Download - This Week at St. John’s Lutheran Today ARE NEEDED! Additional hymnals are needed for our many areas at church. Our goal is to purchase 80 new hymnals for use in different locations


This Week at St. John’s Lutheran Today: 8:00 a.m.: Divine Service with Lord’s Supper– 6-8 grades sing 9:30 a.m.: Bible Class/Sunday School

10:30 a.m.: Divine Service with Lord’s Supper 7:15 p.m.: Bowling at Medina Lanes

MON: 7:00 p.m.: Adult Instruction TUES: 7:00 p.m.: 150th Anniversary Meeting WED: 6:00 p.m.: Public Catechesis Class & Women’s Bible Class 6:15 p.m.: Brass Practice 7:00 p.m.: Choir Practice Volleyball Senior Youth Meeting THUR: 9:30 a.m.: Adult Bible Class 6:30 p.m.: Individual Confession and Absolution 6:30-7:30 p.m. Grades 2-4 School Open House FRI: 8:00 a.m.: Chapel –Grade 4 sings Youth Retreat for 6, 8, 12 Night 5:00 p.m.: Orbin/Lindblad rehearsal SAT: 4:00 p.m.: Orbin/Lindblad Wedding Youth Retreat 6, 8, 12 Night SUN: 8:00 a.m.: Divine Service with Lord’s Supper 9:30 a.m.: Bible Class/Sunday School

10:30 a.m.: Divine Service with Lord’s Supper 4:00-6:00 p.m.: Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

TWO LARGE PRINT LSB HYMNALS NOW AVAILABLE: (4 NOTEBOOKS) Please ask the ushers about the notebooks that are now available for those who have difficulties with small print hymns. Each quarter FIVE COPIES OF LARGE PRINT PORTALS OF PRAYER will be available to share with those who need this magazine in larger print. “Lutheran Hour” this week on WCCO 830 AM at 6:00 a.m., WWJO 98.1 FM at 7:30 a.m., and KRWC AM Buffalo at 9:30 a.m. HE SERVICE OF INDIVIDUAL CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION is offered on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. (or by appointment). Please take advantage of this opportunity to hear God’s Word of forgiveness spoken to you individually in Jesus’ Name.

763-420-2426 – St. John’s Lutheran Church

† PASTOR STEVEN C. BRIEL † Cell: 763-213-7959/email: [email protected]

† PASTOR MATTHEW P. JOHNSON † Cell: 763-772-7315/email: [email protected]

† DEACONESS TORI KUEHNE † Cell: 763-244-7711/email: [email protected]

PRINCIPAL - GARY L. VOLBERDING Cell: 763-516-2247/email: [email protected]

Church/School Secretary-Pennie Wells email: [email protected]

† Pentecost 17 † September 23, 2012

VERSE: Alleluia. If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all. Alleluia. (Mark 9:35b) PRAYER: Gracious Lord Jesus, even though you are Lord of all creation, you humbled yourself to serve humanity for our salvation. Forgive our pride and selfish ambition and teach us to follow your example in humble service to those around us. Amen. THIS WEEK: The congregations in our circuit are praying for one another this year. This week we pray for CLEF or Confessional Lutheran Educational Foundation in other nations. May God pour out His Spirit on Reverend John Fehrmann and the congregation he serves keeping them faithful to our Lord’s Word, and bring them to the great wedding Feast of the Lamb in His Kingdom. SCHEDULE FOR THE LORD’S SUPPER: At the Reformation the Lutheran Churches celebrated the Lord’s Supper “every Sunday and on other festivals” (Apology XXIV, 1). We follow this fine custom and so offer the Lord’s Supper every Sunday at both morning Divine Services. Individual glasses are used in the 8:00 a.m. Divine Service on the first Sunday in the month and in the 10:30 a.m. Divine Service on the second Sunday in the month. All other celebrations use the chalice. CLOSED COMMUNION: Our celebration of the Lord’s Supper agrees with Scripture and the practice of the ancient Christian Church and so is reserved for members in good standing of congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (the phrase “in good standing” means that one is not under church discipline) who agree with the doctrine and practice of our congregation. If you have questions about this practice, please contact one of our pastors; they are eager and most willing to explain this practice more thoroughly. Visitors from sister LCMS congregations with whom our pastors are not yet acquainted should announce to one of our pastors your desire to commune before joining us at the Lord’s Table. Thank you. Members should sign the registration form found in the Narthex. You may prepare by reading, “Christian Questions” for “those who intend to go to the Sacrament” (LSB pages 329-330). PARENTS: We’re happy you’ve brought your children to worship today. Jesus says, “The kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” If you must leave during the service for any reason, please be aware that there are also exits at the front of the sanctuary to the left and right; that you will be able to hear the service over loudspeakers in the Entrance area and in the Upper Room to the left of the sanctuary; and that there is a changing table in the restroom near the elevator.

