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  • 8/9/2019 Thoeries in Psychanalisis


  • 8/9/2019 Thoeries in Psychanalisis


    The Neonatal Phase


    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > oncepts > The :eonatal Phase

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also



    Lacan& as Freu!& ,iews all aies to e orn pre#aturely$ Fro# irth to aroun! si+ #onths&the ay li,es in a hi"hly connecte! state where there is no sense o* in!i,i!ual i!entity asthey li,e in a oun!aryless& sensory& pre-lin"uistic state$ This #aterial e+istence is as closeto Lacan

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    3n the neo-natal sta"e& the chil! is hi"hly on!e! with its #other& who is the source o*war#th& protection an! sustenance$ The #other is o* the as-yet un5nown post-#irrorsy#olic worl! an! is a**ecte! y !esire =le !esire !e la #ere< (which& in French& #eansoth the !esire o* the #other an! the !esire *or the #other)$

    3n reast *ee!in" the chil!& the #other #ay *eel se+ual sti#ulation& an intense e#otion thatthe unoun! senses o* the ay can pic5 up$ The ay also #ay reciprocate with pri#iti,ese+ual instincts an! an unconscious relationship& !i**erent *or "irls an! oys& e *or#e! that#ay e the see!s o* later 2e!ipal chan"e$ The roa!er sy#olic !esires o* the #other arealso co##unicate! to the chil!$


    innicott& in the *irst o* his *irst !e,elop#ent sta"es& i!enti*ie! the un!i**erentiate! unitywith the #other an! the nee! *or a *eelin" o* o#nipotence& which the "oo!-enou"h#other supports (later "ently !e*latin" this illusion)$

    'ee also

    Lacan& Freu!& ?riste,a& Lacanian psychoanalysis& 3!eolo"y& /irror phase& innicotts!e,elop#ent sta"es

    ?riste,a& J$ (1998)$ e,olution in poetic lan"ua"e$ in Identity a reader & Paul !u 6ay&Jessica ,ans an! Peter e!#an (e!s)& A000& Lon!on 'a"e& pp @9-BC

    ose& J$ (198A)$ Fe#inine se+uality$ in Identity a reader & Paul !u 6ay& Jessica ,ans an!Peter e!#an (e!s)& A000& Lon!on 'a"e& pp C1-@8


    Julia Kristeva


    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > Theorists > Julia ?riste,a


    Julia ?riste,a (191-) is a .ul"arian philosopher& psychoanalyst an! *e#inist$ 'he sou"htto a!apt a psychoanalytic approach to these poststructuralist critiques$ 4lthou"h allie!with Freu! an! Lacan& she re7ecte! the stale& structuralist ,iew o* the su7ect$

    'he a!!e! !etail to Lacans un!erstan!in" o* in*ant psychose+ual !e,elop#ent$

    • The hora arly unity$

  • 8/9/2019 Thoeries in Psychanalisis


    • 47ection Deep horror$

    The Chora


    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > oncepts > The hora

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also



    The hora is the initial state in a chil!s li*e where& etween ero an! aout si+ #onths& it is

    !ri,en y a chaotic #i+ o* perceptions& *eelin"s& an! nee!s$

    The sel* is not reco"nie! as the chil! sense o* ein" is len!e! into its worl! an! #other inso#ethin" close to a continuation o* ein" in wo#$ There is no reco"nition o* oun!aries$

    This sta"e is is closest to the eal& where asic li*e an! !eath !ri,es are the pri#e#oti,ators$


    ?riste,as !escription o* this early sta"e is si#ilar to other !escriptions such as the *irst part

    o* Lacans neonatal phase an! innicotts un!i**erentiate! unity$

    French *e#inists use the chora to re7ect Lacans clai# that "en!er is !e*ine! throu"hlan"ua"e an! the sy#olic re"ister& hi"hli"htin" it as a pre-2e!ipal position *ro# whichi!entity can e spo5en$ The hora is $e+perience! !i**erently y #ales an! *e#ales& thuscreatin" "en!er !i**erence$

    The ter# se#iotic is o*ten use! either in tan!e# with chora or so#eti#es as areplace#ent$ 3t in particular *or#s an opposite to the sy#olic o* the later sy#olicre"ister$

    'ee also

    ?riste,a& The neonatal phase& innicotts !e,elop#ent sta"es



  • 8/9/2019 Thoeries in Psychanalisis


    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > oncepts > 47ection

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also



    47ection is a state o* !eep an! sic5enin" horror that we e+perience *or e+a#ple when wesee a corpse& see an open woun! or hear o* horrile cri#es a"ainst chil!ren$

    3t is ase! in a rea5!own in #eanin" cause! y the loss o* the !istinction etweenlin"uistic inaries such as su7ect an! o7ect or sel* an! other$


    ?riste,a su""ests that a7ection is so#ethin" that we #ust e+perience as a part o* ourpsychose+ual !e,elop#ent& a*ter the chora an! e*ore enterin" the #irror phase$ Thehorror o* a7ection at this sta"e #ay e an early step out o* un!i**erentiate! unity an!towar!s a sense o* separate sel*& throu"h realiation o* separation *ro# the #other$

    !Abjection preser"es what e#isted in the archaism o$ pre-objectal relationship% inthe immemorial "iolence with which a body becomes separated $rom anotherbody in order to be.! 

    ?riste,a !escries how a7ection is the *irst step in #o,in" away *ro# the ase ani#alstate towar!s

    !&y way o$ abjection% primiti"e societies ha"e mar'ed out a precise area o$ theirculture in order to remo"e it $rom the threatening world o$ animals oranimalism% which were imagined as representati"es o$ se# and murder.! 

    47ection contrasts with Lacans object petit a (o7ect o* !esire)& which coor!inates !esiresan! *acilitates the sy#olic re"ister$

    47ection in a!ult li*e is a threat o* a return to the ase ani#al place an! is thus lin5e!with the real an! 7ouissance& an! is oth repu"nant an! attracti,e$

    One does not 'now it% one does not desire it% one joys in it. Violently and pain$ully.

