Download - TheVoiceoftheCommunity€¦ · OCTOBER2017 DeliveredbytheResidents’Association THEBULLETIN TheVoiceoftheCommunity HaroldWood,Hill,Park Residents’Association M25/A12Junction ...

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Delivered by the Residents’ Association

THE BULLETINThe Voice of the Community

Harold Wood, Hill, ParkResidents’ Association

M25/A12 JunctionHighways England have announced their preferred option following aconsultation on proposed improvements to theM25 junction 28.There were three proposed options and they have decided Option 5Fas it is better able to reduce congestion and delays at the junction.This will include a two lane loop road, widening of a short section oftheM25 and reconfiguration of the A12.A second consultation will take place early in 2018, wheremembersof the public will have another opportunity to give their views andinfluence the developments of the design. We'll let you knowmoreabout this nearer the time.Details of the announcement can be found on our website at or please contact us for a hard copy.Cllr DARRENWISE

Caring About Our CommunityAn advertisement board was erected on the corner of WhitelandsWay opposite Tesco. Causingdamage to the surrounding trees; we contacted Enforcement. Working with Planning, theyinvestigated and found that the board did not have permission to be put up and we are happy toconfirm a Community Protection Notice was issued to the companies mentioned on the boardwhich has subsequently been removed.


Harold Wood Station UpdateWe are providing you with the latest news in relation to HaroldWood Station works.Crossrail have stated that they have been progressing well to modernise the ticket office but theyhave encountered some issues with the 100 year old structure which need to be resolved beforethey can continue. Engineers are working to assess and solve these issues and the aimwas tocomplete the ticket office modernisation by the end of the year but the recent issuesmay requireworks to be re-programmed.On the subject of lifts at HaroldWood, Crossrail are still awaiting details fromUK Power Networks(UKPN) as towhen they can install the new electrical substationwhichwill be used to power the lifts.Crossrail have completed the construction of the sub-station base located adjacent to the car parkand are waiting for UKPN to deliver, install and commission the new sub-station.From our perspective, this is just another example of poor pre-planning by project managers andyet again we have delays that impact our residents and commuters. We will continue to keep thepressure on Crossrail to get the ticket hall and lifts operational as soon as possible.


Christmas Float – HelpWantedOnce again we are asking for volunteers tohelp collect with our Father Christmas float.I know some of you may still be thinking ofSummer holidays but we have to plan ahead.We collect for the Rainbow Trust and it issuch a rewarding thing to do even if you canonly do one night. Please contact Cllr BrianEagling on 01708 373027 or [email protected].


Dangerous SituationTherewereseveralcom-plaintsfromresidentsregardingthe waytheCouncilhadfinishedoff thenew path

leading to the car park by the tennis courts inHarold Wood Park. The Council had left twolarge kerbstones at the end of the pathmaking it a huge problem for wheelchairusers and parents with pushchairs whenleaving the path. I visited the park with anofficer and he agreed with me of thepotential danger of not removing thesekerbstones. I am very pleased to inform thatwithin 24 hours of my visit the error wasrectified. By the time you receive thisBulletin, new white markings will direct youto the new path.


email: [email protected]

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Wednesbury/CamborneParking PermitSchemeThe council are currentlyreviewing the consultationresponses to the proposedschemes in these areas with areport being written andpresented to the HighwaysCommittee in due course for finalconsideration and decision.We have raised with the Councilabout the fading of the white lineson pavement parking bays andthey will look to repaint some ofthese bays as part of any changesrequired for the permit schemethough we are waiting for the finalreport to confirm this.In the meantime we stress toresidents to only park within bayswhere you can visibly see thewhite lines and please ensure thatany part of your vehicle does notoverhang the white line as youcould be liable for a PenaltyCharge Notice ("PCN"). If youcan't see the white line then it'slikely the enforcement officercannot see the white linesthemselves and thus are likely toissue a PCN.


London & EssexHeritage ClubSeek NewMembersThe club meet on Tuesdayevenings (September through toMarch) at Langtons, Hornchurch,and host a variety of talks relatingto London and the South East.New members are welcome,please contact Brian Taylor on01708 607614.

Harold WoodEvening WILadies: why not come along andfind what your local WI has tooffer? We meet on the firstWednesday of each month in theWar Memorial Hall in GubbinsLane, 7.30 for a 7.45 start. OurOctober speaker is Kayla Conleyon the hidden meanings indreams. November we have acraft evening where you can tryyour hand at making somethingor learning something new. Werequest a suggested donation of£2.50 towards running costs.Visitors warmly welcome. Forfurther details call Joanne on0787 5670419.

Private WalkwayResidentshavecontactedme about asmallwalkwaybetweenHoylakeGardensandChurchRoad. Thisis privateland andbelongs to

residents and the Council does nothave any direct influence over themaintenance of the path.


