Download - Thursday, October 4, 2012

Page 1: Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Yesterday morning, ArubaMinister of Finance, Utilities,Communication and Energy,Mike de Meza raised the cur-tain on the third Aruba GreenEnergy Conference 2012, atthe Renaissance ConventionCenter in Oranjestad. Thisyear’s theme, “Smart & Sus-tainable” is meant to conveythe practical nature of thespeakers and topics, inform-ing on technologies and poli-cies that can makesustainability a reality.

In his address, Minister deMeza reiterated some of thethemes and information in-troduced in the two previousconferences, as they relate tothe present topic. He affirmedthe necessity of perfectingmethods for harnessing re-newable energy sources, asoil reserves dwindle, as wellas the need to drastically re-duced CO2 emissions.Graphs indicated that theprice of fuel oil has increasedby 600% over the last decade.

“Everyone knows thatchallenges are always oppor-tunities, as necessity is themother of invention,” he toldthe audience. “The biggestchallenge the world is con-fronted with is to be sustain-

able in whatever we do; if webelieve what we do today iswhat we need to progress inthe future.” 99% of theworld’s oil comes from 44nations, of which 60% havelong passed their peak pro-duction; The U.S. as far backas 1970.

“Sustainability can onlybe fueled by smart choices,”asserted Minister de Meza.He acknowledged the impor-tance of stimulating and in-volving island youth inprogressing towards thisgoal. He mentioned a favoritequote of Aruba’s Prime Min-ister. “If you want to go

quickly, go alone; but if youwant to go far, go together,”affirming it is a joint effort toreach the current administra-tion’s goal of Aruba beingcompletely oil independentby 2020.

Aruba’s Prime MinisterMike Eman came to thepodium with a tribute and re-playing of a speech given byPresident John F. Kennedy. Itwas a declaration that gettingto the moon would take agreat deal of hard work, but itwould be done.

Continued on pg 2

“Smart & Sustainable”

Aruba Green EnergyConference 2012 opens

NEW YORK (AFP) - A USjudge formally ordered Iran,Al-Qaeda and several otherdefendants Wednesday to pay$6 billion compensation tothe victims of September 11,2001, in a largely symbolicruling.

Although Iran denies anyconnection to 9/11, it was in-cluded in the list of allegedculprits by the US DistrictCourt in New York, alongwith the Lebanese militantgroup Hezbollah,

Afghanistan's Taliban guerril-las and Al-Qaeda, which tookcredit for the massive terrorattack.

Iran's supreme leader Aya-tollah Ali Khamenei is alsonamed.

However, the money,awarded for economic, per-sonal and punitive damagesfor a total of $6,048,513,805,is unlikely to be recovered.

Continued on pg 7

US court ordersIran, others to pay$6 billion for 9/11

Mike de Meza opens the conference

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2 Thursday, October 4, 2012

“That sense of urgency ex-pressed by this very inspiringpresident to conquer space…today as we look at thethreats to this earth, I believewe have an obligation thattranscends this need for ex-ploration. It needs a humancommitment for change ofthe way we do business; so Ithank you for being heretoday, because that is thecommitment to assume thisresponsibility…we don’thave to do this because it iseasy or it’s hard, we have todo this, because it is neces-sary. This is not only a com-mitment to sustainableenergy, but a commitment to

a sustainable society.” To the Prime Minister’s

satisfaction and gratification,Aruba’s ambition and poli-cies has attracted the atten-tion of many distinguishedscientists and organizationsdedicated to the concepts ofsustainability. This includesProfessor Daniel Schrag ofHarvard University and anadvisor to President Obama,and Professor Dr. Wubbo J.Ockels of TU Delft, both ofwhom were speakers on theopening day.

Aruba’s policies have re-sulted in endorsement of theisland by the Carbon WarRoom and Sir Richard Bran-

son, and resulted in thisyear’s keynote speaker, JoseMaria Figures, Former Presi-dent of Costa Rica and cur-rent president of the CarbonWar Room.

The morning continuedwith presentations by guestspeakers Prof. Schrag, Char-maine Gomes of the UN Eco-nomic Commission for LatinAmerica and the Caribbean,(ECLAC), Hugo van Meijen-feldt, Deputy Director Gen-eral, Special Envoy ofClimate Change, Dutch Min-istry of the Environment,Holland.

Emcees for the conferenceare Dr. Edward Cheung ofNASA and Lisa de Lannoy.The conference will continuethrough today and tomorrow,ending with the address byJose Maria Figueres on Fri-day afternoon. A full sched-ule of events is on theconference website, presentations from pastyears, and those that will bemade during the 2012 con-gress, are posted to the web-site.

By Rosalie Klein

Aruba Green Energy Conference 2012 opensContinued from pg 1

Aruba’s Prime Minister Mike Eman


Dr. Edward Cheung with Doina Eman, Chris Dammers andEdwin Abath

Robert Henriquez and Henk Hunning

Page 3: Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012 3

Aruba’s Governor Fredis Re-funjol and Prime MinisterMike Eman welcomed theCommander of the RoyalDutch Navy, Vice AdmiralMatthieu Borsboom, forcourtesy visits and talks onMonday and Tuesday. ViceAdmiral Borsboom is heremaking a “working visit”with his subordinate, NavyCommander for theCaribbean, General DickSwijgman, stationed in Cura-cao, who is also custodian forthe regional Coast Guard.

Vice Admiral Borsboomwas prominent in U.S. newsof late as he paid a visit to theJoint Interagency Task Force,(JIATF) headquartered inKey West, on the maidenvoyage of the first of fourHolland Class vessels, theHNLMS Holland. This newclass of oceangoing patrolvessels has been specificallydesigned to more efficientlycombat illicit trafficking,drug smuggling, human traf-ficking, weapons smugglingand piracy.

State of the art technologyallows the ship to better de-tect and identify small vesselslikely engaged in such activ-ities. Next year, another Hol-

land class vessel, theHNLMS Friesland, will bestationed in Dutch Caribbeanwaters for a coordinated ef-fort in drug interdiction activ-ities. This will include theABC islands, Aruba, Bonaireand Curacao, as well as St.Maarten, St, Eustatius andSaba. The ship is also in-tended to be used for searchand rescue, disaster assis-tance during major stormsand evacuation of non-com-batants. Dutch ships “respond

to a wide range of tasks” as-serted Vice Admiral Bors-boom including “maintainingthe integrity of the territory…We are committed to theCaribbean, not only with theNavy, but the Coast Guardworking seamlessly to-gether.” Various classes ofDutch Navy vessels are ro-tated regularly to maintain apresence in the region.

“We designed a classspecifically for countering il-licit trafficking: counter

piracy, drug smuggling andweapons smuggling,” ex-plained Vice Admiral Bors-boom during an interviewwith THE MORNINGNEWS. “We optimized theplatform to do that job. Weadded a very sophisticatedmast, where we have all thesensor systems…it has 360degree seamless detection ca-pability of small vessels. Shewill operate with Fast Raid-ing Interception and SpecialForces Craft (FRISC) and anNH-90, a medium weighthelicopter with a much en-larged endurance to the heli-copters we have beenoperating, so far.”

