
season of ordin nry needed to bring the

back to the farm­says C. Arthur Tay­of the Delaware Ag­

Conservation Committee. tal'lners me t the surplus

one of the prinCipal aims farm program"

says lha t in 1938 pro­the 53 leading crops in Stales lopped tit pre­r ecord by six per cen \.

some of this production fill gaps left by drought

farm prices qUlckly sag­the weight of new Sllr-

extenl 10 which produc­ge t ou t of balance with

mar kets was not evident the 15 years aIt I' the

becase of exc('ssive for-loans, purchases

Board , production­of lhe early AAA, droughts and shorl-

Taylor says.

Hullihen president of of Delaware, was the

the r egular meeting New Cen tu ry Club,

afternoon . His topic Known Facts Abou t

Mrs. Alex D.

into Inembership

L , R. Albright, J . M. Pauline McC. Bradford,

Colburn, Edward A. Curt­Dunlap, Lion Gillmore, J , Harold Golder K . J . K a-

Mason , A. B. Mi ller, J , H , L . Richardson. A. L.

William S inclai r. Stanley Y. Sweney, R. T. Wa re, Jarnee.

THENE Re-Elected To Safe

Hon. W!'ltrr Dent Smith Presidcnt-!\[anage,'

Hon . J O,hn K . J ohn"ton cpr ctary

The value of civic-mindcll ci liz ns was discussed by Judge Lee E. Skeel , president oC the Cleveland Sa fcty Counci l, at thc unnulIl organiza­tiun mee ting of the direclur, of the D~ l awlIl'e Safety Counci l il1 the Hotel du P nl. Wilmington, last Friday ev ni ng.

Chairman of the board l r the llew year is !I'enee du Ponl, while

~f;:;c;;'sl\~:e~ie~~~~e ~s ~:~~I ~!~:~;:~m,; r~ :1(lp~:'~;~~n~~:~ s~~:~~~~~. o~tl:~: ccuncil, Wultel' Dent Smith : v(ce president for public safe ty. Ernest N. May; vice president fo r indust n'a l safety, W. Floyd J ac kson; vice presi­dent for child nctiviLies and ho e safety, Dr. H. V. Holloway; vice -presi­d nt [01' New CasUe Coun ty, Dr , Loui s Levinson; vice presiden t for Kent County, Wa llace Woodf rd; vice president for Sussex COlln ty, Harold W, T , Purnell ; trcnsul'\!r. Harry R. Craig; secr e tar y. J ohn K . J ohnston. and nssistant secreta I})' and ass istant manager, J , J ames Ash­Ion.


Tlu'ee Sessions For Delaware Alumni Slated


Fit"st Checks For UnelTIployed Are Sent Out

T wo new local clubs of Univcr- F irst checks for benefi ts to unem-si ty of Delaware Alumni will be 01'- played worker s wer e mailed yester­ganized within the next ten days day to some of the clai mants w h ose and another local club wil hold its I regular r eporting d ay is Monday,

rcg~~:;:e~~:~. J an uary 25, Dela- I ~~~~r~::;~U~fV~~i~~~~;esorili:~~~ ware alumni li ving in or near Bal- employment Compensation Co m­timor e, Md., will m eet fo r d inner mission . and a business meeting a t the L ong- Dr . Wharton explai ned that only fellow Hotel, Baltimore, for the a few hundred checks were expect­purpose of or ganizing themselves ed to go for ward on the first day, into a clu b w h ich will m eet r egu- bu t tha t hundreds more would be larly in the future. Officers will be I mailed daily for the remai nder of elected and future plans will be , the week and the ea rly part of the formula ted , Mr, Garret Cantwell, I following,

;:l~~~~e o;s ~~e c~~::o~~ i~~~t a~~ : Reasons For Delay I'angements and will p reside over l Reasons wh ich may cause delay the meeti ng. . in the receip t of a ny individual's

Dr, Gould To Speak ~~~~~n~ r~u:~~:~e~~c~~~~~lt S:~~;!~ p,,~n Thursday, Januar?, 26: the gi ven , and missing wage records

Iionplph .a Clu? o~ Unt vers,lty 01 due to fa ilure of employer to re­Dela~are AlumnI \\fl.ll meet . tn the port wages, accordi ng to Dr. Whar ­Lorratne Hotel, Ph. ladelph. a, for Ion .

~~;t~~g ~h~~~O 'Wil~tfO lt~~ ~~S!7;~~ The volume of claims will cause o'clock, Dr. J . S . Gould , head of the se~era l days 10 e lapse be!ween ,:e­Un ive rsity's departmen. t of eco_lcelPt of a compensab le cla. m and. IS­nomics, wi ll address the alumni on sua nce of a chec~ or ~mployer pro­present economic 'factors infiuenc- lest. aga .nst a claim Wi ll cause tem­ing the business ouUook for 1939. ~~ary de l~y,

T he. Ihird meeting of th '.' - . t !"ny lI1d ,vld ual should allow at ous alumni clubs will be e~eel~a~n " lISt a ~eek to elapse from the ti me Old College, Newark, on Wednes- ~ r~gls ~er~d at the Employm,ent day, February \ , To this meeting ~ offIce fo r t he fou: th ti me have been invited all Delaware O'(o re h~ fil es any complatnt as to Alumni residing in N"w Cnrtl ~ nm -recelp t of a check, Dr. Whar­County, sou th of Wilmington, Thls ton sta ted. meeting w ill begin w ith a d inner ------

~~, 6~~~:~i~;t~0~d :~!l ~~s~~I~~W~e~;. Passion Play Film To Be ing at 7:30. Presented Sunday Night

Elkton Society To Hold Card An '1 Bingo Party

A bene fi t cOl'd and b ingo party, sponsored by the Ladies of the Im­m acu late Conception R. C. Church, Elkton , Md., will be held Tuesday in the basem ent at the church at e igh t o'clock , P r izes will be given a nd r efreshmen ts served.

A motion picture, "The P assion Play, " or 'Life of Christ," w ill be presented a t the Newark M. E. Church on Sunday a t 7:30 o'clock, through the courtesy of the Na tional Bureuu tor R eligious a nel Educa t­ional Films.

Everyone is invi ted to attend and admission ti ckets are not necessary. A silver offering will be ta ken tn assist in paying expenses.

Sleds And Automobiles Add To Winter Dangers


I Game And Fish Proposal Stirs Interest With Other Measures

Directors Plan Annual Scssion In Feh r'uary

Buck illgham Bill II

'Vould Cr eate cw Connnission I

While the Sunday movie b ill is I


At a recent conference of the di­rector s of Ihe New Castle County Dairy Herd Improvement Associa­tion attended by. President P aul W. Mitchell , Hockessin ; S ec ret a r y ­Treosu" cr W. Levis Phi ps, Cen­tervi ll e; Pus y P assmore. Talley­ville; Wilson T. Pierson , Hockessin; Fred B. Marte nis, Newark; Marvin W. Kl nir, Marshall t n; J ohn Green , Middletown, and County Agricul­tural Agent G. M. Worrilow. pla ns were discussed for an a nnual meet­ing to be held the la tte r part oC February . and a committee consist­ing of H. Wilson Price and County Agent Worrilow was appo inted to develop a program and complet plans fo r Ihis outstanding d airy even t.

creating no littl e stir among church people throughout the State, and Sena tor P a ul R. Rinard's proposed leg isla tion concem ing sala ri ed mflgl­stral s is ca usi ng more thlln passi ng

I comment, the Game a nd F ish Com­mission Bill , introduced to lhe H ouse of Hepresentatives last weele by

Report Aprpoved

The directors appr oved the De-cember r eport of" Association Su­pervisor Roland Ebli ng. Tbe r eport showed that the pure bred Holstei n herd of Tull Bros .. Scaford , led the assoc ia tion in both butterfat and milk production, averagi ng 35.7 pounds of butterfa t and 1083 pounds

Area B Child Welfar e Chairman , American Legion Auxiliar y


Child'Velfal'c MeetiuO' To Be H eld Jan. 27-28

~~ ~;.'r~ P~I~~~~.W with their herd of (See Picture P age Two)

Thirty-one-cow H a 1st e i n herd Sponsored by the Amel'ican Le-owned by W. Levis Phi pps, of Cen- gion Auxili ar y. the "40 and 8 and lerville, r anked second in both but- the "8 a nd 40," nationa l ofTic ers of tcrIat and mi lk production averag- the Legion and the Legion Auxili-

ing 33.2 pounds of butterfa t and 894 ~':n a~t~! a~r~~~~a~~~~:r~n c';:~~ ~~~~)d;f o~~~~~lie~r~~~'~~~:dJ~~~~~ York. New J ersey, Pennsylvania,

in butterfat production with an ~i~~:,~~d~;~ew~i:t~i~;i~~o;~;~~: ~~~I~~g~e:~s 7~ ·4th~O:s~~~ia~~~ ~i~ pected to attend the , Area. B. Child a ll cows in pr od uction aver agi ng Welfa~'e Conference tn WI lmtngton over 26.0 pounds of bu tterfat and on Frldny and Satu~'day J anuary 27 600 pounds oC mil k for the month and 28. ~essions, III the form of Callow : Green's Dai ri es, Middle- I classes. Wi ll be held ~t the Hotel town, 20 cows mi xed herd , 31.0 duP.o~t w here there Will a l~o be . an

d f b t t f t 623 d of exhIbit by the local parltclpatmg ~~~; ~.oW. ~a~~;eil , Mt.P~~~asSant, orga~ izatio~s , child w elfare groups, 25 Holstein-Guernseys. 30.8 pounds a nd mst ltultons of the state. of butterfat, 766 pounds of milk; H . Sponsors Appointed Wilson Price, Glasgow , 19 J erseys, The conference will be presided 27.9 pounds of butterfa t ; McCoy & over by Dr. Samuel .Lovem~n of Cook . 17 Holsteins. 27 .8 pounds of Toms RIver , N, J ., Legion chairman butterfat and 837 pounds of milk ; of child wel!are in ru:ea B . Mrs. Wilson T. Pierson, Hockessin , 21 Harlan J ohnson, Baltimore, Md., Guernseys, 27 .2 pounds of butterfat is the aux ili ary chairman in the and 618 pounds of milk, area.

The following organ ization spon­sors hove been appoin ted by Ed­ward Mulrooney of Delaware P ost. general chairman of the conference committee: Reservations a l the ho­tel, Delaware P ost ; publicity, L aw­rence Roberls Post ; hostesses, Dela­war e Uni t, and the registr ation desk in the lobby, Lawrence Rober ts Unit. Mrs. Sue Schreiber is ch air-

-Other Ranklngs Two pure bred J ersey cows in the

herd of Mitchell Bros. placed tlrst and second in batterfat producing 72.7 pounds and 68.3 pounds r espec­tively on twice a d ay milking, Third place wen t to a pure bred Holste in cow in the herd at W. Levis Phipps produci ng 66.4 pounds of bu tterfat.

T u)) Bros., of Seafo rd , placed three of t heir pure bred Holsteins cows in the top ranking posi ti ons in milk production making 1972 pounds, 1882 pounds, and 1773 pounds or a tota l of 2 4-5 tons of mi lk for the month .

m An of hostesses. Re/listration w ill be in cha rge of

Mrs. Frank Boling, assisted by Mrs. Mae Sm ith , presiden t of the Law­rence Roberts Unit; Mrs. P ark W. Hunti ngton, Mrs. Samuel P. Ma­roney, Mrs. Leslie P . Roe, Miss Vir­

Twenty six cows produced over ginia Dillon, depar tment aux il iary 50 pounds of butterfa t for the s~c I'e tary; Mrs. Cha rles J. Galla­month, and 59 cows exceded the gh 1', and Miss J essie Morri s, sec­half-ton mark in mil k pr oduction, r~ tary of the department auxiliary

Agricultural Leadct"s To Stage Dinner Meeting

A meeti ng of Interest to agri ­cultural leaders and farmers of th is section w ill be held nex t Thursday in the Deer P ark Hotel when over 50 far m people. includ l:)g board members of Southern Cooper ative, di rectors of affilia ted cooperatives, an cl agricultura l workers will meet in confer ence for the purpose of planning a constructive program of coopera tive effort among farmers in this area. accord in g to L. E. Raper. director of membersh ip r e­lations for Southern S tn tes Coop-

executive committee. Headquarters in a room at the

r oom a t the hotel for the accommo­dation of visitors from Thursday afternoon, J an . 26 through Satur­d ay, J an. 28 w ill be established by Mrs. J ohn p , Murphy, d epartment a ux iliary pr esiden t.

Local Women Active Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dillon h ave

been named co-chairman of the ex­hibit. Mrs. Dillon is the d epartment auxiliary chairman of child wel!are, while Mrs. Harry S , Gabriel, of Newark, is assistant sta te chairman.