    'ee also

    The hora& ?riste,a& Li*e an! !eath !ri,es

  • 8/9/2019 Thoeries in Psychanalisis


    ?riste,a& J$ (198A)$ (owers o$ )orror An Essay on Abjection$ Trans$ Leon '$ ou!ie$ :ewEor5 olu#ia P


    Donald Winnicott


    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > Theorists > innicott

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also



    Donal! innicott (189@-19B1) was a Lon!on pae!iatrician *ro# the 19A0s an! the 1980swho stu!ie! psychoanalysis with /elanie ?lein$ 4lthou"h acceptin" ?lein& he ,iewe! the 5eyaspect o* healthy !e,elop#ent as roote! in relationships an! #icro-interactions with otherpeople& thus ta5in" particular interest in 27ect elations Theory$ %e is well-5nown partlyecause he use! e,ery!ay lan"ua"e& an! also *ro# his .. roa!casts$

    • The Transition 27ect For co#*ort an! not-#e i!enti*ication$

    • The "oo!-enou"h #other Pro,i!in" the hol!in" en,iron#ent an! *acilitatin"transition$

    • True sel*& *alse sel*  3nte"rity an! "rowth$

    • innicotts !e,elop#ent sta"es nity& transition& in!epen!ence$

    • Play De,elop#ent an! learnin"$

    The space etween

    ather than consi!er the outer an! inner worl!s& innicott was #ore intereste! in thetransition space etween these !o#ains$ 4s a ,irtual worl!& it is i!eal *or play an!


    "o !e,elop#ent

    %e sees the e"o as arisin" out o* pri#iti,e threats to e+istence an! !e,elopin" a continuityo* ein"& as a**or!e! y the "oo!-enou"h #other$

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    3n su##ary& so#e o* innicotts 5ey i!eas are as *ollows

    • The chil! will !e,elop a healthy *alse sel* & !epen!in" on the quality o* early care *ro#the "oo!-enou"h #other$ 2therwise it will !e,elop an unhealthy *alse sel*$

    • 3nitially& the carers role is to support the illusion o* a *use!& un!i**erentiate! unity$

    • The carer then "ra!ually an! care*ully allows !isillusion#ent where the chil! realiesits (an! its carers) in!i,i!uality$

    • This separation happens throu"h play an! use o* a transition o7ect$

    innicott an! Lacan

    innicott !i**ers *ro# Lacan in his use o* transition o7ects to !e*ine the sel*& althou"hLacan also uses an e+ternal 2ther in the *or#ation o* the e"o$ %e also uses a #orenurturin" approach in psychoanalysis$ %e ta5es the #irror as the lo,in" "ae o* the carer

    (#other or otherwise)& re*lectin" the carers perceptions o* the ay rather than anarcissistic illusion$ The e"o is thus separate! slowly& not sharply as with Lacan$

    G3n in!i,i!ual e#otional !e,elop#ent the precursor o* the #irror is the #others*ace$$$$hat !oes the ay see when he or she loo5s at the #others *ace 3 a#su""estin" that& or!inarily& what the ay sees is hi#sel* or hersel*$G(innicott& 19@B)

    %e !oes a"ree with the principle o* early connection with the #other in a neonatal phase asa =sea#less oneness

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    innicott& D$$ (19CC-@) linical ,arieties o* trans*erence$ International *ournal o$ (sycho- Analysis& IB& I8@

    innicott& D$ (19C@) Pri#ary /aternal Preoccupation& in +hrough (aediatricsto(sychoanalysis$ Lon!on %o"arth

    innicott& D$ (19@0)$ The theory o* the parent-chil! relationship& International *ournal o$(sychoanalysis& 1C8C-C9C

    innicott& D$ $ (19@B)$ /irror-role o* the #other an! *a#ily in chil! !e,elop#ent$ 3n P$Lo#as (!$)& +he (redicament o$ the ,amily A (sycho-Analytical ymposium(pp$ A@-II)$Lon!on %o"arth

    innicott& D$$ (19@9)$ The use o* an o7ect& International *ournal o$ (sychoanalysis&C0B11-B1@

    Winnicotts develo!"ent sta#es


    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > 4rticles > innicotts !e,elop#ent sta"es

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also



    There are three sta"es in in*ant !e,elop#ent as !escrie! y innicott$

    n!i**erentiate! unity

    3n the *irst sta"e& the chil! nee!s an illusion o* ein" connecte! with& an! not separate!*ro#& the #other$

    hen thin"s are "oin" well& they *eel o#nipotent an! in co#plete control o* the #other&which it "ets when the #other respon!s to its nee!s$


    The !isconnection an! re#o,al o* the connection illusion& i* !one su!!enly& can e atrau#atic shoc5 *or the chil!& an! so nee!s to occur as "ently as possile$

    Disillusion#ent inclu!es the realiation that others so#eti#es ta5e prece!ence an! their*eelin"s #ust e consi!ere!$ Done well& this lea!s to a stren"thenin" o* the e"o& ratherthan !a#a"in"$

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    arly in this sta"e& the chil! realies its !epen!ence an! learns aout loss$ .y #o,in" away*ro# the chil! in well-ti#e! s#all !oses& the "oo!-enou"h #other helps !e,elop a healthysense o* in!epen!ence$

    4 role o* the #other here is to allow the chil! to pro7ect a! o7ects (*ears& *rustrations)

    into her an! then re-intro7ect the# when they can see how well she han!les the#$

    3* the #other only returns her own !e*enses then the ay will not learn to trust her an!will re7ect& with!raw or 7ust eco#e a!apti,e to this *eare! or !isli5e! other$

    4 5ey tool *or the chil! !urin" this perio! o* transition towar!s in!epen!ence isthe transition o7ect& that it sustitutes *or the #other& uses to !e,elop its sense o* sel* an!allows itsel* to let "o o* the early nee! *or o#nipotence$

    elati,e in!epen!ence

    3* the transition is e**ecti,e& then the chil! will !e,elop a healthy *alse sel*  that they canpresent to the worl! an! with which they are co#*ortale$ 2therwise& the chil! re#ainsunco#*ortale with itsel*$

