Download - TMX Dividend Policy

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    Chris Royle (R) (209716754)Gavin Yi (R) (209641788)Tang Vu (S) (209658493)

    Alexandru Zaharia (R) (209601691)

    FINE 3100

    To: Professor K. Chiykowski

    24 March 2011

    TMX Group Dividend Policy

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy




    Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

    The Security Exchange Industry........................................................................................................................................ 5

    Operating Strategies of TMX Group (as compared to NYSE Euronext and NASDAQ OMX Group) ....... 6

    Growth Strategies of TMX Group (as compared to NYSE Euronext and NASDAQ OMX Group) ............ 7

    Industry Trends in Dividend & Share Repurchase Policies ................................................................................... 7Key Factors Affecting Dividend Policies......................................................................................................................... 9

    Recommendation ................................................................................................................................................................... 11

    Works Cited .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy



    Executive Summary

    TMX Group is a multi-asset class exchange group operating the issuance, trading and

    clearing of various Canadian asset markets, and providing market data internationally. The

    industry is highly regulated and improvements in trading technologies make it increasingly

    competitive. TMX is primarily focused on Canadian markets over which it holds a first mover

    advantage. However, changes in regulations, technological developments and the recent trend

    towards globalization in the security exchange industry have led to intense price competition

    and decreased market share of TMX. As the industry matures, firms have exploited M&A activity

    in an attempt to increase revenues through cost savings and synergies. Furthermore, a desire

    to expand geographically to emerging markets has caused a wave of consolidation across

    international borders. Given the high competition it is faced with, TMX plans to continue

    providing innovative trading platforms and products while at the same time pursuing a growth

    strategy based upon horizontal, vertical, and international expansion and diversification through

    M&A activity.

    Dividend policy, share repurchase, and capital expenditure practices vary across the

    industry. TMX has the second highest 12-month dividend yield (4.11%); however, its CAGR

    (9.13%) is the lowest compared to its competitors. Many competitors have constant dividend

    payout policy, keeping little cash on hand and using credit facilities to finance the payout. Share

    repurchase policy also varies, although it is most common for firms to buy back 2-5% of

    outstanding shares in recent years. TMX finances share repurchases and dividends through

    short-term loans or cash on hand. However, its current credit availability is low and it lacks cash

    compared to its peers. Under current conditions, TMX is unlikely to create value for its

    shareholders through stock splits. TMX enjoys a minimal positive revenue growth despite the

    negative trend in the industry allowing the company to invest more than the industry norm. This

    explains why TMXs dividend growthhas lagged behind the industrys 5-year CAGR, yet its 12

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    month dividend yield is the highest among its peers. High presence of institutional ownership in

    the industry and the mature industry stage has led to high constant payout ratio, especially with

    excess cash on the balance sheet. However, TMX and NYSE are the only firms with residual

    dividend policy.

    Based on the investors profiles of TMX, which include largely institutional investors

    (76.29%) with low ownership turnover, it is recommended that TMX meets their needs by

    growing the dividend towards the industry average of 13.29%. However, TMXs lack of long-

    term debt, lower than average receivable turnover ratio, and thus low cash balances available

    inhibit dividend growth. Hence, it is recommended to increase the current dividend of $1.52 to

    $2 dividend per share in 2011. This would also signal managements confidence in its ability to

    meet this level of dividend in the future. This approach provides a middle ground between the

    TMXs capital expenditure needs and value investors preference for dividends. Finally, to allow

    investors to manage future expectations, we recommend continuing with the share repurchase

    program at the current level.

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    The Security Exchange Industry

    TMX Group operates in the highly regulated North American security exchange industry,

    in which revenues are driven by the volumes of assets traded, the number and market

    capitalization of issuers, and the number of subscribers to market data.1

    Technology has caused increased industry competition due to new trading mechanisms such as

    Alternative Trading Systems (ATS) and Electronic Communication Networks.2 ATS gained

    regulatory approval in 2001 and are subject to less oversight and thus more responsive to

    competitive pressures.3 Many of these run without profit motives or offer cheaper trading rates

    due to technological efficiency gains and have caused intense price competition and taken

    market share from traditional exchanges.4 For example, in December 2009 TMX traded only

    73% of Canadian volume compared to its virtual monopoly of 96% in December 2008.5

    A consolidation wave is taking place within the market as individual national exchanges attempt

    to seek opportunities internationally and attempt to offset losses from price competition with

    ATS through increased market share.6 With largely fixed cost bases, security exchange firms

    realize revenue gains from M&A through increases in volume as well as cost efficiencies due to

    the sharing of a single technology platform for example.7 These consolidated companies hope

    to better compete for listings in emerging markets, while offering a broader range of financial

    services and investment destinations to investors.8

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    Operating Strategies of TMX Group

    (as compared to NYSE Euronext and NASDAQ OMX Group)

    Similar to its competitors, TMX is primarily involved in the trading of various asset

    classes. In particular it provides electronic trading venues for the trading execution and

    settlement of transactions, clearing and issuance of cash, derivatives, and energy securities,

    and also produces market information services (Appendix 2&3).9 Within the IT segment, NYSE

    provides a more differentiated and value-added service than TMX by operating sellside and

    buyside connectivity networks, providing trading & IT software solutions to the customers.10

    NASDAQ is best known for providing premier electronic trading platforms for equities,

    derivatives and commodities, which support the operations of over 70 exchanges, clearing

    organizations and central securities depositories in more than 50 countries. TMX has also

    developed trading platforms, however to a more limited degree; its SOLA electronic trading

    platform for derivative trading for example, is used only by a few European exchanges.11 In its

    cash markets, TMX operates both a junior market, the TSX Venture Exchange, and a senior

    market, the TSX, to which many small-cap Venture Exchange companies graduate. Its

    competitors deal more with senior markets. TMX primarily operates in Canada, with a portfolio

    of listings that is highly based in SME and natural resource companies (Appendix 3.1), while its

    competitors are significantly more diversified, both in listings and in geographic operations

    across the US and Europe. The international nature of its competitors, such as NYSEs position

    as the first integrated cross-border exchange, is a source of competitiveness over TMX. TMX

    Group is also significantly smaller than the NYSE and NASDAQ, both in revenues and market

    capitalization (Appendix 2). However, in recent years, TMX has focused on increasing its

    geographic diversification, cross- listing with Brazils BOVESPA since 2006, listing American

    companies since 2007, and signing Memorandums of Understanding with the Oslo Bors and Tel

    Aviv Stock Exchange in 2010 that will explore dual listings.12 In 2011, it will introduce TMX

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    Select, a new system that will operate on its TMX Quantum trading platform and help it compete

    internationally due to expanded trading hours. Please refer to Appendix 1 and 2 for

    organizational structures anddetailed description of business operations.

    Growth Strategies of TMX Group

    (as compared to NYSE Euronext and NASDAQ OMX Group)

    From a growth strategy perspective, TMX plans to expand horizontally, vertically and

    geographically while focusing on its areas of comparative advantage: SMEs and natural

    resource companies, as well as its technological initiatives. While its competitors are already

    significantly more diversified, the current wave of consolidation is indicative of their desire to

    improve global connectivity. Given high competition from electronic trading platforms and ATS

    which have taken market share, all three companies seek to engage in M&A activity to further

    diversify and realize synergies and cost savings that would improve revenues. As the industry

    becomes increasingly technology based, all firms strive to enhance their trading platforms and

    technology infrastructure, as well as to offer new and innovative trading products and platforms

    that will increase their market share. Please refer to Appendix 3 for detailed description of


    Industry Trends in Dividend & Share Repurchase Policies

    Due to increasing global competition among international securities exchanges, it is

    appropriate to examine TMX dividend policy, share repurchase and capital expenditure

    practices relative to a group of representative global peers. This group will include NYSE

    Euronext, NASDAQ OMX, LSE Group, MF Global, Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), ASX,

    CBOE, CME Group and Deutsche Boerse (Appendix 14). Among these dominant players, the

    aforementioned practices vary greatly. Over the last 5 years, most firms have paid regular and

    increasing dividends: quarterly for North American firms and bi-annually for the ASX, DB and

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    LSE. However, firms such as NASDAQ OMX, MF Global and ICE currently are not paying any

    dividend and do not plan to do so in the foreseeable future 12-month dividend yield and 5-year

    dividend CAGR for these competitors are 2.42% and 13.29% respectively. Relative to these

    figures, TMX has the second highest 12-month dividend yield of 4.11%, only after ASXs 7.14%.

    However, its dividend compound annual growth rate is the lowest compared to industry average

    at 9.13%.

    Although many of these companies have a constant dividend payout policy, they tend to keep

    little cash on hand (Appendix 5), often utilizing credit facilities to finance dividend payouts. CME

    announced in 2011 that it would improve its dividend policy payout ratio from .3 to .35 while

    Deutsche Boerse is maintaining a wider range of .4 to .6. Considering the recent inception of

    CBOE in 2010, its most recent dividend payout of $.1 per share could simply be a signal that its

    stocks are an attractive investment and expected earnings can sustain that particular level of

    payment in the future. On the other hand, NYSE uses a residual policy that largely depends on

    its board members approval.

