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The alarming decline of nursing board passers urged students to query the readiness of those

nursing students who would be taking the upcoming board exam. According to the Professional

Regulation Commission (PRC) Board of Nursing, during the Nursing Licensure Exam (NLE) November

2009, there were a total of 37, 527 out of 94,462 BSN graduates passed. Professional Regulation

Commission (PRC) Board of Nursing was discontented of the outcome for which it rated the lowest

passing rate in the Philippine nursing history. Due to the stated cause, students of batch 2012 were

encouraged to perform better for the upcoming board exam.

The study aims to measure a student's overall performance across a wide range of mental

capabilities, like intelligence test do by the aid of aptitude test. It also often includes items which measure

more specialized abilities like verbal and numerical skills that predict scholastic performance in

educational programs. Aptitude test focuses on the future performance or behavior, as in what a person is

capable learning given appropriate training. It is also to large extent measures of achievement tests and

covers test of intelligence as well. The need to find the best predictor for the performance in the Academic

Achievement is the very essence of this research.

This study shows the relationship between the Nursing Aptitude Test scores and Academic

Achievement variables of selected 3rd year nursing students (SY 2011-2012) in Central Mindanao

University. This study also show which among the nursing aptitude test scores of selected 3 th year nursing

students best predict the outcome of their Academic Achievement.


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Several researches in the past and recent years have studied cognitive related aptitude test, which

may account for distinction in a student’s academic performance, which may be reflected not just in

nursing grade point average (GPAs) but also test or performances such as board exam. From a local study

conducted by Manabat (1992), he correlated Aptitude test and Academic as to show that Nursing Aptitude

Test with all its dimensions, significantly correlated with a student’s success in both their four year BSN

course and their chances of success in the Nursing Board Examination. Yet Kaplan and Sacuzzo (2006)

believed that achievement is related with aptitude, while aptitude connotes future performance prediction.


This study analyzed if nursing aptitude test scores have predictive value to academic achievement

as measured by grade point average (GPA). Specifically it answered the following questions:

1. What is the aptitude of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 verbal reasoning

1.2 numerical facility

1.3 science and health information

1.4 spatial perception

1.5 scholastic aptitude

2. What is the academic achievement of the respondents in terms of :

2.1 GPA in Science Subjects

2.2 GPA in Major Nursing Subjects

3. Is there a significant relationship between nursing aptitude test scores and academic achievement?

4. Which among the nursing aptitude test scores best predict academic achievement?


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To identify the aptitude of the respondents in terms of verbal reasoning, numerical facility,

science and health information, spatial perception and scholastic aptitude.

To identify the different academic achievement of the respondents in terms of GPA in Science

Subjects and GPA in Major Nursing Subjects.

To determine if there is a significant relationship between nursing aptitude test scores and

academic achievement.

To determine which among the nursing aptitude test scores best predict academic achievement.


1. To students who want to pursue a nursing career, this serves as a basis for considering if nursing

is the right career path for them through the predictive value of the Nursing Aptitude and

Academic achievement in the possibility of passing the board exam.

2. To the faculty members, this can help them realize how important their roles in imparting

knowledge to the students as this knowledge becomes the product of the students’ achievement

both in academics and possibly in board exam. Since professors are the most important resources

of the educational system, this also helps them realize the importance of taking the initiative for

their own career growth.

3. To the nursing school administrators, this can be their basis in providing opportunity for faculty

development. This will also encourage them to evaluate the selection and retention policy of the

school in terms of aptitude score and GPAs of the students, thus become a consideration in


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revising the nursing curriculum.

4. To the society, this study will serve as guidance for those who would want to enter the nursing

profession. These screening tools will help them decide if nursing is the right course for them or

not and will save families from possible loss of money for sending their children to a wrong

vocation/ career. This will not only lead to quality nursing graduates but also to improvement of

the health system of the country.

5. To future researches, this study will serve as a source of information in improving their studies

and will help them go through the process easily. The information found here may provide

insights in improving the quality of future studies.


The study was conducted in Central Mindanao University, College of Nursing. It aims to assess

correlation of Nursing Aptitude Test (NAT) that the center for measurement administered as an

assessment tool for CMU-College of Nursing students entering Junior Year and the academic

achievement which is measured by GPA which data is given by the respondents.

The subjects of this study were limited to 17 3rd yr. nursing students of CMU- College of Nursing

batch 2012 students whose NAT results were taken from them personally. This study did not cover other

possible psychological tests such as occupational interests, mental ability and personality variables.


