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Page 1: This Month’s Message from Pastor · All cancer survivors are invited to this special event celebrating YOU and the American

The Dunbars are about to observe a milestone: For the first time in a decade, no kiddos at Hawthorne

Elementary. No more walking our little ones across the street in the morning. Now our youngest will

be walking to the Middle School, while our eldest moves up to the High School this fall.

I look around the congregation and I see it everywhere: Change. Children I have known since before

they could walk are now starting to drive! This month we will celebrate confirmations, high school and

college graduations. Big changes in people’s lives! The end of an era, and the start of a new one.

The months ahead will see young couples starting married life together, and others adjusting to life

without a loved one. Some of you are transitioning into new jobs or new responsibilities at work, while

others are transitioning into retirement. Some are moving into a new house, and some are becoming

“empty-nesters.” Some are becoming new parents and others are becoming caregivers to aging parents.

Life is full of such changes. Transitions. And these can be wonderful – exciting adventures and new

opportunities. How dull and uneventful life would be if there were no change!

But however exciting change can be, it is very often stressful as well. Scary. We don’t quite know what

it will be like to leave the old familiar ways and head into new territory. And how do we handle such

uncertainty? How do we face the unknown?

As Christians, we can face life’s changes with confidence! We have a God who “holds the future as He

does the past.” Jeremiah 31 reminds us, “‘I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord.” This is

the Lord who says of Himself: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, who is, and who was, and who is to


What a solid foundation! What a calming comfort! Whatever the changes of life, and even when life it-

self comes to an end, we have God who does not change, who has been from before there was ever a be-

ginning and who will remain after every ending, who remains fully Almighty and completely loving

and perfectly faithful to all His promises. When our lives are built on Him, on Christ who is the Solid

Rock, then whatever shifting sands we may encounter, we are at peace. We are in His hands.

I don’t quite know what it will be like for our kiddos to move schools, or for Emily and I to soon be par-

enting 3 teenagers, or, quite frankly, any of the

other transitions that may come our way. But I

know that we will not face these changes alone.

Praise the Triune God who is with us – with you –

in every era, and “even to the end of the ages!”

This Month’s Message from Pastor Dunbar

Faith Lutheran Church The Parish News

VOLUME 36–NO. 5 MAY 2013

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Prayers ► Health, Treatments, or Hospitalization

Recently included in prayers (within the last month): Darin Clark, Samantha Conway, Shirley

Danehey, Linda Gardner, Rod Hansen, John & June Hinz, Howard Kohtz, Jeff Krueger, Jamie

McCartney, Claire Mertens, Carolyn Mosier, Will Parker, Alfred Place, Arlene Thompson, Greg Volzke,

Marvin Volzke.

We continue our prayers for: Leyna Ahlschwede, Marlita Burnham, Greg Catchpool, Chris Davis,

Connie Davis, Marian Dirks, Norma Doyen, Ruth Haack, Renee Hinderks, Jim Jugert, Tom Kelly,

Leon Kothe, Karen Lee, Rich Lundquist, Esther Meyer, Ken Nollette, Jackie Ortegren, Jane Parnell,

Larry Reimnitz, Mary Salmen, John Schiefelbein, Bryan Stanley, Cassidy Wormstadt.

► In Sympathy

We pray for Mark & Dana Ritterbush (Craig & Deb Ritterbush) at the death of their son (grandson),

Jonah; for Donna Alber at the death of her mother; for Ardell Jugert at the death of her son, James;

and for the families of LaVonda Schmidt and Nancy Turek as they mourn their passing. May ALL

those who mourn the loss of a loved one be comforted in God’s promise made through the birth, death,

and resurrection of His beloved son, Jesus.

► Births and Baptism

We give thanks with RanDee & Gerry Krueger at the birth of a daughter; Jonie & Ryan Murken

at the birth of a son. Through the washing waters of Baptism we welcome into the family of faith

Anastasia Claire Pauley (daughter of Daniel & Brooke Pauley) and Ava Grace Valentin (daughter

of Jeff & Shelly Valentin.)