Other members of this committee are: Mrs, Sar ah Albertson, Lewes, secretary, Mrs. Edward Mulrooney ,

er ative. Mrs, Frank Boling, Wilmington ;

the Hon. Frank H. Buckingh am, represenl'l ti ve from the Eighth Dis­trict of New Castle County, is like­wise causing mem bers oC the Gen­era l Assembl y and loobyists 10 jump on one side of the fence 01'

thc olher. I . po~~' 7~~~o~~e~a ;~~. :~~:;~~~i o~)t c;~~ Dr. G~rgC \V, Uho(\es , cern ing Ihe proposed measure ind i- M .. I(tng l~ sR nrst :ll~p '~m'altc~ t~n cate the interest ... e ing shown by the Huuse 0 epres n UI,,'CS a e

sportsmen a nd fat·mer s. I ~~~~Ol~e~~g tl~el~e .:~ra IDO~~~~m~~ T he Complete B 1I1 I Rhodes found himself in tlte strnnge

. 'l ne main port~on ? f Representa- role oC lempor~ry Speak~r when the ~.'ve BlIckll11?'ham s Di ll f" lIows:. body convened on Monday. With

, , . The Board of Game and Fish Speaker Frank R. Zebley a lld Presi ­, ""rr" . '~ i ( n~'·s of the ~Iale of Del~- I dent Pro Tem Elmer E. 13"'1 ~on b(J th

ware IS hel eby estnbhshed , and It occupied at a budg t he!lnng, Dr, ""11 1 b~ know n and termed as such . Rhodes was nnmed to s rve 0n the

~h~'~~~~I~~:I~:' sh~~xCO~~istu~~ ses:~~ I rostrum during their bhs~nce , Commissioners, two from each of l the Counti es of thi s Sta te, shall be ~ut. the :.t ~OU'lt w,hiCh lhey may ~ppointed b v Inc lJovel"lor on or I I ecelve fOI their tl aveltng and all " e rMe th ~ fifteenth d ay of April. othel' ('xpenses shull not pxceed Ihe A. D. 1939, or wi th in th irty d ays sum o f fourteen hundred dollars in .fter the date on which thi s Act 13ny one yea r, C'xclusivc of the rellS­sha ll become elTecti ve, '\'hichever onau_.; sa laries or wag~s and ex­shall be the earlier. The Presiden t penses of the necessary employees pro tem. of the S tate Sena te shall of the Board. The said Board is be the sevenlh member - C the said autho "iz('d a"1(1 err. powered to make Board. and he sh all r.r"l tinue to ex pen allures out oC the funds r e ­hold office as a member of the said ceived by it from the sale of licen ­Board until his successor as Presi- ses, fines and forfeitures imposed dent pro tem of the Stute Sen ute unc! received for violati011s of the shall h ave been duly chosen. Game and F ish laws of Ih is State

Pa rty C110ices Limited 01' from a ny olher source for the "Of the six commissioners to be following purposes on ly :

appo inted by thl' Governor not more Distribution Ot Fund than three, 5pr ving al the ,·tme time, .. (a ) Salar ies, travelinr ~ nd other sh all be from anyone political expenses of mempers of he Board. pa rty. and at least t hrel!. one f rom "(b) Salaries, wages or other "~ h " _ • . ~h' ;~ th i, ' S tate. sholl be compensation , a nd traveling and

fa rmers living on a far m und !lctcal - other necessary expenses of the em­Iy engaged in Car ming or ngr i- ployees of the !:Soard . culture. Each of the six members "(c) Wildlife protect ioll , conser-3ppointed by the GovE"nor shall vation s nd propagation. h old office and be comm.sf.;oned lor "(d) Purchase of upland game, a term of three yea rs except that waterfowl. fi sh or fur-beari ng anim­the terms of the member . first tak- als for stocking or propaea lion pur­ing office after the date of enac t- poses, and fot" the feed ing of such ment of th is Act shall pxpi re, as b irds, ani mals and fish a : d expen­design ated by the Governor ti t the ses incident ther elo. ti me of the ir appoin tmenl, two of " ~e) Acquisi tioll : lease. crea tI?n , tnem a t the end of one year , two at ~all1~en ance, repmrs a nd admm­the e nd of two years ~nd two at Istratlon of refuges or sanctuari es, the end of three ye~rs aiter the spi ll ways and dams tor wildlife, in­d ntes of thei r r espective appoin t- elud ing public hunti ng and fish ing ments. Mem bers of the said Board grounds. a nd fo r the purchase or may be r eappointed for a second construc tion of necessar y build ings term of three yea rs, bul no person a nd structures and the repair of sh all be eligi ble for membership on same, said Board for more than Iwo con- I "(f) Purrhase of such supplies secuUve terms. Any vacancy oc- ' a nd equipmen t, pri n ll rg posters, cu ring in said Board shall be fi lled hun ting and fi ~hing licenses, license by tl ' ''rnor by appoin tmen t, I (Please Turn To P age 4) and the person so appoir.ted shaU l

~:r ~~;,:i~:~;i~'~d a~e~mhr;~d \~::;~l~ Newark. Mus.ic Socie ty. To the vacancy occurred. IHoid Mld-\Vull er Se SI011

"The said Board shall meet a t I The mid-winter meeting of the least once each mon th, and shall Newark Music Society w !ll be held have fu ll authority to rf'gulate its Tuesday evening at 8:1e o'clock at or gani zation, proceedings and times the home .of Mrs. Frederick Ritz, a nd places of meeting. The said West Par k P lace. T . D. Mylrea, !:Soard shall elec t a President, Vice- president, w ill cond uct a short P residen t and Secretary from a- business session after which a pro­mong its own members. The Presi- ! gram of vocal and instrumental d en t pr o tem . at the State Senate, l music by society member s wi ll be se rv ing as the seventh member of presented under the direction of sa id Board, shall have no vo te eX- I An thony Loudis, pr ogrnm ch air man. cept in the event of a tic. in which T hose w ho wi11 ta ke part are: Miss case he shall h ave the deCiding Marcelle S ki nner , Mrs. T. D. Myl­vo te. The members of the said r ea, Mrs. COI'l J . . Rees, Miss Eliz­Board shall r eceive three hundred ' abeth McNeal, and Freder k k B .

~~~:~r:::~c~:a~~~ss~?:~~~~~ti O~~~; I K~lists for lhe nex t Cur tis Con-shall also receive their expenses in- i cert, February 16, will nlso be an ­curred in attend ing to their duties" nounced .

President's Birthday Ball At Elkton Armory Friday

The body of agricultur ists w ill be Mrs, I . Newton Sheaffer, Newark ; the guest at Southern States Co- Miss Mary Money, Delaware Ci ty ; opera tive nt a dinner beginning at Mrs, Marti sh ia P arker . Wilming­seven o'clock wi th A. Ba iley Thom- ton ; Mrs. Geor ge Robinson , Smyrna; as, of W oming, di r ector . presiding Mrs, R. S. McNeil , Dover; Mrs. An-Discussions to follow will r eview thony Summers. Mil!ord ; Mrs. Fred H undreds of dance lovers ar e cians boast n large following factors in the progress of farmer Howard, SeaCord ; Mrs. Alassie scheduled to partiCipate in the throughout th is area. cooper a ti on dur ing the past two Horn , Rehoboth ; Mrs. H annah Mar- colorful Birthday Ba ll for the P resi- Proceeds from Ihe ball will be years, and w ill be led by P aul sh all, Lewes; Mrs. George Walls, dent to be held in the S tate Armory h and led under a n ew arrangement lVlU ll inix, of Bel Ai r , " ,d., district Georgetown a nd Mrs. Edna Har- a t E lk ton Friday evening. introduced this year by U. S . Sena­manager . Obj ctives for 1939 w ill mon , Rehoboth, While the majori ty of Ihe thous- tor George L . R adcliffe, Maryland

Sports are 0 traditional part of I problem of winter recrea tion , The be set up and a compreher.sive pro- Among lhose expected to attend ands of similar affairs throughout state chai rma n, The plan, endorsed Ihe American winter scen(' and Cur- difficulty of confining a free -run- gram of mem bersh ip r elations out- are, Miss Emma Puschner , director the nation arc not to be held unti l I by lead ing physici ans Ihroughout rier and Ives prints could be dU- l ning sled to the boundaries of a lined for the cooper ative . C'f child wel1are for the na tional Monday, President Roosl!velt's ac- the F ree State is to retai n 50 per plicated in reality in m any Ame ri- play street limits the number of child wel!are committee of the tual birthday, the ellmmiltee in cent of the net proceeds in MOl·y-

truck comes from a side sl.reet and I set up by the police. Whene ver Pil ilii s T o Stnfl'C Re ita1 ass istant director, and Mrs. Myron is merely following a custom of sea rch into the trea tment of infa n-can towns unti l-an au tom obile or pro tected oreas that may sa fely be OcJawm"e Srhool 0 f Mu ic American Legion ; Milt Campbell , cha rge of the Cecil County functi on 'I land the money to be used for re-

because of thc snowy pavJment is lhey coast, children must be taught l"" K. Elbertson, Milwaukee, Wis., na- slagi ng the a nnual dance n Friday, tile para lysis, unable to stop in time to avoid to look aIter themse lves. But, be- The monthly students' recital of ti onal auxiliary chair man of child The idea was lau nched with the Loca l hospitalization for sufTercrs crushing a yo ung s ledder, lore allowing Ihe pride of the the D~ laware School of Music w ill welfare. initi a l function six years ago and I of the di sease is one of the out-

According to the Delaware Safety family to take hi s s led from Ihe be held in the slud ios oC the school The me ting will be open to those has been fo llowed ever since. I standing developments of Senator Council. a lone child on a small sled cell ar, lo!')k a t Ihe runner braces at 803 Norlh Broom Street. Wi!- enl{aged In child wel1are work as Lieut. Harold TuCt P erkins, gen- RndclifTe's plan . docs not need to adap t his speed and S~e that none show signs of mington, Sunday a fternoon at Ihree well AS representatives oC the vet- era I chairman oC the committee and Th irty-seven members of the

~~ ~~~io:~t~7n t~~~e b~fu~d~r~:,:'~t~ ~~'~!~~~t~~~oi~~I~: n~\ ~~~~i~t~~~~~ ~I~~ O\I~cI~.·ded on Ihe program will be ~~~:~. W~I;~I~n:lz~I~:~~s'fO I ~~~S ~~;i~~~ ~~i~~el~;e~:n~:~h~Oe~~~~.y t~ s;~~:~ I ~~~~,t:'S L7~t7~r~e~~~,~i~~e p~~~~~~ court or plnyinf( neld ns in o ther pivotinl( posts to s('e Ih"t they nl'e the Liszt Piano oncerlo (third tlonnl d fellS" mecUm! in Washing- ule of dances at the Elkton Armory the b:111. While it is olficinlly a sporls. The> Ihrill of sledding comes ope":tling free ly, RunnC'rs should I movemrntl MC'lodie. RachmaninolT; lon, W,lS also held in D~lawnt'e four ('very \\'int('r, is nlhusinstlc over Mnr,ylund project the Elkt~n alTlir in kccplllg th!' gr ntest Iweel fOl" be clr II' of rust, but not sharp- Anel :tnl<\ Chnminnde. ((wo pianns) yC'nrs ago, the prospecls for tomorrow night's rnnks ItS one o f the nulstan(linn

Reverend Edmund J. the 101l1<1"t di ~ ance. D 'spite the ctlgrd fo r a cnlli~i 111 anothel' Liebcs1ird, Kreis ler; Walt?, Chopin; I The nalional defense onference "fTuil'. I dnnc('s of It-kind in til\' fonst. Sub-bishop cf Wilminglon. 1 dnllp'ers r f co lll sle n witll trees or Flt'd c u lel result in serious cuts to lhree popular numb'rs. D~ep Pur- is schrdu l('d for .Jan 25 nnd 20 in New l~inal1rIa l l'lnn ~rrJb"rs Crf'm ll eighb~rill'( s"ctions

give b l1('diction at olher ,Ieddrrs. n b,y will attempt one I1 r b -,I h rider·s. pic Siboln"v and Diam nnd Dust. Wn.hi ngtnn. and the loco l moe\lnl{s Lieut. Perkins promis's the best (f D 'Ioware. P enlls.vlvnnia, lind NC'w R. , Church, SunelilY nny s lope nnd Iry to negolin te :lny i)llnget's of "lIitchlnll''' Concer to, V.baldi for vi~lin . nut, will be f'lllow d by a I'ehabilitnlion I in music wi[h Ih appea runee of Jersny mllk!' it a point In ,. ltend the

ight ~'c lnck. Fri!'nds Ilurn that will p('rmit a I"ngel' ride, SI!'ddin.« is dnngerous nough, clorinel. and voca l selections as conference oC the Lelfi(' n and Aux- Billy Antrim's orchestra. An out- colorfu l cele bration of PI'esid('l1t

attend, ot slrcet Iramc complicates the I tPlease Turn To Page 4)' public Is invited, J an. 30 and 31. ways, Antrim's collection ot musl- every year, l1 UItOllS arc cordia l- 'I'h(':tll om~bile and the increase Don't permit your children to make well as elem"ntury piano solos. The I iliary in th is section at Baltimore on stanninlf unit oC Ihe eastcrn air- . Roosev It's b i r t h d n y ill Elklon





ni()'hwa~7 Group En IarO'{'ti LJ llflcr Ben 011 J\1caSlll'C" Hil at'd ('live

New bills continued to be pre !:entcd :II,d I'derl' d to commi tlees of both houses of Ihe Gen ral Ass~m bly Ihis week at D vcr, While lh l" budget committe'c continued to wBde thl'ough hearings "nd wresUe' with the com plex pI'oblems of stretching limited funds to supply the ne~ds for various state d epart­menls lind agencies, both the Sen­ate and House of RC'pr('sentutivc," tiisposcd of fUl'ther pn·liminnries.

C.'eation of lhe State Park Com­nlission of D 21nwUl'c to pt'CS~l'V ("

a nd pl'otect the ·'Jcenic. h istoric , scientific. pre-hisloric. and wild lift· r esources of the state a nd to make them avai lable for public usc and enjoyment" is provided {or in a bill introd uced Monday by Senator Burton S . Henl . Th commission wou ld consist of five members, wh" nrc named in the bill as follows:

Ann B. du Pont, who would serve until May 2, 1941 ; H. R odney Sharp to serve unti l May 2, 1942; Mary W Thompson, to sel' llntil May 2. 1943; J ohn B. Jessup, to serve un til May 2, 1944, and Charles W. Cul­len, to serve until May 2, 1945. Upon expirntion of Ihe term 0 1 otTice of each of these the Governor would be authorized to appoint lhe mem­bers of the commission for full tel'ms of five years nch ,

$50.000 Allotted The members of the commission.

who wou ld serve without pay, could employ as ma ny persons as deemed necessary to carry out the purposoo of the act. The b ill w ould set up an appropriation ot $50,000 for usc of the commission. 'l'ne board also would be author ized to apply to. Cederal agencies such a s the ~A' and the PWA for tl na ncial aid its projects.

The purpose of the act, Sena Heal expla ined is to develop sta te lands for parks and recreati cen ters, While the ocean front la south of Rehoboth Beach is not sp cificaUy me ntioned it is understo it would be within the j urisdietlofl of the commission to have estab­lished there resorts. camping sites and recrea lion cen ters.

Sena lor Heol said another project wh ich wou ld be considered is the development of the land lying be­tween the Governor Printz Boule­vard and the P ennsy lvani a Rai lroad tracks in Brandywine Hundred, He sa id the scen ic beauty along that stretch including the view of the Dela ware R iver is so attracli ve thaL in summer the land has become popular wlth motoris ts, tourists and picn ickers.

New Constable Bill Senator Paul R. R inard introduc-

ed a bill to authorize the Levy • Court in each county to appoin t con­stables as follows: New Castle County , six, of whom at least two wou ld have to live in Wilmington ; Ken t County, three; Sussex County" five. Each Levy Court could ap­poi nt as ma ny constables at lar ge as they deemed necessary but there could not be more than one in eac1;t h undred in the county, Salari es would be fixed by the courts but in no case could it be less than $1,200 a year , All fees, costs, and o ther amounts now levied or a uthori zed for the services of constables would have to be paid to the county treasurer in the respec tive counties and constables would be proh ibited Crom receiving any money except thei r sa lary,

Another bill introduced by Sena­lor R inard would limit the j urisdic­tion of magistr ates to the coun ty wherein they have been appo inted, It specines that all fees levied and collected by constables sh all be paid over to the magistrate out at whose court he is operating. Every magis­trate wou ld ha ve to keep an account of these fees and make :t monthly r eport to the county treasurer. The act would app ly on ly to those mag­istrates and constables appoi nted after it had become a law and those now in on'ice would be governed by existing laws untJl U,e end of their terms.

Highway CommissIon J unked Abo li tio n of the State Highway

Department as at present conslitu t­eel and creation of a new cummis­s ian which shnll consist of seven members and the G vernor is pro­viden itt a bill introducC'd Tuesday by RC'p, Elmrr E. Bt"nson of D ,ver, the R('publican nOIl I' leuder in Ihe H OIl."'. Another bill mtrotiuccd by Mr. Dlnmn wOllld ]'(m lV' the Statc 11r,to .' V"hirlt" D 'partmC'llt frrm Ihe jtlri~diC\ion of thC' ~"rr'" I ry of sl~t" ann pl,lc!' It under Ihe hl phway dt'pnrtmC'nt I.n b·' admi n­istercel by tt mo nr vehicl, ccmmis­sioner appointed LJy the Stnte High-

(PI 'asc Turn To Page 4)

. . .. , . . _... . .