    The practice of returning excess capital to investors through shares repurchase programs also

    varies. While firms such as DB, LSE and CME have increasingly attractive tender offers and

    return of capital, ASX and MF Global do not engage in shares repurchases. This can be

    explained by ASX highs payout ratio of 90% after-tax earnings, for example. On the other hand,

    MF Global, which has the smallest market capitalization among its peers, cannot afford

    dividends and shares repurchase due to specific creditors covenants. Overall, it is typical for

    firms in the industry to buy back 2-5% of outstanding shares issued during the course of the

    year (Appendix 7). However, this amount can fluctuate greatly at the discretion of board

    members due to economic conditions and available growth opportunities. In the case of TMX,

    shares repurchase and dividends are financed by short-term loans and/or cash on hand since

    its capital structure essentially includes only equity and short-term loans with limited long-term

    debt of 0.17% (Appendix 12). To date, TMX has fully used up its non-revolving and revolving

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    three year term facility totalling $480 million due in April 2011. With roughly $473 million of credit

    available and approximately $70 million of cash on hand, TMX is low on cash, in absolute

    values, compared to its peers (Appendix 5). Furthermore, with a relatively small EBITDA of only

    $321 million and a debt capacity topped at 3.5x its EBITDA due to a covenant imposed by the

    credit facilities, it is difficult for TMX whose market capitalization is only $2.8 billion to grow its

    dividend and increase its shares repurchase to the industry level. The firm did reward its

    investors with a 2-for-1 stock split in May 2005 to allow a price level breakthrough. However,

    considering the contracting industry growth in revenue and EBITDA (Appendix 8) and

    undervalued stocks signalled by two of LSEs stocks consolidations in the past 7 years, it is

    unlikely that TMX can create values for its investors with another stock split.

    Key Factors Affecting Dividend Policies

    To understand the diverging practices in creating value for investors in this industry, it is

    important to understand other factors that determine how a firm returns value to its investors.

    Despite industry contraction in revenue and EBITDA, TMX is one of the only two companies

    with positive growth. Along with its superior ability to generate revenue (Appendix 8), cash

    outflows in investing versus amortization as a percentage of revenue indicate that TMX has

    been investing more than the industry norm (Appendix 4). TMXs investing cash flows as

    percentage of total assets is between 25-35% on a consistent basis. Most of its co mpetitors

    investing cash flow is under 10%, but some have been highly volatile (Appendix 4). TMXs

    persistent and aggressive approach to capitalize on growth opportunities explains why its

    dividend has grown slower than the industry for the past 5 years, yet its 12-month dividend yield

    is the highest among its peers. This also suggests that other firms with higher assets in place

    and lower growth opportunities will tend to pay higher dividend or implement more shares

    repurchase programs to reduce excess cash.

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    Examining the cash balances of the companies would give insights into their cash availability for

    shareholders. Such availability depends on liquidity requirements such as sufficient A/P

    turnover, interest coverage as well as cash collection (Appendix 10). The overall industry is

    experiencing an increase in the aforementioned cash disbursement requirements (both

    operational and short term debt servicing) and a decrease in A/R turnover (Appendix 10).

    Increasing demands on cash to fund working capital and short term financing are limiting the

    amount of cash flows to investors which means less cash dividends payout and share

    repurchase (Appendix 6). With the overall industry keeping cash as a proportion of the balance

    sheet steady over the last five years (Appendix 5), the industry seems to be using its cash

    balances more effectively than TMX in terms of servicing short term debt obligations and

    operational needs. This factor also contributes to lowering TMXs dividend growth indicated by

    its below-average 5-year dividend CAGR (Appendix 6).

    There is a significant presence of institutional ownership within this industry. These investors

    seek low-risk cash flows, which leads to firms declaring high constant payout ratios. The mature

    life cycle stage of industry would explain the high payout ratio. Most of the firms experienced

    plummeting EBITDA and revenue growth with the exception of TMX and CME (Appendix 8).

    With high asset bases and lowering growth opportunities, the firms must return excess cash to

    shareholders. Over the past 5 years, the industry trend is to increase dividends (Appendix 6).

    CME has just announced that it will increase its payout ratio this year from 30% to 35% of cash

    earnings. CME, DB and NYSE are three firms that grow their dividends aggressively,

    surpassing the industry norm considerably (Appendix 6). It is not unusual for these firms to draw

    on their credit facilities in addition to their cash reserves to pay dividends and repurchase

    shares. With either approach, increasing capital return to investors signals the increase in ability

    to generate cash flow and expectation to maintain their strong balance sheets. However, it is

    important to note that companies gravitate toward increasing dividend to conform to industry

    trend rather than the companys enhanced expectation of its ability to generate revenue. With

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    most of the ten competitors using a constant payout ratio, TMX and NYSE are the only firms

    that implement a residual dividend policy. NASDAQ and MF Global are currently paying no

    dividend due to their covenant restrictions. ICE does not have any restrictive covenants but it

    currently does not have dividend payments. Instead, its Board authorizes regular share

    repurchase programs. A share repurchase program would be able to return capital to

    shareholders without creating expectations of future cash flows as well as giving the investors a

    choice to effectively manage tax implications. In 2009, investors received an additional $14.5

    million through TMXs share repurchase program which put the program in line with the industry



    Since 76.29% of all TMXs investors are institutional investors with low turnover, it is

    advisable that TMX declares a dividend policy that meets their needs. TMXs investors have

    varying needs: 50% are value investors; 9% are income and index investors; 41% are growth

    and growth-at-reasonable-price (GARP) investors (Appendix 11). It is reasonable to assume

    that growth and GARP investors are speculating to gain from possible M&A within the industry.

    However, the majority is low-risk-cash-flow-seeking investors who value dividend payments.

    With TMX having a high dividend yield but inferior 5-year CAGR, it is suggested that to meet the

    industry level, it should attempt to grow its dividend closer to the industry average of 13.29% in

    2011 (Appendix 6). An assumption must be made that all firms will continue with their current

    dividend policies with 4 firms using constant payout ratio and 3 firms paying no dividend. Hence,

    a $2.83 dividend per share is the recommended benchmark (See calculation in Appendix 13),

    which must be adjusted by factors such as its operational and investment needs, credit facilities

    covenants and the signalling effects on the market. Without the presence of long-term debt

    covenants that place restrictions on dividend payout, the ability to grow dividends is at

    managements discretion. However, lacking long-term debt means that all of TMXs operational

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    and investment needs must be met by its credit facilities and internally generated cash funds.

    Unlike its competitors whose cash balances can be augmented by larger credit facilities, TMX

    has little room in its credit facilities to sustain a dividend of $2.83. Furthermore, its cash

    balances are tied up operationally due to its lower-than-industry-average receivable and

    turnover ratios. TMX has also been investing in assets more actively than its peers. Hence,

    there is even less cash on hand to accommodate a dividend increase to meet the industry

    CAGR. Lastly, one must consider the signalling effects entailing with a considerable increase in

    dividend from the current dividend of $1.52. Such an increase will be interpreted as

    managements optimism and confidence in the firms expected cash flows to meet this lev el of

    dividend in the future. Considering the plummeting EBITDA and revenue growth in the industry

    as well as uncertainty toward economic condition, it is highly risky to promise such high dividend

    increase, and as such the signal will not be received as credible by investors.

    Therefore, after taking into consideration the aforementioned, the adjusted dividend should be

    $2.00 per share in 2011 and later on increase to meet the industrys 5-year dividend CAGR. It

    will satisfy managements need for dividend smoothing. This approach would be a middle

    ground between a constant payout ratio and a residual payout policy. The rationale is that a

    constant payout ratio would hinder the firms ability to pursue growth opportunities but a residual

    payout policy would not meet the value investors preference for dividend.

    Finally, it is recommended that TMX should continue to implement its share repurchase

    program at the current level in order to create value to investors, yet be able to manage future

    expectation in terms of cash outflow to shareholders.

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    Works Cited

    Erman, B. et al. Global stock exchange consolidation may just be starting. The Globe and Mail.

    Feb 9 2011.

    Oslo Bors, Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange sign Memorandum ofUnderstanding. TMX Group. Sep 20, 2010.

    Toronto Stock Exchange and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Sign Memorandum ofUnderstanding. TMX Group. Feb 10, 2010.

    TMX 2010 MD&A Report

    1TMX Group Annual Report. P19.

    2TMX Group Annual Report. P55 and 57.

    3TMX Group Annual Report. P24 and 55.

    4TMX Annual Report 2010

    5TMX Annual Report 2010

    6Global Stock Exchange Consolidation May Just Be Starting. The Globe and Mail. Feb 9 2011.

