Download - This Journal Belongs · Become aware of your inner world. Becoming aware of how you think, feel, and react to your life is

Page 1: This Journal Belongs · Become aware of your inner world. Becoming aware of how you think, feel, and react to your life is
Page 2: This Journal Belongs · Become aware of your inner world. Becoming aware of how you think, feel, and react to your life is

This Journal Belongs To:


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Page 4: This Journal Belongs · Become aware of your inner world. Becoming aware of how you think, feel, and react to your life is

Dear Friends,

Taking time to realign yourself every New Year is a great practice for a healthy soul. In order to grow as a person and be in rhythm with God, this requires us to spend time in solitude, prayer, and in exploration of our own inner dialogue.

This journal is designed to help you get a fresh start and a secure launch into your next season.

I encourage you to take 20 or 30 minutes each day for the next 21 days to follow the prompts and exercises with each daily devotion.You may choose to begin a fast at this time as well. Media, social media, various luxuries, coffee, alcohol, sugar, carbohydrates, etc. are all great options to consider fasting. By eliminating a few of these, it can help you shut down cravings and awaken your soul to hear His voice.

In the back of this journal you will find several prayer affirmations. These are intentionally written in such a way that when you read them aloud to yourself, you will begin to see yourself through God’s picture of you, and help you to move towards alignment.

Because these affirmations are written in first person and present tense, it may feel as though you are “lying” or “exaggerating”, but remember Abraham “called those things that are not as though they were.”

Read through these affirmations and choose one you can speak/pray every day for 21 days, and then watch how you begin to shift in your actions and view of yourself.

I look forward to this next season with you, and hearing your stories about how this is working for you and what God is doing in your life.

With you in One Heart,

Pastor Steve

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Days of Prayer

Align Yourself Before God

21Become aware of your inner world.Becoming aware of how you think, feel, and react to your life is central to your experience with God. The lens in which you view yourself often influences how you think God looks at you. To align yourself with awareness doesn’t mean you feel a certain way; it just means you’re perceptive of your thoughts and inner emotions. Are you happy, fulfilled, energized, frustrated, empty, peaceful, hopeful, discouraged, angry, etc.? Are you dull of hearing, slow to respond to God, calloused to conviction, or oblivious to how you’re perceived by those around you?

During your morning prayer, find a quiet place, get in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and be still. Feel everything you can—your hands, your feet, your hair, your insides... Try to count the sounds you hear, like a clock, the furnace, a bird, the traffic, your breathing, etc.

When you’re done with that, keep your eyes closed and ask yourself, how do I feel about myself? Combine all of the good and bad feelings and thoughts you have about yourself into one big list in your mind. We call this “mindfulness,” being aware of what is going on in your mind and heart right at that moment.

Now journal how you feel about yourself and the adjustments you need to make in order to feel aligned with a healthy awareness of what is happening in your inner world.

“Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves. Surely you know that Jesus Christ is among you; if not, you have failed the test of genuine faith.” (2 Cor 13:5 NLT)


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“Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you.” (1 Timothy 4:16 NLT)


























day 1.

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Align Yourself with Your Heavenly Father

Being at peace with God and finding acceptance and love from Him is the ultimate quest of every human being, whether they know it or not. Alignment with your heavenly Father starts by receiving His love and forgiveness. Some of us don’t have father figures, but all of us have seen somewhere a father who displays truly unconditional love for his child. Today you have an opportunity to see yourself as a child who is loved by your heavenly Father just the way you are. If there’s something you want to get off your chest, you can talk to Him now, and He will forgive and reaffirm His love for you.

In your prayer time, close your eyes and imagine strong arms wrapped around you. Once you can feel them hold you, then hear Him say, “this is my beloved son/daughter in whom I’m well pleased.” If there’s anything you need to make right, do it now.

“One God and Father of all, who is over all, in all, and living through all.” (Ephesians 4:6 NLT)













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day 2.





























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Align Yourself with Jesus

Jesus is the Savior. He saves our souls by forgiving our sins. Then as we follow His lead and example, we make adjustments with our intentions, actions, relationships, habits, and attitudes.


Set a goal to read the entire book of John. Start today by reading the first chapter. John really describes Jesus and His attributes in a creative and unique way from the perspective of someone who really loved and was close to Jesus. As you read, highlight every attribute you would like to add into your life.

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” (Matthew 16:24 –26 NASB)














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day 3.





























