2. Heat 112 tablespns il in a nnstic cing pan ver

    medim-high heat and swirl t cat. Add garlic and

    sat ntil ragrant, abt 30 secnds.

    3. Line bttm pan with t pieces. Pan-ry ntil glden

    brwn. Add remaining 112 tablespns il, trn, and

    pan-ry ther side, abt 3 mintes each side.

    4. Place t n a serving plate. Tp with Mang-Ginger

    Salsa and garnish with minced green nin.

    PER SERVING: 168 cal, 60% at cal, 11g at, 2g sat at, 0mg chl,

    9g prtein, 8g carb, 2g ber, 280mg sdim

    Roasted Jicama Sticks

    with Tofu-Basil Dip

    Serves 4 / Slices rasted jicama, a crnchy white rt vegetablesally eaten raw, mae a sblime match r this lscis,

    prtein-paced dip.

    12 pound jicama, peeled and cut into 14-inch slices

    12 cup wine (red or white, depending on the

    color desired)

    12 cup water

    18 teaspoon sea salt

    3-5 whole cloves

    2 teaspoons olive oil

    12 teaspoon reshly ground pink peppercorns

    14 teaspoon ne sea salt

    T o Fu B A S IL D IP ( M A k E S12 C u P )

    1 large clove garlic

    1 green onion

    6 resh basil leaves

    4 ounces medium or sot tou

    1 tablespoon olive oil

    1 teaspoon umeboshi vinegar

    1. Place jicama in a 112-qart pt. Add wine, water, sea

    salt, and clves. Cver and c ver high heat ntil

    all liqid is gne, abt 15 mintes. Discard clves.

    2. Preheat ven t 400. In a bwl large engh t hld

    all jicama, mix il, pepper, and salt. Tss jicama int il

    mixtre, maing sre all edges are cated. Lay jicama

    slices in a single layer n a baing sheet r shallw

    rasting pan; place n bttm ven rac. Rast ntil

    all edges are well-sealed, trning nce r twice,

    abt 15 mintes.

    3. Meanwhile, mae T-Basil Dip: Mince garlic, green

    nin, and basil in a d prcessr. Add t, il, and

    mebshi. Blend well.

    4. Serve jicama stics with dip.

    PER SERVING: 94 cal, 62% at cal, 7g at, 1g sat at, 0mg chl,

    3g prtein, 7g carb, 3g ber, 482mg sdim

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    *Pumpkin Seed Spread

    Maes 1 cp / This range-scented spread is a estive,

    favrl alternative t btter, with zer satrated at.Its antastic n crnbread mns.

    1 medium carrot, peeled and cut into12-inch rounds

    12 cup raw pumpkin seeds

    6 ounces rm silken tou, drained

    112 tablespoons honey12 teaspoon sea salt12 teaspoon nely grated orange zest18 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    1. Bil r steam carrt ntil very tender. Drain andset aside.

    2. Meanwhile, heat a medim sillet ver medim heat.

    Add pmpin seeds and tast, stirring r shaing pan

    reqently, ntil seeds trn rm green t brwn and

    begin t pp. Pr seeds int a d prcessr. Let cl

    briefy ntil merely warm. Prcess seeds int a ne


    3. Add carrt, t, hney, salt, range zest, and

    cinnamn t d prcessr. Prcess ntil smth,

    abt 2 mintes, scraping sides bwl a ew times.

    PER SERVING (1 tablespn): 37 cal, 51% at cal, 2g at, 0g sat at,

    0mg chl, 2g prtein, 3g carb, 0g ber, 78mg sdim

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    Soups& Salads

    Roasted Squash, Tofu,

    and Spinach Salad

    Serves 6 / I y have mre time, adding rasted parsnips

    and snfwer seeds enhances this salads textre and variety.

    A simple tmat sp balances the meal.

    4 cups (two 10-ounce bags) rozen butternutsquash cubes

    2 medium red onions, cut into thin wedges

    1 16-ounce package extra-rm tou, drained and

    cut into 1-inch cubes

    4 tablespoons olive oil, divided

    2 tablespoons honey

    1 small loa (8 ounces) ciabatta, torn into

    bite-size pieces

    5 cups baby spinach leaves

    2 tablespoons resh lemon juice

    1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

    12 cup crumbled goat cheese, or garnish

    1. Preheat ven t 400. Place sqash, nins, and t in

    a large rasting pan, drizzle with 2 tablespns live il,

    and seasn with salt and pepper. Rast 20 mintes,

    trning ccasinally, ntil nins are st. Drizzle with

    hney. Scatter with trn ciabatta; retrn t ven r

    abt 5 mintes r ntil tasted.

    2. Place spinach in a large bwl and tp with rasted

    vegetables, t, and ciabatta. Whis tgether remaining

    2 tablespns il, lemn jice, and mstard; seasn with

    salt and pepper. Drizzle ver salad and tss. Tp with

    cheese, i desired. Serve immediately.

    PER SERVING: 346 cal, 38% at cal, 15g at, 2g sat at, 0mg chl,

    15g prtein, 41g carb, 5g ber, 78mg sdim

    Seafood and Tofu Soup

    Serves 6/ A light and easy sp. Serve with steamed brccli

    and ced rice.

    4 ounces raw medium shrimp, peeled

    and deveined

    2 ounces bay scallops

    12 teaspoon cornstarch

    14 teaspoon salt

    1 tablespoon canola oil

    1 teaspoon minced resh ginger

    4 cups low-sodium chicken broth

    12 cup straw mushrooms

    13 cup rozen peas

    1 tomato, peeled and diced 12 package (8 ounces) sot tou, drained

    and cut into 12-inch cubes

    2 teaspoons low-sodium soy sauce

    1 teaspoon sesame oil

    212 tablespoons cornstarch

    3 tablespoons water

    1 egg white, beaten

    Chopped resh basil, green onions, or cilantro,

    or garnish

    1. Cmbine shrimp, scallps, 12 teaspn crnstarch,

    and salt in a bwl; stir t cat. Let stand r 10 mintes.

    2. Place sacepan ver medim heat ntil ht. Add il;

    swirl t cat. Add ginger, shrimp, and scallps;

    stir-ry r 1 minte. Add chicen brth; bring t a bil.

