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Tracking Trash†,‡Santi Phithakkitnukoon, †Malima I. Wolf, †Dietmar Offenhuber, †David Lee, †Assaf Biderman, †Carlo

Ratti†SENSEable City Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA

‡Culture Lab, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, NE1 7RU UKEmail: {santi, miwolf, dietmar, david733, abider, ratti}

Abstract— Using active self reporting tags we were ableto follow the journey of 2,000 objects through the wastemanagement system of Seattle. We used this data to definemeasures of efficiency for what could be called the ‘removalchain’. We found that over 95% of the traces reached acompliant end destination. However, there were concernswith special categories of waste (cellphones, e-waste, andhousehold hazardous waste) and specific geographic loca-tions (trash from Bellevue and Redmond in particular didnot follow the recommended best practices). We believethat similar studies may increase knowledge and systemicperformance of waste management systems and, at apersonal level, reduce the ‘out of sight out of mind’ attitudeto trash.


Pervasive computing technologies are becoming an in-tegral part of contemporary life and an invaluable tool forresearch scholars all over the world [1] [2]. Increasingly,we are witnessing real-world deployments of technologiessuch as sensor networks, GPS tracking devices and RFIDin such diverse domains as transportation [3], tourism [4],urban living [5] [6], and entertainment [7]. However, apartfrom a seminal study by Lee and Thomas [8], not muchwork has yet focused on waste management. In contrastto [8], our work presents a more comprehensive studywith results based on a large number of sensor deploy-ments at the urban scale. Our paper aims to leverage thegreat advances in pervasive technologies that have beenrecorded over the past few years to fill in this gap.

Trash is one of today’s most pressing environmentalissues, both directly and as a reflection of our attitudes andbehaviors. A central concern in solid waste managementis the lack of quality data on all the processes involved.This consequently affects the detailed assessment of theenvironmental impacts of waste collection, processing anddisposal, the efficiency of waste logistics, and ultimately,the impact of waste transportation on the benefits ofrecycling. Under current regulation, states, cities andcompanies are required to report information related towaste generation, collection, and disposal. However, theseaggregate numbers often do not reflect the fine grainprocesses involved in waste management.

We introduce a project called Trash Track, which pavesthe way for more extensive usage of pervasive computingin the environmental context. We designed a specialself reporting tag to follow 2,000 waste items during

their journeys through the waste stream. By making thewaste ‘removal chain’ more transparent, we seek to revealthe disposal process of everyday objects, and highlightpotential inefficiencies in the current removal system. Webelieve that similar studies using pervasive technologiescan create awareness and promote behavioral change,reducing the ‘out of sight out of mind’ attitude to trash.

We also believe that the project helps policymak-ers and service providers to be better informed aboutthe functionality of waste removal systems. And inorder to inform policymaking and waste systems de-sign/management more efficiently, this kind of experimentneeds to be done periodically and at a larger scale.


The aim of Trash Track is to study the removal systemin a new way using pervasive technologies, and in turnraise awareness of how waste impacts the environment.For the first time, it unveiled the life after death ofeveryday objects – the journey of trash.

A. Trash Track

Trash Track project is being undertaken by theSENSEable City Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Tech-nology and is inspired by the NYC Green Initiative[9]. The project focuses on how pervasive technologiescan expose the challenges of waste management andsustainability. The goal is to understand the “removal-chain” as we do the “supply-chain,” and how we canuse this knowledge to build more efficient and sustainableinfrastructures.

Thousands of small, smart, location-aware tags wereemployed during this project; the first step towards thedeployment of smart dust – networks of addressable,locatable, and small micro-eletromechanical systems [1].These tags were attached to many different trash items,which were then monitored as they traveled throughthe city’s waste management system. Figure 1 shows aschematic diagram of the experimental setup. The sensorswere localized by the means of cell tower ID triangu-lation. We used sensors that augmented the cell towerID triangulation with GPS for further refinement of thelocalization. Trash Track builds upon previous researchundertaken by the SENSEable City Lab ( [10] [11] [6]

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[12] [13]), which focused on how the increasing deploy-ment of sensors and mobile technologies may radicallytransform the way in which we understand and describecities.