    Total in!epen!ence is sel!o# *ully achie,e! as we always ha,e so#e !epen!ence on thepresence o* others$


    The 7o o* the "oo!-enou"h #other is to "ui!e the chil! throu"h these sta"es& pro,i!in"early connection an! "ra!ual release$

    innicotts sta"es are si#ilar to Lacans three sta"es o* the neonatal phase& the #irrorphase an! the sy#olic re"ister$ 4 #a7or !i**erence is that innicott uses a so*ter& #ore"entle approach$

    The nee! *or the co#pany o* others (an! the lac5 o* *ull in!epen!ence) is e,i!ence! in theuse o* solitary con*ine#ent as a punish#ent$

    'ee also

    27ect elations Theory& Lacan& Learnin" sta"e theories& The hora


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  • 8/9/2019 Thoeries in Psychanalisis



    The true an! *alse sel,es were i!enti*ie! y innicott$ 4n unhealthy an! patholo"ical *alsesel* ne,er "ains in!epen!ence *ro# the #other& an! so ne,er "ets to transition toin!epen!ence$

    These principles help e+plain how people see# at ease or are constantly in tension an! soact in !ys*unctional ways$ 3t also in!icates how treat#ent is not aout e+posin" the *ra"iletrue sel*& which #ost o* us naturally *ear& ut helpin" the in!i,i!ual #o,e on& oth lettin""o o* the unhealthy portions o* the *alse sel* an! uil!in" a healthy replace#ent$

    'ee also

    innicott& Kalues


    +planations > 3!entity > 'u7ect

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also



    This is the ,iew o* i!entity ein" uilt y ein" the su7ect o* lan"ua"e$

    • 3!entities are uilt by and in the su7ect positions$

    • They are a,ailale to us in lan"ua"e an! cultural sy#olic co!es$ Theyare interpellate!$

    • 3!entities are pro!uce! throu"h relations o* !i**erence (race& se+uality& "en!er& etc$)$These !i**erences are internal to lan"ua"e$ They inclu!e relations o* power$

    • 3!entity is !e*ine! y others$ hen we !istance oursel,es *ro# these others& we

    #ay collapse *ro# within$

    • 3n!i,i!uals are inserte! (suture!) into su7ect positions y the unconscious$


    There is a whole position aroun! i!entity as ein" the su7ect o* lan"ua"e that ta5es ananti-hu#anist an! structural ,iew o* the person$ %u#anity is i"nore! in *a,or o* the way

  • 8/9/2019 Thoeries in Psychanalisis


    our en,iron#ent an! cultures controls us throu"h lan"ua"e& replacin" the purpose*ul a"entwith a !u# puppet$

    4lthussers su7ect ca#e *ro# atte#pts to rethin5 /ar+is#& usin" structuralis# inopposition to #echanistic thou"ht in a #ore hu#anist way& see5in" to put conscious

    acti,ity at the heart o* /ar+is# in co#ination with the alienation o* people *ro# their *ullaltruistic potential$

    %e saw hu#an in!i,i!uals ein" constitute! as su7ects throu"h i!eolo"y$ onsciousnessan! a"ency are e+perience!& ut are the pro!ucts o* i!eolo"y spea5in" throu"h thesu7ect$

    4lthusser uses Lacans #irror phase to hi"hli"ht how su7ects are interpellate!& ut !oesnot reco"nie the critical #isreco"nition that Lacan hi"hli"hts$ 4lthusser has also eencriticie! *or how his su7ect is #a"ically create! o* nowhere (what is there e*ore thesu7ect)$

    For 'aussure& the su7ect is an e**ect or pro!uct o* the process o* si"ni*yin"$ %e elie,e!that nothin" e+ists outsi!e o* lan"ua"e& inclu!in" 3$

    .en,eniste sai! that #an constitutes hi#sel* as a su7ect in an! throu"h lan"ua"e& an!that e"o is he who says Ge"oG$ This challen"es the notion that 3 e+ists outsi!e o*lan"ua"e$ 'pea5in" *ro# 3 creates the 3$ 3 can also e use! (y you) to #ean you&#a5in" it unstale as a !e*iner o* i!entity$ 3!entity (as e,erythin") in lan"ua"e co#es *ro#!i**erence$ To !e*ine 3 there #ust e a you$ These are also re,ersile& as 3 eco#e youwhen others tal5$

    .arthes note! that lan"ua"e 5nows a su7ect& ut not a person$

    Lacan ar"ues that su7ect positions are #a!e a,ailale in the sy#olic or!er into whichpeople place the#sel,es in or!er to spea5 that position$ %e also note! that there is alwaysa "ap etween the su7ect an! the su7ect position they inhait$

    %all notes how the spea5er an! the spo5en are ne,er i!entical& thus *ra"#entin" i!entityacross ti#e an! space$


    3n "ra##ar& the su7ect is the person or thin" in a sentence that !oes what the ,er says&to the o7ect$ Thus& in the cat sat on the #at& the cat is the su7ect an! the #at is theo7ect$

    'ee also

    3nterpellation& /irror phase& 3!eolo"y& Death o* the author

  • 8/9/2019 Thoeries in Psychanalisis


    The Transition Object


    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > oncepts > The Transition 27ect

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also



    /other sustitute

    hen a #other (or carer) lea,es an in*ant& they can easily eco#e upset y the!isappearance o* their pri#ary care-"i,er$ To co#pensate an! co#*ort *or this sense o*loss& they i#ue so#e o7ect with the attriutes o* the #other$ This ite# is calle!a +ransition Object $

    This is a *or# o* splittin" as the #other is !i,i!e! etween the actual #other an! thetransition o7ect$

    se o* transition o7ects starts to appear at aroun! to @ #onths& when the in*ant is#o,in" towar!s the e+ternal worl!& ut has not quite separate! it *ro# the internal worl!$

    The transition o7ect is typically so#ethin" so*t& such as lan5et or so*t toy& that isre#iniscent o* the #others war# ar#s an! reast$ .y cu!!lin" the o7ect& they *eel thatthey are cu!!lin" the #other an! thus *eel co#*orte!$ 4roun! @0 o* chil!ren a!opt sucho7ects$