Calling All Men!Awarmwelcome awaits you at ournext ‘Men’s Lunch’, held at St.Peter’s Church, HaroldWood onTuesday, 10th October with doorsopening at 11.30am. Followinglunch, we are verymuch lookingforward to hearing from ourspecial guest – REV’D. KIERANBUSH. Kieran, from St. John’sChurch, Walthamstow vicar of abusy and growing parish church,but has a verymoving andchallenging story to tell. He will bein conversation with Jonnie Dejafrom St. Peter’s and a good friend

of Kieran’s.To book your place on the 10th, orfor more details, please phone St.Peter’s WelcomeDesk on 01708342080, or email:[email protected] visit the ‘Men’s Lunch’ into the searchbox).We look forward towelcoming you.

Julian Harris and all theMen’sLunch Team

FundraisingMagic ShowIlfordMagic Society bring theirunique performance to All SaintsChurch Ardleigh Green RoadHornchurch on Saturday 28thOctober, start 7pm. Tickets £20,table of 8 £150 includes a 3 coursePloughmans lunch. Proceeds toHope4Havering organised by A-ZFundraisers. Entry only by pre-booked ticket. Please call BrianSamuels 01708 640855

Adventure IslandBandsHornchurch District Scouts(charity no.303699) are selling

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Tel: 01708 229857 Mobile: 07415 096551 / 07860 801377

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Adventure Island wristbands atdiscounted prices. Big Adventurebands (over 1.2m tall) are £15 eachand Junior/Mini Adventure bands(under 1.2m tall) are £12 each. Alsoavailable, Southend Sea-lifeAdventure tickets Adult/Child £3each, Adventure Island Golf ticketsAdult/Child £3 each, for 18 holes.Wristbands expire November 2017and are available to purchase now,for any day the park is open. Topurchase, just call/ text Debbie on07805612706 or Louisa on07498575296.Please allow up to 24hours from ordering to collection.

St Peter’s NewSeason -Welcome!!• Back to school?There is lots for children &families at St. Peter’s:➢ pre-school - ABC,

Tiddlywinks➢ infants & juniors -

Explorers (Sundaymorning &Tues evening)

➢ youthgroups-Pathfinders,Campaigners, CYFA

• Back to Church?There’s always a welcome foradults of all ages at St. Peter’s:➢ Sundays – 9.15am, 11am

& 6.30pm➢ men’s & women’s groups

➢ the retired and thebereaved

➢ practical – flowerarranging, gardening, DIY

• Back to you?➢ Come and join in with a

congregation of over 400adults and 120 children, ina parish populationgrowing to 14,000Email:

[email protected]:

Heaton ActionTeam

Chris Cooperwho is one ofour HeatonWard actionteammembers ismarried with3 childrenand lives inthe HeatonWard. Chrishas lived inHarold Hill

for most of his life and has beenvery active in Facebook campaignsand organising petitions especiallyaround the increase of HMOs(Houses of Multiple Occupation)and the proposed Solar Farm inDagnam Park. Chris is alsoChairman of the Heaton Safer

Neighbourhood Team panel asPolicing is one of his passions andhe is also runs the Friends of KeatsPark and Open Space. Chris canalso be found running the adminfor some of the following Facebookpages Harold Hill CommunityPage, Harold Hill Residents'Association andHarold HillNeighbourhoodWatch Page.Please join us in welcoming Christo the HaroldWood, Hill, ParkResidents Association.

IsabelleAlexander isone of ourHeatonWardaction teammembers andhas livedlocally for 13years andpreviouslyworked ineducation formost of her

career and has served as a schoolgovernor. Isabelle is also involvedin the voluntary sector as aGateway advisor for the CitizensAdvice Bureau and as a helper atHaveringmuseum.Isabelle helps to deliver theBulletin and is acutely aware of thegrowing problem regarding litterand fly tipping in the Harold Hillarea. We welcome Isabelle to theResidents' Association HeatonWard Action Team.

Out Of The LoopBy nature, youth has to bedifferent. Something happens inteenage to ensure it develops thatway. They go for the outrageous inpopular culture to shock theirparents, but if inadvertentlysomeone with genuine talentappears and the parents notice,they drop them. It was always so.Dad was a Bing Crosby fan.Naturally, I chose Sinatra, asCrosby wasn’t “hot” (today thatwould be “cool”). In time, myculture became square andacceptable, so the new generationdiscovered “Rock and Roll”. Today,that too is passé.At 90, representing less than 1% ofthe population, I feel isolated,which doesn’t bother me, exceptwriting on topical issues is moredifficult. With crosswords andquizzes I am confronted withbewildering clues about Indiandishes, pop groups, texting andsmart phones, subjects in whichI‘m not interested, but essential insolving such puzzles. I justrenewedmy driving licence untilI’m 93. Each time I change it, myphoto on it gets fainter, as I seem tobe getting.I don’t think I’ll try and write for ayounger age group. I’ll stick withwhat I know and print it in largertype for my loyal readers!

