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Page 1: Theory of  BALANCE

A Fundamental & Eternal TruthA Fundamental & Eternal Truth

Amitt Parikh

YOUR SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION – A free e-magazine for your holistic growth!

Email: [email protected]

Side effects of understanding this Truth are: improved health, more wealth, lasting happiness &

spiritual development!

Compiled by

Page 2: Theory of  BALANCE


How do we create something out of zero?If 0 = (+1) + (-1) is correct

then how aboutCreation = (+)Matter + (-)Antimatter?

This universe was created with a big bang (in nothingness!)

Quantum mechanics allows for the possibility that "virtual" particle-antiparticle pairs can be created out of the vacuum. This particle-antiparticle pair can exist for a

period of time limited by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Shortly after creation of this pair, they rejoin and annihilate each other.

Matter (spin polarization right-hand, in-phase, forward-in-time) = "Photon Holes”+

Antimatter (spin polarization left-hand, out-of-phase, backward-in-time) = "Photons"= 0

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-ve charged electrons

+ve charged protons

Neutral neutrons


Balanced Atomic Design?

Moving electrons

Static protons & neutrons

Movement and Stillness


The normal atom is electrically neutral, meaning that it carries a net electric charge of zero. The formal charge of the atom, the sum of the

charge of the proton and the charge of the electron, is zero.

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Quantum PhysicsQuantum Physics

In physics, wave-particle duality holds that light and matter exhibit properties of both waves and of particles. Quantum physics view all things as made up of energy with these dualistic properties.

Fundamental Nature of Universe – Duality (Balance)?

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The concept of yin and yang originates in ancient Chinese philosophy and metaphysics, which describes two primal opposing but complementary forces found in all things in the universe. Yin, the darker element, is passive, dark, feminine, downward-seeking, and corresponds to the night; yang, the brighter element, is active, light, masculine, upward-seeking and corresponds to the day.

Yin and yang are complementary opposites rather than absolutes. Most forces in nature can be broken down into its respective yin and yang states, and the two are usually in movement rather than held in absolute stasis.

One extreme will always change into its opposite, so that extreme yang turns into yin and vice versa.

Yin and yang consume and support each other and are usually held in balance - as one increases, the other decreases.

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•Awareness of space•Colors•Dimension•Dreams •Imagination•Patterns

Balanced Design?

Apart from the balanced shape in terms of left and right half, their functions are quite different as if balancing each other. While left concerns logic & analysis, right concerns creativity & imagination.


Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere

Those using more of left half are scientists, those using more of right half are artists, those using whole brain in a balanced way are the ones who transcend and realize the ultimate truth!

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RATIONAL THINKINGLogical: thinks in reasonable sequences, a+b=c.

Verbal: is your talker, reader, writer. Recalls names and dates.Linear: processes things in one step at a time, looks at how things follows or causes another to happen.

Literal: picks out exact meaning of the things, wants a place for everything and everything in its place.

Particle focused: identifies the notes in a melody, the letters in a word. Takes everything apart.

Mathematical: focuses on numbers and symbols, counts, looks for the rules and sees all things as mathematical.

Analytical: loves to analyze everything, wants to know all ‘facts’ and details to find logical explanation for everything.


Emotional: creates feelings, intensity and passion.

Metaphoric: gives deeper meanings, whole images, connotations and allows for new potential.

Holistic: processes all types of information simultaneously, makes quantum leaps, sees the ‘whole picture’.

Imaginative: capable of fantasy, dreams, making up stories, wonders ‘what if’ and senses new possibilities.

Wave focused: hears the melody in music, gets the message in a writing, puts everything together. Senses the motion of ocean.

Spatial: perceives your function relative to everything else, helps you find your way around a house, drive a car, walk or run.

Creative: the lover, the artist, poet, inventor and musical part of you that can come up with new ways of doing things, problem solver.

Balanced Whole BrainBalanced Whole Brain

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All our senses also work in duality for Balance. The eye for example, has a tiny dot on the retina, known as fovea, which discriminates between particles (one object from another). Around the fovea is the periphery which picks up the general context of the things, the whole picture. The fovea sends information to the left brain where it is processed rationally. The periphery sends information to the right brain, where it is processed intuitively.

Balanced Sense PerceptionsBalanced Sense Perceptions

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Western World


•Physical Comfort

•Science & Technology


•Specialized Treatment

•Modern Art

•Rapidly Changing Culture (revolutionary)

•Decline in Social Values

Eastern World


•Mental Peace

•Spiritual science

•Alternative Therapies

•Holistic Treatment

•Traditional Arts

•Traditional Culture (no/very slow change)

•Social values

Overall Balanced Progress on Earth?