    Add straw mshrms, peas, tmat, t, sy sace,

    and sesame il; c r 12 mintes. Disslve 2 12

    tablespns crnstarch in 3 tablespns water; add t

    pan and c, stirring ntil thicened, abt 10 mintes.

    3. Redce heat t lw and slwly drizzle in egg white; c,

    stirring cnstantly, ntil egg white sets. Add basil, green

    nin, r cilantr as a garnish.

    PER SERVING: 139 cal, 40% at cal, 6g at, 1g sat at, 32mg chl,

    13g prtein, 8g carb, 1g ber, 242mg sdim

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    **Rosemary and Orange Tofu Salad

    Serves 4 / T absrbs favr well, which maes it perect r

    marinating. In this recipe, slices t are saed in a classicrange-rsemary marinade, then briled. Y can als marinate

    and bril the t and serve as a simple main-crse dish.

    1 pound low-at, rm tou

    14 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce

    1 cup orange juice, divided

    2 cloves garlic, minced, divided

    1 tablespoon chopped resh rosemary

    2 teaspoons mirin (Japanese cooking wine)

    2 teaspoons tahini

    1 tablespoon light miso

    2 teaspoons honey 112 teaspoons toasted sesame oil

    4 cups mixed salad greens

    16 cooked snow peas

    12 cup mung bean sprouts

    1 stalk celery, sliced

    1 carrot, thinly sliced

    14 cup sliced red radish

    1. Drain t and ct it int 34-inch-thic slabs. Wrap t in

    a clean itchen twel. Place a ctting bard n tp the

    twel and set a weighted bject sch as a cast irn

    sillet n tp. Allw t t drain 3060 mintes.

    2. In a shallw baing dish, cmbine the sy sace, 34 cp

    range jice, 1 clve garlic, rsemary, and mirin. Stir

    well. Ct each slab t in hal lengthwise t rm

    strips, then place in baing dish with marinade. Spn

    marinade ver strips, cver, and marinate r at least

    30 mintes r p t 24 hrs.

    3. In a small bwl, whis tgether remaining 14 cp range

    jice, garlic, tahini, mis, hney, and sesame il. Set

    aside r dressing salad.

    4. Preheat briler t high. Place t abt 5 inches rm

    heat and bril, trning nce, ntil t has trned glden

    brwn and edges strips are beginning t crisp.

    5. Meanwhile, tss salad greens with dressing and

    arrange n a serving platter alng with snw peas, bean

    sprts, celery, carrt, and radish. As sn as t is

    ced, place strips n tp salad. Serve immediately.

    PER SERVING: 153 cal, 30% at cal, 5g at, 0g sat at, 0mg chl,

    13g prtein, 15g carb, 3g ber, 350mg sdim

    Italian Bread Salad with Tofu

    Serves 4 / Pt this salad tgether in the mrning and let it

    marinate ntil lnchtime. use a crsty artisan-style bread, schas live r rsemary; avid st bread, which will trn t msh.

    D R E S S IN G

    14 cup olive oil

    2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

    1 tablespoon store-bought pesto

    S A L A D

    4 cups stale artisan-style bread,

    cut into large bite-size pieces

    1 cup cherry tomatoes

    12 cup pitted kalamata olives4 ounces Italian-favor baked tou, cubed

    2 ounces mozzarella cheese or

    ricotta salata, cubed

    2 thin slices red onion

    1 cup resh basil leaves, torn

    1. Cmbine all dressing ingredients in a jar and shae well.

    2. In a medim bwl r plastic cntainer with lid, mix all

    salad ingredients. Pr dressing ver salad and cat the

    bread well. Cver and marinate r 24 hrs.

    PER SERVING: 381 cal, 64% at cal, 27g at, 5g sat at, 9mg chl,

    13g prtein, 21g carb, 2g ber, 669mg sdim

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    **Arame Salad with Seared Tofu

    and Red Peppers

    Serves 46 / Seaweeds atty acids and antixidants have beenlined t lwer ris breast and sin cancer. L r arame,

    a threadlie dried seaweed, in bl bins r prepacaged in

    Asian-d sectins. I y have them, se bl green tea leaves;

    r simply tear pen a teabag and se the cntents.

    2 cups rmly packed dried arame (about 34 ounce)

    7 ounces rm tou

    5 teaspoons low-sodium tamari, divided

    12 teaspoon nely chopped green tea leaves

    1 tablespoon boiling water

    1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

    1 teaspoon honey1 teaspoon nely grated resh ginger

    2 tablespoons rice vinegar

    2 teaspoons vegetable oil

    1 medium red bell pepper, cut into 14-inch strips

    3 green onions, thinly sliced (white and tender

    green parts)

    1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds

    1. Cver arame in cl water. Sa r 15 mintes, then

    drain and sqeeze t any excess mistre.

    2. Meanwhile, press t between twels t remve

    excess mistre, then ct int 12-inch cbes. Tss with

    2 teaspns tamari; set aside.

    3. Place tea leaves in a small mixing bwl and cver with

    1 tablespn biling water. Steep 5 mintes. Whis

    remaining 3 teaspns tamari, sesame il, hney, ginger,

    and rice vinegar int the tea leaves. Tss with arame.

    4. Heat a large sillet ver medim-high heat. Add

    vegetable il, then peppers. Sat r 3 mintes. Pr

    any excess tamari rm t, then add t t sillet in

    a single layer. C witht stirring r 1 minte, then

    trn t and c anther minte. Trn t and

    peppers nt a plate. Cl t rm temperatre.

    5. Mix hal the green nins int the arame. using tngs,

    arrange arame n a serving platter, leaving excess liqid

    behind. Tp with t and peppers. Garnish with sesame

    seeds and remaining green nins.

    PER SERVING: 113 cal, 50% at cal, 6g at, 1g sat at, 0mg chl,

    6g prtein, 9g carb, 5g ber, 259mg sdim

    Zen Stew

    Serves 4 / This sp delivers live prbitics thrgh mis, pls

    valable minerals rm nri, a dried seaweed. Ramps, r veryyng lees, are ne springs rst green ds; i y cant nd

    them, sbstitte green nin r chives. L r spicy nri strips

    r sheets in the Asian ds sectin.