Dennis Goodwin

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Thames ChaseAutumn is a very busy time forthe Forest Centre. As we slip intoOctober and we enjoy the manyripening fruits in the woods andhedgerows, we join the nationalannual celebration of ‘AppleDay’. On 21st and 22nd Octoberbetween 10am and 4pm theCentre will be full of an ‘apply’aroma from the wide variety ofEnglish apples available to tasteand buy. The celebration will alsoinclude traditional country crafts,local produce and children’sactivities. Entrance free.On Saturday 28th October themonth ends with our popularannual Spooky Walks through theForest. Are you brave enough tostep into the night and take aspine tingling walk through thetrees? Admission by ticket only.More information on at the Centre-Sunday 1st October from 10am–join the Forest Centreconservation group and help tomanage the grounds of our busyCentre and the newly renovatedcommunity tree nursery.Friday 13th October – enjoy anapply Cream tea whilst listeningto the sound of live musicbetween 2.30 and 4.30pm. An

excellent time to treat someonespecial. £9 - booking essential.Tues 24th, Weds, 25th andThurs 26th October - Children’sHalf Term Activities 10:30am-12:30pm. Autumn andHallowe’en craft activities for allthe family to enjoy. £3 donationper child.Friday 27th October - GuidedWalk to Dagnam Park (TheManor) from 10am. Enjoy a walkin an historic part of Haveringand learn about its history. Meetin the car park to Central Park, offPetersfield Avenue.To sustain all these activities andcontinue our work in the Forestwe need volunteers. If you wouldlike to join one of our teams,please contact:[email protected] ring 01708 642970.

Fly tippingTogether with our Residents’Councillors we have beenreporting on a number ofoccasions where there has beenfly tipping of lorry loads of wastearound the area in the variouscountry lanes. The Council aretaking action.We have also reported sadly thatblack bags etc are regularly being

dumped inthe shoppingcentre andwe havecontinuouslychased theCouncil totake action.With regardsto the black

bags, the council are checkingcontents and investigating linksto addresses which have resultedin a further prosecution.

Chris Wilkins

A Guide toBonfiresBonfires can be a bone ofcontention between residents aswhat is reasonable and what isexcessive. The government haveproduced useful guidance onbonfires, safety and the lawwhich provides helpful tips andseeks to clarify the legal position[]. However, therearen’t any specific laws againsthaving a bonfire nor at what time,but there are several laws thatdeal with the nuisance bonfires

can cause. It is an offence to getrid of domestic waste in a waylikely to cause pollution or harmto human health, includingburning it. Burning plastic,rubber or painted materialscreates poisonous fumes and canhave damaging health effects forpeople who have asthmatic orheart conditions. Most bonfiresare relatively infrequent andcause little concern. However, fora bonfire to be considered anuisance, it needs to be a regularoccurrence and to seriouslyinterfere with your well-being. Ifthe bonfire is only occasional, ega couple of times a year, it’sunlikely to be considered anuisance in law. If the Councilconsiders a bonfire to be anuisance, it can issue an‘abatement notice’.


Local PlanThoughtsOne of the important points ofthe proposed Havering LocalPlan is surely how many of thenew homes will be occupied bypeople on Havering’s own


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housing waiting list. Unless alarge number of the dwellings are‘affordable’ and those acquiredby social housing providers aredesignated for occupation bylocal people, all that is likely tohappen is that the homes will besold at high prices,predominantly to people fromoutside the borough. This wouldsimply raise the local populationand leave us with the samehousing shortages. The LocalPlan proposal is for largerdevelopments to include at least35% affordable housing but mostdevelopers will try to reduce thisas they make less profit on these.However, I believe that the 35%target should be something westick to rigidly. The LondonMayor is likely to pressure formore and more homes inboroughs like Havering. Wetherefore need to make sure thatwe are not forced to build morethan our fair share and thesehomes must meet our needs andnot just those of the rest ofLondon.

John Tyler

Quids inAs from 15th October, the old £1coin ceases to be legal tender,being replaced by the new 12-

sided version. However, mostbanks and Post Office counterswill continue to accept them fromcustomers. The new coin has astring of anti-counterfeitingdetails, including material insidethe coin itself which can bedetected when electronicallyscanned by coin-counting orpayment machines. Othersecurity measures include animage that works like a hologramand micro-sized lettering insideboth rims. Approximately 1.5billion new £1 coins have enteredcirculation – about 23 per person.Old £1 coins will be melted downto make new ones.