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Academic - the scholarly activities of a school or university, as classroom studies or research projects:

more emphasis on academics and less on athletics.

Achievement – something accomplished, esp. by superior ability, special effort, great courage, act of

achieving; attainment or accomplishment

Aptitude -capability; ability; innate or acquired capacity for something; talent: She has a special aptitude

for mathematics. Readiness or quickness in learning; intelligence: He was placed in honors classes

because of his general aptitude the state or quality of being apt; special fitness

Aptitude test - any of various tests given to measure abilities, as manual dexterity, visual acuity,

reasoning, or verbal comprehension, and used to assist in the selection of a career.

Facility - readiness or ease due to skill, aptitude, or practice; dexterity: to compose with great facility.

Something designed, built, installed, etc., to serve a specific function affording a convenience or service:

transportation facilities; educational facilities; a new research facility.

GPA – Grade Point Average is used as a metric by employers and others to assess and compare students.

General Weighted Average - An average in which each quantity to be averaged is assigned a

weight. These weightings determine the relative importance of each quantity on the average.

Weightings are the equivalent of having that many like items with the same value involved in the



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Numerical - of or pertaining to numbers; of the nature of a number. indicating a number: numerical

symbols. bearing or designated by a number. expressed by numbers instead of letters: numerical

cryptography; numerical equations. of or pertaining to one's skill at working with numbers, solving

mathematical problems, etc.: tests for rating numerical aptitude.

Perception - The act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition;

understanding. Immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic

qualities; insight; intuition; discernment: an artist of rare perception.

Predictor - To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge.

information that supports a probabilistic estimate of future

Scholastic - Pertaining to, or suiting, a scholar, a school, or schools; scholarlike; as, scholastic manners or

pride; scholastic learning.

Science - systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and

experimentation. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically

arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences. Skill, esp. reflecting a

precise application of facts or principles; proficiency.

Spatial - pertaining to or involving or having the nature of space; "the first dimension to concentrate on is

the spatial one"; "spatial ability"; "spatial awareness"; "the spatial distribution of the population" 

Verbal reasoning - is understanding and reasoning using concepts framed in words. It aims at evaluating

ability to think constructively, rather than at simple fluency or vocabulary recognition.


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From the biblical and Ellen White's point of view, since parents are the ones responsible for

guiding their children's career path, it is very important that they realize the natural inclination of the

child. This study quotes biblical and Ellen G. Whites concept of career choice “Train up a child in the

way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6(NKJV) Young’s literal

translation of this text is “Give instruction to a youth about his way, even when he is old he turneth not

from it” As pointed out in the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary (1996) the test reads literally.

“According to the mouth of his way.” that is “according to his way” Many parents has taken this verse as

a sanction for forcing a child to follow the profession or trade they think he ought to. Thus they have

brought sorrow and disappointment upon themselves for the child, on growing up, often goes through an

entirely different way, Proverbs 22:6. Rather counsel parents to learn in which their particular child be

expected to be of mist service to Him and others, and in which will find most happiness. God has

equipped the child with the capabilities needed to fill this special calling. Therefore the choice of a

lifework should be in line with the child's way-- meaning his natural bent. The efforts of the parents and

the child should be directed toward discovering the kind of work Heaven has already determined.

Commenting on this text in her several books, White says: “ The training that Solomon enjoins is

to direct, educate, develop, But in order for parents to do this work, they must themselves understand the

“way” the child should go”(1913,p. 108). Furthermore, “The specific place appointed us in life is

determined by our capabilities”(1903, pg. 267). “....To every individual of today God has assigned a place

in His Great Plan” (1917,p.536)

From the psychological point of view aptitude refers to the degree of readiness to learn and to


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perform well in a particular situation or fixed domain (Corno 2002) It also refers to potential for

learning or acquiring a specific skill (Kaplan % Saccuzzo, 2001) “In its original, broad definition aptitude

means apness, inclination, tendency, propensity, predisposition, fitness, or suitability for performance in

some situation usually involving formal or informal learning” Its meaning is akin to the concepts of

susceptibility(to treatment or to persuasion and proneness(as in accident proneness). This definition

admits motivational, volitional, affective, social, and psychomotor, as well as cognitive, characteristics of

learners as a part of the concept of aptitude. It also carries the strong implication of readiness for some

particular learning situation and mutual person/situation compatibility in this condition (Snow, Richard &

Phi Delta Kappan, 1997 as cited by Asumen 2008). This definition coincides with (Carrol, 1993 as cited

by Asumen 2008) saying that aptitude is potential ease of learning particular skills or knowledge.

