Download - TIPS FOR DEVELOPING YOUR INTUITION - healing … · which is an important component of developing your intuition to its full potential. Detachment also means letting go of any expectations

Page 1: TIPS FOR DEVELOPING YOUR INTUITION - healing … · which is an important component of developing your intuition to its full potential. Detachment also means letting go of any expectations



Healing Radiance


Page 2: TIPS FOR DEVELOPING YOUR INTUITION - healing … · which is an important component of developing your intuition to its full potential. Detachment also means letting go of any expectations


Have you wondered why you can’t seem to manifest more of what you want into your life? One of the greatest obstacles to manifesting is undeveloped intuition.

Page 3: TIPS FOR DEVELOPING YOUR INTUITION - healing … · which is an important component of developing your intuition to its full potential. Detachment also means letting go of any expectations


Manifestation requires awareness and sensitivity to many sources of information, some of which comes from the unseen world. You have to be able to see beyond the physical.

Reasoning will not get you further than what you already know. Like any skill, intuition takes time to develop, but the more you rely on it, the stronger a guiding force it will become in your life.

Page 4: TIPS FOR DEVELOPING YOUR INTUITION - healing … · which is an important component of developing your intuition to its full potential. Detachment also means letting go of any expectations

When you have a problem in your life, you will often find yourself looking an expert to fix the situation. No matter the issue, the urge to rely on outside solutions is pervasive. Experts are helpful, and sometimes crucial, but cannot be your only resource to overcome the challenges you’ve been presented.

In many cases, when you are faced with a problem, you experience tension and anxiety, and your mind jumps ahead into the future. Your thoughts start racing, selecting information to help you make a decision or to feel reassured. But what is really going on? When you rely on your

intellect, you tend to latch onto one train of thought, and you lose your universal view. Where is the guarantee that the same mindset that got you into the problem, will now somehow get you out of it? And even if work hard to find some new knowledge that will make you think differently, and try to adjust your ways of thinking—how can you be so certain that it is the right kind of knowledge?

Instead of reaching out for more knowledge, accept knowing nothing—just for the moment. Allow yourself to be clueless! When you choose to be clueless, you choose to put your logical mind on the back burner and bring forward every other aspect of your experience including the physical, the emotional and spiritual aspects of your being. What is even more, you bring in the heart, and learn to act from the heart. Drop any preconceived ideas, and listen to the intelligence coming from inside you.


Be Clueless


Page 5: TIPS FOR DEVELOPING YOUR INTUITION - healing … · which is an important component of developing your intuition to its full potential. Detachment also means letting go of any expectations

Detachment means accepting exactly what exists at any given moment. We’ve all heard of the advantages of letting go, not holding on to the past, and detaching, but in practice this is very difficult to do. Many have a general perception that being detached means not having emotions or feelings about the events or people in your life. That is not what human experience is about, however. A life without joy, sadness, or enthusiasm is no life at all!

That’s not it, though. Being detached doesn’t mean we have to deny our emotions and even judgements. Rather, we need to recognize and

acknowledge our emotional reactions and feelings, but keep them from becoming the guiding force behind our actions and thoughts. Only by acknowledging your emotional truth and giving it a voice can you “take the wind out of the sail” and become able to consciously choose what to do. Detachment allows you to be in the moment, which is an important component of developing your intuition to its full potential. Detachment also means letting go of any expectations of an outcome. While doing your best, you acknowledge that you cannot control the outcome of your efforts.

When it comes to intuition, you must detach from expectations not only about outcome, but also about how you will receive information when accessing your intuition. Realize that you may experience your intuition in any number of forms, such as seeing, hearing, and feeling.

You never know how the information you want might present itself.


Be Detached


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Being grounded is being connected to the earth, feeling balanced, focused, and at one with nature and the Universe. The more grounded you are, the easier it is to access your intuition and receive relevant information.

If you are not grounded, you may mistake your own fantasies for intuition or a call from the Divine. If you’re tired, worried, or in pain, it will be extremely difficult to ground and access your intuition. You will most likely go into fear or negativity and shut down any possibility to receive intuitively.