~~~;:,~:d \\S SUCI~ODoAYL IlIlemalioll(/ / ~J.

-:- L E S SON .:-By IIAno LD I. LUNlJl,U IST. IJ D .

Oeun of 'rtw p.,l oody B ible 100 •• It ~ to 01 Chlc .l ~O . e We s ten l f'\t.W b • .I,qJCr Unl\.ln .

Lesson for J anuary 23

Lf'S60n flubJ c(' \ li nd S('rlpw re tex ts 8 e~

~~l~~~~' l ln~? Ff~n~ r~~~t'M~l~;;l lt ~~~ r~ s!~il~~ jJf!rm lsslon .


LESSON TEXT- J ohn 21: II ·)). COLDEN TE XT U Y" lov" m c. kee p

Jny commandrncnts.-John 14 : 15.

"Lovest thou me?" This Is the ques tion our Lord asked Peter. It Cumes to us today . Do we love our Lord? It is a s imple question. but also a very searching one. " We m ay know much, and do much. a nd profess much. and talk much. and work much, and give much. and go through much, and m ake much show In ou r religion, a nd yet be dead before God from WAnt of love

The Newark Post, Newark. Delaware. Thllrf\(lay, January 26, 1939

Behind The Wall At W. C. D.


Mary Lee

FOOD for


Nutritionist, Stale Board of lleaUh

Active In Child 'Velfare Progranl W. Clarence Kil'k, newly.elected

president of th Elkton Kiwanis Club. h ns announced the nppoinl. ment of his committees for Ihe or· ganization's Ilc tivlli s during the

publicity, W . E. Kiwanis education. E . Dorcas, C . A. meetings house. H . Lewis, Dewey J I Lewis; special c mil Ie . I Gchie.vem nt r eports. E. Dorc~ ' A . RlIlggold , H. T . P erkins. (

yea r as Jollows:

H.Int~:'CIl~bar:.~I~:i on~~I~r~:iv:I~Og:~ Jr. O. U. A. M. To Ohser child , boys and gi rls work. R. M. FOI'ly.Thil·d AUll iversar\ Georgc, Dewey P a tt rson : vocation- Arra ngements h ave been . al guidance, J . Purce ll , W. Cooling, pleted lor the forty -third nnnil'>

By far the most common question S. Booth; public ntTairs, agriculture, a ry o f American Flag CounclI~ Pract icc Teachers I ceJ1aneous committee to take cat'C w h ich mothers or small children business standards, J. M. McCool, 28, Jr. O .U.A.M., to be held

Beginning with the new semester, of odds and ends, under the direc tion ask me is "How can I m a ke my D . McMenamin, C. A. R inggold ; Mo da ev n ' n t the seniors who arc majori ng in of Charlotte Meade, is co.mposed of child eat what he should 'l " It is ex- program nnd music, H . T . Perkins. Ne,~ c~ntur~ ~I~b .a the N:



I L elementar y ducaUon will observe Leona Blocher, J osephme P otts, ceedingly diITicult, ilnot impossible, Classillcalion and membership. J . Covers will be laid tor 300 pc in the adujucent lementary grades. Marjorie Sweetman, Florence Schu- to force anyone to eat anything. Mu.!oney, E. Deibert; attendance. after wh ich a prol,'ram of Later they w ill practice teach in Ison. a nd Serena Weggenmunn. The only thing we can do is to r e- Aaron R eynolds. P . C. Will iams. H . tainment will be presenled. ;n~ the grades The gIrls are : Beatrice \ -wo d - m')ve the reaso n why the child is Shank; support of churches, H . B . erS ,~ iII be . present from ~ ;:<:~ D~~:~, R~,~~S;;:~;ot,A;~Yll~hf\~t~: Dr. Tarumianz Lecture:- no~:a~~eg · all born with a certain Lil;le;;;,y;"" =A~. =E::::. =T",ho",m::::8",s",' ",J",' ",A",' ",R",o",n=eY=;~d",el=p",hl",a=. B",B",I",tlm:==or;,;e;, ;an;;d~N;;e;,w.!Yo~rl Clam, J ane Hall , LOIS Kneas, Ruth During the last week of classes a utomatic reac tion tn loon An Warrlllgton, Edith Prettyman, Doris I for thIS semester Dr. M A. Tarum- empty stomach produces hunger .. PUBLIC WARNED THAT ANY Randt Allison Rosenberg Dorothy 18nz, w ho IS from the Delaware contractions which cause activ _ U'S-I Mrs. M. K . Elbertson Mrs. Harold Diers I Crozl~r, J a net Rodenhel ~er, J ean State Hospital, lectured on "What r t TI b b ., '\k IftH Wllhams. Martha Neese, Fern Wil. I Can Be Done to Pr.event Presen t ~~r;; ~~~ hu~~er acoYnt~~c~~v;sn c:~e. Mrs. Elbertson. who is chairma~ .ot the National Child Wel~are CO u MA Y PROVE DANGEROI' son, and Vlrgmia WIJliams. Abnormal InadequaCies of Youth" " th h'lblt t eating and the CommIttee of the American LegIon AUXIliary , a nd Mrs. Diers, who IS a •

-wcd- and "Emotions." On Saturday, fo l. pleasant satisfaction that tollows a member ot the group, will play active parts in the program which wiJI --- tatlODB due b colds or F,,,hman Fo,mal CommiU." ' 'woo, h" ,,,', .. , D" T" ,m',." 0 0 , 0 moo' "" .. " ih, ,hi" ih, ' b< ,,,,,'i<' " 'h' H',"' doP,,', WBm',"oo, '~ ,~"''' " ,,' " . _. T __ F .. Cold """ ..... mod'oI." -

Th . ' held a round table diSCUSSion WIth men tal anticipation which we call Mrs. E lbertson w ill deliver an address at the session . I eo_ba Is Cited Mentho-M. ulslon like a A ... ~ e various ass lstant~ tor the those girls interested in further appetite. prescription. contains those - "'"

Frcshman Formal committee heads di scussion. --- ent medical ingredienlll di!te-have been announced . J anet Bal. _ wed _ Many Things !\fay Happen bring cough rellef and is t "'hid stcr. Jane Lumly, Virginia French , A Taxpayers' Revolt t~I~O~ ~~~n~~~raO~~~~ with both Vitaml~ "An :.!~ Gladys BiShop, Sara V~rnon, 0 01'0- Dramatics Program ha~~:~e ~~e u~:~y t~:nl~~r~;c~s~~ l ing cough. and do not know Its Buy n bottle of Mentho-Muls!

WIll help Ellen Foster with decor- gin until after examinations are over lishing ot hunger and appetite. Most BJ HARLEY L LUTZ You might have the start of a first dose must start YOU If!

. There Is no life whcre there I. no love . . Knowledge, or tho· doxy, correct views . . . a respect­able m ora l life-all these do not m ake up a true Christian. There must be some personal feeling ta­WILI'd Christ" (J . C. Ryle).

The instructive slory. the center of which Is Peter's dec laration of love for Christ. presents a picture of a lite of true devotion and service to the Lord we love .

th.y Thompson, a nd ElSie Flannagan Although rehearsals wiJI not be. I I cause. call your doctor at oncc. from your drugglsL The v"

ations. To help Virginia Evans with and the new semester starts, the of these things are probably rela- Pro/euor 01 P"bUe Finance. Princeton Unl"e"ity I serio\IJ ailment and need immc- road to cough reUef or your ~ It. the selections of the orchestra will spring dramatic progr am has been tively normal when they happen dlste attention. Homemade reme- gist will return your man!!),."'" be Betty MaGee, Cadge Meyerberg, announced. The E52 Players will but may aggravate and make abnor- The laxp.,ers or We.tche.ter community', resourCeI may be, It Is dies and mild cough preparations Mentho·Mulslon, now 0) 'III, a

~;i~y ~~~~~o~~d ~~~~~:= :;!~~~~: p';:s~~~,~n H~;~~~ 9H~;~.~,l a~n~e:~~ :~E:chb~hetYffhere~~h~:.nltd °bt

attedntlon I ~~~ .£:~~~~!~i~~~~~I~JE:' ~~r~:;~!~~;:~::~ryv.~(~nO~~~~~~e! • arE:nd~~u:~e~~vb~onchlal irrl- ~oodS~~gf:~ ev~~a::~~ ASSlsling J ean Lawrence with in- on April 28 they will produce ver y e art s au e m a e to C I I --

I. Fishing al Christ 's Comma nd ( v . Ill.

Peter had led the disciples In a fruitless fish ing expedi tlon (VV. 2, 31. There m ay have been some un· be lieving se lt·wi ll In hi s " I go a, fis hing ." It m ay a lso have beell the need of food on the pa rt of the disciples who had not yet been sent forth to preach. But in any case they caught noth ing unti l they wen t 10 work at the Lord's direction.

Useless and pathetic is the effort of the Church to win men to Christ except as He direc ts and blesscs the work. He kn ows when, where, a nd how we ought to I1sh l or men. Let us seek His guidance mther than suITer the disappointment which goes with m an-directed calnpa igns and "drives." As a ma tter of fac t, we need m ore di vi ne directing and less hum an dr iving.

