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Theoretical Perspectives of the Professions

Roy SuddabyUniversity of Alberta

Daniel MuzioUniversity of Manchester

Chapter 2 of the Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms

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IntroductionThe study of professions has a long and varied intellectual history. Early theories, emanating primarily from the field of sociology, sought to understand the essential elements of professions and to explain their functional role in society. When these explanations proved inadequate, alternative accounts emerged that theorized professions based on the powerful position they occupied in both social and economic fields. As researchers identified occupational groups that lacked power but were nonetheless professions, theoretical explanations shifted yet again to focus on the micro and macro behavioral practices of professions, based on an understanding of professions not as social structures but rather as social processes or systems.By the 1990s, just as sociologists appeared to have lost their fascination with professions, management scholars, in organization studies and accounting, became interested in understanding large professional organizations and how they differed from corporations. As the study of professions shifted from sociology departments to business schools, the core questions of sociology were recreated in the same sequence. Early studies sought to identify the unique characteristics of professional service firms and explain their persistence. Later, researchers focused attention on the powerful gate-keeping role played by large professional organizations in business, commerce and social policy. More contemporary theories of professional firms seek theoretical accounts that rely on the processes and practices that explain their internal coherence and their position in broader social systems.This essay offers a brief theoretical overview of the key literatures on professions and professional service firms. We structure our review, both chronologically, to capture the historical movement of the study of professions from sociology to management, as well as thematically, to demonstrate how theories of professions inevitably move from questions of structure and function to questions of power and privilege and ultimately to questions of process and practice. We conclude with a final section that raises questions about prior theories of professions, which have assumed that professions are appropriate objects of theorization in their own right. We argue, instead, for an institutional/ecological approach to studying professions, which analyzes professions as but one type of institution struggling for survival in an ecology of other, related, institutional forms.

Theories of professions in sociologyStructure and FunctionEarly studies of the professions tried to delineate how these occupational groups differed from other forms of work. Considerable effort was devoted to cataloguing the unique characteristics or traits of professionals. Greenwood (1957), for example, identified five key traits: a systematic body of theory, professional authority, sanction of the community, a regulative code of ethics and a professional culture. Goode (1961), in explaining why librarians were not a profession, pointed to the absence of prolonged special training, a formal body of abstract knowledge, a collective orientation to public service and the absence of collective self-control. Over time a number of other traits were added to the list, including rewards based on work achievement (Barber, 1963), loyalty to colleagues (Drinker, 1954), a fiduciary relationship with clients (Lewis & Maude, 1949) and, perhaps most importantly, a sense of social duty or calling in which the performance of work is somehow subordinated to the economic rewards attached to it (Greenwood, 1957). Trait theory grew out of earlier theoretical efforts to explain the existence of professions based on the function that they were thought to provide to society. Durkheim (1957/1992), for example, saw professions as a necessary moral foundation for society. Others argued that professions existed in order to stabilize and civilize society as they provided centres of resistance to crude forces which threaten steady and peaceful evolution (Carr-Saunders & Wilson, 1933: 497). The existence of professions, thus, was explained by the profoundly important function they fulfilled in underpinning social structure. It seems evident (Parsons, 1939: 457) observed, that many of the most important features of our society are to a considerable extent dependent upon the smooth functioning of the professions. Professions, thus, were assumed to provide an adaptive function for the broader social system in which they were embedded.Such structural-functional explanations of the professions, ultimately succumbed to a barrage of empirical and theoretical critique (Abbott, 1988; Macdonald, 1995). Researchers struggled to identify occupational traits that were actually unique to professions. Early empirical research attempted to construct standardized scales as tools for measuring professionalism. Hall (1967) developed a Likert scale to measure five attitudes of professionalism. Hickson and Thomas (1969) used a Guttman scale to measure fourteen professional traits. When applied to different occupational groups, however, researchers determined that the characteristics were not unique to elite professions but in fact were shared, to a greater or lesser degree, across a broad range of occupational groups. Critics suggested that perhaps professionalism was not a distinct construct uniquely tied to an identifiable social group (Johnson, 1972). Others suggested that professionalism was a continuous rather than a discrete category, with quasi- or semi-professions occupying an intermediate position between true professions and other forms of work (Hearn, 1982). Moreover, if the boundaries between professionals and non-professionals could not be clearly defined, then everyone might be considered a professional (Wilensky, 1964).Functionalist explanations for the existence of professions also weakened under empirical and theoretical attack. Critics noted that explanations of the stabilizing role of professions in society failed to explain how societies, and professions themselves, experience conflict and change (Benson, 1975; Freidson, 1986). Critics also noted that structural functional accounts were based on assumptions of homogeneity and stability within the professions. But empirical evidence demonstrated that professions were, themselves, highly differentiated and subject to extreme internal conflict i.e. they were highly contingent social structures (Bucher & Strauss, 1961).Comparative sociologists argued that claims of the moral and normative basis for professions suffered from an anglo-saxoncultural bias and failed to explain the function and development of professions in continental societies (Burrage & Torstendahl, 1990). And rather than being characterized by higher moral standards, conflicts of interest were a defining feature of many professions (Rosenberg et al, 1986). Perhaps most damaging, however, was the critique that, while professions may use the language of altruism and subordinating economic interests to a social calling, the professions were, in fact, an occupational category based on elitist power and extreme economic privilege (Johnson, 1972).

