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Tiny Tots – 2018 Parent Information

“Fostering the Potential of Every Child – Education for Life”

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3 What is a Montessori based Tiny Tots Activity group?

4 The 0-3 Year Old Montessori Program

Protocols of Tiny Tots Program

6 Tiny Tots Activity Group Session Outline

7 Parent/Carer’s Role at Tiny Tots

8 Staff Role at Tiny Tots

9 What to do Next

Tiny Tots - Moving into Cycle 1 Frequently Asked Questions

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Dr Maria Montessori believed the young child’s mind is like a sponge, absorbing and digesting information. Everything that occurs in a child’s life has a profound effect on that child. The quality of early experiences is of a great importance to a child’s self-construction.

There are sensitive periods in a child’s life when they are fascinated with a particular skill or subject. It’s easier to learn during these periods than at any other time in life as it comes naturally and without effort. Each child has their own time based period but this will mostly happen:

The Tiny Tots Play Group offers an environment where the children can play but also develop these skills. Children are shown how to use tools and work towards becoming more independent. With this emphasis, children are encouraged to choose the activity they want to do and when they want to do it. If given the choice, children prefer to copy adults and do “real work” instead of playing. Real work is play for them as long as they have chosen the work.

Tiny Tots Play group aims to offer the child opportunities to play and handle tools, made for their size; such as brooms and a sink with water. There are arts, music and movement activities, puzzles, books and activities to stimulate their senses and motivate exploring.

By having choice the child feels empowered and that they have some control. As adults it is our role to give children choice, but we can limit this choice by offering “this” or “that”. Also it is our role to help children to be accountable for their choices. If a child is too young, we can assist the child once they have made their choice.

Montessori is about helping children to help themselves, with educational principles based around the following ideas;

1. all children want to learn 2. children have absorbent minds 3. everything that occurs in their life has a profound effect 4. children pass through sensitive periods in their development

Birth - 3 years


Sensory exploration

Language (0-6yrs)

Coordination & muscle development (0-4yrs)

Interest in tiny objects

2-4 years

Social interest

2½-6 years

Sensory refinement

3-6 years

Open to all adult influence

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The 0-3 Year Old Montessori Program What the program offers your child:

Help your child discover and respond to a prepared learning environment.

Retain and develop their love of learning.

Increase their ability to concentrate.

Develop independence.

Develop communication skills.

To be part of a social community.

What the program offers you:

Observe your child’s capabilities.

Understand how your child learns.

Learn to provide for your child’s changing needs.

Implement practical ideas to make life at home easier and more fun.

Opportunity for you to spend time with your child.

To learn more about Montessori philosophy.

What happens during the program? As a parent you will attend with your child for a maximum of 3 hours, per session, in an environment specifically set up to facilitate the child’s growing need for independence. The room contains child sized furniture and activities that match the children’s physical proportions and their stage of development.

The range of activities offered to the child are:

Language enrichment exercises.

Exercises to refine eye-hand coordination and visual discrimination to assist fine motor skills.

Practical life exercises.

Art activities.

Outdoor and indoor activities to help develop gross motor skills.

Singing and movement. All work is set out in such a way that children can use the materials with the minimum of adult assistance and parents are made aware of the importance of allowing their children to complete and repeat tasks without interruption or interference. In this way children build up their attention span. These and other principles of every Montessori environment, provide parents with hands-on experience of the practical application of the Montessori method of education.

PROTOCOLS OF TINY TOTS PROGRAM Activities can be done either at a table or the floor on a workmat. Please ensure your

child is using only one activity at a time. This activity will have all the necessary items on a tray to take to the table or mat.

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Small weaning tables and chairs that will support children under 1-2 years, depending on their size, are available for use.

Activities are designed to be self explanatory, for the child, with built in error control (i.e. the child learns to correct their own mistakes).

Activities are designed to give the child success and with success comes confidence.

The child chooses their own activity but should be directed to those that are developmentally appropriate.

