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ANXIETYsenior thesis, october 2012caitlin clingman

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I am interested in surveilling, cataloguing and creating images of anxiety in the context of city living. Through this exploration I will use mechanical and natural ways of distorting, repeating, and concealing images to communicate stress and anxiety.


stresshysteriapanic attacksimage distortion surveillence crowds montage concealing suspense

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(L) Paul Citroes, Metropolis, 1923 collage (R) MRI of brain, “researches found that regions of the brain that regulate emotion and anxiety are overactive in city-dwellers.”

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(L) Paul Sharil, Seizure Comparison, video at The New Museum(R) Louise-Bourgeois, Arch of Hysteria, 1993

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(L) Etching, by myself, of a partial crowd(R) Photo by Michael Ruetz, Berlin Alexanderplatz, 1973

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Through research, I found that I am interested in imagesof crowds. I experience episodes of anxiety in crowds of people and in the past have made a series of etchings to cope with this.

I am interested in images of hysteria or panick attacks and the syptoms that follow; inclusing seuzures, vertigo and hysteria.

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Screen shots from Norman Leto’s film Sailor, visualizing the ear drum and the effects of stress inducing sounds

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(L) Screen shots from Jørgen Leth’s The Five Obstructions, this version filmed in Cuba, had no shot over twelve frames.(R) Screen shots from William S. Burroughs Cut-Up films.

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These three films create suspense, stress and anxiety through motion and sound.

I would like to explore the use of montage techniques and play with speed and multiplicity to mimic these feelings.

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Oil paintings by Adrian Ghenie, manipulating materials and defacing subjects

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Collages by Office Supplies Incorporated, collage of found images and photocopies

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Through techniques of concealing, distorting, sensoring and masking, I will explore ways to communicate feelings on anxiety. I will incoperate my surrounding environment, and explore the effects of living in a city on a person with high stress levels.

I will use this as a project to explore many different mediums, and as a final result I plan to have a book as a collection of all the images.

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Masochism and the Perverse Pleasures of the Cinema, Gaylyn StudlarFrancis Bacon and the Loss of Self, Ernst Van AlphenFantastic Reality: Louise Bourgeois and a Story of Modern Art, Mignon NixonMadness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, Michel FoucaultInfinite Jest, David Foster Wallace The Berlin Stories, Christopher Isherwood Notes from Underground, DostoevskyThe private journals of Edvard Munch