B. Data Acquisition

To follow the journey of the disposed objects in theremoval chain, we required tracking devices and a suitabledeployment method. Here we describe our approach totracking trash and assimilating data for analysis.

1) Tracking Device: Using existing technologies, thelocations of trash items were measured and reportedperiodically. Our first generation of trash tag (see Fig.2(a)) was based on GSM cellular phone technology andestimated the tag position using the Cell-ID triangulationtechnique – it measured signal strength from each cellphone tower in sight of the device and compared itto the geographical positions of the towers. Althoughthe accuracy was not as good as GPS, it tended to bemore robust. Cellular signals can be picked up insidebuildings and from within piles of trash – not requiringan unobstructed sky view. The sensor’s specs are:

- OSRAM SFH 7710 orientation sensor- PIC18LF2620 microcontroller- 128 KB serial port EEPROM- Quad-band PCB antenna- Telit GE864 GSM M2M modem- GSM sim card- 900mAH Lithium Polymer batteryOur second generation of tracking tag used the best of

both worlds – GPS and CDMA cell-tower trilateration.Based on the Qualcomm inGeoTM platform (shown in Fig.2(c)) in combination with Sprint’s cellular network, thiscurrent version of the tag used the Qualcomm’s gpsOne R©

technology to provide both accuracy and availability. Weplan for our future generations of tag to work seamlesslyacross CDMA/GSM/UMTS networks, which will con-sequently allow them to be tracked across internationalborders. The second-version tag’s specs are:

- Qualcomm MSM6125 chipset- M36W0R6050 (8 MB NOR + 4MB PSRAM)- Motion Detection using a passive vibration sensor- GPS- CDMA 2000 (800 MHz and 1900 MHz)- 720mAH Lithium Ion batteryAlong with the nGeo R©’s Low Duty Cycle (LDC)

technology, we developed a “duty cycling” algorithm thatensured a long enough lifetime1 to track the trash to itsfinal destination. This also provided hibernation capabilitythat kept the tag off most of the time, with its positionsensed and reported every few hours. An accelerometerwas used to keep the tag in hibernation mode if nomovement was detected, further extending the battery life.

1The lifetime of the device depended on external factors such asamount of movement of the object and cell network coverage. Weobserved a lifetime of three to six months on a six-hour reporting cycleper device.

When movement was detected, it woke up the tag to checkand report its new position. The sampling rate was variedin response to conditions sensed by the tag. Specifically,a set of orientation sensors were used to monitor changesin location, which increased the location sampling ratewhen the tag was apparently moving or when previouslyunseen cell tower IDs were observed.

All of the components used in the tags were RoHS(Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive) compli-ant. The toxic material levels for the tags were belowboth U.S. and European Union standards for electronicproducts, which allowed for the Trash Track tags to belegally introduced into the waste streams.

2) Trash Tag Deployment: Trash Tag Deployment:Deploying tracking devices to follow trash, made a trivialtask like throwing away trash a complex operation. In-serting the Trash Track tags into the waste removal chainrequired attention to a number of critical aspects:• Types of waste used – an assortment of objects

were chosen to be tagged and disposed of, reflectingcharacteristics such as component materials, type oftechnology, object size, and product functionality.

• Practicalities of tagging – the approach taken toattaching the tags to the objects and how to protectthem.

• Collection of metadata – each tag’s disposal origin,ID number, specifications, and type of waste wasrecorded.

• Disposal process – different locations and modes ofdisposal were used.

