Download - Thursday, October 29


Calendar of Events

Sunday, October 25

Reformation Sunday


8:15 am Worship w/communion

10:45 am Worship w/communion

Monday, October 26

6:00 pm Cub Scouts

6:00 pm S. Youth Football & Cheer

6:30 pm Boy Scouts

6:30 pm Lifelong Faith Formation

7:00 pm Property Committee

Tuesday, October 27

Wednesday, October 28

9:30 am Church Staff Meeting

6:00 pm Sit Happens

Thursday, October 29

7:30 pm NA

Friday, October 30

6:00 pm Sit Happens

Saturday, October 31


MESSIAH MESSENGER USPS 342-060 Published each week by Messiah Lutheran Church, 324 South Howard Street, South

Williamsport, PA. Publication Office, 324 South Howard Street. Entered as a periodical October 15, 1940, at the Post Office at Williamsport, PA under the Act of March 3, 1879.

POSTMASTER: Send address change to Messiah Lutheran Church,

324 South Howard Street, South Williamsport, PA 17702.

Reformation Sunday

October 21, 2020 VOL. 78 – NO. 42

FOUR PREPARED FOR CONFIRMATION ON OCTOBER 25... We will celebrate Reformation Day this coming Sunday. Please wear red to honor this occasion. In addition, four members of the Messiah Family are prepared to affirm their Baptism in the Rite of Confirmation this Sunday, October 25 at 10:45am.

The young adults who have worked diligently to complete their instruction requirements are: Zoe Brosan, Jordan Morris, Brenna Rosenbaum, and Alia Taylor.

Confirmation provides an opportunity for the young adults to affirm the covenant God made with them in Holy Baptism. As parents and fellow members we recognize them as adult members of the church and rejoice with them.

See you in Church, Pastor Reinsburrow WHITE GIFTS 2020 For the safety of all, the South Williamsport School District has recommended we not do White Gifts this year. However, if you know of a family in need, please call the church office (570)326-9171 and we will coordinate securing gifts.

Service Assistants 8:15 10:45 Ushers Jody Fullmer

Harry Seltzer Arch Watkins Charles Luppert

Lay Assistant Alex Haefner Carol Waltz Altar Guild Sue Shoemaker Yvonne Kaiser

Acolyte Zoe Brosan Lexi Greevy Flower Delivery Arch Watkins

Sunday, October 18, 2020 at Messiah: Attendance: 102; Offering: $4163.00 Capital Campaign: $1219.00

The Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Shirley Shaffer, with love, from Ed and Merlene Young.

The Basket of Flowers is given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Jean Heller by her sister, Doris Teufel.

Daily Bible Readings

Sunday Oct 25 Jeremiah 31:31-34; Romans 3:19-28; John 8:31-36

Monday Oct 26 Psalm 119:41-48; Deuteronomy 6:1-9, 20-25; James 2:8-13

Tuesday Oct 27 Psalm 119:41-48; Deuteronomy 10:10-22; James 2:14-26

Wednesday Oct 28 Psalm 119:41-48; Proverbs 16:1-20; Matthew 19:16-22

Thursday Oct 29 Psalm 43; 1 Samuel 2:27-36; Romans 2:17-29

Friday Oct 30 Psalm 43; Ezekiel 13:1-16; 2 Peter 2:1-3

Saturday Oct 31 Psalm 43; Malachi 1:6-2:9; Matthew 23:13-28

Save the Date & Plan to Attend: Messiah’s Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, December 6, 2020 after a 9:30 a.m. worship service. Look in future Messengers for more information.

Capital Campaign Update for September 2020 Pledged amount given: $ 1429.00 Pledged amount to date: $ 271.00 Unpledged amount given: $ 70048.75 Unpledged given to date: $ 55851.53 No new pledges in September

The Library Corner – Highlighted Books Youth - Lies and Deceptions - "I guess I just want

everyone to be happy-sometimes I have to lie a little to make it all work." Whether she's trying to impress her crush, Matt, talking to her parents, or dealing with

school, Caroline feels like she needs to please everyone-even if it means being dishonest with them and herself.