BIRTHDAYS THE WEEK OF-September 23-29 Sunday

Timothy Lieske Connor Matter

Monday Steven Briel

Dalton Holovnia Curtis McDowell Ross Robinson

Tuesday Joshua Giefer

Stephanie Manzey Jason Priebe Wednesday

Tanya O’Hern Brooke Paulsrud

Owen Sand Thursday

Kaitlyn Anderson Andrew Burns

Richard Campbell Andrea Dahl Tricia Hedin

Jennifer Kruse Friday

Theresa Gaffer Mason Schmidt Olivia Skepper

William Walters Saturday

Gretchen Addison Jasmine Donaldson

Kim Heinen Jada Lindesmith

If your name was missed, please check in with the church secretary to make sure we have correct information about your birthday.

Please lock all doors before leaving this building. If you unlock to enter, please lock as you leave!

HYMNALS/BIBLES ARE NEEDED! Additional hymnals are needed for our many areas at church. Our goal is to purchase 80 new hymnals for use in different locations of our building. We will also be purchasing ESV Bibles as our synod has begun using this translation. Bible cost is $9 each and hymnal cost is $23 each. Please consider supporting our congregation by donating to this fund. Perhaps you might donate in memory of a loved one. You may place your donations in the offering plate or the church office. Please designate to Bibles or hymnals and include any names you wish to have a loved one honored. Thank you! NEW SCHOOL WEBSITE: If you have not already checked it out, our new school website is Through the efforts of the website committee, especially Therese Noren, our new website looks fantastic! Please note that if you have bookmarked the old school website address, you will need to delete it and bookmark the new one! FIT FUSION CLASS: Monday evening 6:00-7:00 p.m. Come when you can, one time or each week for all levels age 18 and over! Learn how to detoxify the body with a challenging total body workout at your own pace. Contact Julie Zemke at [email protected] or 612-940-6065 to register at $3 a session or if you have questions. The class is held on carpet in the St. John’s Music Room and there are spaces for more to exercise! GREETERS: We will be having morning Divine Service Greeters again this fall. Hope you will consider becoming a greeter when you are called! If you would like more information about becoming a Church Service Greeter, call Sue Reznecheck at 763-477-4959 to learn more! REMEMBER OUR SHUT-INS! Check out the bulletin board in the hallway featuring people on our prayer list. Cards, phone calls and visits are appreciated!

Those Serving Today Preacher: Pr. S.C. Briel Liturgist: Pr. M.P. Johnson Sermon: “Don’t Let Your Life Be Driven by Selfish Ambition” (Mark 9:30-37) Organist: Dr. Crystal Rossow Prelude: My Soul Rejoices (Paul Manz; Harald Rohlig) Offering: Come Down, O Love Divine (Wilbur Held) Postlude: In dir ist Freude (J.S. Bach) Worship Assistants 8:00 a.m.: Dean Noren 10:30 a.m.: Dan Holthus Sunday, September 30 – 8:00 a.m.: Tom Eversman & 10:30 a.m.: Todd Haag

Acolytes 8:00 a.m.: Brady Kappel & Scott Christopher 10:30 a.m.: Nate Wicklund & Aaron Rossow


8:00 a.m. Tom & Tracy Vogt 10:30 a.m. Marv & LeAnn Cummins


8:00 a.m.: Dennis Schwecke, Mark Radintz, Myron Cooper, Al Mazurowski 10:30 a.m.: Dan Holthus, Eric Sand, Ernest Underwood, Dan Picotte

Money Counters

Mike McFerrin, Cindy Kiekow, Russ Reznecheck ALTAR FLOWERS: are in memory of Nathan Schilling from his family this morning.