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Align Yourself with the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit leads and guides us and is the still, small voice that lives within us. During these days of concentrated prayer and fasting, listen to that inner voice. We also know the Holy Spirit shows us things to come. This voice of the Holy Spirit always comes in the form of promptings, encouragement, revelation, and wisdom. Over the centuries, Christians have practiced disciplines of chanting, periods of solitude, fasting, speaking in tongues, and contemplative prayer to silence every thought and noise other than the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.


Do a Google search for “how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.” Read two or three of the articles you see on the first page, and look for repeated themes in the different articles. Journal any insights you discover. Disregard anything that seems off, and move toward what bears witness with you. Take time to practice one or more of the above disciplines.

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” (Romans 8:11 NLT)

Continue reading John, notice the Holy Spirit’s role as you read through chapters 6 & 14.









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day 4.





























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Align Yourself with God’s Word

We hide the word in our hearts so we will not sin against God. (Psalms 119:11) Often we look for Scriptures for whatever situation we’re in, which is great, but adding daily readings of Scripture and getting the big picture from the Word of God is important for our Christian world view.


Continue with the book of John and add one chapter of Proverbs. Journal about one proverb that speaks to you. Consider reading a chapter of Proverbs that aligns with the date. (Example: Read Chapter 7 on the seventh day of the month.)

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16 –17 NLT)














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day 5.





























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Align Yourself with Your Family

Honoring parents, training children, and yielding to our spouse are all given as high priorities in Scripture. Being aligned means to be in agreement with—to be as one. Today’s prayer focus includes praying for our immediate family members and asking the Holy Spirit to show us if any self-interest or habit would separate us from walking as one with any of our family members.


Write out a prayer in your journal for each of your family members. Include a Scripture in each prayer. Then add this to your prayer routine for the rest of the twenty-one days.

“Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. ‘Honor your father and mother.’ This is the first commandment with a promise: If you honor your father and mother, ‘things will go well for you, and you will have a long life on the earth.’ Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:1-4 NLT)












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day 6.





























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Align Yourself with Your Church

Ephesians tells us that God places us in the body as He sees fit. Others may have been given the role to assess our gifts, resources, and strengths, and they may know how to guide us in the right place, but it’s up to us to offer ourselves up to our local church. Today we’re going to examine ourselves as to our roles within the church. How are we using what God has given to us to add value to the local body of Christ? Is there anything that would keep you from being aligned with the vision, beliefs, culture, or programming currently at your church? What communication would have to take place in order for you to be aligned?


On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate what you bring to the table at church? Pick one person with whom you could discuss your score. Before you meet with that person, make a list of your ideas, frustrations, questions, and concerns. When you meet by phone or in person, discuss where you feel there are limitations, and explore your desires during the conversation. They may perceive something you can’t.

“We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.” (Romans 12:5 NLT)











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day 7.





























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Rethink Your Gifting

The word repent means to “rethink.” Do you operate out of using your gifts and strengths? Or do you focus on assigned tasks or a felt need that you see but not necessarily within your gift mix?

You lose energy when operating outside of the strengths God has placed within you. Your greatest source of energy will come when you are fulfilling a purpose while using your greatest strengths and abilities.


Read 1 Corinthians 12 and journal a list of your strengths and passions. Are you using these gifts for the kingdom?

“A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” (1Corinthians 12:7 NLT)
















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day 8.





























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Rethink Your Contribution

This is not about money or even your time, unless that’s what you need to rethink. This is referring to your motivation for contributing or not contributing to the places in life where God has you currently placed. What are your motives when you give something of yourself in your home, neighborhood, church, or community? Do you want to be noticed? Are you hoping to gain influence or power? Is your contribution self-serving?

Maybe after evaluating your efforts, you realize your contributions are a little bit on the skimpy side—maybe even nonexistent. It’s almost like people around you are working hard to contribute so you can enjoy your home, church, and neighborhood. Obviously, if either is the case, adjustments need to be made. If it’s time to rethink your contribution, some time focused on this topic today in prayer might be helpful.


Make a list of the spaces where you operate on a regular basis, like your home, work, or church. Next to each category, write down what you’re contributing there. Pray over the list and see if anything needs to be adjusted, such as: your motives, under-valuing what you have to offer, being stingy with your resources, and whatever else comes to mind.











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day 9.





























