Download - This is login page of library management system


This is login page of library management system.

User name :-LIB



This is second page of library management system on this page we cane do entry,searching,backup of database and reports only.


This is 3rd page of library management system and this is the home page of library management system here just we enter record of issues book and videos lecture.

This is the third page of library management system here just we entry of books to shows record of books.

This the 5th page of library management system here we just entry of video and view record of video file.

This is 6th page of library management system in this page just we done entry of customer related information and also issues of card to him for his own user .

This is the 7th page of library management system here just we enter the librarian and its about information of librarian .

When we click on searching in the main page we can get this page. This page is just for search a book that how many book are issued and return.


this is the 8th page of this system here we can search only video that how much video are issued and how many video are return.

when we click on reports button we can get this page of library management information system here just we can get a reports of all books, all videos, issues books and issues video fo this system.

This is the calling reports of book information.

In this page we just got videos details of videos books,

This is the page on which we can just see issues video record to the customer.

This is the page on which we can just see issues books details to the customer.