    TMX Group Annual Report. P19.

    Global Stock Exchange Consolidation May Just Be Starting. The Globe and Mail. Feb 9 2011. TMX Group Annual Report 201010

    Datamonitor Report. Company Profile, NYSE Euronext. p4 12 Jan 201111

    TMX Annual Report 2010. P 2612

    Datamonitor Report. Company Profile, TMX Group Inc.. p7 12 Jan 2011

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    Appendix 1 Organizational Structures

    Appendix 1.1 TMX Organizational Structure

    Appendix 1.2 NYSE Euronext Organizational Structure

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    Appendix 1.3 NASDAQ OMX Group Organizational Structure

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    Appendix 2 Detailed Business Descriptions

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    Canadian Derivatives ClearingCorporation (clearing, settlementand risk management)

    BOX (US automated equityoptions market)

    Montreal Climate Exchange(carbon dioxide futures)

    Licensed SOLA (a derivativestrading technology) to LondonStock Exchange, and part owner

    in the equity derivatives businessof the LSE

    Data segment

    Through TMX Datalinx offersCanadian market, fixed income,foreign exchange and corporatenews and data to investors6

    Derivatives segment

    Provides access to tradeexecution in derivativesproducts, options and futures;clearing services for derivativeproducts

    Information services and technologysolutions segment

    Operates sellside and buysideconnectivity networks

    Provides trading and IT

    software and solutions Provides multi-asset managed


    Expert consultancy toexchanges and liquidity centers

    creates information as adistributor of market data(flexible back-office systems)

    Issuer services segment

    Global listing services

    Global index servicesMarket technology segment

    Provides technology solutionsfor trading, clearing andsettlement, informationdissemination, offer facility

    management integration andadvisory services.

    Differences inoperations

    TMX operates exclusivelythrough energy markets to tradenatural gases, electricity andcrude oil contracts

    Most liquid cash equitiesexchange in the world based onaggregate market capitalizationof listed companies

    The first integrated crossborder exchange (Amsterdam,Brussels, Lisbon, and Paris)

    A marketplace designed forhigh performance trading ofthe most actively tradedEuropean stocks.

    The first platform to connectEuropean liquidity pools

    NASDAQ OMX Commoditiesoffers international derivativesand carbon products, and offersconsulting services tocommodities markets

    Appendix 3 Business Strategies

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    Business Strategies

    TMX Group NYSE Euronext NASDAQ OMX Group Inc.


    Issuer services

    Enhance premium brand,improve customer relationships,and continue to build loyalty

    Diversify suite of products andservices offered to issuers

    Equity Trading

    Continue to improve technologyinfrastructure, so that TSX can

    expand to meet growing demandfor reduced latency and expandedcapacity

    Expand product and servicesofferings while maintainingcompetitive pricing

    Identify new revenue sources introducing new trading productssuch as on-book dark order types

    Fixed Income Trading7

    Increase liquidity for both cashand futures markets and developlinkages between assets

    Derivatives Trading and Clearing

    Promote the strengths ofCanadian derivatives market:price transparency, liquidity andcentral counter party clearing

    Broaden clearing service bypursuing opportunities in OTCmarkets

    Leverage alliances withinternational partners


    Implementing clearingenhancements to reduce customercapital costs

    Cash Trading & Listing

    Stabilize market share in theUS and Europe and implementnew European clearing strategy

    Derivatives Trading

    Focus on capturing marketgrowth in the U.S. optionsmarket and growth of clearingoperations

    Eliminate dependence onoutsourcing (LCH) and buildnew clearing houses in Londonand Paris for clearingEuropean securities andderivatives

    Information Services8

    Enhance existing tradingplatforms and services(NYFIX, an expandingcustomer base improvessoftware sales)

    Respond to customer demandsand technological advances on

    a cost-effective and timelybasis

    Seek to provide acomprehensive suite of best-in-class technology solutions in acentralized environment(transitioning to UniversalTrading Platform)

    Continue to attract and retainhighly skilled technology staffto maintain, develop, andinnovate technology

    Market Services

    Provide customers withenhanced trading choices andprice flexibility (NASDAQOMX BX)

    Outsource from third party forregulatory, data center andother services (FINRAperforms certain regulatory

    functions on our behalf) Increase liquidity and trading

    efficiency by introducingCentral Counterpart Clearing(CCP)

    Consolidate all derivativestrading from EDX to Nordicderivative trading platformincrease membership by 60%

    Issuer Services

    Provide innovative productsand services that easetransparency, mitigate risk, andmaximize board efficiency

    Market technology Continue to expand the

    application of the U.S. INETtrading system (launchingNASDAQ OMX PSX, a newcash equity trading platform)

    Continue to attract and retainkey personnel

    Leverage technologicalcapabilities by providingsupport to over 70 exchanges,clearing organizations andcentral securities depositories

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    Expand/enter into new marketsby adding additional points ofdistribution

    Information Services

    Provide low latency consolidateddata-feeds, co-location and datadelivery solutions.

    in more than 50 countries.


    Grow business horizontally,vertically and geographically.

    Horizontally expands into newasset classes and creates a larger

    entity that can compete globally.Vertically expand existingofferings

    Geographically expand beyondNorth America using strengths ofnatural resources, SMEs andtechnology9

    Improve internal networks andstorage infrastructure10

    Seek to engage in M&Aactivity to increase marketingpower: entered into businesscombination agreement with

    Deutsche Borse AG Addition: build new clearing

    houses in London and Paris forclearing European securitiesand derivatives in order toreduce the risk of dependenceon LCH; Two new data centersin Basildon, England, andMahwah, New Jersey

    Migration: Move NYSE Arcaequities and options marketsand the NYSE Amex Optionsmarket to Universal TradingPlatform.11

    NASDAQ OMX CommoditiesClearing Company

    Nord Pool ASA, a derivativestrading market

    SMARTS Group Holdings PtyLtd. a leading technologyprovider of surveillancesolutions to exchanges,regulators and brokers; todiversify the markettechnology business and enterinto surveillance andcompliance market

    FTEN a leading provider ofReal-Time Risk Management

    Appendix 3.1 Listings on the Toronto Stock Exchange and Toronto Venture Exchange

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    Source: TMX Group 2009 Annual Report

    Appendix 3.2 TMX Strategic Priorities
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    Source: TMX 2010 MD&A Report

    Appendix 4 TMX and Competitors - CAPEX Profiles
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    TMX group Inc

    CAD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    Issuer services 162955 142,118 152,793 133,939 108,483 87,724

    Trading, cleari ng & related revenue 242165 237,345 222,850 169,237 146,253 125,532

    Market data 154415 145,976 135,533 110,241 86,941 67,430

    Business services 15928 - - - 9,395 7,910

    Business services & other revenue 30,877 22,013 11,307 0 0

    Other revenue 0 0 0 1,775 1,368

    Total revenue 575463 556,316 533,189 424,724 352,847 289,964

    Income from operations 288938 283,183 305,371 243,124 204,551 150,772

    Net income 196535 104,701 181,952 148,697 131,524 103,353

    Amortization 32307 32,194 25,340 15,838 13,048 13,477Additions to premises & equipment -12813 -7,136 -5,306 -6,504 -4,228 -4,677

    Additions to intangible assets -9684 -13,152 -8,451 -6,225 0 0

    Proceeds on disposal of equipment 0 0 0 0 0 100

    Marketable securities -159071 -7,071 203,546 33,268 -37,308 -93,621

    Payment on termination of joint ventur 0 0 -15,152 0 0 0

    Acquisitions, net of cash acquired 0 -37,932 -405,283 -8,142 -53,704 0

    Purchase of option to acquire

    NetThruPut Inc. 0 0 0 -10,265 0 0

    Cash flows from (used in) investing

    activities -181568 -65,291 -230,646 2,132 -95,240 -98,198

    Amortization as % of revenues 5.61% 5.79% 4.75% 3.73% 3.70% 4.65%

    Investing CF as % of revenues -31.55% -11.74% -43.26% 0.50% -26.99% -33.87%increase (decrease) in asset base as %

    of revenues 25.94% 5.95% 38. 51% - 4.23% 23.29% 29.22%

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    ASX ltd

    AUD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Listings 115,464 104,080 120,211 117,553 76,982

    Cash market 181,442 163,042 188,800 163,991 0

    Derivatives 155,473 138,090 171,681 152,135 0

    Information services 68,752 71,025 68,003 61,135 0

    Technology infrastructure 0 28,625 27,663 23,275 0

    Market connectivity 29,852 0 0 0 0

    Austraclear services 31,178 24,678 21,870 19,984 0

    Equities trading, clearing & settlement 0 0 0 0 130,877

    Derivatives trading, clearing & settleme 0 0 0 0 48,372

    Information services 0 0 0 0 35,725

    Dividends 8,075 7,027 4,852 3,150 2,700

    Interest income 128,159 284,594 0 0 0Other revenue 16,504 14,220 21,305 10,930 13,675

