Download - To: All Annual Operating Plan Recipients From: Michael ...


1This October 2021 24-Month Study includes the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center shift to the 1991-2020 period of record. All statistics shown in the study refer to this new 30-year period of record.

To: All Annual Operating Plan Recipients

In addition to the October 2021 24-Month Study based on the Most Probable inflow scenario, Reclamation has conducted model runs in October to determine a possible range of reservoir elevations under Probable Minimum and Probable Maximum inflow scenarios. The Probable Minimum inflow scenario reflects a dry hydrologic condition which statistically would be exceeded 90% of the time. The Most Probable inflow scenario reflects a median hydrologic condition which statistically would be exceeded 50% of the time. The Probable Maximum inflow scenario reflects a wet hydrologic condition which statistically would be exceeded 10% of the time. There is approximately an 80% probability that a future elevation will fall inside the range of the minimum and maximum inflow scenarios. Additionally, there are possible inflow scenarios that would result in reservoir elevations falling outside the ranges indicated in these reports. The projected Lake Powell and Lake Mead elevations resulting from these three inflow scenarios are summarized in graphs located at either of the following links:, or The water year 2022 unregulated inflow in the Probable Minimum inflow scenario is 4.00 million acre-feet (maf), or 47% of average1. Consistent with the Interim Guidelines, the October Probable Minimum 24-Month Study includes release volumes from Glen Canyon Dam of 7.48 maf in water year 2022 and 7.00 maf in water year 2023. Under the probable minimum scenario, Lake Powell’s elevation is projected to be 3,482.53 feet on December 31, 2022. With intervening flows between Lake Powell and Lake Mead of 0.764 maf in calendar year 2022, Lake Mead’s elevation is projected to be 1,047.86 feet on December 31, 2022. The 2021 AOP is available online at: The Draft 2022 AOP is available online at: The Interim Guidelines are available online at: The Colorado River DCPs are available online at: The Upper Basin Hydrology Summary is available online at:

From: Michael Bernardo, P.E. River Operations Manager

Boulder Canyon Operations Office Interior Region 8: Lower Colorado Basin

P.O. Box 61470 Boulder City, NV 89006-1470 Phone: 702-293-8111

From: Paul Davidson Chief, Water Management Group

Water and Power Division, Power Office Interior Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin 125 South State Street, Room 8100

Salt Lake City, UT 84138-5571 Phone: 801-524-3642

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Fontenelle Reservoir


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




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(1000 Ac-Ft)Date



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(1000 Ac-Ft)

32 55 6490.95 225 1 0 55Oct 2020*

33 52 6487.89 205 1 17 35Nov 2020H

27 51 6483.85 180 1 50 1Dec 2020I

25 51 6479.03 153 1 48 2Jan 2021S

24 46 6474.49 132 0 46 0Feb 2021T

40 51 6472.03 121 0 51 0Mar 2021O

54 49 6473.03 125 1 49 0Apr 2021R

76 49 6478.67 152 1 49 0May 2021I

143 42 6494.76 251 2 42 0Jun 2021C

45 43 6494.70 250 2 43 0Jul 2021A

35 41 6493.52 242 2 41 0Aug 2021L

26 36 6491.82 230 2 36 0Sep 2021*

561 566 14 471 94WY 2021

29 37 6490.43 230 1 24 13Oct 2021

30 49 6487.43 210 1 49 0Nov 2021

25 51 6483.14 184 1 51 0Dec 2021

23 51 6477.98 156 1 51 0Jan 2022

21 46 6472.83 131 0 46 0Feb 2022

34 44 6470.60 121 0 44 0Mar 2022

51 30 6475.14 141 1 30 0Apr 2022

67 31 6481.88 177 1 31 0May 2022

99 30 6492.38 243 2 30 0Jun 2022

47 43 6492.56 244 2 43 0Jul 2022

26 43 6489.69 225 2 43 0Aug 2022

23 42 6486.63 205 2 38 4Sep 2022

475 495 14 478 17WY 2022

32 43 6484.68 193 1 43 0Oct 2022

35 48 6482.53 180 1 48 0Nov 2022

31 49 6479.15 162 1 49 0Dec 2022

29 49 6474.92 140 0 49 0Jan 2023

26 44 6470.78 122 0 44 0Feb 2023

43 51 6468.69 113 0 51 0Mar 2023

66 58 6470.38 120 1 58 0Apr 2023

117 68 6480.44 169 1 68 0May 2023

202 76 6499.31 293 2 76 0Jun 2023

91 63 6502.63 318 3 63 0Jul 2023

42 61 6499.77 296 2 61 0Aug 2023

32 60 6495.81 267 2 60 0Sep 2023

746 670 14 670 0WY 2023

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Flaming Gorge Reservoir


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




(1000 Ac-Ft)



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(1000 Ac-Ft)Date



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(1000 Ac-Ft)