The Friesland will likelybe stationed in the region foraround four months, than re-placed by another Hollandclass vessel, as the DutchNavy maintains a steadypresence. From here, it islikely it will patrol the Gulfof Adan, where piracy out ofSomalia is a constant threat toships and commerce. ForVice Admiral Borsboom thisis a “#1 priority. We are ded-icating capacity continuallyto fighting the piracy; we useall our efforts in that respect.We have marine fleet teams

on merchant ships for protec-tion and we have autonomousprotection detachments forWorld Food Program ships;they stay on them for threemonths, freeing our frigatesto do other work. We are par-ticipating with other ships inthe NATO or EU operation,sometimes both.”

At this time, one-starDutch Admiral CommodoreBen Bekkering is command-ing the whole NATO effort incounter-piracy, OperationOcean Shield, and a Dutchcommander will take over theEU effort next year.

“We dedicate a lot of ef-fort to insure free trade, 90%of which is going over theseas; if that is disrupted, theentire economy is disrupted.It is proving effective, com-pared to last year; we havenoticeably reduced the num-ber of hijackings, acts ofpiracy and the number ofpeople taken hostage, whichwas reduced drastically. Itstill isn’t over, we see piracyrising at a high rate off thewest coast of Africa and otherplaces as well…

Continued on pg 5

Vice Admiral Matthieu Borsboom on official visit to Aruba

Vice Admiral Matthieu Borsboom

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4 Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ronald and Laura Hord ofCampbellsville, Kentuckyhave been vacationing onAruba every year since 1989.

“It is our favorite place inthe world to just kick backand relax,” they admit. It isalso a favorite spot for theirfive progeny and spouses,and their grandchildren. Allbut one child honeymoonedon Aruba, but their oldestgrandchild, Raina and hernew husband, Dustin Simp-son, made up for the miss.

“I put it to the entire fam-ily a few months ago,” ex-

plained Ron. “I offered thema choice. Christmas presents,or we all go together to Arubafor a week. It was no contest,and here we are, all twenty-five of us, having a wonder-ful time.” The Hords arecelebrating an early Christ-mas, and the first time the en-tire family is together onAruba, where many of thekids feel they grew up.

The family is staying atthe Casa Del Mar, where Ronpurchased seven weeks oftimesharing over the years,so he could often bring

friends and family. Each year,he donates a week to the Uni-versity of Campbellsville, forthem to auction off at theirannual fundraising event.“That way, not only to I helpmy Alma Mater, but I also in-troduced someone else tohow wonderful Aruba is.”

Ron and the family partic-ularly expressed their grati-tude to Jacobi Lopez,General Manager of CasaDel Mar, and his staff, fortheir exceptional effort ineliciting trade offs and jug-gling rooms so the family

could obtain the requirednumber of accommodations.Not only did they arrange theweeks needed, but also man-aged to group them on thesame floor.

Ron appreciates howmuch effort that required, es-pecially has it is a great helpwhen collecting five chil-dren, their spouses and fif-teen grandchildren of allages, to go out to dinner.They even rent an entire busto take them where they needto go!

By Rosalie Klein

Christmas comes early for the HordClan of Kentucky

Three generations of the Hord Family

In the past weeks, the ArubaTourism Authority has beenfeaturing various local per-sonalities whom they havechosen to highlight in their“Commitment to Aruba”tourism awareness campaign.This week, the focus is onErnest Giel, member of theATA team as “Visitor CareLiaison.”

Ernest Giel, in an inter-view with our correspondent,shared something of his en-thusiasm about his work asVisitor Liaison in the “Cruiseand Niche” department. Gielexpressed his deep satisfac-tion about working for ATA,and his enjoyment with hiswork.

Everyday that a cruiseship is in the harbor, Enty isthere to extend that warmwelcome to all passengers tothe island. There he hands outmaps of Aruba, give-a-waysand some basic informationabout the island. He also re-quests our visitors to fill outa questionnaire at the end oftheir visit to the island to getfeedback about their experi-ence here. ATA uses this in-formation to help determineparticular trends of visitorsand to identify areas needingspecial attention.

One of Aruba’s primarygoals for being in the cruiseterminal is to try and convertcruise visitors into futurestay-over visitors who wouldspend more nights on the is-land.

Another important taskthat Mr. Giel enjoys is theloyalty program. This is theprogram that the governmenthas designed to express grat-itude to faithful visitors who

receive, in name of the gov-ernment and the Aruban com-munity, a lovely certificate

and Aruban pin.These faithful visitors are

named Distinguished Guestsor Good Will Ambassadors ina special ceremony markingtheir 10th or more years offaithfully coming to the is-land to vacation. Good WillAmbassador designation isgiven to those who have beencoming for as many as 20years or more.

Mr. Giel began his careerin tourism back in 1976 as acroupier/dealer at the KingInternational Casino. He hasample experience in time-share sales, casino and nowwith the Cruise Tourism Au-thority.

On November 7th, 2012,Enty will celebrate 36 yearsworking in the tourism indus-try! His commitment toAruba is to continue promot-ing our tourism and to helpcreate a secure future fortourism in Aruba for the nextgenerations.

Ernest Giel in the spotlightwith his commitment to Aruba

Ernest Giel (R) honoring a tourist

Page 5: Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012 5

We must understand thatonce piracy is practiced, itwill probably not go away.We will have to put moreunits and effort into contain-ing it.”

The Vice Admiral agreesthat permanent solutions mustcome from the lands wherethe piracy is rampant. “Gov-ernments must make clear tothe population that this is notaccepted. In countries like So-malia or Yemen it is very dif-

ficult right now. The EU hasa program where they will ad-dress the aspects of develop-ment and good government,but these are not quick solu-tions. This will take years andyears, perhaps decades.”

“Piracy is happening now,so our taxpayers expect if wehave the means, to act on itand deal with it. The naviesare to deliver security at seaand from the sea; there is in-security there, so it is our job.

There is no Coast Guard \ be-cause it is the high seas, thefree seas, everybody’s seas,so with a coalition of the will-ing, we have to deal with that,this is why I consider it aprincipal task. At the sametime, we are there to protectthe integrity, so we have toexercise that as well…Wehave to be ready to act onpiracy, but be prepared forour other naval tasks.”

By Rosalie Klein

Vice Admiral Matthieu Borsboom on official visitto Aruba... Continued from pg 3

Courtesy tickets to a spe-cial children’s show werepresented to Imeldahof Di-rector, Natalia Hernandez,by Erik Jan Eman and Os-aira Muyale of CaribbeanSea Jazz Festival. Thesetickets are to allow thechildren of Imeldahof freeentrance to the specialchildren’s show that aDutch group from Hollandwill be performing:Kuenta y Tambu in the Casdi Cultura.