    Ta5in" away the o7ect *ro# the chil! can cause "reat an+iety as they are now truly withouttheir #other an! su**er "reat *eelin"s o* loss an! aloneness$


    The transition o7ect also supports the !e,elop#ent o* the sel*& as it is use! to represent

    not #e$ .y loo5in" at the o7ect& the chil! 5nows that it is not the o7ect an! henceso#ethin" in!i,i!ual an! separate$ 3n this way& it helps the chil! !e,elop its sense o* otherthin"s$

    %owe,er the o7ect is now inti#ately oun! up with the i!entity o* the chil!$ Ta5in" awaythe o7ect now is also ta5in" away so#ethin" o* the chil! itsel*$

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    The i!ea o* the transition o7ect can also now e applie! to the #other& who eco#esi!enti*ie! as separate *ro# the in*ant& an! who can e a si"ni*icant representati,e o* thee+ternal worl!$

    ?ey attriutes o* the transition o7ect inclu!e

    • The in*ant has total ri"hts o,er it$

    • The o7ect #ay e cu!!le!& lo,e! an! #utilate!$

    • 3t #ust ne,er e chan"e!& e+cept y the in*ant$

    • 3t has war#th or so#e ,itality that in!icates is has a reality o* its own$

    • 3t e+ists in!epen!ently o* insi!e or outsi!e an! is not a hallucination$

    • 2,er ti#e& it loses #eanin" an! eco#es rele"ate! to a 5in! o* li#o where it isneither *or"otten nor #ourne!$


    The creation o* a transition o7ect is perhaps the *irst truly creati,e act o* the chil! as ituses its i#a"ination to create reality out o* nothin"$

    The transition o7ect is a tool that allows the chil! to let "o o* the #other an! !e,elop a#ore in!epen!ent e+istence$ 3t can ta5e the o7ect anywhere an! recei,e a quic5 !ose o*co#*ort whene,er it *eels an+ious$

    The o7ect also *acilitates the transition *ro# a #a"ical sense o* o#nipotence to controlthrou"h physical #anipulation$

    3t #ay ha,e so#e relationship with the *irst o7ect& typically the reast$ 3t #ay also anal-erotically stan! *or *aeces (which #ay e+plain why it #ay e pre*erre! as unwashe! an!s#elly)$

    innicott note! that the transition o7ect allows the chil! to enter the para!o+ical *eelin"that they ha,e si#ultaneously create! an! !isco,ere! the o7ect$

    Pro,i!in" the chil! with a so*t o7ect such as a te!!y ear can encoura"e the# to trans*era**ections to that o7ect an! thus eco#e #ore in!epen!ent an! less clin"in"$ 4 prole#can occur when the o7ect eco#es a paci*ier on which the chil! *i+ates rather than usin" itto transition to in!epen!ence$

    The o7ect #ay also e the su7ect o* the chil!s phantasies& *or e+a#ple where a te!!year is spo5en to& hu""e!& punishe!& etc$ 3t thus eco#es a tool *or practicin" interactionwith the e+ternal worl!$ .y "i,in" the ear a will o* its own& the chil! is also phantasiin"

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    that it is not o#nipotent an! can yet sur,i,e this initially scary state$ Play thus pro,i!es apathway to in!epen!ence$

    The use o* transition o7ects continues throu"h our li,es as we i#ue o7ects with #eanin"an! #e#ories that are associate! with other i!eas& places an! people$ Photo"raphs&

    #e#entos an! other #e#orailia are use! to re#e#er "oo! ti#es an! *rien!s$ Transitiono7ects #ay also translate as *etish o7ects$

    Kirtually all possessions ha,e a ,alue in creatin" the sel*$ hat is #ine is that with which 3ha,e a !e*inin" relationship& that not only !e*ines the o7ect ut also !e*ines #e$Possessions can ,ary in the !e"ree to which they ha,e this e**ect& an! treasure!possessions ha,e a *ar #ore si"ni*icant e**ect on the e"o i* they are lost$

    se o* the transition o7ect is relate! to ?leins !escription o* the !epressi,e position$

    'ee also

    The "oo!-enou"h #other& 27ect& 27ect elations Theory

    innicott& D$ (19CI)$ Transitional o7ects an! transitional pheno#ena& International *ournal o$ (sychoanalysis& I89-9B

    'irror Phase


    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > oncepts > /irror Phase

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also



    4t so#e ti#e etween si+ an! ei"hteen #onths& the ay sees its i#a"e& "enerally in a#irror& an! realises that what it is seein" is so#ehow itsel*$ This reco"nition causes "reatcon*usion an! =lii!inal !yna#is#< (Lacan& 19BB) as the pre-lin"uistic in*ant stru""les withits *irst i!entity con*lict$

    ith the oun!ary-*or#ation o* i!entity co#es separation& an! the i#a"e is percei,e! as!istinct 2ther$ 'eparation also creates a sense o* loss an! a li*elon" !esire to re"ainthe 7ouissance o* the connecte! wholeness$

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    The i#a"e see#s to e per*ect& an =i#a"o< (Lacan& 199)& an =i!eal e"o< that is appealin"&to e lo,e! an! e#ulate! in an en!urin" narcissistic *antasy$ The per*ect other also createsen,y an! !isli5e an! hence *urther con*usion an! tension etween these polar opposites$ 3talso #ay see# to e as5in" questions or #a5in" !e#an!s o* the chil! who #ay won!erwhat it wants an! what it will !o$

    4n early sense o* 7uilation at reco"niin" its wholeness is *ollowe! y a *ear that the in*antwill re"ress to its pre,ious state o* ein" in its an! pieces$ The #irror !oes not re*lect*eelin"s an! lies aout the apparent in!epen!ence o* the i#a"e that the ay !oes notha,e$

    This #isreco"nition or #connaissance (Lacan& 199) is co#poun!e! when& in ta5in" thesu7ect position o* the i#a"e an! loo5in" ac5 on its actual sel*& the ay contrasts what itsees with the =e"o i!eal