Power and PrivilegeThe view that professions exist to serve their own interests, rather than those of broader society emerged from a growing realization that, even though it was difficult to generalize the core attributes of a profession, they all shared a common interest in controlling the social conditions and environment that surrounded them. Johnson (1972) argued that a key attribute shared across professions was their ability to exert control over their clients. Freidson (1973a, 1973b, 1986) extended this argument with the observation that, not only do professionals wield power over their clients, they exert incredible institutional power over labor markets, constructing barriers to entry and mobility, which he termed labor market shelters, based on their claims to expertise.In part the power and privilege perspective of professions built on a series of ethnographic studies of elite professions (i.e. Becker et al, 1961; Freidson, 1970a; Daniels, 1973) that contradicted many of the assumptions of altruism and collegiality described by the trait theorists. Instead of an egalitarian and communal culture of professionalism, the ethnographers observed distinct professional hierarchies characterized by intra professional dominance (Becker et al, 1961). Similarly, the ethnographers saw the professionals as motivated by elitism and domination over clients, instead of the altruistic calling proposed by early theorists.The power and conflict view of professions also built on a series of historical studies that documented the capacity of some occupations to create social closure by constructing barriers to, and creating autonomy over, key societal stakeholders, including other occupations (Parkin, 1979; Murphy, 1986), the nation state (Burrage & Torstendahl, 1990), and consumers (Heinz & Laumann, 1982; Freidson, 1989). Social closure was achieved by using key institutional strategies such as certification, licensing, credentialing and professional associations, which gave select professions a monopoly over large sections of economic activity. Ample empirical research demonstrated that, as a result, professions were able to (and are still able to) extract economic rents for their services (Friedman & Kuznets, 1954; Sorenson, 2000, Wright, 1997; Weeden, 2002) and in many cases to translate their superior economic capital into positions of high social status (Elliot, 1972). Freidson (1982: 39) described this capacity of occupations to become organized groups independent of firms and other occupations a defining characteristic and competence of professions.Larson (1977) summarized this growing dissatisfaction with early theoretical explanations of professions and professionalism with a plea to study professions, not as social structures, but rather as historically situated extensions of processes of capitalism. From this perspective, early phase professions, such as medicine and law, can be characterized as projects of monopolization of knowledge, work, income and status in a distinct market for labor or services. Larson understands professions as ongoing projects of market exchange in which expert knowledge and skill is traded for monopoly control over a labor market. Later phases of professionalism, Larson (1979) observed, are devoted to consolidating the economic control by the profession and extending it to include broader forms of political or ideological control. That is, established professions extend their control by attaching their own projects of professionalization to dominant social institutions.While the conflict perspective of professions is still influential, the core argument that professions are self-interested monopolies has attracted considerable critique and contradictory empirical evidence. The challenges to the view that professions are simple expressions of social power take two distinct threads. One thread suggests that professional powers are constantly eroding i.e. that professionalism is subject to Weberian proletarianization. Critics point out that, while professions may provide some degree of monopolistic protection, there is a much variability in earnings and status within professions as across them (Halliday, 1987; others). Others observe that the modern history of the professions is really one of the erosion of social barriers (Krause, 1996). So, for example, when the primary mode of educating professionals shifted from the professional guilds to universities, professions lost considerable autonomy (Freidson, 1984). Similarly, critics observe that professionals are increasingly employed by large organizations, such as government and corporations. Empirical research shows that, as professional work shifts to bureaucracies, there is a concomitant loss of economic privilege and social status (Abbott, 1981; Derber, 1983; Burris, 1993).A second thread argues that professions, like any other occupation, are subject to deskilling pressures. The emergence of computing technology, for example, may erode the professions control over expert knowledge (Haug, 1973; Perolle, 1984;; Jones & Moore, 1993). Similarly, the shift of professional employment from purely professional contexts to large bureaucracies encourages the commodification of professional work (Willmott, 1995; Suddaby & Greenwood, 2001; Covaleski et al, 2003). Collectively, the deskilling and proletarianization arguments raised serious questions about the validity of viewing professions simply as exercises in economic self-interest. While acknowledging that professions enjoyed a degree