    2 ounces resh shiitake mushrooms

    1 cup water

    1 cup low-sodium vegetable broth

    12 cup roughly chopped red onion

    13 cup thinly sliced carrot

    1 cup cooked brown rice

    4 ounces sot tou, cut into 12-inch cubes

    12 ounce tender ramps or green garlic(or 1 green onion), cut into small slivers

    212 ounces baby spinach

    13 cup chickpea miso paste

    12 cup warm water

    1 ounce spicy nori, cut into strips

    1. Remve stems rm mshrms and discard. Slice caps.

    2. In a sacepan, heat 1 cp water and brth; add

    mshrms, nin, carrt, ced rice, and t. Bring

    t a lw bil and c r 5 mintes. Remve rm heat.

    Add ramps r green garlic and spinach; stir ntil spinach

    begins t wilt.

    3. Cmbine mis with warm water, stirring t disslve all

    lmps. Add t sp and mix. Serve in large sp bwls,

    tpped with nri strips.

    PER SERVING: 146 cal, 9% at cal, 2g at, 0g sat at, 0mg chl,

    7g prtein, 30g carb, 6g ber, 638mg sdim

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    Broiled Tofu withCilantro-Ginger Sauce

    Serves 4 / A spicy cilantr pest gives briled t a zesty lit.

    Try grilling the t, i y preer. Accmpany with bwls simple

    mis sp and sba ndles tssed in tasted sesame il r a

    ast, healthy meal.

    1 14- to 16-ounce package rm tou,

    rinsed and drained

    2 tablespoons sesame oil1 3-inch segment resh ginger, unpeeled

    1 cup resh cilantro leaves

    2 teaspoons low-sodium tamari

    1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil

    1 teaspoon honey

    1 clove garlic, minced

    18 teaspoon white pepper

    2 tablespoons black sesame seeds

    1. Preheat briler. Ct t lengthwise int 8 slices and pat

    dry between several layers paper twels. Lightly cat

    a baing sheet with sesame il. Arrange t in a single

    layer and brsh tps with remaining sesame il. Bril

    6 inches rm heat ntil glden brwn, 810 mintes.

    Trn and bril ther side ntil glden, 68 mintes.

    2. While t is briling, grate ginger nt a small plate.

    Sqeeze plp int a d prcessr t extract jice;

    discard plp. Add cilantr, tamari, tasted sesame il,

    hney, garlic, and white pepper. Prcess r 1 minte,

    ntil smth.

    3. Transer t with a sltted spatla t a platter and tp

    each slice with cilantr-ginger sace. Sprinle with blac

    sesame seeds and serve immediately.

    PER SERVING: 169 cal, 67% at cal, 13g at, 1g sat at, 0mg chl,

    8g prtein, 7g carb, 1g ber, 139mg sdim

    Indian-Seasoned Tofu with Tomatoes

    Serves 4 / Stir in baby spinach leaves at the end cing r extra

    ntritin. Balance the spice with a scp plain ygrt n tp.

    8 ounces extra-rm tou, drained

    18 teaspoon salt

    2 teaspoons curry powder, divided

    14 cup sliced almonds

    112 tablespoons vegetable oil, divided

    2 teaspoons minced garlic

    1 tablespoon minced resh ginger

    1 14.5-ounce can low-sodium chopped tomatoes,


    114 cups rozen peas

    12 cup packed cilantro leaves

    1. Ct t hrizntally int tw 34-inch-thic slabs. Press

    each slab between twels t remve mistre.

    Sprinle salt n tp and bttm each slab, then rb in

    1 teaspn crry pwder. Ct t int 34-inch chns.

    2. Pr almnds int a wide sillet ver medim-lw heat.

    Stir cnstantly ntil almnds are glden brwn, abt

    5 mintes. Pr nt a plate. Trn heat t medim; add

    1 tablespn il and t. Carelly trning t with a

    spatla, c ntil pale glden, 5 mintes. Remve t

    a plate with a sltted spn. Cver t eep warm.

    3. Add remaining 12 tablespn il t pan, llwed by

    garlic and ginger. Lightly brwn garlic, then add

    tmates and remaining 1 teaspn crry pwder. Stir

    and c 34 mintes, ntil tmates lse mst their

    mistre. Stir in peas, cver, and c ntil peas are

    almst tender, abt 3 mintes. Add a tablespn

    water i pan becmes dry.

    4. Scatter t ver tmat-pea mixtre, cver, and heat

    thrgh, abt 2 mintes. Carelly stir in cilantr.

    Garnish with almnds and serve.

    PER SERVING: 212 cal, 51% at cal, 12g at, 2g sat at, 0mg chl,

    12g prtein, 15g carb, 4g ber, 140mg sdim

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    **Grape Leaf-Wrapped Tofuwith Green Tea

    Serves 4 / This dish ges well with rice r as sandwich lling. I ydnt have grape leaves, se 12x12-inch sqares alminm il.

    16 ounces extra-rm tou, rozen

    2 stalks lemongrass

    16 large grape leaves (resh or rom a jar)

    Contents o 2 green tea bags

    S P IC Y S E S A M E S A u C E

    2 tablespoons resh ginger, minced

    4 cloves garlic, minced

    1 green onion, white part only, minced

    6 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce 14 cup rice wine or sake

    2 tablespoons lemon juice

    14 cup rice vinegar

    112 tablespoons sesame oil

    3 tablespoons black sesame seeds

    2 teaspoons minced resh red pepper

    1. Mix all Spicy Sesame Sace ingredients in a small cntainer.

    2. Thaw t in rerigeratr. Drain. Rinse nder cld water.

    Place t n a ctting bard and press t excess

    water. Ct t int 8 pieces. In a cntainer with lid,

    tss t with Spicy Sesame Sace t cat. Cver and

    marinate in the rerigeratr r 3 hrs r lnger,

    trning nce.

    3. Ct bttm 6 inches tender, pale green part

    lemngrass and mince. Discard remaining wdy stals.

    Prepare eight 12x12-inch sqares alminm il.

    4. Bring 6 cps water t a bil in a large pt. Blanch grape

    leaves ntil st and bright green, 12 mintes. Drip-dry

    grape leaves. Line tw leaves n a sqare il,

    verlapping slightly; place ne piece t in the

    middle and sprinle with minced lemngrass and green

    tea. Tightly ld ver the leaves r sides. Wrap pacet

    in il. Repeat with remaining t and il sqares.

    5. oil a nnstic tray r grill rac. Preheat grill t medim.

    Grill wrapped t abt 8 mintes each side r ntil

    heated thrgh. Serve ht.

