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Page 1: Three gorges travel notes

Three Gorges Travel Notes

To make your journey more smooth and pleasant, the following information you need to know in advance before departure:

1, the basic situation of attractions:

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Qutangxia: Qutangxia: also known as Kui Gorge, west Fengjie Baidicheng, a large town east of Wushan County, a total length of 8 km. River narrowest point less than 100 meters, maximum width less than 150 meters, the shortest of the three Gorge, the narrowest and most magnificent of a gorge. The "West received myriad digging Bayu, the mountains east Chu pressure," the magnificent, the Qutang male known.Daning River Small Three Gorges: Daning River is derived from the Lee County, Shaanxi Province level, length of 200 km from the source, all the way satisfied the stream, the Department of undercurrent, then hanging waterfall, out of the mountains, in Wushan County, Wu Gorge West Side into the Yangtze River. Daning River Small Gorges including Longmen Gorge, Pakistan fog Gap, Gap Dicui south east from Wushan County, north to the county within the coating Xiangjiaba, length 45 km.Wu Gorge: Gorge: Gorge west mouth of the Daning River in Wushan County, east to Badong official crossing, length of 44 km. "Put the boat under the Wu Gorge, the heart in the 12 peaks." Wu Gorge is famous for the beauty of the deep.

Xiling Gorge: from Zigui Xiangxi to Yichang Nanjinguan the Xiling Gorge, total length 76 km, the longest of the Three Gorges, one of the most dangerous gorge, more water needs to the beach, rocks everywhere, is known fairway twists and turns.Fengdu Ghost Town: "ghost town" is located in Fengdu County mountains. Mountains are mountains formerly flat, Fengdu County, which are due to abundance of peace hidden dam named after the mountain together. Mountain area of about 200 million square meters, 288 meters above sea level. After completion of the Three Gorges Project, the normal water 175 meters, Yandao foot mountains.

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Shennong Stream: Shennong Stream length of 60 kilometers, Shennongjia Nature Reserve originated in the south, walk through it from north to south into the canyon in the mountains, east of the mouth into the Yangtze River in the Wu Gorge, streams green to clarify, there is no pollution, enormous differences take a boat buoyant, like arrows cosine, people in the struggle with nature and enjoy the adventure in the fun, is a new development of attractive tourist scenic spots.Three Gorges Dam: Three Gorges Project, located in the Xiling Gorge, 38 km upstream from the Gezhouba Dam. Dam is concrete gravity dam crest length of 3035 m, crest elevation of 185 meters, the normal water level 175 m, with a total capacity of 39.3 billion cubic meters, including flood control capacity of 22.15 billion cubic meters.

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2 Prepare all the necessary documents:

Please bring along all the valid documents Offered are (valid ID cards, passports, children's account of this, student ID, etc.).

3, note:

1) Three Gorges region is a subtropical monsoon climate, the air humid, wetter, please bring casual rain gear before departure;2) The travel times are expected in time for flight guide, weather and other natural factors, the specific boat and sailing time to stop into the room every night itinerary prevail;3) travel tickets listed are inclusive in the ticket (for sites other than their own expense), because the guests can go ashore as a result of tour tickets refundable, can choose their own entertainment on cruise ships, leisure and own expense.

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4) due to regional factors and the special nature of the Three Gorges cruise lines, ground, ship, each sub-area of the guide is to receive guests, after the Three Gorges section of the boat sightseeing and both teams are carpooling or FIT ;5) the channel, weather and other natural factors can not visit the attractions, the ship back only attraction tickets, do not assume other responsibilities and costs;6) Please note that boat sailing time visitors, the general advance to the pier. Remember the name of the vessel after the boat and room number, sightseeing and completed on time and at the time of notification to return the ship to cruise on, if the issues visitors causes travel delays, the occurrence of tickets and travel itinerary planned for loss, by the guests themselves;7) The board are public places, please carry valuables, or storage in the foreground;

8) as a result of state and local governments because the temporary expropriation of the original boat, or other objective reasons (mechanical failure, water channel and reasons), the right not to lower our standard charge exchange with the case of grades other boat;9) According to the Yangtze River cruise on the practice of all (because of a foreign boat, on board foreign guests), a cruise on the last day of the tips suggested, guests can board their own voluntary service personnel under the appropriate conditions of service for tips;

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4, the accompanying tour the following sense you


Away from home, keep the normal state of mind, certainly not as a result of travel, the comforts of home when, failing to not be impatient. Guests with a travel agency, please understand each other, help each other. China's current situation makes the guests during the trip will be some things that are not satisfactory, please guests to understand and maintain

peace of mind. Team travel is generally more compact arrangement, guests lose time to rest. The process of moving the team to prepare for unexpected events occur, please contact guides or Quanpei way to stay, there situation immediately notified. If there are objections to the local host can be coordinated with local, coordinate-free fruit, make arrangements for ground operators to obey, to be home from the tour team coordination process. Negotiations fell through, complained to the Tourism Bureau (Zhejiang Tourism complaint telephone 96118), or complaints to the Consumers Association (telephone 12315 or 96135), but also to the court. Contract law there are provisions: If the performance of the contract in dispute, both sides should be loss of control to the lowest point, such as extended by the unilateral loss, the loss by the expansion of party.