    Total revenue 734,899 835,381 624,385 552,153 308,331

    ADDED IN; Operating income 564999 676746 466965 366584 164227

    Net profit for the period attributable

    to owners of the Company 328,137 313,610 365,949 292,892 135,503

    Depreciation & amortization -23,674 -15,042 -18,916 - -

    Acquisition of SFE, net of cash acquired - - - -57,738 -

    Proceeds on sale of subsidiary - - - 14,722 -

    Decre ase ( incre ase ) i n parti ci pan ts' mar - 618,438 - 44,709 - 2, 563,163 2, 800,472 -

    Proceeds on sale of plant & equipment - - 7 23 92

    Purchase of investments - -12,866 - - -

    Purchase of plant & equipment - - - - -4,696

    Payments for non-current assets -27,919 -22,887 -20,551 -15,350 -

    Purchase of treasury shares - - -7,866 - -

    Proceeds from sale of equity accounted - - - - 60,678

    Incidental costs on sale of equity accou 0 0 0 0 -1,751

    Deferred acquisition costs 0 0 0 0 -6,295

    Repayments from associate 0 0 0 0 6,036

    N et cas h fro m (ou tf lo w) i nve sti ng a ct ivi -646, 357 -80, 462 -2, 639, 768 2, 742, 129 44, 879

    Amortization as % of revenues 3.22% 1.80% 3.03% 0.00% 0.00%

    Investing CF as % of revenues -87.95% -9.63% -422.78% 496.62% 14.56%

    increase (decrease) in asset base as %

    of revenues 84.73% 7.83% 419.75% -496.62% -14.56%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    CBOE Holdings Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Net income 106451 115288 83168 42108

    Depreciation & amortization 27512 25633 25338 28189

    Other amortization 213 23 -422

    Sales of investments available for sale 0 0 20000 -19511

    Restricted funds - temporary access fees 26157 -21908 -4249 0

    Capital & other assets expenditures -37997 -43816 -32095 -28700

    Proceeds from disposition of property 0 105 0

    Sale of NSX certificates of proprietary membership 1500 1500 0

    Investment in affiliates 0 0 -13

    HedgeStreet Inc. investment recovery 0 0 193

    Net cash flows from investing activities -10340 -64119 -16164 -51779

    Transaction fees 314506 343779 272716

    Access fees 45084 5695 3527

    Exchange services & other fees 22647 24479 22941

    Market data fees 20506 21082 20379

    Regulatory fees 15155 11000 14346

    Other revenue 8184 10748 10361

    Total operating revenues 426082 416783 344270 257986

    Amortization as % of revenues 6.46% 6.15% 7.36% 10.93%

    Investing CF as % of revenues -2.43% -15.38% -4.70% -20.07%

    increase (decrease) in asset base as %

    of revenues 8.88% 21.53% 12.06% 31.00%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    CME Group Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Clearing & transaction fees 2,486,300 2,161,900 2,115,366 1,427,320 866,089

    Market data & information services 395,100 0 0 0 0

    Quotation data fees 0 331,100 279,533 145,054 80,836

    Processing services 0 500 54,073 106,404 90,148

    Access & communication fees 45,400 45,600 43,618 35,804 0

    Access fees 0 0 0 0 20,154

    Communication fees 0 0 0 0 8,588

    Other revenue 76,900 73,700 68,429 41,519 24,132

    Total revenues 3,003,700 2,612,800 2,561,019 1,756,101 1,089,947

    Operating income (loss) 1,831,100 1,589,100 1,582,195 1,050,493 620,855

    Net income (loss) 952,100 825,800 715,486 658,533 407,348

    Amortization of purchased intangibles 128,100 125,100 98,682 33,878 0

    Depreciation & amortization 129,900 126,300 137,341 105,653 72,783

    Proceeds from maturities of available-f 11,900 439,800 265,112 203,801 73,668

    Purchases of available-for-sale marketa -10,200 -159,900 -367,554 -129,125 -29,681

    Net change in New York Mercantile

    Exchange, Inc. (NYMEX) securities

    lending program investments 0 425,900 110,089 0 0

    Purchases of property, net -160,000 -157,900 -200,102 -163,644 -87,810

    Consideration paid in business combina-19,600 0 0 0 0

    Net cash flows from invest ing activi ties -108,400 544,800 -3,749,068 -78,638 -85,860

    Amortization as % of revenues 8.59% 9.62% 9.22% 7.95% 6.68%

    Investing CF as % of revenues -3.61% 20.85% -146.39% -4.48% -7.88%

    increase (decrease) in asset base as %

    of revenues -4.98% -30.47% 137.17% -3.47% 1.20%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    Deutsche Boerse AG

    EUR 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Sales revenue 2,061,700 2,455,100 2,185,200 1,854,200

    Net interest income from banking

    business 97,400 236,800 0 0

    Net interest income from banking

    business 0 0 230,800 150,700

    Income from agency agreements 27,700 33,200 0 23,800

    Income from exchange rate

    differences 10,100 9,200 0 3,100

    Total revenue 2,322,600 2,786,600 2,664,500 2,112,900

    Earni ngs be fore i nte re st & taxe s (EBIT) 637,800 1,508,400 1,345,900 1,027,500

    Net profit for the year 471,200 1,050,300 914,900 666,000

    Depreciation, amortization &

    impairment losses(other thangoodwill) -569,100 -137,100 -126,000 -130,400

    Payments to acquire intangible assets

    & property, plant & equipment -172,300 -94,500 -79,700 -69,200

    Payments to acquire noncurrent

    financial instruments -1,113,900 -344,000 -124,800 -84,300

    Payments to acquire investments in

    associates -1,400 -122,300 -300 -700

    Payments to acquire subsidiaries, net

    of cash acquired -51,000 0 -1,826,600 0

    Effects of the disposal of (shares in)

    subsidiaries, net of cash disposed -5,900 -24,600 358,900 34,300

    Proceeds from the disposal of shares

    in associates 7,500 16,800 0 0

    Net decrease/(net increase) in current

    receivables, securities & liabilities

    from banking business with an original

    term greater than three months 165,600 -391,200 -149,000 -270,100Proceeds from disposals of available

    for sale noncurrent financial

    instruments 88,700 19,900 50,900 118,500

    Proceeds from disposal of other noncurrent assets 0 300 17,400 1,700

    Cash f low f rom inve sting acti viti es - 1,082,700 - 939,600 -1,753,200 -269,800

    Amortization as % of revenues 24.50% 4.92% 4.73% 6.17%

    Investing CF as % of revenues -46.62% -33.72% -65.80% -12.77%

    increase (decrease) i n asset base as %

    of revenues 22.11% 28.80% 61.07% 6.60%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    IntercontinentalExchange Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Trans acti on & cl eari ng f ee s, ne t 1,023, 454 884,473 693,229 490,358 273,629

    Market data fees 109,175 101,684 102,944 70,396 34,236

    Other revenues 17,315 8,631 16,905 13,539 5,934

    Total revenues 1,149,944 994,788 813,078 574,293 313,799

    Operating income 652,249 512,619 493,534 353,563 204,635

    Net income 407,767 314,154 300,972 240,612 143,268

    Depreciation & amortization expense 121,209 111,357 62,247 32,701 13,714

    Capital expenditures 21,774- 24,410- 30,484- 30,999- 12,377-

    Capitalized software development

    costs 25,994- 20,332- 18,328- 12,267- 7,438-

    Cash paid for acquisitions, net of cash

    acquired 552,981- 39,372- 44,606- 480,114- -

    Purchase of foreign currency hedge

    relating to CLE acquisition 15,080- - - - -

    Purchase of intangible assets - - - 61,099- -

    Proceeds from sale of assets - - - 13,269 -

    Purchase s of cost me thod inve stme nts - - 2,385- 40- 36,937-

    Proceeds from sales of cost method

    investments - 23,451 - - -

    Proceeds from sales of businesses &

    assets - 1,580 - - -

    Proceeds from sales of available-for-

    sale investments 19,541 8,539 236,935 272,771 346,090

    Purchases of available-for-sale

    investments 18,226- 28,089- 102,567- 332,357- 309,227-

    Capitalized acquisition costs - - 2,210- 121- 4,124-

    Decrease ( increase) in restricted cash 18,568- 63,642- 106,101- 6,431- 3,615-

    Net cash flows from investing activities 633,082- 142,275- 69,746- 637,388- 27,628-

    Amortization as % of revenues 10.54% 11.19% 7.66% 5.69% 4.37%

    Investing CF as % of revenues -55.05% -14.30% -8.58% -110.99% -8.80%increase (decrease) in asset base as %

    of revenues 44.51% 3.11% 0.92% 105.29% 4.43%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    London Stock Exchange Group PLC