II . Fellowship With the Lord (vv. 12,14l.

vitations will be Anna Hayes, H ar- Shakespeare's comedy, "Much Ado make meal time a qulet happy pe- t I~ ~ ~rg~~I~; ~~~1~1~~v~!~e"hedotth1!'eco~d~U~:' riet Boone, Sara Feeney, Amanda About Nothing." n od. Arguments should be avoid- joined with what must be the state of attain In ~~.,."SSS..~~~~sssn~~~~, Quakenbush, Verda Bracmer , J ane fhe Playbill Program, which will en ~nd ser'ldings postponed. This I ::i:8~~:rln a~~; some of the less fortunate sections? I ~ • Marvel, Pat Cody, and Gwlnnet be presented on February 23, wlJl advice Is given not only in the in- I movement and The folks over In W$lStchester coun' l ~ " J ones. Doris J ails and her com- include the Ilrst act at Maxwell lerCSlS 0 l aml y armony ut a so as a rallying d h I f

'1 h b I ty have shown that they Intend to ~

mittee composed of Marie Lawrence, Anderson's comedy. "Saturday's in the interests of good appetites cry In the I r a~d I~~:t s~nO~I~~~~~\a~~ ~hth~r~a~ I Irene Gregory, Edim J ones, and Children," and an original onc-lIct and digestion. Any strong emotion . coming battle take action. ~~ ! J ean Allen will selec t the favors and play about college lite by Sar a Bald- particularly anger, not only takes ~~::te~ \~: moTvhcemePnrtesgSaVaennsoOlmlOecefmuretnhterotlnttehre. I,

programs. The selec ti ons of cor- win , a W.C.D. sophomore. away our appetite but also greatly following s l o- I I. sages for the patronesses and guests Although the casting for "It Can' t decreases our ability to digest food . gao : " F 1ft y $~~I.~~o .g~J.a i~;aJ~: 4c~'!k,tYSh~~~J g! ~ ! is under the direction of Ruth Happen Here" and t or the Playbill Food Well Prepared thousand ta X· refinanced. but It remains to be seen ~ : Byram and her committee. Gene Program was begun before exami- ~~k:~~"can't be whether the bonds were originally ~ ! Stephy. Ethel Smith. Ruth Raugh- I nations started. no dellnite decisions A child's food should be carefully I T h is I s a Issued with proper call and maturity ~ ley, and Betty J ohnston . The mis- have been made. chosen a nd well prepa red. Only aWnodrththYe cSlaOUgaS ne ~r~~~s}f~~e~v~;~: :~I~a~:~:e~ ifne~~: ~ !

those foods which he neecis should t ' t' Th ' h ~ ___ ------0 be offered to him. The parents I ~~~~~h~~t bf~~ s~0cl'~~~~~eiS a~~atdi~~ ~;: ~?s':; thel~o~~I~i~~~I~~a:t ~~eg'e=~ ~ I

S h 1 N I should not di scuss their own d iS- \ cessi ve number and cost of the local ~