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    4lthusser use! the #irror principle to e+plain how i!eolo"y is use! to re*lect oththe su7ect an! others an! how the #irror o* i!eolo"y i#plant recei,e! social #eanin" inthe i#a"ine! relationship etween the person an! their e+istence$ The in!i,i!ual thusreco"nies the#sel* as an autono#ous su7ect$

    The #ore "eneral notion o* #irrorin" has een ta5en up y others& such as innicott& whosaw #irrorin" occurrin" in the lo,in" "ae o* the #other$ The "ae o* the"oo!-enou"h#other !oes not re*lect her own !e*ences ut rather a con*ir#ation o* the ,aryin" #oo!sthat the ay is presentin" to her$

    /o!ern #e!ia utilies the Lacanian *ascination with the i#a"e& showin" us pictures intowhich we are in,ite! to pro7ect oursel,es$

    This has een criticie!& *or e+a#ple in the lac5 o* consi!eration o* the internal processesthat allow #isreco"nition to ta5e place$ For the in*ant to reco"nie itsel* in the #irror& it#ust already ha,e a sense o* sel*$ The !e,elop#ent o* the sel* thus #ay e alrea!y well

    un!er way$

    'ee also

    Lacan& 4lthusser& innicott& 'u7ect

    3nterpellation& 3!eolo"y

    Lacan J$ (199)$ +he mirror stage$ in 3!entity a rea!er& Paul !u 6ay& Jessica ,ans an!Peter e!#an (e!s)& Lon!on 'a"e& A000& pp -C0

    Lacan& J$ (19BB)$ crits A election$ Trans$ 4lan 'heri!an$ :ew Eor5 :orton

    Lea!er& D$ an! 6ro,es& J$ (A000)$ Introducing /acan& a#ri!"e& ? 3con .oo5s




    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > oncepts > :arcissis#

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also




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    3n 2,i!s tale& :arcissus is the han!so#e an! prou! son o* the ri,er "o! ephissus an! theny#ph Liriope$ The ny#ph& cho& *alls in lo,e with hi# ut is re7ecte! an! with!raws into alonely spot an! *a!es away& lea,in" ehin! her ,oice$ The "o!!ess :e#esis hears herprayers *or ,en"eance an! #a5es :arcissus *all in lo,e with his own re*lection& which hecannot e#race$ %e sits y the pool& watchin" it until he !ies an! turns into the narcissus


    Pri#ary narcissis#

    (rimary narcissism is the initial *ocus on the sel* with which all in*ants start an! happens*ro# aroun! si+ #onth up to aroun! si+ years$ 3t is a !e*ense #echanis# that is use! toprotect the chil! *ro# psychic !a#a"e !urin" the *or#ation o* the in!i,i!ual sel*$

    'econ!ary narcissis#

    econdary narcissism is the #ore nor#al *or#& where ol!er chil!ren an! a!ults see5

    personal "rati*ication o,er the achie,e#ent o* social "oals an! con*or#ance to social,alues$

    4 !e"ree o* narcissis# is is co##on in #any people$ 3t eco#es patholo"ical when thenarcissist lac5s nor#al e#pathy an! uses others ruthlessly to their own en!s$

    0erebral narcissists !eri,e their sel*-a!oration *ro# their intellectual ailities an!achie,e#ents$

    omatic narcissists *ocus on the o!y& see5in" eauty& physique an! se+ual conquests$

    :arcissist characteristics

    :arcissists interact socially with others& ut !o not *or# relational social on!s with others$3n or!er a,oi! ein" owne! y others& the narcissist re!uces the# to non-hu#an o7ects$

    :arcissists o*ten nee! to *eel that they are the only "oo! o7ects in the worl! an!consequently haror "reat en,y& which appears as narcissistic ra"e that see5s to !estroythe "oo! o7ects o* others$ This lea,es a! o7ects intact$

    The *ear o* e+tinction is ,ery si"ni*icant *or narcissists$ They o*ten a"e a!ly an! the si"nso* a"in" in*uriate the#$ They en,y the youn" an! will a,oi! or !eni"rate the#$ Face! with

    !a#nin" e+ternal e,i!ence& they #ay retreat *urther insi!e$

    :arcissists will !elierately har# the#sel,es in or!er to *rustrate others& *ailin" e+a#s&re7ectin" a!,ice an! ta5in" !ru"s$

    3n,erte! narcissis#

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    4n in,erte! narcissist pro7ects their narcissis# onto another narcissist& usin" pro7ecti,ei!enti*ication to 5eep the narcissistic state oth !istant an! close$ They e+periencenarcissis# ,icariously ut are still narcissists$


    'y#pto#s o* narcissis# inclu!e

    • 'el*-a""ran!ie#ent to the point o* e+a""eration& !eception an! outri"ht lyin"$

    • 'ee5in" an! requirin" e+cessi,e attention& a!#iration an! rewar!s *ro# others$

    • Fantasies o* *a#e& power an! success$ .elie* in their superiority o,er others$

    • +ploitation o* others without *eelin"s o* "uilt$

    • n,y o* others$ .elie* that the perception is reciprocate!$

    • 6i,en to *rustration& an"er an! irrationality when they !o not "et what they want$


    There are se,eral schools o* thou"ht aout what lea!s to narcissis#$ 4 co##on the#e isthat early transition into the real worl! *ails in so#e way& lea!in" the person to re#ain& atleast in part& in the early sel*-*ocuse! pri#ary narcissistic sta"e$

    :arcissis# appears across *a#ilies& perhaps throu"h so#e "enetic causes& ut also in theway that a narcissistic parent is unale to on! with its chil!ren an! thus causes it& too& toeco#e a narcissist$

    :arcissus an! 2e!ipus

    :arcissis# is relate! to the 2e!ipus o#ple+ in that 2e!ipus o*ten *ollows narcissis# an!is a #etho! y which narcissis# is quelle!$

    :arcissis# is aout lo,e o* the sel*H 2e!ipus is aout separatin" an! e+ternaliin" lo,e o*another (the #other) *ro# the sel*$