    GBP 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Revenue 605,600 - -

    Net interest income through CCP busine 16,200 - -

    Other income 6,500 - -

    Revenue 628,300 671,400 546,400 349,600 291,100

    Operating profit/(loss) 182,300 -210,000 265,200 174200 85400

    Profit/(loss) for the fi nancial year 91,700 -332,800 173,000 110600 66800

    Impairment of goodwill - -484,000 - 0 0

    Puchase of property, plant & equipmen -12,300 -19,900 -10,300 -6,000 -5,300

    Purchase of intangible assets -29,900 -36,500 -21,900 -13,900 -20,500

    Disposal of associate - 2,700 - -6200

    Depreciation & amortization 123,000 85,800 48,400 24100 26500

    Investment in joint ventures -6,100 -700 - -1900 -1700

    Investment in subsidiary -16,300 -5,300 -

    Net cash inflow from acquisitions 5,200 - -

    Dividends received 2,500 3,800 2,400

    Proceeds from sale of minority interest 7,400 - -

    Acquisition of minority interest in

    Borsa Italiana - - -500

    Net cash (outflow)/inflow from

    investing activities -49,500 -55,900 52,000 42400 3200

    Amortization as % of revenues 19.58% 12.78% 8.86% 6.89% 9.10%

    Investing CF as % of revenues -7.88% -8.33% 9.52% 12.13% 1.10%

    increase (decrease) in asset base as %

    of revenues -11.70% -4.45% -18.37% -19.02% -10.20%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    MF Global Holdings Ltd.

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Execution only commissions - 381,118 486,192 386,533 261,758

    Cleared commissions - 1,261,262 1,528,642 1,280,047 865,638

    Commissions 1,386,044 - - - -

    Principal transactions 225,442 287,652 281,912 299,546 158,540

    Interest income 491,605 872,330 3,669,020 4,090,431 1,388,141

    Other revenues 42,351 112,095 54,081 37,836 29,152

    Total revenues 2,145,442 2,914,457 6,019,847 6,094,393 2,703,229

    ADDED IN: EBIT -102,250 124,531 -140,119 88754 -14304

    Net income (loss) -135,278 -48,610 -69,542 187,999 59,795

    Depreciation & amortization 55,090 57,841 54,820 46,777 28,220

    Acquisitions, net -3,364 -6,653 -58,468 -15,000 -302,369

    Proceeds from sale of memberships in

    exchanges 1,297 25,450 177,118 61,143 87,856

    Purchase of memberships in

    exchanges 0 -1,369 -1,101 -217 -1,153

    Purchase of furniture, equipment &

    leasehold improvements -32,539 -33,766 -28,623 -26,399 -19,391

    Proceeds from sale of furniture,

    equipment & leasehold improvements 0 66 274 108 75

    Net cash flows from investing

    activities -34,606 -16,272 89,200 19,635 -234,982

    Amortization as % of revenues 2.57% 1.98% 0.91% 0.77% 1.04%

    Investing CF as % of revenues -1.61% - 0.56% 1.48% 0.32% -8.69%

    increase (decrease) in asset base as %

    of revenues - 0.95% - 1.43% - 2.39% - 1.09% 7.65%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    NASDAQ OMX Group Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Market services re venue 2,700,000 2,929,000 3,207,294 2,152,390 1,408,297

    Issuer services revenue 344,000 324,000 330,594 283,885 249,016

    Market technology 152,000 145,000 106,151 - -

    Other revenue 1,000 11,000 4,654 317 463

    Total revenues 3,197,000 3,409,000 3,648,693 2,436,592 1,657,776

    Operating income (loss) 389,000 263,000 319,880 518,401 127,893

    Net income (loss) 103,000 104,000 92,578 38,890 70,916

    De pre ciation & amortizati on ex pense 103,000 104,000 92,578 38,890 70,916

    Purchases of trading securities -237,000 -607,000 -164,588 0 0

    Purchases of available-for-sale investm0 0 0 -80,400 -1,827,057

    Purchases of equity method

    investment 0 -16,000 0 0 0Proceeds from sales & redemptions of

    trading securities 350,000 542,000 - - -

    Proceeds from maturities of available-

    for-sale investments - - - 51,910 38,780

    Proceeds from sales & redemptions of

    available-for-sale investments - 25,000 - - -

    Proceeds from sale of e quity method

    investment 1,000 54,000 - - -

    Proceeds from redemptions of

    available-for-sale investments 0 0 15,176 1,864,630 581,670

    Purchases of foreign currency contracts 0 0 -12,500 -12,988 -23,350

    Settlement of foreign currency

    contracts 0 0 66,515 67,937 0

    Acquisitions of businesses, net of cash

    & cash equivalents acquired &

    purchase accounting adjustme nts -190,000 -6,000 -2,998,821 - 15,105 -53,959

    Dispositions of businesses, net of cash& cash equivalents disposed 0 14,000 0 0 0

    Purchase s of prope rty & e qui pme nt -42,000 -59,000 -54,719 - 18,489 -21,035

    Proceeds from sales of property &

    equipment 0 0 267 383 30,568

    Net cash flows from investing activities -118,000 -53,000 -3,148,670 1,857,878 -1,274,383

    Amortization as % of revenues 3.22% 3.05% 2.54% 1.60% 4.28%

    Investing CF as % of revenues - 3.69% - 1.55% - 86.30% 76.25% - 76.87%

    increase (decrease) in asset base as %

    of revenues 0.47% - 1.50% 83.76% - 77.85% 72.60%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    Appendix 5 TMX and Competitors - Cash & Cash Equivalents

    2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Industry Average in terms of proportional weights

    % of Current Assets 10.92% 18.18% 15.03% 19.88% 23.13%

    % of Total Assets 3.99% 10.48% 8.25% 8.43% 16.85%

    TMX group Inc

    CAD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    Cash & cash equivalents 68978 87,978 102,442 53,398 37,018 28,485

    Total current a ssets 1550545 1,791,524 1,936,023 1,200,921 1,273,775 1,312,325

    Total assets 3281919 3,524,475 3,672,086 1,523,919 1,572,838 1,557,225

    % of current assets 4.45% 4.91% 5.29% 4.45% 2.91% 2.17%

    % of total assets 2.10% 2.50% 2.79% 3.50% 2.35% 1.83%

    ASX ltd

    AUD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    unrestricted - - - - 204,823

    unrestricted - - - - 71,489

    Cash 1,242,620 1,433,424 414,412 118,677 -

    Cash and cash equi val ents 1242620 1433424 414412 118677 276312

    Total current assets 4,063,811 4,267,079 4,323,770 7,047,342 676,363

    Total assets 6,620,796 6,786,847 6,791,885 9,518,463 813,246

    % of current assets 30.58% 33.59% 9.58% 1.68% 40.85%

    % of total assets 18.77% 21.12% 6.10% 1.25% 33.98%

    CBOE Holdings INC

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    cash and cash equivalents 383,730 281,423

    Total current assets 433,063 361,225

    Total assets 571,948 496,139

    % of current assets 88.61% 77.91%

    % of total assets 67.09% 56.72%

    CME Group Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Cash & cash equivalents 855,200 260,600 297,895 845,312 969,504

    Total current assets 5,387,500 6,699,000 19,111,528 4,987,055 4,030,252

    Total assets 35,046,100 35,651,000 48,158,654 20,306,197 4,306,505

    % of current assets 15.87% 3.89% 1.56% 16.95% 24.06%

    % of total assets 2.44% 0.73% 0.62% 4.16% 22.51%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    Deutsche Boerse AG

    EUR 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    Other cash & bank balances 559,700 482,800 547,600 652,400 543,100

    Total current asse ts 156,109,500 141,333,700 75,473,800 63,117,500 31,087,000

    Total assets 161,360,500 145,878,600 79,657,600 65,025,100 33,094,800

    % of current assets 0.36% 0.34% 0.73% 1.03% 1.75%

    % of total assets 0.35% 0.33% 0.69% 1.00% 1.64%

    IntercontinentalExchange Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Cash & cash equivalents 621,792 552,465 283,522 119,597 204,257

    Total current assets 23,575,778 19,459,851 12,552,588 1,142,094 340,917

    Total assets 26,642,259 21,884,875 14,959,581 2,796,345 493,211

    % of current assets 2.64% 2.84% 2.26% 10.47% 59.91%

    % of total assets 2.33% 2.52% 1.90% 4.28% 41.41%

    London Stock Exchange Group PLC

    GBP 2010 2009 2008

    Cash & cash equivalents 223,100 143,700 200,600

    Total current assets 84,617,600 35,937,700 17,642,700

    Total assets 86,197,100 37,617,600 19,564,200

    % of current assets 0.26% 0.40% 1.14%

    % of total assets 0.26% 0.38% 1.03%

    MF Global Holdings Ltd.