When the physical body is fully alive and full of energy at the cellular level, it becomes much easier to call on your spiritual body and access your intuition. Each of us has a unique way of being grounded, and I encourage you to experiment and find what serves you best. Breathing exercises, walking barefoot, practicing yoga, or going for a walk are all excellent grounding tools. When you move your body with presence and intention, you are less subject to negative thought patterns, and it’s easier to connect, not only with the physical but also with emotional and spiritual dimensions.

If you are comfortable working with archangels and high beings, you can also call on archangel Sandalphon to help you ground. Please note that for many sensitive souls lack of grounding is a soul-level issue, as you may find it challenging adjusting to the Earth’s vibration. I discuss and heal it more thoroughly with my clients in the Akashic Record and intuitive readings.


Be Grounded


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This sounds so easy, doesn’t it? But when it comes to practice, learning to trust your intuition is a laborious and long process. It is not easy, because you have to un-learn so many false beliefs and early conditioning about who you are and what you have to believe about yourself.

To access your intuition, you need to trust yourself and listen to the insights that come to you. You don’t need to have any special knowledge. You don’t need any special training, either. If you haven’t been accessing your intuition, you may find it difficult at first to believe the messages it is sending you. It may take some time to develop

this trust, but the outcome is worth the effort. As you explore and learn to trust the messages you receive from your intuition, you may want to start with less important issues to build your confidence.

Remember, as one of my teachers used to say - trust, trust, trust!


Trust Yourself


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When I was 17, and fresh out of high school, I decided to set out to conquer the world. My mother had just passed away, and my father was a lot older than me and could not assist me financially. I knew I would have to fight hard for my place under the sun, all by myself. One of my school teachers came to visit me, and by way of good-bye said: “Be a sponge! You never know what information you will need. Notice everything! Study everything. Absorb everything. Don’t discard information because it seems irrelevant. Sometimes what is irrelevant will turn out to be a key to your survival. Always be a sponge!”

This is the best advice I can give you today, as well.

Receiving is an important element of intuition. Try considering yourself as a sponge. A sponge absorbs everything. It simply receives without organizing or processing in any way. In contrast, our minds love to label, classify, and organize. Without conscious awareness, our minds constantly filter all of the information that we receive. As a result of this we judge, distrust, and create walls. We classify people, opportunities, places, we deem them worthy or unworthy of our attention, as much as we deem ourselves worthy or unworthy of a certain outcome.

To get the most from our intuition, it is helpful to understand that there is no such thing as important or unimportant information. Everything has value. For intuition to come to us, we must be ready to receive everything, to act like a sponge. Allow yourself to gratefully accept even more than you can imagine.


Be a Sponge!


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How often do you let yourself play? Do you even remember how? Do you know how to relax and express your joyfulness?

In our serious, achievement-oriented culture, too many people leave play behind in their childhood. But in truth, the more playful and alive you are, the more open you are to new possibilities. Playfulness engages your physical body as well as your mind and your spirit, and you are open to receive and accept any intuitive information that comes to you. A playful spirit and attitude helps you accept what is happening in your life and be flexible when necessary.

Playfulness helps you make decisions from your intuitive self and thus facilitates manifestation of what is truly aligned with your soul mission.


Be Playful


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To develop your intuition, you need to be rested and balanced. If you’re physically exhausted or experiencing a difficult time in your life, it can be much more challenging to open yourself up to your intuition. Nurture yourself, rest, and heal.

None of us is perfect, we all mess up, we all get lazy or unproductive. Sometimes, you just need a time out or a change of scenery. Sometimes, you need to get away from it all. This is perfectly fine, because life consists of ups and downs. This is how we learn. You cannot control everything.

Self-care exists on several levels. First there is traditional self-care on the physical level with

rest, nutrition, and fitness. Equally as important is your spiritual and emotional self-care. Remember to love yourself. Remember that you are worthy of the love you are trying to give others.

Like an athlete who must create a lifestyle to support his or her passion, create a lifestyle that empowers you to be at your best—open, aware, and relaxed. As you learn to rely more and more on your intuition, you will know when to speed up, slow down, or put things aside for the moment. You will become part of the natural flow of moment-to-moment manifestation where great things are accomplished with little effort.


Be Nurturing


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© 2016, Inga Nielsen

