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This book is specially dedicated to my Late Mother, Fatimat

Ademi (Oz‟Idu Oz‟Achi); who following her legitimate

marriage to my Late Father, Sani Sarki Avajara (Oz‟Uka,

Oz‟Uhuo); gave birth to me as legitimate first child/son and a

carbon–copy of my biological father.

“Onyiami avoo; kaweimami oz‟ota tide Ez‟Uka”

From the cradle of my life, I was brought up to be God fearing,

courageous and truthful; to seek knowledge by the truth and

stand firmly by the truth as well as the path of truth and justice;

for Allah SWT stands by the just!

May their gentle souls rest in Perfect Peace and May Allah

(SWT) grant them Al–Jannah Firdaus (Amin).

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Copyright@ Sarki Idris Enesi

Apart from any fair dealing for purpose of private study or

criticism, no portion of this book may be reproduced by any

process whatsoever without the written permission of the

copyright owner.

First published 2017

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Traequip Ltd

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Minna, Niger State.

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(1400 to Date)


(Agidima Ochinyaginyagi Jr.)

MARCH 2017

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Acknowledgement ………………………………… i

Preface ……………………………………………... ii

Introduction ………………………………………... 1


(1400–1900) …………………………… 5


EBIRALAND (1900 – 1960) …………. 13


IN EBIRALAND (1960–1996) ……….. 20

3.1: Ohinoyi Throne (1960–1996) …………. 20

3.2: Socio–Politico–Economic Development

In Ebiraland (1960–1996) ……………. 21




4.1: Ohinoyi Throne (1996 – 2016) ………. 24

4.2: Atta Dynasty Proposition (2017) ……. 29

4.3: Ohi Stool Abrogation (2017) ………… 30

4.4 Conclusion ……………………………. 32

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My immeasurable gratitude goes to Almighty Allah followed

by Ebira Peoples Human Rights Defence (EPHRD) and its

numerous members nationwide – worldwide for their untiring

efforts to salvage the over one million present Ebira people and

generations yet unborn from enslavement; coming under the

guise of a dream Ebira Kingdom in the 21st Century (under the

Nigerian Presidential System).

The supports and encouragements from each and every member

of my family are hereby appreciated; having chosen to sacrifice

comfort and stand firmly by me in the last twenty (20) years of

the struggle. May Allah (SWT) continue to guard and guide

them in all their endeavours (Amin).


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My attention has been drawn to a document titled, “REFORM


February 2017 (Ref: Annexure I). The Author of the “ghost”

resolution 47/135 of 18th December 1992 Articles 2 and 4;

emanating from a “ghost” organization called EBIRA


(EPICS) can best be described as an ignoramus, a puppet, a

bootlicker, a sychophant and a stooge; who is out on a servile

mission for his Principal, with a view to enslaving the over one

million present Ebira People and generations

yet unborn; in this 21st Century, under the guise of a dream

Ebira Kingdom. Is it not sheer arrogance for any “Traditional

Leader” to regard himself as a “Traditional Ruler”; using His

Royal Majesty (HRM) instead of His Royal Highness (HRH);

calling himself a Monarch under the Nigerian

Presidential System of Government? What a self-deceit! The

Paramount Stool of Ebiraland, as upheld by the Supreme Court,

28 28

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after all their tricks and legal gymnastics, is OHINOYI OF

EBIRALAND, as entrenched in Edict No. 3 of 1997, the

Ascension modality which was equally upheld by the Supreme

Court Judgment of 5th June 2015 along with Ado Ibrahim‟s

Appointment Letter Ref: GHLK/KGS/28/AD of 2nd June

1997; sequel to an 18 – year legal tussle. The Author must have

suddenly woken from his deep slumber; not to have known that

the “ghost” resolution and Articles of 1992 have been

overtaken by events.

It is worthy to note that the Author of the said document is with

intent to mislead Kogi State Government over a case in which

the Government was the Defendant and others co-joined in the

Suit that went from High Court through Appeal Court up to the

Supreme Court (SC:99/2009 refers). The said document is a

grandiose design to mislead the young Kogi State Governor

into an action that is tantamount to upturning the Supreme

Court Judgement of 5th

June 2015; which could culminate into

civil disorder in Ebiraland, the home of the incumbent

Governor and even a state of Emergency in Kogi State

which could easily be cashed–in on by his political

detractors to forestall Ebira Unity and ultimately his chance of

second tenure. God forbid! It may also interest the Author

and the general public to note that the “Obobanyi Stool” in the

very Palace, the address of the said document, has been rotated

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between descendants of Atta and Ava Sub–Clans for centuries

and has passed through several houses in Emani Clan before

the present location in line with Ebira Custom and tradition;

which is totally at variance with the suggested Hereditary

Hypothesis or Dynastic Concept in the document under

reference. Were the stool kept in the very first occupant‟s house

and passed from father to son, only God knows if the

incumbent would be an Obobanyi at all! What a Machiavellian

approach to dynastise Ebiraland!! A ploy to conquer Ebiraland

by deceitful methods and influence of government

machineries!!! Hence the need to put Ebira History straight for

posterity, historic truth and the records.


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History is simply defined as the study of past events; the

present being a mirror reflection of the past while the same

present leads us further into the future. The socio–politico–

economic development of a people and their environment

depends solely on their leaders. It is no gainsaying that the

history of a people is dependent on the history of their Leaders

and Leadership methods.

The perspective of this study of Ebira history includes research

into the origin; migration(s); causes of migration(s);

migrational routes; wars and the chronology of major historicial

events with correct dating. A systematic scientific study of

Ebira oral traditions based on Archeological, Archival,

Anthropological and Ethnological findings has clearly revealed

the history in its proper perspective. Having noticed that dates

of past works of historicans were full of guesses, the Growth

Equation y=Ae˄t

+ B had to be derived and solved to determine

the value of time, t = 487 as at 1991; thereby solving the

chronological problems of dating. Ebira history is therefore

best studied devoid of sentiments under the following regimes:

Pre–Colonial Period (1400–1900); Colonial Period (1900–

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1960); Post–Colonial Period (1960–1996) and Contemporary

Issues (1996 to Date) with special reference to Kogi State

Polity and Ebira Chieftaincies.

