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Human capital is an important factor of production in any industry, because ultimately, people

execute projects. Given the fundamental importance of human capital to any organization, it is

intuitive to expect that successful management of human capital plays a significant role in

achieving organizational goals. In recent years IT solutions have started to play an increasingly

important role in human resource management, evolving from the automation of repetitive tasks

such as payroll, to bottom-line driven processes aimed at aligning human capital with corporate


Corporations are recognizing the importance of investing in their employees now more than ever

before. Companies are beginning to understand that to stay on top in the global economy, they

need to place more and more emphasis on developing and retaining their people. Organizations

that appreciate the financial impact of their employees often refer to them as human capital. In

order to stay competitive in the marketplace, firms must remain competitive on the basis of

‘people quality’. Training programs have a significant and positive effect on employee

motivation and job satisfaction. During recessionary periods in particular, employees value

training because it increases their prospects for reemployment in the future. Employees view

training as more than a voluntary investment in human capital; training is seen as an investment

in the relationship between employer and employee and as such, it improves job satisfaction.

Ultimately, the effects of training are self-reinforcing because training increases employees’

motivation to stay with a firm and contribute to its success, and as average tenure increases, so

do the compounding positive effects of continued training.

Human capital is a valuable concept because it recognizes that people should be treated as assets,

rather than as an expense. Seems to me, security professionals have been arguing that point about

their profession for a long time.

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Every living things have a problem, and problems is a window of solutions. One of the creative

thinker's fundamental insights is that most questions have more than one right answer and most

problems have more than one solution. In keeping with this insight, we will offer more than one

definition of a problem, in hopes of filling out its meaning as fully as possible.

Profile A

A is a very experts employee who has contributed to the success of the organisation. The

problem here is A has submitted a letter of resignation that will effect on organisation

performance. A is a very senior employee so A is very experienced and A do not has a problem

with work skill. Resignation of A should be stop because A is a important and very valuable

asset to the organisation to maintain successful of the organisation.

What is the main problem here is be releted within A itself and office enviroment in that

organisation. Served for 10 year in same office enviroment, seat in a same place for long period

of time is not an easy task. Employee is a human and not a robot or machine that did not feel

boring and tied. Experts and very senior employee like A, is a very exploring person and A like

to learn a new things, and willing to try new challanging task that burn out A knowledge and

experts limitation.

Profile B

Due to B work experience, B is a young employee that still new in this working environment.

Young people often refered to, very emotional, sensitive, and aggressive person. Working with

older people in challaging,like smash a head with a stone for young employee.

New study had been made by Office Team lead by Robert Half Company shown that 37% from

464 new employees admited that they have a problem with getting used to new culture and co-

workers, learning new policies and processes 23%, adapting to a new routine 22%, building

personal confidence 18%. From this servey we can conclude that new worker have a trouble to

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adjusting themselves in the new work enviroment that cause of pressure that can impact on his

job and organisation performance.

B expertise in ICT is needed by the organisation, in this challenging work enviroment master in

ICT, is one of s key to success, this talent should be keep in this organisation as a worker and a

role model for other employee . Every organisation need young employee as a coatings for senior

employee that most of them less efective in management of organisation. Relationship between

employee should be keep in balance to maximize organisation performance. As a new and

young employee , B should in a learning mode and ready to accept criticism from a senior


Profile C

C is a very young person that like to gain new experience and challenging that is young people.

C is a job seeker and has a very good credentials and experience to do common task in the


The problem here is, C always moved from one workplace to another several times for the

purpose of gaining experience and widening his knowledge. Changing a lot of workplace not a

good things in this challenging era because most of job seeker is a young generation that hunting

for job and only the best,petient and who able to grab opportunity will survive. Gaining as much

as possible experience and widening knowledge is a good things, but C must consider about his

future. Obsessed in searching for expeience must be in a correct way, C should make sure that

ever job that C work for is consistent in what C want for his life and his passion.

Changing a work place frequently without any solid reason also can effect, someone inner

personality. As a young person, C should make a mature choice on what C really want in his

life. Choose a consistent job and income is the way we live today. Gaining experince and

widening knowledge can be done in anyway and any time.

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In our changing world, there is an increasing global competition and a shift to knowledge based

work enabling information technology, and other related factors. This changing has led Human

resource management shift from "personnel management" to part of a strategic management. In

recent years. Developing their resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services

in tune with the job and organizational requirement. Solving a problem among employee is

important to boost employee work skill and increase the performance of institutions.