C 0 0 e WS likes in front of h im unless they ex- ~:~~y:;sfif~;nth~~sa~~k~1"th~~.nT~~ uni ts with in the county . There are ~ LAST CALL TO JOl" . l e w states in which the heavy local <

~~~t ~~~h tOr~~~I~!le~s': E,~~~IYc~~~ I ~:it,e::e~;I~c1~~iV~~~e~~aty~~r~a~~;\~~ ;:::as~I~~~~Y ~~en~~a~~rcS~~n~?ti~~r~~ ~ 0 U R C H R I S TM A S C LU B . t d ' t t thO " "I 't fifty million taxpa yers can be licked. local goverllment. ~

Reported By lUS oesn en a IIlg , or, can The explanation ot the defeats I" do a thing about my child's eating." I which the taxpayers have been suf- Vel it may be safely prophesied .,

DOROTHY DAUGHERTY and ELLA MAE I\IACLARY • Such remarks overheard by a child I fertln1 is t~O- fold: nrsi' they have ~ai~·~g ~~ xh::;c~~YN~~h\~~ ~sa t~~~~ ~ w ill make h im reel that being a b~t ~h~v~:st:~~st~~og:~Je o::;,a~~~~: obvious than that something ought ~

Shakespeare day when A. I . Dupont Hi gh feedi ng problem is a very worthy ing thi s defect : and second. all of the to be done abo ut the excessive ,

i n"~~l~ ~i~~chsa:~to~lf ;:~~it~~:;~ ;iV~~ I ~~~~~~ '~::s ~~~I~~e~·S ;hl~ ;:n:~~ ~~~t i~~t~o~hOI~I~ ~~il~u~'~[~se:e~ov~~ i~~P:in~~ssrJ~ :~t,~~~a~~eb~i~oe~~~,~I~ ~ ;;'n~~;t\o~ f a~~C~R;~ivne::~~~~~~o~~: ~ the Hendrickson and Bruce Comp- Var sIty. The Hna l score was 16-32. without a scoldi ng and nothing ~Ji~h~;:'v::I~~~~v~rse~np:~ ~fru~:/~~: ~~~~~rtta :~"~~) t~ ;~~hei~~m:~~~~ ~~~~ :" any. was enj oyed thoroughly by the ow that the team h as started we should be a llowed h im until the though they may be in favo r of re · t hi~ . It lhe Westchester County lax· , tludie nce Thursdny Night. It wns hope nothing will stop il. Follow- next meal. You can not help the trenchment al all other poin ts. In payers ",a ~t to escape a good lick, I

~'~e e~~~ltl;ni):,~~~:;~:n~~;in~n~V~! : ~: ~~~lCV~'C\~~rc~h;:"~v~Vtt~' ~.~c~~i~~ ~~~~~iO~y ~~~gi~!lIh i~ll~o r;~~ke..)~ ~?~isJid.e~~d· ~~~I~:~r;~~ ;;~I~~~~~~ ~nn~et~I~~,'I~gUs~v~itr~~~h i~~~ t~!~C~~~ ~

This is your last chance to j oin this year's Christmas Club. Do it now. You

will be glad you did when next Christ, mas comes and you receive a nice check from us that will enable you to buy early and pay cash for your gifts. '

Money helps to make Christmas merry-for you and for others. HJ. ve

There arc some folk who seem to think tha t following Chr is t is a dole­ful ma tter, devoid of eve l'Y pleasa nt contact. J esus never ta ught a ny such thing. He atlend~d weddings and d inners even in the ho mes ul thuse des pised by men. R me mbe r Ula t He a lways did it for their spi ro llu~1 good, not merely for lI is own enjoymen t! a nd th~t lie always

st'eing some students s tf1 nding in Iy successful. human beings do not sta rve our- who is managIng the spending pro· t ·en"". wls lom and understanding I

the cl)ur t sce ne and runn ing around Drama f ics Clubs selves deliberately. especially if we ~~nr;:/:~lr~~;~I~;; ~~ : nh~~l1 \~~"I~; ~~ ~~n t h;;eeeclna;~ 1 ~~~~r~~n~o~n~~ :~eJl: : in the cDrnival scene. They w('r e: MISS M. Smithers' dromatics club do not ha ve' a very good a udi nce. gr ~'~c';~'netrything on " gl'ner,,1 en- I ~~'~~ I~iy a(iifl~~'I~tOt~s. h:~ir~~ u c~ iIIeveb~ ,~ mon ey n e x t Chri s tmas . J oin our I H,rf~p..

b rough t the g.ltherlng up to His own s plrttua l level. r" tile r th"" " toopmg

allY world ly or wlck r d standards. " ...... _ ..... _-- we fi nd rllm with a glOWing

Mi r iam F utcher. E lellnlll' Egnor, is p lann ing to present a play for Any child who persistently re- I . I R . TIL I I N I th th d rib d fu s"s food and who shows any other The fifty million laxp." yers h,lve modernte re.f ' I'ms ~n loca l orga nlza · I

B~~:i;::nc i~y O'~;lcl yn~d:~I~tn'cr~~'~'. gU~s~s. erTh~m;I~~"~S c eUnti ~~d :~,f~~ signs of illness should b ex amined therefore been rldenl eel tllne and li nn or adnllnl"tr" IOn I K 'nn; lI'd Harr is. HllITY Gray Lewi s YoungN Generation " T hose who by our phys ici an. If your ch 'ld is ~:I~'llio~('~~J~~~ IJ;~ ~ll~~~'~,P' ,~~'" ;~~~ th~I:~: '1~ "IP:' 1 ~~, /~~f~~~~~~~I~I~tne;.e!~ · f ~ -G'lcl wi n . . Tames Moore. J 'l>ll <'S lIich. " .. ill participate "r~ : D Jr is Le(',\ not ill hi s feecl ing dilTlcullks may pru jec t. wltil th" rt· ·ult thai In til<' or the pcnp'e in govcrollll ent. The ;

Christmas Club now.

us u pon wh ich fi:,; h is IJrniling :J.nd WIth bread l'I"1Cly {ur ·hc !Jufl~ry tl shcrmen. It is jus I like 111111 thU3 tn meet in Ill" t del ghlrul alia s"lIs'

" ~ii~g ~~I:\~~n~Pt() t:;:; ';lr~~I~hl'l l;~\,~

.1 1'5('ph Narclo, ni ll S mi th. and FIt,rence Cranst (1 n. D"rot ily Gre~g'l be due to your own ovcr anxiety. end all "f lhem hn. 1 to enll ure the taxJ) ,yc r re v I) I t ill W("tehester


Har vey Gn'gg help<,d back stage '~::l eB~~~:~np~~~;h~;~~I~e~::.n~"~dR~~~ Respcc t Oisturbanre CO'}(:~~r~~e~(;~~:it",'~"~';; crt' st l"~ alld ~h~l:I~' ~I :;' ,""I~:~~ ~' :: : .• tr~e :c,:;'J'~ell~I~~: : \\'ilh scenery and properties wood Muudy. L yell a WIlli am s is An yone just d evelopIng a cold ~~~~~,:I~~a C\l~~l\'~ , t ~\~II~I~ 7i~";"~~1 ;~~'It~ r~ 1 i;;l'tI~~:~r'~; ,,~V a lTh"d;s s~~~~eIJ n.: '" NEW ARK, DELAWARE

'ews Item'> d ll'r'c ing t he play. \\' 111 n( rma ily not want to ca t a be one of I',e w""lthll" t "" U'ltl"S 111 thpl r nhjl'ci "OS of heller go vel nm cl" ~ Supelin tendent C. E DOl1 gb ss 11:15 The Senior Dra ma lics Club is lorge men l. ThiS lack of apr ~li te ~~~i ~I~,il~~; I,;~~: e~;t~~~l~,~~ :~:.,;~r~::~,: ~~'(~ ~\\~~ ~" ~l~.~i r~n ~h,~HI~:ht~;pal;~ !'l!!m';~~!Rl!in~m~~!!~~~[ln:II~ { rat-ods who al (' sta nd ing n f;lr oIT

You may bt' so timid lIli1l. 111.( Ihe disciples. ) (lU \, i! 1 not dar e to ca ll I im by l1 ame (v . 12). but If you will come yuu will fi nd thilt the precious fl' lIowship will SOOI1 wa rm your hea rt.

I II . Fredin; His FIll l' k ( vv. 1;;· 17), Many (pe r hnps mos t) nfter·dinne r

speeches lind conversati uns yield ti t· tle profi t. lIcre is an occ ils iun when such was 110t the Ca se. One wun­der s whethel' w" would not be wise to take the suggestiol1 Alld turn our thoughts and those of our di nner gues ts to s pir itua l things . Surely it sh ould be so among Chr iSti a n friends a nd in a Ch ris t ia n home.

Three times Petc r is asl<ed to de· cla re h is love for Cllri st. Such a public confession was quite in place, before the man who had thrice de· nied hi s Lord is re~ t o re d to " plnce of leadership . The wOI'ds "more than these" (v. 15). ind ica te til:lt J esus wa s a sking of 111m a high measure of de voti on. ft is 110 more than He has a right to expecl of us .

The expression of love to Chl'lst means practically nothing except as it m ani fes ts itself in serv ice. We, like Peter. arc to be dili gent a bout feed ing His flock, whether they be the young and inexpcri enced lambs, or the m a ture sheep of the fold. Observe lhat we are to catch the fish (the unconverted) and feed the flock (Ole redeemed). Som ctimes it seems that wc arc trying to catch the Christi ans 10 forward some scheme of advanccmen t. and fa iling to win the unconve rted. beca use we a re feeding them splri lu al food that belongs to the floel< 01 Goel.

IV. Following Christ to the E nd (vv . 18, 19),

The Christian (and surely the Ch ristia n worker) is to glorify God evcn by his dea th (v . 19), What u significant r eply J ohn W s ley made when his foll ower s were criti cized: " At any rllte. our people d ie wei)." Peter was to go 00 to the end, know· ing that he faced ma l'\yrdom tnr Christ.

But we are not only ca lled to die like Christians. we a re to live tor Him . When J esus " had spoken th is, he sai th unto him. Follow me" (v. 19), Just as we suld that the Church nceds more divine directing and less human driving , so we say th'a t the crYing need of the Church now Is not more leaders. but a greater hos t 01 faithful followers of J es us. Will you, becn use you love Il im, folio,. Him in Iilc a nd death ?

b('L'n (Jppnin eel on a committee to p res~nting Ihe assemb ly progr,un lften precetlcs <lny" r appar"nt e nme II a d I I II . d· I I I I f m k!' a survey of Smyrna High I I ~l n (f IlIm'5S T he w ise par cn t wlil c~tes :that"no ~~~;er a~~~~ g I C~~ I~ ~~~;' ~~~e";~c ':\ e'tS! euted every Ulhl

&~~~~w~nfu~:.~ ~::R~~=~ ~~~~~ll re~nili~ ___ ___ ~~~--~~---------~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ se rving 0 11 the curric ulum and li - 'ldC partic ipants nrc: G ~ncva Hnr- \\' llh lI ttle fuss. The fooli sh parent bl'11ry co mmi ltce. r is. Valerie McGrath. Barbara Rieh - wi ll not respect thi s natural di s- 1i1!1 •• mllJ •• !ii.m::mDmill~1Ii2g!m~gtil2:~U.~IBSlI.I ••• I!e!m~!&;.iril.iI!I.[DJ!JII!l~r ••

Beginning lust Mond ay the New ard son, an" . ... am Kennnrci. turba nee of appe ti te and will i nsist ~ Londo n Avenue School. sh l)l~cned The "Buzz" w ill be irsucc1 on tha t the child ca t food whi ch hi s the noon h our fl ft en m lll utes, WIth J anuar y 30. It w ill con tain the body is reall y not I'eady to d igest. dismissal ta ld ng place at 3:30 0' - usua l fea tures with " Dear Diary" The child nwy .cither have a temper clnck. return ing as a r cgular fe'lture. t~n t run: and dI scover how very ex -

Miss Anna Gallaher is conduct- I The members of lhe P .-T . A. a nd CIted hIS Jather a nd mother become ing try-o ut s for the Sen ior play- a few fl'i ends enjoyed n su pper in when he r~fu~es to ca t; or, If he IS "The Charm School." Books have the school cafetcr ia last Thursday morc. submI SSIve. an.d docs take food been suppli ed to lhe e;lSt. J ane eveni ng. After the supper , Dr. Fred a t hiS parents IIlslstence, he m ay Larson is genera l cha irma n of the W. Milic I' entertained with hi s mag- actually become Sick becaus ~ he is play committee. I ic. After hi s entertainment. w hich r eally unable. to hand le the foorl .

Ncwark scored its Hrst basket- was e njoyed by a ll , the r egular ThIS ~ould frIghten him very much ball victory of the season. last Fl'i- P.-T. A. meeting was held . a nd fl'l ghten hIS parents even m ore. _______ _ _ _ _ __ H e may begin to lhink of meal time

os something unpleasant, instead of \ 0 king for ward to it. His parents would na turally show concern a t h is I illness and he may di scover the ex­ceedingly "big stick" of refu sal to BOOK SHELF cat 01' of voluntary na usea w hich he can use to get hi s own way in other things.

Th is is an era of projects-of But tha t is just the point. Solu t-large projects. To the prob lem of I ions arc most morta l things : our soil c~nservalion and fl ood control , F athers' not pleasing as much. nor ndel'estimatcs Intell igence for example, man has brou ght ef- ours, our chi ld ren . Where~s wisdom fcel and ingenu ity, and ob a ined is the most immortal thing a man A mother or father who a llows a ~uccess , ~pon a scale unprecedented may produce- it being subj cct to child to use this weupon t'tTectively \ m our hi story. neilher tarnish nor decay. And and who cooperates with the child

The Russian Five Year Plan did Emerson was a wise man-and no- by showing a nxiety. by pleading or mu~h to show how the e lTects of a where wiser than in h is letters. So by bargaining underestimates the I nation could b harnessed for grea t- these volumes may we ll inaugurate chi ld 's intelligence. If the child ge ts er accompll shm nl. And now, as a new era of a Uention to a nd focus a m ovie for eati ng his supper to­~ n the twinkling . of a n eye, there on the gentle man of a hundred years night. tomorrow night he will cer­~ s gomg forwar:d In England a pro- ago whose thoughts about tha t ped- tain ly fee l he is losing money if he l ect whIch for ItS very vastness and od arc so pertinent to our own. eats hi s supper for nothing. If to-specd leaves ol1e speechless- we r eo night he can become the entire cen-fer to the ma Uer of air armament. Book helf te l' of the stage for those two su-

But s · 1 th Id f perior adul ts who al'e hi s fat her and upon ~r~jSe~t~ua\~hiC~ wa~:c to:c~~~~ The current memoir by the wife mother, certain ly tomorrow night with da nger and colored with the of a great man , suggests that there wi ll seem very ta me without a Te­sensational and passcs un"eei ng by I should be a new ve rsIOn o f the old peat performance.

. '. , . , rhy me: As in e verything else preve ntion

~ull~o~~~tuil~~\On~:m~~~;o:u:c:i~sh Wives of grea t m en all remind is infinitely simpJc.r than cure. Once


MAC' LAUNDRY, On this om' 12th A.l:m ivCl'ii

aud contiuued upporl oJ' v

,and in apIIl'ccial ion of the loyal

.u slomers we a1' offcrillg-

20% Discount on our DRY CLEANING, UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE, RUG, CURTAI TS :md BLANKET CLEANING, {Ol' the next two wf'ek ,

s tarling-

JANUARY 30th, 1939 • • •

We also HU1l0Un c the inll'oductioll of om' new HOE REPAIRING SERVICE, Slal'lillg al once wi th worl manship guaranteed.



PHONE NEWARK 2·084·1 exceeds these others in Its intel- us . . . feeding problems have been firmly lectual and h uman implications. We learn that .nve h,:,,~ dred mus- establi shed it takes great patience What we refer to is the twenty-one cles are . used 111 wl'ltll1g- which and firmness to change them. It is volume facsimile edi tion of Dc- ma kes writer's cramp seem as d an- a wise parent w ho unders tands he r

~~ R"~w~~~~db~ ~o~u On~W~~ ~Win~C~h~iw~a~~~~~t;~;I;~;~;S~g:O:O:d ~e:":-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ completed for th Facsimile Tex t Book helf ing habits ea rl y. Society. An elaborate li nd approp· . riate prospectus has a lready been Some .tlme &1,0 we summed up the GILDA GAY prepared. non-fictIon best s lI ers of the year .

Book helt \ The nice job that we did , if we did , was made possible-and we will


5: READ :::

C?lum~ia Umv.ersi\y Press' ~ext sleep belter for the ndmlssion- by project, IS the SIX vo lume ed ition lhe lists which regularly appear in of the unpubli shed letters of R alph thi s column. Everylhing good and Waldo E":,erson . These volumes \ use ful in the book business comes shoulrl be Issued III two months. In eith r from R. R. Bowker. the pub­many respects. E~erson has lishers of The Publisher 's W ekly. the ~reDtest Amcl'lcnn- a pretty 1Il- or from H . W. Wil son. th publishers clu.slve .compllment. ~ut \\ ho would of the U. S . Ca talog, The Cumula· oblec~ If we called hIm our great· tive Index and many other things cst mllld, or most Int IIcctual. Em- without which lhe book busi ness e rs~ n live? in and w~s allergic to a would be like Times Squa l'e without period WhlCh for conflict was not un- a traffic policem an. And a litH

! f

e~~~-~~~ like our own. l :he pl'obl 'm of val - la te, but none the \css sincere, we urs which remollls unsolved at the offer our r espects find br~t wishes mom nt w os much the same problem to these two functional organ lza­~ha t prov.oked ~ Im . Provok d him tions, who do so much ror authors, IIlto brllhunce, If not to an eternal librarians, booksellers and publlsh-solution. ers. a nd get so little credit for it.

chairman Tuesday.

The Newark Post. Newark.

Gue ts At Hirmn Lod~e Ses ion MOll( lay SALE OF

tics of Ncw Castle County lubs for 1939 are bcing out­

Is weck and n xt a t a sc ries meetings In Newark. Lo­

I<'udcrs from all the clubs in county will mcet Thursday ve­

at the homc of Miss Laura B . New Castle County 4-H to torm u coun ty-wide

turkeys lose weight the laying season,

Gov. Richard C. McMullen Lt.-Gov. Edward W. Cooch

GI. v. McM ullen and Lt.-Gov. Cooch were among the guests a t the regu lar mee ting of Hiram Lodge No 25. A. F . and A. M., Monday night, a t which time Gra nd Mastel' George E. Va ndegrift and his stalT m ade an offi cial visit.

Dinner in the d ining hall of the Newark M. E. Church preceded the lodge session. Music was furni shed by an orchestra under the d irec­li un of Leon Buchler . Speeches were given by Gmnd Master Va nde­grift. the Governor, Lieutefl ant-Governor Cooch, Pas t Grand Mastel' J . Wa ll ace Woodford, of Dover, Past Grand Mastcr Willi am O. Wingate, of Wilmington, a nd Past Master Willi am McClellan of New London , P a. Vis itors from all parts of the s ta te attend ed .

A fnthe r and s" n night will 'be sponsored by the lodge on February 27.

this loss if they are ~. H. Goddin. du Pont entomologi8t. shown at experimental work with through the winter Dies. In the lower photo he hos stepped inside the fly denth ehamber

will be in prime con- where he i8 picking up. for tabulotion. Ries just exccutC'd by synthetic the laying season sta rts. Insecticides. Upper. at a "Fly Farm" where he roises especinlly bred flies

to H . L . Richardson, ex- for experimentol purpoaeo, Goddin .lips in food for his bU>R-h" chorges. poultry specialist of the uni- I S ttin th Fl -W·th Ch . try of Dela ware. wa 9' e Y 1 ellllS growers select young hens A MERICAN housewives buy, dur-I AUempts were made to cultivate ng toms from the sprin/l' ing the warm weather months, the plan t In thi s country, but they

over as bl'eeders, and millions of dollars worth of Insectl· fuiled because it was Impossible to liberal feeding do they. cldes, particularly th~se for use in compete with the cheap foreign la­growth by the time the killi ng OIes, summer bane of the bor used In harves ti ng the flowerp.

starts, Mr. Richard- home. In view of the Importa nce of At the r eques t of the American out. this phase ot housekeeping, a recent manufacturers, therefore, du Pont

chemical development is arous ing chemists unde rtook research for a

to ~~~~~~~~bl:f ~t~~~o~;ni~!~I~sb~~: ~~::I~st~:t~~~~c~hO:m~~fsPli~u~~ S[;; . Marsden, turkey speci~j~ tor flyspray by chemlstn of the answer In a combination of sub­U. S. D epar tmen t of Agri - du Pont Compony. s tances derived from an alcohol Under ordinary conditions I The lethal const ituent In mopt and vegetable oils. Used In flyspray the northernmos t sections of the fly Insecticides on the mar· In combination with pyrethrum, It

ted States, with some ket Is pyrethrum, made from a flow· Increases the killing power ot the as hay a nd lent er akin to the daisy, which grows spray and substantially reduces the

he found that br~ediny In the Far East, In Central Europe, amount of pyrethrum needed, re-good condition if the g and In South Africa. plaCing many times Its own weight

wanted of a ood ro:' Tradition says that man's Intro- of the dried flowers . the same a~ fej for duction to the effectiveness of this Replacing the assassin-flower of

rnarket birds to- klller·flower came when a Dalma· central EUrope may be reckoned lUI

th scra tch grain, I'ent Uan peasant noti ced a number or another contribution In the chain of I and gravel or sornePothe~ dead flies lying about a variety of self·sufficlency being made possible grit daisy growing In hIS garden. Py- by chemical research. Its part In I

. rethrum possesses deadly proper· the bUsiness drama which begin.

It~:~':~~~~(:! Mas11 ties which, added to Its satety to In the garden of a Dalmatian pea&- I mash is: Bran . humans and other reqUIrements, ant and ends In a luburban kitchen

middlings, 12 parts; ground are sufficient to make it the most In Connecticut or Wisconsin hu parts; ground yellow corn, Widely used ot Insect spray bases. been a thrilling one. alfalfa leaf mea l, 6 pal'ts;

13 pa r ts; dried milk, salt. 1 part. This r ation

with scratch grain, water: should be continued until

month bcfore the h ns 10 s tart laving, a ctcr

a laying ration should be

weather is scvere st bc confined the should contai n I per 01 1. To prcserve thc

of thc COd-liver oil, it b mi xed wi th lhc m ash lhan two wceks in ad-

weck is bcttrr.

Snake Reporte d Killed I w~~·c~ff~~~m~~r:~e~::i;~~e!~, ~~.~ Neat· Newark Jalluat·y 8 c~'i me organization w ith each maga-

According to a volunteer corres- zlJle he so ld , had to suspend busl-

pondent. A: A. Barc, of near New- ~t~~~n~e~~~ls:di~l! ~i~o:u~~I~~~m\~e~~ ark, was IJl a nearby woods on warn thi eves away from the homes J anuary 8. whcn he was startled by of h is a nti-crime subscribers. a disturbance among thc Icaves u n - I ____ _ del' h is fee l.

Going into the ma tter a littl e clrser , Bare. it is reported , found I a snake foul' und one-half fee t in lC'ngth . li e is sai d to h avc killcd the rcptile. but the cOl'l'cspondent's report fai l"d tn sta te the specics of

T rio Elltcl'lnin '! snake und whether th rcmains arc

Iy L ion , r ('('till ~ aV~~~~~Jte i~o~ ~~~~'\~~~il:~~' isn' t it! chairman or the nl<,r- __ _ __ _

mml tll'c ror the' e\·('nll1l:. OM'(,lI la J .od~I' , I I~C>l I m~I~li'~'~1 ~~~i:~gatT~~~ 1_\ 'll11a l TIII·k.·y Dillll('r

ng of thc l ,ions Club Thc a nnual tUI' key din ner of esday at the Newark OSCl In Lod~c No.5, Knighls of

PI' sldent Paul D'I Pythias. \ViiS held Monday night in . Frnte l'lluJ Hnl l. Slolc omcers wcre

lhe Uni vc rsity of amo ng the guests. Mi llOl'd Ritch ie DELAWARE POWER !tural Extcnsion PI'( sid d und thc commlttec in-

was announced liS the eludcd Eci wa rd Stickley, Harold & LIGHT COMPANY of the mceting for ncxt I GI'an t, Da vid Colhoun. Robel·t Stra- 600 MAI{KET T., WIL lINGTO

horn , und Robert Davis. DIAL GU 1


Buying Habits Of Public Seen Chauo-iuo- Yearly

Ind ications thot the public is be· ginning to changc its old h abit of buying new aulomobiles in thc spr ing, and Is beginn ing to makc i t.~ car purchases in winter, arc seen in Nash sa lcs, which ar c showinr a p rono unced upwa rd trend in thiE section of the country, as well as natio nally.

Th is was reported tod ay by J ack Dennison, head of the Dennison Motor Company, local dealer for Nash Motors, who said thai sales of ncw Nash cars during December in the territory of which Newark is a part gained 3.8 per cent over those for the like period of a year ago.

The same trend is being followed na tionally, he r eported , and coun· trywide Nash sales during the last ten days of December jumped 53.4 per cent above those of the compar · able period of December a year ago.

Reasons Are Cited Rcasons (01' the ch ange in the new

car buying h abit of the public. Mr Denn ison believes, can be seen in the trcmendous progrcss made b) automotive engineers In eliminatin: so many of the things which mad winter driving an ordcal in th' past.

He points to im proved brakeE bettel' t ires, motors whic h sta r ' easier a nd especially the Nasi "weather eye" condition cI ail' sys terns for win ter driving as ex am pies.

"A good part of thc hl'avy mid winter buyi ng ot Nash care is du ' to our new car weather system." h said. ' It has proved popular wit ' the motoring public. as it bring' rca l comfort to winter driving te' the first time.

"Weather Eve" Ad va nt.agcs "It·s hard to bclieve, r know, bu

it is truc that thc 'weather eyc' SYE

!!m has so changed wi nter drivin fhat you no longcr ha ve to go ou bundled up in hea vy clothes an ~ it in a d m!ly ca l' full of tobacc smoke and sta le oil'. Y0U coul drive comfor tably in a bathing suit if you desired . You can actua lly 'let weather tha t's wa rm in a new Nash. Grea test aid to comfor t and ·'oo lth. thcugh, is thc elimination of drafts in thc car interior, and thr fact tha t all passengers enjoy clean. ed, outside ai r a t a ll times.

"The 'weather eye' system is au­tomatic in that you can ' tune in ' on

r adio-like d ial the k ind of car comfort you want, a nd th is comfort level is ma intained automatically. no matter what changes take place outsidc."