of economic and social closure, it was neither complete nor was it the sole explanation for their existence. Professions may be powerful, but that power provided a useful check on state, corporate and bureaucratic power (Halliday, 1987) and, therefore, theories of professions should look for explanations beyond mere monopoly. Process and Practice: Professions as SystemsThe primary flaw with viewing professions through the theoretical lens of power, Halliday (1987) argued, was that it falsely proclaimed social closure as the primary motivation for professionalization and caused researchers to overlook alternative goals. Hallidays own research, a historical study of the Chicago Bar, showed that monopolistic pursuits constituted only a small proportion of the associations attention and resources; indeed considerably more time was devoted to broader social goals, such as creating and maintaining institutions of justice. Halliday (1987) argued that while economic closure might be an outcome of professional work, it was not its primary purpose. Instead, he suggested, researchers should try to understand the professions in their broader institutional context.Burrage (1988; Burrage and Torstendhal 1990) echoed this fundamental concern, arguing that scholars ought to understand professions as uniquely influenced by the cultural and political context in which they evolved. His detailed comparative historical analysis of professions in the USA, France and Germany showed considerable variation in the role, status and operation of professions across these countries. The state, Burrage argued, is a key determinant of the role professions play in society. Burrage was supported in this position by a growing stream of research that suggested an intimate and symbiotic relationship between the emergence of the nation state and modern forms of professions (Ruschenmeyer, 1973, 1986; Skocpol, 1985; Krause, 1996).The conceptual thread that links these writers and separates their view of professions from the power and conflict perspective is the understanding that although professions may have some unique attributes and exhibit some degree of social closure, the most effective way to study professions is not to treat them as static entities or fixed social structures. Rather, they should be understood as ongoing processes of professionalization. Professions emerge from processes of negotiation, conflict and exchange with external stakeholders, such as the state, and with internal competitors. This latter view is the primary thesis of Abbott (1988) who observed that professions are engaged in continual struggles over jurisdiction with other occupational groups. While economic monopoly and social closure may be a byproduct of this competition, it is the contest over jurisdiction and the attempt to monopolize expertise that is, for Abbott (1988) the defining characteristic of professions.Abbotts (1988) The System of the Professions, applied a version of systems theory to the professions and encouraged studying them as ongoing and dynamic processes of occupational conflict rather than as reified social structures. Abbotts systems view was highly influential, virtually halting theoretical conversations on the professions in sociology for several years and, at least as measured by citations, remains a dominant voice in the sociology of the professions.In sum, over the course of nearly eight decades of sociological research on the professions, we can identify three main conceptual movements. The first, exemplified by the trait theorists and structural functionalist approaches, sought to identify the distinctive elements of professions and professionalism as a theoretical construct. Ongoing empirical inquiry, however, not only undermined the coherence of the construct, but placed serious doubt as to the theoretical validity of trying to isolate unique elements of what, increasingly appeared to be an ongoing project or process. The second movement sought to understand professions as projects of self-interested power. While this approach generated considerable empirical evidence, it was countermanded by an equivalent army of evidence that pointed to many other possible motivations for professions. Current theories of professionalism have clearly abandoned the research questions of structural-functionalism (Leicht & Fennel, 2008; MacDonald, 1995). However questions of elitism, power and understanding the comparative processes by which professions emerge in different social contexts (see Muzio et al, 2013; Evetts, 2011; Brint, 1994; Fourcade, 2006), clearly continue to influence research agendas in this area. The fascination that sociologists first expressed with the unique role of professions in society, however, seems to have waned substantially. Efforts to demonstrate the uniqueness of professions, or their special role in societal relations, have given way to a growing awareness that professions, while interesting, are but one of many social institutions fighting for relevance and status in an ongoing ecology of competing institutions. Within this theme, one question continues to attract the interest of scholars, albeit scholars of organization and management the inimical relationship between professions and bureaucratic organizations. A core assumption of trait theorists is that professional values of autonomy and independence in work would inevitably clash with bureaucratic values of hierarchy and organizational control. We elaborate this theoretical theme in the following section.