News and Notes

Confirmation Sunday Sunday, May 5 at the 10:30 service is the Rite of Confirmation for 16 young men

and women. If you’re present at the ceremony, you will notice that the confirmands

will be given red stoles to wear around their necks. Stoles are what pastors wear to

show that they are ministers in the church whose special task is to “equip the

saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12). Stoles are also what the children of our congregation

are given when they are baptized, symbolizing that they, too, “share in the ministry of Christ.” Indeed,

each of us is part of this broader ministry of serving God and sharing God’s love with our neighbor. The

stoles given to the 8th graders at their Confirmation is a reminder that the Holy Spirit, who brought

them to faith and ushered them into this remarkable ministry in Baptism, continues to work in their

lives. Keep these young confirmands in your prayers. And praise God for faithfully raising up a new

generation of witnesses who have been instructed in the Christian faith, publically professed it, and

now go forth to share God’s love with the world!

Lost and Found... We encourage you to check the “lost and found” box (under the coat rack in the lower fo-

rum) and also the downstairs kitchen for items that might belong to you. We also have 2

sets of keys that were turned in to the church office. So if you are missing keys please call

the church office, 402-462-5044, and describe them. Items not claimed by May 8 will be

donated. Thank you!

The VBS Craft helpers will meet on May 15th at 6:30 in the fellowship hall. If you have volun-

teered to help with the crafts it is important that you be there that evening.


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December News and Notes


MAY 2013



2013 Book Group Selections

May 9 Shanghai Girls by Lisa See June 13 The Fault in our Stars by John Green July 11 The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by S. Larsson Book Group meets at 7:00pm in Room 10 here at the church. All are welcome to participate!

Prayer Walkers meet each Tuesday

at 12:15 to walk and pray for our middle school students and school. They walk for about

20 minutes. If you would like to join this group please contact Norma Hansen at 402-519-

3594 for more information.

The Faith Fellowship group will not meet in May. Watch for upcoming details for the tailgate party in June.


May Schedule

►May 5th - Bible study at 6:30 pm

►May 19th - Bible study at 6:30 pm

Please contact Pastor Josh for details

or with any questions


Relay for Life

●Survivor Meal– May 23, 5:30pm All cancer survivors are invited to this special event celebrating YOU and the American Cancer

Society’s 100th birthday. Along with the meal there will be a silent auction for birthday cakes, cookies,

cupcakes, etc. Call the Morrison Cancer Center (402-460-5899) to RSVP. Survivors can bring 1 guest.

●Everyone is welcome to participate in the Relay for Life Walk on Friday, May 31st from 6pm to

Midnight at the Evangelical Free Church. If you would like to purchase a luminaria in honor/memory

of a loved one please contact Chandra Muske, 402-984-4041.


1st Annual Dustin Tesdahl Memorial 5K Walk/Run

Information on this new event, that will be held on Saturday, May 4 at Hastings Lake, can be found at You can also register at that website. Or for more information contact Brenda Cook

at 888-808-8393 or Amy May at 308-237-5951.

Donation Needs

Orphan Grain Train is currently in great need of several items. This list includes clean and stain free

clothing in good condition, shoes, toys, house wares, health supplies, and school supplies. We are also

accepting donations for more bikes. Thank you for your help in collecting these items! Our warehouse

hours are 10 AM– 2 PM, Monday through Friday or call Kay Schutte at 402-463-0039.

GriefShare is a non-denominational program for those who are grieving the death of a loved one. The

13-week Spring/Summer sessions will begin on Thursday, May 2, 9:30am or 7:00pm, at 1st St. Paul’s

Youth/Family Ministry Center. (Brochures are available in the tract rack outside room 101.)

H ave you had an address or a phone

number change recently?

Because we care about you, we don’t want

to lose touch... PLEASE let us know when

you make a change...Thank you!

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Adult Education in May


THE SUNDAY LESSONS - Fellowship Hall - 9:15AM

This class takes an in-depth look at the scripture lessons taken from

the Sunday morning readings. May leader is Pastor Dunbar.


Many of you are aware of “The Bible” miniseries that played on the History Channel earlier this

year. We’ll be taking a look at selected scenes from the series and then discussing them together.

If you missed watching the show on TV, here’s your chance to see some of the highlights. If you

watched the series already, but wished you could have talked about it with someone, this is the

place to come and share your thoughts and questions.


This class looks at who we are to be as children of the living God. DCE Wade Johnson is the

class leader.



Gather with others around the coffee or breakfast table for some

early morning Bible study. Last class for the spring session is

May 21. We will break for the summer and meet again after

Labor Day.


MORNING BIBLE STUDY - 9:00am - Room 11- Pastor Dunbar, leader

Our get-togethers always start with a time of coffee, treats, and visiting, and then, after a brief

devotion, we get to talking about the past Sunday’s sermon. These casual discussions always

lead to new insight and good, personal application of the pastor’s message, not to mention close

bonds of friendship. We invite you to join us!

