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Theory Overview: Producing Quality Homemade Popcorn

Presented byStephen M. Perry

Document #: TRN-PPT-003Effective: 14MAR05

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Theory Overview OutlineProducing Quality Homemade Popcorn

• Purpose and Scope• Background and History• Process Theory

o Introductiono Materialso Equipmento Techniques

• Quiz• References

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PurposeWhy is this necessary?

• Conceptually, this overview is a sample component of Ideal Knowledge Transfer™.

• Information covered in this presentation addresses some of the reasoning behind the selected methodologies.

• By addressing the history and theory involved, key information is better retained and knowledge can develop.

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ScopeWhat is covered?

• This presentation includes pertinent information related to producing quality homemade popcorn:o Historyo Process Theoryo Materialso Techniques

• This module provides supplemental information beyond what is included in other materials, such as:o Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)o Demonstration Video

• Generally speaking, detailed step-by-step instructions and instructional highlights have been omitted.

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BackgroundHow did this come about?

• The “Producing Quality Homemade Popcorn” example was chosen as a simple, fun example to illustrate the possible benefits of Ideal Knowledge Transfer™.

• Stephen Perry, the founder of Kymanox, started making homemade popcorn in the mid-1980s and refined the process over the years after much experimentation.

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History of PopcornEarly

• It is believed that the first use of wild and early cultivated corn was popping. 1

• The writings of Peruvian Indians in 1650 say, “They toast a certain kind of corn until it bursts. They call it pisancalla, and they use it as a confection.” 1

• During the Depression, popcorn at 5 or 10 cents a bag was one of the few luxuries down-and-out families could afford. 1

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History of PopcornRecent

• Microwave popcorn was the very first use of microwave heating in the 1940s. 1

• Popcorn went into a slump during the early 1950s, when television became popular. Attendance at movie theaters dropped and, with it, popcorn consumption. When the public began eating popcorn at home, the new relationship between television and popcorn led to a resurge in popularity. 1

• Americans today consume 17 billion quarts of popped popcorn each year. 1

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Process TheoryIntroduction

• Popping corn kernels requires heat to drive a phase change in the small amount of water (i.e., moisture) that normally resides in a kernel.

• As the water quickly transforms from a liquid to a gas state, the volume it occupies increases by a factor of 1700 – thus providing the explosive force for popping.

• It is important that the heat is transferred quickly, avoiding pervaporation which allows water to escape without creating the explosive force.

• The latent moisture in a kernel is therefore critical; kernels should be stored properly to keep their moisture content stable.

+ =

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Process TheoryMaterials

• Popcorn kernels• Heat transfer medium

o Oil (traditional)o Air (hot air popper)o Electromagnetic

radiation (microwave)• Seasonings

o Buttero Salto Others (not


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MaterialsPopcorn Kernels

• Premium kernels are essential for quality popcorn.

• The world’s best popcorn is grown in the Midwest: o Illinois, Indiana and Iowa (USA)

• Desirable kernel characteristics:o Relatively large and plumpo White or yellow in coloro Ideal moisture content (13-14%) 1

o Proper packaging to ensure moisture stabilityo High popped to un-popped volume expansion ratio

(>35:1) 1

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MaterialsHeat Transfer Medium

• A key factor impacting how a kernel pops is how heat is transferred to the kernel.

• Oil is the traditional medium; it has several advantages over air and microwaves:o Provides even and continuous contact with the kernel

and heating equipment – thus maximizing heat transfero Adds flavor to the popped corno Requires no special equipment

• Corn, safflower and canola oils are best and other oils can impart an unwanted taste, e.g., olive, or are not as healthy, e.g., coconut.

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• Although dry popped corn has taste, its taste can be enhanced with simple seasonings:o Real butter provides the best taste and does not contain

trans-fat that is associated with margarineo A small amount of salt magnifies the corn and butter

flavors• Sugar, caramel, cheese and other flavorings are

common but are too dominate and can interfere with the taste of the corn.

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Process TheoryEquipment

• Popping equipment desirable characteristics:o Ability to transfer heat to heat transfer medium quickly

and evenlyo Avoid burningo Allow steam to escape

• Holding equipment desirable characteristics:o Cool slowly and evenlyo Allow moisture to escapeo Allow for transferring, mixing and serving

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Equipment Table of OptionsDevice Picture Advantages Disadvantages

Traditional Covered Pot

Reliable and consistent; not a specialty unit; easy to clean

Good technique required

Mechanical Popcorn Popper

Ensures proper mixing and venting

Moving parts; hard to clean; specialty unit ($ + space)

Hot Air Popper

Ability to produce low-fat popcorn

Loud operation; overly dry popcorn; specialty unit ($ + space)

Microwave Ease-of-use; disposable clean-up

Popping dependant on power rating; must buy pre-packaged popcorn

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EquipmentTraditional Covered Pot

• Although simple, the traditional covered pot may be the best choice for making quality homemade popcorn.