Theories of professional organizations in managementFunction and StructureEarly organizational researchers adopted an interest in understanding how professionals structured their work in the context of large bureaucracies. Prior to the mid-1960s most professional work occurred within the confines of autonomous professional organizations (Scott, 1965; Hall, 1967; 1968) or firms that were populated, primarily by peer professionals and the goals of which were largely consistent with professional values of autonomy and independence. As bureaucratic organizations (i.e. corporations, government, not-for-profits) grew in size and influence, however, they began to employ significant numbers of professionals (Montagna, 1968; Buchanan, 1974; Larson, 1977), and even began to produce their own types of professions (Baron, Dobbin and Jennings, 1986). Management researchers steeped in the trait theories of professions assumed, quite logically, that there would be an inherent contradiction between the core values of professionalism and the controlling organizational structures embedded in bureaucracies (Haug, 1973; Oppenheimer, 1973). A stream of subsequent research sought to elaborate the assumed conflict that would naturally occur when professionals worked in bureaucracies (Scott, 1965; 1992; Sorenson & Sorenson, 1974; Derber, 1983; Derber & Schwartz, 1991).While early research seemed to confirm the sociological assumption of conflicting values and commitments between professionals and bureaucracies, later research, most of which was conducted by management scholars, offered contradictory evidence. Some research, for example, showed that professionals were often able to restructure the organization and isolate themselves within the bureaucracy in order to preserve core values of autonomy and independence by buffering their work from the bureaucratic context in which it occurs (Nelson & Trubek, 1992). Indeed, some scholars (Ackroyd, 1996; Reed, 1996; Faulconbridge and Muzio, 2008) have explicitly connected the success of the professions to their ability to take over and close-off key spaces, structures and functions in the organizations they increasingly inhabit. Others observe that large organizations offered professionals opportunities to become more specialized and their enhanced expertise and knowledge actually improved commitment to their employing organization (Nelson, 1988). While this line of research persists (i.e., Aranya & Ferris, Suddaby, Gendron & Lam, 2009) the growing consensus seems to be that professionals have adapted well to work conditions within large corporate bureaucracies (Wallace, 1995), thus providing further disconfirmation of trait-based theories of the professions.A related application of structural theories of the professions by management scholars attempted to elaborate the defining characteristics, not of professionals, but rather of professional firms. Greenwood, Hinings and Brown (1990), thus, identified a series of distinguishing traits in governance (strategic, financial and operating controls) that separated professional partnerships from corporate organizations. This research extended Mintzbergs (1979) configurational approach to understanding organizations and which included one configuration that he described as the professional bureaucracy. Nordenflycht (2010) and Malhotra and Morris (2009) offer a contemporary illustration of the persistent efforts to construct a taxonomy of essential characteristics of professional service firms. Nordenflychts key characteristics include knowledge intensity, low capital requirements and a professional workforce whilst Malhotra and Morris (2009) focus on knowledge, jurisdictional control, and client relations. An extension of the trait approach to theorizing professional firms seeks to identify which of these traits contributes to superior economic performance. A wide variety of potential traits have been identified in empirical research, including human capital (Hitt, Bierman, Shimizu and Kochar, 2001; Hitt, Bierman & Uhlenbruck, 2006), knowledge management (Empson, 2001), ownership structure (Empson & Chapman, 2006; Nordenflycht, 2007; Greenwood, Deephouse & Li, 2007) and reputation (Greenwood, Li and Prakash, 2005) without any particular consensus on which of these might traits might be determinative.Just as the trait theory in the sociology of professions ultimately succumbed to contradictory empirical evidence, management scholars have produced a long list of studies that demonstrate deviance from the professional partnership as an ideal type. Pinnnington and Morris (1996), Cooper et al (1996), Suddaby (2001) and Brock and colleagues (Brock, 2006; Brock et al, 1997, 2006) each challenge the integrity of the essential traits of the professional partnership and introduce a variety of alternative configurations of traits, including the managed professional business, the global professional network, the multidisciplinary professional firm and the star archetype among others. Other researchers argue that the essential defining characteristics of professional firms has more to do with ownership (Empson & Chapman, 2006; von Nordenflycht, 2007), internal human resources practices (Lorsch & Tierney, 2002) or internal decision