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  • 8/13/2019 Theory of Planning3 - Housing


    Theory & Principles of Planning Part III


    6 th Architectural Licensure Review College of Architecture University of Mindanao

  • 8/13/2019 Theory of Planning3 - Housing


    Housing is an essential factor in determining the quality of lives, the stabilityof communities, and the health of national economies. Its importance to societyis underscored by the fact that--in the United States, for example--housingaccounts for roughly one-fourth of personal consumption expenditures and

    about the same proportion of gross private domestic investment. The status ofthe housing sector is a leading indicator of economic activity where the health ofthe housing industry is extremely sensitive to monetary and fiscal conditionsand policies. Issues involving housing span numerous areas, including

    In all of these fields, the fundamental housing issue remains--as it hasbeen over the past 50 years--the provision of adequate shelter at affordable

    prices in suitable locations for all sectors of the population. Despite considerableprogress in this direction over the last century, housing problems continue to

    plague large numbers of the populations of most countries. In developingcountries, longstanding problems of low quality and high relative cost have been

    exacerbated by high rates of population growth and country-to-city migration,and by urban infrastructures that are ill equipped to accommodate residential


    1. architecture,

    2. economics,3. health,4. law,5. finance, and6. city planning.

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    1987 - Teodoro Katigbak succeeded Herminio Aquino as Chairman.1989 - On May 24, 1989 Executive Order No. 357 was issued giving the HUDCC overalladministrative supervision over the key shelter agencies and making it responsible for meetingtargets and objectives for the shelter sector.1990 - On January 24, 1990 RA 6846 or an Act creating the Abot Kaya Pabahay Fund, was enactedcharging the HUDCC with the function of determining the income ceilings and loanable amounts forborrowers eligible for development financing.1992 - On March 24, 1992, RA 7279 or the Urban Development Housing Act was enacted. It

    mandated HUDCC to provide necessary technical support and related services to local governmentunits.ZORAYDA AMELIA C. ALONZO, then Chief Operating Officer of the Pag-IBIG Fund, is designatedas the acting chairman from July to November 1992.DIONISIO DELA SERNA succeeded Zorayda Amelia Alonzo in December as the Chairman ofHUDCC.1993 - EO # 72 provided for the preparation and implementation of the Comprehensive Land UsePlans for Local Government Units pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1991 and otherpertinent laws.1994 - RA 7835 (Comprehensive and Integrated Shelter Financing Act) is enacted to providesustained funding to socialized housing and make housing more affordale to low-income groups.1997 - On October 27, 1997 the Congress approved RA 8368, known as "Anti-squatting LawRepeal Act of 1997", provided for the repeal of PD 772 (Penalizing Squatting and Other Similar


    Housing History

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    1998 - KARINA CONSTANTINO-DAVID was sworn in as HUDCC Chairpersonin July 1998 under President Joseph Ejercito Estrada's administration.

    1999 - On October 12, 1999, Executive Order No. 159 was issued, declaringmass housing as the centerpiece program of the Estrada Administrationand created the Presidential Commission on Mass Housing.

    LEONORA VASQUEZ-DE JESUS, then Head of the PMS, is designated asacting Chairperson of HUDCC after the resignation of Karina Constantino-David on October 15,1999.

    2000 - On February 22, 2000, Executive Order No. 216 was issued to furtherstrengthen the functions of HUDCC.

    On March 1, 2000, LEONORA VASQUEZ-DE JESUS was sworn in as full time

    HUDCC Chairperson.2001 - January 15 P E O P L E P O W E R II

    On February 9, 2001, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo appointedRepresentative Michael T. Defensor (LP, Third District, Quezon City) asPresidential Adviser on Housing and Chairman of the Housing and Urban

    Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC)

    Housing History

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    Philippine Housing Data - Total Housing Need