Ebiraland was never conquered by any invasion; not even the

Benin Expansionist Wars of the 16th


Centuries nor the

Yoruba Wars of the 17th


Centuries. And the Nupe/Fulani

Jihad of the 18th


Centuries failed to conquer Ebira Opete

as stated in the extract below (Ref: Michael Mason‟s

Foundation of Bida Kingdom pgs 76–77) viz:–

This is the popular „Ireku Anajinomoh‟ in Ebira oral traditions

where Onukoko‟s encomium, “Onukoko Ajaku Jarapa,

Ajinomoh Anebira Kerekere” features most prominently

amongst other notable warriors like Otase, Achegidi Okino,

Aje, Anyogo and others like Adanuju (An‟Upopuvete) living at

Anyoke in the neigbourhood of Onukoko (Oz‟Uka), the overall

“A notable exception to the list of Bida conquest was the

Igbirra of Okene. While the trading towns of their fellow

Igbirras to the North had fallen to Bida and Nassarawa

and their inhabitants taken as slaves, the Igbirras of Okene

area largely resisted conquest. Their salvation was in part

due to the range of small steep – sided and stony hills in

which they had made their homes. Here they conducted a

defence so successful that they became virtually

immovable by the otherwise irresistible forces of Bida.

Although a number of attempts were made to penetrate

their defences and capture their defences, these people on

the whole managed to maintain their independence to a

remarkable degree throughout the whole century”.

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Warlord. Hence the sovereignty of Ebiraland was maintained

all through until the coming of the British Colonialists (1902 –

1903); who had to even use sophisticated firearms and bombs

before they could subdue the Ebira Warriors at Okehi Hills.

What a legacy for the generation of idiots who do not know that

places all over the world where Ruling Houses exist are places

conquered by foreign invasions whereby the conquered natives

become subjects of their conquerors! And today people

suggesting such for Ebira people; a people of unique history in

Nigeria as met by the British, are indirectly agitating for

enslavement of a hitherto free–born people of royal descent. All

Ebira native Clans are Royal or Ruling Clans. Hence our

Republican nature as evidenced by the history below (Ref: figs.

1 and 2); Ebira Area Traditional Council being a

Representative Council for all native and settler Clans in

Ebiraland which was never a Kingdom nor an Emirate but

classified as a Northern Nigerian Chiefdom. Why dream of an

Ebira Kingdom in the 21st Century under the Republic of Nigeria

with a Presidential System of Government? Today, the so–called

“Traditional Rulers” are merely “Traditional Leaders” with no

constitutional powers and can only advise government when

called upon to do so.

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In Ebiraland, „Otaru‟ Stools are Traditional Clan Stools

without domains while „Ohinoyi‟ and „Ohi‟ Stools are

Statutory Stools with domains. Any attempt to re–write Ebira

History with forged domains for Clan Chiefs will always meet

with stiff resistances. For the sake of clarity, in Ebiraland we

have Asema Upopuvete of Adavi, Asema Uka of Adavi,

Asema Aniku of Adavi on the same traditional pedestals with

Obobanyi Emani of Ihima, Obobanyi Ohueta of Ihima and

Obobanyi Ohionwa of Ihima; depicting them clearly as

respective Clan Chiefs in their respective districts because no

single Clan Chief has authoritative control of the district though

seniority is respected. And in some cases there are

understandings between two or more clans to rotate one stool

such as the Adeika Stool in Eika, Ohindase Stool in Okengwe

and Adogu Stool in Eganyi for obvious reasons. These should

not be misconstrued as domains! Please find below EBIRA

HISTORY AT A GLANCE (1400 to Date); for the sake of

historic truth, posterity and the records.

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ANEGBURA (as answered by Egbura Igu, Egbura Panda,

Egbura Oje and Egbura Mozum) and its synonym

ANEBIRA (as answered by Ebira Opete and Etuno) are

corrupted pronunciations of ANEBURAK which means

“People from Burak”; Burak being a range of hills situated

in the Upper Gongola Region of the old Apa Kingdom

of the Jukuns whose first five settlements were Pindiga, Panda,

Gwona, Biyriri, and Kona; Biyriri (now Biliri) being the first

capital which was later moved to Bepi (nicknamed Kwararafa

by the Hausas) as a result of the combined Islamic Invasions

from Ngazargamu in Borno via Panda (1380-90) and from

Hausaland via Pindiga (1385-95). Because of the difficult

terrains of the Upper Gongola the Iukuns were, prior to these

combined Invasions, rather impenetrable; shrouded with fetish

rituals. They terrorised Hausaland and Borno which had just

separated from the Kanem-Borno Empire following the Bulala

Invasion of 1380. The Jukuns of Apa Kingdom were therefore

regarded as Pagans and had to be subdued by combined Islamic

Invasions. It was sequel to these 14th Century Invasions of Apa

Kingdom that Abutu Eje led the migration out of Burak Hills c.

1400; sojourned in Puje till c. 1460 and had to migrate with his

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loyalists to Agatu c. 1460-62 as a result of “AKU UKA”

chieftaincy tussle between him and his half-brother,

Agbu Kenjo; who was favoured by the King Makers because he

was born by a Jukun mother into the Royal House while Abutu

Eje was born by an Idoma mother into the Royal House. Hence

Agbu Kenjo was regarded as pure Jukun while Abutu Eje

who was discriminated against because of the Idoma mother, in

protest, left Puje (now Wukari) to Agatu (an Idoma Settlement

of his maternal kinsmen in the neighbourhood of other kiths

and kins at Ogam, Obangede, Oshigbudu and Umogidi) in

today‟s Benue State. In the then Benue Region of the 15th

Century, Burak emigrants became an identifiable entity as

ANEBURAK (“People from Burak”) but on historical records

as Egbura or Egbira or Igbirra; the name with which they were

called at Adu sequel to the c. 1462 migration from Agatu after

the Awuru Battle at Agatu where Abutu Eje, the Leader, was

killed by the Jukun warriors despatched by Agbu Kenjo on

ascension to the AKU UKA throne. The migration to Adu (later

renamed Idaa‟ but now called Idah) was led by Abutu Eje‟s

daughter, Ebele Ejaunu (now pronounced as Ebelejonu) who

actually founded the Ata Dynasty; a woman who took the title

“Ata” which means “Father” in Jukun in realization of her role

as a Royal Father. She also renamed Adu as Idaa‟ because it

was then a settlement on a cliff as the name connotes;

following the Chieftaincy/Adu settlement‟s ownership tussles

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that ended in the oracle choosing Ebele Ejaunu, the wife of

Omeppa, the Ochi Adu; rejecting both the Ochi Adu of the

Okpoto and the Asiwaju of the Yoruba (Emigrants from Ado–

Ekiti). The dispute over the names “Adu” and “Ado” had to be

settled with the new name Idaa‟ (today pronounced as “Idah”).