64 6025.38 64 85 3174 128 7 0Oct 2020* 25 50

54 6025.33 54 82 3172 128 4 0Nov 2020H 37 55

62 6024.91 62 88 3157 127 2 0Dec 2020I 24 48

62 6024.75 62 88 3151 127 2 0Jan 2021S 31 57

56 6024.59 56 79 3145 127 2 0Feb 2021T 31 52

52 6025.21 52 96 3168 127 3 0Mar 2021O 68 79

51 6025.49 51 112 3178 128 5 0Apr 2021R 72 67

95 6024.69 95 296 3149 127 8 0May 2021I 96 72

80 6023.52 80 205 3106 125 10 0Jun 2021C 148 46

65 6022.61 65 80 3073 124 12 0Jul 2021A 48 43

98 6021.02 98 111 3016 121 12 0Aug 2021L 44 50

96 6019.15 96 107 2950 119 10 0Sep 2021* 27 37

835 835 1430 77 0WY 2021 650 657

76 6017.97 76 98 2909 117 7 0Oct 2021 32 40

51 6018.01 51 73 2910 117 3 0Nov 2021 36 55

52 6017.92 52 71 2907 117 2 0Dec 2021 25 51

52 6018.29 52 77 2920 118 2 0Jan 2022 39 67

47 6018.84 47 72 2939 118 2 0Feb 2022 45 69

49 6019.57 49 105 2964 119 3 0Mar 2022 69 79

48 6019.92 48 183 2977 120 5 0Apr 2022 86 65

49 6020.41 49 376 2994 121 7 0May 2022 111 75

92 6019.28 92 218 2954 119 10 0Jun 2022 129 60

57 6018.85 57 65 2939 118 12 0Jul 2022 57 53

73 6017.66 73 77 2898 117 12 0Aug 2022 24 41

74 6016.56 74 77 2860 115 10 0Sep 2022 26 44

720 720 1491 73 0WY 2022 680 700

51 6016.34 51 65 2852 115 7 0Oct 2022 38 49

48 6016.43 48 71 2855 115 3 0Nov 2022 42 54

49 6016.39 49 74 2854 115 2 0Dec 2022 31 49

49 6016.63 49 74 2862 115 2 0Jan 2023 39 59

44 6016.97 44 70 2874 116 2 0Feb 2023 40 59

49 6017.69 49 115 2899 117 3 0Mar 2023 70 78

48 6018.61 48 212 2931 118 4 0Apr 2023 93 85

92 6019.17 92 504 2950 119 7 0May 2023 169 120

89 6019.86 89 315 2975 120 10 0Jun 2023 250 124

61 6019.57 61 80 2964 119 13 0Jul 2023 91 63

89 6018.52 89 100 2928 118 12 0Aug 2023 43 63

87 6017.49 87 94 2892 116 10 0Sep 2023 33 60

756 756 1772 73 0WY 2023 939 862

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Taylor Park Reservoir


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)Date

* Oct 2020 4 5 9308.95 68

H Nov 2020 4 5 9308.44 67

I Dec 2020 4 5 9307.73 66

S Jan 2021 4 5 9306.89 65

T Feb 2021 3 5 9305.99 64

O Mar 2021 4 5 9304.90 62

R Apr 2021 7 5 9305.94 64

I May 2021 16 10 9310.13 70

C Jun 2021 24 16 9314.87 78

A Jul 2021 11 16 9311.57 72

L Aug 2021 7 15 9306.36 64

* Sep 2021 4 10 9302.48 59

WY 2021 92 102

Oct 2021 5 5 9302.40 58

Nov 2021 4 5 9302.04 58

Dec 2021 4 5 9301.33 57

Jan 2022 4 5 9300.78 56

Feb 2022 4 4 9300.51 56

Mar 2022 5 5 9300.43 56

Apr 2022 7 4 9302.69 59

May 2022 21 9 9310.85 71

Jun 2022 19 15 9313.07 75

Jul 2022 7 18 9305.98 64

Aug 2022 6 15 9299.88 55

Sep 2022 5 12 9294.84 48

WY 2022 90 100

Oct 2022 6 6 9294.56 48

Nov 2022 4 4 9295.08 49

Dec 2022 4 4 9295.46 49

Jan 2023 4 4 9295.90 50

Feb 2023 4 3 9296.26 50

Mar 2023 4 4 9296.81 51

Apr 2023 8 4 9299.80 55

May 2023 23 9 9309.23 69

Jun 2023 28 15 9317.19 82

Jul 2023 9 18 9312.01 73

Aug 2023 7 15 9306.72 65

Sep 2023 6 12 9302.65 59

WY 2023 107 97

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Blue Mesa Reservoir


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




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(1000 Ac-Ft)Date



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(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

* Oct 2020 22 66 7463.47 389 0 66 0 20

H Nov 2020 25 18 7464.59 396 0 18 0 25

I Dec 2020 22 21 7464.73 397 0 21 0 21

S Jan 2021 23 19 7465.24 400 0 19 0 22

T Feb 2021 22 21 7465.37 401 0 21 0 20

O Mar 2021 30 32 7465.07 399 0 32 0 29

R Apr 2021 46 79 7459.68 365 1 79 0 47

I May 2021 83 98 7457.14 350 1 96 2 90

C Jun 2021 119 77 7463.84 391 1 77 0 127

A Jul 2021 58 98 7457.21 350 1 98 0 53

L Aug 2021 53 93 7450.20 310 1 93 0 45

* Sep 2021 25 94 7436.58 241 1 94 0 19

WY 2021 528 715 6 713 2 518

Oct 2021 24 61 7428.33 204 0 61 0 24

Nov 2021 23 15 7429.93 211 0 15 0 22

Dec 2021 20 16 7430.80 215 0 16 0 19

Jan 2022 23 14 7432.87 224 0 14 0 22

Feb 2022 22 12 7434.95 233 0 12 0 21

Mar 2022 32 18 7437.97 248 0 18 0 32

Apr 2022 47 42 7438.87 252 0 42 0 50

May 2022 104 49 7449.47 306 1 49 0 116

Jun 2022 82 65 7452.39 323 1 65 0 86

Jul 2022 47 83 7445.63 286 1 83 0 36

Aug 2022 39 79 7437.46 245 1 79 0 30

Sep 2022 29 74 7427.34 199 1 74 0 22

WY 2022 490 527 5 527 0 480

Oct 2022 27 70 7416.65 156 0 70 0 27

Nov 2022 26 14 7419.88 169 0 14 0 27

Dec 2022 25 14 7422.56 180 0 14 0 26

Jan 2023 24 14 7424.85 189 0 14 0 24

Feb 2023 22 13 7427.15 199 0 13 0 23

Mar 2023 34 17 7430.98 215 0 17 0 35

Apr 2023 60 40 7435.19 235 0 40 0 64

May 2023 145 74 7449.24 305 1 74 0 159

Jun 2023 151 58 7464.80 397 1 58 0 164

Jul 2023 62 82 7461.45 376 1 82 0 53

Aug 2023 50 81 7456.30 345 1 81 0 42

Sep 2023 35 75 7449.01 304 1 75 0 29

WY 2023 662 552 6 552 0 673

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Morrow Point Reservoir


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




(1000 Ac-Ft)