    Region Annual Backlog

    Backlog + New Household

    2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

    NCR 246,631 286,336 269,661 269,905 270,152 1,096,054

    CAR 7,828 17,882 12,812 12,903 12,995 56,592

    I 10,422 28,534 28,689 29,082 29,483 115,788

    II 30,236 86,159 84,251 85,979 87,763 344,152

    III 30,236 86,159 84,251 85,979 87,763 344,152

    IV 67,296 162,959 160,543 164,012 167,609 655,123

    V 10,023 25,618 25,263 25,519 25,779 102,178

    VI 19,678 39,591 38,890 39,190 39,494 157,165

    VII 20,905 56,622 53,409 54,316 55,248 219,597

    VIII 9,594 21,726 20,574 20,740 20,908 83,949

    IX 13,981 28,020 27,274 27,563 27,859 110,717

    X 15,383 28,200 27,535 27,801 28,073

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    PROGRAMS AND DIRECTIONS. The government's housingefforts for the next three years will focus on the bottom 40 percentof households because of their inability to get formal housingassistance. This means providing these household with affordable

    socialized housing either through efficient production of housingunits for ownership or rental or through sustainable housingfinance.

    EXPANDING ACCESS TO SHELTER. Demand for decent housingremains unmet despite past efforts to address this problem. The

    supply of houses has not been increasing and costs of availablehousing are unaffordable, especially to low- income families whohave no access to credit markets for housing. This matter isexacerbated by a land market that limits reallocation of rights tomost valuable use of land. As a result, informal settlements

    continue to persist.

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    To address the housing problem, the government has tocontend with several interrelated issues: land prices,

    housing finance and guarantees and high transaction andproduction costs in the housing market. This approachrecognizes the governments principal role to provide theenabling policy and regulatory framework for thedevelopment of efficient housing markets and to use anefficiently-targeted subsidy system to help the bottom 40percent of households to have access to decent shelter. Inthis context, the National Urban Development and HousingFramework has adopted the following objectives: (i) ensurethat land is available to housing; (ii) ensure that residentialinfrastructure is provided to recognized housing

    development areas; (iii) support housing finance systems;and iv rovide mort a e uarantees.

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    The Housing Agencies
















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    MANDATES PER E.O. 20 (series of 2001) E.O. 20 (s. 2001): Reaffirming mass housing as a centerpiece program in

    the poverty alleviation efforts of the government and further strengtheningthe Housing and Urban Development Coordinating CouncilServes as the lead agency to in formulating the national objectives, policiesand strategies for housing and urban development;

    Coordinate and monitor the activities of all government agenciesundertaking housing projects, including those of Local Government Units(LGUs), to ensure the accomplishment of the goals of the governmentshousing program; Encourage the maximum participation of the privatesector in all aspects of housing and urban development;Formulate the basic policies, guidelines and implementing mechanisms forthe disposal or development of acquired or existing assets of the keyhousing agencies which are not required for the accomplishment of theirbasic mandates; Identify, plan and secure local and foreign funding forhousing programs and projects; Provide directions to the Housing and LandUse Regulatory Board (HLURB) to ensure rational land use for the equitabledistribution and enjoyment of development benefits. Recommend newlegislation and amendments to existing laws as maybe necessary for theattainment of governments objectives in housing;Undertake otherfunctions as provided by existing laws that are not contrary to the above-mentioned.



  • 8/13/2019 Theory of Planning3 - Housing


    National Housing AuthorityThe NHA is the sole government agency engaged in

    direct shelter production focused on providing housingassistance to the lowest 30% of urban income-earnersthrough slum upgrading, squatter relocation,development of sites and services and construction ofcore-housing units. In addition, it undertakes programsfor the improvement of blighted urban areas and

    provides technical assistance for private developersundertaking low-cost housing projects.

