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Page 1: Tinnitus Sound Therapy - Getting Louder

Tinnitus Sound Therapy - Getting Louder

At some point, you have to come to terms with the

amazing little fact even 21st century medicine cannot

cure some of the most obscure and common ailments

(think of a cold!). This has been the case for many years

with conditions that affect hearing like hyperacusis and

tinnitus, though new advances in sound therapy are

beginning to melt the tip of the hearing disorder iceberg.

Tinnitus sound therapy is rather high

tech and works in a method similar to

noise canceling headphones. The first

step is to determine the frequency of

the pitch that patients experience.

Current studies indicate that nearly 80%

of sufferers hear a constant, single pitch

tone. If you're one of the unlucky 20%,

this kind of treatment will have less

promising results and may even be


Once the pitch perceived by the patient is matched, audio

equipment is used to reproduce the sound and then

invert the phase so that the new audio is the acoustic

inverse of the original. Once the correct note is obtained,

it is played back for the patient and the two sounds

combine to make no sound, effectively canceling each

other out.

Page 2: Tinnitus Sound Therapy - Getting Louder

At least, that's the goal of the technology and the last

hope for many suffering from the condition. Tinnitus

sound therapy isn't a cure, but a method of helping

sufferers cope. In the initial stages of treatment, patients

submit to 30 minutes of listening to the inverted audio

for several sessions. If he or she experiences a reduction

in the perception of in-ear tones, a CD is produced with

the canceling signal to be used at home or with any

personal stereo system.

This practice is currently being used at the Tinnitus

Control Center in New York City and similar treatments

are used at other auditory health clinics across the

country. Note that tinnitus sound therapy isn't a full-

proof system and those treated experience anywhere

from 50% to 90% reduction in the original in-ear noise.



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