Ebele Ejaunu died childless and the oracle chose her

successor, Agenepuje (her brother born during the sojourn at

Puje as name connotes) but today pronounced as Agenapoje.

Agenepuje in the year 1516 (during the reign of Oba Esigie)

wanted to expand the Kingdom; sent warriors across the River

Niger via Agenebode and went as far as the gates of Benin

City before they were driven back. Agenepuje was succeeded

by his son Idoko; who in his bid to unite the three ethnic

groups then co-inhabiting Idaa‟ married three wives; one from

each group-Iye (Yoruba), Agye (Okpoto) and Upai (Igbirra).

Using the then Consanguinity Theorem:-

a. Idoko (Igbirra) + Upai (Igbirra) Itaazi Attanuje


b. Idoko (Igbirra) + Agye (Okpoto) Ohimi Ozi Agye


c. Idoko (Igbirra) + Iye (Yoruba) Ayegba Om‟Idoko


Ayegba as the eldest son succeeded Idoko as the 4th Ata;

popularly called Om‟Idoko. His tyrannical posture made the

married son

married son

married son

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three half-brothers to part ways c. 1550; sharing the Royal

Costumes. Ayegba took the title Ata and the stool; Ohimi

took the „Agidibo Ohiku’ while Itaazi Attanuje took the

„Irapa Ekuuba’ (the Royal Masquerade). What a peaceful

parting of ways, from Idaa‟ Royal House and a symbol of

sovereignty too!

It is worthy of mention that Ohimi (a fisherman) and his party

went upstream the River Niger to Igu Ugbaka and settled and

they became known as Egbura Igu while Itaazi Attanuje

(a farmer and hunter) and his party crossed the Niger up to

Opete Hill and they became known as Ebira Opete ; Igugu

(shortened as Igu) means „seat‟ in Okpoto dialect of Idoma,

while Opete in archaic Ebira means „original‟, „seat‟ and even

„mystics‟ depending on the way it is used. Ohimi, after settling

down, at Igu wanted to take the title, „Ata‟ which Akumabi, the

Successor of Ayegba, opposed strongly and even waged war

against Igu which made him to take the title „Ohimi Agye‟

(now referred to as Ohimege). When Ohimi died, succession

tussle led to the disintegration of Igu and a group led by

Inyanka founded Umaisha where her son, Negedu, became the

1st Ohimege Panda while the faction left in Igu took the title

Ohimege Igu which is now rotated between two ruling blocks

(made up of descendants of Odaki and Ukwo). The Fulani jihad

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led by Makama Dogo from Nassarawa c. 1845 brought further

disintegration and the founding of Ohimege Oje Stool at Toto

while those taken as slaves to Nassarawa came under

Nassarawa Suzerainty. The group which crossed from Umaisha

to the Eastern Bank of the Benue River became known as

Egbura Mozum (in today‟s Bassa LGA) Kogi State; leading to

the Ohiogba Mozum stool.

To avert disintegration and its adverse consequences, Itaazi

Attanuje and his descendants concentrated more in the defence

of their frontiers against foreign invasions; with special

military tactics of hill–top dwelling and use of specially

poisoned arrows; keeping chieftaincies in abeyance till c. 1590

when the population had grown to an appreciable size; whence

Itaazi Attanuje, feeling satisfied with the multitude of his

descendants, remarked thus: “Ezi yio, Otauuru”; from which he

derived the title “Otaru”. He ordered hunting expeditions

sequel to which he collected six (6) buffalo tails, “Omu Eya”;

thereafter decided and installed each of the five (5) sons,

namely:- Adaviriku (Ehinkoto), Uga, Obaji, Ododo and

Ono‟otu (Ihima) as “Otaru”; directing that each should rule

his descendants independently and that each be saluted

“taaru”. Hence the establishment of the “Otaru”


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Chieftaincy system in Ebiraland; a total departure from the

system left behind in Idaa‟ and the chieftaincy system in

Igu. And in appreciation of the bravery of Odoh, the third

son of Uga, who went to „Etuno‟ as a shepherd and later

conquered the natives, Aniva and Anafua, Odoh was invited

from Etuno and was also crowned as “Otaru” and was directed

to rule the conquered territory as Otaru. Hence the

establishment of the “Otaru” stool in Etuno (today‟s Igarra);

“Igarra” which means “co-inhabitation”; following

migrations of other Ebira Clans into the area for greener

pastures; hence the stool is only rotated amongst the direct

descendants of Ezu comprising Eshini Agada, Eshini Ogu,

Eshini Avaka, Anda Ede and Anda Iba for obvious reasons.

Therefore it was this “Otaru” Chieftaincy system that was in use

in Ebiraland as traditional Government (for over 300 years) before

the coming of the British who in their desperate bid to establish

Central Administration had to set aside these Clan Chiefs, the

“Otarus” and installed a District Head instead; later upgraded to

3rd Class Chief etc. But just before the coming of the British

colonialists to Ebiraland towards the 3rd quarter of the 19th

Century, coinciding with the reign of Attah Amocheje, there was

an outbreak of small–pox epidemics “Oga Atta” in Idaa‟

which resulted into the death of many of Ada‟ai Omenesa‟s

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maternal kinsmen in Attah‟s Palace. The said Omenesa, the

Son of Ada‟ai Otada of Iriku Sub–clan of Ezi Onoko Clan of

Eganyi, was born by an Idaa‟ “Princess”, one of the wives of

Otada popularly referred to as “Anigara” just like “Anokunchi”

his other wife. The said “Anigara” was the daughter of

“Awuru Akiko”, the brother of Ocheje Onokpa who belonged to

the “Akumabi Ruling Lineage” regarded as “Aju–Akumabi”

or “Aju Aku” (shortened as Ajaku). Therefore, the said

Omenesa was simply a maternal grandson of Akumabi

Ruling Lineage of Ata‟Idah; hence the pet–name, “Aji”, given

to him by his maternal kinsmen in Idaa‟ Palace; which simply

means “Azi” in Ebira but popularly known as Omenesa alias

“Ajigara” back home at Eganyi. During a visit to his maternal

kinsmen at the said period of small–pox epidemics, he

sympathised with them and as a then elderly Herbalist, he

proffered solution that led to the total eradication of the

epidemics and as a form of appreciation, the Royal Palace

decided to honour him with a Royal Gift, “Irapa Ibagi”

containing masquerade costumes, “Eku Ibagi”.