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Rethink Your Relationships

Relationships are foundational to our lives and our faith. Being intentional with the relationships you currently have will determine how meaningful those relationships will be in the future. It also determines whether or not those relationships will produce healthy fruit. Sometimes we enter into relationships that are toxic or are unequally yoked as the Scripture describes. When a relationship centers on control, abuse, or codependency, it sucks the life out of us and keeps us from experiencing peace, joy and a sense of well-being. Today, let’s focus prayer time on relationships that need to be mended, others that need to be ended, and those that need our full attention.


After you’ve spent time praying for those relationships, make a to-do list as the Holy Spirit reveals ways to be intentional and handle those relationships.

“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9 –10 NLT)












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day 10.





























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Rethink Your Potential

Everyone has God-given potential and lots of it. We’re most limited when we give up accountability to circumstances, disabilities, and beliefs. The following phrases all limit one’s potential: I would love to but I’m too old, I’m too young, I’m too poor, I’m not educated, I’m not smart enough, I’m not attractive enough, I don’t know the Bible, I can’t or I won’t.

The Psalms say we are “fearfully and wonderfully made;” therefore, woven into our innermost being is wonderful potential. Let’s pray today about discovery and breaking our limiting beliefs and thoughts.

Exercise:Make a list of limiting words you are in the habit of saying. Add beliefs about yourself that hold you back. Pray over this list, asking God to release the grip those things have on your life. Then take the list home and either shred it, burn it, or turn it into compost.

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20 NLT)












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day 11.





























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Rethink Your ThinkingMost people never think about what they think about. We all have patterns of thinking, and often times those patterns are destructive. Proverbs tells us that “as a man think it in his heart, so is he.” Therefore, how we think shapes us. There are two general roads to live by—the high road and the low road, positive and negative.

It’s easy to slip into thinking about the negative all the time. Deuteronomy 30 describes a it like this: I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore, CHOOSE life.


Be honest. Do you gravitate toward worst case scenarios? Read Philippians 4:8−9, then rewrite it in your journal in first person. Change “think on things that are honest” to “I think on things that are honest.” Now read it daily until you have it memorized.

“Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” (Romans 12:2 NLT)














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day 12.





























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Rethink Your FutureWe can get trapped both by failing to see the future and by getting caught up in thinking only about the future. A balance between awareness of what’s going on all around you today and visualizing a positive future is very important. When viewing the future, always look through eyes of hope, positive outcomes, and expectancy that God will guide your steps. See yourself responding to the most difficult setbacks and most exciting opportunities. Some people, unfortunately, picture their futures as replicas of their current disappointments. They believe nothing will ever get any better. Rethink your future with creative and positive thoughts.


As you pray today, ask the Holy Spirit to give you a one-year and a five-year vision. Write them down in your journal and pray for His will to be done.

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’” (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT)













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day 13.





























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Rethink Your HealthPart of a healthy future is making sure we are living a healthy lifestyle right now. During this prayer time, ask yourself, have I taken on the responsibility for my own health, or have I given that responsibility back to God? Giving things to God sounds noble, but some things are our responsibility. If you really think about it, sometimes we ask God to heal us or deliver us from things that have been caused by our own neglect. What if God is trying to answer our prayers before we ever get sick, but by our own neglect, we interfere with that very prayer?


As you pray today, ask God to give you courage to face the very area you don’t want to address. Then, before you leave your prayer time, set a goal for what you want to change.

“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” (3 John 1:2 NLT)















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day 14.





























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What About Your Role?Everybody has roles they play in life—husband, mom, boss, employee, son, friend etc. Every role has expectations. Are you meeting yours? If not, maybe this would be a good time to examine them through prayer. Sometimes we work too hard at meeting expectations, and other times we completely neglect our roles.


In your journal, make a list of the roles you play in life. Now put a number one through ten that correlates with where you’re at when it comes to fulfilling that role. (One meaning nonexistent, and ten meaning All-Star)

Now set three goals for those rated less than a seven in your journal.

“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.” (Colossians 3:17 NLT)














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day 15.





























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What About Your Church?When God plants us in a local church, our lives begin to flourish. But planting means you’re rooted. Do you feel you’re rooted in your church? Do you have friends there? Have you found a place to be involved? Have you reached out to those who are having difficulties? Do you trust those who lead?


Pray for the pastors and leaders of your church. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings regarding being rooted. Journal your thoughts.

“Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.” (Galatians 6:10 NLT)

















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day 16.





























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What About Charity?Justice, compassion, mercy, and generosity are core understandings of Christianity. What pulls on your heartstrings? When was the last time you were prompted to respond to someone’s need spontaneously? Have you sacrificed or gone without for someone else? Have you ever come to someone’s defense? Charity means love. Let charity be a focus in your prayers today.


Read through 1 Corinthians 13, the “love chapter.” Read it first, then pray it into your spirit and ask the Lord to make those qualities foremost in your life. Then, this week listen to what the Holy Spirit prompts you to do when you see needs.

“If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord—and he will repay you!” (Proverbs 19:17 NLT)
















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day 17.





























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What About Your Home?Your home is a display of your soul. If you don’t like what you see there, ask yourself if something needs to change within. Look at your home as a canvas you get to paint. Environment shapes us, so allow the Holy Spirit to show you how to turn your home into an environment that gives you energy, makes others feel welcome, and allows for fellowship. If you like your home environment, ask yourself, who could I host here and make a difference in their lives?

Exercise:In your journal, list ten things in your home you enjoy. Then list ten things you feel need to be added, removed, or given attention. Now pray over these things and allow the Holy Spirit to show you how to use your home to benefit others.

“Anyone who does not take care of his family and those in his house has turned away from the faith. He is worse than a person who has never put his trust in Christ.” (1 Timothy 5:8 NLV)















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day 18.






























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What About the Innocent?Betrayal, sickness, the loss of loved ones, and other forms of devastating or disappointing experiences affect innocent people every day. What if this month of fasting and prayer lead you to lighten the burden of someone you know who is experiencing something difficult? When you hear about natural disasters, senseless shootings, or families displaced by dysfunctional government, do you allow it to desensitize you or move you to an action?


In your prayer time, allow the Lord to reveal someone in your life who is carrying a heavy load. Then decide how you will help lift that weight. The experience would be a good thing to journal about as well.

“Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.” (Isaiah 1:17 NLT)















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day 19.






























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What About the “Alone”?Shut-ins, misfits, socially awkward, depressed, wounded, and those not single by choice are often ignored by those who live healthy, happy, fulfilled lives. It’s easy for people to fall into the habit of being alone, even to the point of pushing people away. Today as you pray aloud, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal someone you can reach out to so they will know someone has been thinking about them.


Set up a coffee date, extend an invitation, or enjoy someone’s presence for an extended period of time and learn their story. Write about the experience in your journal.

“Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’” (Matthew 25:37–40 NLT)













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day 20.





























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What About Praying for People?How often do we tell people we’ll pray for them? How refreshing would it be if more people stopped and prayed right then and there when somebody asked them to? We know the book of Mark says “believers lay hands on the sick and they recover.” As believers, we have this authority within us to pray for people, but sometimes fear holds us back. Maybe now would be the right time to ask for courage.


Today in prayer, make a decision that the next time someone asks you to pray for them, ask immediately if you can pray right then. It would be good to journal this experience.

“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” (James 5:16 NLT)















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day 21.





























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I Am a Christ FollowerI am a Christ follower. Following Christ is a way of living for me. Everywhere I go I look at people and situations in life through the eyes of Jesus. The words of Jesus are my filter to processing life, its opportunities and its difficulties. When I read scripture or hear a message from a teacher I discern action steps that I allow to transform me because I act on them.

I pray and refocus my thoughts daily on things that are honest, honorable, right and pure. I fix my attention on that which is lovely, admirable and worthy of praise. Negative thoughts towards people, organizations or society are fleeting because I interrupt them with beautiful thoughts filled with positive outcomes.

When I encounter people who are sick and/or in need I quickly pray and respond in a gesture of love and healing. Words I speak help people process their pain and disappointments. People in tragic circumstances find comfort and peace in my words of counsel and prayer. The lives of others I regularly encounter are better because of their interaction with me. I am so forgiving and nonjudgmental.

The hope I have for the future is contagious and full of vision. Negative people can’t transfer their spirit on me. Problems and problem people pull out my best qualities. I inspire people to great and noble works. When I show up the environment becomes more positive and hopeful. People on a downward spiral stop spinning when they talk with me. I have a unique way of spinning the negative into some form of positive outcome.

