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sbr11 think tanks is an initiative that aims to generate thinking and

promote debate and reflection on the contemporary city. This is to

propose and suggest ideas that might help in making decisions of

public and private spheres. The ultimate goal of sbr11 think tank is

to help improve society and therefore, the life of all citizens. Thus,

sbr11 think tank unravels and analyzes the contemporary world,

coming from certain lines of action for the specific purpose of

each new customer. The ultimate influence sbr11 think tank is the

power of his ideas and the use we give to them from a position

where we integrate multidisciplinary economic, cultural, natural

and social. With nearly a century of tradition, the think tank, crea-

ted significantly influenced thinking and decision making, leading

to reformulate, in some cases, tradition and setting a new cour-

se on key strategic issues. From sbr11 think tank we serve as an

engine to define problems and explore new areas of life today,

thus being able to influence society through the development of

alternative solutions to the problems of the contemporary city.





Strategic Planning in terms of spatial planning:- Urban Planning, definition of the growth areas of the city.- Re existing management of the City- Economic viability of the proposed planning- Road network- Infrastructure- Public Transport- Plan of mobility and accessibility of people.- Plan of mobility vehicles.

Strategic Planning in relation to the provision of equipment.- Sports facilities, recreation areas and green areas and open spa-ces. Definition of minimum entandares Study and analysis of the current city Definition of need and proposed action Action Plan- Hospital Equipment Endowment. Definition of minimum entandares Study and analysis of the current city Definition of need and proposed action Action Plan- Equipment School endowment. Definition of minimum entandares Study and analysis of the current city Definition of need and proposed action Action Plan





New City of Justice for a population of 700,000.

The capital of the region of Andalusia (Spain) has exhausted the spaces provided for the administration of justice, these obsolete and is also in operation. It promotes the reactivation of the existing court area to beco-me a New City of Justice to respond to the demands of capacity, opera-tion and organization required for the contemporary city.

Strategic Plan for the re-activation of port areas.

Port traffic in the city of Seville has grown in recent years significantly in relation to large infrastructure works carried out there, especially with res-pect to the construction of a new sluice that allows the entry of vessels of greater burden. In this context, we conducted a strategic plan for fiscal sustainability and reorganization of the space of one of the most impor-tant companies operating in the port: Maritime Bergé.

Cultural Landscape development of degraded areas of the city.

The municipality of Torres in the province of Jaén needs a new social space as well solve the problems of marginalization that has one of the outlying areas of the city. The intervention resolves the entrance to the town of Torres and aims to give the pedestrian the maximum enjoyment and use of natural resources quality environment where you are. The pla-za is designed is a panoramic new meeting place and starting point for various hiking routes.

Strategy for a Medical City of 500,000.

Brazil will need in the coming years of new hospital allocations to meet the expectations of growth and welfare of its people. In this context, sbr11 think tank conducted a study and analysis in a standardized way to res-pond to the health needs of a standard population of 500,000. We define an action plan with a health city project.

Industrialization: direct implantation educational prototy-pes.

Project on the technological process of industrialization of prototype equi-pment school equipment that meets the needs of rapid deployment, effi-ciency and quality. With minor variations in design this prototype designed by sbr11 think tank can be executed in multiple geographic locations is reducing lead times and costs of construction of this type.





Plan to revitalize deteriorated urban areas.

With the passage of time has damaged one of the biggest entertainment historic city of Seville. It develops a plan to revitalize the area where the presence of traffic had recently stolen the spotlight on the area that had transfixed pedestrian. Pedestrianization of roads filmed, new equipment for leisure and revitalization of gardens will definitely help the recovery of a forgotten area of town.

Footbridge: infrastructure for the integration of two areas of the city.

The closure of the historical activity of a tobacco factory located on the river bank of the river from the city serves as a pretext for the conversion of obsolete infrastructure and a new node of activity in the city. In this con-text, we propose a new pedestrian bridge to allow pedestrian traffic bet-ween two areas of the city and thus the spatial integration of both areas.

Plan metropolitan open space on the current city.

The historic Maria Luisa Park in Seville city requires a renewal of its infras-tructure and equipment to be returned to the city as the real jewel of cultural and natural heritage of the metropolitan area. The aim, thus pla-cing it back into the imaginary of leisure both of the existing city and the itinerary of the tourist industry of the city.

Management for improved accessibility in historic centers.

This is the recovery of an area of urban activity and key node in the transport system and connection to the system of open spaces in the town of Vejer de la Frontera. On this side of town, we get with minimal intervention, a great response. We propose a generating device action and movement, with the addition of temporary facilities for leisure, sport, culture.

Plan feasibility of public parking for traffic management.

The need for public parking in the downtown areas of the contemporary city has become one of the major problems for traffic planning and mo-bility of large cities. In order to solve this problem sbr11 think tank has tried several strategies to assist the rapid and effective parking of vehicles in central areas of the city.

avenida angel ica, 2223, 1º | sao paulo-SP | CEP: 01227-200 | te l : +55 (11) 8265-5151 | | jacarr [email protected]

cal le orf i la 11, 2º | 41003 | sevi l la | te l : +34 954 500 156 | | j [email protected]