Blue Mesa


(1000 Ac-Ft)Date



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

67 110 7151.06 66 66 1 66 0Oct 2020* 21

20 107 7147.26 23 23 2 18 0Nov 2020H 27

24 108 7148.38 23 23 3 21 0Dec 2020I 24

21 106 7145.78 23 23 1 19 0Jan 2021S 23

22 106 7146.38 21 21 1 21 0Feb 2021T 21

33 104 7143.99 35 35 1 32 0Mar 2021O 30

81 103 7141.50 82 82 1 79 0Apr 2021R 49

102 113 7155.08 91 91 4 98 0May 2021I 93

81 109 7150.02 85 85 4 77 0Jun 2021C 132

99 111 7152.51 97 97 1 98 0Jul 2021A 54

93 110 7150.92 94 94 1 93 0Aug 2021L 46

94 111 7152.50 93 93 0 94 0Sep 2021* 19

736 734 734 21 715 0WY 2021 539

63 112 7153.73 62 62 2 61 0Oct 2021 26

16 112 7153.73 16 16 1 15 0Nov 2021 23

17 112 7153.73 17 17 1 16 0Dec 2021 20

16 112 7153.73 16 16 3 14 0Jan 2022 25

15 112 7153.73 15 15 3 12 0Feb 2022 24

21 112 7153.73 21 21 3 18 0Mar 2022 35

49 112 7153.73 49 49 7 42 0Apr 2022 57

62 112 7153.73 62 62 13 49 0May 2022 130

72 112 7153.72 72 72 7 65 0Jun 2022 93

83 112 7153.73 83 83 0 83 0Jul 2022 36

82 112 7153.73 82 82 3 79 0Aug 2022 33

76 112 7153.73 76 76 2 74 0Sep 2022 25

572 570 570 45 527 0WY 2022 525

72 112 7153.73 72 72 3 70 0Oct 2022 29

16 112 7153.73 16 16 2 14 0Nov 2022 29

16 112 7153.73 16 16 1 14 0Dec 2022 27

16 112 7153.73 16 16 2 14 0Jan 2023 26

14 112 7153.73 14 14 2 13 0Feb 2023 25

19 112 7153.73 19 19 2 17 0Mar 2023 37

49 112 7153.73 49 49 9 40 0Apr 2023 72

91 112 7153.73 91 91 17 74 0May 2023 176

66 112 7153.72 66 66 9 58 0Jun 2023 173

83 112 7153.73 83 83 1 82 0Jul 2023 54

82 112 7153.73 82 82 1 81 0Aug 2023 43

76 112 7153.73 76 76 1 75 0Sep 2023 30

601 600 600 48 552 0WY 2023 721

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Crystal Reservoir


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




(1000 Ac-Ft)



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(1000 Ac-Ft)Date



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

Below Tunnel


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(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

49 42 6751.39 67 25 16 68 66 19Oct 2020* 23 2

25 0 6751.22 25 24 16 25 23 0Nov 2020H 29 2

25 1 6751.57 26 24 17 26 23 0Dec 2020I 27 2

25 0 6748.38 25 24 16 25 23 0Jan 2021S 25 2

23 0 6748.83 23 22 16 23 21 0Feb 2021T 24 2

37 11 6748.74 37 25 16 37 35 0Mar 2021O 32 2

86 51 6752.67 87 36 17 88 82 0Apr 2021R 54 6

100 64 6753.35 100 37 17 101 91 1May 2021I 103 10

94 62 6751.32 94 33 16 94 85 0Jun 2021C 140 9

103 65 6750.41 103 41 16 103 97 0Jul 2021A 60 6

100 65 6751.69 100 38 17 100 94 0Aug 2021L 52 6

95 61 6752.92 96 36 17 96 93 0Sep 2021* 23 3

762 423 784 365 785 734 22WY 2021 591 52

56 30 6753.04 66 36 17 66 62 10Oct 2021 30 4

19 0 6753.04 19 19 17 19 16 0Nov 2021 26 3

20 0 6753.04 20 20 17 20 17 0Dec 2021 23 3

20 0 6753.04 20 20 17 20 16 0Jan 2022 29 4

18 0 6753.04 18 18 17 18 15 0Feb 2022 27 3

25 5 6753.04 25 20 17 25 21 0Mar 2022 39 4

43 42 6753.04 58 16 17 58 49 15Apr 2022 66 9

78 62 6753.04 78 16 17 78 62 0May 2022 146 16

82 61 6753.03 82 21 17 82 72 0Jun 2022 103 10

85 65 6753.04 85 20 17 85 83 0Jul 2022 38 2

85 65 6753.04 85 20 17 85 82 0Aug 2022 36 3

79 55 6753.04 79 24 17 79 76 0Sep 2022 27 3

609 385 634 249 635 570 25WY 2022 590 65

52 55 6753.04 76 21 17 76 72 24Oct 2022 33 4

19 0 6753.04 19 19 17 19 16 0Nov 2022 32 4

20 0 6753.04 20 20 17 20 16 0Dec 2022 31 4

20 0 6753.04 20 20 17 20 16 0Jan 2023 30 4

18 0 6753.04 18 18 17 18 14 0Feb 2023 28 4

25 5 6753.04 25 20 17 25 19 0Mar 2023 42 5

58 42 6753.04 58 16 17 58 49 0Apr 2023 82 10

110 62 6753.04 110 48 17 110 91 0May 2023 195 19

83 61 6753.03 83 22 17 83 66 0Jun 2023 190 17

86 65 6753.04 86 21 17 86 83 0Jul 2023 57 3

86 65 6753.04 86 21 17 86 82 0Aug 2023 48 5

80 55 6753.04 80 25 17 80 76 0Sep 2023 34 4

658 410 682 272 682 600 24WY 2023 803 82

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Vallecito Reservoir


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)Date

* Oct 2020 3 2 7620.99 30

H Nov 2020 3 0 7623.08 33

I Dec 2020 3 0 7624.62 36

S Jan 2021 3 0 7626.24 38

T Feb 2021 3 0 7627.63 41

O Mar 2021 4 0 7629.73 44

R Apr 2021 14 1 7636.28 57

I May 2021 50 30 7645.56 77

C Jun 2021 44 39 7647.63 81

A Jul 2021 19 36 7639.49 63

L Aug 2021 13 34 7628.72 43

* Sep 2021 7 26 7615.74 24

WY 2021 166 169

Oct 2021 7 16 7606.82 15

Nov 2021 5 2 7610.17 18

Dec 2021 5 2 7612.67 20

Jan 2022 6 2 7615.96 24

Feb 2022 5 2 7618.44 27

Mar 2022 6 2 7621.49 31

Apr 2022 17 2 7630.66 46

May 2022 46 21 7642.87 71

Jun 2022 22 29 7639.16 63

Jul 2022 8 28 7628.33 42

Aug 2022 10 26 7616.90 25

Sep 2022 8 21 7604.13 12

WY 2022 143 152

Oct 2022 8 12 7598.50 8

Nov 2022 7 2 7605.47 13

Dec 2022 6 2 7610.39 18

Jan 2023 6 2 7614.13 22

Feb 2023 5 2 7617.12 26

Mar 2023 8 2 7621.60 32

Apr 2023 19 2 7632.24 49

May 2023 56 28 7645.64 77

Jun 2023 40 38 7645.94 78

Jul 2023 13 37 7634.22 53

Aug 2023 12 34 7620.48 30

Sep 2023 11 27 7606.39 14

WY 2023 192 188

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Navajo Reservoir


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




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Tunnel Div

(1000 Ac-Ft)Date



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(1000 Ac-Ft)

Mod Unreg


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(1000 Ac-Ft)