When people leave a conversation with me, they feel validated, edified, filled with courage and hope. Life for those around me is better because I am there. Jesus is able to freely reveal his kingdom through me because I am willing to follow his Holy Spirit. I am a Christ follower. I have the mind of Christ. HIS life in me gives me great hope. The Greater one lives in me. If God is for me, no one can be against me. I am being shaped by Gods Word. I’m a forgiving compassionate soul. Everywhere I go light comes out of me. I have wisdom from God that goes beyond my age. I am created in the image of God, therefore I am creative.

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I am a seeker, I ask questions, and I knock on doors. Early in the morning I seek the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I honor my father and mother. The speech that comes from me is encouraging and empowering. The gifts of the spirit flow out of me freely. Peacemaking is my strength. Unity, agreement, and community are of my highest values.

I practice forgiving my enemy and praying for them. My love for people covers their sin I find the best in all people. I serve God, my family and humanity without grumbling or complaining. I am quick to examine myself and quick to repent when wrong.

Temptations, tests and trials face me daily so I have decided that when they present themselves to me, I will respond with God’s strength not my own. I’m not moved by others offenses towards me. I practice my faith at home by loving, praying, serving and encouraging my family. When I see needs I meet them as the Holy Spirit directs. Today, just like every day, I find hurts and I help heal them, even my enemies feel my kindness because I pray for them.

All those I meet feel my good intentions. When people are with me they feel bigger inside and leave feeling valuable. Those who are in need, forgotten, abused or defeated feel empowered by me. People know I am a Christ follower without me saying so. My life matters and I treat others like they matter as well.

With God all things are possible and I am in God. I live beyond our polarized political world; I live in the Kingdom of God. Fear, hatred, sarcasm and anger are no longer a part of my life. When everything around me falls apart, I remain steady, immovable, and my spirit shines light in dark places. Tragedies, hardships, struggles, conflicts and trials are calmed by me as I am led by the Holy Spirit.

I am a Christ follower. Daily I’m shaped by him and the people he brings into my life. My spiritual growth is found in the community and relationships He has placed me in. I leave room for mystery and the unexplained. Hope doesn’t need a guarantee for me. Jesus will never leave me or forsake me so I walk in a sense of security knowing I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

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Speaking Life Into Being• I am a Christ follower. • I have the mind of Christ. • His life in me, gives me great hope. • The greater one lives in me. • If God is for me, who can be against me? • I am being transformed by consistent reading and applying of God’s word. • I am a forgiving compassionate soul. Creating unity is my strength. • Everything I set my hand to prospers. • Everywhere I go, life and light comes out of me. • I have wisdom from God that goes way beyond my age or experience. • I am created in the image and likeness of God, that’s why I am so creative. • Seeking the Kingdom of God is my focused priority. • I value living free from greed, poverty, pride and fear• I am a seeker, I ask questions and knock on doors, and I am producing great results in my life.• Early in the morning I seek the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. • Generosity flows out of me towards all people even those considered my enemy.• I honor my father and mother in so many ways. • The speech that comes from me is encouraging and empowering to others. • The gift of the Spirit flows freely out of me.• I have no time for divisive conversation because I am a peacemaker. • Relationships, agreement, and community are of my highest values. • When I don’t understand people, love is the answer and love always wins. • I have faith, hope, and love all over me. • I am submissive towards God, I resist the darkness and it flees. • I have hidden God’s word in my heart so sin is pushed out.

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• Today I will practice forgiving my enemy and praying for those who have hurt me.• I practice forgetting the things that are behind me and I press for the mark. • The joy of the Lord is my strength and fuel for living. • Living water flows out of me because I read and practice God’s word. • I lay hands on the sick and they recover.• I find the best in all people. I speak the truth in love to everyone I meet.• The Holy Spirit shows me things to come and brings to my remembrance all that Jesus has taught me.• I serve God, my family and humanity without grumbling and complaining.• I find unique ways to create Christ like environments everywhere I go.• Trials and tribulations pull God like responses out of me.• I am not moved by others offenses and I stay clear of bitterness and revenge.• Applying God’s word and the Spirit of wisdom in everyday situations is strength of mine.• I practice my faith at home by loving, praying, serving and encouraging my family members.• The love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit.• When I see needs I meet them as the Holy Spirit directs me.• Today, just like every day, I find hurts and I heal them.• Even my enemies feel my kindness because I remember to pray for them. • Those who sow seeds of division find no room to plant them in me.• I am quick to examine myself and quick to repent when wrong.• I am the happiest worshiping God and serving others.• People love coming to my home because I prepare a place for them.• Bad habits and addictions are losing power over me and self- control is constantly emerging.• Healthy relationships surround me because I take time for others.