Dancing forCharityThe Pinney Talfourd CharityCommittee are organising a trulyunique fundraising event for theircharity of the year SNAP (SpecialNeeds and Parents). A group offamily lawyers have pledged todance for a full 24 hours starting at12 noon on Saturday 21st Octoberand finishing at 12 noon onSunday 22nd October at theirUpminster office – not taking shiftsor nap breaks. Members of staff,

friends and family have alsopledged to join them for a boogiethroughout the day, afternoon,evening, twilight and dawn hours.The whole 24 hour event will bestreamed live via Facebook. If youwould like to get involved why notadd your favourite song to theirplaylist? For just £5 you areinvited to choose a song for thedancers to groove along to. Simplydonate via the link (and nameyour song). You can also make atext donation to 70070. Simplytype the unique code SNAP78 andthen the amount in pounds (e.g.SNAP78 £5). Actual song requestscan be tweeted to@PinneyTalfourd using#PTdanceathon.

WorkingTogether in theLocalCommunityThe Upminster Camera Clubaccepted an invitation from theUpminster group of Essex BootCamps to join them at one oftheir sessions in Upminster Park,on a Sunday morning, to capturethe action and illustrate the

commitment and effort of thesquad.Essex Boot Camps run regularoutdoor training sessions andhave hundreds of dedicatedfollowers who keep themselves fitand healthy in body and mind,using tried and tested exerciseroutines based on militaryorigins.Upminster Camera Club isrecognised as one of the leadinggroups of photographicenthusiasts in the SE of Englandand although it has been aroundfor over 60 years, they keepthemselves young and vibrant byalways looking for new ways toexercise their craft. They meetevery Tuesday evening inCranham and new members arealways welcome.PJ Harries Tel 07412 &

Havering ParksPoliceIf you see any motorcycles or anti-social behaviour in Havering Parksplease report it to the HaveringParks Police on 07904 805872email:[email protected]



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South HaveringCircular CycleRideOn Sunday 22nd October as part ofBritish Cycling Let’s Ride there is acycle ride that explores south ofHavering by bike on a mixture ofroads, parks and country paths.From Upminster Park you'll passHornchurch Stadium beforeheading up to the church whichgave Hornchurch its name. Aftercrossing the lake in Harrow Lodgeyou'll head towards BretonsOutdoor Centre and on to BeamParklands. It's back on the road andon to Rainham Marshes wherethere's some fantastic homemadecake for your half way stop! Leavingthe RSPB you'll pass the PurfleetRoyal Gunpowder Magazine beforeturning away from the river andheading back to the start viaMardyke Valley and the ThamesChase Forest. All under theguidance of fully trained leadersStarting point: 10:00, UpminsterLibrary, 26 Corbets Tey Road, RM142BB

Meditation &MindfulnessCourseLearning to meditate can help youto enjoy the benefits of living moremindfully as well as experiencesome peace of mind and a calmeryou. This course will introduceyou to meditation & mindfulnesstechniques used in the Buddhisttradition, giving you thetechniques and experience tocontinue your own dailymeditation practice, as well assome additional techniques i.e.relaxation meditation (yoga nidra)and conscious awarenessmeditation (to resolveissues/answer questions) as wellas exploring mantras to help inanxious situations.The course is limited to 6attendees and held in a privategarden studio in Upminster onSaturday October 7th 10am to2pm. Please see for dates.Get in touch with Vikki [email protected] or call07976 589133 for information.

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WednesdayMusic EveningsWed4thOct at 7.30pm - TheMercury ‘Living Presence’ RecordLabel - presented by GeorgeSaddington. A famous and renownAmerican record label with a hugecatalogue containing 500compositions to please all classicalmusic lovers.Wed18thOct at 7.30pm -Notesfrom the Letter ‘S’ presented byStephen Raindle. All composerswith names beginning with theletter ‘S’ and the music will includework by an Englishman, a Welshcomposer/pianist, a couple ofAmericans, a brace of Russians,three Austrians and a German ortwo.All programmes are of recordedmusic played on high qualityreproduction equipment and takeplace in the main meeting room onthe 1st floor of Hornchurch Library.Buses 165, 256 and 370 stop nearby.Programmes end at 9.30pm andentrance is free but we do ask for anominal contribution for intervalrefreshments. For more info callStephen Raindle on 01708 470670 oremail [email protected]

Murder MysteryEveningThe Friends of UpminsterWindmill present an Ad HocPlayers presentation of ‘Death onDeliver’ a murder mysteryevening starting at 7:30pm onSaturday 21st October at NorthStreet Hall, North Street,Hornchurch, RM11 1QX. Tickets£10 including supper, pleasebring your own drinks, availablefrom Peter Scott 01708 227259.