Two Extreme Cultures on Earth

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100% of the incoming energy from the sun is balanced by 100% percent total energy outgoing from the earth.

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In a food chain, energy and nutrients are passed from one organism to another. In a food chain, an animal passes on only about 10 percent of the energy it receives. The rest is used up in maintaining it's body, or in movement, or it escapes as heat.

A community of living things may contain hundreds or even thousands of different species. Each species is usually involved in several different food chains. Therefore different food chains often interconnect to form a large network, called a food web. Even in a small ecosystem, such as a pond, food webs can be extremely complicated.

The Balance of Nature: Food Chains & Webs

The above energy pyramid shows many trees & shrubs providing food and energy to giraffes. Note that as we go up, there are fewer giraffes than trees & shrubs and even fewer lions than giraffes. In other words, a large mass of living things at the base is required to support a few at the top

Sustainable ecosystemsdesigned based upon principle of BALANCE!

The amount of available energy decreases at every tropic level, and each level supports fewer individuals than the one before. This results in a pyramid of numbers with many organisms at the bottom and few at the top

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Human BodyHuman Body

A Balanced Symmetrical Design?

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Male & FemaleMale & FemaleBalanced Gender?

Masculine Energy – Feminine Energy

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Homeostatic Balance in Human Body

Human body possesses what is described as ‘homeostatic balance’, that is to say a sort of ‘internal clock’ which might also be described as three dimensional thermostat by which every action is regulated in perfect balance, thereby working to eliminate any “unnatural” condition of whatever type both mental and physical.

Every second the body is adjusting to countless thousands of changing parameters, keeping us in homeostatic balance. No matter what comes along to upset the balance, the body knows itsown nature, knows what ideal temperature it should be and the correct chemistry it needs to maintain, and keep referring back to that blueprint to maintain proper balance.

Systemic efficiency (e.g., immune system) is based upon Organ/Glandular efficiency (e.g., thymus gland), which is based upon Cellular efficiency (e.g., thymus cells), which is based upon the optimum availability of Energy to the cells (e.g., through cellular oxidation), which depends on the ingestion, digestion, absorption, transportation, assimilation and the timely (quantitative and qualitative) utilization of the genetically-based proper balance of biochemical constituents (nutrition) provided at the right place, the right time, and in a form that is utilizable.

There are many thousands of biochemical reactions that take place on a daily basis as part of the innumerable life-supporting processes of metabolism. But, they occur neither independently nor without the direction of fundamental homeostatic controls .

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Therefore, the potential for sufficient adaptation, continual homeostatic balance, and thereby good health is a measure of the body's ability to manage stressors (spiritual, mental, emotional, structural, biochemical, environmental) through it's capacity for the creation, maintenance and control of energy via the dualistic, diphasic, Fundamental Homeostatic Control Processes / Systems / Mechanisms as follows.

Autonomic Nervous System (master regulator of metabolism, neuro-endocrine/hormonal balance) Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic

Carbo-Oxidative System (conversion of nutrients to energy via intermediary carbohydrate metabolism, involving Glycolysis, Citric Acid (Krebs) Cycle, Beta Oxidation) Fast Oxidation vs. Slow Oxidation

Lipo-Oxidative Processes (involving fatty acids/sterols balance, aerobic/anaerobic metabolism) Catabolic vs. Anabolic

Electrolyte/Fluid Balance Electrolyte Excess vs. Electrolyte Deficiency

Acid/Alkaline Balance [acid/alkaline pH of foods] Acid vs. Alkaline

Prostaglandin Balance Series 1 + Series 3 Prostaglandins vs. Series 2 Prostaglandins

Endocrine System (Endocrine Type as per dominant energy gland) Pituitary vs. Thyroid vs. Adrenal vs. Gonad

ABO Blood Type Type O vs. Type A vs. Type B vs. Type AB

Constitutional Elements (constitutional qualities of foods interacting with the constitutional qualities of the body)

Neurotransmitter Balance (brain chemistry balance and function) Excitatory vs. Inhibitory Neurotransmitters

Homeostatic Balance

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Cellular Balance within our Body

In chemistry, all compounds are balanced by their positive and negative relationships.

Average human adult body contains about 10 trillion cells.....and when there is balance in the cell, the +/- ratio

appears similar to that in the figure below.

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Balanced Breathing?Balanced Breathing?

Left Nostril (Ida nadi)


Controls Right Half of Brain

Right Nostril (Pingla nadi)


Controls Left Half of Brain

Balanced Breath

(Sushumna nadi)

Whole Brain Activity

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Beauty = Balanced Design?

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Why all symmetrical designs?