Imeldahof was ex-tremely pleased with thegesture and is certain thatthe children will be de-lighted and will enjoy theshow very much. TheKuenta y Tambu show issponsored by Unoca,Fonds Podiumkunsten andPrins Bernhard CultuurFonds. The tickets are soldat Fls.1.00 per ticket andare sold out.

Kuenta y Tambu has acast of 5 persons who pres-ent music they call “Tam-butronic.”

This is music influ-enced by the Tambo com-bined with rhythmicelectronic sounds.

Caribbean Sea Jazz Fes-tival who sponsored thetickets is scheduled to takeplace on Friday and Satur-day October 5th and 6tharound the Cas di Culturapremises. Artists in the lineup are, among others,Chaka Khan, Oscar deLeon, Fourplay, RandyBrecker, Pete Philly, SvenHammond Soul, DiverseSauzen, Reno Steba / Mikedel Ferro and several localbands. Tickets are avail-able at various establish-ments around the island.

Imeldahofkids treatedto Kuenta y


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6 Thursday, October 4, 2012

BOGOTA (AFP) - Colom-bian President Juan ManuelSantos underwent successfulsurgery to remove a cancer-ous tumor from his prostateWednesday and he is recov-ering, his physicians at a Bo-gota hospital said in astatement.

Santos, flanked by hiswife Maria Clemencia Ro-driguez and their daughterMaria Antonia, told reportersas he arrived at the Santa FeHospital that he was upbeatand "God willing, everythingwill go well."

After the operation, San-tos's doctors said: "It was asuccessful surgery, withoutcomplications. The presidentis conscious in his room withhis family and is recovering."

Santos, 61, announced onMonday that he had prostatecancer, noting that the tumor

was small and had beencaught in time, giving him a97 percent chance of full re-covery.

Urologist Felipe Gomez,who was in charge of the sur-gery, said before the opera-tion that it would likely takeabout four hours.

Santos said that since hewas to receive a local anes-thetic, he would not delegatehis powers as head of state.

He has said doctors haveadvised him not travel for afew weeks after the operationbut that otherwise his overallhealth is not in jeopardy.

Santos is just the latest ina long line of Latin leaders toundergo cancer treatment inrecent years.

In Brazil, Dilma Rousseffand her predecessor Luiz Ina-cio Lula da Silva both have

undergone treatment. So didParaguay's now ex presidentFernando Lugo, andVenezuela's Hugo Chavez,who is now battling for re-election October 7.

Argentina's CristinaKirchner in late 2011 an-nounced she had thyroid can-cer and underwent surgerybefore later disclosing thatshe had been misdiagnosed.

Colombian president's cancer surgery successful

NEW DELHI (AFP) - Tensof thousands of poor Indiansbegan a 350-kilometre (220-mile) march to New Delhi onWednesday to protest overthe plight of marginalisedcommunities excluded fromthe country's development.

The gathering left the cen-tral city of Gwalior and is setto reach India's capital at theend of the month, the organ-ising activist group EktaParishad (Unity Forum) said.

"Some 35,000 peoplehave started off from Gwaliorand by the time they reachNew Delhi we expect thenumber to swell to 100,000,"Parishad spokesman AneeshThillenkery told AFP.

Organisers said the groupcame from across India andincluded casual labourers,small farmers, fishermen,itinerant workers and the un-employed.

"Our plan is to cover 27kilometres on the first day ofthe march," Thillenkery said."In all, we will walk throughfive states and we will follownational highways where wewill eat, rest and sleep."

The trek is the secondsince 2007 when 25,000 poorand debt-ridden farmers trav-elled the same route on footto press for land rights.

The clash between India's

industrial expansion and itsagricultural communities hasbecome a test of how thegovernment deals with thedevelopment that is trans-forming Asia's third largesteconomy.

"We demand that agricul-ture land must be used exclu-sively for farming,"Thillenkery said.

Some 73 percent of India'sbillion-plus population liveoff the land, but major indus-trial projects -- seen as vitalby the government to createjobs -- are frequently delayedor even abandoned due toland acquisition problems.

India's economy hasboomed in the last 20 yearssince liberalisation reforms in1991, leading to the perceptionof a "shining" country emerg-ing from decades of poverty.

Foreign companies andIndia's powerful conglomer-ates have invested heavily,selling vast quantities of cars,luxury goods and Westernlifestyle products to thegrowing middle classes.

But a survey by a non-government organisation inJanuary found 42 percent ofchildren under five were un-derweight, which Prime Min-ister Manmohan Singhdescribed as a "nationalshame".

India's poor on month-long march to Delhi

ANKARA (AFP) - Turkeyshelled Syria in retaliation fordeadly cross-border fireWednesday as NATO con-vened an emergency meetingon the attack that threatenedto inflame tensions in thevolatile region.

Earlier on WednesdaySyrian shells crashed into aTurkish border town, killingfive people, the first timeTurkey's citizens were killedby cross-border fire from itswar-torn neighbour.

An outraged Ankara saidthe attack went "too far", andit swiftly retaliated.

"Our armed forces in theborder region immediatelyretaliated against this heinousattack... by shelling targetsspotted by radar," Turkey'sprime minister's office said ina statement.

"Turkey will never leaveunanswered such provoca-tions by the Syrian regimetargeting our national secu-rity, in line with engagementrules and international law."

The Syrian shelling wascondemned by the UnitedStates, which said it was"outraged" by the attack,while UN chief Ban Ki-moontold Damascus to respect itsneighbours' sovereignty.

NATO in an emergencymeeting Wednesday backedTurkey and called on Syria torespect international law aftera Syrian shell hit a bordertown, killing five Turkish na-tionals and sparking retalia-tory strikes.

"The Alliance continues tostand by Turkey and de-mands the immediate cessa-tion of such aggressive actsagainst an Ally and urges theSyrian regime to end flagrantviolations of internationallaw," a NATO statement saidafter the meeting was calledat member Ankara's request.

The alliance said Syria's"recent aggressive acts atNATO's southeastern border"were a "flagrant breach of in-ternational law and a clearand present danger" to an ally.

Turkey hits Syria afterdeadly shelling

THE HAGUE (AFP) -Dutch customs confiscatedhundreds of poisonoustarantulas on a flight fromPeru after discovering themhidden in a suitcase, offi-cials said Wednesday.

"Customs at Schipholairport found 200 live taran-tulas and an assortment ofother insects includingbugs, crickets, grasshoppersand millipedes," customsofficials said in a statement,issued by their umbrella Fi-nance Ministry.

"The animals were col-lected by a German coupleon a recent trip to Peru andwere put in plastic contain-ers and tubes hidden in theirclothing and shoes," thestatement said, adding thatsome of the tarantulas wereof a type little known to sci-ence.