• The pot interior should be made of good quality stainless steel (e.g., 18/10) and have a smooth finish on the inside:o No pitting or visible corrosiono Free of char and scorch stains (impacts heat transfer)o Aluminum core and exterior desirable (provides even heating)

• The pot height should be close to 4 inches:o Allows steam to escapeo Accounts for expected volume expansion if a single layer of

kernels is used

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EquipmentHolding Containers

• Cooling and mixing container: paper bago Low heat capacity material (i.e., paper) prevents condensation

during coolingo Absorbs and wicks moisture – keeping popcorn dry and fluffyo Large volume allows for easy bulk cooling and mixingo Disposable and recyclable

• Serving container: open bowlo Easy accesso Decorative

• Storage container: covered bowlo Air-tight for moisture controlo Preserves freshness

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Process TheoryTechniques

• Technique is critical for consistent high quality, high yielding popcorno Preheatingo Poppingo Coolingo Seasoningo Serving and storage

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• The water inside the kernel need to reach >100°C so that steam can be created and cause the pressure to build and to provide the explosive “pop.”

• The temperature inside the kernel is related to:o Exterior kernel temperature, which is related too Oil temperature, which is related too Pot temperature , which is related too Stove temperature, which is the heat source

• The stove, pot and oil should be individually preheated to allow for optimal thermal equilibrium and temperature gradients.

• Indicating kernels are used to verify when the oil has reached popping temperature of approximately 210 to 230°C.

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• For maximum batch yield without compromising other factors, pop as many kernels as it takes to form a single layer in the pot.

• Mixing is critical during both heating and popping of the kernels:o Keeps kernels evenly coated with hot oil; minimizes temperature

variations in the poto Moves displaced, non-popped kernels to the bottom of the pot so they

can return to the oil for popping• Opening the lid during popping:

o Allows steam to escapeo Keeps popped kernels dry, light and fluffy

• Remove from heat after popping rate declines - not when it has stopped:o Popping popcorn kernels absorb heat from the oil, pot and stove –

once in decline, the temperature of the pot and oil begins to rise significantly and can cause oil to smoke, imparting a bad taste

o Prevents burning and scorching

Single Layer

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• Cooling is a critical yet often unmanaged step in popcorn production.

• Fresh, hot popcorn needs to cool in a controlled fashion:o Avoids unwanted condensationo Paper is ideal surface:

Absorbs moisture Wicks moisture Low heat capacity

o Glass, porcelain or metal are not recommended: The surface of the popped corn cools too quickly Water condenses on the popped corn Impacted corn becomes dense – an unwanted mouth-feel attribute Corn does not remain fresh as long during storage

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• Seasoning is a personal preference, but most popcorn enthusiasts celebrate popcorn with simple butter and salt.

• The oil used provides flavor – use only sparing amounts of real butter and salt.

• Slowly drizzle butter evenly over the popcorn, mixing frequently:o Do Coat the popcorn evenly and lightlyo Don’t soak or drench the popcorn

• After butter seasoning, carefully add salt to taste:o Salt will stick to popcorno Dispense slowly over wide area, mixing frequently

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TechniquesServing and Storage

• Dispose the paper bag before serving; although it has great utility, it has unappetizing aesthetics.

• Serve the popcorn in a bowl that has easy access for:o grabbing and eatingo dispensing to smaller bowls

• Popcorn is best consumed immediately after it is prepared. If any popcorn is leftover, store it in an air-tight container at room temperature:o Be sure popcorn is also at room temperature before sealing

container; this will minimize moisture and extend storage timeo Popcorn should remain fresh for up to 3 days

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QuizSelect the best answer

1. What is causes a kernel to pop? o [A] rapid vaporization of watero [B] applied heat at a slow rateo [C] chemical reaction with oil

– What can a paper bag do for popped popcorn?o [A] Is an ideal container for initial coolingo [B] provides a handy container for mixing/seasoningo [C] all of the above

– If popcorn kernels were baked at 80°C (i.e., 176°F), what would happen?o [A] some would popo [B] the kernels would dehydrate and be unsuitable for poppingo [C] all would pop


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Quiz, ContinuedSelect the best answer

1. When selecting an oil, what should be considered?o [A] taste compatibility with corno [B] smoking point and saturated/trans fat contento [C] all of the above

– Why is preheating oil is necessary?o [A] burns off extra oilo [B] ensures optimal thermal conditions and rapid heating of

kernelso [C] minimizes risk of fire

– What is a drawback of microwave popcorn?o [A] independent selection and control of the materials is not

possibleo [B] it is quick, clean and disposableo [C] radiation damages the corn flavor


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Quiz AnswersBest Answers Listed


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1. Popcorn Boardo Address: 401 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611o URL:

– Walton Feed, Inc. o Address: U135 N. 10th, PO Box 307, Montpelier, ID 83254o URL:

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Contact Information

For more information, contact Kymanox [email protected]