The tag deployment took place in Seattle over thecourse of six months in October 2009. A large part of thetagged waste objects were deployed by the SENSEableCity Lab researchers with additional help from severalvolunteers in the Seattle area and its surrounding regions.The volunteers were recruited through an open call in thelocal media and were asked to sign up via the projectwebsite. 90 households and six schools participated inthe experiment during which they were visited by our re-search team who attached the active tags to the trash itemsafter checking their suitability for tracking and recordingadditional metadata. The volunteers were then asked todispose of the tagged items in their normal manner. Asample trash item and tag is shown in Fig. 2(d). In orderto protect the sensor from potential physical damage, thetag was waterproofed and covered with a 1-inch thickshock-absorbing layer of sturdy insulation foam (shown inFig. 2(b)). Clearly, this process was not appropriate for alltypes of trash. Consequently items that were smaller thanthe tracking device were excluded in order to preservetheir original shapes. Since the tracking device containedlithium batteries and was classified as hazardous waste,the organic trash items were also excluded from taggingin order to prevent potential contamination of compostingsites.

In addition to the data of reported locations from thedeployed tracking devices, information about the materialproperties and photos of tracked waste items, along with

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Embed wirelessdevice intowaste products

1 |

2 |

3 |

4 |

5 |

6 |Waste products transmit signals to antennas thatdetermine their position through triangulation

Data is collected by the cell-phone provider

Data is sent toSENSEable City Lab’sserver at MIT

SENSEable City Lab processes the data and produces real-time visualizations

real-time data is sent back to users via differentapplications:

online througha dedicated website

throughexhibition spaces

Figure 1. System overview.

(a) First generation of trash tagsbased on GSM cellular technology

(b) Tag protector (foam and rub-ber)

(c) Second generation of tags usesGPS and CDMA cell-tower tri-lateration based on Qualcomm’sgpsOne R©

(d) A sample trash tag

Figure 2. Trash tag.

their time and location of disposal were recorded. Allsurvey and real-time tracking data were compiled intoour database. At the end of December 2009, all sensorsstopped reporting their locations and the dataset was con-solidated. Before the data could be used for our analysis,a cleaning process was performed which removed faultyreports such as location artifacts due to poor cellularnetwork coverage.

From the 1,977 tags deployed, we were able to receiveat least two location reports from 1,915. Out of thesereports 1,279 traces were longer than 250 m. The shorttraces were most likely the result of either a blockedtransmission signal or the destruction of the sensor during

Figure 3. A sample of trash traces – reported locations of 27 disposedcell phones.

the course of the waste collection process. We thereforeexcluded these short traces from our analysis. Further datacleaning was done visually examining traces to extractthose that did not enter the waste removal system – eitherthey did not leave the participants’ homes or the sensorswere removed manually. As a result, we retained 1,152traces for our analysis. An example of the traces of 27disposed cell phones is depicted in Fig. 3 where somereached as far as a wireless phone recycling facility inFlorida.


The data collected by the Trash Track project allowedus to study different aspects of the removal chain. Inthis current study, we were particularly interested in theorigins and destinations of trash, as well as the efficiencyof the waste management system – where does trash go?Does trash end up where it was destined for?

A. Category of Trash

Eleven trash categories were created by grouping to-gether types of trash that were expected to exhibit similarbehavior based on their disposal mechanism, material

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content, and likely end-of-life fate. A list of the categoriesand a brief description follows.

1) Cell phones: exclusively cellular phones.2) E-waste: included computer equipment such as

CRTs, peripherals, and accessories, and otherhousehold electronics.

3) Glass: included only single material glass items,such as bottles, jars, and glass tableware.

4) Household hazardous waste (HHW): includedboth universal waste items, such as fluorescentbulbs and certain types of rechargeable batteries,and other waste items not suggested for regularhousehold disposal e.g. spray cans and some house-hold cleaners.

5) Metals: included aluminum and steel cans andsmall scrap metal pieces.

6) Mixed: included all types of materials that weresuggested for regular household waste disposal,either because there was no other recycling orcollection mechanism, or because the product mixesseveral materials that were not separable usingcurrent strategies.

7) Paper: included plain paper, card, cardboard, corru-gated cardboard, periodicals, books and other plainpaper products.

8) Plastic Bottles: included HDPE and PET plasticproducts, the majority of which were bottles.

9) Other plastic: included polypropylene,polystyrene, PVC, and other non-PET, non-HDPEplastic products.

10) Plastic-coated paper: included milk cartons,coasted paper cups, Tetra Paks, and other coatedpaper products.