Profile A

A is a good employee and A do not have a problem in work skill. From A profile, the cause of

why A tend to submited a resignation letter may be related to salary, office enviroment, rank or

relationship with other employees.

A salary is a form of periodic payment from an employer to an employee, which may be

specified in an employment contract. Why must A submitted a letter of resignation even A get

payed on what A work for. Sometimes in this challanging world economic,most of our daily

activity needs money such as high way toll, parking ticket, paying bills buy a new car and so on.

Now day every employee tend to search for a high wage to fullfill their need and familys. In this

case, A faced a same situation. In order to keep A income higher, A tend to change a work place

and go to the new organisation that offer a better wage every month. Why should A change his

work position now. In this situation employer role is important to keep they employee loyalty to

their organisation. Regonice there employee effort and tears in oder to keep organisation in par

with other orgnisastion by give them a bonus,increasing wage, rank and small gift as a symbol of

thanks from employer to their employee is one of the way to prevent from the worker to resign.

Overlooking the importance of rank employees is a mistake. They are responsible for the day to

day operations of a business, without rank members in the fold, very few organizations would

survive. Executives and organizational leadership traditionally are responsible for developing

strategy and implementing large scale plans, however, rank-and file employees actually perform

job functions that support the organization's strategic plans and processes. For example,

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automobile manufacturing executives manage the company's strategic direction and lead research

and development projects for new vehicles. Without rank employees or production workers,

those projects would never come to fruition. In this case A is a very experts and senior employee

that already contribute a lot of sweat to ensure existence of that organisation till todays. For

appreciate A contribute, rank is one of the way to ensure that A feel appreciated as a oldest

employee in that organisation.

Profile B

Everybody has their own story on the first day go to work, it a unforgetable memory in every

human that ever become employee. Trouble adjusting ourself in new work enviroment is a

common situation for a new employee, not many of them success to adapt in new enviroment

surrounded by new face with different atitude, most of them take a short way and submit a

resignation letter in the next day.

A good organisation will ensure that every new employee can adjust them self in new

enviroment, without a good connection between employees is disaster for organisation

performance. To achive this goal a solution to overcome this problem should been taken. How

about organize an orentation for a new employee. This programe is very effective and proven to

be work by other big organisation around the world. This program will allow a communication

between new and old employees will exist, so they can close each other. In this program fun

activity is recommanded for example dance party,football match between new and old employee

and so on.

Every organisation should take care of their employee. To achive a high performance employee

that contributed profit to organisation, employer should make sure that their worker free from

any kind of stress that band them from focus on their job. One of the solution is provide a

counseling in this organisation, special for employee that has trouble in adjusting themselves in

the work environment. Spend some money on this kind of solution just like a long term

investment. All employer should realise that employee also a human being that feel tied and


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Profile C

C is a very talented young people. With he an attractive personality and show enthusiasm and

commitment in what his work for, the organisation should take a early step to sharpen his talent

that can contribute to this organisation. That way talent management is so importance now day.

What is talent management, talent management is a conscious, deliberate approach undertaken to

attract, develop and retain people with the aptitude and abilities to meet current and future

organisational needs. Talent management is an increasingly important part of business

operations, with more time and energy being dedicated to its planning and implementation.

Talent management, not unlike workforce management or financial management, is not a static

practice, it is dynamic and ever-changing, requiring regular review and modification to keep

pace with both the job market and current business conditions.

Counselling is process of helping people to learn how to solve certain interpersonal, emotional

and decision problem. Stress in a workplace is one of the main reason why an organisation can

not achive their goal. Stress come from many aspect such as, employees personal problem,

problem between employee, and problem between employee and employer. One of the solution

is to reduce this problem is through counseling. The main reason why counselling is important

in the work place might be considered a selfish one. Employers are interested in the productivity

and performance of their staff. They are in business to produce: they have tight deadlines to be

met and few staff members with which to meet them. If employees are unhappy, anxious, or

stressed they will not be able to perform well on their jobs. Their productivity and performance

will go down. In addition, their interpersonal relations both at home and on the job may suffer

more even when they ordinarily do not have interpersonal relations’ issues. This creates stress

and again impacts on their performance. In business organizations there is usually a personnel

specialist who does counseling which is mainly an advice giving activity. It may also be

undertaken by a supervisor or a manger on the basis of his reasonable experience, referent and

expert power. In this way, counseling is a help with personal or psychological matters usually

given by a professional. Counseling is also a discussion of a problem and an act of

communication between a counselor and counselee. It is through the process of counseling to

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help the employees in solving their psychological or job related problems so that they can

perform their tasks effectively and their efficiencies may be reached the extent to which the

management has anticipated.