6 1103 6039.09 42 42 9 1 0 6Oct 2020*

14 1094 6038.29 22 37 0 1 0 17Nov 2020H

7 1079 6036.88 22 33 0 1 0 10Dec 2020I

10 1065 6035.47 24 33 0 1 0 12Jan 2021S

11 1052 6034.25 22 32 1 1 0 13Feb 2021T

19 1042 6033.31 24 32 4 1 1 23Mar 2021O

57 1045 6033.54 32 31 20 2 13 82Apr 2021R

125 1105 6039.27 27 65 34 3 25 169May 2021I

78 1114 6040.14 21 89 44 4 18 103Jun 2021C

40 1070 6035.96 35 57 45 4 2 24Jul 2021A

24 1010 6030.18 41 48 39 3 1 5Aug 2021L

17 951 6024.10 50 49 25 2 0-2Sep 2021*

407 361 549 222 23 60 463WY 2021

27 886 6022.20 34 46 9 1 0 18Oct 2021

16 870 6020.46 31 42 0 1 0 19Nov 2021

14 853 6018.49 32 42 0 0 0 17Dec 2021

26 860 6019.32 18 31 0 0 0 30Jan 2022

25 870 6020.47 14 25 0 1 0 28Feb 2022

48 897 6023.38 17 30 3 1 3 55Mar 2022

63 921 6025.95 18 48 18 2 8 85Apr 2022

103 973 6031.41 15 106 33 3 17 145May 2022

36 916 6025.48 41 98 49 3 1 30Jun 2022

16 819 6014.55 58 75 53 3 1-4Jul 2022

-2 725 6003.10 45 63 44 2 0-19Aug 2022

8 667 5995.55 41 54 23 2 0-5Sep 2022

379 364 659 233 19 30 400WY 2022

5 635 5991.21 29 43 7 1 0 1Oct 2022

10 627 5990.08 18 33 0 1 0 15Nov 2022

20 630 5990.60 16 30 0 0 0 24Dec 2022

19 630 5990.49 20 33 0 0 0 24Jan 2023

23 637 5991.53 14 26 0 0 1 27Feb 2023

63 678 5997.06 15 33 5 1 6 75Mar 2023

80 721 6002.66 15 55 21 2 11 110Apr 2023

138 807 6013.12 15 127 35 2 24 190May 2023

90 826 6015.44 17 116 51 3 10 102Jun 2023

33 751 6006.43 49 80 56 3 0 9Jul 2023

23 683 5997.73 42 65 47 2 0 1Aug 2023

28 647 5992.84 37 57 26 2 0 13Sep 2023

533 289 697 248 17 52 590WY 2023

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Lake Powell


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)Date



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)


Ferry Gage

(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

640 10977 3591.72 640 667 4932 31 246 0Oct 2020* 92

640 10615 3587.72 640 650 4903 29 279 0Nov 2020H 261

719 10130 3582.21 719 716 4864 23 217 0Dec 2020I 168

763 9638 3576.45 763 757 4825 7 239 0Jan 2021S 198

675 9226 3571.46 675 670 4792 7 235 0Feb 2021T 201

700 8844 3566.71 700 698 4761 11 299 0Mar 2021O 297

628 8504 3562.37 628 635 4734 17 279 0Apr 2021R 289

624 8366 3560.57 624 649 4723 20 495 0May 2021I 543

651 8328 3560.06 651 663 4720 31 640 0Jun 2021C 809

767 7866 3553.88 767 764 4683 36 305 0Jul 2021A 193

801 7511 3548.96 801 785 4655 35 452 0Aug 2021L 292

622 7258 3545.36 622 626 4634 31 380 0Sep 2021* 159

8229 8229 8280 277 4064 0WY 2021 3502

480 7100 3543.08 480 490 4622 21 331 0Oct 2021 225

500 6901 3540.14 500 513 4606 20 305 0Nov 2021 285

600 6589 3535.44 600 613 4581 16 279 0Dec 2021 240

723 6136 3528.37 723 744 4545 4 238 0Jan 2022 245

639 5780 3522.59 639 657 4516 4 259 0Feb 2022 280

675 5488 3517.69 675 688 4493 7 367 0Mar 2022 433

601 5238 3513.37 601 616 4473 11 342 0Apr 2022 429

599 5338 3515.12 599 606 4481 13 720 0May 2022 929

628 5382 3515.88 628 632 4484 20 696 0Jun 2022 693

709 4907 3507.47 709 716 4446 24 220 0Jul 2022 59

758 4419 3498.33 758 776 4407 22 253 0Aug 2022 47

568 4155 3493.17 568 584 4386 20 303 0Sep 2022 134

7480 7480 7635 182 4311 0WY 2022 4000

480 4022 3490.51 480 489 4375 13 350 0Oct 2022 259

500 3887 3487.75 500 514 4365 13 367 0Nov 2022 372

0 3637 3482.53 600 613 4345 10 340 600Dec 2022 342

0 3314 3475.50 664 683 4319 2 318 664Jan 2023 321

0 3098 3470.61 587 604 4302 2 356 587Feb 2023 373

0 2963 3467.47 620 638 4291 4 478 620Mar 2023 564

0 2991 3468.13 552 569 4293 6 589 552Apr 2023 720

0 3688 3483.60 550 558 4349 8 1311 550May 2023 1589

577 4351 3497.02 577 581 4402 16 1309 0Jun 2023 1600

652 4081 3491.69 652 661 4380 20 381 0Jul 2023 286

696 3762 3485.15 696 713 4355 19 371 0Aug 2023 198

0 3606 3481.87 522 537 4342 17 372 522Sep 2023 220

2905 7000 7160 132 6539 4095WY 2023 6844

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Hoover Dam - Lake Mead


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

Side Inflow

Glen to Hoover

(1000 Ac-Ft)Date



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 CFS)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