When showing the child a new task it is best for you to demonstrate how to use if first. You can ask the child to observe as you slowly and deliberately complete all the steps involved so the child can carefully observe and then make their own attempt.

If a child wishes to change an activity, they may need assistance from an adult to pack up and return their present activity to the space on the shelves from which it came, prior to choosing something new.

After snack time, the child is responsible for clearing the table, washing and drying their plate and wiping the table, if capable. If age and necessity determines, an adult may assist the child. Please resist the temptation to do it for them as it will deprive them of the practise – you can assist your child if needed.

Montessori endeavours to encourage independence (the child choosing snacks, snack time, activities etc.) while the parent guides, observes and assists. Don’t be tempted to interrupt what may appear to be irrelevant and/or repetitive behaviour as it communicates that you don’t believe in the child’s capability to do the task. Try to gauge the right time to interrupt, when the child has tired but needs some assistance.

It is fine for your child to repeat an activity time and time again (even if its point is lost on you), the child will move on when ready. Activities are about the process, not the result.

Boundaries need to be reinforced, so tell your child to stop when necessary and provide a short explanation.

Tell the child what you want them to do, NOT what not to do eg. “Please paint on the paper” vs. “Don’t paint on the wall”.

Positive reinforcement and encouragement is vital when acknowledging a child’s efforts and achievements. Be careful not to over do it/over-encourage as words then become meaningless. For children the reward is individual success in achieving the task.

When your child has finished in the sandpit, please pack up the sand equipment they have used so that the sandpit is clean for the next child.

A Montessori environment has one of every activity. If a child would like to use something another child has, they may have to wait until it is placed on the shelf ready for him to use.

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What To Bring Fruit for the fruit plate Sun hat/Winter hat/warm coats Spare clothes/nappies etc. (a baby change table is available) Gumboots for in the sandpit (some spare pairs are available for use) Footwear - warm weather – barefoot is best for inside

- cool weather – socks, slippers for inside Extra underwear and clothing when your child is learning to use the toilet/potty

Individual Activity Time & Outside Play Indoor Activities and Snack All activities in the room are designed for the children to learn and play. These

can be presented to the children and/or assisted by parents/carers or the Director. As it is a multi-aged room please be mindful of the appropriate activities for your child’s age.

At this age (0-3) children are more focussed on their parent/s, their own needs of development and interest and are just beginning to socialise as they draw closer to 3 years. If your child wants to engage himself in individual activities it is okay to encourage this. Children are encouraged to wait if they want to use something another child has and this can be an opportunity for the child to learn patience and respect.

Individual activity time for the children. Quiet socialising by parents/carers and children. When an activity is finished, children are to place it back on the same shelf as

from where they collected it. Assist the child when necessary. You may need to repeatedly remind the child of this at first.

Snack time, consisting of fresh fruit, vegetables and healthy finger food provided by parents, is available during activity time. Children may require help in preparing fruit and washing/drying snack plate and cup and returning it to the shelf. Fresh, filtered water is available on the table for drinking. Upon entering the room, children may like to place the fruit on the fruit plate and then peel, cut and eat from the platter.

Parents can show a child how to use the recycling bin and compost located in the room.

If the snack table is full, please wait until others have finished their snack before you have yours. Encourage eating at the snack table only.

Parents/carers may wish to make a hot drink from the tea/coffee supplies in the room. Please be mindful of hot drinks and small children and keep them up and away from them.

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When the bell is rung, please stop, look and listen to the announcements. Depending on the flow of the room we may do a circle time. The bell is rung prior

to circle time. It is then time to complete, return and tidy all activities and work areas and move to the circle time area.

Those children and parents/carers who want to stay outside for circle time are welcome to do so.

A shared morning tea may occur on occasion.

Outdoor Activities Weather permitting, tots and parents/carers may head outside for a play, either

in the courtyard area or Tots back playground. Children must be supervised outside.

