Download - Things to Do Before I Die

  • 8/13/2019 Things to Do Before I Die


    01. Bought everyone in the pub a drink 02. Swam with wild dolphins 03. Climbed amountain 04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive 05. Been inside a Pyramid 06. Held a

    tarantula 07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone 08. aid !" lo#e you! and meant it

    0$. Hu%%ed a tree &0. 'one a stri(tease 11. Bungee umped &). *isited Paris &3.+atched a li%htnin% storm at sea &,. tayed u( all ni%ht lon%- and watched the sun

    rise 1!. Seen the "orthern #ights &6. one to a hu%e s(orts %ame 1$. %alked the stairsto the top of the leaning Tower of &isa 'have been to &isa but you arent allowed in the

    tower any more( &8. rown and eaten your own #e%etables 1). Tou*hed an i*eberg )0.

    le(t under the stars )&. Chan%ed a baby!s dia(er 22. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon

    )3. +atched a meteor shower ),. otten drunk on cham(a%ne )5. i#en more than

    you can a//ord to charity )6. ooked u( at the ni%ht sky throu%h a telesco(e )7. Had

    an uncontrollable %i%%lin% /it at the worst (ossible moment 2+. ,ad a food fight )$.

    Bet on a winnin% horse 30. Called in sick when you were not ill 3&. 1sked out a

    stran%er 3). Had a snowball /i%ht --. &hoto*opied your bottom on the offi*e

    photo*opier 3,. creamed as loudly as you (ossibly can 35. Held a lamb 36. 2nacted

    a /a#orite /antasy 37. Taken a midni%ht skinny di( 38. Taken an ice cold bath -).

    ,ad a meaningful *onversation with a street person ,0. een a total ecli(se ,&. idden aroller coaster ,). Hit a home run 4-. Fit three weeks mira*ulously into three days ,,.

    'anced like a /ool and not cared who was lookin% 4!. dopted an a**ent for an entireday ,6. *isited the birth(lace o/ your ancestors ,7. 1ctually /elt ha((y about yourli/e- e#en /or 4ust a moment 4+. ,ad two hard drives for your *omputer 4). /isited all

    !0 statesevery *ounty 'still working on this( 50. o#ed your 4ob 5&. Taken care o/

    someone who was shit /aced !2. ,ad enough money to be truly satisfied. 53. Had

    amain% /riends 5,. 'anced with a stran%er in a /orei%n country !!. %at*hed wild

    whales 56. tolen a si%n 57. Back(acked in 2uro(e 58. Taken a roadtri( 5$. ock

    climbed 60. ied to /orei%n %o#ernment!s o//icial in that country to a#oid notice 6&.

    idni%ht walk on the beach 63. *isited "reland 6,. Been heartbroken lon%er than

    you were actually in lo#e 65. "n a restaurant- sat at a stran%er!s table and had a mealwith them . /isited apan $. Ben*hpressed your own weight +. 3ilked a *ow ).lphabetied your re*ords $0. &retended to be a superhero $1. Sung karaoke 7).oun%ed around in bed all day $-. &osed nude in front of strangers 7,. cuba di#in%

    $!. 5ot it on to 6#et7s 5et 8t 9n6 by 3arvin 5aye 76. issed in the rain 77. Played in

    the mud 78. Played in the rain 7$. one to a dri#ein theater 80. 'one somethin%

    you should re%ret- but don!t re%ret it+1. /isited the 5reat %all of :hina +2.

    ;is*overed that someone who7s not supposed to have known about your blog hasdis*overed your blog +-. ;ropped %indows in favor of something better +4. Started a

    business 'but not in*orporated( +!. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken86.Toured ancient sites9Tunisia and 2%y(t: 87. Taken a martial arts class ++. 5ot in a

    fight for the honor of a woman +). &layed ;idden a gondola in /eni*e 'have ridden in a water ta?i( &0&.otten a tattoo &0). ;ound that the teafted the Snake >iver 104. Been on television news programs as an 6e?pert6 &05. ot

    /lowers /or no reason 10. 3asturbated in a publi* pla*e 10$. 5ot so drunk you don7t

  • 8/13/2019 Things to Do Before I Die


    remember anything 10+. Been addi*ted to some form of illegal drug &0$. Per/ormed onsta%e 9in a rock band: &&0. Been to as *e%as &&&. ecorded music &&). 2aten shark

    &&3. Had a oneni%ht stand &&,. Per/ormed a standu( comedy routine or sketch11!.Seen Siou?sie live 'at #ollapalooa( 11. Bought a house 11$. Been in a *ombat one

    11+. Buried oneboth of your parents &&$. ha#ed or wa ?@ will be doin% it a%ain too: 1$. &arasailed 1$$. :hanged your name

    1$+. &etted a *o*kroa*h 1$). Aaten fried green tomatoes 1+0. >ead The 9dyssey 1+1.

    Sele*ted one 6important6 author who you missed in s*hool= and read 1+2. ;ined in arestaurant and stolen silverware= plates= *ups be*ause your apartment needed them

    1+-. ...and gotten +7ed from the restaurant be*ause you did it so many times= they

    figured out it was you 1+4. Taught yourself an art from s*rat*h 1+!. illed and preparedan animal for eating &86. 1(olo%ied to someone years a/ter in/lictin% the hurt 1+$.

    Skipped all your s*hool reunions &88. Communicated with someone without sharin% acommon s(oken lan%ua%e 1+). Been ele*ted to publi* offi*e 1)0. %ritten your own

    *omputer language 1)1. Thought to yourself that you7re living your dream &$). Had to

  • 8/13/2019 Things to Do Before I Die


    (ut someone you lo#e into hos(ice care 1)-. Built your own &: from parts &$,. oldyour own artwork to someone who didn!t know you 1)!. ,ad a booth at a street fair

    &$6? 'yed your hair &$7. Been a 'A1)+. Found out someone was going to dump youvia #iveournal 1)). %ritten your own role playing game 200. Been arrested 201. Shot

    someone )0). an% a solo in (ublic- while sober 20-. issed a hummingbird 204. 5iven

    birth 20!. Aaten some treeDbark 20. Baked your own bread= without a ma*hine 20$.Braided the bread )08. ;ora%ed and eaten wild /ood- and@or used wild herbs as

    medicine )0$. Climbed a water/all 9in +hite ak henandoah: )&0. +alked in total

    darkness 211. %ent snorkling in the 5reat Barrier >eef 212. Been mistaken as someoneof the opposite se?= and they never realied it 21-. ,ad a supernatural e?perien*e 214.

    &erformed at a poetry reading 21!. Been to a fetish party 21. Been strip sear*hed )& to a stri( club 21+. 5otten hate mail from something of yours that had been

    published )&$. et someone in (erson who you /irst knew online9many o/ !em: 220.:rossDdressed ))&. Told o// your boss and uit your 4ob. 222. ,eld a ,ummingbird.))3. Had a (oem (ublished. )),. Been in lo#e with more than one (erson at one

    time. ))5. istened to criticism with an o(en mind and let it im(ro#e you. ))6. Had

    un(rotected se< and then /retted /or the ne

  • 8/13/2019 Things to Do Before I Die


    Been in a (lay 2+0. 3ade a 7ine )8&. Had Chicken Po< 2+2. Been a vegetarian

    '5eorge added all the ones after E2!+(