Download - THIS WEEK: September 29, 2012

Page 1: THIS WEEK: September 29, 2012

Vol. XXII, No. 20 | September 29, 2012

Park Cities Presbyterian Church exists to extend the transforming presence of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in Dallas and to the world.

Ready. Set.Grow! NEWMEMBERCLASSSundays, 9:30 amOctober 7–November 18Room 302/304

Register today at Click on the REGISTRATION square.

QueStiONS? Contact [email protected] or 214-224-2744.

iN thiS iSSue


Sundays this fall8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 am


Do you love powerful stories? Check out the missions luncheon.

Don’t “Skip” Head to Heart! Only one week left.

Women, are you praying? We've got a great place to start.

ChristThe Miracles of

have yOu eveR aSked:What is Reformed theology?

What’s the Reformation? What about election, free will?

SuNdayS begiNNiNg OctObeR 14

11:00 am • ROOm 259

It’s been predestined that you join Patrick Lafferty and Tim Jeffress for an amazing eight-month class teach-ing what we believe by unpacking the Westminster Confession of Faith. This class is open to everyone. Contact [email protected] or 214-224-2740.

Page 2: THIS WEEK: September 29, 2012

This Week    September 29, 20122


midweekJoin us for an evening of worship, dinner, fellowship, and teaching on Wednesdays, through December 5, 5:30–8:30 pm, PCPC. Vespers is at 5:30 pm, Chapel; dinner at 5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall; and adult classes following dinner. Don’t forget to RSVP for dinner at 214-224-2826 by 4:00 pm on Mondays and for childcare for birth to five-year-olds at 214-706-2797. Contact [email protected] or 214-224-2744.

need counsel-ing help?Then contact the PCPC Counseling Ministry. Our counseling services are fee-based. We continue to offer a complementary consultation for those in-terested in external coun-seling referrals or for those who need to discuss a reduced fee. Visit for more information. If you would like to set up an appoint-ment with one of our coun-selors, or have questions, please contact Jeff White, [email protected] or 214-224-2693.

employment opportunityPCPC is seeking qualified individuals for the following position: Full-time Coor-dinator of Family Ministry. For more information and full job descriptions, visit Contact [email protected] or 214-224-2714.


missionary prayer cardsPCPC-supported missionaries need your prayers. Regularly updated prayer cards can now be down-loaded from Contact [email protected] or 214-224-2523.

2012 missions report luncheonDid you know that multiple PCPC teams traveled to five different places to share the love of Jesus? Many members of PCPC participated in short-term trips this past summer and even more shared in these trips by giving financially and praying faithfully. Come enjoy a meal while hearing how God used PCPC members all around the world this past summer, Sunday, October 14, 12:15–1:30 pm, Fellowship Hall. Register at by Wednesday, October 10. Contact [email protected] or 214-224-2551.


mercy street prayer walksPlease join us this fall on the first and third Wednes-days of the month, 10:00 am, to pray for the com-munity of West Dallas. We will be meeting at at Mercy Street for prayer walks through the neighborhood. Contact Sarah Flores, [email protected] or 214-693-4516.

esl childcare volunteersPlay and teach children the Gospel while their parents learn English. Volunteers needed Mondays. Contact [email protected] or 214-224-2528.


• John Frank Harper II, son of Elise and Jonathan Harper, on September 7, 2012

• Adair Campbell Lewis, daughter of Chamlee and Campbell Lewis, on September 12, 2012


• Lauren Marie Parma and William Thomas Elsener on September 1, 2012


• Elizabeth “Betty” Franklin (CC#05/Good News), on September 14, 2012


• Julia and Blake Schwarz (CC#21/New City) on the loss of his grandmother; Brittain Schwarz (CC#21) on the loss of his great-grandmother, Yvetta Schwarz, on September 6, 2012

“All my theology is reduced to this narrow compass—

Jesus Christ came into the world

to save sinners.” — Archibald Alexander

OuR family eveNtS & aNNOuNcemeNtS


Skip will lead the last two identical sessions on the topic of “Living out of Your Heart.” Note: Audio of the first session is available on CD or at The audio of the last session will be available online or to purchase October 4. Contact [email protected] to order audio CDs. There will also be a special video looping in the downstairs lobby on Sunday, September 30.

SeptembeR 30 9:30 & 11:00 am

fellOwShip hall

with Skip aNd baRbaRa RyaN

have you downloaded the pcpc app to your phone or tablet? it’s encouragement on the go. Plus! watch the Ryans’ story of rescue video, and much more, on your mobile device.