734 10167 1081.88 730 661 11.9 43 35 640Oct 2020* 21

718 10100 1081.07 714 656 12.0 42 56 640Nov 2020H 11

500 10322 1083.72 497 671 8.1 37 59 719Dec 2020I 8

616 10510 1085.95 593 683 9.6 30 72 763Jan 2021S 11

581 10622 1087.26 574 690 10.3 28 55 675Feb 2021T 8

936 10378 1084.39 945 675 15.4 31 33 700Mar 2021O 15

1056 9953 1079.30 1057 647 17.8 38 36 628Apr 2021R 22

1077 9480 1073.50 1086 616 17.7 43 28 624May 2021I 27

945 9102 1068.77 956 592 16.1 51-14 651Jun 2021C 32

854 9014 1067.65 862 586 14.0 63 95 767Jul 2021A 31

766 9038 1067.96 766 587 12.5 67 89 801Aug 2021L 31

614 9016 1067.68 616 586 10.4 55 50 622Sep 2021* 24

9396 9396 529 593 8229WY 2021 241

569 8911 1066.34 569 579 9.3 40 47 480Oct 2021 29

705 8725 1063.94 705 567 11.8 40 63 500Nov 2021 17

465 8868 1065.79 465 576 7.6 34 64 600Dec 2021 12

531 9109 1068.85 531 592 8.6 28 104 723Jan 2022 11

563 9228 1070.36 563 600 10.1 26 87 639Feb 2022 9

909 9026 1067.81 909 587 14.8 29 64 675Mar 2022 16

991 8678 1063.33 991 564 16.7 36 72 601Apr 2022 18

961 8314 1058.55 961 540 15.6 40 36 599May 2022 21

920 7986 1054.16 920 519 15.5 48 21 628Jun 2022 30

813 7835 1052.09 813 509 13.2 59 36 709Jul 2022 35

781 7806 1051.70 781 507 12.7 62 90 758Aug 2022 36

696 7682 1049.98 696 499 11.7 51 78 568Sep 2022 32

8903 8903 493 760 7480WY 2022 266

543 7603 1048.90 543 494 8.8 37 43 480Oct 2022 27

662 7467 1046.99 662 485 11.1 36 69 500Nov 2022 16

555 7529 1047.86 555 489 9.0 31 64 600Dec 2022 11

538 7702 1050.26 538 501 8.7 26 95 664Jan 2023 12

558 7776 1051.29 558 505 10.0 24 83 587Feb 2023 9

905 7549 1048.14 905 491 14.7 27 86 620Mar 2023 16

989 7170 1042.77 989 466 16.6 33 83 552Apr 2023 18

964 6765 1036.88 964 440 15.7 36 41 550May 2023 22

932 6382 1031.16 932 415 15.7 43 20 577Jun 2023 31

829 6174 1027.99 829 401 13.5 52 43 652Jul 2023 35

799 6071 1026.40 799 395 13.0 55 84 696Aug 2023 36

703 5895 1023.65 703 383 11.8 45 71 522Sep 2023 32

8975 8975 445 783 7000WY 2023 265

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Davis Dam - Lake Mohave


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)Date



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 CFS)

11.8 1503 635.65 725 0 725 15-12 730Oct 2020*

9.4 1613 639.83 560 0 560 11-34 714Nov 2020H

8.3 1586 638.82 509 0 509 9-6 497Dec 2020I

7.7 1691 642.71 474 0 475 10-3 593Jan 2021S

9.9 1688 642.63 550 0 550 10-17 574Feb 2021T

15.0 1690 642.69 920 0 920 13-10 945Mar 2021O

17.3 1682 642.37 1028 0 1028 17-21 1057Apr 2021R

17.2 1680 642.32 1055 0 1055 22-10 1086May 2021I

15.1 1708 643.33 901 0 901 25-2 956Jun 2021C

13.5 1707 643.31 831 0 831 25-6 862Jul 2021A

11.9 1713 643.54 731 0 731 23-6 766Aug 2021L

12.7 1565 638.04 756 0 756 18 10 616Sep 2021*

9040 0 9040 198-118 9396WY 2021

10.6 1460 634.00 649 0 649 15-11 569Oct 2021

9.5 1564 638.00 567 0 567 10-23 705Nov 2021

6.6 1604 639.51 405 0 405 9-11 465Dec 2021

7.2 1666 641.80 443 0 443 10-17 531Jan 2022

9.8 1666 641.80 544 0 544 10-9 563Feb 2022

13.9 1700 643.05 855 0 855 13-7 909Mar 2022

16.3 1699 643.00 968 0 968 17-8 991Apr 2022

15.1 1699 643.00 930 0 930 22-8 961May 2022

14.8 1699 643.00 881 0 881 25-13 920Jun 2022

13.1 1671 642.00 805 0 805 25-10 813Jul 2022

12.1 1671 642.00 747 0 747 23-11 781Aug 2022

12.1 1617 640.01 720 0 720 18-11 696Sep 2022

8514 0 8514 197-138 8903WY 2022

11.4 1434 633.00 700 0 700 15-11 543Oct 2022

9.7 1486 635.00 577 0 577 10-23 662Nov 2022

6.8 1604 639.51 417 0 417 9-11 555Dec 2022

7.3 1666 641.80 449 0 449 10-17 538Jan 2023

9.7 1666 641.80 539 0 539 10-9 558Feb 2023

13.8 1700 643.05 851 0 851 13-7 905Mar 2023

16.2 1699 643.00 965 0 965 17-8 989Apr 2023

15.2 1699 643.00 934 0 934 22-8 964May 2023

15.0 1699 643.00 893 0 893 25-13 932Jun 2023

13.4 1671 642.00 821 0 821 25-10 829Jul 2023

12.4 1671 642.00 765 0 765 23-11 799Aug 2023

12.2 1617 640.01 727 0 727 18-11 703Sep 2023

8639 0 8639 197-138 8975WY 2023

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Parker Dam - Lake Havasu


Reservoir Elev

End of Month




(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)Date



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

Flow To


(1000 CFS)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

Flow To


(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 CFS)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