During the Palace Ceremony Elder Omenesa was introduced as: –

“Ata‟ai Aji va‟aji Awuru Akiko, Ajaku Onokpa …. Ango”

in „Igara‟ , the Palace language which was widely spoken then;

as differentiated from „Igala‟, the lingua franca, generally

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spoken by the subjects and others. „Igara‟ is an archaic form of

modern Ebira which has to be decoded in order to know its

original meaning. Hence the above expression translates to: –

“Ada‟ai Ajigara va‟azi Awuru Akiko inohuoje Ohinoyi

Onopa …. Ango”

which means: –

“Elder Ajigara is a grandson of Awuru Akiko in the Royal

House of Onopa ……. Ango”.

“Ata‟ai” (Igara) is equivalent to “Attai” (Igala) or “Ada‟ai”

(Ebira) which means “Elder” while „Ango‟ in Jukun means

Grandson; used here as a Palace applause to mean “Oh!

Grandson” and today the Ebiras have so corrupted the said

encomium and has reconfigured it as a cognomen, “Atta

Ajivajawuru Akiko, Ajaku Enepago”; thereby distorting the

original meaning and it is now being used to blindfold or

intimidate the younger generation of today. What a mere

introduction then! And “Atta” is now falsely claimed as

Paramount Title in Ebiraland? What a ploy by a glaringly non–

relation of Awuru Akiko and/or Onokpa!

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In strict compliance with directives of the founding Father and

Ancestor of Ebiraland, the Otaru Chieftaincy was en force

which resulted into five independent Clan Groupings and

Eganyi. The coming of the British Colonialists met this

scenario with the following population statistics: –

Ref.: “Notes on the Sarauta of Igbirra District and its

Administration”:– Okengwe 32, 000

Ihima 14, 000

Ika (Eika) 17, 000

Odabe (Adavi) 27, 000

Notes: (i) Okehi (quite small and insignificant; hence it became merged

with Eika)

(ii) Eganyi being treated as a separate community not connected

with the other aforementioned Igbirra groups with population

of 10, 000 people.

The British Colonialists came into Ebiraland in form of military

raids first led by Major Marsh (1902) and finally by Col. Beddoes

(1903); using sophisticated firearms; including the bombing of

Okehi Hills to suppress the stiff resistances from Ebira Warriors. The

Paramount Stool then referred to as “Chief of Igbirra Tribe” was

established by “Warrant” during the colonial era through the

following process viz: –


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Date Events Remarks

1903–1909 Appointments of Ward Agents

namely Owuda Adidi (Obangede);

Ozigizigi Opo (Obehira/Okene);

Audu Osuwa (Adavi); Opata (Ihima)

and Atta Omadivi (Okene) who were

autonomous members of a Judicial

Council headed by Ohindase

Avogude (Chairman).

The position of Chairman

Judicial Council earned

Ohindase Avogude – the

encomium “Ohindase The

Great”; Ohindase Avogude

being Ozi Omavi.

1909–1911 Ohindase Avogude died and Atta

Omadivi was made Acting Chairman

of the Judicial Council while Agidi

Ukako was appointed as a member.

Atta Omadivi and Agidi

Ukako being Ezi Ogu.

1911–1913 Adano Arudi (Ozi Omoye) was

installed as Ohindase and Atta

Omadivi had to relinquish his Acting

Chairmanship position to Ohindase

Adano Arudi; position held till 1913

when he was removed as Chairman

Judicial Council sequel to which Atta

Omadivi was re–appointed but as

Nominal District Head.

The Leadership tussle between

Ogu and Omoye Clans

stemmed up from this period

which finally culminated into

the politico–cultural

dimensions of today.

1913–1917 Atta Omadivi was Nominal District

Head until his death in 1917; the

position erroneously called

Paramount Ruler by some for

egocentric reasons

The question of Substantive

District Head was still in

abeyance as at 1915 as there

was no Treasury until 1917

when Igbirra District was


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1917–1923 With the creation of Igbirra District

the Substantive District Head

position was thrown open for contest

and Ohindase Arudi Adano was

again appointed by the people but in

November, 1917 he was again

removed on account of alleged tax

misappropriation. In the next contest,

Ozigizigi Opo of Obehira was

recommended but later dropped in

favour of Ibrahim(1)


Onoruoiza who was a maternal

grandson of Atta Omadivi; a former

tax agent and interpreter on the

strength of his personal character (2)

On 23rd January, 1918

Ibrahim Onoruoiza was

appointed as the First District

Head; backed up by

government to suppress all

uprisings against his


And following his dynamic

performances he was

promoted to 3rd

Class Chief in

1923 and given appointment

as “Chief of Igbirra Tribe” (3)

but attempted to use “Atta” as

his title which Ezi Ogu

refused; leading to his

movement from Okene Eba.

Foot Notes:

1. The District Head, Ibrahima has no hereditary claim to be Paramount

Chief of Igbirra Tribe. His grandfather, Omadibi conducted negotiation at

Okene with the Military Patrol …….. (Ref: Para 1, Notes on Sarauta of

Igbirra District).

2. I have found him in great use in dealing with the Igbirra who trust him

and he has to my knowledge refused bribes and has been instrumental to

bringing extortion and other intrigues to light. (Ref: Capt. Byng Hall

Intelligence Report 1917)

3. In Igbirra Division, the “Chief of Igbirra” is Sole N. A. He is not a

Traditional Chief; being the first to be appointed; until 1917 the area

was ruled by five independent Clan Heads. (Ref: Lord Hailey‟s Native

Administration in British African Territories Part III 1920).