Page 3: THIS WEEK: September 29, 2012

September 29, 2012   This Week 3

general fund budget

2012/2013 operating budget

July 1–September 16, 2012 budget

July 1–September 16, 2012 giving

Budget variance






30 Head to Heart, 9:30 and 11:00 am, Fellowship Hall, 224-2737


1 Prayer on the Porch, 9:00 am, 3601 Centenary, 363-1588

1–1/17 Musikgarten classes, Musikgarten Room, 224-2633

1–12/5 Women’s fall Bible studies, 9:30 am, 224-2722

3 Mercy Street prayer walk, 10:00 am, Mercy Street, 693-4516

3–12/5 Midweek, Wednesdays, 5:30–8:30 pm, PCPC, 224-2744

3–12/5 Men’s Bible study, Wednesdays, 6:30 pm, Rooms 320–304, 224-2739

3–12/12 DivorceCare, Wednesdays, 7:00–8:30 pm, Room 263, 224-2683

5–7 Middle School fall retreat, 224-2762

7 Turtle Creek road closing, 11:00 am–3:00 pm

sunday worship

8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am


Sundays, 8:00–9:00 amWednesdays, 5:30–6:00 pm

24/7 prayer hotline

214-224-2680 or 24/[email protected]

4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, TX

60+ CoMMuNity

state fair of texasSenior Adult Day is around the bend, Thursday, Octo-ber 11, 9:30 am–3:00 pm. Park behind Oak Lawn West and board the vans by 9:30 am. RSVP to [email protected] or 214-224-2771 by October 10.


prayer on the porchMeets first Mondays, October—May, 3601 Cente-nary. 9:00-9:45 am: group prayer; 9:45 am-end of day: drop-by prayer. Come as you are and share the concerns of your heart. Contact Phyllis Mabus, or 214-363-1588.

StudENt MiNiStRiES

trick or canFifth–eighth greaders: Dress up in your favorite cos-tume and help us trick or treat for canned food items to donate to a local charity, Wednesday, October 24, 7:00–9:00 pm, PCPC Hangout. There will be a prize for the best costume! Bring $5 and a pumpkin to decorate.  Contact [email protected] or 214-224-2762.


sunday, october 7 road closingLifeWalk street closings will be from 11:00 am–3:00 pm. You will not be able to turn left from Turtle Creek to Avondale. Nor will you be able to cross Turtle Creek on Avondale. This affects the far right lane only. Turtle Creek will be open going south. The walk begins and ends at Lee Park and goes south to Cedar Springs.

Park Cities p r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h (pca)

Did you miss an issue of This Week?You can download past issues in PDF format at Just click on “resources” on the menu bar at the top of the page.

7–11/18 New Member class, Sundays, 9:30–10:40 am, Room 302–304, 224-2744

11 State Fair of Texas Senior Adult Day, 9:30 am–3:00 pm 224-2771

14 Missions report luncheon, 12:15–1:30 pm, Fellowship Hall, 224-2551

14–5/19 Ground School, Sundays, 11:00 am–noon Oak Lawn West, 224-2740

17 Mercy Street prayer walk, 10:00 am, Mercy Street, 693-4516

19–21 Biblical Imagination Conference, PCPC, 224-2740

24 Trick or Can, 7:00–9:00 pm, PCPC Hangout, 224-2762

GrowMIddle School Fall RetReat 2012Here we grow.

octobeR 5–7Sky Ranch Camp, Van, TX

Cost: $200Register at

Contact: [email protected], 214-224-2762

LifeWalk mapOctober 711:00am–3:00 pm

LifeWalk route

Page 4: THIS WEEK: September 29, 2012

thiS week (007-362) is published biweekly except once in December by park Cities presbyterian Church, 4124 Oak lawn, Dallas, TX 75219. periodical postage paid at Dallas, Texas 75219. pOSTMASTER: send address changes to ThIS WEEk, 4124 Oak lawn, Dallas, TX 75219-3152.



park Cities presbyterian ChurchJD lemming, editor4124 Oak lawn AvenueDallas, Texas 75219-3152214-224-2711 • fax

VoL. XXII, No. 20 | SePTember 29, 2012

baptismshall mortimer allison

son of Cameron and Travis Allison

Juliet katherine waltersdaughter of katie and Nathan Walters

Nelson brittain Schwarzson of Julia and blake Schwarz

ellen louise woodwarddaughter of Carrie and

Richard Woodward

marguerite Jane chavoyadaughter of laura and

brandon Chavoya

matthew trippe goetzson of katie and Reid Goetz

andrew Simeon flowersson of Ashley and pete flowers

September 16, 2012

OctObeR 19–20

fRee cONceRtSuNday, OctObeR 21, 7:00 pm

biblical imagiNatiON cONfeReNce

with michael card

Register at

Questions? Contact: [email protected] or 214-224-2740

Imagination is the bridge between the heart and mind.