Aptitudes are interfered through the observation of an individuals current skills pr knowledge, generally

through ability tests (Like Nursing Aptitude Tests). Although aptitude is technically different from ability,

as abilities are a present description and describes what a person can do now, including things which are

not explicitly, learned skills; an aptitude is generally thought of as an ability to acquire a specific type of

skill or knowledge(Hood & Johnson, 2002).

Aptitude Tests measure a student's overall performance across a wide range of mental

capabilities, like intelligence test do. It also often includes items which measure more specialized abilities

like verbal and numerical skills that predict scholastic performance in educational programs (Macklem

1990 as cited by Asumen 2008). This was verified by Aiken & Groth-Marnat (2006) that aptitude test

focuses on the future performance or behavior, as in what a person is capable learning given appropriate

training, It is also to large extent measures of achievement tests and covers test of intelligence as well.

Several researches in the past and recent years have studied cognitive related aptitude test, which

may account for distinction in a student’s academic performance, which may be reflected not just in


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nursing grade point average (GPAs) but also test or performances such as board exam. From a local study

conducted by Manabat (1992), he correlated Aptitude test and Academic as to show that Nursing Aptitude

Test with all its dimensions, significantly correlated with a student’s success in both their four year BSN

course and their chances of success in the Nursing Board Examination. Yet Kaplan and Sacuzzo (2006)

believed that achievement is related with aptitude, while aptitude connotes future performance prediction.

As compared to achievement test, these cover a broader area and look at a wide range of

experiences. It tells us what a student brings to the task regardless of the specific curriculum that the

student has already experienced. The difference between aptitude and achievement tests is sometimes a

matter of degree. Some aptitude and achievement test look a lot like. In fact, the higher a student goes in

levels of education, the more the content of aptitude tests resembles achievement tests. This is because the

knowledge that a student has already accumulated is a good predictor of success at advanced levels

(Macklem, 1990 as cited by Asumen 2008).

For administration, aptitude test scores can identify the general aptitude level of a high school for

instance. This is helpful in determining how much bearing should be given to college preparatory

programs. Aptitude tests can be used to help identify students to be accelerated or given extra attention,

for grouping, and in predicting job training performance (Macklem, 1990 as cited by Asumen 2008).

Moreover, it was concluded that aptitude tests help students better understand what their grades in

different may be different particularly when the differences in grade subjects were taken into

consideration such as allowing for the fact that some college subjects will produce higher GPA's than

others (McDonald, 2001)

The cognitive measure used in these studies made use to readily available data obtained from


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nursing school assessment requirement such as the Nursing Aptitude Tests, Grade Point Average in

college or in high school, GPA in Math or Science and Nursing Board Examination in the Philippines or

in the U.S.. A research on medical students academic achievement conducted by Shen and Comrey in

1997 as cited by Tañedo, 2001, showed that an aptitude test for medical students particularly Medical

College Admissions Test (MCAT) that was used in the United States strongly predicted medical

performance as represented by the medical school GPAs and the National Board of Examiners-Part


However, in another research, “Epidemiological study of NCLEX – RN” by Younger, 1992 (as

cited by Hill-Besinque 2000) pointed out that the Second factor (one is GPA) that predicts positive

NCLEX-RN was the Scholastic Aptitude test (SAT) score, an entry assessment requirement for nursing.

Similarly, in a correlation study by Poorman and Martin, 1991 (as cited by Asumen 2008) revealed that

academic aptitude positively correlated with passing score on the NCLEX-RN.

Another related study that uses Pearson correlation, showed result that indicated that cognitive

variables that include Scholastic Aptitude test marked to be of moderate predictive value while it is

considered as the most useful combination using regression analysis (Foti, 1991 as cited by Asumen

2008). A similar research supposes those findings however, saying that the best predictor of achievement

in College when cognitive and non cognitive variables were tested in a two classes of freshman students

at Wikes Pennsylvania was the Aptitude test for Nursing. These findings of positive correlation between

aptitude test and board exam performances was all the more verified by Whirley and Chadwick, 1986 (as

cited by Asumen 2008), in their correlation study between baccalaureate education and NCLEX, revealed

results that indicated graduates who entered the program with low Scholastic Aptitude Test score and with

low GPAs and who are below the class mean of the College of Nursing were at a significantly high risk of

failing the NCLEX-RN.