"Animals are regularlysmuggled from other coun-tries to the Netherlands, butnever in this quantity," fi-nance ministry spokes-woman Lindy van Galensaid.

Dutch customsfind hundreds

of tarantulas insuitcase

Page 7: Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012 7

International News

Iran is in a tense standoff

with the United States over

multiple issues, especially its

nuclear industry and alleged

plan to build an atomic

weapon. Iranian-backed

Hezbollah has no relations

with the United States.

Al-Qaeda founder Osama

bin Laden, who is also

named, was killed by US

Navy SEALs in a raid inside

Pakistan in 2011. The Taliban

are in an active war with US-

led troops across


The ruling caps a series of

court decisions prompted by

lawsuits filed by families of

47 victims from among the

nearly 3,000 killed on 9/11.

Last year, Judge George

Daniels signed a judgment in

favor of the plaintiffs. A mag-

istrate then calculated the rec-

ommended compensation,

which Daniels on Wednesday

approved in his ruling.

Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda

claimed responsibility for the

attacks, in which hijacked

airliners were used to bring

down the World Trade Center

towers in New York and to

crash into the Pentagon near

Washington, DC.

The Taliban ruled

Afghanistan at the time and

were giving shelter to Al-

Qaeda. Iran was blamed by the

US court partly because some

of the hijackers passed through

the country on their way to

carrying out the attacks.

US court orders Iran, othersto pay $6 billion for 9/11 Continued from pg 1

HAVANA (AFP) - HugoChavez is Cuba's indispensa-ble favorite in Venezuela'spresidential ballot this week-end, with the rulers of thecommunist island aware theirsurvival could ride on thefirebrand leader's re-election.

Headlines in the Cubanpress proclaim a Chavez vic-tory "irreversible," but manycitizens have followed thecampaign through fear thathis defeat would plunge Cubaback into the dark days thatfollowed the collapse of theSoviet Union in the early1990s.

For 12 years, Venezuelahas supported Cuba withChavez providing the Castroregime with cheap oil.

Havana's ally also takes in40,000 Cuban professionals,particularly in healthcare, a vitalsource of financial support.

Whether they agree withChavez or not, Cubans knowthat a victory by Venezuelanopposition candidate Hen-rique Capriles on October 7"would cut the umbilicalcord," Cuban dissident econ-omist Oscar Espinosa Chepetold AFP.

"The moribund Cubaneconomy is staying afloatwith Venezuelan aid. If thatumbilical cord is cut, it wouldbe a disaster," said the formerpolitical prisoner.

Exporting professionalsVenezuela provides Cuba

with about two-thirds of its en-ergy needs, according to JorgePinon, a Cuba expert at theCenter for Hemispheric Policyat the University of Miami.

"Cuba currently consumesapproximately 147,000 bar-rels of oil a day and producesapproximately 50,000 barrelsof crude oil a day, whichmeans a deficit of about100,000 barrels a day, sup-plied by Venezuela," he saidin a report on Cuba's energyfuture.

Additionally, the Venezue-lan state oil giant PDVSA is ac-tively involved in offshore oilexploration in Cuban waters inthe Gulf of Mexico, albeit with-out success for the moment.

Exports of Cuban profes-sionals to Venezuela brings inabout $6 billion a year, morethan the island's two othersources of hard currency --tourism and remittances fromCubans living abroad, whicheach bring in $2.5 billion.

Venezuela is Cuba's lead-ing trade partner with annualtransactions valued at $6 bil-lion, three quarters of it inCaracas' favor.

The cooperation touches awide variety of sectors of theeconomy, with $1.6 billioninvested in 47 projects inagriculture, education andhealth so far this year.

Cuba keeps fingerscrossed for Chavez


Hugo Chavez

UNITED STATES, Washington : Christina Aguilera, theUnited Nations World Food Program Ambassador AgainstHunger (L), Yum! Brands Chairman David Novak (R) andUS Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pose for a photo inwhich The George McGovern Leadership Awards weregiven to Aguilera and Novak, for their help fighting globalhunger, on October 3, 2012, at the US Department of Statein Washington, DC. Yum! and its global spokesperson forthe campaign, Aguilera, have raised nearly $115 million forthe United Nation’s World Food Program and other hungerrelief organization since 2007.

Page 8: Thursday, October 4, 2012

false and illegal claims. . Many of the companies

who were found to be makingfalse claims didn’t evenbother to offer any kind of in-formation to back them up.

The report didn't name indi-vidual brands or products.

In response, the FDA hascalled for expanded surveil-lance of the market to betterprotect consumers againstfalse claims that supplementscan cure or treat specific dis-eases.

this event and has not autho-rised any non-resident partyor doctor in Morocco to carryout this medical interven-tion," it said in a statement.

"The ministry calls on therelevant authorities to dowhat it is necessary to ensurethat the law is applied," itadded.

Moroccan law prohibitsabortion, except when the lifeof the mother is in danger.

Women on Waves said thepurpose of the visit was toprovide abortions to womenthat might otherwise be ex-posed to grave health risks,and planned to set up a hot-line to inform women abouthow to induce medical abor-tions safely at home.

Doctor Rebecca Gomperts,the Dutch group's founder,told AFP that around 600 to800 Moroccan women havean abortion every day.

RABAT (AFP) - Morocco'sgovernment said the Dutch"abortion boat," due to arriveon today in the first such tripto a Muslim country, is notauthorised to act and must beprevented from doing so.

Women on Waves, theDutch group organising thetrip, said earlier that the ship,which is equipped to providewomen with the medicationneeded for "safe legal med-ical abortions" up to six anda half weeks into pregnancy,would arrive this afternoon.

It was due to land at Smir,on Morocco's Mediterraneancoast, some 40 kilometres (25miles) east of Tangier.

In the first official responseto the planned visit, thehealth ministry on Wednes-day urged the relevant au-thorities to prevent the visitfrom taking place.

"The ministry of health...has never been informed of

Morocco says to barDutch abortion ship

Transplant Organisation runsa worldwide survey of trans-plants.

Spain had the highest propor-tion of donors in any country,followed by Portugal, theUnited States and France. Spainrecorded 1,667 donors -- nearly12 percent more than in 2010.

Spain "has for 20 years beenthe world leader in organ dona-tions and transplants becausethe Spanish model is highly pro-fessionalised," a spokesman forthe ministry told AFP.

The study showed that in2011 more than 63,000 peoplein Europe were on the waitinglist for a transplant but only 48percent of requirements weremet.

transplants performed in Eu-rope passed 30,000 for thefirst time, it said.

There were a total 106,879transplants recorded in theworld -- three percent higherthan the previous year, saidthe ministry, whose National

MADRID (AFP) - Spain pro-vided a record number ofdonors of bodily organs in2011 as the number of trans-plants in Europe rose, thehealth ministry said.

In Spain there were 35donors per million inhabi-tants, while the number of

8 Thursday, October 4, 2012

Health & Living

claims on their labels statingthat they could be used to cureor treat certain diseases.Dozens also lacked the rec-ommended scientific evi-dence to back up the claimsmade on the labels.

The report, which was re-leased yesterday, found that7% of the pills looked atdidn’t have an FDA-requiredwarning that states that theclaims had not been evaluatedby the agency, and a full 20%of weight loss and immunity-boosting supplements made

- A new report by the U.S. De-partment of Health Serviceshas found that dozens of di-etary supplements on the mar-ket are illegally labeled andlack the recommended scien-tific evidence to back up theirpurported health claims.

For the study, the InspectorGeneral's office analyzed 127weight loss and immune-boosting supplements that in-vestigators purchased onlineor in retail stores across thecountry. Of these, they foundthat 20 percent made illegal

Beware of dietery supplement’s falseclaims

Spain tops table for organ-dona-tions: study

BANGKOK, Thailand : Bangladeshi monks studyingBuddhism in Thailand display signs and pictures of de-struction in their country as they hold a demonstrationcalling for an end to attacks against Buddhist commu-nities in Bangladesh, in front of the United Nations re-gional office in Bangkok on October 3, 2012. Muslimmobs attacked temples and houses on September 29-30in southeastern Bangladesh after claims that a youngBuddhist man had posted Facebook photos defamingKoran, in what Buddhist leaders described as the worstviolence against the community since independence.


Page 9: Thursday, October 4, 2012

also played an audio tape ofone of the calls.

The FTC six firms with de-ceptive commercial practicesand other violations and askedthe court to permanently haltthe scams and order restitutionfor consumers.

The FTC cases targeted 14corporate defendants and 17individuals in six separatelegal filings. The companiesincluded Pecon Software Ltd.,Finmaestros LLC, Zeal IT So-lutions Pvt. Ltd., Virtual PCSolutions, Lakshmi InfosoulServices Pvt. Ltd., and PC-Care247, Inc.

Canada's top telecom regu-latory official, Andrea Rosenof the Canadian Radio-Televi-sion and TelecommunicationsCommission, said two relatedenforcement actions were filedin Canada.

Leibowitz said the FTC wassending a delegation to Indiato help work with authoritiesin such cases.

BANGKOK, Thailand : Customs officers inspect a seized

Ferrari during a press conference at the Thai Customs

department in Bangkok on October 3, 2012. The Thai

Customs Department seized goods smuggled into the

country, including a Ferrari, with a value of 50 million

bahts (1.67 million USD).


Thursday, October 4, 2012 9

UN sustainableenergy office tobe based in Vienna VIENNA (AFP) - The United

Nations is to set up its sus-

tainable energy office in Vi-

enna, Austria's environment

minister Nikolaus

Berlakovich said Wednesday.

"Austria will be the UN's

headquarter for renewable

energy," Berlakovich said in

a statement, adding that this

shows Austria's role as a

"world leader in terms of re-

newable energy".

The office will be home to

UN secretary-general Ban

Ki-moon's initiative "Sustain-

able Energy for All", which

was launched in September

2011 with the aim of boosting

renewable energy and im-

proving energy efficiency.

Last week, Ban named the

director-general of the UN's

Vienna-based Industrial De-

velopment Organisation

(UNIDO), Kandeh Yumkella,

as the initiative's special rep-


Vienna, one of the UN's

four main centres, is also

home to the organisation's

Office on Drugs and Crime

(UNODC) and its nuclear

watchdog, the International

Atomic Energy Agency



WASHINGTON (AFP) - USofficials said Wednesday theyshut down a series of so-calledtech support scams, mostly op-erating from India, whichduped consumers into payingto clean their computers ofbogus virus infections.

The Federal Trade Com-mission said a US judge hasordered a halt to six "scare-ware" operations and hasfrozen their assets followingan investigation in cooperationwith Canada, Britain, Australiaand New Zealand.

FTC Chairman Jon Lei-bowitz said the schemes in-

volved calls to consumers inEnglish-speaking countriesfrom call centers in India, in-forming consumers of bogusinfections.

The groups also used onlineads which informed computerusers of the infections, andthen sold "fixes" at pricesranging from $49 to $450.

"In these outrageous anddisturbing cons you get a callfrom someone pretending tobe from a major computercompany who dupes you intothinking you have a virus onyour computer," Leibowitztold a news conference, which

US blocks online fraud schemes linkedto India

SYDNEY : A 700 kilogram crocodile called Rex - who is

one of the world’s largest crocodiles - cruises around

his enclosure after receiving his first feed after emerging

from three months of hibernation at WILD LIFE Sydney

Zoo on October 3, 2012. Throughout winter, it is com-

mon for crocodiles to enter a period of inactivity where

they survive on their existing energy stores inside their

body but once the weather starts warming up, so does

their appetite – to indicate their need to replenish their

energy. Rex, who has been a resident of WILD LIFE Syd-

ney Zoo since 2009, was a so-called ‘rogue’ crocodile

who was captured and placed into a crocodile farm near

Darwin in the Northern Territory when his taste for local

pet dogs drew him too close to the human population.


Page 10: Thursday, October 4, 2012

10 Thursday, October 4, 2012

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Page 11: Thursday, October 4, 2012

TOULOUSE, France (AFP)- China has displacedBritain as the world'sbiggest importer of arma-gnac following a spectacu-lar surge in sales of theupmarket brandy producedin southwestern France.

The BNIA, an organisa-tion that represents arma-gnac producers, saidWednesday that sales toChina had increased from125 hectolitres of pure alco-hol in 2010 to 935 hec-tolitres last year.

Sales to Hong Kongnearly doubled, from 292hlin 2010 to 505hl in 2011.

Britain, with 600hl ofimports in 2011, remainsthe second biggest con-sumer but is set to be over-taken by Russia this year.

BNIA President RierreTabarin attributed the grow-ing demand from China todeclining consumption ofrice wine and to the growthof a new middle class forwhom upmarket Frenchproducts are a status symbol.

Tabarin added that theChinese market was ex-panding at an even fasterrate in value terms becauseof the high demand for vin-tage and rare bottles of ar-magnac.

Thursday, October 4, 2012 11



Crossword Answer


Dutch Antilles









(per 100,000)

















































Current as10/04/2012

All rates for amounts up to AWG 100.000.00 per item.

China becomesworld's biggest

importer ofarmagnac

JOHANNESBURG (AFP) -The world's leading diamondcompany De Beers appointedAnglo-American CEO Cyn-thia Carroll as its new chair-man Wednesday, spelling thesymbolic end of one of thecorporate world's longest-running dynasties.

Carroll replaced chairmanNicky Oppenheimer, whostepped down in Augustwhen his family sold itsstake, giving Anglo American

a 85 percent control of thestoried, and sometimes con-troversial firm.

De Beers, founded in 1888by Cecil Rhodes, has been

run by Oppenheimer familymembers or trusted associ-ates since the late 1920s.

The Botswana govern-ment owns the remaining 15percent of the company.

"I look forward to leadingthe board and continuing tosupport the management ofthe world's leading diamondcompany," Carroll said in astatement.

Carroll is currently ChiefExecutive of Anglo Ameri-can, one of the world's largestmining companies.

De Beers taps new chairman, ending long dynasty

PARIS (AFP) - Brazil's state-owned energy giant Petrobas isclose to selling most of its assets in the Gulf of Mexico worthup to $6 billion to reduce debt, the company's chief executivetold the Financial Times on Wednesday. Chief executiveMaria das Gracas Foster said that company planned to com-plete the sale by early next year of up to $6 billion (4.6 billioneuros) of its $8 billion exploration assets in the Gulf of Mex-ico, as the company enacts a cost-cutting programme andseeks to raise $14.5 billion via asset sales.

Petrobras close to sale of $6bnGulf of Mexico assets: report

PARIS (AFP) - IMF headChristine Lagarde urged eu-rozone leaders Wednesday tomove fast to resolve thebloc's debt crisis, warning inan interview that the latestboost to markets by an ECBdecision could soon wear off.

"No one has the luxury oftime, this is really urgent,"Lagarde told the French dailyFigaro in comments to appearon Thursday.

She said a decision by theEuropean Central Bank tobuy debt issued by strugglingeurozone governments was"fundamental," and warnedthat political leaders must"not let the effects of thismeasure wear off."

In early September, ECBPresident Mario Draghivowed to aid countries likeSpain by buying unlimitedvolumes of bonds to drivedown borrowing costs.

The news sent marketssoaring as investors saw aturning point in the crisis.

But Spain must first askeurozone partners formallyfor financial aid, a move thatSpanish Prime Minister Mar-iano Rajoy said on Tuesdaywas not imminent.

Financial markets have re-acted negatively to uncer-tainty fueled by the Spanish

premier's remark.Lagarde told Figaro: "The

cost of solutions increases astime passes," and added:"The more Europeans act fastat the national level, the morethe dynamic can change."

IMF head warns eurozone

to act fast on debt crisis

NEW YORK (AFP) - US oilprices dropped more thanfour percent Wednesday, hitby glum data on China's serv-ices sector and lowered fore-casts for Asian growth.

Despite a fall in US crudestockpiles, which normallywould push prices higher,New York-traded West TexasIntermediate crude for No-vember delivery sank to$88.14 a barrel, a loss of 3.75from Tuesday.

In London, Brent NorthSea crude for delivery in No-vember fell $3.40 to stand at$108.17 a barrel in late Lon-don deals.

Sellers piled in to the mar-ket after the purchasing man-agers index for China'sservices sector sank to its low-est level in nearly two years,

echoing the dismal reading onits manufacturing PMI thatshowed the sector contractinga second straight month.

Both readings signaled aslowing Chinese economy un-likely to buy as much oil on worldmarkets as has been expected.

In Europe, data onWednesday showed eurozoneprivate sector business activ-ity remained firmly stuck inthe doldrums in September,with the key services sectorsuffering a very sharp fall.

"The petroleum marketsare under selling pressure inWednesday trade on an ap-parent wave of long liquida-tion after China's servicesector PMI disappointed andthe Asian Development Bankcut its GDP growth forecastfor emerging Asia," said Tim-othy Evans at Citi Futures.

Glum Chinese datasinks oil prices

Page 12: Thursday, October 4, 2012

itors will have the chance toget up close and personalwith over 60 different speciesof animals that call Philip’sAnimal Garden their home.They’ll even have the chanceto feed some of the animals.There will also be a numberof special activities for kids,free of charge, such as ponyrides, face painting, a bouncycastle and popular games.

Everyone is invited tocome and meet the new ani-mals, including camels andalpacas, as well as a wholebunch of newborn animals.

You’ll also be able to checkout the first complete ocelothabitat in the Caribbean!

The entrance fee for the“Yeehah” party will be only 3Florins per person, and allmoney raised during theevent will go to the care ofthe animals and the mainte-nance of the sanctuary, whichis now bigger than it has everbeen. Naturally, the bar andkitchen will be well stocked,also serving a full BBQ.

See you the weekend ofOctober 6th and 7th atPhilip’s Animal Garden!

by Annalisa Gesterkamp its popular Yeehah! Party.

During these two days, vis-

Alto Vista 116 – World Ani-mal Day is recognized everyyear on the 4th of October,when people everywhere cel-ebrate and honor the manyfurry, feathered, scaly andhairy animals that we sharethis world with. Becoming ayearly tradition, Philip’s An-imal Garden, located at AltoVista 116, will once again beoffering a great way to cele-brate this special day. Thisweekend, on Saturday, Octo-ber 6th, and Sunday, October

7th, the animal sanctuary andrehabilitation center will host

12 Thursday, October 4, 2012

This upcoming weekend!Celebrate World Animal Day during theYeehah! Party at Philip’s Animal Garden

ABBA museum to openin Stockholm

LONDON : Madame Tussauds waxwork models ofSwedish pop group Abba are displayed at a roller discoin the Renaissance Room in London on October 2, 2012.The wax models of Agnetha, Anni-Fird, Benny and Bjornwere dressed in replica outfits worn in their 1975 hit"SOS". The figures will take up residence in the Londonattraction before going on a world tour including Vienna,Berlin, Amsterdam and Blackpool. Each figure cost GBP150,000 (187,666 Euros) and took four months to create.They will take up their position in the Music Zone ofMadame Tussauds London alongside Michael Jacksonand The Beatles. AFP PHOTO

Bjorn Kristian Ulvaeus, former member of the Swedishmusic group ABBA, poses on October 3, 2012 in Stock-holm after a press conference announcing about the newABBA Museum, set to open next year in Stockholm.ABBA's collected works will be showcased in a contem-porary, interactive setting at Swedish Hall of Fame, a newexhibit venue located at Djurgarden, Stockholm.


Page 13: Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012 13

A few months ago, PalmBeach welcomed a cozy newplace that offers good food,great prices and a uniquelywarm, welcoming ambiancethat makes patrons feel as ifthey are visiting with friendsrather than just eating out.Even the name, “Barney’s”,which was inspired by Bar-ney Rubble of the Flint-stones, is an expression of thegood humor of its owners andyour hosts, Ron and Elina.

Ron and Elina have a verycongenial division of labor;he enjoys being bartenderand playing around with his“cocktail of the day” whileshe sees to it that everyone iswell satisfied with their meal.Chef Jan is in the kitchendoing his magic; patronspraise their spicy FirecrackerShrimp appetizer and mush-

rooms stuffed with escargot,priced at $9.50 and $8.50, orthe Smoked Trout Fillet for areal gourmet treat.

They are particularly pop-ular for their “Build Your

Own Barney Burger” usingspecially imported organicbeef from Holland, guaran-teed to have been raised with-out steroids or antibiotics,

only $9.50 withfries andcoleslaw. Pa-trons arehanded a spe-cial hamburgerc h e c k l i s t ,which featuresa full menu oft o p p i n g s ,

sauces and cheeses to cus-tomize your order to createthe ideal burger. One can alsoopt for a second or third ham-burger patty for a very nomi-nal cost.

High end items on themenu, such as the SeafoodPasta, are only$20.50. Theyalso have a kid’smenu with fa-vorites such as aKid’s Burger,chicken fingersand Mac &Cheese; mostitems are only$4. One regulardescribed theplace as particu-

larly “kid-friendly,” withElina, a mother herself, hav-ing devised a number ofmethods to keep young onesentertained. The menu has arange to please patrons whoare in the mood for some-thing simple while other canbe indulgent gourmands.

Tuesday through Saturdayevenings they have specialtynights at bargain rates. Tues-day is Schnitzel Night, with achoice of chicken or porkschnitzel prepared any of fiveways, a platter with salad andside dish is $17.50. Wednes-day is “All you can eatgrouper, prepared any of fiveways, with veggies and sidedish, $19.50. Thursday theydo it again with unlimitedribs done three ways for$17.50 with salad, slaw andfries, Saturday means endlessrib eye steak with salad andfries for $19.50. Fridayevening ends the work weekwith Karaoke Night, a con-vivial and fun evening whenislanders kick back and letloose their inner rock star.

Barney’s is located justnext to the huge supermarketon the Palm Beach/Noordroad, not far from the gas sta-tion. They are open from 5:00to 11:00 PM and closed onMondays. Check out theirfull menu at or call 586-5420 for reservations anddirections.

Spend a fun eveningwith friends at Barney’s

A place where you feel like you are with friends

Mojito anyone?

Tuna Steak a la Chef

Your hosts Ron & Elina

await you Thumbs up for Firecracker Shrimp

huge fabrics and notions de-partment, the first destinationfor many on an island wheremaking your own clothes isstill an everyday practice.Without question, the storeoffers the greatest diversityof selection in nearly everydepartment, and they havenow consolidated them allinto one store; four floorscontaining a wealth ofchoices in clothing for men,women and children, housewares, bedding, sportinggoods, luggage, shoes, jew-elry, deco -rative items and more.

“The present store is awork in progress,” assertsJaIme, as they continue torenovate and enlarge what hadbeen only the men’s store and

warehouse in the past. Nor-mally closed for a 2 hourlunch/siesta in the old islandway, shoppers will soon findit open daily for the entire day,from 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM, asthey are on Saturday’s, with abright, charming eatery in-stalled on the top floor.

La Linda is continually ex-panding their inventory, withtheir acquisitions departmentcontinually seeking out inter-esting, unique, and mo -derately priced goods from allover the world, always withan eye towards quality. Theypay particular attention totheir Women’s Departmentspecializing in over-sized gar-ments, stocking larger sizesexhibiting distinctive dashand style.

For travelers who haveperhaps lost their luggage,they can offer a quick fix forall the family which won’tbreak your budget, includingsome very stylish new suit-cases.

A visit to La Linda and pe-rusal of their interesting col-lection will make anyoneunderstand why it has re-mained successful all thesedecades, and is still Aruba’sfavorite place to shop!

Though Aruba has its share ofdesigner brand stores andshopping malls, ask almostany islander where they shop,and they will likely tell you

“La Linda.” Spread out overseveral specialty stores on theCaya Betico Croes, La Lindawas Aruba’s first and fore-most department stores,where, for decades, one couldfind anything and everything,and after more than 70 years,still can make that claim.

It is also a distinctly fa milyoperation, with the personaltouch and supervision of theHochmans, who take theirreputation for stocking “thebest quality for the best price”very seriously. It all startedwith Calman Hoch man, aJewish Polish immigrant whoopened his first small shopwith his Aruban wife Anna,carrying “a little bit of every-thing that anyone couldneed.” This was beforeWWII, when the present headof the company, Jaime, hadn’teven been born yet. Many oftheir sales help have also beenwith the store for over twodecades, and “it is very muchlike family here,” he admits.Their loyal patrons also lookforward to being helped byshop girls who have becomefriends, knowing they will getgreat and honest service.

To this day, La Linda isparticularly known for its

La Linda DepartmentStore-where Aruba shops!

Calman and Anna Hochman

Unique, quality goods in all departments

Page 14: Thursday, October 4, 2012

Although his team havewon all six Bundesliga gamesso far to top the domestictable, Heynckes is bracinghimself for a backlash if Bay-ern fail to win their nextleague game at home to Hof-fenheim on Saturday.

League final at home toChelsea on penalties in May.

After Bayern's director ofsport Matthias Sammer criti-cised the team for a lacklustreperformance in Saturday's 2-0Bundesliga win at Werder Bre-men there appears to be ten-sion between him and thecoach.

Heynckes said he left Ger-many star Bastian Schwein-steiger out of the starting teamin Minsk because he wasshowing signs of fatigue inBremen.

eight against Zimbabwe in thepreliminary league and re-mains the trumpcard for thehosts despite conceding 40runs in four overs against Eng-land in Super Eights.

Pakistan had 18 overs ofspin during their 32-run winover Australia on Tuesday asAjmal was ably supported byShahid Afridi, 20-year-old left-armer Raza Hasan and skipperMohammad Hafeez.

Sri Lanka has the addedbonus of sling-arm fast bowlerLasith Malinga, who grabbeda career best 5-31 against Eng-land and remains one of themost destructive wicket-takersin the game.

Sri Lankan captain MahelaJayawardene said he was con-fident about his team reactingwell to Pakistan's challenge.

The semi-final is a repeat ofthe 2009 final in Englandwhen Pakistan beat Sri Lankaat Lord's to win the title.

Mendis and Pakistan's prolificSaeed Ajmal, both of whomhave been the highest wicket-takers for their respectiveteams in the competition.

While Mendis has takennine wickets, Ajmal has eight.

Mendis achieved the bestfigures in Twenty20 interna-tionals with six wickets for

COLOMBO (AFP) - Formerchampions Pakistan and hostsSri Lanka clash in the firstsemi-final of the WorldTwenty20 in Colombo today,banking on the quality spin-ners in the two camps.

The pre-match focus re-volved around Sri Lanka's un-orthodox spinner Ajantha

14 Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cricket: Spin kings set forbattle royale

MUNICH (AFP) - BayernMunich coach Jupp Heynckeshas insisted they must nowtreat every Champions Leaguematch as if it were the final inthe wake of their shock defeatat BATE Borisov.

Bayern lost 3-1 in Minsk onTuesday to leave them third inGroup F after two games withtheir next European game atLille, France, on October 23.