    PER SERVING (2): 185 cal, 45% at cal, 9g at, 1g sat at,

    0mg chl, 13g prtein, 10g carb, 2g ber, 684mg sdim

    Basil-Coconut Curry with Tofu

    Serves 4 / Ccnt mil, crry spices, and basil marry beatilly

    in this delicis ne-dish lnch r spper.

    B A S IL - C o C o N u T S A u C E

    1 cup chopped resh basil leaves

    12 medium jalapeo pepper, seeded and nely

    chopped, or 1 pinch cayenne pepper

    34 cup regular or light coconut milk

    14 cup low-sodium vegetable broth

    1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce or tamari

    1 tablespoon resh lemon juice

    1 teaspoon minced resh ginger

    1 teaspoon curry powder

    2 teaspoons brown sugarDash o salt

    2 teaspoons olive oil, divided

    1 pound reduced-at rm tou, drained and cubed

    1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce or tamari

    1 cup broccoli forets

    1 medium red bell pepper, seeded and chopped

    2 cups hot cooked rice or rice noodles

    12 cup slivered almonds, toasted

    1. In a medim bwl, whis tgether all sace ingredients

    (basil thrgh salt) ntil well cmbined. (This can be

    made ahead and rerigerated p t tw days.)

    2. In a large w r sat pan, heat 1 teaspn live il

    ver medim-high heat. Add t and sy sace r

    tamari and stir-ry abt 2 mintes. Flip t and stir-ry

    anther 2 mintes, ntil t starts t brwn. Flip t

    again, c a ew mre mintes, and then remve rm

    pan and set aside.

    3. In the same w r pan, add remaining 1 teaspn

    live il, brccli, and red bell pepper. Stir-ry abt

    3 mintes. Add t and stir in Basil-Ccnt Sace.

    Redce heat t medim and c abt 3 mre mintes.

    Serve ver ht rice r ndles, garnished with slivered


    PER SERVING: 368 cal, 47% at cal, 20g at, 9g sat at, 0mg chl,

    17g prtein, 34g carb, 4g ber, 261mg sdim

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook


    d e l i c i s l i v i n g . c m12

    D e l i c i o u s L i v i n g

    Delicious Living Inspired Tofu Cookbooksponsored by

    **Roasted Red Pepper and Pomegranate

    Sauce over Pan-Seared Tofu

    Serves 6 / T mae a thicer dipping sace r tasted pita breadr chips, eliminate the vegetable stc. use bttled rasted

    peppers r cnvenience. L r pmegranate mlasses at

    Middle Eastern marets, r se pmegranate cncentrate,

    available at health d stres.

    R o A S T E D R E D P E P P E R A N D P o M E G R A N A T E S A u C E

    3 tablespoons sunfower oil

    1 small onion, nely chopped (about 1 cup)

    1 teaspoon minced garlic

    1 tablespoon ground cumin

    18 teaspoon cayenne pepper

    12-34 cup low-sodium vegetable broth1 teaspoon ground coriander

    2 tablespoons pomegranate molasses

    1 cup coarsely chopped roasted red peppers

    2 tablespoons chopped resh parsley

    2 tablespoons resh lemon juice

    14 cup slivered almonds, toasted

    Salt and reshly ground black pepper

    1 19-ounce package extra-rm (not silken) tou,


    112 tablespoons canola oil

    Minced parsley, or garnish

    1. T mae the sace: Heat il ver medim-high heat in

    a large sacepan. Add nin and c ntil translcent,

    abt 4 mintes. Add garlic, cmin, and cayenne; c,

    stirring reqently, r 1 minte. Add next 7 ingredients

    (brth thrgh almnds) and c r anther 2 mintes.

    Transer t a d prcessr and prcess ntil very

    smth, 12 mintes. Seasn t taste with salt and

    pepper. Thin with a little mre brth i necessary.

    2. Wrap t in paper twels and press gently t absrb

    water. Slice t in hal lengthwise, then ct crsswise

    int 12-inch-thic slices. Heat canla il ver medim-

    high heat in a large sat pan. Add t and brwn well

    n bth sides. Transer t a platter. Drizzle with sace

    and garnish with minced parsley.

    PER SERVING: 247 cal, 65% at cal, 18g at, 2g sat at, 0mg chl,

    11g prtein, 11g carb, 2g ber, 45mg sdim

    Grilled Ratatouille with Tofu

    Serves 6 / This well-rnded, end--smmer lnch r dinner is

    rich in prtein and heart-healthy phytntrients. Zcchini andeggplant add ber, ptassim, and great favr, while nins add

    qercetin and the bell pepper cntribtes vitamin C.

    D R E S S IN G

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    14 cup rice vinegar

    2 tablespoons water

    12 teaspoon sea salt

    1 clove garlic, minced

    1 tablespoon chopped resh basil

    1 small eggplant (about 34 pound) 34 teaspoon sea salt

    1 pound extra-rm tou, cut into 1-inch cubes12 pound zucchini (2 small)

    1 medium green bell pepper

    1 small onion

    Olive oil or olive oil spray, or grill

    1 cup marinara sauce

    1. Prepare dressing by blending r shaing live il,

    vinegar, water, sea salt, garlic, and basil tgether.

    Set aside.

    2. Ct eggplant int 1-inch chns. Place eggplant in

    clander ver bwl r sin. Sprinle with sea salt.

    Let drain 30 mintes. Rinse and pat dry.

    3. Ct t, zcchini, bell pepper, and nin int 1-inch

    chns. Thread t, eggplant, zcchini, bell pepper, and

    nin alternately nt six 10-inch sewers, leaving

    space between pieces. Brsh with dressing. (I y se

    wden sewers, sa them in water bere threading.)

    4. Brsh r spray live il nt grill rac. Heat cals r gas

    grill r direct heat. Place abbs n grill 46 inches

    rm medim heat, cver, and c 1520 mintes,

    trning and brshing with dressing, ntil vegetables are


    5. Heat marinara sace in micrwave r a small pan while

    abbs grill, stirring ccasinally. Serve grilled abbs

    with warm sace.

    PER SERVING: 195 cal, 48% at cal, 11g at, 2g sat at, 0mg chl,

    11g prtein, 15g carb, 4g ber, 543mg sdim

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook


    d e l i c i s l i v i n g . c m13

    D e l i c i o u s L i v i n g

    Delicious Living Inspired Tofu Cookbooksponsored by

    * *Stir-Fried Udon with Flavored Tofu

    Serves 6 / Stir-ried dn is ne the mst enjyed dishes

    in Japanese cisine.