After h is pockets had been pick­' d three times. Robert Glennon of Chicago fasten cd fish hooks in his pocket a nd caught the th ief.


Smile Tele(,hone people

seek to sel've you

quickly, capably

and in the ph'it of

friendly helpfulness.





-----[!) nre tt "s held too nenr the tJII('r noz ­

Tests To Be Given F01'

Open Po ition

Safety Hints

zlc on n I'udintor fill ed with antJ fr ze fluid .

Thl S' pc ulinrities o( the wl nlcl ' sros n Ilrr responsible in n large measurc for the incr asc in hlgh­

According to the Dclnw(II'c Safe- wn.Y orcid('nt s. Th tr<' uble is thnl ty Council, the wenth I' has u goocl motor ists do not mnke the nccessary deal to do wit h tramc nctlc! 'n s lIldll ,- ' III thell' dnvll1g h abi ts when Rui n and snow mok thc str c ts thc sensons ·hm,gc. hnzu rdous. But have you consid- I er d what cCTccl cold weathcr has on YOUI' driving ability? Aren' t Il erb('rt Ohrcnb rg r of Dcdham . thcre times wh('n His almost too Mass. rccl'i \' d n lifetim pass trom cold to drive su fely ? T imes whc n thc manag('1' ot a theat r r b cnUSl' you shiver and sha kc at thc whcel ; he became so tickled whilc wntch­whcn your hands and fee t nrc numb ; I n ~ n t'( l1ledy thut cver on(' clsI-


The United States Civil Service whcn you d n't want to put YO LII' cnught the spiri t. r I Commission has announeed open hand out to give the propel' hand - ___ _ . \. l '~ ~; competitive examina tions for the signa l', ... .. - - .. - - - ..

, ~ ... ,.', \.,.,.<.,~.".,.,r .. 1 ........ ', ~t fO~~;~;~a~I~~~ t~or~~:t sman . a nd chief, nl!~1~~~;s ~~n(~~~~~~nw~~~l~~I~i's~~: _ , i'I principal, senior . a nd assistan t lopo. Iy impairs YOUI' driving cmcicncy.

, ,. graph ic draftsmcn, $ 1.620 to $2,600 a It slows LIp I'eaction lim~ A ,,''''rl /2. .: ' ~,~ many of lhc tJ'affic lI'agedies in the p"L:-,'!V *1~ .. :.t: . yea r. For the assistan t grade, ap- dead o( winter can b 2 traced to •

'1 -> ~~:'~~~f~~t~U~\r~~~a~~vca~~ss~~r tht~~ thi s cause. You have heard of dress- -. _ Rev. Claude Jones other gradcs. thcy must not h ave ing for hea lth ; havcn't wc herc a

passcd thei r fifty- thi rd bi r thday. r~:~tt~a f!~~~ a~~::en~I~~~t~~il~;:; Rev. J ones, pas tor 01 lhe Church of .he Naza l'ene, Wilmington , and dl­'ector of the "Old F ashioned Gospel Program" h~ard each Sunday after­lOon over station WlJ~~ will con-

F eb. 21 Is Dea.dllne shocs and warm cloth ing arc the Biologist (wildli fe), $3,800, asso- best safeguards for th is particu la r

"A 1116n ""'0 ulill nol tIoo will __ ." I_flu ."

JANUARY gr ade $2.600 a year, Bureau ot Bio-ciate grade. $3,200 and assistan t win ler drivi ng hazard . I

' uct tne first of a series ot services logical Survey, Forcst Service, and Chlet Hazards Li~led Friday night a t eight o'clock in Soil Conserva tion Service. College Thesc arc the ch ief haza rds of r :ldd Fellows Hall . The radio choir education and certain experie ncc wintc i' d riving, accord ing to the I ~ $G-!~.e.:!k.nlt*;~aDl • .

JL U-Wm.McKJnley.llreoidett

ollhe Untied Stat .. , t>oc-. 1843.

will be present to render hymns and arc req uired. Applicants for bio- Council : ~ several special numbers have been loglst IIl USt not have passed their Unneccssa ry hurrying and low

• • 31-Socond Pan·AmerlCOll planned. fifty-third year, for the associated visibility during the short twiligh t ~ Conference ended. 19lL gradc they must not have passed hours when office workers and "' .... t. FEBRUAI\Y

~illne l·s Of Toy Contest their forty·fltth, and for the assist- stragglers from school are on the ir I ..1'J J I-The battle of BachelOl'I \nnollllced By Loeal Store ant grade. they must not have pass- way home. ~ Creek was fouoht 1861

ed their forti cth b irthday. The clos- Carbon monoxide gas poisoning I Winners of the Bill and Ruth toy ing da te for the above examinations due to failure to keep the garage ~f, l-Serlouaear1hquokerocilt

:on test, conduc ted a t J ackson 's is February 21. and car door s opcn. ~ Japan, 1703. hardwarc store prior to Christrnas, Other Jobs Open Restricted vision, especially dur- 3-Woodrow Wllaon. war-"ere announced this week by Principa l informa tion representa - ing storms. I) limo Prestdenl of U. &. Georgc F. J ackso n, proprie tor . tive, $5,600 a yea r, Wage and Hour Skidding. brought about by snow ~ dled, I924.

Those who reccived prizes were : Di vision. Dcpartmen t of Labor . and Ice on the stl·cels. I ~ Dorothy Bamett, Norma E. Stecle, Certain education and expericnce Slippcr y ru nning b o.'\ rds, due to '-Firsl American _I oar ) nd Ph:yli~ McC~mmons. of Elkton, arc required. Applica nts rnust not accumulations f ice a nd snow. Un. beQan. 1832. ._ Md.; VII'gll1l a Ricker, of Marsha~l- have passed thei r sixtieth birthday. Lighted ma lches, cigars a nd ci g-Ion ,. and Eleanor Murray, Milt.:: Gil- I Link tra iner opera tor -instructor, =, =, ==, =, "",-=,..:::,..:::-=...=:-=;:-",;,..:. . ....: . .:...,.::.:::~,-,--,-,--,-,-,-.':=,=,=,=,=,==="" ' ~p l e,. Robert Bu~J , and Eli zabeth $2,900 a yeoI'. Civ il Aeronautics Au- s,.~SSSs:ssss~~~,.~,.~"S.."''',.~,.~''''~''''''"sss''sssn,.,.~'~'

Dlckel son, of Newark. I thority. Applicants must have '~ G ET SET FOR YOUR NEW HOME ~ I r eached thci r twenty-fi fth . but must .#, ~

CHOOSE BABY'S TOYS not have passed the ir tHtiCUl birth- ~ Don 't Ict the wll1ter months blulT you Competent hands arc


day. .#, r eady 10 help you . I FOR AMUSEMENT Associa led ai rcraf t inspector, $2,- :

--- 900 a year (for fllIlJlg positions of ~ N OW!

THE baby's toys should be I assoclatc ai rcraft IJlspector and as- ), ~ . I d h Id socia te ai r carner malJltenance in- " PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABLE ~

never be bestowed abundantly. Ity Applicants must have r eached ~ JAMES H. H UTCHI ON chosen wIse y an s ou I spec tor ), CiVil Aeronautics Author- ~ J

The chief purpose of toys, ac· I thei r twcnty-fourth but rnust not a GENEUAL CONTRACTOR eordlng to Drs . MorrIs and WH· have passed their fif tieth birthday ~ lIalll Flshheln. fa mous authorltte. ASSOC Ia te aeronautica l inspec tor , ~ 291 W. Main St. Newark, Del. Phone 4091 on chtld·care, is tn keep hahte. $3.500 a year, assistant aeronautical ~ amused. hUI Ina many 10Ys ane! Inspector , $3,200 a year . CIVil Aero- Ss"~S~SSSs:s,."","""s:sS,,"SSs..~~~~,~"S..,"Ss..,,s..USSS,.~~~"S.. ... ~ the wrong ktnd or toys can breed nautics Author ity. Applican ts must care I Assn e~~ and extravagance ODd have r eached the ir twenly-fourth

de::.';~~~~t~n e~~·ve a tend ency to bi r thday : for the associated .grade over-sti mulate th e chllct ... Ih ey sa1 thcy must not have passed the ir for­In Ihe F ehrllary Plclorinl n fl vlew tieth and for the assistnnt grade "They give hIm mort toys than h. they must not have passed their needs and ur~c him on to acflvl· thirty-fifth bi rlhday. ti es beyond hid capnhtltttes. Th. The closing date tor the last tour trutb Is Ihey are entertalntn, cx amina tions is February 20.

~~=mts:~v~~e;:~~:; !~~n d~~rr~: e~; Full information m ay be obtained the hahy." from C. S . Crompt..,n, sccr etary of

The article also points out tbat the U. S . CIVil Service Board of toys should keep pace wtth th- Examiners at the Newark post of­chlld's mental age . Dllrlng th_ lice. IIrsl year >' W 10ys are necessury­dolls mode of wa~hahle matertal


or rubher. wand en heads, or rub bel' ani mats are slIl'Ilclent. In th. second year a greater assortmen' la advisable.

Nervous, Weak, ~~~~~~~~-111 Ankles Swollen! "With Increasing age come bet

ter coorctlnatlon and a wlcter va -Iety of Interests." the doctor. write . "This catla for more band· work materials. Aa tbo baby de­nlops new ahllltles and skills, be quickly abandons Ihose he has out­~rown. and his Inlerests will guide 'hp alert parenl to the type ot to), which will meel this new activity. II chltd npvpr allAmpts to do more Ihan he can carry out effectlYel),. 11 18 nOI only saf" bUI also ver), wlop to allow htm 10 play tn ac­.:ordance wltb bls own doslre8."

Much n er vousness Is ca used by an ex­cess of llc lds nnd poi sons d ue to func­tt ona l KIdney nnd Bladder disorders wh ic h m a y a 1s o CH UBe G e tlln g Up N ights, Burning Passag es, Swollen J oInts. Backache, Circles Under Eyes, Excess AcIdity, L g PaIns and Dlzzl-

~r~~'d 1,!~~ b~~~.~~dt'];~' ~~~; first doso start. helping your kIdneys clean out excess nclds and this soon ma y make you t eel lik e new. C,..tex mus t satisfy you co mplet ely or mon ey bacl' Is guaranteed . Oet CJ' .. t~x <s las- tex) to­dny. It costs 011ty 3c 1\ dose at druggIsts and the guaranteo protects you .

This Money Saving Offer will bring you




$ 2 · 95 Regular Prife $4.00 ______ You Save $1.05

Hundreds of Home and Farm Helps In Each Issue of POPULAR MECHANICS

Do you want to cut your home or farm repair bills? Can you make inexpensive home improvements? Are y~u saving money by finding new uses for discarded eqUIp­ment? Can you service your own radio? What do you know about the l atest developme nts in e lectricity, mechanics, inventions, etc.?

POPULAR MECHANICS will answer these questions for you and h e lp you solve hundreds of ot~er proble~DS. Each issu e is chuck-full of he lpful suggestions, prac tical and u seable pla n s, money-saving a nd money-making ideas. Here are only a few articles, soon to appear, you will not want to miss:

"Save That Old Chair, R e·cane it Yourself "

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..···ORDER NOW- USE THIS CONVENIENT COUPON .. ••• Enclo.ed I. $2.9S. Send your new.paper and Popular M echaniC! Magatlnc to

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A11lazillg 1lew "partller"

for YOllr floor cleauer

LIGHTENS, SPEEDS UP HOUSEWORKI The new Premier Vac-Kit is equ ally d esirable wbether you live in a small apartment or a large house. It m a kes amazing ly swift and simple tbe d aily routine of dusting and tidy ing u p. Among the countless jobs it will perform :Irc the dusting of ba re floors, linoleum, base-boards, stairs, lamp shades, t ables, shelves, drawers-and cleaning up­h o lstered furoi ture,drape ries,a u tomobile interiors. I n fact, it even empties ash trays ! Is the ideal companion for the famous Prcm icr "Vibra-Sweep Double Brush " Vacuum Clcaner-or a ny otuer good floor cleaner. Its sensationally low price makes it an outstanding bargain. Sce it today!

LIGHT WEIG HT- less than 7 Ibs._easy to handle.

COMPACT -stores away easily in drawer or closet comer.

AMPLE POW ER- for thorough dusting.

EFFICIENT - 5 simple attachments do every dusting lob.



:. I.


TilE Founrlr ,1 J anunr 26, 1910, by Ihe Inte Ever ett . Johnson

An ;ntlt>pcndent Ncwspap 'r PublishC'd EVl'ry Thursday by the Newark PI)st, Tnc.

Locally and Indcp,'nd,'ntly Owned and Operutcu

The Newark Pos t, N ewark, Delaware, Th u r sday, January 26, 1939



elllbly (Con tinuC'd From Page 1\

way Commission. '1'11(' highway bi ll cont.ains the

names of the three uddilio na l m em­bers to the depurtmen t, continues in office th prcsent m embers of ilie commission and speclile& tha t J.

J Jorld's Foultry Congress cenes I The lurgest at th :! 3~

being cust in Bel£'ium ( l1inlt Jt that country'; eXlti b; Ih, S nt the N 'w York W,'rld' t b ' an nou nced by GrO\'l'r S Fair 0 preSI?l'l~t of th,' fni r IS~' WI rnSCl'lptlon in Latin : "aec ~<I narned Ll'opllid r I a~ I Mrs, D. PC'uc(' over thl' 'All r .ug onl, daught 1',

__ antic." t.'nd In

L By 1. E, 10 E Henry Hazel whose present term

.... c~.Aft~lLsLllk~ I~Yf~~~~~ '!:= _______ -=-=====-=-=-:;;;-:;:-:;:-==-;::--=======!-' ~~~;;;~~e~:::: n~e~~e~~~\I~~~~!~ TelephcJJ1e: Newark 4911 Prc!;' M u zzled federa l d pa rtm nts, and hundreds mission for a term of ight years

OITOR ........ .. AS:OCIATE F:D1TOtl

M mb!'r of The onslJli cl ated Drive for County Newspaper National Adverllsing

Not!onul i\c\verllstng RepJ'esenlative Atnl'J'IClln Press AssoClatlun

22~ West 39th St., New Yorl< City

Enlered Q second -class m atter at Newark, Dcl!lwarc undf'r Act ot Mtu ch 3. l UlJ7.

Legal and Dlspluy ndvCrlh;aT\~tcs furnished on req\lC~ -­In Memoriom a nd Cards of Thanks 5 cents pe r agate L ine

W e want ancl Invite communications, hu t they must be signed by the wrll­er's name-not ror publi cation, but for our inrormation and ·pro tection.

The other day Il couple oJ Amed- uf thousands .of stockholders, aU ending May I, 1947. Can ncwspaper corresponJ('nts made C,1I1 DC vlcumlzed, It seems to be Those added to the commission their customary ca ll ' on the official ! !lme for ShOWll~g ~r hand~. f f are: Ralph W. Emerson at Wyom -press chief in Mexico City. They I Hon st. peop c " ave no car ing, to hold otTice until May I , 1942; Illquired about Washington reports finger-prll1l lng.. I .he Fedel'a l B u- former Sta te Senator Donald P . that the Mexican G vernment was r.eau of l nves!lga!lon at Washll1g- Ross of Wilmington, who wi ll serve trying to sell German qUipme J1 t, \ ltons of voluntary f1nge r -prll1 t rec- until May I , 1944 ; Ebe H. Chand ler obtained in cxch~1l1ge for confi scated ords. They pI' tect the persons who of Dagsboro, a former state senator oil, to other Latin-American nations. made them and the persons w hom and a t present cha irman at the Re­The rcporters were Frank L . KIUC k_ l lhey . aSk. for confidence. publican state committee, w hose holm repr senting the New York It I.S wld71y p.rC'd lcted tha t flnger - term wi ll expi re May I , 1946. All Times and William Lander of the I pl'lntll1g WI ll ~l th1l1 a few yea rs be a re Rcpublicans and their addition United P ress. the .I~ nentl thll1g to do. ~1any com- to the commission will place it un­

Instead of r eceiving the informat - p'~llles who , no~v come rn con.t~ct del' the control of the Republicans. ion they asked for, Mr. Kluckholm WIth people 111 d~fTeren~ commuJ1l11es Others to Finish '1'erms was seized and brought before a are. now. adoptrng thIS m.ethod of The present members in addition

Newark , Delaware, January 26, 1939


Mexican Government offici al and cerllfica llon and Identlfi ~ .. t lOn. to Mr. Hazel Bl'e Charles W. Cullen ---- ordered to leave Mexico with in 24 Prool of this honest atti tude conlCS " r Georgetown, a D .. mocl'at; Fran·

hours. The United Press r.qrrespon- now from such sources as the more cis V. du Pont, Wilmlngton, Repub­den t was informed \nat the outside reputable direct selling companies. lican, and A. Frank Fader, Newark, world "is not interested in oil deals They fdvor having their house-to- a Democrat. They w ill serve out with Germany," and the United house salesmen and sa leswomen the remainder of their terms. Mr. Press Association was fined 5,000 fin ger-printed- to show t!,Py are re- Cullen 's term ends May 2, 1941; Mr. pesos. Other correspondents who li able and responsible citizens. Re- d u Pont's May 2, 1943, and Mr. F ad­have been writing about ilie new ports from their sales-managers in er's May 3. 1945. V .. ith the Governor political and economic ties between areas where finger-printing is re- an ex-officio member of the present Mexico nnd Germany have been qui red arc enthusiastic over new board with a vote in case ot n tie

In the above pictures arc shown sOllie of Ihe scenes where the World's 'oult ry Congress will be held in Clcveland, J uly 28 to August 7, 1939.

Though far from o ld i n t h e r eckoni ng of a newspaper's

age, t h e Pos t-marking its twenty-n inth birth day w it h t hi s

issue-is gradu a lly passing t h e d iaper s tage of its e x is tence.

Ma n y of t h e t hi ngs we look upo n a s progr es'i ve steps

h ave been taken in r e ce nL years , yet mate ria l Lhings, d e pite

t h eir importance, are not the true mea s uring rods by w hic h

a p aper's va lue is a scertai n ed. Ser vice to the co mmu n ity in w h ich i t function s is the

only tru e basis for j u dging t h e va luc of a paper. A s we cm­

bar k o n o ur thi r tieth year of publi catioll , we stop to po nder,

t r yin g to r ecall cases w h ere OUI' well-meant and s ince r e efforts

for comm u n i ty b etter ment h ave actua lly b een h~lpful. We h ave h ad s u s picions in a f e w in sta nces w h e r e our

s uppor t migh t h ave bee n of aid in advan cing a worth y cau se,

but to p la ce a thumb o n a s ingle case w h e r e a news paper

a lon e has created and carried a worth y move men t throu gh

to its conclus io n is well nigh impossib le.

A n e w s paper can help , and fo r Lh e thou sands of m e n and

women w h o ope raLe Lhem may we say t ha t paper. are willing

to h e lp, despite num e r o u s s ins c h arged to c di to l's a nd pub­

li sh e r s . Bu t a newspaper in a com m un ity s uch as l his- 'pecin ll y

a w c ldy n e w spa pe r t h aL fincLit:;elf h a n dica pped by t h e

length of time b e twecn publi ca tion ' in t hi s fast-mov ing d ay

and age-can m e r e ly join, inf r eq u e ntly poinL Lhe way, in co n­

certed co-o pe \'aLive move m e nts fo r com muni Ly advanccment.

R ealizi n g our IimiLatio n s and r cm indfu l of ou r r casons

ro r exisLe ncc, wc sha ll n o l c ndc avo r Lo compi l a lisL of our

h e lpf ul s t cps in t h e life o( t.he commun ity but we wi s h Lo

pledge again, as we have in Lhe pa;;t, ou r sinccr c and whole

d s ire to wor k d ili gclltly and uncea 'ingly fo r t h c advance­

mcnt of N cwa rk, iLs pcople, Lhe commullity which iL cenLe r ,

and i h e p co pl c therein .

And whaLever our mistake,' , we live in Lhe co n . LanL h ope

Lhai nonc C!ln doubL our s ince ri ty of pu rpose.

'r WE D EFEND '!

There is p rhaps no s ubjcct conce l'l1ing which Lhc pe -

p ie of Lhe U n iLcd • Lates a r more in acco r d Lha n LhaL of na­

tiona l defcnse. Iwcry trllc American wants Lo see his coun­

try madc safc {,'um invasion .

But Lh q u estion mosl perti nent just now concern:; Lhe

I3cop e dcfcnsive measur es shou ld includc. The quc:-;tion might

be div id e d so m ewhat like thL :

hould wc be prcpared to def nd only t he conti nental

Uni ted SbLcs and Lhe posscssions which arc ind isputably Ul'

own terriLory, such a s Hawaii, Puer lo Rico, Alaska, and Lh

Panama 'anal '?

Shoull we go Lo wa r Lo d efend Lhe Ph i lippinel3, w h ich by

lheir ow n r eques t have b ecn g ran Led c n tire independen ce

1.0 b ecome f ull y cfIcctivc afte r a t r a ns ition pcriod of a few

years'! And wh aL about oL h er r publics in lhi:; hemisph e r e?

Should w c go to \va r if necessary Lo d cfend co mmercia l

o r p e r ·ona.1 in Le rcsts of A m erican s Lhro u g h out t h e whole

world ?

h ould w e go to war Lo a id Gr at B r iLain and F r ance

for example, as wc did in t h e W orld ' oVar-and fo r what? '

Th nnS\\'Ct'i1 to Lhese qu e Lions musL have a d cfi nite and

vital b earing on Lh e naLure, ex Lent and cosL of t h c proposcd n ew d efen se p r ogram .

But Lhe ans wcr ' can n ot be g ive n u n ti l i t is k n ow n to

w I rat e xlen t wc int nd to in volve ou r selvcs with other nations

ov r maUer s which are of li Ltie imporlance to OU l' own peo­ple a a w h ole ,

Sleds- Auto ' I located in the Atlantic Seaboard States and in the mid-westel'l1 stales

. • --- which furnish the large propor tions (Cnnl1l1urd Frnm ?nl!e I \ 10( fall and winter grown broilers

It m ore hazardous by riding double fflr eas tern mal·kets. Thes\! hatch­on onc sled or partake of the old eries p roduced 2,092,000 chicks in sport of "d itching" the other fellow I D_cember. an increase of 56 per by grabbing h is steerill " bar. III cent over the number hatched in grandfnther's doy, hi lching to the December , 1937. Increased produc­horse-drawn sleigh wos the spor t tion has been uniform in all a reas of mnny par ties. Today, automo- <l nd ranged f !'Om 54 P CI' crn t in New biles ar c too numerous, too. fast, England to 66 per cent in the Midd le and slung too low to a ll w th is to Atlantic Sta tes. be done with any degre of safet). Indicatio ns arc that a favorable

When skaLing mak es the a Ct<!1 - relation between poultry prices and noon's play, be sure it is on qu iet feed costs w ;l1 prevail during ilie pond or lake where the icc should production per iod. be four inches thick i( the spot is Advance orders for deliverv r p­popula r with a large ~l'owd . If po~ted by 132 totaled 5,925,000 someone falls through th In ice, use chIcks. an increase at 35 per cent, a long pole or ladder and shove and 18 per cent larger tha.n that of one end over the icc to Ihe victim. January I , 1937. U rope pole or ladder is not handy, ------get several other persons and Iorm

. n line on the Icc. Each person lying on his stomach and holding the ankle of the one in front with one hand, pushes h is way over the Ice with his free hand. This di stribu­tion of individual weights over sev­eral SQuare feet of icc will pe rmit you to reach lhe one who has fatlen through.

'Volves Devour Boy

While battling a blizzard on the road to Novi, Pazar, South Serbi a Tdri z Skr ijel. Il peasant, and his 7~ year-old son were a ttacked by nine wolves. As the fa ther kept some ot the pack a t bay with a club he saw the boy torn to pi eces by the rest. Skrijel, badly bitten . r eached a near­by Village. A sea rching party later

Chick Pro duc tion S how s ~~u~~OO~~~~i~e!e;n~:~s and patcbes

R ecord High For Month I Hatchery chick production tor A rural jury in Coosa county, Ala-

December, 1938 was more than one bama, re turned a verdict which was ~nd a haII Lirrr~s larger than that anything but a model, but it was at a. yea r earlier and a record high upheld by U1 e sta tc court of ap­for ilie month, accordi ng to a r~ peals. It re~ld : "We as joury find port relcose~ th is we~k by t~e Bu- the defendant guilty of an tempt to reau of AgrIcultural EconomIcs. commit pettey la rey and Ox the tine

The lOG reporting ha tcheries arc at one cent."

reprimanded. acceptance of their people . the Democrats nre in contro l of the Correspondent Kluckhohn ha s At ~,e same time, towns that re - commission.

written ilie news from Mexico i or quire finger -printing of a ll trade By continuing Mr. Hazel in office two years during whiCh time it solicitors report they have got r id and adding three Republicans there has turned largely upon the con- of a big popUlation tha t eiilier were can never be a tie vote in the new fi sca tion of Ame!'lcan-owned tarm proved by F.B.I . charts to have commission. T he bill was drawn lands and' the seizure without com- "records" or just didn t care to with this object in view. pensation of foreign-owned oil chance it. Their chiefs of polict': The ncw act w ill become efTective tle lds. These malleI'S hnve been say- "Nobody on the s'luare re- immed iately upon its passage by the

f t fuses to be Unger-pri nted ." . I b ~e gr~~d co::cC:~~I~ o~i:c~~~~~~m:~~ To Democ racy ~~~I:r~~~I~e I:nt~e a~~:~~~lor ~et~: printed the f ac t that the Mexican I Among ilie many 1ipioma Uc it, which he is expec ted to d o, t.he

~~I~:;n;;~: ~~d :~?C~1 n i~5 :!Ii~~ ~~~I;~ O!r re:~~y W~~t~n~~:er~~:~ ~1e:c~~~if~~~s m~~~~ty t~~ t~:c~~~:~ exchange confi scated o il t or Germ- I nations to take our good neighbor and Sena tc to pass it over hi s veto. an merchand ise. policy a t face va lue and l ive up New Apolntment~

But when the correspondents un- 10 the h igh ideals of the Lima Con- It is specified in the proposed act covered the scheme for a more eX- I ference. tha t upon expiration of , the terms