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007

    Cash & cash equi val ents 826,227 639,183 1,481,084 1,692,554

    ADDED IN: Total Current

    Assets 40903113 28759377 42731457 46804376

    Total assets 50,966,080 38,836,637 49,254,871 51,670,272

    % of current assets 2.02% 2.22% 3.47% 3.62%

    % of total assets 1.62% 1.65% 3.01% 3.28%

    NASDAQ OMX Group Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Cash & cash equivalents 315,000 594,000 565,760 1,325,314 321,995

    Total c urrent asse ts 8,510,000 3,454,000 5,435,452 1,682,017 2,312,546Total assets 16,207,000 10,722,000 12,694,875 2,979,397 3,716,452

    % of current assets 3.70% 17.20% 10.41% 78.79% 13.92%

    % of total assets 1.94% 5.54% 4.46% 44.48% 8.66%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    NYSE Euronext

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Cash & cash equivalents 327,000 423,000 777,000 964,000 277,648

    Total current assets 1,174,000 1,520,000 2,026,000 2,278,000 1,443,068

    Total assets 13,378,000 14,382,000 13,948,000 16,618,000 3,465,542

    % of current assets 27.85% 27.83% 38.35% 42.32% 19.24%

    % of total assets 2.44% 2.94% 5.57% 5.80% 8.01%

    Convert all profits into usd base currency using

    average yearly exchange rate up until March 2011

    2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    AUD2USD avg exchange 1.003 0.919 0.792 0.852 0.838 0.753

    EUR2USD avg exchange 1.359 1.327 1.394 1.471 1.37 1.256

    GBP2USD avg exchange 1.598 1.546 1.565 1.854 2.001 1.842

    CAD2USD avg exchange 1.013 0.971 0.88 0.944 0.935 0.882

    Industry amount on absolute basis adjusted for

    different currencies 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Cash & cash equivalents 4499077 5070783 5218579 5846367 2833531

    Total current assets 215609422 339140502 328341146 167321182 89035134

    Total assets 284771410 414333262 399624703 212902459 95652853

    % of current assets 2.09% 1.50% 1.59% 3.49% 3.18%

    % of total assets 1.58% 1.22% 1.31% 2.75% 2.96%

    Industry average is not indicative in 2010 due to missing data

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    Appendix 6 TMX and Competitors - Dividend Information

    Industry Average


    Companies w/out



    Companies w/out


    12-Month Dividend Yield 3.85% 2.57%

    5-Yr Dividend CAGR 13.29% 7.98%

    TMX group Inc

    CAD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005*

    Feb 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.33 0.20

    May 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.33 0.20

    August 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.33 0.25

    November 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.33 0.25

    Total 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.32 0.90

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 4.11% 3.50%

    5-Yr Dividend CAGR 9.13%

    *2 for 1 stock split in May

    17, 2005

    Special Cash in

    November 2003 for


    ASX ltd

    AUD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    February 1.27 1.29 1.41 1.03 0.80 0.63August 1.20 1.06 1.34 1.31 0.91 0.73

    Total 2.47 2.36 2.75 2.34 1.72 1.36

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 7.14%

    5-Yr Dividend CAGR 10.95%

    *Return of Capital .585

    on October 17, 2006 and

    also on August 27, 2004

    paid .34429 of Special


    Return on Capital

    on September 10,

    2003 paid .392857

    of Special Cash

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    CBOE Holding Inc.

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    March -

    June -

    September 0.10

    December 0.10

    Total 0.20 - - - - -

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 0.00%

    5-Yr Dividend CAGR 0.00%

    Stock Repurchase:

    5.984M and 12.351M

    Class A shares in October


    CME Group Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    March 1.15 1.15 1.15 0.86 0.63 0.46

    June 1.15 1.15 1.15 0.86 0.63 0.46

    September 1.15 1.15 1.15 0.86 0.63 0.46

    December 1.15 1.15 1.15 0.86 0.63 0.46

    Special Dividend 5.00

    Total 4.60 4.60 9.60 3.44 2.52 1.84

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 1.64%

    5-Yr Dividend CAGR 16.50%

    Deutsche Boerse AG

    EUR 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    May 2.10 2.10 2.10 1.70 1.05 0.35

    Total 2.10 2.10 2.10 1.70 1.05 0.35

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 3.88%

    5-Yr Dividend CAGR 14.87%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    IntercontinentalExchange Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    No Dividend but there

    are a couple of mergers

    12-Mnth Dividend Yield 0.00%

    5-Yr Dividend CAGR 0.00%

    London Stock Exchange Group PLC

    GBP 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    July 17.778 17.778 17.778 13.333 10.543 5.930

    December 9.778 9.333 9.333 8.889 6.667 5.271

    Total 27.556 27.111 27.111 22.222 17.209 11.202

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 2.93%

    5-Yr Dividend CAGR 16.19%

    Return of Capital

    GBp 237.20929 on

    May 12, 2006

    *43 for 51


    on May 12, 2006

    MF Global Holdings Ltd.

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005only pays dividends to

    preferred shares

    12-Mnth Dividend Yield 0.00%

    5-Yr Dividend CAGR 0.00%

    NASDAQ OMX Group Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    No dividend but acquiring

    and merging often

    12-Mnth Dividend Yield 0.00%

    5-Yr Dividend CAGR 0.00%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    NYSE Euronext

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    March 0.30 0.30 0.25 - - -

    June 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.25 - -

    September 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.25 - -

    December 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.25 - -

    Total 1.20 1.20 1.15 0.75 - -

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 3.41%

    5-Yr Dividend CAGR 12.47%

  • 7/31/2019 TMX Dividend Policy


    Appendix 7TMX and Competitors - Share Repurchase Information

    TMX group Inc

    CAD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Balance, beginning of the period - 74,403,577 66,278,370 68,421,264 -

    Repurchase - 1,000,000 7,523,249 2,399,862 -

    - 1.34% 11.35% 3.51%

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 4.11%

    5-Yr Dividend Growth 8.66%

    ASX ltd

    AUD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    No share buy-back - - - - -

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 7.14%

    5-Yr Dividend Growth 10.22%

    CBOE Holding Inc.

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Balance, beginning of the period 1,026,000,000 - - - -

    Repurchase 18,335,000


    CBOE's stock repurchase is part of an agreement with its original

    members in order to seek approval for its IPO in 2010 an d may

    not be done in similar interests compared to other firms

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 1.08%

    5-Yr Dividend Growth 1.44%

    CME Group Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Balance, beginning of the period 67,049,401.00 66,382,637 58,743,842 43,754,153 34,693,356

    Repurchase 2,000,000.00 783,000.00 117,000 1,700,000 -

    2.98% 1.18% 0.20% 3.89% -

    12-Mth 12-Mth Dividend Yield 1.64%

    5-Yr Dividend Growth 19.26%

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    Deutsche Boerse AG

    EUR 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Balance, beginning of the period - 185,922,690 185,790,599 191,888,548 195,597,922

    Repurchase - 9,077,310 6,200,000 4,100,000 3,600,000

    - 4.88% 3.34% 2.14% 1.84%

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 3.88%

    5-Yr Dividend Growth 43.10%

    IntercontinentalExchange Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Balance, beginning of the period - 71,184,000 - - -

    Repurchase - 322,000 - - -

    - 0.45% - - -

    12-Mnth Dividend Yield 0.00

    5-Yr Dividend Growth 0.00

    London Stock Exchange Group PLC

    GBP 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Balance, beginning of the period - 270, 500, 000 207,100,000.00 254,300,000 -

    Repurchase - 5,900,000 10,100,000.00 9,000,000 -

    - 2.18% 4.88% 3.54% -

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 2.93%

    5-Yr Dividend Growth 3.03%

    MF Global Holdings Ltd.

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    The company is not allowed to pay dividend or repurchase

    common stocks due to covenants

    with Series A Preferred Stockholders

    12-Mnth Dividend Yield 0.00

    5-Yr Dividend Growth 0.00

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    NASDAQ OMX Group Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Balance, beginning of the period 211,385,646 201,896,700 - 112,317,987 80,543,397

    Repurchase 37,831,647 - - - -


    *If excluding the 22.781mil shares repurchase

    agreement with Boerse Dubai, the percentage of

    share repurchase is only 7.12%

    12-Mnth Dividend Yield 0.00

    5-Yr Dividend Growth 0.00

    NYSE Euronext

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Balance, beginning of the period - - 265,000,000 - 1,720,610

    Repurchase - - 13,400,000 - -

    Repurchased under liquidity contract* - - - - 20,616

    - - 5.06% - 1.20%

    *The company repurchased shares un der liquidity

    contract to stabilise stock price

    12-Mth Dividend Yield 3.41%

    5-Yr Dividend Growth 16.96%

    Appendix 8 TMX and Competitors - Earnings Information

    TMX group Inc

    CAD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005*

    Total revenue 575500 556,316 533,189 424,724 352,847 289,964

    Revenue growth 3.45% 4.34% 25.54% 20.37% 21.69%

    EBITDA 321282 315377 330711 258962 217599 164249

    EBITDA growth 1.87% -4.64% 27.71% 19.01% 32.48%

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    ASX ltd

    AUD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total revenue 734,899 835,381 624,385 552,153 308,331

    Revenue growth -12.03% 33.79% 13.08% 79.08%

    EBITDA 588673 691788 485881 366584 164227

    EBITDA growth -14.91% 42.38% 32.54% 123.22%

    CBOE Holding Inc.