Did you know?

We have a very nice little library (room 101) with a variety of materials that are available for you to borrow. Materials include :

● Bibles (various translations) ● Bible Commentaries and Reference Materials ● Devotional Books ● Parenting Books and other Relationship Books ● Inspirational Books ● Children’s Books (all kinds) ● VCR tapes and DVD’s

We invite you to stop in the church library and look around. You can sign-out items on the notepad provided. Our library runs on the honor system so please be considerate of others… enjoy & then return. Thanks!

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Thank You Notes

A BIG THANK YOU to all who have supported the fund raising efforts

of the Nicaragua Mission Team. Your very generous donations of time

and money will have a tremendous impact on the lives of the people in

the villages near Somoto, Nicaraqua. Enough money was raised to

supply at least one entire village with home water purification filters,

in addition to all of the normal medicines, dental hygiene, and eyeglass

supplies that are distributed. The 2013 mission team is privileged to

represent this generous congregation as we travel to Nicaragua to do

the Lord’s work later this summer. THANK YOU!

THANKS TO ALL Faith members for continued prayers during the many tests and hospitalizations. I

am especially thankful for my wonderful, supportive husband who has been beside me through it all.

God bless you ALL for keeping me in prayer. Margit Haberman

THANKS TO OUR FAMILY OF FAITH for the kind messages of sympathy at the death of our son &

grandson. Patty Prange & Ruby Cole

THANKS FOR THE CARDS AND PRAYERS I received while recently hospitalized for a hip replacement

surgery. I am recovering well and glad to be home. Kim Buss

THANK YOU to all who have kept me in prayer, shared words of encouragement, made visits, and sent

cards during my hospitalization and recuperation. Special thanks to Pastors Paul and Josh for their vis-

its and prayers. God’s blessings. Daisy Patterson

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE that sent cards and offered up prayers for Jeff when he was in the hospital.

Also, thanks to Pastor Dunbar for visiting Jeff in the hospital. May God bless you all! Jeff & Carolyn Krueger

THANKS TO OUR FAMILY OF FAITH for prayers and cards during these months of medical tests.

Jamie is feeling much better and doing great. The McCartney family

A SPECIAL WORD OF THANKS to all who donated food or time, along with all those who attended, the

annual Easter Breakfast. We are so blessed to be able to give $320 to the Open Table from the proceeds

of this year’s breakfast.

THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO BROUGHT COOKIES for the Baccalaureate reception! The Board of Family Life


May’s Pantry Update

Thanks to all those who continue to support our ongoing ministry to help those

who don’t have enough to eat. To date in 2013 we have collected 422 pounds of

donations for the Pantry. The grocery carts, located in the church forum and at

the back of the church, stand ready to receive more donations of non-perishable

food and dry goods. Let’s keep your generous donations filling up those carts.

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Sunday School Offerings

given in May are designated

for our Compassion Interna-

tional child. We have been spon-

soring our child, Ayinkamiye,

for several years now. In addi-

tion to helping with food and

medical care, Ayinkamiye is receiving vocational

training to help break the cycle of poverty.

2012-13 Weekday School Classes

will end on May 1.

8th Grade Confirmation will be May 5

at the 10:30 worship service

Perfect Attendance for...

Sunday School – Kindergarten: Zoe

Johnson. 1st: Justine Bierman. 3rd: Kier-

nan Bierman, Caleb Clark. 5th: Oliver Dunbar. 6th: Moses Dun-

bar, Zipporah Johnson, Trev Petersen. 8th: Jacob Clark, Phoebe


Weekday School – Preschool: Tenisha Bader, Claire Brown,

Thomas Fleming, Katelyn Hoins, Anthony Kuehn, Ellie Wahlmeier.