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As Chief–in–Council of Igbirra Native Authority (INA) then

under the Clifford Constitution’s two–tier government, by the

end of 1922 the Construction of Okene – Lokoja and Okene –

Ajaokuta roads were completed by the Native Authority;

thereby opening the area for development; which actually

enhanced the promotion of Ibrahim Onoruoiza from District

Head to 3rd Class Chief and he became the First Paramount

Ruler titled “Chief of Igbirra Tribe” amidst protests from Ebira

people because of his tyrannical posture and style of tax

collection. The period 1922–26 witnessed a lot of crises;

resulting in the Arnett Commission of 1924, Court cases and he

was even fined. All these notwithstanding, he was again

promoted to 2nd Class Chief in 1926. He performed the

1929/30 Hajj; sequel to which he built the Okene Central

Mosque while his 1930/31 visit to London resulted in bank

account he opened in the name of Igbirra Native Authority

(though he was the Sole Signatory). And in 1934 the

Construction of Okene Water Works started (though it was by

Direct Labour) alongside the provision of Okene Cemetary

which were completed and commissioned in 1937. And the

period 1939/40 witnessed the Judicial Commission to resolve

Human Rights Abuses such as “snatching and raping of

peoples‟ wives; pregnant women inclusive”.

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In 1946, the Richard Constitution came into being and the 1947

Judicial Reform brought in the Chief–and–Council System

with chiefs‟ powers drastically reduced wherein Alhaji Ibrahim

Atta found himself out–witted on many issues; including

continued gross Human Rights violations and taxation of

women (the taxes which were allegedly diverted for personal

use) with attendant oppression of Ebira masses in all

ramifications which made him fall out completely with the

Ebiras under the aegis of Igbirra Tribal Union (ITU) and this

culminated in the 1951 Revolution (Ref: West African Pilot,

18th September, 1951) which was followed by 1952 elections

during which the ITU swept the polls in the local election under

the Macpherson Constitution. But the “Chief of Igbirra” did

not take into cognisance all these constitutional changes and

continued ruling as Sole Native Authority; hence he finally

fell out with the British Government under the Lyttleton

Constitution of 1954. He was advised to resign by Sir Bryan

Sharwood–Smith because his conduct in council was inimical

to the Governor of Northern Region of Nigeria; particularly

with several allegations proved against him by the ITU. Alhaji

Ibrahim Onoruoiza Atta had to abdicate the Throne of “Chief

of Igbirra Tribe” in 1954 and was officially exiled in 1956. And

on 1st June 1956, Muhammed Sanni Omolori was appointed, by

Ebira People, to occupy the vacant stool of “Chief of Igbirra

Tribe”; as gazzetted vide Northern Region of Nigeria Notice 379,


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Gazzette No. 27 Vol. 5 of 14th June, 1956 pg 211. And by the

end of the same year 1956, the Ebiras vide a Referendum

changed the Title to “Ohinoyi of Igbirra” from “Chief of

Igbirra” which was gazzetted in 1963; carried over to Kwara

State where in 1972 Alhaji Muhammadu Sani Omolori was

promoted to First Class Chief as “Ohinoyi of Ebiraland” and

Vice Chairman – Kwara State Council of Chiefs.

In summary, the period (1917 – 1956) is best described as the

Dawn of Western Civilization and Education in Ebiraland,

under the leadership of the “Chief of Igbirra”, HRH Alhaji

Ibrahim Onoruoiza Atta; the Oligarchical class being the major

beneficiaries of the economy. Initially they formed a non–

political organisation, Igbirra Progressive Union (IPU) which

later became a political group and their excesses had to be

check–mated by the formation of Igbirra Tribal Union (ITU)

which also started as a non–political organsiation that later

became a very strong political group; both IPU and ITU being

factions of the Northern Peoples Congress (NPC) back home in

Ebiraland. The socio–economic achievements during the said

period have been highlighted earlier; occasioned by gross

Human Rights Violations which the first Ebira Human Rights

Activists like Adamu Arimo (Ozi Ure) of Umenesi – Ihima;

David Enewo of Ihima and Joseph Aliu of Eika (both based in

Burutu had to appear before the Arnett Commission of Inquiry

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against Ibrahim Onoruoiza in 1924 which culminated in the

latter being fined in court; followed by 1939 Judicial

Commission and finally 1951 Revolution which culminated in

Ibrahim Atta abdicating the Stool of “Chief of Igbirra Tribe” in

1954 and he was finally exiled in 1956; followed by

Muhammed Sani Omolori‟s ascension to the throne, also as

“Chief of Igbirra Tribe” on 1st June 1956; later “Ohinoyi of

Igbirra” which ushered Ebiraland as part of Kabba Province of

Northern Region of Nigeria at Independence on 1st October

1960. Hence the Post–Colonial Administration in Ebiraland

(1960–1996) was all within the reign of HRH Alhaji

Muhammed Sani Omolori, the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland.

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EBIRALAND (1960–1996)

3.1 Ohinoyi Throne (1960–1996): The circumstances leading

to the establishment of the Stool known today as “OHINOYI

OF EBIRALAND”; have been summarized earlier; a Stool

created by Warrant as “Chief of Igbirra Tribe” with the first

Occupant of the Stool, Alhaji Ibrahim Onoruoiza Atta (1923–

54); officially exiled vide Northern Region of Nigeria Gazzette

No. 21 Vol. 5 of 10th May 1954 – Supplement B NRLN 108 of

1956 Removal Ordinance CAP 68. And on 1st June 1956,

Mallam Mohammed Sanni Omolori ascended the Throne as

“Ohinoyi” (Ref. 1956 Provincial Annual Report): –

And Ref: Northern Region of Nigeria Notice 379 Gazzette No.

27 Vol.5 of 14th June 1956 Pg 211 states inter alia:–

“…... In Igbirra Division on 1st June 1956, Mallam Mamman

Sanni Omolori ascended, amidst almost universal acclamation

to the Chieftaincy of Igbirra with the title Ohinoyi, 23 months

after ….Although the institution of Central Chieftaincy is

British Innovation, the concept appeals strongly to the people

of Igbirra ..”

“….. It is notified for the general information that His

Excellency the Governor of Northern Region has been pleased

to recognise MUHAMMED SANI OMOLORI as Chief of

Igbirra Tribe with effect from 1st June 1956 and to grade him

as a Head (Paramount) Chief of the Second Class…..”