    12 pound low-sodium udon noodles, resh or dry

    2 tablespoons canola oil

    2 teaspoons minced resh ginger

    2 cloves garlic, minced

    1 cup resh shiitake mushrooms, cut into

    1-inch-wide strips

    8 ounces favored baked tou, julienned

    12 cup julienned carrots

    12 cup snow peas, resh or rozen

    112 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce

    12 tablespoon rice vinegar6 green onions, cut diagonally into

    2-inch-long slices

    1 teaspoon sesame oil

    1. C ndles accrding t pacage directins. Drain

    and rinse with cld water t prevent sticing. Set aside.

    2. Heat a nnstic w r large, deep sillet ver medim

    heat. Add il and swirl t cat. Add ginger and garlic.

    Stir-ry ntil ragrant, abt 30 secnds. Add msh-

    rms and t and stir-ry r 2 mintes.

    3. Add carrts and snw peas. Stir-ry r 1 minte r

    ntil carrts sten. Mix in ndles, sy sace, rice

    vinegar, and green nins. Stir ccasinally ntil ndles

    are heated thrgh, abt 2 mintes. Seasn with salt

    and pepper.

    4. Stir in sesame il. Tss t cmbine. Serve warm.

    PER SERVING: 262 cal, 33% at cal, 10g at, 1g sat at, 0mg chl,

    10g prtein, 35g carb, 3g ber, 247mg sdim

    Stir-Fried Tofu with Snap Peas

    and Cashews

    Serves 6 / This is an incredibly easy, ast dish. Depending n theprdce available, y can trade the snap peas r snw peas,

    brccli, green beans, r even spinach.

    14 cup low-sodium soy sauce

    3 tablespoons honey

    1 14-ounce package extra-rm tou,

    well drained and cut into 12-inch cubes

    2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil

    1 teaspoon peanut oil

    1 large shallot, chopped

    1 pound sugar snap peas, trimmed

    1 cup unsalted cashews, toasted4 cups cooked jasmine rice

    1. Cmbine sy sace and hney in a baing dish and stir

    well. Add t cbes and tss t cat.

    2. In a w r large, deep rying pan, warm sesame il

    ver high heat. Remve t rm marinade and add t

    pan. C ver high heat ntil t is glden brwn n all

    sides, 45 mintes. Remve t rm pan and set aside.

    3. Add peant il t pan and sat shallt ver medim-

    high heat ntil lightly brwned. Trn heat t high and add

    t, snap peas, and cashews. C r 12 mintes,

    ntil peas are bright green. Serve ver ht jasmine rice.

    PER SERVING: 446 cal, 39% at cal, 20g at, 3g sat at, 0mg chl,

    16g prtein, 56g carb, 3g ber, 375mg sdim

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook


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    D e l i c i o u s L i v i n g

    Delicious Living Inspired Tofu Cookbooksponsored by

    **DessertsChocolate Nut-Butter Candy Cups

    Serves 8 / Remember thse pplar peant btter and chclate

    candies yth? Try this prtein-paced, jn-ree versin

    a greatly missed treat. The chclate peant-btter t cream

    dbles as a wnderl cae lling and rsting. I yre nt a an

    peant btter, try sing hazelnt btter r almnd btter.

    1 12-ounce package rm tou

    3 tablespoons peanut butter

    14 teaspoon sea salt14 cup pure maple syrup

    3 tablespoons maple sugar or natural cane sugar

    3 tablespoons Dutch cocoa powder

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1 teaspoon almond extract

    2 tablespoons ltered water

    1 cup dairy- and sugar-ree bittersweet

    chocolate chips

    1 teaspoon canola oil

    Miniature oil baking cups as molds

    1. Place t in a pt, cver with ltered water, bring t

    a bil, and simmer r 5 mintes. Remve t rm

    water, pat dry, and ct int 4 pieces. Wrap and rerig-

    erate three pieces r anther se. Wrap the rth

    piece in a itchen twel and place a heavy pt r ctting

    bard ver it r abt 15 mintes t press t mistre.

    2. Place t in blender; add peant btter, salt, and maple

    syrp. Blend r 2 mintes. Scrape sides cntainer

    and add sgar, cca pwder, and extracts. Blend again

    r 3 mintes, stpping t scrape sides. Add abt

    2 tablespns water i necessary r a textre similar t

    heavy pancae batter. Transer t a cntainer, cver, and

    rerigerate r 1 hr.

    3. Place chclate chips and il in a small bwl and place

    ver a pt simmering water. Stir ntil melted.

    4. use a small pastry brsh t paint melted chclate ver

    entire interir srace baing cps. Freeze cps ntil

    chclate dries. Recat with chclate and reeze again.

    When set, slwly peel il rm chclate cps. I

    chclate stens, rereeze. Stre mlds in reezer

    ntil needed.

    5. Slwly spn t cream lling int chclate cps s

    that cps are 34 ll. keep rerigerated ntil ready t

    serve. These candies may be stred and served directly

    rm the reezer.

    PER SERVING: 281 cal, 48% at cal, 16g at, 8g sat at, 7mg chl,

    8g prtein, 32g carb, 3g ber, 76mg sdim

    Luscious Lemony Tofu Cream Frosting

    Maes 1 pint / A abls lling r rsting r yr avrite lemn

    cae. The secret t maing this sensatinal t cream is rst

    blanching the t then thrghly creaming it in a d prcessr.

    I nt allergies are a prblem, replace the cashew btter with tw

    tablespns canla il.

    1 pound rm silken tou

    3 tablespoons smooth cashew butter

    14 cup maple syrup

    14 cup maple sugar powder or dried cane juice

    12 teaspoon sea salt

    14 cup resh lemon juice (reserve 1 tablespoon)

    1 tablespoon nely grated lemon zest (peel)

    Pinch o turmeric

    2 teaspoons vanilla extract

    2 teaspoons lemon extract

    1. Steam t in a steamer baset ver biling water,

    15 mintes. Remve t rm steamer and wrap

    in a clean itchen twel. Set a weighted bject sch

    as a sillet r glass baing dish n tp wrapped t

    and let sit 15 mintes t press t excess water.