    For Freu!& narcissis# is asically the in,est#ent o* lii!inal ener"y in the e"o$

    'econ!ary narcissis# is re"ression to pri#ary narcissis# an! is practice! ecause itpro,i!es "rati*ication$ Fantasy "enerally is nicer than reality$

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    also seen as a cause& which lin5s with Lacans nee! *or success*ul transitions an! the role o* the *ather in the sy#olic re"ister$

    :arcissis# #ay also contriute to the rea5-up o* capitalist syste#s as a *ocus on the sel*ulti#ately lea!s to increase! transaction cost an! !isecono#ies o* scale$

    3nterestin"ly& narcissis# is a *ar #ore co##on con!ition a!!resse! y psychoanalyststo!ay$ 3n Freu!ian ti#es the #ore co##on con!ition was #ore in i!-ase! se+ually-ase! repression$

    /ana"in" narcissists

    hen you are con*ronte! with a narcissist in a wor5 situation or where you !o not want toarouse the#& e i#presse! with the# an! a,oi! ar"u#ents$ :e,er eco#e !epen!ent onthe# as they will use an! ause you& then !iscar! you$

    To persua!e a narcissist& use *lattery an! reco"nition$ nsure you ha,e so#ethin" uniquethat they want *or as lon" as you nee! their attention an! co#pliance$

    To help a narcissist& show the# their con!ition without accusation or la#e$ Do not e+pectto e ale to cure the#$ 4,oi! ar"u#ents& especially where they can support their e"othrou"h an"er that is !irecte! at you$

    'ee also

    Freu!& De*ense /echanis#s

    Freu!& '$ (191)$ On narcissism an introduction$ 'tan!ar! !ition& 1& pp$ @B-10&

    Lasch& $ (19B9)$ +he 0ulture o$ Narcissism American /i$e in an Age o$ 1iminishingE#pectations.  :orton Lon!on




    +planations > ritical Theory > 3!eolo"y

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also



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    4n i!eolo"y is #ore than a set o* i!eas$ 3t is #ore than a set o* elie*s$ 3t is #ore than away o* ein"$

    hen we li,e co#pletely within an i!eolo"y& an! we can har!ly !o otherwise& the i!eolo"ycreates our li,es$ 3t creates our sense o* i!entity$ 3t creates us$

    e are apparently *ree a"ents& yet we are trappe! in i!eolo"ies throu"h which we see an!#a5e sense o* the worl!$ e spea5 its scripts$ e spea5 oursel,es *ro#& an! are spo5eny& su7ect positions o* lan"ua"e an! culture$

    e ha,e to *in! oursel,es in the i!eolo"ies a,ailale to us throu"h culture an! lan"ua"e&an! without the# we are lost$ 4s such& we consent to an! repro!uce the i!eolo"y$


    4lthusser pro,i!e! #uch o* these i!eas in his reinterpretation o* /ar+is#& where he sees

    the structure o* i!eolo"y as speculary& as in Lacans #irror phase$ 3n *act there is a !oulee**ect as it allows people to reco"nie oth the#sel,es and others$

    %e also says that i!eolo"y interpellates in!i,i!uals as su7ects$

    4lthou"h 4lthusser i#plies that people are create! y the i!eolo"y an! hence lac5 ,olition&his !escription o* interpellation i#plies a !e"ree o* autono#y on the part o* the hailer$

    4lthusser was ar"ualy trappe! y his own a!ulation o* /ar+is#& usin" its tenets a"ainstestern i!eolo"ies without reco"niin" that /ar+is# was 7ust another i!eolo"y itsel*$ %ealso was trappe! y the sa#e re*le+i,ity that li#its Lacanian psychoanalysis in constrainin"

    the potential *or sel*-!eter#ination$

    Nie5 says that i!eolo"y is #ore than cultural repro!uction o* #eanin" an! inclu!es thein,ol,e#ent o* the sel* in the social conte+t& eyon! interpellation an! internaliation as itoutstrips its own social an! political *or#s$

    'ee also

    'u7ect& /o,ies& /irror phase

    The Sy"bolic )e#ister 

    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > oncepts > The 'y#olic e"ister

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also


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    %e consi!ers the unconscious as arri"ing in the sy#olic or!er& an! that the unconscious isoutsi!e the su7ect& in contrast with the Freu!ian ,iew o* the unconscious as insi!e& ein"!eep-seate! an! present at irth$


    Lacan concei,es o* the lin"uistic unconscious y a!optin" 'aussures si"ns& althou"hsu,ertin" this y re7ectin" the staility o* the si"ni*ie! an! *ra#in" the unconscious as ainterconnecte! an! sli!in" sea o* si"ni*iers$ This instaility pre,ents staility o* any i!entity-e"o create! y the unconscious& con!e#nin" the chil! to a li*e o* uncertainty& co#poun!in"e+periences o* lac5 an! !esire$

    Lacan en"a"es the Freu!ian 2e!ipal sta"e in a characteristically sy#olic way& as atransition to the sy#olic or!er where oe!ience o* cultural laws inclu!es the ,ery strictincest taoo& which requires that the oy "i,es up se+ual !esires *or his #other an! the "irl*or her *ather$ 4s the "irl !oes not ha,e to "i,e up her relationship with her #other& she can

    sustain a closer relationship an! hence also sustain "reater 7ouissance$

    3n lan"ua"e an! the sy#olic or!er& societal se+ual !i**erentiation asserts itsel*& wherein!i**erent "en!er roles are sutly inculcate!$ These are still sy#olic an! Lacan ar"ue! thatrather than pro!ucin" co#ple#entary =#ale< an! =*e#ale< entities& the *antasy on whichthese are *oun!e! shoul! e e+pose! (ose 198@)$ ose !escries the !i**erence that =/enan! wo#en are si"ni*iers& oun! to the co##on usa"e o* lan"ua"e Psychoanalysis > 4rticles > 3n*ant se+uality

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also

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    The reast

    The reast is a se+ual or"an as well as a *ee! point$ hilst the ay is ein" *e!& the#other is ein" se+ually sti#ulate!$ 4ssu#in" the ay !etects this arousal& they #ayeco#e arouse! in response$