making practices (Tolbert & Stern, 1991; Graubner, 2006) than governance characteristics.In sum, the fatal flaw in applying trait theory to the study of professional service firms is that the assumption of unique characteristics that serve to separate them from bureaucracies and other organizational forms is simply not accurate. Professional service firms are increasingly adopting both the logic (Leicht & Fennel, 2008; Brint, 1994; Faulconbridge & Muzio, 2009) and structures (Cooper et al. 1996; Brock et al. 1999; 2007) of business corporations, just as some corporations are adopting characteristics of professional firms (Starbuck, 1992). Professional identities within professional firms are often indistinguishable from those of corporate managers inasmuch as they emphasize efficiency and commerce (Anderson-Gough et al, 1999, 1994) at the expense of ethics and public service (Brint, 1994; Suddaby et al, 2009). Traditional structures of professional control have migrated from the profession to large professional firms (Cooper & Robson, 2006) or transnational governance structures that are dominated by professional firms (Arnold, 2005; Suddaby et al, 2007) resulting in a clear erosion of the ethos of professionalism in large professional service firms (Suddaby et al, 2009; Hanlon, 1998; 1999; Clementi, 2004).In response to these concerns, a growing number of critics have adapted the power and privilege arguments of Friedson (1984; 1986) and Larson (1977) to argue that the real distinguishing feature of professional firms had little to do with their structure or function and much more to do with the elitist position they occupy in economic markets. We elaborate this view in the following section.

Power and PrivilegeA growing stream of research in management adopts the view that professional service firms are better understood as structures devoted to reconstructing elitist interests than as unique organizational forms. This theoretical approach adopts many of the assumptions of the power and privilege perspective in sociology, but with a specific focus on the reproduction of economic elites, rather than social classes.Much of this research has occurred at the intra-organizational level of analysis and demonstrates how professional firms reproduce elite class interests internally. While early research (Auerbach, 1976; Powell, 1988) attempted to show that firms hired on the basis of social class rather than expertise, more recent studies (Gilson & Mnookin, 1988; Galanter & Palay, 1991; Hanlon, 1997; 1999; Ackroyd and Muzio, 2007; Faulconbridge and Muzio, 2009) focus on how professional services firms are increasingly turning to their own division of labour as a primary source of profitability. Marc Galanter and colleagues (Galanter and Palay, 1991; Galanter and Henderson, 2008) reveal how the economics of law firms are focused on the development of specific labour policies (leveraging; up or out career structure, tournament promotion systems) designed to ensure the profitable use of their human resources. Ackroyd and Muzio (2007; see also Faulconbridge and Muzio, 2009), applying a labour process perspective, suggest how professional services firms are becoming increasingly stratified as elites maintain their rewards by relying on the surpluses generated by expanding cohorts of subordinates lower down in the division of labour. As controlling elites (partners) tend to be predominantly male whilst rank and file workers tend to be predominantly female, this is clearly a gendered process (Hagan and Kay, 1995; Sommerlad and Sanderson, 1998; Tomlinson et al, 2013). A related thread of analysis draws on the literature on identity work to show, how professional service firms are very effective in constructing elite professional identities that infuse the values and priorities of the firm in the individual professional (Covaleski, Dirsmith, Heian & Samuel, 1998; Cook, Falconbridge & Muzio, 2012). Similar research suggests that the creation of elitist professional identities is, in fact, the identifying characteristic of professional service firms (Alvesson, 1994; 2001). Within these debates a particularly interesting stream of research has demonstrated how professional service firms increasingly adopt the practices of corporations but retain the rhetoric of professionalism (Grey, 1988; Anderson-Gough et al, 1999; Fournier, 1999; Dent & Whitehead, 2002). As professional discourse becomes disconnected from professional practice, it becomes a disciplinary tool used to manage and motivate workers but lacking any real foundation in the ethos of professionalism (Covaleski et al, 1998; Evetts, 2003)Perhaps the main thrust of the power and privilege approach to studying professions in management research, however, has occurred at the level of the organizational field. The core argument in this theoretical perspective is that professional service firms are elite organizations whose primary purpose is to underpin and reproduce the global institutions of capitalism (Reed, 2012; Muzio, Ackroyd & Chanlat, 2007). Considerable research has identified the powerful gatekeeper function that elite professional service firms play in the global economy. Perhaps unsurprisingly law and accounting firms figure prominently