Every lie Caroline tells leads to another-then another and another-she's just praying she doesn't get caught! This fast-paced story comes with brief devotions at the end of each chapter. Found in Youth Fiction.

Adult - Treatise on Good Works 1520 - The Annotated Luther Study

Edition - In sermons and pamphlets, Luther and his colleagues claimed that salvation came by faith alone and not by works. Timothy J. Wengert

shows how Luther’s Treatise on Good Works fulfills Luther’s own prediction that it would be one of the clearest and most accessible introductions to Luther’s reforming work and theology. Luther’s main

goal was to commend a new, down-to-earth piety to all Christians. This book is in the Reformation/Lutheran History section.

Congratulations to Jennifer Jackson and Olivia Welter, our college-bound

students who have received scholarships from the St. Paul

Lutheran Church Scholarship Fund. This fund was

established by the congregation of the former St. Paul

Lutheran Church in Williamsport to benefit Lutheran

students in Lycoming County.

A Big Thank You to all who helped with and/or donated to Harvest Home/Blanket Sunday plus our new ministry of Personal Care Kits. The 38 blankets & 24 kits were boxed and sent to Lutheran World Relief (LWR). The fresh produce we collected went to Sojourner Truth Ministries. Non-perishables went to our food pantry or to the Snowy Bag Project. Monetary donations that were received also went to both our pantry and LWR. Thanks to all!


Help fill gift satchels that the Chaplains deliver to the seafarers, in

the weeks before Christmas. Each satchel should contain the

following:1 sweatshirt, unhooded or hooded (the preferred) – size

M, L or XL; 3 pair of socks, thermal or white gym; 1 casual

pullover T shirt – size M, L or XL; 1 heavy knit winter cap; 1 can

of nuts or large bar of chocolate; Christmas card.


Items need to be at the church by NOVEMBER 1.Thank you.

Church Women United in Lycoming County Christmas Stocking Project. The Church Women will be preparing gift items for nursing home residents on Monday, November 16, 2020 at 9:30 at Pine Street United Methodist Church, 441 Pine St. Volunteers for the work day listed above are needed. A donation of $4 per resident is also needed to the gift items for the stockings. Fifty gift bags will also be prepared for children who have mothers in the Muncy State Correctional Institute. Monetary donations can be sent to Eleanor Derr, 319 Woodland Ave. Williamsport,

PA 17701. Make checks payable to “Church Women United”

Christmas Food Baskets continue this year however the complete meal (Turkey, side dishes, dessert & much more) will be provided by Central PA Food Bank due to COVID19. Total cost for each basket is $50. Messiah will supplement the root vegetables with celery. Monetary Gifts can be accepted by placing your gift in an envelope and placing in the collection plate or sending to the church office thru December 6th.

Make checks payable to “Messiah Lutheran Church” and write “Christmas Baskets” in the memo. Be sure to write your offering envelope number on the check and/or envelope. Let’s try to provide 50 baskets this year! Thank you for your support. (Instructions for indentifying recipients of Christmas Food Baskets TBA soon.)

VOLUNTEER NEEDED: A volunteer is needed to coordinate the altar flowers for Sunday Worship Services. This position only takes an hour or two each week and is perfect for someone who wants to work from home. Please contact the church office if interested. (570)326-9171. Thank you.

Snowy Day Bags project: Please place donated items in the bin near the

elevator marked “Snowy Day Bags”.

Monetary donations also accepted. Deadline is October 30th.

Volunteers needed to help sort and pack bags.

If interested call the church office. Thank you.

Last week Steve's Power Washing was here working. They washed the whole church. Here are some photos that they took while cleaning our beautiful steeple. Before, During & After.