    This #ay e use*ul in creatin" a on! etween the in*ant an! the #other& ut it #ay alsocreate a char"e! trian"le when the *ather enters the *ray$ The #other #ay respon! to the*ather as i* he is now a co#petitor *or her a**ections& an! he #ay also !etect theco#petition$ Perhaps also the ay un!erstan!s the con*lict in so#e way$

    The phallus

    The phallus& as oppose! the penis& is use! in psychoanalysis as a sy#ol o* #asculinepower an! *e#ale lac5$ 3t thus eco#es a si"ni*icant concept in "en!erin" an! is relate!to !esire& 7ouissance an! *e#inine i!entity$

    .o!y parts

    The in*ant sees parts o* the #other& inclu!in" reast& eyes an! lips an! #ay i#ue the#with particular si"ni*icance$

    3n*ants sense an! #ay "ra their own o!y parts$ 3t is co##on *or a youn" oy to tu" at

    his penis& perhaps "ainin" so#e pleasure *ro# this$ The #other& seein" this #ay e *eelso#e sense o* arousal$ The *ather also #ay e arouse!& perhaps y 7ealous& perhaps yrepresse! ho#ose+uality$ ith "irls& also& there can e a !yna#ic o* na5e! arousal an!represse! e#otions$


    Freu! consi!ers the 2e!ipus o#ple+ as a sta"e where the chil! e+periences an eroticattach#ent to one parent an! hostility towar! the other parent$ The ensuin" trian"ulartension is seen as ein" the root o* #ost #ental !isor!ers an! Failure to "et past thistri""er point an! into the sy#olic or!er is consi!ere! to e a classic cause o* lastin"



    Freu! insiste! that chil!ren (oth oys an! "irls) !o not 5now aout the internal *e#ale se+or"ans until puerty& an! thus& in this se+ual phallic #onis# youn"er chil!ren consi!erwo#en as castrate! (this is a *or# o* !enial)$

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    4 part o* Freu!s 2e!ipus o#ple+ is the oys realiation that his #other has no penis an!has een castrate!$ Fearin" ein" castrate! hi#sel*& he ali"ns hi#sel* with the *ather$ The"irl han!les this y realiin" that she has alrea!y een castrate! an! hence re7ects heralso-castrate! #other an! ali"ns with the *ather who possesses that which she lac5s$

    astration is o*ten use! to !escrie loss& or the *ear o* loss (#uch as the phallussy#olies lac5)$


    'ince Freu! lin5e! early !e,elop#ent with se+uality& what "oes on in the in*ants #in! haseen "uesse! at y #any psychoanalysts an! philosophers$

    Lacan saw the phallus as the symbolic  *unction& the earer o* the Law o* the *ather$

    Jacqueline ose uses Lacan to show that se+ual i!entity is acquire! in the 2e!ipus crisis$

    /elanie ?lein notes that a ays sensations o* se+uality is ase! in its si#ple an! innocentays e+perience an! sensation$ 3t is not the se+uality as as percei,e! an! e+perience! yan a!ult$

    4ccor!in" to Laplanche& the #others reast sen!s a nu#er #essa"es to the ay an!that it #i"ht won!er what the reast is sayin" to it$

    Laplanches theory o* pri#ary se!uction consi!ers the the attention o* the #other an! thea""ression o* the *ather an! the #ystery *or the ay o* a!ult reactions that are !ri,en y!eep se+ual instincts$

    Je**rey /asson saw Freu!s wor5 as "lossin" o,er the terrile truths o* incest an! ausethat are at least *elt an! #ay e,en e per*or#e! in a patriarchal society$

    3n classic Freu!ian analysis& the oy respon!s to the power o* his *ather *irst y *earin"castration an! then y i!enti*yin" with hi# an! #o,in" away *ro# the #other$ The "irlassu#es that she has een castrate! an! that she #ust eco#e #ore *e#inine& whichinclu!es ha,in" aies o* her own$

    4 #a7or contriution o* such contro,ersial wor5s is in allowin" e+ploration o* early se+ual*eelin"s& con*use! as they #ay e& an! the ra#i*ications o* this *or later li*e$

    'ee also

    Freu!& /irror phase& Lacanian psychoanalysis& Fe#inis#

  • 8/9/2019 Thoeries in Psychanalisis


    Three )e#isters o$ +u"an )eality


    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > oncepts > Three e"isters o* %u#an eality

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also



    Lacan !escrie! what he calle! three re"isters o* hu#an reality& wherey we percei,e an!un!erstan!$

    The eal

    The real is a worl! which we ne,er actually percei,e$ 3t is the worl! outsi!e o* our sensesthat we can only percei,e throu"h those senses$

    Li,in" in the real is al#ost ani#alistic in that it is !o#inate! y nee! an! satis*action&e+istin" e*ore the constraints o* lan"ua"e& #ental #o!els an! cultural co!es that censorsuch asic #ores$

    e "et as close to the real as possile !urin" the neonatal phase& when we are pre-#irror an! pre-sy#olic& ut we ne,er really 5now it *ully$ 3t is as ehin! a !ar5 "lass$ e5now it is there& ut can only see a *iltere! ,ersion o* it$

    .ecause we cannot *ully 5now the real& we always ha,e a sense o* lac5& o* so#ethin"#issin" or wron"$ This is a *un!a#ental #oti,ational *orce& constantly #o,in" us to see5co#pletion$

    The 3#a"inary

    The i#a"inary is not so #uch aout i#a"ination as i#a"es$ 3#a"es are coherent o7ects$They ha,e outlines an! are !istin"uishe! *ro# one another$ 4*ter the a#orphous neonatalphase& this in,ol,es separatin" thin"s out$

    The i#a"ination can e use! to help *ill in the ,oi! that is create! y the inaccessile realy #a5in" i#a"es o* co#pleteness$