11) Textiles: included clothing and textile home goods.

B. Origins

According to the physical addresses noted from theinterviews, which were validated with the reported lo-cations from the tags, we divided disposal locations into12 areas. The disposal locations were most concentratedin the central part of Seattle which was consistent with itbeing at the center of our tag deployment operation, butthey also showed a more diffuse cover of the surroundingareas such as Redmond, Bellevue, and Issaquah. Thegeographic locations of these trash origins are shown inFig. 4, with the total number from each area summarizedin Table I.

C. Destinations

After being disposed of trash items were handled bythe waste management system where (based on reportedlocations) the majority ended up in Seattle and nearby ar-eas. However, some other items traveled further across theU.S., reaching an assortment of destinations in states suchas California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Ohio, Tennessee,and Texas. All 1,152 tagged trash items reached 110different destinations (detail is given in [14]). Geographic

Figure 4. Disposal locations.



Disposal area Amount of trash items Labels (Fig. 4)Seattle (Central) 420 SeattleSeattle (North) 109 NSeattle (South) 74 SSeattle (East) 101 ESeattle (West) 27 W

Seattle (North East) 135 NESeattle (North West) 46 NWSeattle (South East) 11 SESeattle (South West) 45 SW

Redmond 15 RedmondBellevue 10 BellevueIssaquah 37 Issaquah

locations of these final destinations are shown in Fig. 5and Fig. 6 (zoomed-in version in Seattle area) where theirIDs correspond to the locations given in Table ??.

The tracked trash items arrived at a multitude offacilities. Understanding the type of end-of-life treatmentbeing performed at each facility was important for char-acterizing the behavior of the waste system. Based onthe type of these end locations, we classified 110 intofive groups: Landfill, Recycling, Special, Transfer, andTransit.

1) Landfill: represented permanent waste disposal fa-cilities intended for household waste.

2) Recycling: included facilities intended to handlehousehold recycling.

3) Special: included all facilities intended to collect orprocess wastes outside of the municipal treatmentsystem, such as drop off centers, manufacturer-owned treatment facilities, and specialty recyclersthat focused on specific products.

4) Transfer: included facilities intended to collect andtemporarily store household waste and recyclingbefore it moved on to landfill, recycling, or specialtreatment centers.

5) Transit: included those identified as being on acommon freight transit route or at a shipping centersuch as an airport or a port.

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Figure 5. Locations of final destinations in Seattle and correspondingID numbers (see Table ??).

Figure 6. Locations of final destinations in Seattle area and ID numbers(see Table ??).

Note that the end locations were based on a mapmatching, which was done in a semi-automatic way. Fora first approximation, the location reports were automat-ically compared with a database of waste processing,transporting, and storage facilities maintained by the USEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) [15]. In a secondstep, these results were cleaned by manually verifyingeach location with the help of online maps and businessdirectories.

Knowledge of the wastes final destination allowedfor an interesting examination, based upon the differentcategories of trash and their end-of-life locations. Thedistribution of trash items stratified by their category ispresented in Fig. 7 as an absolute value and a percentagein the upper and lower plots respectively. Plastic-otherand Paper were the largest categories with over 200items each, while Cellphone was the smallest with only27 items. Furthermore it was found that the majorityof Glass, Metals, Paper and Plastic items ended up atRecycling facilities. A large portion of HHW and E-wasteitems reached Special facilities, whereas Textiles, Mixed,and Cell-phone tended to be more random in their typesof destination.

0 50 100 150 200 250











0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1











Figure 7. Destination types of different trash categories. While themajority of Glass, Metals, Paper and Plastic items reached Recyclingfacilities and a large portion of HHW and E-waste items ended up atSpecial facilities, Textiles, Mixed, and Cell-phone appeared to be morerandom in their destination types.

Similarly, Fig. 8 shows both the actual counts andpercentages of the different types of destinations strat-ified by the waste’s area of disposal. The majority oftrash items from each point of origin reached recyclingfacilities. It was noted that a large portion from SouthEast Seattle ended in landfills in stark contrast to theRedmond area, which saw none of its waste terminatein a landfill. Meanwhile South Seattle and Bellevue ledthe way in their employment of special facilities, bothobserved the greatest portion of waste headed to specialfacilities. Overall, most waste objects reached recyclingfacilities while the second largest portion ended up inlandfills and transit facilities.