HornchurchFootball ClubPlease note the following homefixtures at the Stadium, BridgeAvenue.Tuesday 3rd Grays Athletic,Tuesday 10th Barking both gameskick off at 7.30pm.Saturday 14th Bowers and Pitsea,Saturday 4th November WithamTown, both games kick off at 3pm.Please support your local team.Further details on the clubs website

Upminster Osteopath & Sports Injury Clinic



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Vanilla BakeClubVanilla Bake Club is back onMonday 30th October with itsHalloween night! This is always apopular event so come and jointhe spooky fun. As usual we meetat the Old Chapel, St Mary’s Lane,Upminster at 6.30pm, bring yourbake and join our friendly groupfor sharing and chat. For moreinformation check our Facebookpage, [email protected] call Jennifer on 07940828154

Ardleigh HouseTripsWed 1 Nov 2017 “A Grand Day atthe Races” Price £67.50. Spend aday at Kempton Park in themagnificent Pavilion Restaurantwith its “Glass wall” givingpanoramic views across the wholeracecourse. Starting with a behindthe scenes tour. Tables seat 4 or 6so why not bring friends and haveyour own table. We keep thetables for the whole day so notrouble with finding a seat andthe bar remains open until racingfinishes. Racing will finish underfloodlights and we will leaveKempton Park at 6.30pm for the

journey home.Sat 25 Nov 2017 “Christmas atVan Hage” Price £17.50. At VanHage Garden Centre, Christmas isvery special. Besides being one ofthe largest garden centres in theSouth East it has much to offer.Large Christmas department,small garden zoo, small gaugeride-on steam railway, large caféserving both hot & cold meals,various alternative departmentsand a large indoor Ice Skatingrink. Word has it that FatherChristmas will be visiting as well.Wed 6 Dec 2017 “The ArdleighHouse Cruise into Christmas”Price £55.00. We now have ourown, exclusive, boat due todemand. The day starts with ourcoach taking us to London toboard our private boat with a freeglass of Prosecco before settingoff on a 3 hour Thames cruiseduring which we will be served a3 course HOT Christmas lunchwith live entertainment for us toenjoy. At the end of our cruise wewill give you free time to enjoy theChristmas market on the SouthBank re-joining the coaches at5.30pm for a guided tour of theChristmas Lights in Londonfinishing at Somerset House,where we will have a break forrefreshments, before starting ourjourney back home. See thewebsite:

or telephone 01708 440660 forbooking details.

Saturday TalksClub‘The First Soap Opera: The Storyof Sunlight Soap.’ The speaker isRichard Dodd on SaturdayOctober 14th 2017 at 2.15pm.(Doors open1.45pm). Venue:Roope Hall, United ReformChurch, Station Road, Upminster.Cost £4.00 including tea andbiscuits.Contact Mrs Blake: 01708 227512or Mrs Bland: 01689 858701 forfurther information.

Happy 100thBirthday VeraA Musical Celebration featuringthe songs of Dame Vera Lynn, theAndrew Sisters and other war-time favourites, plus classics frommusical theatre and popularmusic over the last century.Upminster soprano Joanna-MarieSkillett and friends from theLondon Guildhall Opera Schoolwill present this tribute to aninspiration and a glorious era ofmusic at the Methodist Church,

Hall Lane, Upminster on Saturday14th October, commencing at7.30pm.Tickets at £15 each may beobtained from Ray Hare (01708223218).

Upminster andDistrictHorticulturalSocietyAre you interested in gardening?Whether you are a new or not sonew gardener why not comealong to the lectures run by TheUpminster and DistrictHorticultural Society at the NewWindmill Hall, St Mary’s Lane,Upminster. Lectures are from7.45pm until 9.45pm. Admissionis normally free to members and£2 to non-members.Here are our lectures for the nextfew months:10th Oct - Horticulture at CorbetsTey School –Sarah Young andDaffodils – Reg Harris. This is ourcharity evening the entrance fee is £3.14th Nov - Say it with Poison –Russell Bowes12th Dec - Growing organicvegetables – Brian Carline9th Jan – AGM and Growing for

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** Air Con Regas Only £49.95**

the flower arranger all year round– Maike Windhurst13th Mar – History of the NGSand Essex Open Gardens – Linda& Neil Holdaway

Cranham ArtSocietyCranham Art Society will beholding an exhibition of theirwork at Hornchurch library fromMonday 23rd October untilSaturday 4th November.Our friendly group alwayswelcomes new members and willbe starting a beginner’s class inJanuary. We meet on Wednesdaymornings at CranhamCommunity Centre inMarlborough Gardens. Why notcome along and make some newfriends?For more information - call Doton 01708 229715.

Quiz EveningCranham Park Friends of Guidingare holding a Quiz Evening on the21st October 2017. 7.15pm for 7.30pm start at Cranham CommunityCentre, Marlborough Gardens.Tickets £6.30 from Barbara Levis01708 250941 or Doris Harding01708 226725. Tables not more

than 10. Bring your own Drinks,glasses and nibbles.

Shirley WardToursNov 11th Sat: Lord Mayor ‘s Show:watch Parade from street, then 2course lunch; + river trip, and stayon board to watch Fireworks. NoCoach. Child (3 -14; £32); Adult£35.Dec 18th, Mon: Layer MarnerTower, Essex; Tower Tour, 3 courselunch, Xmas concert/candlelight inchurch/Dickens Reading, MulledWine/mince coach £72inclusive.Shirley Ward 01708 227884 ore mail [email protected] book.