    The i#a"inary is associate! with the /irror phase& where a chil! sees an i#a"e o* itsel* an!5nows it as itsel*$ 3t is thus pre-sy#olic an! pre-lan"ua"e$

    hen we thin5 in i#a"es& we !o not nee! wor!s$

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    The 'y#olic

    'y#olic un!erstan!in" uses #etaphor an! other sy#ols an! si"ns to represent ourperceptions an! i!eas& in particular lan"ua"e$

    ith sy#ols& we can co##unicate with others an! parta5e o* the wi!er social sphere& utin !oin" so we lea,e ehin! the real$

    'y#olic un!erstan!in" is #ost closely ali"ne! with the 'y#olic re"ister$


    4lthou"h we see5 to un!erstan! an! co##unicate aout the real& we can only "et toreality in ter#s o* i#a"es an! sy#ols (an! a written i#a"e is a sy#ol)$ e can thusne,er 5now the real$

    4 healthy psyche has an e**ecti,e alance etween the three re"isters& without one!o#inatin" to the e+clusion o* the others$ 3* this i#alance happens& then neurosisappears$

    This nee! *or !yna#ic alance also shows that there is no per*ect an! stale su7ectposition$

    'ee also

    Lacan& The neonatal phase& /irror phase& The 'y#olic e"ister



    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > oncepts > Desire

    Description ; Discussion ; 'ee also



    Desires& o*ten orne out o* unconscious nee!& !ri,e #uch o* how we *eel an! hence whatwe !o$

    The relationship with loss an! lac5

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    Lac5 an! !esire are synony#ous$ hen you !o not ha,e so#ethin" an! *eel a sense o*loss& then you are actually *eelin" !esire *or that lost thin"$ Lac5 i#plies an inco#plete an!unachie,ale wholeness$ The resultant !esire is a hauntin" ache that is #ore than the lust*or so#ethin" #ore achie,ale$

    Desire relates to the nee! to possess& to ha,e& to own& to control$ e thus lust a*ter peoplean! possessions$ Fear o* loss an! the "ree! o* acquisiti,e !esire are o*ten sti#ulate! ya!,ertisin"& #ar5etin"& etc$

    'atis*action -- or not

    e !rea# that our !esires will lea! to co#plete satis*action an! *ul*il#ent& that achie,in"the# will "i,e us lastin" happiness$

    hen we "et that which we !esire& we sel!o# achie,e a lastin" sense o* *ul*il#ent$ Thatwhich is acquire! o*ten turns out to e not as per*ect as we ha! i!ealie!$ e also still ha,e

    other !esires which now co#e to the *ore an! !e#an! our attention$

    2ur !esires are a part o* who we are an! contriute to our sense o* i!entity$ hen those!esires are *ul*ille!& then we lose a part o* oursel,es$ Thus *ul*il#ent also rin"s a sense o*loss& which itsel* is a !esire *or what has passe!$


    Desire creates *antasy as we i#a"ine ha,in" that which we !esire$ The power o* ouri#a"ination is such that these states o* re,erie are so pleasant that they can replace an!eco#e reality$ The #ore we *antasie& the #ore that reality is relati,ely !ull an!

    unpleasant$ 2ur li,es can eco#e ,ery lar"ely constructe! y !esire& particularly when thispractice starts when we are ,ery youn"$

    4 !ile##a with *antasie! e+istence is that the !i**erence etween reality an! *antasyeco#es so lurre! that we are unale to !istin"uish etween the two$

    oert Louis 'tephenson sai! 3t is etter to tra,el hope*ully than to arri,e$ Fantasy is sa*eas we are in char"e o* what happens$ Fear o* !isappoint#ent can lea! us to stay in the*antasie! state& as can sel*-!out aout our ailities to achie,e our !esires$


    Desire is tri""ere! in Lacans /irror phase& where the i#a"e o* wholeness seen y the ayin the #irror creates a !esire *or that ein"$ .eyon! this phase& Lacan ar"ues thatthe su7ect& separate! *ro# itsel* y lan"ua"e& *eels a sense o* asence& o* ein" not *ullypresent& an! thus !esires wholeness$ %e calls this sense o* so#ethin" #issin" as theobject petit a$ e constantly put oursel,es into the su7ect positions o* lan"ua"e an!cultural co!es in see5in" to *ul*il the *utile !esire *or wholeness$

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    Jacqueline ose consi!ers all unconscious !esire as #a5in" i!entity prole#atic orun*inishe!$ 'he says there is resistance to i!entity at the ,ery heart o* psychic li*e$

    /ans !esire *or wo#an can e seen as !esire *or the wo#ans !esire *or the phallus$

    Lacan uses 7ouissance to in!icate the lost o7ect& that which is unotainale an! whichalways escapes satis*action$ ose uses this to show that wo#en ha,e a point o* a!,anta"ein the o,erall phallic econo#y& stan!in" in the place o* 7ouissance an! thus ein"perpetually oth !esirale an! ulti#ately unotainale$

    'eparation in the 2e!ipus o#ple+ lea!s to !esire as the oy !istances hi#sel* *ro# the#other yet still yearns *or her$

    'ee also

    'u7ect& /irror phase& 3n*ant se+uality& Desire as an e#otion& Psychoanalysis an! #ournin"

    Lacanian !sychoanalysis


    Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > 4rticles > Lacanian psychoanalysis

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    Jaques Lacan was a French psychoanalyst who reconceptualie! Freu! usin" post-structuralis#$

    Lacan re7ecte! atte#pts to lin5 psychoanalysis with social theory& sayin" the unconscious isthe !iscourse o* the 2ther -- that hu#an passion is structure! y the !esire o* others an!that we e+press !eep *eelin"s throu"h the relay o* others$ %e thus saw !esire as a socialpheno#enon an! psychoanalysis as a theory o* how the hu#an su7ect is create! throu"hsocial interaction$ Desire appears throu"h a co#ination o* lan"ua"e& culture an! thespaces etween people$

    Lacan *ocuse! lar"ely on Freu!s wor5 on !eep structures an! in*ant se+uality& an! how thehu#an su7ect eco#es an other throu"h unconscious repression an! ste##in" *ro#the /irror phase$ The conscious e"o an! unconscious !esire are thus ra!ically !i,i!e!$Lacan consi!ere! this perpetual an! unconscious *ra"#entation o* the sel* as Freu!s core!isco,ery$