in this research (Coffee, 1996), but so too do executive recruitment firms (Faulconbridge et al, 2009), management consulting firms (McKenna, 2006; Kipping, 1999) and elite business schools (Kharana, 2010). An important subtext in this research is the assertion that elite, global professional firms have allied their professional projects with the global aspirations of multinational corporations that extend beyond the control of the nation state (Strange, 1996; Faulconbridge & Muzio, 2012; Standing, 2010). Thus Dezalay and Garth (1996) show how elite global law firms have reconstructed a parallel system of commercial arbitration that transcends both the jurisdiction and logic of traditional commercial law. In a related project, Dezalay and Garth (2002) trace the influence of Chicago trained economists whose professionalization project of exporting neo-liberal economic policies globally became a weapon in domestic struggles for political power in such countries as Chile and Argentina. Related to this, critical accountants (Arnold, 2005; Suddaby et al, 2007) reveal the active role of large accountancy firms in advancing processes of globalization and deregulation, as parts of attempts to create a global market for their expertise. Theorists who view professions from the point of view of power and privilege understand professional service firms to play a critical role in the evolution of the institutions of capitalism in modernity (Reed, 1996). That is, in furtherance of their own self-interested professional projects, elite professional service firms have attached themselves to global projects of diffusing capitalist institutions and neo-liberal economic policies (Arnold, 2005; Dezaly & Garth, 1996, 2002; Gordon, 2010; Hanlon, 2004; Leicht & Lyman, 2006; Quack, 2007; Suddaby et al, 2007). Rather than seeing professions as a distinct and independent form of organizing, this theoretical perspective identifies professional firms as playing a key strategic role in disseminating neo-liberal ideology and furthering global capitalist interests.

Process and Practice: An Ecological ApproachAn influential theoretical perspective has emerged that seeks to understand professional service firms, not as reified structural entities nor as naked expressions of power and privilege, but rather as ongoing processes of institutionalization (Scott, 2008; Leicht and Fennell, 2008; Muzio et al, 2013). In this view professions are themselves institutions, but they are also key agents of institutional processes in society. Not only are professional service firms key agents in the creation and tending of institutions (Scott, 2008: 216), their own projects of professionalization are intimately connected with the institutionalization projects of other actors. Projects of professionalization, thus, carry within them projects of institutionalization (Suddaby & Viale, 2011: 423).This theoretical thread originates in research that illustrated the profoundly important role that professions play in processes of institutional change. Professional museum curators, for example, were instrumental in shifting the control of historical collections from wealthy individuals to public galleries (DiMaggio, 1991). Even though this change clearly benefited the professional project of curators, it was couched in the rhetoric public service and was legitimated by the ethos of providing public access to national treasures. Unsurprisingly, the US government was a key ally in facilitating this change. The curatorial profession, thus, strategically connected its project of professionalization to the institutionalization of the nation state.DiMaggio (1988) terms the curators actions as institutional entrepreneurship and considerable subsequent research has demonstrated how professional service firms are often key entrepreneurs of profound social change. Large accounting firms have been identified as key agents in reconfiguring corporate fields (Greenwood & Suddaby, 2006) and legitimating new organizational forms (Suddaby & Greenwood, 2005). Medical practices and hospitals have been shown to be key entrepreneurs in restructuring US healthcare (Scott et al, 2000). Professionalized consultants and managers are shown to have dramatically altered core practices of charity in the US by introducing rationalized techniques of measurement and accountability (Hwang & Powell, 2009).More importantly, perhaps, professional service firms have been shown to be significant influences in the processes by which core practices of institutionalization, what Lawrence and Suddaby (2006) term institutional work, occur in contemporary society. Power (2003), thus, identifies the audit function, as provided by large accounting firms, as a central element in the production of legitimacy in contemporary society. Dobbin (2009) shows how human resource professionals are central actors in the production of equal opportunity in North America. Edelman and colleagues (Edelman, 1990; Edelman, Abraham and Erlanger, 1992) analyze how the personnel profession, in conjunction with large corporations play a critical role in the institutionalization of affirmative action whilst, more recently, Daudigeos (2013) reveals how health and safety practitioners were actively involved, as