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3.2 Socio–Politico–Economic Development in Ebiraland

(1956–1996): The period 1917–1956 could otherwise be

described as foundation of socio–politico–economic

development in Ebiraland; a period when only the previledged

few were lording it over the masses; culminating in the 1951

Revolution organized by the ITU for total emancipation –

socially, politically and economically. The period 1956 – 1996

was a period of free enterprise promotion; ushering in the

modern Ebira status so much so that Okene is now being

tagged “London” of Kogi State (as described by Late Prince

Audu, the Governor of Kogi State in his hey days). The

astronomical rise in the socio–economic development of

Ebiraland cannot be overemphasized; the hitherto mud

buildings with thatched roofs have been replaced with modern

architectural buildings; schools and colleges (including tertiary

institutions) abound in the nooks and crannies of Ebiraland

with Industrial establishments such as Itakpe Iron Ore Mining

Company Ltd and Ajaokuta Steel Company Ltd; established

during the said period of the reign of HRH Alhaji Mohammadu

Sani Omolori, the Ohinonyi of Ebiraland (1956–1996); a reign

that spanned from Colonial Era through Independence, First

Republic followed by long Military Rule to the Second


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Yet the Author of the document under reference and his

Principal have regarded his reign of 40 years and 40 days as a

period of Regency; a period during which he was promoted to

1st Class Status and he was even the Vice Chairman Kwara

State Council of Chiefs in 1972. And on creation of Kogi State,

the said “Ohinoyi of Ebiraland” became the Vice– President at

the State Council of Chiefs till his death on 10th July 1996.

Alas! On 19th July, 1996, (barely nine (9) days after his death)

a letter emanated from an EDE ATTAH FAMILY, OZI OGU

CLAN claiming to be the Royal family of Ebiraland; presenting



which became a subject of litigation for 18 years and was

finally judged on 5th June 2015 at the Supreme Court; Suit No.

SC 99/2009; NWLR Part 1489, Ibrahim Vs Lawal, published

on Monday 14th December, 2015 hereby refers; a judgement

which merely upheld Ado Ibrahim‟s Appointment Letter as

“OHINOYI OF EBIRALAND” alongside Edict No. 3 of 1997

as the Ascension Modality. And to the Plaintiffs/Respondents

at the Supreme Court it was a matter of “let the sleeping dog

lie” in the interest of Peace of Ebiraland; having earlier won at

both High and Appeal Courts with the judgements suddenly

upturned at the Supreme Court! Ever since 5th June 2015, they

have maintained absolute calm and have since taken it as God‟s

wish; having later realised how the game was played and with


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the recent cases of corrupt practices uncovered at the said

Supreme Court; leading to suspension of so many Judges of the

Supreme Court. It is gladding to note that Engr. Sarki Idris, the

Author of this Book is the 5th Plaintiff/Respondent in the said

Suit (Ref: Annexure II).

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4.1 Ohinoyi Throne (1996 – 2016): Kogi State was created on


August 1991 with the special assistance of Ebira sons, Gen.

Salihu Ibrahim (then Chief of Army Staff), Aliyu Atta (then

Inspector General of Police) and Alh. Abdulrahman Okene

(then Minister of Internal Affaris) who were all members of a

14–Member Armed Forces Ruling Council (AFRC) controlling

the affairs of the Federal Republic of Nigeria under the Military

President, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida. Thus the

long existing agitation for Kogi State was realised; a mere

reincarnation of the defunct Kabba Province of Northern

Nigeria which became merged with the old Ilorin Province on

27th May 1967 first as West Central State; a name which the

Ebiras and Igalas instantly kicked against and the State was

renamed Kwara State with Ilorin as Capital. Though the Ebira

soft–pedaled on the siting of the capital at Ilorin, the Igalas

agitated that it was too far for them and started clamouring for

the then Igala Division to be excised and merged with the

Idomas and Tivs to form Benue State which was carved out of

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the old Benue–Plateau State in 1976. Sequel to this, the

agitation for Kogi State was championed by the Ebiras while

the Okuns clamoured for a merger with their neigbouring Ekiti

people of Yorubaland who they consider historically as their

kiths and kins. But the agitation of the Ebiras was just to carve

out the old Kabba Province as a full–fledged State from Kwara

State; comprising the defunct Igala Division, Igbirra Division,

Kabba Division and Kwara Division (which became Kogi

Division) with the birth of Kwara State in 1967); a dream

which was finally realised in 1991 as aforementioned. It may

not be out of place to mention that the Author, Engr. Sarki Idris

Enesi was the Secretary of the Borno Chapter of Kogi State

Movement under the able Chairmanship of Alh. Salami (an

Okun man who was then a reknown Petroleum Marketer in

Maiduguri) with whom the Author used to attend the Ikoyi

Headquarters meetings at 2, Bedwell St. Ikoyi – Lagos. The

Igalas were then clamouring for their dream Okura State which

up till date has not seen the light of the day. On a particular

occasion Col. Ahmadu Ali (rtd) and his loyalists attended but

claimed they were mere observers. What an irony! But today

Kogi State has been hijacked by the Igalas and yet still strongly

agitating for Okura State while at the same time marginalising

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the Ebiras with the assistance of the Okuns. It is sad to mention

that the First Executive Governor of Kogi State was conceded

by the Ebiras to Late Prince Abubakar Audu on a platter of

gold and yet he began the marginalisation of the Ebiras in Kogi

Polity; an agenda of the Igala Project with full support of some

Ebira sons because of their dream Ebira Kingdom in the 21st

Century under the Presidential System of Nigeria. What a


No sooner was Kogi State created than a Memo Ref:

CH/PAI/SOT/415/91 dated 16th November 1991 emanated

from Alh. Ado Ibrahim; addressed to the Military

Administrator with a view to re–writing Ebira History; strongly

backed up with his so–called Ebira Cultural Union (ECU) with

the Headquarters in his today‟s Azad Palace (then Solomon

Lodge). There he was holding regular meetings with the Clan

Chiefs who were made to see themselves as being relegated to

the background by the then Ohinoyi of Ebiraland; thereby

bought them over and were dissuaded from attending Ebira

Area Traditional Council meetings. It was then that the so–

called Resolution 47/135 of 18th December 1992 of today‟s

“ghost” EPICS of the defunct ECU was made. At the same

period a lot of money was doled out to performing Ebira

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Masquerades (both day and night masquerades); causing