Attendance Last Week 8:00 a.m.: CT: 186 CM: 143

10:30 a.m.: CT: 232 CM: 220

FINANCIAL Offerings from last week $ 12,969.00 Weekly average amount needed $ 14,012.00 Over (Under) $ (1,043.00)

Offerings year to date $ 147,872.00 Year to date needed $ 168,144.00 YTD Over (Under) $ (20,272.00)

† Announcements † SPECIAL FEAST DAYS: Friday, September 29—The Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels (Readings: LSB g xxiii; Hymn: 522). REMEMBER THE SICK IN YOUR PRAYERS: (Robert Kosel; Eva Kiekow; Andrew Giefer) Our Lord Jesus, who reached out to heal and comfort the sick and dying, continues to reach out with His healing Word through us. Cards, phone calls, and prayers are always appreciated. If you know of someone who is sick or hospitalized, please inform your pastors. Our homebound members are Lloyd Banaszak, Linda Bredenberg, Tim Burns, Len Dalchow, Sue Erickson, Marcella Faue, Jim Franklin, Alex & Audrey Hanson, Carl Kalk, Inez Koehler, Steve Orbin, Katie & Gerald Oswald, Mark Pruhs, Amy Schalo, Malon Schmiege, and Bill Wacker. Also, we remember all those serving in our Armed Forces—Daniel Indgjer (in Japan for 4 years), Justin and Christine Hassa, Drew and Rachel (Schropa) Ellis, Brian Pruhs, and Craig Moline. THE “MERCY FUND” is in need of additional monies. This fund is used to give aid to members in need of financial help. Won’t you consider adding something to your weekly offering and designating this additional gift to be put into the Mercy Fund? Our Lord Jesus reminds us, “Whatever you do for the least of these my brothers, you do

it to me” (Mat 25:40). MANY THANKS! My family and I would like to thank the congregation, pastors, school faculty and staff and especially the PTL Board for the kind words, cards, and generous gifts on behalf of my retirement last Sunday! It was GREAT! Thanks again and God’s blessings to all of you. Bob Rehmer and family THANK YOU to the 6-8 grade choirs for singing this morning and to the Adult choir for singing last Sunday. PASTOR’S ADULT INSTRUCTION CLASS: continues each Monday at 7:00 p.m. While this class prepares for membership in the Lutheran Church, members as well as non-members interested in learning about the Lutheran Church are always welcomed. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: continues THIS Wednesday from 6:00-6:45 p.m. in the Youth room. Deaconess Tori Kuehne will be leading this group! The topic is various Old Testament Bible stories. THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASS: continues at 9:30 a.m. in the Conference Room. Pastor Johnson will be leading our study of the Christian view of government based on Scripture. CLEAN, EMPTY JAM JARS & BABY F0OD JARS are needed for Sunday school! A box is located in the narthex to collect your donations. Thank you for contributing!

PASTOR AND LEAH JOHNSON AND FAMILY: would like to thank the St. John’s Senior’s Group for inviting us for food and fellowship last Monday night! This group is open to all who are 50 years of age and older and meets on the third Monday of every month from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! On Sunday, September 30 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. a Spaghetti Dinner and Open Gym will be held for the St. John’s Elementary Scholarship Fund. Dinner cost will be your free-will contribution to the Scholarship Fund which provides grants to families in financial need attending St. John’s Lutheran School. In these difficult economic times it has become especially important to firmly establish this fund as an alternative source of financial aid for our church and school kids to “Live and Learn as God’s Baptized Children”. Please mark your calendars for this event and support the Scholarship Fund!

ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS GREENERY TODAY! Fresh, gorgeous, fragrant greenery, including wreaths, swags and garland are available for ordering TODAY and will be available for you the week of Sunday, November 18. Please be prepared to pay for your order when you place it. Prices range from $5 to $35 per item and all checks may be made payable to “St. John’s Youth”. All profits from this fundraiser benefit our youth in grades 6 through 12.

