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Assignment No. 1

Section: A

Group Members:

Danish Haroon- 0007

Maaz Ahmed Qureshi – 0011

Salman Ahmed- 0025

Shahan Arshad- 0026

Tuba Jawaid- 0030

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Q1) How many individuals (including children) were present on the ship?

Q2) How many children were present on the ship?

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Q3) a) How many of the children were males?

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Q3) b) How many of the adults present on the ship were females?

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Q4) What was the average age of the passengers?

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Q5) What is the average age of females?

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Q6) Read the case carefully. There are two competing theories mentioned in the case. Analyze the data set and the case and attempt to “prove” and/or “disprove” both theories. Show all your steps and workings with explanations and reasons for such steps along with your conclusion regarding the two theories. If you are unable to “prove” or “disprove” a theory, state it along with reason for why you are unable to “prove” or “disprove” a theory.

Theory: survival depended of class

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Percentages were taken via this method:

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Percentage of 1st class that survived is 61.92% out of total present in 1st class. Percentage of 2nd class that survived is 42.96% out of total present in 2nd class. Percentage of 3rd class that survived is 25.53% out of total present in 3rd class. Therefore majority of 1st class survived and least survived out of 3rd. Therefore the theory that survival depended on class is proved.

Theory: Total Woman and Children first protocol was followed

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Screenshot displaying the total travelers survived

Screenshot displaying the total travelers who didn’t survived

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Screenshot displaying the total number of women survived

Screenshot displaying the total number of women who didn’t survived

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Screenshot displaying the total number of children who survived

Screenshot displaying the total number of children who didn’t survived

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Screenshot displaying the total number of passengers on the ship

Screenshot displaying the total number of women and children who survived

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Screenshot displaying the total number of women and children who didn’t survived

Screenshot displaying the total number of women and children on the ship

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Screenshot displaying the percentage of women and children who survived

Screenshot displaying the percentage of men who survived

Analysis: The Women and children protocol was followed upon as 65% of the women and children survived as compared to 17% of men who survived. This shows that a majority of the people who survived were women and children. Based on this analysis that majority of women and children survived as compared to the less number of men, we can conclude that the theory was valid.

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Note: Excel formulae were used in testing this theory because pivot table only allows manipulation of two variables (0 and 1). To fill our table of Total survived, Did not survive, Women and children who survived, did not survive etc, we needed to use excel formulae to fill out our table and prove the theory.