D. Efficiency of Removal Chain

The general goal here was to understand and evaluatethe existing waste removal system. We simply wantedto find out if trash goes where it’s supposed to go.It turned out that evaluating the removal system basedon the appropriateness of the end-of-life facilities wasnot so trivial. Different points of view revealed differentresults. In this study, we viewed its appropriateness fromtwo different perspectives – one from the best practicesrecommended by the City of Seattle and the other fromthe contracts made between the City of Seattle and wastemanagement companies.

1) Best Practices: The reported fate of each trash itemwas categorized as best practices, acceptable practices, ornot meeting acceptable practices based on the trash typeof each item. The City of Seattle publishes a best practicesguide for municipal waste and recycling, both as a flier

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0 100 200 300 400 500

SeattleN SeattleS SeattleE Seattle

W SeattleNE SeattleNW SeattleSE SeattleSW Seattle





l are



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

SeattleN SeattleS SeattleE Seattle

W SeattleNE SeattleNW SeattleSE SeattleSW Seattle





l are



Figure 8. Destination types of different disposal areas. Most waste itemsreached recycling facilities while the second largest portion ended up inlandfills and transit facilities.

circulated to the community and as an interactive guideonline [16]. This guide was used to determine the bestpractices disposal procedure for each trash item as rec-ommended by the City of Seattle. The destination of eachtrash item was characterized as meeting or not meetingthe best practice set forth, based on the information aboutthe destination facility. The acceptable practices were alsodetermined based on information about the destinationfacility. The type of the trash item was compared to thelist of materials and products accepted for treatment bythe facility to determine acceptable practices. This facilityspecific information was determined by facility type anddescription, publicly available facility information, andin some cases by contact with these facilities. A trashitem that arrived at a facility where it was not listed asacceptable for treatment at that facility was designated asnot meeting acceptable practices. Figures 9 and 10 showthe results of the best practices in disposal procedurefor each trash category and disposal area, respectively– where ‘Good’ implies best practices, ‘Fair’ meansacceptable practices, and ‘Bad’ refers to neither best noracceptable practices.

It turned out that while other categories of trash ap-peared to follow the best practices closely, Cell phones,E-waste, and HHW categories raised some concerns aboutnot meeting the best practices guideline with a relativelylarge portion falling into the ‘Bad’ practices category.A large portion of trash items from Bellevue and Red-mond also seemed to not follow the recommended bestpractices. Yet, overall, from the perspective of the bestpractices as recommended by the City of Seattle, theremoval chain appeared quite efficient with over 95% oftrash reaching appropriate facilities.

2) Contracts: The City of Seattle had contracts withwaste collection companies such as CleanScapes Inc.,Cedar Grove Composting Inc., and Waste Management

0 50 100 150











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Figure 9. Evaluation of different trash categories by best practices.While other trash categories appeared to follow the best practices closely,Cell phones, E-waste, and HHW categories raised some concerns aboutnot meeting the best practices guideline.

of Washington, Inc., for garbage collection services [17].The collection contracts covered different areas and typesof waste. Essentially, for a given disposal area anddisposed item type (e.g. waste, recycling, composting,special disposal), the end-of-life facility could be iden-tified according to the contracts. With our collected data,we validated if trash items had reached their intendeddestinations. It turned out that only a small portion ofdisposed objects reached the facilities specified in thecontracts. Fig. 11 and 12 depict the portions of trackedtrash items that arrived at the facilities specified in thecontracts and different types of destinations reached bythem elsewhere – based on the categories of trash anddisposal areas respectively. Trash items from Issaquah andRedmond appeared to reach contracts’ destinations morethan other areas. Validating the efficiency of the removalchain from the perspective of the contracts for wastecollection, leads us to conclude that if those contractswere meant to send trash to the most appropriate facilities,then trash did not traverse well in the removal system withless than 10% reaching the correct facilities.