    2. Crmble prepared t int a d prcessr and blend

    thrghly, abt 5 mintes. Scrape dwn sides

    prcessr bwl. Add cashew btter, maple syrp, maple

    sgar, salt, and lemn jice (mins 1 tablespn) and

    cntine prcessing ntil t is smth and creamy.

    Disslve trmeric in remaining 1 tablespn lemn

    jice; add t prcessr with lemn zest and extracts.

    Blend 10 secnds mre. Rerigerate tightly cvered r

    at least 1 hr bere sing.

    PE R S ER VI NG (2 tablespns):64 cal, 31% at cal, 2g at,

    0g sat at, 0mg chl, 3g prtein, 8g carb, 0g ber, 100mg sdim

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook


    d e l i c i s l i v i n g . c m15

    D e l i c i o u s L i v i n g

    Delicious Living Inspired Tofu Cookbooksponsored by

    * *Yellow Cake with ChocolateTofu Ganache

    Serves 12 / The additin st t maes this cae mist anddelicis. In this recipe, the caes are lled with strawberry jam

    and encased in smth chclate ganache, bt y can se any

    lling r rsting y want.

    214 cups sited cake four

    2 teaspoons baking powder

    12 teaspoon salt

    114 cups sugar

    12 cup soy margarine

    8 ounces sot tou, drained

    112 cups soymilk

    2 teaspoons vanilla extract 12 cup strawberry jam

    C H o C o L A T E G A N A C H E

    2 cups semisweet, nondairy chocolate chips

    1 cup whole soymilk

    1. Mae cae: Preheat ven t 350. Grease and fr tw

    8-inch cae pans. In a large bwl, cmbine cae fr,

    baing pwder, and salt and set aside. In a medim

    bwl, beat sgar and margarine tgether with an

    electric mixer ntil creamy.

    2. In a d prcessr r blender, mix t, symil, and

    vanilla ntil smth. Cmbine t mixtre with sgar and

    margarine and mix cmpletely. Gradally add wet mixtre

    t dry ingredients, stirring ntil cmbined. Pr batter

    int greased pans and bae r 30 mintes, r ntil a

    wden pic inserted int the center cmes t clean.

    3. Cl ntil caes reach rm temperatre and remve

    rm pans. Spread strawberry jam evenly n ne layer

    and tp with the ther.

    4. Mae Chclate Ganache: In a dble biler set ver

    simmering water, gradally cmbine chclate chips

    with symil, stirring cnstantly ntil the mixtre is

    smth. Remve rm heat and slwly and evenly pr

    ver cae ntil it is cvered. Let cl.

    PER SERVING: 522 cal, 36% at cal, 21g at, 8g sat at, 0mg chl,

    7g prtein, 77g carb, 2g ber, 276mg sdim

    Cocoa Nib Mousse

    Serves 8 / This velvety, dairy-ree msse is healthy engh t eat

    every day. one dish will eed tw peple ater dinnerr ne veryhngry persn. on cl spring evenings, its delightl served

    warm. When resh raspberries are t seasn, se rzen,

    gently thawed berries.

    112 cups plain soy milk

    12 cup cocoa nibs

    13 cup honey

    3 tablespoons cornstarch

    Pinch o salt

    112 cups silken tou, pured until very smooth

    12 cup dairy-ree whipped topping (optional)

    1 pint resh raspberriesCocoa nibs, or garnish

    1. Cmbine sy mil and cca nibs in a small sacepan;

    bring t a gentle simmer ver medim-high heat and

    c r 1 minte. Remve rm heat, cver, and let

    stand r 25 mintes. Strain int a bwl, pressing nibs

    with the bac a spn t extract liqid. Discard nibs

    and set liqid aside.

    2. In a heavy sacepan, cmbine hney, crnstarch, and

    salt, mixing t rm a smth paste. Slwly stir in cca

    nib insin, mixing ntil smth. C ver medim

    heat, stirring cnstantly, ntil mixtre begins t thicen,

    34 mintes. Redce heat and stir in pred t. C

    r 2 mintes lnger ver medim-lw heat, ntil thic

    and creamy.

    3. Transer t r 12-cp rameins. Rerigerate r several

    hrs. Jst bere serving, tp each msse with a

    dllp whipped tpping, i desired, and garnish with

    berries and cca nibs.

    PER SERVING: 184 cal, 35% at cal, 7g at, 3g sat at, 0mg chl,

    6g prtein, 25g carb, 4g ber, 9mg sdim

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook


    d e l i c i s l i v i n g . c m16

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    Delicious Living Inspired Tofu Cookbooksponsored by

    *Maple Cheesecake with Pecan Pralines

    Serves 1620 / It was lve at rst bite when Native Americans

    intrdced Erpean explrers t the sweet sap the maple tree. Lr maple sgar in the bl r baing sectin yr natral maret.

    C R u S T

    2 cups crushed gingersnaps

    (about orty 112-inch cookies)

    4 tablespoons canola oil

    FIL L IN G

    4 eggs, separated

    1 cup maple sugar

    1 pound low-at cream cheese (Neuchatel)

    1 pound rm silken tou16 ounces low-at sour cream

    1 4-ounce package low-at vanilla

    tou pudding mix

    2 tablespoons natural maple extract

    Boiling water

    P E C A N P R A L IN E S

    2 tablespoons butter

    1 teaspoon maple extract

    1 cup pecan halves

    2 tablespoons brown sugar

    1. Preheat ven t 350. Line the tside a 10-inch

    springrm pan with il; mae certain il cvers

    the entire bttm and extends 2 inches p the sides.

    (This creates a water-tight seal r the pan when

    cing in the water bath, belw.)

    2. In a d prcessr, crsh gingersnaps int a ne

    pwder. Stir in il. Press nt pan bttm and 12 inch

    p sides. Bae r 10 mintes n a baing sheet. Cl.

    3. Whip egg whites ntil glssy and hlding sti peas;

    set aside. In a d prcessr, cream egg yls and

    sgar ntil creamy and light. Add cream cheese, t,

    sr cream, pdding mix, and maple extract. Pre ntil

    cmpletely smth. Transer t a large bwl and ld

    in egg whites. Pr ver crst; shae gently t settle.