Osteria DueAmiciEdward, formerly of Tarantinosand now owner of Osteria DueAmici, welcomes all localresidents. After nearly 20 years inthe restaurant industry, Edwardsays "I cannot wait to see all of myold and welcome new friends. Iwant everybody to feel they are

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We emphasise the need to preserve your natural teeth by theprevention of tooth decay and gum disease

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Finest Indian CuisineRecently Refurbished

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eating with family".Located in the heart of Upminsteron Corbets Tey Road, his familyrun restaurant will open all dayserving authentic and modernItalian using only the finestingredients, in a relaxed andunhurried atmosphere. Forinformation and reservationsplease call Edward on 01708700500.

WellbeingRetreatsUpminster Sports Massage &Pilates are holding a One DayWellbeing Retreat in Westcliff-on-Sea on Friday 10th November2017, and a Luxury WeekendRetreat in Arundel, West Sussex16th-18th March 2018. The OneDay Retreat includes PilatesClasses for Beginners &Improver/Intermediate levels, afun Dance workout (optional), aninformative talk by an Osteopath, agentle Stretch & Mobilise class andGuided Relaxation. Lunch,refreshments, superfoodsmoothies/juices and healthysnacks are all included.The Weekend Retreat in March in

a beautifully restored 19th CenturyBarn has all of the above plus fullboard, en suite bedrooms,swimming pool and sauna,optional massage/reflexology,private gardens and acres ofbeautiful countryside. To book foryourself or as a gift for a loved one,please call Charlene on 07411826721, or go

Tick Box!The end of automatically tickedconsent boxes as part of the DataProtection Bill is a welcomeinitiative. However, the origin ofmuch junk mail comes from the‘open’ electoral register which listsout personal details of individualsand can be bought by anyorganisation for any purpose.Residents can choose to opt out ofthe ‘open’ register by ticking a box,but I would suggest that this is anexample where the consent boxshould be automatically ticked sothat exemption from the ‘open’register is assumed unlessotherwise indicated.


LOCAL FUTURE EVENTSOCTOBER7 Saturday – Sugar Craft - Corseted Torso,

demonstrated by Louise Wilson. Venue,Fairkytes Art Centre, Billit LaneHornchurch,Time 1.30 – 3.30pm, Entry Pricenow £7, includes Tea and Cake.

8 Sunday - OASIS - A ‘disability-friendly’meeting for adults at Cranham Baptist Church,Severn Drive. A traditional Sunday Service isnot for everyone! Oasis meetings areaccessible, friendly and informal. We will behaving a Meal followed by a Harvest Service tothank God for all His blessings. If you areinterested in coming please contact the OasisTeam on: 01708 223551 or 07714 853545.

8 Sunday – Indoor Table Top Sale - Coopers’Company & Coborn School, St Mary’s Lane,Upminster, RM14 3HS. Buyer doors open 9am50p entrance for adults until 10:30. Sellers call07508135449 to books or [email protected]

9 Monday – Havering Branch Essex WildlifeTrust Meetings are held in the 1st floormeeting room in Hornchurch Library from 8.00pm to 9.45 pm. Robert Adam a landscapegardener on "The Importance of Wildlife in ourgardens". Donation of £2.50 to help cover hallhire, this includes tea, coffee and biscuits. Formore information contact the Secretary JoyEmerson on 01708 440297.

10 Tuesday - Upminster and DistrictHorticultural Society - Are you interested ingardening? Whether you are a new or not sonew gardener why not come along to thelectures run by The Upminster and DistrictHorticultural Society at the New Windmill Hall,St Mary’s Lane, Upminster. Lectures are from7.45pm until 9.45pm. Horticulture at CorbetsTey School –Sarah Young and Daffodils – RegHarris This is our charity evening the entrancefee is £3. Admission is normally free tomembers and £2 to non-members.

10 Tuesday - NADFAS (Havering) welcomes MsLydia Bauman with a talk entitled ‘Painting theModern Garden – Monet to Matisse’. Lecture

10.45am Coffee from 10.00am. Visitorswelcome at £8. Meetings are held at The NewWindmill Hall, St Mary’s Lane, UpminsterRM14 2QH. Further details of forthcominglectures and events can be found

11 Wednesday - Nelmes Women’s Institute meeton the 2nd Wednesday of every month andwelcome new members of all ages. Meetingsare held at Nelmes United Reformed ChurchHall (corner of Nelmes Road and BurntwoodAvenue, Hornchurch, RM11 3JA). Meetingsstart at 2 pm promptly. Please contact RuthMcDougall on 01708 448431 [email protected] for furtherdetails.

12 Thursday – Upminster and CranhamW.I. arelooking for new members. We meet in the St.Laurence Hall (next to the Library) inUpminster on the second Thursday in themonth. Doors open at 1.30 pm for a 2 pm starttill 4 pm. We have talks on a wide range ofsubjects. We have lunches, afternoon teas,Outings and more. Why not come along andgive us a try and meet new friends. For moreinformation please contact President MargaretReynolds on 01708 471977.

13 Friday – RSPB Havering Local Group IndoorMeeting – British Wildlife, Near and Far BritishWildlife, Near and Far, an illustrated talkpresented by Liz Cutting. Featuring, a mix oflocal wildlife and wildlife from regions ofScotland and elsewhere in the UK. Doors openat 7:30pm, meeting commences at 7:45pm andends at 9:45pm Admission; £3.00 per person.All meetings take place upstairs in the MeetingRoom at Hornchurch Library, Hornchurch.

17 Tuesday - Upminster Camera Club – TOMMASON “Owls of Serbia + Seals & Bears”.Cranham Community Association, 115aMarlborough Gardens, Upminster, RM14 1SR.7.45pm.

17 Tuesday - Upminster U3A Jo Livingstone, "OldCorners of London". University of the Third Age- meets at 1pm on the third Tuesday monthly inthe New Windmill Hall, St Mary's Lane,Upminster. Doors open at 12.30pm. For further

continued on page 19

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information about membership and currentinterest groups, come along to a meeting forfree or check out our

17 Tuesday - Cranham Engayne W.I. welcomesnew members and visitors. Meetings held onthe 3rd Tuesday of each month at 2 pm to 4 pmat the Cranham Community Centre,Marlborough Gardens.

18 Wednesday – Hornchurch Harmonies W.I.,meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month(except August) between 7.30pm - 9.45pm atHavering Indoor Bowls Club RM11 1JU .Visitors fee £3.50 includes tea and cake.

19 Thursday - Upminster Wine and Social Clubmeet on the third Thursday of the month at 8 pm inthe Cranham Social Hall, Front Lane, Cranham.We hold meetings every month with a variety ofspeakers and wine tasting. For moreinformation contact Maureen Jasper on 01708223956, or simply come along on the night.You will be most welcome.

20 Friday - Havering Antique and CollectorsClub meet at the Neighbourhood Centre,Gubbins Lane, Harold Wood. Mr Chris White -Art of WW1 and WW2. Starting at 7.30 pm for 8pm start. Guests £4. For further details pleasecall our Chairman Mrs Chris Lovett 07947367258.

25 Wednesday - Upminster Park Towns WomensGuild meet on the fourth Wednesday of everymonth at 2 pm to 4 pm in Derham Hall(behind Upminster Library), Upminster.Afternoon tea, talks and outings amongst afriendly group of ladies, all most welcome. Formore information contact Deborah Pryor on01708 226127 or Ann Monk on 01708 226305 orsimply come along.

25 Wednesday - Upminster and District ProbusClub meet at The Cranleigh, 84 Station Road,Hornchurch, RM12 6LX. Leonard Taphouse“Oh What Fun it is to be a Lecturer”. ContactBarry on 01708 703783 and leave a message orsend an [email protected].

28 Saturday – RSPB Havering Local GroupCoach Outing – RSPB Titchwell Marsh NR,

North Norfolk This popular reserve on thenorth Norfolk coast has something foreveryone. To book contact Mike Hughes 01708250585 E-mail: [email protected] . Seats£18.00 each. Please book before: 22 September

30 Monday - Breathe Easy - Havering meet at StAndrews Church, Hornchurch, in aid of theBritish Lung Foundation on the last Monday ofthe month. The meetings run from 1.30 - 3pm,£3 donation is appreciated. We are a supportgroup for people with COPD, Asthma or otherBreathing Difficulties. For details please ringJoyce on 01708 226696 or Elaine on 01708509127.

NOVEMBER7 Tuesday - Oglethorpe Women’s Institute join

us for a couple of hours to relax. Bring somecolouring pencils if you have them, or we cansupply some. Our meetings are held atCranham Social Hall, 103 Front Lane, RM141XL on the first Tuesday of every month at 7.45 pm.Contact Secretary Mrs. E. Bell on 01708 251161or just come along on the evening.

4 Wednesday - Harold Wood Evening W.I. meeton the 1st Wednesday on the month at the WarMemorial Hall in Gubbins Lane 7.30 pm for7.45 pm start. Our September speaker is AuthorRuth Dugdall. Visitors welcome entrance is£2.50, which includes refreshments. For moredetails please ring Joanne on 0787 5670419.

7 Saturday -The Havering Branch of the East ofLondon Family History Society hold meetingson the first Saturday of every month at TrinityChurch, Station Road, Upminster RM14 2SJdoors open at 1pm meeting starts at 2pm. Thismonth the talk is ‘Essex a Diocese, Chelmsforda Cathedral. How on Earth!’ (A fascinating storyof how it did happen) with Tony Tuckwell. TheInternet & Technology Group meet at the samevenue 11am – 1pm. Teas and coffees can bepurchased. Members and visitors welcome toeither or both.

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Litter PenaltiesIt was interesting to note that aproposal to increase the defaultfixed penalty for littering from£75 to £100 was well supportedin a recent governmentconsultation, indeed a doublingof the fine to £150 would havebeen preferable. However, thekey to effective, coherent andvisible levels of enforcement,accompanied by meaningfuleducation programmes, is tosend out a consistent message.For example, throwing litter outof a car is unacceptable, inLondon the owner of the vehiclecan be fined, no matter whothrew the rubbish out, whileacross the border in Brentwood,and indeed the rest of thecountry, it needs to be provenwho threw the rubbish from thecar in order to impose a fine –which is nearly impossible.Clearly, a consistent approach tothis behaviour would be sensibleand avoid ambiguity acrossborders. Littering and fly-tippingcosts is a blight on ourcommunities and costs counciltaxpayers across the countryaround £780 million a year,effective measures are alwayswelcome but they need to beconsistent.


FacebookWhen reading Facebook oftencomments are put in by peopletalking about a criminal matterand it is not too clear if it hasbeen reported to the police. ThePolice are unable to action crimewhich is just reported onFacebook, and need the personwho witnessed it to contact themand give details, descriptions etc.By all means make others aware,but the correct authorities needto know as well.


Spooky HalfTermSpooky Craft day Mon 23rd Oct–10.30am-11.30am, 12.00pm -1.00pm, 2.30pm- 3.30pm Comealong and make some creepycraft to take home ready forHalloween. Suitable for ages 3+Booking essential, £6 inadvance per childSpooky Lanterns – Wed 25thOct– 1.30pm-2.30pm, 2.30pm-3.30pmCome along and make a spookylantern to take home ready forHalloween. Suitable for ages 3+Booking essential, £6 inadvance per childPumpkin Carving – Thu 26thOct – 11.00am-12.00pm,1.00pm-2.00pm, 2.00pm-3.00pm

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Come along and carve your ownpumpkin to take home ready forHalloween. Suitable for ages 5+Booking essential, £6 inadvance per pumpkinOwl Evening – Thu 26th Oct –7.00pm-8.30pmJoin Essex Wildlife Trust and theKent Owl Academy for a talkabout owls. As well as the talk,they will be flying the birds in thevisitor centre so it is a greatopportunity to see these majesticbirds up close. Booking essential,£7 in advance per personCreepy Craft – Fri 27th Oct –1.30pm-2.30pm,2.30pm-3.30pmCome along and make somecreepy craft to take home readyfor Halloween. Suitable for ages 3+Booking essential, £6 inadvance per childHalloween Fright Night – Sat28th & Sun 29th OctoberSessions from 6.30pm, 6.45pm,7.00pm, 7.15pmCome along for a terrifying

guided walk around HornchurchCountry Park, where you willmeet ghosties and ghoulies, andfinish with a spooky story roundthe campfire. Costumes optionalSuitable for ages 7+, £7 inadvance per personHornchurch Country Park,Squadrons Approach,Hornchurch, RM12 6DF (6TSSAT NAVS).To book your place please callinto the centre, call 01708 520364or [email protected].

Coach OutingWindsoronSaturday14thOctoberLeaving Bell School Upminster at9am after usual pick-ups.Something for everyone in thishistoric town. Tickets £15.00 FromMrs Joan Carroll (tel: 01708937579) from Monday 4thSeptember between 7pm and9pm please.

News FlashPolice Station ClosuresRadical plans put forward by theMayor of London to closeHornchurch and Rainham PoliceStations, along with eight SaferNeighbourhood Police Offices,have been published by theLabour London Mayor ofLondon.Given the ongoing challengesassociated with the tri-boroughpolicing scheme, these proposalswill undoubtedly stretch policepresence even more. Theproposed closures signify afundamental change to policingstrategy and will surelyundermine the safety of ourresidents.Your Harold Wood Councillorswould urge residents to respondto the consultation, either on-lineor in writing to lodge yourconcerns.The consultation can be viewedat or by email [email protected]. The consultation concludeson October 6th.

Harold Wood Councillors

22Havering Edition

Harold Wood,Hill, ParkResidentsCouncillors

Alex Donald 01708 341106Brian Eagling 01708 373027Darren Wise 01708 [email protected]


Editor:Bruce Nicholls 07505 289568

[email protected]

Commercial AdvertisingRon Ower 07721 [email protected]

Emerson Park AreaLaurance Garrard

David GodwinJohn Stone

[email protected]

Telephone07973 856195

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MMOOBBIILLEE:: 0077778888 772255885533




Printed by FT Print, Centrus Business Park, Mead Lane, Hertford, SG13 7GXPublished by Upminster & Cranham Residents’ Association. Bruce Nicholls, 38 Derham Gardens, Upminster, Essex, RM14 3HA