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Tips To Get Hired At Interviews

Getting ready and sailing through an interview

process can be a nervous and tasking experience for

a lot of people and for good reasons. You have

probably written a good curriculum Vitae and cover

letter which can turn the heads of people that will

interview you and the only thing left is for you to rely

on your personal strengths to appeal to the


The most important thing is to remember that the

essence of the interview is for them to hire you and

what they are on the lookout for is to get the best

person possible for the job. The hope of the

interviewers is that they’ve probably identified the

best person for the job and all you need to do is to

confirm their belief that no one fits the role better

than you.

Listen And Pay Attention

During the course of the interview, you can have a

pen and notebook handy to jot down important things

which can later serve as reminders even if the things

being said have previously been mentioned in the job

advertisements. It not only helps you to recall the

things that you knew before the interview but also

serves as future reference.

Listening and paying attention at job interviews is

important most especially since it is quite easy for

information to feel like it is entering one ear and

coming out of the other except you’re very good at

keeping records. The course of the interview is also

the best time and place to keep track of questions

asked and the ones you intend to ask until you have a

chance to answer them.

Ask Questions

While a lot of people see asking questions at oral

interviews as being out of place, it is actually

important that you ask relevant and thoughtful

questions relating to the job and interview. Your

questions can include what the interviewer enjoys

most about working in the company, the vision and

mission of the company and if your present role fits

into it.

Other questions can include the things you need to

know about working in the company and any other

thing you need to know that will making you confident

about starting out newly in the company.

Represent Yourself The Best Way Possible

An interviewer that seems casual is usually someone

you should work for. You’ve dressed up the best way

possible with a suit and tie and have your Curriculum

vitae neatly typed out and arranged in your

briefcase or bag. You spend minutes or even an hour

waiting for the interviewers to get prepared only to

see them saunter in wearing casual clothing and

cracking jokes with one another.

Avoid joining in with their jokes and do your best to

be as professional as possible. Be confident, firm and

serious and have it at the back of your mind that your

interviewers have a job already. Show them why

you’re the best candidate for the job and deal with

any unpredictable situations that may arise.

Furthermore, don’t be rattled by the interviewer or

the interview itself. Take your time to think through

the answers to give to any questions you’re asked.

Calmly Negotiate Your Offer

If and when you successfully received a job offer, it is

important for you to be able to negotiate the offer to

your favour. When negotiating, be sure to include

anything that will make you perform at a maximum.

These things may include flexible working schedule,

expected output, and other important terms of

agreement. Be as appreciative and respectful of the

offer as you can possibly be. You should however

never be shy of asking for what you believe you