mayhem here and there just to erode the powers of the then

Ohinoyi of Ebiraland (regarded by Ado and Cohorts as a

Regent); using successive Military Administrators and

subterfuge to achieve mischiefs in the land. And in his

Machiavellian style he bought the Ebira Area Traditional

Council members to rubber–stamp his selection as Atta III of

Ebiraland; a recommendation which was turned down at the

State Council of Chiefs meeting of 15th May, 1997 and in its

stead recommended him for “Ohinoyi of Ebiraland”, the vacant

stool! He pressurized for a change of Title vide Ebira Area

Traditional Council memo Ref: ETC/CHI/S.54/VOL.I/55 of

23rd June 1997 (barely 21 days of his appointment as “Ohinoyi

of Ebiraland”) but deliberation on this memo had to be deferred

till 1998 in view of the Court Case HC/6/98 challenging his

appointment as “Ohinoyi of Ebiraland” instead of “Atta of

Ebiraland”, a non–existent stool he wanted; a case judged in

favour of the Plaintiffs at Anyigba High Court (3rd April 2006)

and Abuja Appeal Court (12th January 2009) but upturned at

Supreme Court in favour of Ado Ibrahim just to allow peace

reign in Ebiraland; after all the legal gymnastics and tricks;

allegedly backed up with foreign exchange. The Supreme Court

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Judgement of 5th June 2015 tactically avoided going into the

merit of the Case and therefore on technical ground of “statute

barred” action merely upheld the appointment of Alh. Dr. Ado

Ibrahim as Ohinoyi of Ebiraland alongside the Succession

Modality Edict 3 of 6th May 1997; a case which Kogi State

Chief Executive (Military Administrator) was the 1st

Defendant while the State Attorney General was the 2nd

Defendant with others co–joining them; a case which spanned

18 years through High Court, Appeal Court and Supreme

Court. But today Ado Ibrahim is hiding under the guise of the

“ghost” EPICS to sponsor the Atta Dynasty proposition! Is it

sheer coincidence that the Palace of the Successor of the 1st

Appellant in the said Case (SC:99/2009) is the Address of the

“ghost” EPICS (Ebira Peoples Institute of Culture and

Society)? See Annexure I of this book a document dated 1st

February 2017; most probably with intent to mislead

government. Is it because Ado Ibrahim is related to the

incumbent Kogi State Governor that he want to use him to foist

on us an Atta Dynasty? The proponents of Atta Dynasty can

now see its in–compatibility with Ebira People in view of the

foregoing Ebira history vis–a–vis the following extracts from

Archival records.

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4.2 Atta Dynasty Proposition (2017): Archival records have

this to say [Ref: Notes on the “Sarauta” (Chieftaincy) of Igbirra

District and its Administrations]: –

According to the District Head, Ibrahima, in 1922, Omadivi

Abonika was Atta XVI, Ibrahim Onoruoiza was Atta XVII and

today Ado Ibrahim is Atta III living side–by–side with

Mohammed Otaru, Atta II while Omadivi is now being tagged

as Atta I and Ibrahim Onoruoiza Atta II. Who is fooling who

now? Whither the Atta Dynasty? And again in 1923, sequel to

“……The District Head, Ibrahima, has no hereditary claim to be

Paramount Chief of Igbirra Tribe …”

It will be noticed that the „Attaru‟ Omadibi and his grandson the

District Head Ibrahima who has assumed the rank of „ATTAH of

Igbirra‟ (i.e. parading himself as „Attah of Igbirra‟), both claim to

belong to the family of Igbirra, i.e. the family of the Ohindashi.

The last Six Attahs of Igbirra; according to Ibrahima were

members of Ohindashi family.

But the elders of Ohindashi refute this statement. They say that

Omadibi was son of Oji. His father belong to Egain where

Omadibi was born. ………. Omadibi was never referred to in any

official report up to his death as “Attah”. It is an exotic (strange)

title. It is quite unknown to the great bulk of the Igbirra Tribe.

The only title used by the Igbirras corresponding with that of

Chief (Hausa: Sarki) is the title of Ohinoyi‟……… When the

senior members of Ohindashi family denied that the District Head

Ibrahima was connected with their family, he shifted his ground.

He informed the Acting Resident that the Ohindashis were not

Chiefs of the Igbirra but merely High Priests. His assertion was

rather futile in view of the fact that in 1922 he claimed his title to

the rank of „Attah of Igbirra‟ and his descent from the founder of

the tribe viz Igbirra through six members of the Ohindashi family,

who he alleged, were former „Attah of Igbirra‟…….”.

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his promotion as a 3rd Class Chief it was reported thus (Ref:

“Egbura History” by Isah Koto viz: –

And yet he continued using „Zaki’ (which the Ebiras

mispronounce as „Saki’) as salutation instead of “Gaba Idu” of

our Jukun origin as still used by Aku Uka of Wukari, Ochi

Idoma, Atta Igala and the Ohimeges. What a departure! It is

therefore absolutely absurd, inspite of the Supreme Court

Judgement of 5th June 2015, to be agitating for and claiming

existence of Atta Dynasty in Ebiraland; going to the ridiculous

extend of trying to create Ruling Houses – Onoruoiza, Adogu

and Adobo in the 21st Century. What a frolic! And a hoax too!!

The greatest joke in Ebiraland!!! Ebiraland was NEVER

conquered by any invasions; not even the Binis nor the Nupe/Fulani

Jihad of 19th Century popularly called “Ireku Anajinomoh”

4.3 Ohi Stool Abrogation (2017): The Ebiras started

agitating for Ohi Stool right from Kwara State vide Ekundayo

Chieftaincy Reform Panel. The agitation continued with the

creation of Kogi State in 1991. And when Ejeh Stools

were created by

Prince Audu‟s Administration, Ohi Stools were left out and as

God will have it, it was only the Ibro–Phillips Administration

“In 1923 there was an attempt by the Resident of Kabba

Province to create the Emirate of Igbirra under the Attah,

Alhaji Ibrahim but the Lt. Governor turned down the

proposal on the ground that Attah was not an Hausa”.

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that carefully examined the demand which returned Ebira to the

independent groupings that was en force before the Colonial

Era; particularly with the soaring population which made the

security of Ebiraland so porous and as such needs proper

policing. And from the foregoing historical facts, the original

five (5) Otarus have been proliferated to over Sixty (60) due to

one Chieftaincy tussle or the other because of the

consciousness that all Ebira Native Clans are Royal Clans.