One of the positive aspects of counseling in a business organization is that it makes an employee

feel less anxious or worried about the existing problems while motivating him to face and solve

the problems successfully. Besides, the process involves providing the required professional help

and assistance as and when it is necessary. It is very essential to implement and maintain

effective communication process in the business organization that the functioning state of a

business may be enhanced and the overall performance may be improved effectively and

efficiently. It is though the counseling that better communication process can be setup allowing

the employees to express their feelings, ideas and suggestions that in turn may be conveyed to

the higher management for review and implementation accordingly.

Counseling is a great way of eliminating frustration from the employees and at the same time

provides a great help to the employees whom the routine job activities make apathetic.

Employees can discuss their personal and job related problems in the atmosphere of openness

without making any attempt at concealment and seek the advice from the counselor accordingly

which would be a great source of releasing tensions and worries while increasing their

enthusiasm towards the accomplishments of the organizational objectives. To end with,

counseling must be done if it does not exist in a business organization and it must be maintained

effectively and efficiently if it exists as it is impressively a great support. It is a way of

reassurance to the employees that encourages them to stay firm in the face of difficulties and

gives confidence while at work so that the end results of a business may be attained as wanted or


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Staffing Solution

Staffing Solution is a Staffing means filling and keeping filled, positions in the organisation

structure. Effective staff management is essential to ensuring your workplace runs smoothly and

efficiently, and that the right employees are in the right positions. Employees who are well-

managed and receive continuing training and evaluation are better prepared to do their jobs and

to serve your customers. This can lead to better profits, more satisfied clients and an increase in

repeat business. On the other hand, poor staffing can result in a chaotic, unorganized work

environment, which has the potential to make your company lose valuable business.

Many a small business has failed due to financial distress exacerbated by poor human resource

management. Human capital should be allocated to maximize productivity. Long-term staff

planning undertaken in conjunction with strategic goals secure the skills and abilities needed to

achieve those goals. Like any other company asset, human resources should be constantly

monitored, assessed and adjusted to ensure the company's future success.

The importance of staffing management is Progressive and successful organizations treat all

employees as valuable human resources. Productivity and the resultant financial reward are

dependent solely on the quality and skill of people. Some organizations make up for their lack of

natural resources by their dedication to the maximum possible development of their human

resources. If employees are put first, they help the enterprise to prosper. Staffing function

provides proper mechanisms for efficient handling of personnel matters, including workers,

grievances. Filed research indicates that employees tend to return the favour when they are

treated with dignity and respect. Specially, it is reported that professional employees kept higher

organizational commitment when their employer’s human resource practice were perceived to be

fair and just. Staffing is responsible for creating such practices.

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Talent Management

Talent management refers to the anticipation of required human capital the organization needs at

the time then setting a plan to meet those needs. The talent management process, which involves

ongoing assessments and adjustments to maximize results, can be an invaluable asset in helping

to make such a tectonic change within an organization. Generally, the more deeply such a

program is integrated into an overall operational strategy, the greater the reward. A focus on

talent management forces companies to become aware of, and to assess, their workforce talent. It

can also help in the identification of both current and future talent needs, allowing for better

operational alignment with near- and long-term goals. The Talent Management process can also

be utilized to address the ever-changing needs of business. For example, in the collection

business, customer service representative and manager talent requirements have changed from

“it’s all about collecting money” to treating customers with respect, showing consumer empathy,

and creating an exceptional customer experience. Through a refocused Talent Management

process you can better manage that requirement.

Talent management is becoming increasingly critical to an organization’s bottom line and future

success. The economic slowdown is one of many factors responsible for placing a new level of

importance on talent management programs as they exist within an organization considering

tightened budgets are forcing companies to do more work with fewer employees. Talent

Management in organizations is not just limited to attracting the best people from the industry

but it is a continuous process that involves sourcing, hiring, developing, retaining and promoting

them while meeting the organization’s requirements simultaneously. For instance, if an

organization wants the best talent of its competitor to work with it, it needs to attract that person

and offer him something that is far beyond his imagination to come and join and then stick to the

organization. Only hiring him does not solve the purpose but getting the things done from him is

the main task. Therefore, it can be said that talent management is a full-fledged process that not

only controls the entry of an employee but also his or her exit.