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Speaking Life Into Being Continued

• I am humbled by my prosperity and I’m creative when I’m lacking.• I look at the future through eyes of hope.• All those I meet feel my good intentions.• My church is strengthened greatly by my contribution.• I am celebrated as I use my God given gifting for Him.• My work place, school, church and community are benefitted by my gifting.• My money reveals what’s important to me and reflects my faith.• I am motivated by compassion and a deep love for people.• Fear has no place in my soul because I know God’s love.• Everything bad that’s ever happened to me will build and deepen my personal ministry.• It’s easy for me to remember scriptures. I pray without ceasing.• My kids and or the children I’m around like how they feel around me.• Those who are poor, forgotten, abused or defeated feel empowered by me.• People know I am a Christ follower without me even saying so.• I speak well of my spouse, my pastor, my employer and all those in authority.• Those that lead me feel I’m their greatest support.• When I walk into a room people come alive by the joy I bring.• My life matters and I treat others like they matter as well.• With God all things are possible and I’m with God.• I live beyond our polarized political world; I live in the Kingdom of God.• Fear, hatred, sarcasm, and anger are no longer a part of my life.• When everything around me falls apart, I remain steady and immovable.• My spirit shines light in dark places and dark places can’t tempt me.

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• Tragedies, hardships, conflicts, and trials are calmed when I show up because I bring the Peace of God. • The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in me.• Greater is He that is in me than all the pressures this day will bring.• I’m faithful to God, myself, my family and those I love and work for.• Prayer is easy for me to do regularly.• Today I will be led by the Holy Spirit.

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No More FearBecause there is no Fear in Love I choose to move past all unhealthy and limiting Fear. Today I submit to God and resist all fear and it flees. Courage always comes because I reflect on each of my past successes.

I surround myself with people of faith and courage. Those who invent negative visions of the future avoid talking to me because my picture of Hope fills their view of the future. My desire to connect people to God causes me to step out of my comfort zone. Threats others make towards me roll right off of me.

Dreaming big and planning expansively is a common practice for me. I am at peace in the midst of dark places and seasons because He is with me. His light lives within me so I can see a way out. No one can turn out HIS light within me.

Trying new things and learning new ways is what I do best. Changing is so easy for me because I meditate on where the change will take me. Moving towards the light and the vision keeps me free from fear. Many run from threats, evil and darkness but not me, I run towards the life and light God has placed before me. I abide in the protection of the almighty. I am saturated in Courage and it spills over to everyone I meet.

Other religions, political parties, and lifestyles don’t intimidate me at all because I see into their humanity and can find the good when others can’t. I am filled with God’s word, his peace and a genuine love for all people. Mature love is forming in me pushing out all fear. Since I confess my sins, apologize when I have offended someone, and clear my conscious I never feel paranoid.

Abusive people and controlling environments get none of my time or commitment. Stepping out of my comfort zone to make the future better is a habit of mine. When I feel like shrinking back and running away, I start rehearsing my past wins and achievements. My faith is not based on what I am currently experiencing; it’s based on what I see ahead. God said he is with me, he has a plan, and that he will never leave me or forsake me therefore I overcome all odds, bad reports and threats of failure. Today I will rise up and face every challenge because I walk with God; he goes before me and believes in me!

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Angry No MoreI love life and everything that makes it life, even the interruptions and the distractions add to the ingredients of a fulfilled life. There is so much good around and I make sure to find it. I start everyday with quiet time to get centered on God by asking the Holy Spirit to give me peace, contentment and wisdom. Therefore I am a calm and easy person to be with. No one can take me off center. People will please me, irritate me and even disappoint me but I remain at peace. I can control my response to frustrating people and out of order situations. I respond to problems calmly and carefully with solutions.

The greater one lives within me therefore anger is turned into concern, and rage is turned into a moment of re-centering. Things like yelling, cussing and threats are replaced with words of encouragement. I seek the Lord and the presence of the Holy Spirit daily. I am prepared for encounters with every kind of person imaginable. Today I’m prepared for bitter attitudes, liars, and prideful arrogant people. Incompetent workers, controlling individuals and careless people may cross my path but the Holy Spirit living within me, allows me to deal with them with grace and wisdom. I cause angry people to relax, bitter people to forgive, and foolish people to step up to their potential. I pull “God like” qualities out of everyone I meet.