Hence the Otarus have been reduced to Clan Chiefs only. And

in some cases Sub–Clan or Lineage Chiefs. For effective grip

of each of the five (5) Traditional Districts the Ohi Stool; to be

rotated amongst the Clans in each District, was created as

Statutory Stool, by Kogi State Government; just like the

warrant Chiefs created by the British Government whereby

the “Chief of Igbirra Tribe” metamorphosed into “Ohinoyi of

Igbirra” and finally “Ohinoyi of Ebiraland”. Both the

“Ohinoyi” and “Ohi” Stools are Statutory Stools and not

Traditional Stools; duly gazzetted by Kogi State Government

vide Law No. 23 of June 2006 and Ohi Gazzette etc. Why

agitate for Ohi Stool Abrogation; Ohi Stool being the Recipe

for Justice and Peace in Ebiraland!

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4.4 Conclusion:

From all the foregoing Pre–colonial, Colonial and Post–Colonial

historical treatise, it has been proved without reasonable doubt that

Ebira Native Clans are Royal or Ruling Clans and Republican in

nature dating back to c.1400 with the migration from Burak Hills;

from which we have derived our unique identity. That the proponent

of “Atta Dynasty” is trying to enslave the over One Million present

Ebira people and generations yet unborn. The founding of Ebiraland

is over 400 years old; not just the 100 years under reference in the

said memo which is from 1917 to 2017 only. What a ploy to

dynastise Ebiraland at this point in time and a 419 approach too!

I strongly advise that Kogi State Government and privies should

disregard these egocentric propositions; particularly when the

“Ohinoyi Stool” has been upheld by the Supreme Court Judgement

along with Edict No. 3 of 1997 and related laws, Gazzettes and

Orders. Infact our young and dynamic Governor, His Excellency

Alh. Yahaya Adoza Bello, should stay clear of controversial

Chieftaincy issues; particularly the Ohi and other cases (still in Court

at various levels) and face the onerous task of State Governance

proper! He should not allow himself to be used by anybody to

pervert justice in Ebiraland during his tenure which could be

capitalised upon by his political detractors to pull him down in the

coming elections. A stitch in time saves nine!

Long live Ebiraland ! Long Live Kogi State!! Long Live Nigeria!!!

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1. Ahmadu E.D; Introduction to the History of Ebiras

2. Ibrahim Y.A; Politics in Ebiraland: the Centre and the

Peripheries (EPA Lectures Series)

3. Ohiare J.A; Ebira History: Need for proper documentation

(EPA Lecture Series)

4. Ajanah Nuhuman; Ebiras at a Glance

5. Wilson–Haffenden J.R; The Red Men of Nigeria

6. Baikie W.B; Narrative of an Exploring vogage up the River

Kwora and Biniue also known as Niger and

Tshadda) in 1854.

7. Crowther Samuel; Journal of an Expedition up the Niger

and Tshadda Rivers (undertaken by

McGregor Laird and the British Government)

8. Hutchinson T.J; Narrative of the Niger, Tshadda and Binue


9. Ade Obayemi; States and People of the Niger–Benue

Confluence Area.

10. Boston J.S; Igala Kingdom

11. Byng–Hall; Anthropological and Historical Notes on Igala

People and Languages

12. Bradbury R.E: Benin Studies

13. Michael Mason; The Foundation of the Bida Kingdom

Page 45: This book is specially dedicated to my Late Mother, · This book is specially dedicated to my Late Mother,


14. Erim O. Erim & Okon K. Uya; Perspectives and Methods

studying African History.

15. Temple C. L; Notes on Tribes of Northern Nigeria

16. Kirk–Greene A.H.M; Gazetters of the Northern Provinces

Vols. I–IV

17. Gella Y. T; Two Cities of the Confluence (with particular

reference to Okene and Lokoja

18. National Archives, Kaduna; Various Related Files.

19. Ebira Oral Traditions (General); collected from various

Clan Elders over the period (1972 to date)

20. Various Memoranda (submitted to Government) by

Eminent Ebiras over the years.

21. Sarki Idris Enesi; The Ohinoyi Throne; Towards Peaceful

Successions (Series 1)

22. I. E. Sarki–Avajara; Mohammed Kokori Abdul and Others:

Quest for Justice (Vol. 1)

23. Sarki Idris Enesi; The Ohinoyi Throne; Towards Peaceful

Rotation (Series 2)

24. EPICS Memo of 1st Feb. 2017; Reform of Ebira Traditional

Institution (See Annexure I)

25. Supreme Court SC: 99/2009 Cover; Special Reference to 5th

Respondent (See Annexure II)

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Engr. Sarki Idris Enesi B.Eng(Mech); MNSE is the

Inventor of the first Made–in–Nigeria Combine Rice

Processor, ENESI 1200 KPH; designed to dehusk,

destone, desand, desilt and even sort the broken from

full grains. The Machine which is for Small and

Medium Enterpreneurs is designed to process and

add value to the Nigerian Local Rice (alias Oh! God) and even

create jobs for our teeming unemployed graduates. It is about to be

launched by The Nigerian Society of Engineers, Lokoja Branch. He

is not only an Engineer of repute but also a Human Right Activist

and Politician who in the defence of Ebira Peoples‟ Human Rights

argued brilliantly at the 22nd

November, 2015 Collation Centre;

bringing the Kogi Governorship Election to an inclusive end; the

chain effect which brought Governorship to Ebiraland sequel to the

announcement of the result of the Supplementary Election. He has

the following published books to his credit: – Series 1, “The Ohinoyi Throne: Toward Peaceful Successions” (1996)

Vol. I, “Quest for Justice: Mohammed Kokori Abdul and Others” (1999)

Series 2, “The Ohinoyi Throne: Towards Peaceful Rotation” (2013)

Ebira History at a Glance (1400 to Date); Published 2017

And as the 5th Plaintiff/Respondent at the Supreme Court Suit

SC:99/2009; the judgement of 5th

June 2015 which upheld the

Paramount Stool of Ebiraland as “Ohinoyi of Ebiraland” alongside

Edict 3 of 1997 and related Laws/Gazzettes, I stand to incur very

serious damages alongside the over One Million present Ebira

people and generations yet unborn intended to be enslaved; should

the request of the Memorandum, titled, “REFORM OF EBIRA

TRADITIONAL INSTITUTION”, be granted. Hence, this my Book

is to forestall all the evil machinations intended by the said

Memorandum; hereby published to put Ebira history straight; for the

sake of historic truth, posterity and the records.

Page 50: This book is specially dedicated to my Late Mother, · This book is specially dedicated to my Late Mother,




Designed to

dehusk, destone, desilt and desand

remove larger impurities and metals

sort broken from full grains