7.3 66 447.77 448 1.1 576 164 12 94Oct 2020* 725 21

6.0 92 447.50 357 1.5 571 123 9 92Nov 2020H 560 20

4.7 90 446.46 286 1.5 551 145 7 95Dec 2020I 509 9

4.2 122 447.88 256 2.0 578 124 6 70Jan 2021S 474 13

7.7 124 447.56 430 2.2 572 111 8 0Feb 2021T 550 -2

10.8 179 447.28 663 2.9 566 149 9 99Mar 2021O 920 1

12.2 167 448.04 728 2.8 581 163 11 102Apr 2021R 1028 0

12.1 145 448.51 746 2.4 590 168 13 107May 2021I 1055 -2

11.9 151 448.55 706 2.5 591 87 15 103Jun 2021C 901 21

10.9 147 448.23 669 2.4 585 51 17 106Jul 2021A 831 15

9.5 121 447.51 586 2.0 571 48 17 100Aug 2021L 731 16

8.7 112 448.49 516 1.9 590 106 15 97Sep 2021* 756 6

1515 6393 1441 140 1065WY 2021 9040 117

7.2 64 447.50 442 1.0 571 130 12 99Oct 2021 649 21

5.9 91 447.50 348 1.5 570 129 9 95Nov 2021 567 18

3.9 90 446.50 243 1.5 552 92 7 98Dec 2021 405 20

4.9 138 446.50 302 2.2 552 41 6 106Jan 2022 443 17

7.2 124 446.50 397 2.2 552 113 8 27Feb 2022 544 7

10.0 147 446.70 613 2.4 555 121 9 106Mar 2022 855 7

11.8 147 448.70 700 2.5 593 117 11 103Apr 2022 968 11

11.1 110 448.70 682 1.8 593 126 13 106May 2022 930 9

11.6 116 448.70 688 2.0 593 68 16 103Jun 2022 881 6

10.8 123 448.00 663 2.0 580 35 17 106Jul 2022 805 15

9.8 101 447.50 602 1.6 571 35 17 106Aug 2022 747 15

8.6 99 447.50 510 1.7 570 95 15 103Sep 2022 720 14

1351 6190 1102 139 1158WY 2022 8514 161

7.8 89 447.50 480 1.4 571 117 12 106Oct 2022 700 21

6.1 115 447.50 364 1.9 571 114 9 103Nov 2022 577 18

4.2 110 446.50 257 1.8 552 82 7 106Dec 2022 417 20

5.0 136 446.50 308 2.2 552 41 6 106Jan 2023 449 17

7.2 122 446.50 399 2.2 552 107 8 26Feb 2023 539 7

10.0 145 446.70 616 2.4 555 114 9 106Mar 2023 851 7

11.8 144 448.70 704 2.4 593 111 11 103Apr 2023 965 11

11.3 108 448.70 692 1.8 593 119 13 106May 2023 934 9

11.8 114 448.70 702 1.9 593 66 16 103Jun 2023 893 6

11.0 120 448.00 678 2.0 580 36 17 106Jul 2023 821 15

10.1 100 447.50 618 1.6 571 36 17 106Aug 2023 765 15

8.8 97 447.50 522 1.6 570 91 15 103Sep 2023 727 14

1400 6340 1033 139 1181WY 2023 8639 161

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Hoover Dam - Lake Mead


Reservoir Elev

End of Month



Gross Energy



Static Head




(1000 CFS)Date

Percent of


Available KWH/AF

Change In


(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

Hoover Gen



1154.0 10167 1081.88 390.2 284.7-111 74 11.9 730Oct 2020* 439.76

1303.0 10100 1081.07 385.6 275.5-68 85 12.0 714Nov 2020H 437.77

1266.0 10322 1083.72 384.9 191.3 222 81 8.0 497Dec 2020I 442.26

1191.0 10510 1085.95 393.3 233.1 189 74 9.6 593Jan 2021S 440.07

1080.0 10622 1087.26 392.4 225.4 112 67 10.3 574Feb 2021T 440.33

1109.0 10378 1084.39 398.0 376.2-244 70 15.4 945Mar 2021O 437.56

1086.9 9953 1079.30 393.2 415.5-425 70 17.8 1057Apr 2021R 427.23

1042.9 9480 1073.50 399.5 433.7-473 69 17.7 1086May 2021I 423.99

1451.0 9102 1068.77 383.7 366.8-378 100 16.1 956Jun 2021C 419.04

1417.0 9014 1067.65 375.3 323.4-88 100 14.0 862Jul 2021A 421.16

1322.1 9038 1067.96 373.4 286.1 24 93 12.5 766Aug 2021L 421.53

1228.0 9016 1067.68 376.5 232.0-22 87 10.4 616Sep 2021* 425.37

3643.8 9396WY 2021

1228.0 8911 1066.34 370.8 211.1-105 87 9.3 569Oct 2021 419.28

1246.0 8725 1063.94 374.3 263.8-187 89 11.8 705Nov 2021 417.52

949.4 8868 1065.79 374.7 174.2 144 67 7.6 465Dec 2021 417.78

968.0 9109 1068.85 369.8 196.4 241 68 8.6 531Jan 2022 418.93

882.2 9228 1070.36 381.2 214.6 120 61 10.1 563Feb 2022 421.18

963.9 9026 1067.81 383.7 348.7-202 67 14.8 909Mar 2022 419.55

1222.1 8678 1063.33 372.0 368.7-349 88 16.7 991Apr 2022 413.51

1111.9 8314 1058.55 372.3 357.7-364 82 15.6 961May 2022 409.52

1067.6 7986 1054.16 367.7 338.2-327 81 15.5 920Jun 2022 405.08

1298.8 7835 1052.09 361.0 293.5-152 100 13.2 813Jul 2022 400.24