The relatively small sample size of our trash traces(1,152 items) was the first limitation of this study. Nev-ertheless, we tried to diversify the trash categories anddisposal areas to represent the actual waste stream asmuch as possible. Moreover, the validation of our trashtraces was done in the laboratory rather than in the field.This meant that we did not physically identify the trackedtrash items at their terminal locations. The last reportedpositions served only as indicators of the end-of-lifelocations. In addition, because of the differences in waste

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0 50 100 150 200 250 300

SeattleN SeattleS SeattleE Seattle

W SeattleNE SeattleNW SeattleSE SeattleSW Seattle





l are



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

SeattleN SeattleS SeattleE Seattle

W SeattleNE SeattleNW SeattleSE SeattleSW Seattle





l are



Figure 10. Evaluation of different disposal area by best practices. Alarge portion of trash items from Bellevue and Redmond appeared tonot follow the recommended best practices. Overall, the removal chainappeared quite efficient with over 95% of trash reaching appropriatefacilities.

management practices across the US and the relativelysmall sample size, the results are difficult to generalize.However, the study points to significant gaps in the wayhow waste management practice is currently being mon-itored: while existing data collection mechanisms deter-mine quantities processed at individual facilities, the flowsof different waste streams between companies, facilities,and across administrative boundaries are not representedin traditional data collection. Our study points to thecomplexities and distances involved in the processing ofelectronic and household hazardous waste – and illustratesthe urgency for more data collection especially for thesewaste streams.


Trash is an issue that reflects both our attitudes andbehaviors. Through the use of pervasive technologies, theTrash Track project not only seeks to raise awareness ofthe impact of waste on our environment, but also highlightthe potential inefficiencies present within today’s removalsystem. Nearly 2,000 tracking devices were deployed inand around the City of Seattle to monitor the journeyof trash through the current waste removal system. Thetypes of objects disposed of and the locations of disposalwere carefully selected, to ensure a broad array of disposallocations and waste types were represented. Furthermore,data collected at our server allowed us to explore theefficiency of the removal chain in more detail. Based onthe best practices disposal procedure recommended by theCity of Seattle, over 95% of disposed objects reachedcompliant waste facilities. On the other hand, a much

0 50 100 150 200 250










Destination within contractlandfillrecyclingspecialtransfertransitunknown

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1










Destination within contractlandfillrecyclingspecialtransfertransitunknown

Figure 11. Evaluation of different trash category by contracts. Less than10% of trash items reached the correct facilities.

0 100 200 300 400

SeattleN SeattleS SeattleE Seattle

W SeattleNE SeattleNW SeattleSE SeattleSW Seattle





l are


Destination within contractlandfillrecyclingspecialtransfertransitunknown

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

SeattleN SeattleS SeattleE Seattle

W SeattleNE SeattleNW SeattleSE SeattleSW Seattle





l are


Destination within contractlandfillrecyclingspecialtransfertransitunknown

Figure 12. Evaluation of different disposal area by contracts. Trash didnot traverse well in the removal system with less than 10% reaching thecorrect facilities.

lower portion reached facilities that were specified in thecontracts made between the City of Seattle and the wastecollection companies. The results also suggested thatmore emphasis should be placed on Household HazardousWaste (HHW) in terms of better informing people aboutits disposal. Moreover, the list of waste facilities identifiedin the contracts needs revisiting or updating, in orderto ensure the appropriate removal chains are in place –particularly in Seattle and Bellevue.

Besides the analysis of origins and destinations, whichis the focus of this paper, we also found that basedon the reported stops and velocities, it was possible toestimate means of transport. We observed that recyclablematerials (mostly paper and plastic, also e-waste) werevery likely shipped out of Seattle’s harbor with locationsreported from Vancouver, Canada and other stops en route

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to the Pacific Ocean. Much of Seattle’s waste bound forColumbia Ridge Landfill reported from railways, whichwas consistent with the method specified in Seattle’swaste hauling contracts [17]. Electronic and HouseholdHazardous Waste (HHW), was often observed to betransported by air, which can be attributed to the take-back collection using courier services.