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Training And Development

Training and develoment is a different meaning aspect and meaning. Training is concerned with

imparting developing specific skills for a particular purpose. Training is the act of increasing the

skills of an employees for doing a particular job. Training is the process of learning a sequence

of programmed behaviour. In earlier practice, training programme focused more on preparation

for improved performance in particular job. Most of the trainees used to be from operative levels

like mechanics, machines operators and other kinds of skilled workers. When the problems of

supervision increased, the step were taken to train supervisors for better supervision.

Management development is all those activities and programme when recognized and controlled

have substantial influence in changing the capacity of the individual to perform his assignment

better and in going so all likely to increase his potential for future assignments. Thus,

management development is a combination of various training programme, though some kind of

training is necessary, it is the overall development of the competency of managerial personal in

the light of the present requirement as well as the future requirement. Development an activity

designed to improve the performance of existing managers and to provide for a planned growth

of managers to meet future organizational requirements is management development.

Understanding the phenomenon of employee training and development requires understanding of

all the changes that take place as a result of learning. As the generator of new knowledge,

employee training and development is placed within a broader strategic context of human

resources management, for example. global organizational management, as a planned staff

education and development, both individual and group, with the goal to benefit both the

organization and employees. To preserve its obtained positions and

Increase competitive advantage, the organization needs to be able to create new knowledge,

and not only to rely solely on utilization of the existing. Thus, the continous employee training

and delopment has a singnificant role in the development of individual and organizational

performance. The strategic procedure of employee training and development needs to encourage

creativity, ensure inventiveness and shape the entire organizational knowledge that provides the

organization with uniqueness and differentiates it from the others.

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Education is no longer the duty and privilege of those in higher positions and skilled labour, but

it is becoming the duty and need of everyone. The larger the organizations, the more funds they

spend on education and provide their employees with greater and diverse possibilities of

education and development. Understanding the tremendous significance of education for the

modern organization and confident that it represents a good and remunirative investment, present

day organizations set aside more and more resources for this activity. Most of the organizations

invest 3 to 5% of their revenue into adult education. It is estimated that the organizations that

desire to keep the pace with changes need to provide their employees with 2% of total annual

fund of working hours for training and education.

The only way for present day organizations to survive is the imperative to innovate or perish.

Since this depends on the knowledge the organization possesses, this imperative could be read

as: learn faster than competition. The logical sequence is: knowledge creation – innovation –

competitive advantage. If knowledge is good, is it not true that the more knowlegde we have, the

better we are? Many organizations which consider knowledge as a good thing are trapped into

the pitfall of gathering as much knowledge as possible. Knowledge that is not necessary is exatly

what it is: unnecessary. And the efforts to obtain it are wasted efforts. The only important

knowldege is the knowledge with strategic importance to the company, knowledge that helps to

increase the value of the company, knowledge with significance to the strategy of the company.


Employees is an individuals who spend maximum part of their day contributing towards the

success of an organization are its most crucial resource. Employees can either make or break an

organization, truly making them an organization’s lifeline. Human Capital Management is

essential for hiring, managing, training and retaining talented and high performing employees.

Human Capital management plays an important role in the recruitment process. It ensures that

human resource professionals hire individuals who really deserve to be in the organization.

Recruiting the right talent is of utmost importance. An individual who is not fit for a particular

role will not be able to contribute much in the long run.

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Human Capital management plays an important role in orienting a new employee to the system.

Boring and meaningless induction programs lead to confusions and an employee eventually loses

interest in the organization. It is essential for employees to upgrade their knowledge with time to

cope up with the changing situations. Human Capital Management helps in training the

employees and making them indispensable resource for the organization. Motivate employees to

take up special courses or online programs which would help them in their job. Employees who

do not brush up on their skills from time to time find it difficult to survive in the long run.

Inculcate the habit of reading. Internet is also one of the good options to keep oneself abreast

with the latest developments. Human Capital management plays an important role in increasing

the efficiency of employees. Individuals are in a position to contribute more towards the system,

eventually increasing the overall productivity of the organization.


Janis Mwosa, The Important of Counseling

______Talent Management-Meaning and Important Consepts

______Employee Counseling at the workplace

Jayadeva de Silva, Employee Counseling


________A Journal of Social dan Religious Concern

________The Importance of Human Capital


Page 13: Thinking Skill Third Edit

Human Capital Management, People Build Project: How Human Capital Management Solutions

Can Improve Customer Satisfaction

______Role of salary and Benefits in Recruiting, Retaining, and Motivating


What Is a Rank and File Employee
