Download - Tips and Tricks for an Accurate Pupil Count Laura Siek Greenville Public Schools.


Tips and Tricks for anAccurate

Pupil Count

Laura Siek

Greenville Public Schools

One More Thing to Learn?

Don’t re-invent the wheel!

Quick Easy Steps

• Cheat Sheet

• PowerSchool

• Microsoft Excel- formulas- auto filter- pivot tables

• Access database- import- export


• Use PowerSchool to the extent possible and make changes at the source file level BEFORE creating XML file.

• XML = Extremely Maddening Language

Power School Cheat Sheet

A year’s worth of experience – free!

Identifying fields with Missing Data


/ back slash yields results for students who are current AND students who are inactive

MSDS will reject files with missing data!

Power School Quick Export

Start Page > Special Functions > Importing & Exporting > Quick Export ***Power School Quick Export

*** breadcrumbs

Identifying fields with Incorrect Data Using Excel

Selected fields to export:Student_NumberFirst_nameLast_nameSchoolIDEnrollment_SchoolID


Student Number

First Name Last Name School ID Enrollment School ID


11111111 John Doe 1234 4567 Problem

Before Each Count


Clear prior 10/30 day rule field values

Mass change field values (operating district)

Delete FTE for students who exited the district

*** valuable for changing multiple students

List Students in Power School

• Homeless students

• Foreign Exchange students

• Non-Resident students

• SNE – Supplemental Nutrition students

• LEP – Limited English Proficient

• Migrant students

• Special Education students

List Students in Power School

Start Page: Homeless #

List Students in Power School

Select a function for this group of students: List Students

List Students in Power School

*count will number your students for you

List Students in Power School

Right click / Copy / Paste into Word document

Power School Reports

• General Collection Validation Report

• Official Enrollment Student Roster

• MI SRSD Extract

• 75% Attendance Report

• MI General Collection – generates xml file

Power School Reports

Tips and Tricks

= Equals (first_name=Jamaal)< Is less than (grade_level<11)> Is greater than (grade_level>3)<= Is less than or equal to (grade_level<=10)>= Is greater than or equal to (grade_level>=4)# Does not equal football# (football is not blank)In - Value is present in the field (last_name in yang,holt)Contains - value is contained in the field

(street contains maple)@Wildcard (first_name=jacq@)*as_of=00/00/0000

Tips and Tricks

Multiple Selections

Use a comma between criteria, a semi-colon between fields.

Grade_level in 9,11;gender=f

Tips and Tricks

Excel Tips