    4. Place a large baing pan in the ven and set cheesecae,with il bttm, in the center. Pr biling water int

    the baing pan, reaching 1 inch p the side the

    cheesecae pan, creating a water bath. Redce heat

    t 325 and bae r 7090 mintes, ntil cae is set.

    Remve cheesecae rm ven and water bath.

    Cl at rm temperatre; rerigerate vernight.

    5. T mae pecan pralines, melt btter in a small sacepan

    ver medim heat. Add extract and stir in pecans.

    Tast, stirring, r 3 mintes ntil ragrant. Pr

    int a bwl and tss with brwn sgar. Chill. Garnish

    cheesecae with pecans jst bere serving.

    PE R SE RV IN G (with 2 teaspns pralines): 363 cal, 50% at cal,

    21g at, 6g sat at, 73mg chl, 10g prtein, 36g carb, 1g ber,

    315mg sdim

    Edited by Elisa Bsley, Senir Fd Editr

    Design and prdctin by Vici Hpewell and Brenda Gallagher

    Cver phtgraphy by Annabelle Breaey

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook



    With its mild favor and creamy-smooth texture, silken tou is

    perect or making everything rom nondairy smoothies, dips,

    and soups to main dishes and desserts. Low at, cholesterol

    ree, and gluten ree, silken tou is a great substitute or dairy,

    eggs, and meat. Use Mori-Nu Silken Tou in the convenient

    shel-stable package to make delicious, light, and healthy

    versions o your avorite recipes. Weve collected some o

    the best Mori-Nu silken tou recipes here in a downloadable,

    FREE cookbook to get your creative juices fowing!

    Special tofu recipesfrom our sponsor

    Contents18 Strawberry Banana Smoothie

    18 Creamy Miso Dip

    18 Low Fat Spinach Dip

    19 Eggless Salad

    19 Australian Pumpkin Soup

    20 Mixed Medley Stir-Fry

    20 Fresh Spinach Lasagna

    21 Key Lime Pie

    21 Easy Chocolate Dessert

    22 Non-Dairy Low-Fat Pumpkin Pie

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook



    S p e c i a l To u R e c i p e s r o m o u r S p o n s o r

    Strawberry Banana SmoothieServes 24 / I y preer, se Mri-N Silen Lite Firm t; add a

    little jice r a thinner cnsistency.

    1 package Mori-Nu Silken Sot Tou

    1 small ripe banana

    1 10-ounce package rozen sweetened

    strawberries, partially thawed including liquid

    1. In a blender r d prcessr, cmbine all ingredients.

    Whip ntil smth. Serve chilled.

    PER SERVING: 161 cal, 3g at, 0mg chl, 5g prtein, 30g carb,

    3g ber, 9mg sdim

    Creamy Miso Dip

    Serves 24 / Serve with raw vegetable crdites, inclding carrts,

    celery, ccmber spears, califwer, and brccli.

    1 package Mori-Nu Silken Lite Firm Tou

    3 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar

    2 tablespoons red miso

    2 teaspoons sesame oil

    1 teaspoon crushed resh ginger

    1. Place t in d prcessr and blend ntil cmpletely

    smth, stpping nce t scrape dwn sides bwl.

    2. Add remaining ingredients. Prcess ntil cmpletely

    blended. Chill at least 1 hr bere serving.

    PER SERVING (1 tablespn): 13 cal, 0g at, 0mg chl, 1g prtein,

    1g carb, 65mg sdim

    Low-Fat Spinach Dip

    Serves 6 / keeps p t tw days in the rerigeratr

    in an airtight cntainer. Serve with resh vegetables r cracers.

    1 package Mori-Nu Silken Lite Firm Tou

    12 cup Nayonaise Original Spread or

    light sour cream

    2 tablespoons powdered vegetable broth

    1 10-ounce package rozen spinach,

    derosted and squeezed dry

    2-3 medium green onions, chopped

    12 4-ounce can water chestnuts, coarsely chopped

    2 teaspooons resh lemon juice

    Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

    1. Place t, Naynaise r sr cream, and pwdered

    vegetable brth in d prcessr. Prcess ntil smth.

    Add spinach, green nins, water chestnts, and lemn

    jice. Prcess jst ntil all ingredients are blended.

    Dip shld be thic and have lts textre. Seasn t

    taste with pepper.

    PER SERVING: 63 cal, 1g at, 1mg chl, 7g prtein, 6g carb,

    142mg sdim

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook



    S p e c i a l To u R e c i p e s r o m o u r S p o n s o r

    Eggless Salad

    Serves 3 / Y can als se Mri-N Silen Firm r Extra Firm T.

    1 package Mori-Nu Organic Silken Tou

    3 tablespoons Nayonaise Original Spread

    or other light soy mayonnaise

    14 teaspoon ground turmeric

    18 teaspoon dry mustard

    2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish

    1 teaspoon minced capers

    2 tablespoons minced scallions

    2 tablespoons minced celery

    12 teaspoon minced resh dill

    Salt and reshly ground black pepper, to taste

    1. Drain t and pat dry with paper twels. Mash r

    crmble t int medim bwl.

    2. In anther small bwl, mix Naynaise, trmeric,

    mstard, and salt; add t. Mix in remaining ingredi-

    ents. Rerigerate 30 mintes t allw favrs t meld.

    PER SERVING: 137 cal, 7g at, 0mg chl, 9 g prtein, 8 g carb,

    0g ber, 275 mg sdim, 91 mg calcim

    Australian Pumpkin Soup

    Serves 6 / Pmpin r sqash sp is served everywhere in

    Astralia. In this versin, the t pree replaces the heavy cream

    that is traditinally sed.

    8 cups (2 quarts) water or vegetable stock

    6 cups peeled and cubed butternut squash

    or Japanese pumpkin

    1 large medium-white onion, sliced in moons

    1 leek, sliced thin

    1 tablespoon minced resh ginger

    2 cloves garlic, chopped

    1 tablespoon curry powder

    1 tablespoon resh thyme leaves

    2 bay leaves

    1 package Mori-Nu Silken Lite Firm Tou, cubed

    14 cup white or yellow miso

    Chopped resh chives or parsley

    1. Bring all ingredients except t and mis t a bil in

    a large pt. once biling, c ver medim heat r

    30 mintes. Let cl.

    2. Add t and mis. Pree well in a blender. Pass thrgh

    wire mesh strainer t remve any ber. Garnish with

    chpped chives r parsley.

