Download - Theories of Representation

  • 1. List down any theories and theorists you may know.

2. Theories of Representation LO: To create resources that will assist my exam revision. Tuesday 29th April 2014 3. By the end of the lesson you: MUST: Research and understand the theories of representation. SHOULD: Know at least one theory confidently that you can apply and use. COULD: Develop how these theories could be incorporated to your productions. 4. What is Representation? The concept of representation is concerned with how the media construct meanings about the world. Can be divided into: Gender Age Ethnicity Disability Social Class Sexuality Regional Identity 5. Goffman (1972) Believes men are shown in dominant positions and appear to be reflective of thought and intelligence. Women are physically portrayed in sexual or reclining poses with blank or inviting expressions. Women are also subject to dismemberment of the body, where parts of the body is on show, such as legs, rather than the full body. This is used to sell products which are not relevant to the body. 6. Mulvey (1975) The Male Gaze representations of women (and men) are constructed from a males point of view, therefore we look at these women (and men) through a mans eyes even if we are female. Argues that mainstream Hollywood films represent women characters as passive objects of male sexual desire in her male gaze theory. 7. Hall (1980) Media creates a meaning of what they intended for the audience to get from it and believes they will either: a) a dominant code - they accept preferred readings b) a negotiated code - they accept some readings but reject others. c) an oppositional code - they reject all preferred readings 8. Gauntlett (2002) Argues that women buy magazines like Glamour and Cosmopolitan for reasons of self-esteem and reassurance. Also believes that women were twice as likely as men to be in commercials for domestic products and men were twice as likely as women to be seen in adverts for non-domestic products. 9. Individual Research Research look up the basic understanding of the theory. Write write up the relevant information given by the research. Examples research and find examples that back up the theory e.g. films, music videos etc. Images collect relevant images that can be used on your page. AIM: To produce A4 side (copy each) & present findings 10. Peer Assessment Sheet 1. Did they use any visual aids? 2. Did they give examples of existing media? 3. How well did you understand the theory? What 3 points did you take from this presentation?