It was a first defeat for theBavarians in 10 games thisseason and was also their firstsince losing the Champions

Football: Every Euro game now a cupfinal, says Bayern boss

Pakistan cricketers stretch during an ICC Twenty20 CricketWorld Cup practise session ahead of their semi-final match


WESTERLAND :The Polish windsurfer Maciek

Rutkowski (up) surfs on North Sea waves at the coast of

Sylt, Germany yesterday. The World Cup ends on Octo-

ber 7, 2012. AFP PHOTO

Football: Financepolice raid Napoli MILAN (AFP) - Serie A clubNapoli came under scrutinyon Wednesday after the coun-try's Finance Police raided theclub in relation to suspicionsof financial foul play, mediareports said.

According to the domesticANSA news agency, police,who took away a number ofdocuments from the club,were acting on a mandatefrom the public prosecutor inNaples.

Reports said the documentsseized are in relation to an in-vestigation into the purchaseand sale of rights on the per-formances of team players,the relationship with playeragents and any related finan-cial movements.

Police also carried outsearches at the offices of theItalian football federation(FIGC) in Rome.

The police raids are the lat-est in Italian football, whichhas been dogged in recentyears by claims of match-fix-ing and illegal betting.

Page 15: Thursday, October 4, 2012

ning on Saturday.

Edwin Jackson pitched 6

2/3 strong innings against the

Phillies, striking out six and

allowing only one run, to

earn his 10th win of the sea-

son. Ryan Zimmerman, Tyler

Moore and Michael Morse all


Thursday, October 4, 2012 15

Rasheed Wallace signed a one-year deal for the leagueminimum, about $1.7 million with the Knicks yesterday,after completed his physical on Monday. Ending his two-year retirement, and as a result of adding Wallace to theroster, the Knicks completed their off-season of becom-ing the oldest team in the N.B.A. Wallace last played forBoston in 2009-10, averaging career lows of 9.0 points,4.1 rebounds and 1.0 assists over 22.5 minutes in 79 reg-ular season games (13 starts) and 6.1 points and 3.0 re-bounds over 17.1 minutes in 24 postseason games (onestart).

Wallace Ends Retirement to

Join Knicks

sion round will be Sunday on

the road. Game 2 will be held

on Monday. And the Nation-

als will host Games 3 through

5 from Wednesday through


The Reds, the second seed,

will play the San Francisco

Giants, the third seed, begin-

With a 5-1 win over the

Philadelphia Phillies yester-

day, the Nationals locked up

the top overall seed in the

National League and finish

with a record of 98-64.

The Nationals, the NL

East champions, will face

the winner of Friday’s one

game wild card between the

Atlanta Braves and St. Louis

Cardinals. The opening

game of the Nationals’ divi-

Nationals earn NL’s top seed with 5-1win over Phillies, will face winner ofBraves-Cardinals

The Nationals fans celebrating

Page 16: Thursday, October 4, 2012

Reigning World Cupwomen's champion, Sweden'sTherese Alshammar, added the50m freestyle title to her haul,having already won the 100mbutterfly and 50m freestyle onTuesday.

The 35-year-old was in fineform as she touched the padwith a timing of 25.56, wayahead of second-place IngeDekker of Netherlands(26.08).

Hosszu's first gold of theday came in the 400m individ-ual medley, where she domi-nated the race and finishedalmost five seconds ahead ofteam-mate Zsuzsanna Jakabosin a time of 4min 31.34sec.

She returned very soon andmade it two in two for theevening in the 200m butterfly,again edging out Jakabos.

Gold number six did nottake much time either and sheadded the 400m freestyle toher IM title with a time of4:04.43, before he seventh andfinal individual gold in the100m IM.

Amazingly, she returnedagain soon after and anchoredHungary to victory in the mixedrelay.

The Swimming World Cup2012, whose eight events willtake place on short, 25mcourses, now moves to a brandnew host city, with Doha, Qatar,hosting its first ever champi-onship from October 6-7.

A total prize fund of $1.2million will be distributed tothe winners by the end of theseries.

16 Thursday, October 4, 2012

DUBAI (AFP) - KatinkaHosszu continued to rule thepool as she finished the FINAWorld Cup 2012 series openerin Dubai with a whopping haulof eight gold medals and twobronze on Wednesday.

On the second night atDubai's Hamdan bin Mo-hammed bin Rashid SportsComplex, the Hungarian -- inher first season as a profes-sional swimmer -- collectedfour individual golds and laterpicked up another in the newlyintroduced mixed team 4x50mfreestyle relay.

Hosszu collected a tidysum of $11,000 for her efforts($1,500 for every gold and$500 for bronze, with no prizemoney for team events), and isthe early favourite to win theeight-event series and the$100,000 bonus that comesalong with it.

As expected, the South

African duo of defendingmen's World Cup championChad Le Clos and two-timewinner Cameron van derBurgh, both Olympic champi-ons, won their events and willhead off to Doha for nextweek's tournament with twogolds.

Olympics 200m butterflychampion Clos added the100m fly gold with a superbtime of 49.82sec, finishingway ahead of Russia's EvgenyKorotyshkin (50.67) andAmerican Tom Shields(50.97).

Van der Burgh, who createda controversy in London afteradmitting he used the illegaldolphin kick, added the men's100m breaststroke to his ear-lier 50m in Dubai.

The world record-holderpipped New Zealand's GlennSnyders by nine-tenths of asecond with a time of 58.33.

Swimming: Dominant Hosszutakes World Cup medals tally to 10

AMSTERDAM AFP) - Cris-tiano Ronaldo was in trebleform as Real Madrid tuned upfor this weekend's Clasicowith a stylish 4-1 win at Ajaxhere on Wednesday to main-tain their perfect start to thefledgling Champions Leaguecampaign.

Ronaldo, who had baggedthe late winner in the Spanishchampions' opening Group Dwin over Manchester City, wasjoined on the score-sheet byKarim Benzema, with Ajax'slone strike coming fromNiklas Moisander.

The scoreline would havebeen even more lopsided butfor a series of fine saves byAjax's goalkeeper, KennethVermeer.

In front of a near-capacity50,000 crowd, Madrid werequick out of the startingblocks, winning a series ofcorners in the first 10 minutesbut failing to capitalise ontheir early dominance.

Beaten Champions Leaguesemi-finalists in the past twoseasons, Madrid now top thegroup by two points fromBorussia Dortmund and willgo into Sunday's clash againstarch rivals and La Liga leadersBarcelona with a spring intheir step.

The victory consolidatedMadrid's lead at the top of thegroup with six points from twomatches, as they bid to win forthe 10th time a title that haseluded them since 2002.Ajax,coached by the former Hollandinternational Frank de Boer,looked a shadow of the sidethat have won four Europeantitles, and barely threatenedCasillas's goal in the first half.

Madrid and Ajax weremeeting in the group stage forthe third successive season,with the Spaniards winninghome and away in 2010 and2011.

Real Madrid sinkAjax