1295.4 7806 1051.70 358.7 280.0-29 100 12.7 781Aug 2022 399.35

1280.9 7682 1049.98 355.3 247.2-124 100 11.7 696Sep 2022 398.95

3294.1 8903WY 2022

1271.6 7603 1048.90 350.8 190.5-78 100 8.8 543Oct 2022 399.84

927.1 7467 1046.99 360.9 238.8-137 74 11.1 662Nov 2022 403.36

1089.9 7529 1047.86 352.5 195.8 62 86 9.0 555Dec 2022 399.42

1114.0 7702 1050.26 350.5 188.5 173 87 8.7 538Jan 2023 398.78

1117.8 7776 1051.29 357.0 199.1 75 87 10.0 558Feb 2023 399.77

851.4 7549 1048.14 364.4 329.7-227 67 14.7 905Mar 2023 400.31

1069.0 7170 1042.77 351.8 347.7-379 88 16.6 989Apr 2023 393.58

960.6 6765 1036.88 350.7 338.1-405 82 15.7 964May 2023 388.59

909.0 6382 1031.16 344.6 321.1-383 81 15.7 932Jun 2023 382.94

1093.9 6174 1027.99 337.1 279.5-208 100 13.5 829Jul 2023 376.94

1080.4 6071 1026.40 333.8 266.6-103 100 13.0 799Aug 2023 374.91

1057.1 5895 1023.65 329.5 231.6-176 100 11.8 703Sep 2023 373.42

3126.9 8975WY 2023

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Davis Dam - Lake Mohave


Reservoir Elev

End of Month



Gross Energy



Static Head




(1000 CFS)Date

Percent of


Available KWH/AF

Change In


(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

Davis Gen



215.5 1503 125.5 91.1-22 85 11.8 725Oct 2020* 134.17 635.65

168.3 1613 121.2 67.8 110 66 9.4 560Nov 2020H 140.14 639.83

153.0 1586 128.2 65.2-27 60 8.3 509Dec 2020I 135.77 638.82

156.3 1691 117.7 55.9 105 61 7.7 475Jan 2021S 143.89 642.71

156.5 1688 129.2 71.1-2 61 9.9 550Feb 2021T 141.55 642.63

161.2 1690 128.0 117.8 2 63 15.0 920Mar 2021O 138.82 642.69

253.3 1682 126.6 130.1-9 99 17.3 1028Apr 2021R 138.42 642.37

255.0 1680 126.2 133.2-2 100 17.2 1055May 2021I 139.64 642.32

255.0 1708 127.0 114.4 28 100 15.1 901Jun 2021C 141.86 643.33

253.3 1707 127.8 106.2-1 99 13.5 831Jul 2021A 139.09 643.31

255.0 1713 128.2 93.7 6 100 11.9 731Aug 2021L 144.21 643.54

255.0 1565 125.8 95.1-148 100 12.7 756Sep 2021* 136.46 638.04

1141.6 9040WY 2021

212.2 1460 120.7 78.3-105 83 10.6 649Oct 2021 133.94 634.00

164.9 1564 121.0 68.7 104 65 9.5 567Nov 2021 134.34 638.00

187.6 1604 124.7 50.5 40 74 6.6 405Dec 2021 138.40 639.51

159.6 1666 126.1 55.9 62 63 7.2 443Jan 2022 140.01 641.80

176.7 1666 126.2 68.6 0 69 9.8 544Feb 2022 140.03 641.80

255.0 1700 125.3 107.1 34 100 13.9 855Mar 2022 139.07 643.05

255.0 1699 125.1 121.1-2 100 16.3 968Apr 2022 138.85 643.00

255.0 1699 125.4 116.7 0 100 15.1 930May 2022 139.21 643.00

255.0 1699 125.5 110.6 0 100 14.8 881Jun 2022 139.32 643.00

255.0 1671 125.6 101.1-27 100 13.1 805Jul 2022 139.43 642.00

255.0 1671 125.5 93.7 0 100 12.1 747Aug 2022 139.29 642.00

255.0 1617 124.6 89.7-54 100 12.1 720Sep 2022 138.31 640.01

1062.0 8514WY 2022

227.0 1434 120.8 84.6-183 89 11.4 700Oct 2022 134.09 633.00

159.8 1486 119.2 68.8 51 63 9.7 577Nov 2022 132.26 635.00

154.7 1604 123.2 51.4 118 61 6.8 417Dec 2022 136.80 639.51

156.3 1666 126.1 56.7 62 61 7.3 449Jan 2023 139.97 641.80

156.6 1666 126.2 68.0 0 61 9.7 539Feb 2023 140.07 641.80

194.1 1700 125.3 106.6 34 76 13.8 851Mar 2023 139.09 643.05

249.9 1699 125.1 120.8-2 98 16.2 965Apr 2023 138.86 643.00

255.0 1699 125.4 117.1 0 100 15.2 934May 2023 139.19 643.00

255.0 1699 125.5 112.1 0 100 15.0 893Jun 2023 139.25 643.00

255.0 1671 125.5 103.1-27 100 13.4 821Jul 2023 139.34 642.00

255.0 1671 125.4 95.9 0 100 12.4 765Aug 2023 139.18 642.00

255.0 1617 124.6 90.6-54 100 12.2 727Sep 2023 138.26 640.01

1075.5 8639WY 2023

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Parker Dam - Lake Havasu


Reservoir Elev

End of Month



Gross Energy



Static Head




(1000 CFS)Date

Percent of


Available KWH/AF

Change In


(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)



(1000 Ac-Ft)