Those children and parents/carers who wish to stay inside are welcome to do so. Hats are required for outside play from September to April. Parents/carers are

responsible for the application of sunscreen (provided by Tiny Tots) to children. Parents are asked to also wear hats when outside.

Outdoor playtime is generally unstructured. At end of outside play time, please leave the areas tidy, tricycles returned to the

storage area and sandpit equipment back in crates. Outdoor play time may vary according to the weather and season.

Circle Time We begin with a story time, followed by songs or dance/movement. This is a

joyous occasion for everybody involved and some hearty singing can often be heard.

Children who have a morning sleep often enjoy attending just for circle time. This is a nice introduction to Montessori. When children drop the morning sleep they are able to then enjoy the morning activities in the room, outdoor play time, circle time then group lunch.

Parents and carers are asked to encourage children to sit and participate in the activities and songs. If the child would prefer to keep working with their activity let them do so until finished and then join after they have finished. Conversation should be focused on circle time activities.

When singing with small children the pace should be slowed down for them to be able to hear the words and then practise singing them correctly.

Parents/Carers’ Role At Tiny Tots: Parents/carers are responsible for the wellbeing and supervision of their child/ren at

all times whilst attending Tiny Tots. Specific tasks for parents/carers

Sign in your child and self in the sign-in book.

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Place paper on the paint easel if your child wants to paint and is unable to do this themselves.

Label your child’s work. Assist your child returning activities to the appropriate shelves after your child

has used it. Any outdoor activities/equipment used by your child must be put away eg. Trikes

returned to the storage room, equipment back in the storage container. Assist your child to the toilet / potty.

Children may require assistance with an activity. Show them how to take an activity to a table/floor mat, how to use it, and how to put it back again before getting another activity. This will minimise you putting it back for your child.

Help cut fruit with your child for snack. Provide fresh, filtered water in the children’s water jug on the snack table or a

capable child may do this. Set up lunch with water, cups, plates, cutlery, and heat and serve food, etc. Assist the

children to serve the food and eat. Clean up after lunch. If your child is capable show them how to wash and dry their snack plate and cup and

place them on the shelf. Lunch serving area – bench wiped down, floor swept if necessary, microwave wiped

inside and outside.

Staff Role At Tiny Tots: To develop and display an educational program that reflects the Philosophy of

Maria Montessori, BMS policies, the needs of the community and be culturally appropriate.

To provide a healthy, safe and welcoming environment and ensure that children are supervised at all times.

To educate and provide learning opportunities for parents about the Montessori Method.

To actively encourage parent involvement.

To provide regular information about the program, the operation of the Tiny Tots room and child development for parents and Principal in the form of room reports newsletters, posters and notices.

To communicate verbally with parents on their child’s development and progress at BMS.

To be responsible for the day-to-day supervision of parents and volunteers within the program.

To share housekeeping tasks of preparation, hygiene, safety and packing away related to the program, with parents.

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WHAT TO DO NEXT? Come along to a Tiny Tots Activity Group session, have a look around, talk to other

parents/carers and the Activity Group Leader, parents and friends of Montessori. Bring your completed enrolment form and signed fees agreement. Join in with your child in the room as you both learn about Montessori.

TINY TOTS – MOVING INTO CYCLE 1 Frequently Asked Questions

Commencement in Cycle 1 – Unfunded 3 year old program (6 or 9 hour attendance 2x3 or 3x3 hour sessions) Children may start in the Cycle 1 program as soon as they are 3 years if age. Starting them is a gradual process that works with the needs of the child. The length of this process will vary with each child. If a child is unable to cope with the length of a three hour session, parents or authorised contacts as per the enrolment form will be notified to collect the child. Children must be enrolled a minimum of 2 sessions but may come for more sessions if available and if staff feel the child is ready.