part of their own professionalization project, in the prioritization of health and safety within organizations.Fourcade (2006) demonstrates how economists, as a profession, engaged with global NGOs such as the International Monetary Fund, to mutually reconstruct global economic institutions while simultaneously reinforcing the identity and jurisdiction of economics as a globalized profession. Suddaby et al (2007), similarly, show how large accounting firms construct transnational institutions of regulation that are beyond the regulatory reach of both their professional association and the nation state. In sum, this research develops a theoretical view of the professions and professional service firms that seeks, as its core research question, to understand the role that processes of professionalization play in broader projects of institutionalization. Notably, it draws on both the structural-functional and power perspectives in its core assumptions. The notion that professionalism is a persuasive element in legitimating social change is implicit in much of this research. So too is the assumption that elite professional service firms are interested in preserving their economic and political status.However this theoretical view differs substantially from both prior theoretical positions. For example, while it assumes that the rhetoric of professionalism is influential and persuasive, it does not adopt the essentialist view of structural functionalists that professionalism exists in practice or that it is unique to professional service firms. Similarly, while it accepts the premise of power theorists that professions are interested in perpetuating their social and economic privilege, it does not take this to be the defining characteristic of professional service firms. A critical element of this theoretical view, however, is that it adopts an ecological view of the professions as competing for jurisdiction and social position not only with other professions but also with other institutional forms. Moreover, it suggests that a core element of this competition is the strategic alignment of ones own professional project with a related and symbiotic project of institutionalization. That is, every project of professionalization is embedded in a related project of institutionalization (Suddaby & Viale, 2010). So, for example, a number of theorists of the professions point to an intimate and reciprocal connection between traditional professions, such as medicine and law, and the nation state. While these professions are highly dependent upon the nation state with respect to their professional projects in terms of accreditation and enforcing jurisdictions, so too are the nation states dependent upon them in constructing stabilizing institutions of justice and health (Abbott, 2005; Silberman, 1993; Skowronek, 2002). Some refer to the symbiotic relationship between traditional professions and the nation state as a regulative bargain (Cooper, Puxty, Robson & Willmott, 1998). As Abbott (2005: 247) observes, [n]ot only does a jurisdictional tactic like licensing have to succeed in the system of professions, it also has to succeed in the ecology of the state, for quite other reasons.A more expansive conceptual model, therefore, is to view the relationship between professions and other related institutions as an institutional ecology in which professionalization projects, if they are to succeed, must ally with a related institution or institutions. Moreover, these reciprocal projects of institutionalization and professionalization are effective generators of new institutional forms. While the traditional legal profession appears to be allied with the nation state in their professionalization project, a subset of transnational lawyers appear to have allied with large corporations in constructing new systems of justice based on principles of commercial arbitration rather than common law (Dezalay & Garth, 1996). Similarly, accounting firms have allied with multinational corporations to create new systems of commercial and social legitimation (Suddaby et al, 2007; Power, 2003). The strategic reciprocity between professions and adjacent institutions also tends to generate new professional forms. Thus, the ongoing relationship between global accounting firms and transnational corporations encouraged a (failed) attempt to produce multidisciplinary professional firms (Suddaby & Greenwood, 2005). The profession of human resources is a product of the military profession, the nation state and corporations engaged in the war effort during the Second World War (Baron et al, 1986; Dobbin, 2007). Collectively, this thread of research adopts a process oriented view of professions and professional firms in which they exist in an intimate ecological relationship with the institutions that surround them. Some of these relationships are more obvious displays of commensalism (competition) but perhaps the more interesting ones are clearly symbiotic, and involve a cooperative linkage between a profession and an institution. We term this emerging theoretical approach an ecological-institutional theory of professions and, in our concluding section, discuss the implications that this view might have for future research.