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total operating revenues 426082 416783 344270 257986

    Revenue growth 2.23% 21.06% 33.45%

    EBITDA 205097 212943 161804 100216

    EBITDA growth -3.68% 31.61% 61.46%

    CME Group Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total revenues 3,003,700 2,612,800 2,561,019 1,756,101 1,089,947

    Revenue growth 14.96% 2.02% 45.84% 61.12%

    EBITDA 1961000 1715400 1719536 1156146 693638

    EBITDA growth 14.32% -0.24% 48.73% 66.68%

    Deutsche Boerse AG

    EUR 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    Total revenue 2,322,600 2,786,600 2,664,500 2,112,900 1,851,100

    Revenue growth -16.65% 4.58% 26.11% 14.14%

    EBITDA 1206900 1645500 1471900 1157900 866400

    EBITDA growth -26.65% 11.79% 27.12% 33.64%

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    IntercontinentalExchange Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total revenues 1,149,944 994,788 813,078 574,293 313,799

    Revenue growth 15.60% 22.35% 41.58% 83.01%

    EBITDA 773458 623976 555781 386264 218349

    EBITDA growth 23.96% 12.27% 43.89% 76.90%

    London Stock Exchange Group PLC

    GBP 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Revenue 628,300 671,400 546,400 349,600 291,100

    Revenue growth -6.42% 22.88% 56.29% 20.10%

    EBITDA 303700 359800 313600 209700 146600EBITDA growth -15.59% 14.73% 49.55% 43.04%

    MF Global Holdings Ltd.

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total revenues 2,145,442 2,914,457 6,019,847 6,094,393 2,703,229

    Revenue growth -26.39% -51.59% -1.22% 125.45%

    EBITDA -47160 182372 -85299 135531 13916

    EBITDA growth -125.86% -313.80% -162.94% 873.92%

    NASDAQ OMX Group Inc

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006Total revenues 3,197,000 3,409,000 3,648,693 2,436,592 1,657,776

    Revenue growth -6.22% -6.57% 49.75% 46.98%

    EBITDA 734000 707000 732763 404552 285005

    EBITDA growth 3.82% -3.52% 81.13% 41.95%

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    NYSE Euronext

    USD 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total revenues 4,425,000 4,687,000 4,703,000 4,158,000 2,375,950

    Revenue growth -5.59% -0.34% 13.11% 75.00%

    EBITDA 1026000 552000 -335000 1161000 369261

    EBITDA growth 85.87% -264.78% -128.85% 214.41%

    Ignore 2005

    due to

    missing data


    2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005*


    industry revenue

    and EBITDA

    adjusted for



    USD revenue 6359178 9473295 9938301 7884400 5395125 2544129.764

    growth -32.87% -4.68% 26.05% 46. 14% 112.06%

    2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005*

    EBITDA 5769774 7056778 6528831 6390737 3720330 1214337.674

    -18.24% 8.09% 2.16% 71.78% 206.37%

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    Appendix 9 TMX and Competitors - EBITA Calculations

    TMX group Inc

    CAD 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005*

    Total revenue 556,316 533,189 424,724 352,847 289,964

    Compensation &

    benefits 129,369 110,486 96,251 79,006 72,510

    Information & trading

    systems 46,120 36,354 26,505 22,014 17,443

    General &

    administration 65,450 55,638 43,006 34,228 35,762

    EBITDA 315,377 330,711 258,962 217,599 164,249

    ASX ltd

    AUD 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total revenue 734,899 835,381 624,385 552,153 308,331

    Staff expenses 81424 81743 79160 84389 69301

    Occupancy expenses 13334 12759 7458 37619 31958

    Equipment expenses 23987 24191 25086 41859 21411Administration

    expenses 27481 24900 26800 21702 21434

    EBITDA 588,673 691,788 485,881 366,584 164,227

    CBOE Holding Inc.

    USD 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total operating

    revenues 426082 416783 344270 257986

    Total operating

    expenses 248,497 229,473 207,804 185959

    Depreciation &

    amortization 27,512 25,633 25,338 28,189

    EBITDA 205,097 212,943 161,804 100,216

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    CME Group In c

    USD 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total revenues 3,003,700 2,612,800 2,561,019 1,756,101 1,089,947

    Total expenses 1,172,600 1,023,700 978,824 705,608 469,092

    Depreciation &

    amortization 129,900 126,300 137,341 105,653 72,783

    EBITDA 1,961,000 1,715,400 1,719,536 1,156,146 693,638

    Deutsche Boerse AG

    EUR 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total revenue 2,322,600 2,786,600 2,664,500 2,112,900

    Earnings before

    interest & taxes (EBIT) 637,800 1,508,400 1,345,900 1,027,500


    amortization &


    losses(other than

    goodwill) 569,100 137,100 126,000 130,400

    EBITDA 1,206,900 1,645,500 1,471,900 1,157,900


    Exchange Inc

    USD 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total revenues 1,149,944 994,788 813,078 574,293 313,799

    Total operating

    expenses 497,695 482,169 319,544 220,730 109,164

    Depreciation &

    amortization expense 121,209 111,357 62,247 32,701 13,714

    EBITDA 773,458 623,976 555,781 386,264 218,349

    London Stock

    Exchange Group PLC

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    GBP 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Revenue 628,300 671,400 546,400 349,600 291,100

    Operating expenses 447,600 397,400 281,200 164000 171000

    Depreciation &

    amortization 123,000 85,800 48,400 24100 26500

    EBITDA 303,700 359,800 313,600 209,700 146,600

    NASDAQ OMX Group


    USD 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006Total revenues 3,197,000 3,409,000 3,648,693 2,436,592 1,657,776

    Tota l cost of revenues 1,675,000 1,956,000 2,188,615 1,624,353 970,381

    Total operating

    expenses 891,000 850,000 819,893 446,577 473,306

    Depreciation &

    amortization expense 103,000 104,000 92,578 38,890 70,916

    EBITDA 734,000 707,000 732,763 404,552 285,005

    USD 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Total revenues 4,425,000 4,687,000 4,703,000 4,158,000 2,375,950

    Operating income

    (loss) from continuingoperations 745,000 286,000 -588,000 909,000 233,464

    Depreciation &

    amortization 281,000 266,000 253,000 252,000 135,797

    EBITDA 1,026,000 552,000 -335,000 1,161,000 369,261

    Appendix 10 TMX and Competitors - Financial Ratios

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    Industry Average

    2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    Quick Ratio 0.38 0.55 0.77 0.92 1.75 1.00

    Current Ratio 1.02 1.05 1.31 1.45 3.01 1.13


    Turnover 5.92 5.79 5.73 6.69 7.63 0.35



    Turnover 122.78 44.38 50.79 37.45 51.71 8.79


    Coverage 21.94 34.47 1253.45 53.38 52.83 79.86

    2010 calculation s

    current ratio

    current assets 1550545

    current liabilities 1696400

    current ratio 0.914021

    cash 68797


    securities 261605

    A/R 89680


    liabilities 1696400

    quick ratio 0.247631



    2010 2009

    revenue 575463 A/P 59093 44993

    operating expenses 286525


    receivable 754933 714545

    amortization 32307 A/R 89680 79427

    sum of A/R 844613 793972

    A/R turnover 0.70239

    A/P turnover 5.505543

    interest expense 6205

    interest coverage 92.74182

    average of balances for turnovers

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    TMX group Inc

    2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    Quick Ratio 0.25 0.54 0.64 0.89 0.95 0.99

    Current Ratio 0.91 1.1 1.08 1.27 1.27 1.23

    Receivables Turnover 0.7 0.61 0.58 0.49 0.36 0.35

    Accounts Payable Turnover 5.51 10.66 9.88 9.72 9.63 8.79

    Interest Coverage 92.7 46.65 29.06 31.76 26.72 19.7

    ASX ltd

    2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Quick Ratio 0.48 0.44 0.18 0.08 1.52

    Current Ratio 1.22 1.12 1.1 1.06 1.54

    Receivables Turnover 2.53 3.05 1.72 2.51 12.63

    Accounts Payable Turnover 184.32 184.45 128.65 109.13 47.68

    Interest Coverage 5.72 2.92

    CBOE Holding Inc.