Teaching staff will advise parents throughout the process of orientation as individual children settle into the room at their own pace. Once your child has settled in to Beechworth Montessori, the hours are 9am – 12pm on allocated days. Transition between Programs Transition is tailored to meet the needs of the child and the classrooms. Transition occurs over a period of time and can be commenced at any time of the school year. The child must have developed adaptability, confidence and the maturity to move on.

Staff use the Transition Policy to assist determination of when a child is ready to move to new enrolment – either entering into Cycle 1, from Cycle 1 short day attendance to long day, additional sessions, or moving from Cycle 1 – 2.

The indicators that a child is ready to move are: - Ability to focus for extended periods of time. - Capacity to choose own work. - Ability to extend their learning in specific areas. - Self-control and regulation.

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Transition is NOT age determined – the cycle ages are approximate guides and the true determination will be the individual child’s readiness. Your child’s teachers are the most appropriate determiners of whether your child is ready and able to cope with changes to their current enrolment.

In looking at whether a child is ready to transition to long days or Cycle 2, the whole child’s needs are addressed – social, emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual. No greater emphasis is placed on the academic ability of a child – in fact it is important that a child be given the freedom for leisure and family time outside of school hours and not “prepared” for long days or a new cycle.

Given that Montessori philosophy is to follow the developmental needs of the child, to “prepare” the child actively counteracts this fundamental principle. Part of the process of transition will be to request that parents undertake an observation in the room that their child will be transitioning to. This way parents will see the skills and behaviours necessary for the child to function in the next cycle or time frame. It may also be requested for parents to undertake an observation in their child’s current room to see their child in action. How is it determined which room my child will enter? Composition of classrooms is a considered process based on philosophical and compliance requirements. Therefore requests to accommodate individual enrolment changes are extremely limited due to these factors and heavy demand for student placement. There is also a list of students awaiting commencement from within our transition program.

The decision regarding the room allocation of a child ready to transition will be based on a combination of the following factors:

o Montessori philosophy and the experience of the child. o Gender ratio o Social groupings o Age and year level ratios o Siblings o Temperament of the child o Existing enrolment numbers in the rooms o Other factors as deemed relevant o Staffing requirements

What ages does Cycle 1 cater for? Cycle 1 is the term used in Montessori for children aged between 3-6 years. Classrooms are multi-aged in 3 year groupings. The third year is the equivalent of the prep year – the first year of school.

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When can my child enrol in Cycle 1? Children may commence in Cycle 1 once they have turned 3 years of age. Children may be placed on the Waiting List prior to their third birthday.

How do I enrol my child in Cycle 1? Children must be Members of Beechworth Montessori and have paid a $50 Membership Application Fee to be enrolled at Beechworth Montessori. Children wishing to enter Cycle 1 are recommende to have completed the Transition program. The enrolment process involves: Enrolment request either verbal or written to Principal and/or Enrolment Officer Enrolment interview with Principal and/or Enrolment Officer, including tour of the facilities. Completion of an observation of the Cycle 1 room (both parents preferred) Membership Application and Fee Confirmation of Membership Orientation plan for Cycle 1 and session allocation Completion of the Student Information Record and Fee Agreement What is the Membership Application? A parent, legal guardian or primary carer wishing to enrol a child into Cycle 1, 2 or 3 of Beechworth Montessori must complete a Membership Application and pay a fee of $50 per child. This fee is non refundable. All children enrolled at Beechworth Montessori must be members. How does my child become a member of Beechworth Montessori? A Membership Application form can be collected from the office and is to be completed and returned with a $50 non-refundable fee.

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As our children take their first steps towards independence, our aim is to provide them with a warm, positive

and inspiring experience of education - one that will build a foundation of a love of lifelong learning.

Beechworth Montessori School is a proud member of:

ISV – Independent Schools Victoria

MAF - Montessori Australia Foundation

42 Gilchrist Avenue PO Box 306

BEECHWORTH VIC 3747 Ph: (03) 5728 2940 Fax: (03) 5728 2500

[email protected]