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Tips & Tricks To Trend On Twitter

By Chirag Kalwani

What is #Trending and why should I bother?

• What is #Trending – Trending topics are those

which feature on the left side of virtually every

page of your Twitter

• Why should I bother? – Imagine being on

virtually all the pages of one of the most popular

social networking sites. That kind of exposure for

your brand will surely grab your client’s attention

What is #Trending and why should I bother?

#Burst or #Sustained?

#Burst or #Sustained?

• If you want it to trend, devise the contest in such a way that it lasts for 90

minutes or 2 hours at max. Try to maximize your impact by limiting the use of

the hashtag in a very short but concentrated burst. The reason for doing this is

simple. A topic will trend only when Twitter senses high usage of a particular

term within a short period time

• In order to achieve this, try to get maximum number of mentions on the

minimum possible time

#Burst or #Sustained?

• Day long quizzes will only trend if your audience is exceptionally enthusiastic

or if your prize is very enticing

• Open ended questions which entices multiple responses from the audience are

better than a simple quiz .

• The reason being quite simply that for an open ended question, a fan will

submit multiple entries as opposed to a proper Q&A in which each question

will have a definite answer and hence will only entice a single Tweet

The #Hashtag

The #Hashtag

• Always Try to pick out a Hashtag with is more generic in nature

• In order to trend, you will generally need a lot more people to use the Hashtag

than your fan base. A contest based one might prove to be interesting for the

ones who are participating but not for a random person

• Pick a Hashtag which will compel a bystander to use it

Hashtag #Fail

#Aurora – An unsuspecting brand

tried to piggyback using this hashtag

which talked about the Aurora shooting in




• Before finalizing a Hashtag, make sure it cannot

be used as a double-meaning one in any case

• Another technique which many brands employ is

piggybacking on already trending topics . This is

something you should be very careful about!



• After finalizing on the date of your contest, leave

a very generic & cryptic tweet about the contest

• Don’t forget to ask for a RT from your followers.

This will definitely get more people excited about

the contest and most of them who read the tweet

will end up following your profile in anticipation



• Another tantalizing tweet telling your followers about the contest is a must for

few hours before the contest

• Whatever you do, DO NOT use the Hashtag before the contest starts. Many

over-excited users will start to Tweet with the Hashtag even before the contest

starts which will decrease your impact

• Avoid talking about prizes before the contest starts . Let your fans expect the

best. However if your prize is exceptionally good, you can talk about it



• Try to fit in the description of the contest in one Tweet with the Hashtag so

that even if it gets Re-tweeted, an unknown user will still know what you are

talking about

• One of the biggest factors which will help you to trend is to engage with the

initial users as much as humanely possible

• Small one liners like ‘Haha, that’s a funny one’ or ‘That’s a great one, keep

them coming’ go a long way in retaining the interest of the user


• Use the Hashtag of your contest IN EVERY

TWEET even if they are short and simple replies

• If a user forgets to use the Hashtag, make it a

point to remind them that their entry is invalid

without the Hashtag

Beware of



Beware of the #Overkill

• While it is imperative to keep your audience engaged throughout the contest,

be very aware of the number of Tweets you post for your fans

• On an average, even if your account has 5000 followers, the number of people

engaging with you will be around 100 at most. Don’t alienate the 4900 who

are, in most probability, the higher quality of audience by tweeting excessively

• As a norm, keep at least 5 minutes between successive tweets



• About halfway through the

contest, drop the prize bomb

on your fans ( the better the

prize, the earlier you talk

about it)

• Try to get the most enticing

picture of your prize and

tweet it for your audience. It

will breathe a new life into

your contest

General #Pointers

General #Pointers

• Retweet few of your outstanding entries so that people know what they are up against. While doing this, do not use the Retweet button. Compose a new tweet with the ‘RT’ prefix so that the emphasis remains on your profile and not the fan

• If a user asks you whether its quantity or quality, try to give out vague answers like ‘A bit of both!’ so as to keep them hooked

• If your contest is region specific (winner has to be chosen from one place), don’t reveal that your audience unless it is absolutely necessary. Try to encourage as many people as you can to participate

The #HolyGrail

The #HolyGrail

• If it has to trend, it

will generally start

from a smaller city

and then move

nationwide or even


• Once you get

going, don’t stop!

The #HolyGrail

• If you do it right, forget the nation, you can make it big – Worldwide!

Go #Fishing

Go #Fishing

• One of the best

screenshots you

can give to your

client is how much

your audience

loves your contest

Go #Fishing

• Fish for compliments

after the contest is

done. The users will

definitely give you

glowing praise in

hopes of getting into

your good books and

win the prize

The #Benefits of Trending

The #Benefits

• Most of the times, a client might be hesitant to spend on a giveaway. The

most rational way to approach this is by explaining the benefits of trending on

Twitter and comparing the cost of buying a promoted trend to the giveaway you


• The cost of a promoted trend for 2 days is in the region of Rs.6.5 Lakhs and

that too won’t is only Nationwide. Your Giveaway will always be a mere

fraction of this cost

The #Benefits

• A simple example which justifies a giveaway is the contest that was conducted for the launch of HTC One. For the cost of one HTC One, the name of the brand and the phone trended worldwide and also remained on top spot in the nation’s trends for more than 12 hours.

• The most surprising fact about this is that the contest only lasted for 1 hour!

• In monetary terms, we were able to achieve exponentially greater results at a fraction of the cost

Announcing the #Winners

Announcing the #Winners

• Announcing the winners can also be turned into a small activity to get Retweets and


• A simple ‘RT if you think you have won it’ can prove to be very successful

• Once the winners are announced, DM all of them asking for their contact information and

other such details



Why #DM?

• The sole reason for keeping all this private is Twitter is a very open platform. Most users

will not prefer to share their details publicly.

• Another advantage of doing this is to ensure if anything goes wrong, the brand name

does not get bashed publicly

• For such situations, you have to adhere to the philosophy –

Never Wash Your Dirty Laundry In Public

Why #DM?

• If you begin your communication through a DM, even when a disgruntled winner is

complaining, you can reply to them in a DM and shift your conversation there

• The ill effects of having an influential user bashing your brand over something as menial

as the delivery of a prize can be far reaching and in extreme cases, even disastrous

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