Kindergarten: Claire Davis, Shelbi Goldenstein, Briley Hughes,

Zoe Johnson, Rebekah Muske. 1st: Justine Bierman, Reid Fahren-

holtz, Katherine Greenland, Karlee Sherman, Natalie Sund, Ben

Wolfe. 2nd: Kaitlyn Carver, Sam Dierks, Karsen Hatch, Creighton

Jacobitz, Bailey Middleton. 3rd: Torie Arnold-Bohannon, Kiernan

Bierman, Caleb Clark, Hannah Fleming, Hunter Krueger, Andrew

Matthies, Faith Molina, Elijah Mulligan, Abigail Price, Karson

Sherman. 4th: Jared Coe, Andrew Dischinger, Deric Goldenstein,

Matthew Hansen, Trevor Sullivan, Keaton Verhage. 5th: Oliver

Dunbar, Tyler Emons, Maggie Engel, Pierce McVicker, Brenden

Molina, Alexa Muske, Aaron Ochsner, Adam Ochsner, Laura Pat-

terson. 6th: Conner Brown, Anna Cafferty, Morgan Carver, Evan

Davis, Moses Dunbar, Zipporah Johnson, Dylan Lemke, Ashlee

McVicker, Trev Petersen, Caleb Shafer, Sydni Sullivan, Derek Von-

derfecht, Landon Weber, Audrey Weeks. 7th: Becca Arneson, Lexi

Brodrick, Cambria Collins, Wyatt Griess, Adrianna Hoskins, Brit-

ney Krueger, Faith Loudon, Hannah Mulligan, Amber Price. 8th:

Anna Ackerman, James Arneson, Peyton Brodrick, Corey Brown,

Jacob Clark, Lacee Consbruck, Sydney Dierks, Phoebe Dunbar, Zoe

Emons, Marcus Hamik, Amanda Karr, McKenna Lamoree, Kira

Middleton, Will Parker, Emily Vonderfecht.

Jesus said,

“Let the little children

come to me and do not

hinder them, for to such

belongs the kingdom of


— Matthew 19:13

Summer Sunday School “arts” will start again in June. Details of June’s

projects will be in the June newsletter.

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Join us for



Bible Study


7-12th grade


We Meet in

Room 8


Vacation Bible School

Shepherd Training meeting

Wednesday, May 29


This meeting is for ALL shepherds,

classroom helpers, craft helpers, and

photography helpers.

Meet in the basement fellowship hall.

XYF Co-ed Softball Practice

Wednesday evenings beginning May 1,

6:30 pm at Hawthorne


Coach: Bob Mertens

Cost: $15 for team shirt

Games are played on Sunday evenings at the Smith

Softball Complex – the schedule will be posted on the

website when we receive it.

Students currently in grades 8-12 are welcome to

play! Sign up will continue until the team is full. So

contact Bob Mertens asap if you are interested in


Congrats to our High School graduates:

HHS Adams Central

Ashley Davis Jesse Ackerman

Trevis Davis Sydney Bernasek

Nicole Hamik Marc Brown

Josh Hinrichs Matt Brown

Paige Kennedy Brittany Dierks

Tori Krueger Amy Hauver

Austin Lamoree Amee Hemberger

Blaise Lemke Creighton Reed

Olivia Loetterle

Jamie McCartney Sandy Creek

Jake Rossen Trevor DeVries

Michael Sadd

Sean Selko Silver Lake

Adam Waite Jaydn Grabill

Shateyah Warburton

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Non Profit Organization


Hastings, NE

Permit No. 309




We invite you to Join us each Sunday

Worship at 8:00 AM or 10:30 AM

Sunday Education Hour at 9:15 AM

Return Service Requested

2013 Church Council

Chairman: Doug McCartney Vice Chairman: Phil Herrmann

Treasurer: Adam Jacobitz Recording Secretary: Lynette Wojahn

Board of Education: Trisha Shafer, JR Muske, Patti Ocker

Board of Evangelism: Jacquie Bachman, Mike Hoskins, Deanna Dirks

Board of Family Life: Dina Michel, Tonya Krueger, Patti Hinrikus

Board of Finance: Dale & Karen Pospisil, Ann Gragert, Norma Hansen,

Vic & Teresa Bockerman, Deb Ritterbush, Dave Bierman

Board of Lay Ministry: Frank Koch, Myron Peters, Ray Brandt, Ray

Gangwish, Rhonda Rail, Becky Schutte

Board of Trustees: Billy Hudson, Mitch Kimle, Gene Viglicky, Reid

Ayres, Sheila Lightner, Dean Dierks

Board of Stewardship: Eileen Saathoff, Laura Bulas, Larry Kuehn

Staff of

Faith Lutheran Church Office – 462-5044

(includes all email addresses)

Paul T. Dunbar, Pastor

462-9551 (Home)

Josh Davis, Pastor

402-705-0874 (Cell)

Wade Johnson, D.C.E.

463-8670 (Home)

Vicki Fisher, D.C.E.

462-0194 (Home)

Support Staff

Cindy O’Donnell, Secretary

Deb Henkel, Bookkeeper

Rich & Sandy Frerichs, Custodians