    2010 2009 2008 2007

    Quick Ratio 1.19 3.51

    Current Ratio 1.21 3.97

    Receivables Turnover 10.8

    Accounts Payable Turnover 8.69

    Interest Coverage 202.95 9,858.42 17.83

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    CME Group Inc

    2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Quick Ratio 1.09 1 0.98 0.46 0.59

    Current Ratio 1.13 1.03 1.03 1.22 1.46

    Receivables Turnover 9.93 9.47 10.97 10.64 9.67

    Accounts Payable Turnover 60.99 44.39 39.3 41.56 44.39

    Interest Coverage 13.05 12.11 22.64 - 66.42

    Deutsche Boerse AG

    2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

    Quick Ratio 0.97 0.93 0.93 0.99 1

    Current Ratio 1 1 0.99 1.02 1.03

    Receivables Turnover 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

    Accounts Payable Turnover 21.14 25.83 28.27 25.28

    Interest Coverage 11.05 34.58 250.21 187.41 140.01

    IntercontinentalExchange Inc

    2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Quick Ratio 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.19 6.23

    Current Ratio 1.02 1.03 1.02 1.25 9

    Receivables Turnover 10.29 10.45 12.24 13.85 14.05

    Accounts Payable Turnover 18.78 18.6 20.93 39.31 202.26

    Interest Coverage 23.76 24.46 61.41 52.18

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    London Stock Exchange Group PLC

    2010 2009 2008

    Quick Ratio 0 0.01 0.02

    Current Ratio 1 1 0.98

    Receivables Turnover 5.09 5.7

    Accounts Payable Turnover 35.7 30.94

    Interest Coverage 4.84 - 9.05

    MF Global Holdings Ltd.2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Quick Ratio 0.54 0.46 0.62 0.55

    Current Ratio 1.03 1.06 1.02 1.02

    Receivables Turnover 0.65 0.47 0.73

    Accounts Payable Turnover 640.24 97.4 152.05

    Interest Coverage - 0.93 0.17 4.22 2.73

    NASDAQ OMX Group Inc

    2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Quick Ratio 0.07 0.31 0.18 3.83 1.21

    Current Ratio 1.03 1.2 1.07 4.09 5.02

    Receivables Turnover 10.67 10.66 12.37 10.09 7.52

    Accounts Payable Turnover 24.5 18.87 20.36 17.05 11.45

    Interest Coverage 6.78 6.78 12.29 10.38 3.22

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    NYSE Euronext

    2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

    Quick Ratio 0.59 0.5 0.59 0.44 0.76

    Current Ratio 0.81 0.71 0.78 0.66 1.73

    Receivables Turnover 7.46 6.68 7.16 9.23 9.16

    Accounts Payable Turnover 12.22 8.68 9.33 17.1 21.28

    Interest Coverage 6.71 2.34 - 7.05 30.5

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    Appendix 12 Institutional Ownership Data


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    Appendix 13 CAGR Calculation

    Appendix 14 Main Competitors in the Securities Exchange Industry

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    Australian StockExchange

    Market Cap:N/AASX and its subsidiaries are engaged in providing stock exchange and ancillaryservices in Australia. Co. provides rules of conduct for admission to and continuedparticipation in trading activity on its markets; surveillance and reporting of marketactivity; investigation and enforcement of market participation and listed companybehavior; assistance to the Australian Securities & Investments Commission; supportand guidance to market participants and listed companies; review and appealmechanisms for market participants and listed companies; automated trading andclearing platforms; guarantees of trade completion and risk management; and,information

    Chicago Board ofOptions

    Market Cap: 2.6BCBOE Holdings is a registered securities exchange. Co.'s business is providing a marketplacefor the trading of options on individual equities, exchange-traded funds and various indexes. Inaddition to its core options trading business, Co. provides marketplaces for trading futurescontracts and cash equities through its subsidiary CBOE Futures Exchange and its affiliate

    CBOE Stock Exchange.Chicago MercantileExchange

    Market Cap:20.0BCME Group is a holding company for Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc., Board of Trade of theCity of Chicago, Inc., New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. and their respective subsidiaries.Co. provides a range of products including those based on interest rates, equities, foreignexchange, commodities, energy and metals. Co. also provides clearing services for clearedover-the-counter derivatives including credit default swaps and interest rate swaps. Trades areexecuted through Co.'s electronic trading platform, open outcry and privately negotiatedtransactions. Through its clearing house, Co. also provides clearing, settlement andguarantees for products cleared through the exchange.

    Deutsche Boerse AG Market Cap; 13.8BDeutsche Boerse is a global financial marketplace operator. Co.'s business areas are dividedinto Cash Market, comprising two market structure for securities trading: floor trading ofFrankfurter Wertpapierbrse and Xetra, an electronic trading system; Derivatives Market,where it jointly operates with SIX Swiss Exchange the Eurex derivatives exchange; MarketData & Analytics, which develops, disseminates and markets information on the internationalfinancial markets; Banking, Settlement and Custody, which is engaged in providing back officeservices for shares and bonds, and Information Technology, which designs, develops andoperates the technological infrastructure of Co.

    IntercontinentalExchange Inc. Market Cap:9.3BIntercontinentalExchange is an operator of global futures exchanges, over-the-counter (OTC)markets and derivatives clearing houses. Co. operates futures and OTC marketplaces fortrading and clearing energy, environmental and agricultural commodities, credit default swaps,equity indexes and foreign exchange contracts. Co. provides trading in standardized derivativecontracts on its regulated exchanges in its futures markets; electronic trading, clearing andbrokerage services in its OTC markets, which include energy markets and credit derivatives;and a variety of market data services and products for both futures and OTC marketparticipants and observers through its market data segment.

    London StockExchange

    Market Cap: Gbp226.6BLondon Stock Exchange is a diversified exchange group based in the United Kingdom. Co. isengaged in the admission of securities for trading, delivery of trading systems, clearing andsettlement of trading in securities and the provision of associated information services. Co.'soperations are organized in six segments: Issuer, Trading, Information, Post Trade, Corporateand Other. Co.'s systems provide trading, allowing investors and institutions access to equity,bond and derivatives markets. Co. acts as a central counterparty, guaranteeing parties to atrade that will be paid and securities delivered, as well as a Central Securities Depository andsecurities settlement systems.

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    MF Global HoldingsInc.

    Market Cap: 1.3BMF Global Holdings is a brokerage firm providing services in the global cash and derivativesmarkets. Co. provides execution and clearing services for products in the exchange-tradedand over-the-counter (OTC) derivative markets, as well as for products in the cash market. Co.provides its clients with global market access to more than 70 securities and futuresexchanges and also facilitates trades in the OTC markets. Co. principally provides its clientswith execution and clearing services for five general types of products: equities, fixed income,interest rate products (which include listed futures and options), foreign exchange andcommodities.

    NASDAQ OMX Market Cap: 4.5BNASDAQ OMX Group is a holding company. Through its subsidiaries, Co. provides tradingand clearing across multiple asset classes, market data products, financial indexes, capitalformation services, financial services and market application products and services. Co.operates in three segments: Market Services, which includes Co.'s U.S. and EuropeanTransaction Services businesses, as well as its Market Data and Broker Services businesses;Issuer Services, which includes Co.'s Global Listing Services and Global Index Groupbusinesses; and Market Technology, through which Co. is an applications provider and partnerto exchanges, clearing organizations and central securities depositories.

    NYSE Euronext Market Cap: 9.0BNYSE Euronext is a holding company. Through its subsidiaries, Co. provides a range ofproducts and services in cash equities, futures, options, swaps, exchange-traded products,bonds, carbon trading, clearing operations, market data and commercial technology services,to issuers, investors, financial institutions and market participants. Co. operates the followingsecurities exchanges: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NYSE Arca, Inc. and NYSE AmexLLC in the U.S. and the five European-based exchanges that comprise Euronext N.V., namelythe Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Lisbon stock exchanges, as well as the NYSE Liffederivatives markets in London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and Lisbon.

    Toronto StockExchange

    Market Cap: 2.9BTTMX Group owns and operates two national stock exchanges, Toronto Stock Exchange,serving the senior equity market and TSX Venture Exchange, serving the public venture equitymarket, Montreal Exchange Inc., Canada's national derivatives exchange, Natural GasExchange Inc. an exchange providing a platform for the trading and clearing of natural gas,electricity, and crude oil contracts in North America, Shorcan Brokers Limited, a fixed incomeinter-dealer broker, and The Equicom Group Inc., providing investor relations and relatedcorporate communications services

    Source: Business Summary taken from MergentOnline Database. Market Cap taken from on March 20, 2011

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    1 Datamonitor Report. Company Profile, TMX Group Inc.. p4

    2 Datamonitor Report. Company Profile, NYSE Euronext Group Inc.. p4,5

    3 Datamonitor Report. Company Profile, NASDAQ OMX Group Inc.. p4,5

    4 NYSE Euronext Listings Directory

    5 Datamonitor Report. Company Profile, NASDAQ OMX Group Inc.. p6

    6 TMX Group Annual Report. P15.

    7 TMX 2010 Managements Discussion and Analysis. P8

    8 NYSE Group 2009 Annual Report. P31

    9 TMX Group Annual Report. P16.

    10 TMX Group Annual Report. P8.

    11 NYSE Group 2009 Annual Report. P33

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