I think about things that are honest, pure and just. I think and meditate on good reports, beautiful works, praise worthy actions and virtuous living. I notice everything that works and every effort people make to improve life. When I see destructive actions of others or severe injustice, I listen to the direction of the Holy Spirit. I have hope that sees beyond current dysfunctions.

It surprises people how even keeled I am during stressful times and challenging circumstances. What would infuriate some doesn’t faze me. Like water flows off a ducks back, verbal assaults and unkind words roll right past me. I am so quick to forgive and release people from offenses. I am self-controlled, temperate and content.

Anger is a thing of the past; Joy is my current reality and hopes for the future keep me living a fulfilling purposeful life.

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Honoring My WifeI choose to honor my wife with prayer, listening and noticing. I’m quick to forgive, slow to be angry and always peaceful. Agreement is powerful and self-esteem is necessary therefore sarcasm, strife and criticism have no place. I’m a thoughtful giving husband that looks for every opportunity to surprise my wife. I remember every scripture that helps me love my wife better. My private thoughts, private time, and my private world honor my wife.

The volume I use when disagreeing with my wife is calm, and considerate. My eyes are drawn to my wife and they avoid sinful distractions. Those around me hear me speak highly of my wife with honorable speech. I have a unique way of drawing the greatest strengths out of my wife. My strengths offset her non-strengths and I receive her strengths knowing they complete me. This makes us a great team. My commitment is seen in my health physically, mentally and emotionally.

I live and speak in such a way that her best self comes out. Our short term vision is clear and our long term is exciting. We are both fulfilled in the things we set our hands to do. Setbacks, disappointments, worries and fears are temporary! Our love endures them all. We outlast everyone around us because we are growing, seeking, searching and enduring people. We get closer when times are tough and we celebrate when things work well.

Love and beauty describe our marriage as we celebrate each other’s gifting’s and uniqueness. We attract healthy, happy and charitable people into our lives. We live with an awareness of each other’s emotions and desires. We are each other’s greatest source of answered prayers. We live out or relationship purposefully and intentionally!

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Honoring My HusbandI choose to honor my Husband with prayer, listening and noticing. I’m quick to forgive, slow to be mad and always peaceful. Agreement is powerful and self-esteem is necessary therefore sarcasm, strife and criticism have no place. I’m a thoughtful giving wife that looks for every opportunity to surprise my man. I remember every scripture that helps me love my husband better. My private thoughts, private time, and my private world honor him.

The volume I use when disagreeing with him is calm, and considerate. I protect our relationship by keeping the doors of my heart guarded. I choose carefully what I watch and read in an effort to protect my thoughts and heart for him. Those around me hear me speak highly of my husband. I always build him up amongst my friends and family.

I live and speak in such a way that it encourages, and promotes my husband’s very best self to come out. My strengths offset his non-strengths. I receive his strengths knowing they complete me. This makes us a great team.

My commitment to him is seen in my health physically, mentally and emotionally. Our short term and long term vision is clear and exciting. We are both fulfilled in the things we set our hands to do. Setbacks, disappointments, worries and fears are temporary! Our love endures them all. We outlast everyone around us because we are growing, seeking, searching and enduring people. We get closer when times are tough and we celebrate when things work well.

Love and beauty describe our marriage as we celebrate each other’s gifting’s and uniqueness. We attract healthy, happy and charitable people into our lives. We live with an awareness of each other’s emotions and desires. We are each other’s greatest source of answered prayers. We live out our relationship purposefully and intentionally!

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A Parent’s Prayerful Affirmation“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it”. Proverbs 22:6

I am raising children that Love and honor God all the days of their life. I see the best qualities in my child and I speak edifying words that build life, vision and character in them. The greatest example my kids have is me, they watch me help others, give to charities and volunteer with noble causes and projects. They see me respond to angry people or those who make rude comments with a calm voice and firm boundaries. My kids know how to make peace with others because they watch me do it. Navigating stressful or difficult situations is natural for them because they see me being a creative problem solver.