ADDRESSES PLEASE! The 150th Anniversary Committee is sending out “Save the Date” cards to former teachers, pastors, and others who are out of state. If you know of someone who would enjoy being included please give their name and address to Gretchen Kliche or email [email protected] by Sunday, September 30. FALL LWML RALLY: will be held at St. John’s on Tuesday, October 9. Registration is at 6:30 p.m. The speaker will be at 7:00 p.m. with dessert to follow. The speaker is Jody Coudin, Executive Director of the Dwelling Place shelter in St. Paul. A list of “Gifts from the Heart” ingathering items are posted by the LWML table. Bring a friend and your mites! Get tickets from Gretchen Kliche, Sally Kemna, LeAnn Cummins, or at the door. Tickets are $5.00. WOULD YOU LIKE TO ATTEND THE 2013 HIGHER THINGS GATHERING? The Senior youth will be traveling this next summer to Tacoma, Washington to attend “From Above”, the Higher Things Conference. If you would like to attend this event please contact Dcs. Tori Kuehne at [email protected] or 763-420-2426. The cost of this conference is $325 with additional costs for transportation. We will be chartering a bus with other area Lutheran churches. BOWLERS NEEDED: The St. John’s league is in need of two more four-person teams! We bowl every other Sunday night at $14 per person. You do not need to be a fantastic bowler to join. Just come ready to have some fun! Adult and children teams are welcome. Please contact Ed Kemna if you have any interest in joining! ATTENTION! Our newly formed Website Committee is looking for volunteers interested in working on our websites. Have any creative ideas? Do you like making sure information is up to date? Interested in a possible internship position? This is an opportunity for everyone; technical experience is not required to join. You can help a little or a lot and all work can be completed from a home computer. We are forming one committee for the church website and one for the school. If interested, please contact Peggy Siddall at 763-416-7896 or [email protected].


ALL YOUTH IN GRADES 6-12 ARE MEMBERS OF THE ST. JOHN’S YOUTH GROUP JUNIOR YOUTH CONSISTS OF 6-8 GRADERS AND SENIOR YOUTH CONSISTS OF 9-12 GRADERS THE NEW 2012-2013 YOUTH CALENDAR IS AVAILABLE TODAY! Pick up your copy on the table below the youth bulletin board. SENIOR YOUTH CAFÉ`CORNERSTONE NIGHT: THIS Wednesday, September 26 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. all senior youth members are invited to enjoy our fabulous Café` Cornerstone youth room along with some delicious refreshments. We will begin the night with a Bible study and then share in some activities. Come and join us for a night of fun and fellowship! Please sign up for this event if you plan to attend. A JUNIOR YOUTH 6-8, 12 NIGHT: is scheduled for Saturday, September 29 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. All youth in grades 6-8 are welcome and encouraged to attend this event. There will be plenty of activities and other surprises. Please join us for a night of fun! CHRISTMAS GREENERY PACKETS AVAILABLE! Junior and senior youth, it is time to begin selling Christmas greenery! This is an easy and profitable fundraiser. With all of our activities including Higher Things and Camp Omega, it definitely does not hurt to have some money in your personal youth accounts. Packets are available on the table below the youth bulletin board this morning! SENIOR YOUTH! Be part of BIBLE BOWL 2013! On March 16 St. John’s will be sending a team of senior youth members to Concordia University, St. Paul to compete in the annual Bible Bowl. The topic for this tournament is the book of Acts. Spots are still available on our team! Start coming to the Sunday Senior Youth Bible Study and learn all there is to know about the book of Acts! For more information speak with Dcs. Kuehne. SENIOR YOUTH! WE ARE GOING TO WASHINGTON! Higher Things will be held in Tacoma, Washington this summer at Pacific Lutheran University from July 16-19. The cost is $235 for the conference and there will be additional costs for transportation as we will charter a bus with other area Lutheran churches. To reserve your spot $100 is due no later than Sunday, October 28 and the remaining $225 will be due Sunday, December 2. Fees for transportation will be collected throughout next year. For more information see the youth bulletin board or speak with Dcs. Kuehne. This event is open to all 8-12 graders and must be confirmed by July 1, 2013. THE NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING is being held for youth ages 14-20 years this July 1-5 in San Antonio, Texas. If you would like to attend or would like more information about this gathering please contact Dcs. Tori Kuehne.