For researchers who wish to track a large number ofitems in a similar way, we learned from our experimentthat the research design needed to also consider manypotential sources of error that were introduced due to thephysical conditions in the waste stream. In the beginningof the experiment, only about 20% of the tags keptreporting after entering the waste stream. By the end ofthe experiment, we were able to raise the success rate toabout 80% through the following measures: (1) specialprotection of the tags against liquid and physical shocksby enclosure with sturdy epoxy foam; (2) placement oftags with special consideration of signal pathways, i.e.preventing signal blockage through metal parts of thetagged objects; (3) concealment of tags within the taggedobject to prevent identification and removal by recyclingpersonnel; (4) adjustment of reporting intervals in orderto maximize battery life. Given the typical pace of wasteremoval, we had good experiences with reporting intervalsof three to six hours; (5) prior research into removalmechanisms and collection methods and destinations willimprove the experiment and can be obtained by reviewingmunicipal contract documents.

We believe that the project opens the door for policy-makers and service providers to be informed by detailedinformation about the functionality of waste removalsystems. As technologies such as the one developed inthis project mature and decrease in cost, such deploymentscould be done periodically and at a larger scale, to providesound informational basis for policies to be built upon andto enable troubleshooting of the waste removal system inreal-time.

We hope that the project will promote behavioralchange and encourage people to make more sustainabledecisions about what they consume and how it affectsthe world around them. Furthermore, we hope that thisproject encourages the uptake of pervasive computing inthe environmental context.


The authors gratefully acknowledge support by TrashTrack project partners: Waste Management, Qualcomm,Sprint, The Architectural League of New York, and Cityof Seattle (Office of Aets and Culture Affairs, SeattlePublic Utilities, The Seattle Public Library), and all theSENSEable City Lab Consortium members. The authorswould like to also thank Angela Wang and Eugene Leefor their supports in data collection and pre-processing.

Santi Phithakkitnukoon is a research asso-ciate based in the Culture Lab at Newcas-tle University, and a research affiliate at theSENSEable City Lab of the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology. His research interestsinclude context-aware computing, urban com-puting, and data mining. Phithakkitnukoon hasa PhD in computer science and engineeringfrom the University of North Texas. Contacthim at [email protected].

Malima Isabelle Wolf is currently a visit-ing researcher at Politecnico di Milano andITIA-CNR as part of Progetto Rocca. Herresearch interests include end-of-life producttreatment, particularly recycling and remanu-facturing, and the connection between mate-rials, energy, and the environment. Wolf hasa PhD in mechanical engineering from theMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Contacther at [email protected].

Dietmar Offenhuber is a research fellow andPhD Student in the Senseable City Lab at theDepartment of Urban Studies and Planningat the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.His research interests include the analysis,representation, and design of mediated urbaninfrastructures. Offenhuber holds a master de-gree from the MIT Media Lab. Contact him [email protected].

David Lee is a PhD candidate in UrbanStudies and Planning at the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, and a researcher inthe SENSEable City Lab. He is interested inhuman behavioral response to real-time infor-mation feedback systems, high-tech innovationclusters, and how digital technology can trans-form public discourse on critical urban issues.Contact him at [email protected].

Assaf Biderman teaches at the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, where he is the Asso-ciate Director of theSENSEable City Labora-tory. Biderman’s work explores how pressingissues in urbanization are being impacted by awave of new distributed technologies, and howthese can be harnessed to create a more sus-tainable future living in urban environments.Contact him at [email protected].

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Carlo Ratti is an architect and engineer whopractices architecture in Turin and teaches atMIT, where he directs the SENSEable CityLaboratory. His research interests include ur-ban design, human-computer interfaces, elec-tronic media, and the design of public spaces.Ratti has a PhD in architecture from theUniversity of Cambridge. He is a memberof the Ordine degli Ingegneri di Torino, theArchitects Registration Board (UK), and theAssociation des Anciens Eleves de l’Ecole

Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees. Contact him at [email protected].


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