It’s so fun to watch them honor God with money because I have taught them from an early age that we honor God with our finances and as we do, every need is met. Generosity and compassion are natural habits in my family. Wait staff, baristas, and service work personnel are happy to serve me because of my kind and generous spirit. My kids watch as I forgive friends, heal others, share my possessions, and help those in need.

Many of my friends say they would like their children to behave the way mine do. I am not moved or frightened when my kids behavior is bad because it’s not like them. When they wander too far to the left or right I am quick to remind them they are a child of God and that they have a purpose that goes beyond them. My response to bad behavior is “you’re better than that!”

Everywhere my children go they bring a contribution of love, laughter and joy. They are quick to pray and slow to complain. They know what they are good at, they know what their personality strengths are and they know they are here to change the world.

Homework and academics come easy because of my proactive involvement and my words of encouragement. I remind my kids how they are created in the image and likeness of God and that they have the mind of Christ.

Every setback, challenge, dysfunction or broken relationship they encounter makes them smarter, wiser and stronger inside. No one can bully them, no one can lower their self-worth and no one can take away their confidence because I speak edifying words about

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who they are and what they can do. I spin every negative situation to show a positive result.

My family can handle the worst news, endure the darkest seasons, and are able to enjoy life even in times of great disappointment.

My children love the Bible because I do. They see me speak the word over myself, hear me quote the scriptures and when they feel down I refer them to empowering bible verses. They see me make our Church a high priority. Serving, helping and giving are an intentional way of living for my whole family. Depression is quickly overcome by purpose. Boredom is non-existent because of my family’s vision and there is no time for sin because my family is on a mission to make a better world.

My children are secure because I take time for family meals, family game nights and conversations with guests we have come stay with us. They are so hospitable because they see me throw parties, host dinners and out of town guests. Since I add value in my neighborhood my kids are welcomed into homes and are cared for by all the nearby families. They have a lot of friends just like I do.

Because of my positive encouragement, my belief in my kids, and the one on one special time I spend with them, there is no need for my kids to gain approval from peers or the opposite sex. They know they are loved by God and me because I tell them and show them. There are so many great memories in their heart because I have started regular traditions, have taken family vacations and therefore fun adventures are a regular part of our lives.

Because I have intentionally exposed them to hurting people, lonely senior citizens, poverty stricken environments and needy people, they have a compassionate heart to make a difference. My children know the needs of third worlds countries becauseI show them pictures, movies and even take them to experience them. When they choose a career it will be one that not only provides for their family but it will also help our world be a better place.

I am a fantastic parent as I am quick to apologize, quick to admit when I am wrong and I am very understanding of my child’s feelings. They know I love God with all my heart because they see it in my actions. Today will be more of the same.

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Relationships and Social LifeAs a member of the human family and a child of God, I am called to live in harmony with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I am in close relationship with my heavenly Father which allows me to love and encourage people everywhere I go. My love for Jesus causes me to do good works and sacrifice for the needs of others. My relationship with the Holy Spirit has made me very discerning and aware of the needs of others and directs me how to move forward in meeting those needs. My relationship with God makes my spirit attractive. People want to be around me because I’m a whole person. I am careful not to put expectations on others that they did not invite. When I give to others there are no strings attached. People feel valued and wanted when they are with me. When people talk I listen and I ask questions. I show that I am interested in what they are passionate about. In groups I am quick to affirm others in front of their friends and colleagues. My compliments are sincere and intentionally constructive. I invite people into conversations and validate their opinions whenever possible. Those that belittle themselves or others learn how to value themselves and others by listening to me. It’s easy for me to see the good in others including their talents, their character and their good intentions.

I am an inviter. People make new friends and associations because I invite and include so many different types of people into my world. Because I see people’s value and remind them of it, I have lots of friends.

Being with me is so edifying and encouraging that’s why people accept my invitation to socialize or work with me on a project. When people come to my home they sense I am prepared for them. The atmosphere, furniture, food, even music all say “I was thinking about you before you came over.” When I am out enjoying my day I notice things that remind me of my friends so I pick up gifts, take pictures, send texts , or place a call to communicate it to them how important they are to me. Doing life with my friends is a high priority for me. My spirit draws people because I’m so real, I don’t take myself too seriously and I admit when I am wrong.

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It’s easy for me to apologize when I have hurt people’s feelings and when people have hurt me, I am quick to forgive and release offenses. In tragic moments and situations I am requested because of my ability to comfort, give wisdom and find the perfect scripture that brings peace and hope.

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