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A local study correlating Aptitude test and Academic and Nursing Board Examination

performance conducted by Manabat, 1992 (as cited by Asumen 2008) showed that Nursing Aptitude Test

with all its dimensions, significantly predicted student’s success in both their four year BSN course and

their chances of success in the Nursing Board Examination. Using multiple regression analysis, the latter

also found out that the best combination of predictors from among the dimension of Nursing Aptitude

Test (NAT) for preference in the board examination is Science Information and Numerical Ability.

Academic Achievement

Achievement is related with aptitude, while aptitude connotes future performance prediction

(Kapplan and Sacuzzo, 2006) achievement is used to describe school-based learning (Airasian, 1997 as

cited by Asumen 2008). Meaning all of those activities in a classroom that is used to evaluate student’s

performance including quizzes, activities, or exams are measures of achievement. All these measures of

achievement just like an achievement test, which assesses the knowledge of some academic subject or

occupation, focus on the student’s past performance or behavior like what the students have learned or

already accomplished. (Aiken & broth-Marnat, 2006)

Academic Achievement as measured by Grade Point Average

Academic achievement is another major variable that this study considers to be related with

Nursing Aptitude of nursing graduates. In this study academic achievement is defined as Grade Point

Average or Weighted Mean of Science courses and overall weighted mean.

In a research by Mansse et. al (1980) as cited by Hill-Besinque et. al (2000) that investigated the

relationship between academic performance and subsequent performance on the National Association of

Boards of Pharmacy Licensure Examination (NABPLEX) in a small, private pharmacy school and a


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large, state – supported schools, they had proven a high correlation that existed between GPA and

NABPLEX scores for candidates from the small private schools while low correlation was found from

large, state-supported school. A review of related study from other research found similar result. Younger,

1992 (as cited by Hill-Besinque et. al 2000) found that the highest predictive value for passing the

NCLEX-RN was the student’s grade in four core nursing courses, second was the scholastic aptitude test


GPAs in four nursing courses were reported to be valid predictors of NCLEX in some nursing

students. He even pointed out that Medical College Admission Test for Medical School applicant

positively correlated with undergraduate college GPAs. In relation with medical school performance by

Silver and Hodgson (1997) as cited by Tañedo (2001), using regression analyses, he found out that

undergraduate grade point average (UGPA) along with Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) scores

adequately predicted students’ achievement of National Board Medicines Examinee.

There were many researches revealing the predictive value of GPA, to different measures of

academic achievement. In a correlation research by Talazyk (1989) as cited by Asumen (2008), the

researcher found that junior grade point average was the best predictor of achievement in senior level

nursing courses. A related result was revealed by Delma and Halpin (1984) as cited by Asumen (2008),

using discrimination analysis. The study showed the cognitive measures like aptitude test pre-nursing

exam and GPA significantly differentiated between dropouts and graduates of GPA significantly

differentiated between dropouts and graduates in 456 black students enrolled in private baccalaureate

nursing school. For 181 graduates, these same predictors plus GPA also significantly differentiated

between passers and failures in the state board exam.

The latter's finding were similar with a study by Krup, Quick and Whitley (1988) as cited by

Asumen (2008). In their research about determining whether grades in nursing course required of all


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students could predict NCLEX-RN performance using discriminant analysis, the results revealed that

graduates who passed The NCLEX-RN in the initial attempt did differ with respect to grades in nursing

course taken during the sophomore year and in a medical-surgical nursing course taken during the junior

year were substantially and directly related to NCLEX-RN performance. Grades earned in other nursing

theory courses had positive correlations with the discriminant function grades in practicum courses were

relatively poor predictors of NCLEX-RN performance of 74.9 percent sample.

These related studies were all the more verified by the research of Salvatori. Penny (2001) on the

reliability and validity of admission tools used to select student for the health professions. It is clear in the

findings that pre-admission overall grade point average is the best predictor of academic performance in

all of the health professions however, the relationship between pre-admission GPA and clinical

performance is less clear. The Medical College Admission Test is a good predictor of performance of

medical students in term of in course grades and licensing examination scores but a similar test does not

exist in other health professions, Research indicates that controversy remains as to the value of personal

interviews and written admissions as selection tool, although it is clear that training of assessors and

explicitly rating guidelines enhance their reliability and validity.


