Download - TN Firearms Association Charity Issue Press Release

  • For Immediate Release

    DATE: 8/19/14

    Contact: [email protected]

    Aempts made to inspect records of polical opponents

    Nashville, TN - The Tennessee Charitable Solicita$ons Division is a&emp$ng to reclassify poli$cal

    advocacy organiza$ons as "chari$es" which would allow increased oversight into the opera$ons of

    these organiza$ons. It might also might be a pretext to obtain increased oversight and perhaps

    even for the basis to claim the authority to inspect the books of organiza$ons cri$cal of Governor

    Haslam and the state legislature. The Tennessee Charitable Solicita$ons Divisions issued a specic

    wri&en demand in July that the Tennessee Firearms Associa$on register as a "charity" even though

    the TFA does not act as a charity nor is it recognized as a 501(c)(3) charity by the IRS.

    "This is nothing more than a thinly veiled a&empt to muzzle poli$cal opposi$on." pointed out John

    Harris, Execu$ve Director of the Tennessee Firearms Associa$on. "If they can do this to the TFA,

    then they can do it to any other grassroots group. Who will be next?"

    In a tac$c similar to the recent federal IRS a&acks on tea party groups, the Charitable Solicita$ons

    Division arbitrarily set a deadline of August 1 for the TFA to register as a "charity." The $ming of this

    is in line with the primary elec$on cycle where the TFA and the aliated TFA Legisla$ve Ac$on

    Commi&ee played heavily in mul$ple state legisla$ve elec$ons.

    "This is clearly a case of poli$cal retribu$on for targe$ng establishment poli$cians in the recent

    elec$on cycle" Harris con$nued.

    The Tennessee Firearms Associa$on is a 501(c)4 organiza$on under federal regula$ons and is not

    classied as a charitable organiza$on by the IRS.



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