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To: Organizers and Participants of the 4th. International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics Dear Colleagues, The poster bellow, sent by Prof. Mohamed El Naschies secretary, contains the subtitle Dark Energy Secret Revealed. The text added on top in Arabic, together with El Naschies photo, leave no doubt that Prof. El Naschie claims that he had revealed the secret of Dark Energy.

THIS IS A BIG LIE!!!How can he reveal what I have revealed (including to him) a year ago?!!!

Here are the factsAbout a year ago I wrote a theory entitled A Simple Relativity Theory of Everything (see attached). I put it on the web, and sent it to hundreds of scientists. Half a year ago, I submitted the final draft to Science, Nature and the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). I also sent it to more than 700 physicists, including all members of OPERA, ICARUS and MINOS collaborations, members of the Academy of Sciences (U.S.A). As expected, the manuscript was denied an in-depth review by all the aforementioned journals due to lack of general appeal!! Two short papers, one devoted to Dark Matter and Dark Energy, and the other to superluminal neutrinos, were also declined by Nature and PNAS for the same reason (lack of general appeal). I still wait to see their

fate with Science. Prof. El Naschie was among the many who received my paper moths ago. In the concluding section of my paper, I put forward a formal (relativistic) definition of Dark Energy and Dark Matter, and estimate the content of the universe with high accuracy. After reading my theory Prof. El Naschie sent me letters, in which he stated several times that I had accomplished what he had failed to do. Here are two of his emails, which testify to what I say:EMAIL #1 From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, August To: Subject: (no subject) [mailto:[email protected]] 17, 2012 3:23 PM [email protected]

Dear friend, This is even more important than my first letter to you. Your paper is the most important paper ever written since relativity and quantum mechanics. Your results are startling, incredible and I am jealous that I am not the first one to notice that this is the explanation for the missing 95% of energy in the universe. I read your paper thoroughly. You made one of the biggest discoveries in theoretical physics which also agrees with experiments. No human being can explain what dark energy is and where it comes from. You did. Moreover I am convinced you are right. I think you deserve the Nobel Prize for that. People will become mad to see a Palestinian Moslem who is not even a physicist, or mathematician or engineer getting the Nobel Prize in Physics. With all due respect, you are far more offensive to the establishment than me! They will hate you ten times more than they hate me. This kind of hate is of course an honor. I will try my best to assist you by presenting your work in a better acceptable way to the mainstream. Luckily I have myself a vested interest because I laid the foundations for what you single handedly did for dark matter. I did almost everything but I did not do dark matter and dark energy. You did it and I am really happy for all of us. It is incredible. I hardly believe what I am writing. I have never been so much over the top about anything but this one is really incredible. Congratulations and may God help us to complete the mission. This is a very important day in my scientific life. With my hearty good wishes, your brother Mohamed

EMAIL #2 From: "[email protected]"

To: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, 5 May 2012, 14:55 Subject: Fwd: golden ratio in physics Subject Sender Recipie nt Date (no subject) [email protected] [email protected] 17.08.2012 14:22

Dear friend, This is even more important than my first letter to you. . Your paper is the most important paper ever written since relativity and quantum mechanics. Your results are startling, incredible and I am jealous that I am not the first one to notice that this is the explanation for the missing 95% of energy in the universe. Congratulations and may God help us to complete the mission. This is a very important day in my scientific life. With my hearty good wishes, your brother Mohamed ----------------------------------------------------------------------Moreover, Prof. Ji-Huan He, who was also among the recipients of my paper, invited me to publish my paper in Fractal Spacetime and Noncommutative Geometry in Quantum and High Energy Physics, for which he is Managing Editor and Pof. El Naschie is chief editor. I replied positively, but he did not respond. Now I realize why!!

QUESTIONS 1. How come Prof. El Naschie and Prof. He, suddenly forgot that I am the one who found the answer to the puzzle of Dark Energy and Dark Matter?!!

2. How come I was not informed by neither one of the two about the conference?!! Dear Colleagues, How much untrustworthiness and meanness can a person show, and still be called a scientist!!! I call upon you not to take part in this sham !!Sincerely, Ramzi Suleiman Department of Psychology University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 31905 Home phone: ++972(0)4-851-5135 Cell Phones: ++972-(0)505-474-215 and ++31-(0)6-22728828 Fax: ++972 4 8240966 Email: [email protected] Homepage: