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treat spirituality


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Holism is based on the harmony of body, mind and soul.

In this thesis, I am investigating the ability of interior design to create holistically healing

spaces, stressing the significance of spirituality as one of the integrated

constituents of such harmony.

In addition, the purpose of the research and

the projects that test its validity is to expand

the understanding of the expression of sacred experience. The project is grounded

in the belief of the potential of major design

elements, such as structure, form, geometry, light, color and materials to produce modern

spiritual spaces.


How do architectural and interior spaces create the human experience and conception of sacred space?

This question will touch two major areas of research: firstly, the conception of the human

experience based on cognitive architectural elements, and secondly, the effort to define

sacred or spiritual architecture.

+ The human being is a complex system+ Any disease is a systematic issue+ Wellness of mind, body and spirit are interdependent.

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Step back from your everyday busy life, concerns and chaos. Heal your physical body, correct your emotional state, enrich your spiritual life and find who you are.

Plunge into realm of physical and spiritual harmony.

body, mind & spirit center

The word holism comes from the Greek holos, referring to the belief that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.- Joel Evans, M.D.

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Modern understanding of term “Spirituality” is the recognition of all-encompassing realm, an invisible reality that somehow transcends and sustains human life, consciousness, and values.

Explore extended spirituality:

+ from inside

+ from outside

The term derives from the Latin spiritus. The Latin verb root is spirare, literally, “to breathe”.




genomics and behavior




physiologyand health










legal system




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+ Paths

+ Light

+ Motion

+ Spacial Perception

+ Rhythm

+ Proportions

+ Sacred Geometry

+ Nature


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+ Circle

+ Vesica Piscis

+ Golden Ratio

+ Pyramid

+ Labyrinth

+ Flower of Life

+ Tree of Life

+ Sacred Sphere


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Light, Symbolism, Nature, Geometry

"Light, after all, is the connecting force of the universe and all religions celebrate its spiritual delights.That was our starting point -- that it would glow with a dreamlike serenity which will explore the range of the phenomena of light and shadow in continual interaction."- Siamak Hariri, ArchitectThe structure is conformed to classic proportions. It will be almost as wide as it is high.

The design parameters as laid down in the Baha'i Writings were taken very seriously - the Temple had to have nine sides and a dome. The nine alabaster wings have also been compared to "leaves".

"In the end, it is hoped that this sacred building will feel both simple and understated, and, at the same time, complex enough to accept and hold a rich multiplicity of readings and experiences."

Baha'i Temple, Santiago Chile


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Light, Symbolism, Nature, GeometryCASE STUDIES

The temple will be 30 feet tall, similar to the Shrine of the Bab, Haifa, and 25-30 feet wide.

Wings are constructed to have a clear symmetry, yet the dynamic of parametrically designed elements provide the viewer a fresh and even futuristic appearance.

It is hoped by project architect and all members of the team that the Temple’s design will be seen as a restrained interplay of seeming contradictions: movement against stillness, the building’s profound rootedness made to seem buoyant, and a symmetrical structure that seems possessed of a performative spirit.

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Light, Symbolism, Nature, GeometryCASE STUDIESIllinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center

“I felt the need to embed as much content and syntax as possible into the work, as if I had personally witnessed the unspeakable horror firsthand...”- Stanley Tigerman

Columns in front of dual-sided (dark and light) building represent the columns of Temple of Solomon, named Jachin and Boaz. Proportions were kept according to biblical measurements.

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Light, Symbolism, Nature, GeometryCASE STUDIES

Hall of Reflection

+ 18 windows emphasize gematria “HAI”- life.

+ 12 cubit (biblical measurement) benches

represent 12 tribes of Israel

Book of Remembrance

+skylight flooded cylindrical room with list of first names of people

lost to the Holocaust

+columns, proportioned the same as outside to reflect the

importance of faith

“...I felt it necessary to organize the museum visitor’s progression throughout the building sequentially, so that there would be no turning point back”, says Mr. Tigerman

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6:00 am 8:00 am 10:00 am

12:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm

4:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm

Light, Symbolism, Nature, GeometryCASE STUDIESSalk Institute, La Jolla, California

“Design is not making beauty, beauty emerges from selection, affinity, integration, love.” — Louis I. Kahn

Famous Theodore Court, entirely finished with travertine, creates the void in between the two mirrored structures. The buildings on both sides act as a frame to augment the negative space in the middle.

The court lookout is towards the Pacific Ocean. Visitors have a perception of entering towards eternity when facing the water at the horizon.

At the west end of each building there are six floors of offices with balconies overlooking the ocean for creativity and inspiration of institute occupants. Angled walls offer view from every step.

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Light, Symbolism, Nature, GeometryCASE STUDIES

"The composer writes music to listen to the sounds - the architect wrote. - The architecture creates a rhythm to the music born of correspondences between the light and space. I believe that architecture - a sensible way of organizing space. It must be created so that the design and space manifest in it. The choice of design should consider the organization of the world. The structure of the service facilities to complement the structure served. One - crude, brutal, and the other - delicate, full of light. "

In this project Kahn rediscovered the qualities and the warm glow of “pozzolonic” concrete used in Roman times. In addition he used unfinished teak wood, lead glass and untreated steel.

The notion of served and services space, public and private is clearly expressed through the proportions and consideration of different materials.

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Center will be located on

the bay shore in Point

Loma, San Diego,


Climate statistics

Average Temperature

70 Degrees

Most precipitation


Precipitation range -


Wind varies between 15 mph to 25 mphMajority of winds are NNW, NW, WNW

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Point Loma is a seaside community of San Diego, California. Point Loma is historically important as the landing place of the first Euro-

pean expedition to come. The peninsula has been described as "where California began".

Today Point Loma houses:

+ two major military bases

+ national cemetery

+ national monument

+ university

+ residential and commercial areas.


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Point Loma was a birthplace of Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society Homestead, known as Lomaland.

Established by Katherine Tingley in 1897 on the site of what is today Point Loma Nazarene College.

Lomaland was the only successful Theosophical commune in the United States and functioned as a community, where individuals

discovered their unique essence.

Mieras Hall is a remaining from the Theosophical Society Era. It has an octagon-shape rotunda with skylights at the base of the central

dome. The dome is crowned by an amethyst-colored bulb six feet tall.

Interiors of that building has carved wooden portals with music and wisdom motives of the ages.

Alumni house is constructed in 1902. This building was inspired by Romanesque architecture with arches. Its interiors include hand

carved wooden fireplace and decorative balustrade, using lotus motif.


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DESIGN DEVELOPMENTSacred Geometry, Natural Light, Solar Exposure, Surrounding Resources, Symbolism of Spirituality

RE Center


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rectilinear forms

plenty of daylight

travel to remote nature sites

I seek a quiet space

practicing yoga

meditation is helpful

water makes me feel peaceful

“Spiritual” means “religious” to me

I like colorful interiors

relaxing muted colors

color preferences may vary

I enjoy natural scenes

I like curvilinear forms

when I am depressed, I seek help

good physical condition is important

I believe in a holistic health approach

spirituality plays positive role

I like to attend lectures

group activities interest me

I am curious regarding spirituality

I like a sense of order

I prefer symmetry

very high ceilings are uncomfortable

news trigger a feeling of fear

I like large open spaces

I like to open my windows

I like nature sounds

my personal time and space

strongly disagree disagree don’t know agree strongly agree

RESEARCH Quantitative Research. Questionnaire was distributed among adults. Both males and females. Ages 24-70 and older.