    PER SERVING: 105 cal, 1g at, 5g prtein, 23g carb, 188 mg sdim

    Frm The Art Tby Aasha Richmnd (Mrinaga Pblicatins, 1997)

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook



    S p e c i a l To u R e c i p e s r o m o u r S p o n s o r

    Mixed Medley Stir-Fry

    Serves 6 / Serve ht ver ced rice.

    3 tablespoons sesame oil

    1 large clove garlic, minced

    2 tablespoons grated resh ginger

    1 package Mori-Nu Silken Extra Firm Tou,

    drained and cut into 12 inch cubes

    14 pound broccoli forets

    14 pound snow peas, stems trimmed

    12 cup slivered red bell pepper

    12 cup slivered yellow bell pepper

    12 cup thinly sliced leek14 cup roasted peanuts

    1 cup sliced mushrooms

    1 8-ounce can pineapple chunks, drained

    (reserve liquid)

    12 cup Mandarin orange segments

    14 cup light soy sauce

    2 tablespoons tomato sauce

    1 tablespoon cornstarch

    1. In sesame il, sate garlic, ginger, and t ntil lightly

    brwned. Remve t and set aside. Add next 9

    ingredients in rder given. Stir-ry ntil vegetables are

    jst crisp-tender. Separately, cmbine reserved

    pineapple liqid, sy sace, tmat sace and crn-

    starch ntil smth. Stir int w, thrghly cating

    ingredients. Add t cbes, warm, and serve.

    PER SERVING: 186 cal, 11g at, 0mg chl, 8g prtein, 16g carb,

    407mg sdim

    Fresh Spinach Lasagna

    Serves 8 / A hearty vegan avrite.

    3 bunches resh spinach, washed

    12 teaspoon salt

    3 tablespoons olive oil, divided

    1 pound lasagna pasta

    12 cup chopped green onion

    3 packages Mori-Nu Silken Firm Tou,

    drained and crumbled

    2 tablespoons chopped resh parsley

    2 teaspoons miso

    18 teaspoon nutmeg

    18 teaspoon black pepper

    14 cup grated soy-Parmesan cheese 14 cup grated soy-Monterey Jack cheese (optional)

    S A u C E

    About 26 ounces (112 to 2 cups) marinara sauce

    (homemade or bottled)

    2 cups sliced mushrooms, sauteed in

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    1. Bil 4 qarts water in a large pt. Blanch spinach r

    1 minte; drain. Stir salt and 1 tablespn live il int

    water. Add pasta; bil r 10 12 mintes. Drain and

    rinse pasta in cld water, then lay pasta fat n ctting

    bard. Sate nins in remaining 2 tablespns live il

    r 1 minte. Chp spinach and add t nins. Cmbine

    with remaining ingredients (except cheeses and sace).

    Set aside.

    2. Preheat ven t 350. Lightly il a small rectanglar

    baing dish and spread 13 prepared sace ver

    bttm. Lay strips pasta s they cver the bttm and

    hang ver sides baing dish. Spread with hal the

    spinach lling; add anther layer pasta. Cntine t

    add pasta, sace, sy-Parmesan, and lling, ending with

    pasta and cvering with sace. Sprinle sy-Jac n tp

    i desired. Cver with il and bae 20 mintes. Remve

    il and bae anther 15 mintes. Let lasagna rest

    15 mintes, then ct and serve.

    PER SERVING: 308 cal, 15g at, 1.5mg chl, 16g prtein, 28g carb,

    2g ber, 610mg sdim

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook



    S p e c i a l To u R e c i p e s r o m o u r S p o n s o r

    Key Lime Pie

    Serves 8 / Mri-N Silen Firm r Extra Firm T can als be sed.

    1 package Mori-Nu Silken Lite Firm Tou

    12 cup key lime juice or regular lime juice

    8 ounces tou cream cheese

    2 teaspoons reshly grated lime zest

    2 packages Mori-Nu Mates Vanilla Pudding Mix

    1 tablespoon honey

    1 graham cracker pie shell

    1. Drain excess water rm t.

    2. Blend t with lime jice in a d prcessr ntil

    cmpletely creamy and smth. Add cream cheese, zest,

    pdding mix, and hney; blend ntil smth.3. Pr mixtre int pie shell and chill r at least

    23 hrs.

    PER SERVING: 369 cal, 15g at, 0mg chl, 7g prtein, 73g carb

    Easy Chocolate Dessert

    Serves 8 / Mri-N Silen Extra Firm T may be sbstitted.

    12 ounce semi-sweet dark chocolate chips

    2 tablespoons water

    2 packages Mori-Nu Silken Lite Firm Tou

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1 graham cracker pie shell

    1 large banana, sliced

    Sliced almonds, toasted

    1. Melt chclate chips in micrwave ven with 2 table-

    spns water. Thrghly blend t in a blender r d

    prcessr. Add melted chclate and vanilla t t and

    blend at high speed r 2 mintes.

    2. In pie shell (r pdding cps), layer sliced banana and

    chclate mixtre. Rerigerate 12 hrs. Garnish with

    remaining banana slices and almnds.

    PER SERVING: 218 cal, 12g at, 0mg chl, 6g prtein, 25g carb,

    57mg sdim

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook



    S p e c i a l To u R e c i p e s r o m o u r S p o n s o r

    Non-Dairy Low-Fat Pumpkin Pie

    Serves 8 / Fr rmer textre, se Mri-N Silen Extra Firm T.

    I y lie, y can sbstitte 1 tablespn pmpin pie spice r

    the ther spices.

    112 packages Mori-Nu Silken Lite Firm Tou

    2 cups canned or cooked pumpkin

    23 cup honey

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    112 teaspoons ground cinnamon

    34 teaspoon ground ginger

    14 teaspoon ground nutmeg

    14 teaspoon ground cloves

    1 unbaked 9-inch pie crust

    1. Preheat ven t 350 . Drain t and blend in a d

    prcessr r blender ntil smth. Add pmpin, hney,

    vanilla, and spices; blend well. Pr int nbaed pie

    crst. Bae r abt 1 hr. Filling will be st bt will

    rm as it cls. Chill bere serving.

    PER SERVING: 122 cal, 1g at, 0mg chl, 4g prtein, 26g carb,

    2g ber, 49mg sdim

  • 8/8/2019 Tofu Cookbook


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