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Perhaps the most fundamental principle to understand in creating music, or any other kind of art, is that of balancebalance.This is often expressed in terms of tension and release.

In tonal music, one of the primary sources of tension is the useIn tonal music, one of the primary sources of tension is the use of dissonance. A note of dissonance. A note that is dissonant against prevailing harmony creates tension thathat is dissonant against prevailing harmony creates tension that can be released by t can be released by resolving the resolving the dissonance to consonancedissonance to consonance: :

There are other sources of tension. For example, an extremely There are other sources of tension. For example, an extremely fastfast, technically involved , technically involved passage creates tension that can be resolved by a passage creates tension that can be resolved by a slowerslower, more lyrical passage: , more lyrical passage:

A A complexcomplex rhythm such as one that contains much syncopation or one that irhythm such as one that contains much syncopation or one that is at odds s at odds with the basic pulse of the piece creates tension that is resolvwith the basic pulse of the piece creates tension that is resolved through by a ed through by a simplersimplerrhythm: rhythm:

Notes at the Notes at the extreme endsextreme ends of the range of an instrument can also create tension that is of the range of an instrument can also create tension that is released by a return to the released by a return to the midrangemidrange: :

An extremely An extremely loud loud passage creates tension that is released by coming passage creates tension that is released by coming down in volumedown in volume: :

RepetitionRepetition can be a source of tension as well. If a motif is repeated oftecan be a source of tension as well. If a motif is repeated often enough, it n enough, it creates an environment in which the ear begins to anticipate whecreates an environment in which the ear begins to anticipate when and how the repetition n and how the repetition will be will be brokenbroken::

Balance in Music

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Balanced Natural Cycles?

Autumn vs Spring

Summer vs Winter

(Duality at the core)

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Cyclic Nature of Universe(Duality at the core)

Rise and Fall








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Dualistic Nature of Universe(Cyclic at the core)

Creation <> Destruction

Prosperity <> Poverty

Violence <> Peace

Flood <> Drought

Happiness <> Sadness

Fame <> Shame

Love <> Hatred

Win <> Loss

Height <> Depth

Left <> Right

Top <> Bottom

Good <> Bad

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Stock TradingBalancing Act?

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Balanced Family?

Analyze your family, friends, colleagues:If someone is talkative, is there someone to balance?If someone is logical, is there someone to balance?If someone is violent, is there someone to balance?When someone is angry, is there someone to balance?When someone is sad, is there someone to balance?

Look at historical data/relationships of your family/friends. Look at present members. Look who has left. Keep watch at new members that join.Do you sense some balancing acts?

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Every action has equal and opposite reaction!

The Law of Karma

Eternal Law of Balance

You reap what you sow!

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Birth of Light in Balance!Birth of Light in Balance!

According to quantum physics, when matter and antimatter collide they annihilate each other producing light.

Similarly when in human consciousness two complementary emotions collide, they annihilate each other giving birth to feeling of love & light!

At any moment, when someone elates you, there is someone pushing you down. If you are too happy right now, there is going to be a moment of sadness/anger to balance the energies.

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As per quantum physics, all positive and negative particles are created simultaneously in the universe in perfect one to one balance!

As per symmetry law of quantum physics, there can not be isolated half quantum state (positron). There seems to be always an anti-half-quantum state (electron) somewhere in the universe to balance it!

Thus all phenomena universally are full-quantum.

A full quantum state is massless, chargeless, spaceless and timeless. Incidentally we know God has the same properties, a full quantum light.

Love too is a full quantum state. Right between good and bad, like and dislike, is the core experience of True Love!

Full Quantum State of Love & Light!Full Quantum State of Love & Light!

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Balancing Times?Balancing Times?

Past vs Future

Balanced Present Moment is God’s Real Present!

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BuddhaBuddha’’s s MiddleMiddle PathPath

“A middle path, O bhikkhus, avoiding the two extremes, has been discovered by the Tathagata - a path which opens the eyes, and bestows understanding, which leads to peace of mind, to the higher wisdom, to full enlightenment, to Nirvana!” - Buddha

Middle path is the balanced

path – seeing the ‘complete truth’

instead of illusionary ‘half


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Natural State of PendulumNatural State of Pendulum

If it deviates to left side, it is bound to travel to right side and back, till it comes to halt.

If it deviates to right side, it is bound to travel to left side and back, till it comes to halt.

It can achieve non-movement, only when it remains exactly in the middle position!

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Are You Getting It?Are You Getting It?

Your comments/views are welcome.

Change your life by ‘understanding’ this secret and learn how to improve your life drastically and heal yourself completely.

Be Aware! Look for BALANCE everywhere, all the time!

Amitt Parikh

[email protected]