~~~~\~~ d~~~ b~~~~~~n G~')~~~~';::~ I an~n~:~ie~:~s,~!fiol:v l~~~~e:~a~fo:ai~ ~~::i~t~~vb~1Se~hbeer~of~~r~~I:::~; t!'led to h ide the facts. I a two-way exchange. There is a eight years. In case of vacancy in

Under this contempluted arrange- give and take o( ideas or goods or the commission fo r any reaso ll the

~~~;1th::o~'~~II~( b~i1n ~h~~~~~~~o l~~ ~~:~~~:~~~h ift t~~I\ ~nea~~,~: t o~o~'~~ ~;~e~:Pi~eedm~~II.:.sha ll fill it (or the

The central picture above showS the C1evcland Uuscum of Art and , rounds surrounding it whe re some ,of the activities of the \IV orld's [,oultry Congress wi ll cente r. Below arc two of the buildings which will hOll c the cxhibits. O n the righ t is shown the Hall o f Live Poul try and on the left is shown part of the Hall of Nations and S tates. The two lower buildings cover about four acres and will g ivc room for a great

lllany exhib its. The bird shown on thc rig ht above is a llIottled Chabo of Japan, while

on the Icft is a J apancse Frizz lcd Bantnm, Ovcr 200 varieties of fowl will be shown at the Congrcss a nd almost a~ many vnricties of pigeons.

Already severa l nat ions have dcfini tely applicd for exhibit space and o) orc than thirty ha ve announced thcir inlrn t ion of planning an exhibit.

"Parasites who lave taken me for a ride," reads a sign posted by Burl Spurlock who runs a general store in Preston burg. Ky There t ollows a li st of 50 former customers and the amounts iliey owe hi m.

Two gunmen took precautions while tbey robbed Mrs. Mary P ar­dovich of $300 in her Ch icago store. T hey locked the fron t door and put up a sign tha t read : "Will be back in 15 minutes."

CHICKS l USh (I UAllty. ~ l rong a nd "I~!lrolls for good broilers a nd la ye rs

Uarre d no ks, H. 1. R e d s, Ne w Hampshire n e ds a nd S. C. \\, hi te L eghorns

1\ 11 breed e rs cu ll e d and SLa te hlo od·tcs t c d . o rd ers filled t o your satis fnction

We guara ntee 100% lJ " c d e li very-P. P . to y our d oo r

SCARBOROUGH'S HATCHERY & POULTRY FARM Gel many because Mcxico wou ld not I Pan-Amer ican re lations. Thcy wi ll Within 30 days afte r the bill be-b(' limi t~d by its own r bLl ity to buy from us, other th ings being comes a law the member~ of lhe MILFOllO, DEL. 'Ib.<orl, (h(' goods receiveci fronl equa l, il we wi ll buy il'Dm them, bon 'd will be requi "ed to mee t a t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

PHO N E 437

Gcrmany, as pllym('nl . Tir e· Am~ri- again if equality exists. As we help Dover and organize by the election ~ can reporters were on the t,"ui l of tnem to conomic prospcrily as thC'y of a chairman. Four mem bers may Y:" ''''''''';'''''''~''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',',J,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',~,,',i,',', a huge in temationa l scanrla l. and if buy our surplus goods. so wi ll our constitute a quorum. They arc a u- ;~ ~~ it is carr ico through it wi ll make I Iriendship fl ourish. thorizen to employ a chie( engineer " ), Mexico the sales agent of Germany And tne ave rage citiz" n can he lp. for a term of not more ili an one ~,,' Have You Protected Your ',': thl'Dughout La in-American coun- The New York Hernld-Tribune, New year. He wi ll have to be not less



Insulation • Thi s modern, fireproof ma l'-.!riat k eeps out heat ANDto:d ey - cuts (ucl bills 15-25%. It. Qu lckty blown belwetn . ' •• Mrs h~~e~IIl~~r f~~;. ~~o~ng!n~~o;. Isited cnce. I deal for every IYIl! gletown, house . The cos t IS low-lbt

~C~~~~~ r ~~n~~I~,lf~~·i'. ~hb~ W.i Leon Dunn, or visit ou,· "howroo", tada)' 1 to school

---- ~ OlAMON)) ~

tries. I D~n l fa but supportcl' (Jf our fore- th,m ao years old and have had at :~ ~~ Naturally, this would demoralize ign policy, suggested nn Ap t method least 10 years active practice in his , , ~~~~~~~~~~

trade and economic conditions be- in its editoria l columns by saying: profession. The board als is au- ': Valuable P A· t L . "I '~. tween the United Shtes lnd Latin- "The man in the stree t d,ily makns Ih rized to employ a secret.a ry who :' apers gatns ossr ~' America, and throw thcll sands or! a marc important cant, ibution to will hold atTic nt the pleasure of ~: ~: ~~~;I~~t~Ol~~~~~I~~I~e o~~~~de~i~o:s~· ~~~~~:~!ypt~~1atn g~;~(';.h w~,i~.I~(r;::t;~ ~~yc~m~~~~liC'~' s;;~ry C~~~f i~n:~:~s~ :' ~,

Of course such piratica l practices hi consumption of eolree, which or $7.~00 a year unci the sec retary :: T h e 10 'S of a Life Insu r ancc p o li cy or sLock e l'ti ti- ~: as arc used by l'vlcxico wil l und'r. su pplies a bUild b~twcen Ulis cOLIn· will b paid not more than $5.000 ,\. " n~in the spi l'il o( the Lima Con- 1':>' and Latin - merica stronge l' than a year . Members oC the commis- .: caLc may wor k a hardsh ip on Lhc owner. )~ fe rence, and defcat the rebuild ing lny tr :tty ever writt( n :tn(' growint: sion wi ll reccive no sa lary but will :~ ~: ',f healthy economic condItions be- I strongel', j( thc statistics' r the cof- bc a llow d expC'ns s incurred in :~ If Lhese papers ' are placed in a s afe-depo. it box, ~~, lwe n tne American Republics. in - I c('e. tradC' arc any crit ri on These performing their duty. ' cludrng our own. 'ndlca te on incr(';]sc in imports for om miss ioner's Power :: lhey arc safe from fire or loss. ~~

American newspapermen coveI'd 1033 of 200,OOa,ooo poullds ovC'r 1935, The bi ll p lacing the 1\10tor Vehicle ': ':

~~7sm:;~~:~io ~<:~h dT~~~~e l~~~~;~~~~~ I ~I; n~~~~ '~~rd~ewetr~~~~ ~oC~~'i~~i~~t w~I~I~e~iV~h~1e ~~~;;:f:' ~: RENT A SAFE-DEPO. IT BOX TODAY :: even with wal' dangers. The Times, taken into our inrards a p und and s ion uuthority to app~rnt the new ;: ~~ man cxplains that he is "serving '1 halt m()J'c cofT e a person than motor vehicle cnmmissioner for a " " 15 a warning to other cor respon- Inst year and above a pounu more term not excet'tiing on y ar. He .' N k T C " dents M the attempt to cut ofT im- than we ever took befol'C'. If that shall have power to hirc and dis- :~ ewar rust ompany ~~ pm·tical news at its sou rce." d esn't implement the '/!nod neigh- charge and to Ox the pay of all m- " "

In the leadi ng cdilol'ial The New bor' policy, whut wil l? ployes of the departmen t with the " " York Times prai s('s the accuracy of "And yet," continues th(' Tribune, approval of the commission. The " Member Federal Deposi t Insurance Corporation f all oC Mr. Kluckholm 's reporting. "\\' can do bette r, according to Mr. motor vehicle commissioner will :~ ,~ "The Times is sorry to lose a good G. W. Sharpe president o f the As- nave the ri gh t to ap point one motor " \