    Mandate and Functions: NHA Charter : Presidential Decree 757 (31 July 1975) - Creating the NHA Develop and implement a comprehensive and integrated housing development and

    resettlement program

    Formulate and enforce general and specific policies for housing development andresettlement Prescribe guidelines and standards for the reservation, conservation andutilization of public lands identified for housing and resettlement Exercise the right of eminent domain or acquire by purchase privately-owned lands forpurposes of housing development, resettlement and related services and facilities Develop and undertake housing development and/or settlement projects through jointventures or other arrangements with public and private entities Promote housing development by providing technical assistance

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    Home Guaranty Corporation


    Republic Act No. 8763 or the Home Guaranty Corporation Act of 2000(repealed RA 580 or the Home Financing Act, 1950)

    MANDATES To guaranty the payment of any and all forms of mortgages,loans and

    other forms of credit facilities and receivables arising from financialcontracts exclusively for residential purposes and the necessary supportfacilities; To assist private developers to undertake socialized, low and mediumcost mass housing projects by encouraging private funds to finance suchhousing projects through a viable system of long-term mortgages,

    guaranties and other incentives. To promote homebuilding and landownership, giving primary preferenceto the homeless and underprivileged sectors of the society. To promote housing by the aided self-help method;To pursue the development and sustainability of a secondary mortgagemarket for housing.

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    Housing & Land Use Regulatory Board

    Formerly the Human Settlements Regulatory Commission, the HLURB is the soleregulatory body for housing and land development. It ensures rational land usefor the equitable distribution and enjoyment of development benefits. It ischarged with encouraging greater private sector participation in low-costhousing through liberalization of development standards, simplification ofregulations and decentralization of approvals for permits and licenses. Itextends comprehensive and productive planning assistance to provinces, citiesand municipalities towards the formulation of Comprehensive Land Use Plans(CLUPs).

    MISSION We regulate housing and land use towards shelter security and a

    balanced urban development.

    VISION To have ensured shelter security for at least 1.0 M Filipino families byyear 2004 through setting and enforcement of housing regulations andprotection of buyers rightsTo have assisted all Local Government Units in planning sustainablecommunities by year 2004

    The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) is a nationalgovernment agency tasked as the planning, regulatory and quasi-judicialbody for land use development and real estate and housing regulation. Theseroles are done via a triad of strategies namely, policy development, planning

    and regulation.

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    National Home Mortgage Finance


    The NHMFC is the major government homemortgage institution. Its initial main function is tooperate a viable home mortgage market, utilizinglong-term funds principally provided by the Social

    Security System, the Government ServiceInsurance System, and the Home Development

    Mutual Fund to purchase mortgages originated by

    both public and private institutions that are withingovernment-approved guidelines. It is alsocharged with the development of a system thatwill attract private institutional funds into long-

    term housing mortgages

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    Implementation Strategies

    Making the housing market more efficient . The government shallpursue policy, legal and regulatory reforms to reduce transaction costsand improve the efficiency of the housing market.

    Creating a sustainable housing finance system .To encourageprivate sector participation in the housing market, the government shallimprove the policy, legal and regulatory environment for both the primarymortgage market and the secondary mortgage market. Housing financeshall rest on market-based principles and the efficient use of subsidiesand incentives to address specific market failures.

    Accelerating assistance and provision of security of tenure forinformal sector . The government will provide priority assistance tothose who are in danger areas (river banks, esteros and other flood prone

    areas), those in the right-of-way (ROW) of government infrastructureprojects, and those in threat of demolition. Government will also pursuethe regularization of tenure of informal settler families occupying publiclands. Greater resources of the national government will be allocated toaddress the needs of the informal sector. Community-led self-helpapproaches to housing as well as nontraditional building and managementtechnology in housing production will be encouraged.

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    Implementation Strategies

    Making housing loans available and affordable to low-salariedmembers of the formal sector . The government will make housingloans accessible at affordable rates for the formal sector or those who areemployed and are members of the pension funds. Developmentalfinancing will be made available for developers who require financialassistance.

    Strengthening the Shelter Delivery System and acceleratingthe localization of housing and development efforts. Institutionalstrengthening for housing and urban development will be pursued throughthe creation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development

    (DHUD). This aims to strengthen the coordination and supervision ofpolicy on shelter delivery, finance and regulate housing and urbandevelopment services. Considering the tight fiscal constraints and thegovernment-wide streamlining of the bureaucracy, the creation of theDHUD will be subject to the "scrap-and-build policy" of the government.This means that existing units or agencies in the housing sector may haveto be merged or even eliminated to give way to the creation of DHUD.

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