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Since the term aptitude refers to the potential for learning or acquiring a specific skill (Kaplan

and Saccuzzo, 2001) this study considered that although not the sole basis for screening nursing students

for clinical levels, aptitude test is an important consideration because it implies prediction

(Lynmann,1998) especially if high predictive value will be proven by this research. The main advantage

of an aptitude test is that it provides a general picture of a pupil’s school performance and scores on one

subject which can be compared to scores on other tests (Airasian, 1997). They provide basis for predicting

future performance. They can be used for selecting individuals to training programs or classifying people

into groups.

Aptitude tests can also be used as substitute for intelligence tests (Lynmann, 1998). In fact,

intelligence test or IQ tests are measures of general aptitude, scores on these tests represents a composite

of cognitive abilities and can be used to forecast achievement and other behavior in a wide range of

situations. Moreover, these tests are combined scores on measures of special abilities Schmidt et. al, 2004

as cited by (Aiken et. al., 2006). However, there is a subtle difference between the terms; ability, aptitude,

and intelligence, the test design to measure these attributes differ in a number of ways (Macklem, 1990).

Achievement, however, refers to previous learning (Kaplan and Saccuzzo, 2001). It is defined by

Airasian (1997) is a school-based learning that is not solely a result of school instruction, but rather the

product of a broader, non-school influences such as parents, peer groups, and various none school

activities. Since the purpose of schooling is to help students attain particular knowledge, skills and

processes, almost all of the formal tests that pupils are expected to take in schools assess achievement.

That is, pupil mastery of those things that were taught during school instruction. Thus, GPAs and exams

are indicators of students’ achievement.


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These concepts are supported by the theory of Charles Spearman that all aspects of intelligence

are correlated with each other. Spearman believed that only two factors are measured by intelligence tests,

a general intelligence factor common to all tests and a specific factor that is distinctive in each test

(Williams, Zimmerman, Zumbo and Ross, 2003) this means that there is a general ability factor that will

determine how well each individual does on any particular assessment of cognitive functioning. And

cognitive factors (aptitude and achievement) that this research considered do measure one thing and can

best predict future performance.

This study also considered attribution theory of Bernard Weiner that can play a role in

performance. This theory states that beliefs on ones ability have a bearing in achievement. Students

assumption on their abilities is usually based on their history of performance and if they fail, they often

make a devastating assumption that they lack ability (Kratoch, Mill,1996) in connection with this

theory, passing the Nursing Aptitude Tests, and earning high grades would mean that they would also do

well in board exam.


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Conceptual Framework

Fig. 1.0

The proposed conceptual paradigm shows the clusters of cognitive factors; the Nursing aptitude

tests scores in: Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Facility, Science and Health Information, Spatial Perception

and Scholastic Aptitude are hypothesized by the researchers as predictors of academic achievement of 3rd

year nursing students batch 2012.


The research paradigm shows the relationship between the dependent variable which is the

academic achievement of the students in the science subject and the independent variables which is the

scores of the nursing aptitude test. This will serve as the guideline for the research investigation. The

figure explains that all these factors interplay to contribute to the academic achievement (GPA) of the





Nursing Aptitude Test Scores:

Verbal ReasoningNumerical FacilityScience and Health InformationSpatial PerceptionScholastic Aptitude

Level III Nursing


Academic Achievement

Grade Point Average (GPA):

GPA in Science subjects

GPA in Major Nursing subjects

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1. There is no significant relationship between nursing aptitude test scores and academic

achievement as measured by GPA.

2. Among the nursing aptitude test scores, there is no predictor of the academic achievement as

measured by GPA.



The target population of the study was the 17 3rd year nursing students of Batch 2012 in Central

Mindanao University, College of Nursing.


This study employed a descriptive-correlation type of research. Descriptive in the sense that it

presented the stability or variability of the characteristics described. It is also correlation because it

determined whether there exists a relationship between variables.


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By using a purposive non-probability sampling the researchers have selected 17 respondents from the

total population of 17 3rd year nursing students who still have their NAT results with them.