Conclusion: Outlining an Ecological-Institutional Theory of ProfessionsEcological reasoning has been applied to a broad range of social phenomena (Hawley, 1950; Wallerstein, 1979; Hannan & Freeman, 1977). Abbotts (1988) view of the professions as constituting a dynamic system of professions constantly vying for jurisdictional claims over expert knowledge is perhaps the clearest example of ecological theory applied to the study of professions. Indeed, Abbott (2005) makes this position explicit in suggesting that professions are, themselves, internal ecologies linked to other ecological systems such as governments and universities. An extension of this argument is the observation that professions are core agents of social institutions and are highly engaged in facilitating exchanges between institutional spheres (Scott, 2008). They are the ultimate agents of institutional work (Lawrence & Suddaby, 2006). That is, professions are likely to be best understood as institutional actors embedded in a complex environment of related institutions (Suddaby & Viale, 2010).Ecological theory is premised on applying the metaphor of biological ecosystems to human contexts (Hawley, 1950) and has received considerable criticism as a result (i.e. Young, 1989). A justifiable component of this critique is the observation that theorists selectively adopt some core assumptions of ecological theory and ignore others. So, for example, Hannan and Freeman (1977; 1984; 1989) explicitly state that while ecosystems may at times exhibit both competitive (commensalism) and cooperative (symbiotic) behaviors, they choose, somewhat arbitrarily, to focus only on the competitive elements. Similarly, they opt to emphasize elements of natural selection rather than human development and also to assume that organizational ecologies tend toward disequilibrium rather than stasis.Adopting a broader view of ecological theory, that embraces these disparate assumptions as tensions rather than competing hypotheses, holds considerable promise for outlining a fresh research agenda for analyzing the professions as embedded institutional actors. We sketch the potential parameters of this research agenda against the backdrop of these three core tensions of ecological theory.Commensalism versus Symbiosis: Prior research has established a high degree of intra-professional competition at both the level of the profession (Abbott, 1988) and the professional firm (Galanter & Palay, 1991). Similarly, within the functionalist vein, considerable research has sought to identify the factors that contribute to the competitive success of professional firms (Hitt et al, 2001; 2006; Greenwood et al, 2005; 2007).Some research has also been devoted to cooperative strategies used by professional firms to survive (Jones & Hesterly, 1998; Faulconbridge, 2006). Few studies, however, seek to identify the conditions under which professional service firms opt to select strategies of commensalism versus symbiosis. Moreover such research is typically undertaken at the level of the individual organization. Few analyses have studied the historical symbiosis between, for example, the corporation and the accounting profession or the large diversified hospital and the medical profession. Even more rare are studies that attempt to identify the linked ecologies (Abbott, 2005) that might exist between medicine, hospitals and government, as institutional forms. We need a greater understanding of the ecological relationships that develop between professions and related dominant institutional forms.Natural Selection versus Human Development: A central question for ecological theorists is the relative primacy of the environment or the individual organism. Critics of evolutionary theory argue that, while natural selection (i.e. the idea that some species are deselected by their environment) may play a role in non-human species, humans have an indomitable ability to adapt to or subdue the environment to human will and need. Within the context of an ecological theory of professions, this hypothetical tension between man and nature raises the obvious question of the relative power difference that exists between professions and the institutions that surround them. One line of research discussed above, i.e. the literature on organizational professional conflict, suggests that professions are a dominant and superior institutional form that has the capacity to resist bureaucratic pressure. A competing hypothesis, aptly called the adaptation theory (Wallace, 1995), suggests that professions have been quite skilled at adapting to the bureaucracy as an institutional form.This research can be extended to the obvious relationships that professions have held with other institutional forms government, not-for-profits, religion and other dominant institutions. Moreover, despite considerable research on the adaptation versus conflict issue, we still have little understanding of the contextual conditions under which professions will choose to adapt or resist. Adopting an institutional lens may offer additional insight.Stasis or Entropy: A final tension within ecological theory is the question of whether ecologies tend towards states of equilibrium or disequilibrium. Subsidiary issues within this core question attempt to understand the triggers that shift an ecosystem from one of equilibrium to disequilibrium and the activities necessary to stabilize a system that has become disrupted.These questions are also relevant to professions and professional firms, when viewed through an ecological lens. While we have some understanding of the work needed to construct a profession (i.e. Halliday, 1987; Burridge & Torstendahl, 1990), or to create a new professional category (Baron et al, 1986; Dobbin, 2007; Daudigeos, 2013), we have little understanding of the institutional work needed to maintain stability in a linked ecology of professions and institutions. What, for example, is involved in developing the institutional linkages between universities, technology professionals and local governments to create and maintain an innovative technological cluster (Casper, 2007)? What are the institutional conditions needed to attract the new class of creative professionals (Florida, 2001)? In sum, we see the adoption of an ecological-institutional lens to understanding professions and professional firms as an essential means of avoiding the pitfalls and cul-de-sacs of prior research. While many intractable issues of how to define a profession and how professional organizations differ from corporate forms remain relevant, they are substantially less important. Instead, our focus is on the dynamic interaction between professions and other social institutions and our interest is in understanding how they mutually inform, reinforce and complement each other.

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