Parker Gen



90.0 576 447.77 71.8 32.2 22 75 7.3 448Oct 2020* 81.85

90.0 571 447.50 66.9 23.9-5 75 6.0 357Nov 2020H 81.16

118.1 551 446.46 68.9 19.7-19 98 4.7 286Dec 2020I 80.52

97.7 578 447.88 62.9 16.1 26 81 4.2 256Jan 2021S 82.16

97.2 572 447.56 69.3 29.8-6 81 7.7 430Feb 2021T 79.82

120.0 566 447.28 69.7 46.2-5 100 10.8 663Mar 2021O 79.45

120.0 581 448.04 68.9 50.2 14 100 12.2 728Apr 2021R 79.77

120.0 590 448.51 69.7 52.0 9 100 12.1 746May 2021I 80.39

120.0 591 448.55 69.9 49.4 1 100 11.9 706Jun 2021C 82.07

120.0 585 448.23 69.6 46.6-6 100 10.9 669Jul 2021A 80.10

120.0 571 447.51 69.4 40.7-14 100 9.5 586Aug 2021L 79.33

120.0 590 448.49 69.2 35.7 19 100 8.7 516Sep 2021* 80.37

442.4 6393WY 2021

94.8 571 447.50 65.9 29.1-19 79 7.2 442Oct 2021 76.53

90.0 570 447.50 65.0 22.6 0 75 5.9 348Nov 2021 76.29

110.3 552 446.50 62.1 15.1-19 92 3.9 243Dec 2021 74.82

93.9 552 446.50 63.5 19.1 0 78 4.9 302Jan 2022 75.12

93.2 552 446.50 64.9 25.8 0 78 7.2 397Feb 2022 75.15

120.0 555 446.70 64.7 39.7 4 100 10.0 613Mar 2022 74.01

120.0 593 448.70 65.8 46.1 38 100 11.8 700Apr 2022 75.08

120.0 593 448.70 66.4 45.3 0 100 11.1 682May 2022 76.05

120.0 593 448.70 66.5 45.7 0 100 11.6 688Jun 2022 76.05

120.0 580 448.00 66.1 43.8-13 100 10.8 663Jul 2022 75.71

120.0 571 447.50 65.5 39.4-10 100 9.8 602Aug 2022 75.13

120.0 570 447.50 65.0 33.2 0 100 8.6 510Sep 2022 74.89

404.9 6190WY 2022

93.9 571 447.50 65.8 31.6 0 78 7.8 480Oct 2022 76.09

90.0 571 447.50 65.2 23.7 0 75 6.1 364Nov 2022 76.29

111.3 552 446.50 62.4 16.0-19 93 4.2 257Dec 2022 74.77

93.9 552 446.50 63.6 19.6 0 78 5.0 308Jan 2023 75.12

94.3 552 446.50 64.9 25.9 0 79 7.2 399Feb 2023 75.10

120.0 555 446.70 64.7 39.8 4 100 10.0 616Mar 2023 74.01

120.0 593 448.70 65.8 46.3 38 100 11.8 704Apr 2023 75.08

120.0 593 448.70 66.5 46.0 0 100 11.3 692May 2023 76.05

120.0 593 448.70 66.5 46.7 0 100 11.8 702Jun 2023 76.05

120.0 580 448.00 66.2 44.8-13 100 11.0 678Jul 2023 75.71

120.0 571 447.50 65.5 40.5-10 100 10.1 618Aug 2023 75.13

120.0 570 447.50 65.0 33.9 0 100 8.8 522Sep 2023 74.89

415.0 6340WY 2023

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Upper Basin Power




1000 MWHR



1000 MWHR



1000 MWHRDate



1000 MWHR



1000 MWHR



1000 MWHR

277 9 0 24 18 22Oct 2020*

275 3 1 20 5 7Nov 2020H

304 3 3 24 5 7Dec 2020I

319 3 3 24 5 6Jan 2021S

278 2 3 21 5 6Feb 2021T

285 6 3 20 8 11Mar 2021O

1738 25 14 132 46 60Winter 2021

254 17 3 19 20 28Apr 2021R

249 20 3 36 24 32May 2021I

260 19 3 30 20 30Jun 2021C

303 20 3 24 27 34Jul 2021A

310 20 3 37 25 34Aug 2021L

238 19 2 36 24 33Sep 2021*

1614 114 17 182 140 190Summer 2021

177 10 2 25 15 22Oct 2021

183 3 3 17 4 6Nov 2021

218 3 3 17 4 6Dec 2021

258 3 3 17 3 6Jan 2022

226 3 3 16 3 5Feb 2022

234 4 2 16 4 7Mar 2022

1296 27 17 109 33 53Winter 2022

206 7 2 16 11 18Apr 2022

205 14 2 16 12 22May 2022

215 14 2 31 17 26Jun 2022

240 15 3 19 21 30Jul 2022

251 15 3 24 20 29Aug 2022

185 14 3 24 18 27Sep 2022

1302 78 14 130 100 152Summer 2022

155 9 3 17 16 26Oct 2022

161 3 3 16 3 6Nov 2022

0 3 3 16 3 6Dec 2022

0 3 3 16 3 6Jan 2023

0 3 2 15 3 5Feb 2023

0 4 3 16 4 7Mar 2023

316 27 17 96 34 55Winter 2023

0 10 3 16 10 18Apr 2023

0 19 4 31 19 33May 2023

186 14 5 30 15 24Jun 2023

210 15 5 20 22 30Jul 2023

223 15 5 30 22 29Aug 2023

0 14 4 29 20 28Sep 2023

619 73 22 126 88 133Summer 2023

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM

Minimum Probable Inflow*

October 2021 24-Month Study

Flood Control Criteria - Beginning of Month Conditions













Upper Basin



















Tot or Max








BOM Space




Sched Rel



FC Rel





* * * * P R E D I C T E D S P A C E * * * * * * * * C R E D I T A B L E S P A C E * * * *

908 588 798 17064 19358 18604 37962 908 588 798 2294 17064 18604 37962 3040 569 0 22.5Oct 2021

958 626 815 17222 19621 18709 38330 958 626 815 2399 17222 18709 38330 3810 705 0 22.1Nov 2021

977 619 831 17421 19848 18895 38743 977 619 831 2427 17421 18895 38743 4580 465 0 22.0Dec 2021

1,006 615 849 17733 20203 18752 38955 1006 615 849 2470 17733 18752 38955 5350 531 0 21.8Jan 2022

* * * * E F F E C T I V E S P A C E * * * *

1,006 615 849 17733 20203 18752 38955 143 82 135 359 17733 18752 36844 5350 531 0 21.8Jan 2022

1,022 606 841 18186 20655 18511 39166 156 73 127 356 18186 18511 37053 1500 563 0 21.6Feb 2022

1,027 596 831 18542 20996 18392 39388 158 64 116 338 18542 18392 37271 1500 909 0 21.2Mar 2022

1,012 582 804 18834 21232 18594 39825 138 49 86 273 18834 18594 37700 1500 991 0 20.7Apr 2022

979 578 780 19084 21421 18942 40363 99 41 42 182 19084 18942 38209 1500 961 0 20.6May 2022

926 523 728 18984 21161 19306 40467 37 -26 -46 -35 18984 19306 38255 1500 920 0 20.3Jun 2022

899 507 785 18940 21131 19634 40764 1 -47 -42 -88 18940 19634 38485 1500 813 0 19.5Jul 2022

* * * * C R E D I T A B L E S P A C E * * * *

913 544 883 19415 21754 19785 41539 913 544 883 2339 19415 19785 41539 1500 781 0 18.7Aug 2022

974 584 976 19903 22438 19814 42252 974 584 976 2535 19903 19814 42252 2270 696 0 18.1Sep 2022

1,032 630 1,034 20167 22863 19938 42802 1032 630 1034 2696 20167 19938 42802 3040 543 0 17.6Oct 2022

1,051 673 1,067 20300 23091 20017 43107 1051 673 1067 2791 20300 20017 43107 3810 662 0 17.4Nov 2022

1,061 661 1,075 20435 23231 20153 43385 1061 661 1075 2796 20435 20153 43385 4580 555 0 17.3Dec 2022

1,081 650 1,071 20685 23487 20091 43578 1081 650 1071 2802 20685 20091 43578 5350 538 0 17.2Jan 2023

* * * * E F F E C T I V E S P A C E * * * *

1,081 650 1,071 20685 23487 20091 43578 320 224 301 844 20685 20091 41620 5350 538 0 17.2Jan 2023

1,094 641 1,072 21008 23814 19918 43733 330 214 301 845 21008 19918 41771 1500 558 0 17.1Feb 2023

1,101 631 1,064 21224 24021 19844 43864 334 204 293 831 21224 19844 41899 1500 905 0 16.9Mar 2023

1,085 614 1,023 21359 24082 20071 44152 314 186 245 745 21359 20071 42175 1500 989 0 16.6Apr 2023

1,046 595 980 21331 23952 20450 44402 269 163 180 611 21331 20450 42393 1500 964 0 17.2May 2023

978 524 895 20634 23031 20855 43886 191 77 57 326 20634 20855 41815 1500 932 0 17.7Jun 2023

829 432 875 19971 22108 21238 43346 30 -29 -16 -15 19971 21238 41194 1500 829 0 17.1Jul 2023

* * * * C R E D I T A B L E S P A C E * * * *

814 453 950 20241 22459 21446 43905 814 453 950 2218 20241 21446 43905 1500 799 0 16.5Aug 2023

873 484 1,018 20560 22935 21549 44485 873 484 1018 2375 20560 21549 44485 2270 703 0 16.0Sep 2023

* Based on the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center's Minimum Probable Water Supply Forecast Model Run ID: 3165 Processed On: 10/12/2021 4:01:02PM