The Nursing Aptitude Test (NAT) is a 30-minutes test designed to screen gauge the potential for

success of aspirants to the nursing profession. It is a 50-item test that consists of test items in Verbal

Reasoning, Numerical Facility, Science and Health Information and Spatial Perception. Qualified test

takers are high school seniors, high school graduates, college freshmen, or college sophomores. It is

designed and administered by the Center for Educational Measurement. The norm of the NAT are based

on the test performance sample of the 1,325 nursing students from twenty nursing schools in the

Philippines. Five scores were generated from the test. The five scores were comparable since they are

converted on the same standard deviation of 100. A scholastic aptitude (SA) score is also presented. The

SA rating is the composite rating of the four sub scores and is also expressed in standard scores with

percentile rank equivalents that range from1-99+ with a midpoint of 50 and a mean of 500 in the standard

score scale (CEM manual).

The academic achievement is measured through weighted average of all grades in science and

major courses in the BSN curriculum Central Mindanao University. The weighted mean is computed by

getting the sum of all the grades in different subjects then multiplied to the number of its units divided by

the overall total number of units. The grading scale of Central Mindanao University starts at 1.00 which is

the highest (99-100) with the verbal interpretation of “excellent” while the rating 1.25 with grades

ranging from 96- 98% has a verbal interpretation of “superior”, rating of 1.50 with grades ranging from

93-95% has a verbal interpretation of “exemplary”, 1.75 with grades ranging from 90-92 has a verbal


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interpretation of “very good”. 2.00 with grades ranging from 87-89 has a verbal interpretation of “good”.

2.25 with grades ranging from 84-86 has a verbal interpretation of “satisfactory”. While the rating of 2.50

with grades ranging from 81-83 has a verbal interpretation of “fairly satisfactory”. 2.75 with grades

ranging from 78-80 has verbal interpretation of “fair”. 3.00 with grades ranging from 75-77 means

“passed” while 5.00 with grades below 75 means failed.


The following statistical tool was used in this study.

1. To answer problem no.1 the frequency and percentage; mean and mode; coefficient of variation

and standard deviation was used to measure the degree of importance of each aptitude (verbal

reasoning, numerical facility, science and health information, spatial perception and scholastic

aptitude) and to compare the variability of two or more sets of grades when they are expressed in

different unit measurements.

2. To answer problem no.2 frequency and percentage; mean and mode; coefficient of variation and

standard deviation was used to measure the degree of importance of each grades and to compare

the variability of two or more sets of grades when they are expressed in different unit


3. To answer problem no.3 Linear Regression and Pearson's Correlation was used to determine if

there is a significant relationship between Nursing Aptitude test scores and Academic

Achievement variables.

4. To answer problem no.4 Multiple regression and Forward Stepwise regression analysis was used


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to determine which among the nrusing aptitude test scores best predict academic achievement


Table 5.0

Statement of the


Statistical tools Formula Description

1. What is the aptitude of

the respondents in terms

of verbal reasoning,

numerical facility,

science and health

information, spatial

perception and scholastic




Mean (weighted average


%=n x 100


Where: n=sample size

N=total population

x = XW


Where: x = mean

X=measurement or value; w

= weight

>To find the mean

of set values

wherein each value

or measurement has

a different weight or

degree of


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Mean (sample)

Standard Deviation

x= X


Where x=mean; X= sum of

the measurements or the

values; N= number of


= X -x) 2


Where: x=value from raw

data; X=mean; N=total



>The sum of all the


divided by the no.

of measurement in

the set.

>The square root of

the average

deviation from the



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Coefficient of Variation



Where: CV = coefficient of

variation; S= Standard

deviation mean; X= mean

>Ratio of the

standard deviation

to the mean. It is

used to compare the

variability of two or

more sets of data

even when they are

expressed in

different unit


2. What is the academic

achievement of the

respondents in terms of


GPA(Grade Point Ave.)



Mean (weighted average

GPA=Total grade points

Total Credits

%=n x 100


Where: n=sample size

N=total population

x = XW


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Mean (sample)

Standard Deviation


Where: x = mean

X=measurement or value; w

= weight

x= X


Where x=mean; X= sum of

the measurements or the

values; N= number of


= X -x) 2


Where: x=value from raw

data; X=mean; N=total



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Coefficient of Variation



Where: CV = coefficient of

variation; S= Standard

deviation mean; X= mean

3. Is there a significant

relationship between

nursing aptitude test

scores and academic

achievement, and

nursing enhancement


Linear Regression and

Pearson's Correlation

r= xy


>To model the


between two

variables, one of

which depends on

the other.

4. Which among the

nursing aptitude test

scores and academic

achievement best predict

nursing enhancement


Multiple Regression and

Forward Stepwise


Yt=a+b1x1+b2x2+…+bnxn >To determine the

best predictor

among the