~~~~~;i~~; ~~dM::~~O t~~ZY:::t s~~I~e~h: :~~i:!~~anC~!e~hC I;:(~:~r~~'~ld/.n. d ;~~~iC~~la\~~P~~t~~ c l~ol;n~~~~to~'~u~v\~ :.::::::::.::::~.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-,·.-.- .-.-.-.-.~N.-.-N.-N/,-N"·N,-,.rJ~ thu t its own loss is Icss s('liou, than Ih're is a ch:rnce for us to expand b $150 " month. The ac t w ill be­the less of contldence arod of re- ,"hat he ca lls, nnd rightly, 'a major come effective immediately upon speel which the j"ex ican Govel'l1- 1 con tribution to U1e peace and wel- iL~ becoming a law. ment incurs, when, uIter censoring (ure of the Wes tern Hemisohere' . . . One of the first apoinlments by its own press into a s tate o( help- We suggest Lnal the temptation to the new commission will be a ch ief les ness. it attempts to ,'ensor the indulge in that extra cup is en- engi neer and W. W. Mack, the in-press of a good neighbor. hanced h .. 'h ~ lhought that one's cumbent, is expected to be selected

Times S hould Im p rovc ~~;'~~~~1t.:~ helping the Stale D - fO~e~~~t~~t~r State J osiah Marvel , The present system of emergency I \" II 'd J th relief was estab lished in 1933 to . 'v • sa l .' and a good r euson f or 1' .. e present mo tor vehicle com-

cure the "emergency" and bri ng the JI1du lglng rn that c mfortin u and miss ioner. told the joint legislaUve country back to nOI'l;1al. The nal ion lelsurefly second .cup. II another budg t co rnm ittee Tuesday the de­was assuI'('d lIlat there would be cup a ~u~' lavonte b everage will partment is anti qua ted and is oper­no furlher need to approp ri a te for I ~('c:PI1t:l50011:sd ltfoY tour frIendsh ip with oLing on the same basis it did when recovery aftt'r a yeur or t.IVO. No g. h S?u th , and help the s tate hod only a few hund t'ed one though.t that. wilhin a few short ~~I:sdeel vmeocor~r ~merl can contInents m,tomobil s. He sai d IU'W equip­y a I's publtc re ltef wou ld b o lool'ed ! aey then , by al l means, men t is needed but esti mated this upon as permanent. l[ they ~ad P?lly- p ut th coffee pot on! wou ld cost about $35,000.

thought so it wou ld not have been I S Imple Idca lagged "emel·gency." Food pric s have dropped some Presby tc I'i all Aux ilim-y

Expenses o( relieving the poor du";ng th~ past yea r, nn ,; now lhere To HIIld SUPPC\' Feb. 7 and unfortuna te mus t be ca refully IS gossIp 111 Washington to the ef- The Women's Auxili ary o( ilie handled, I ecause it is we ll known fect that the Govel'l1ment is inter- Firs t Presbyterinn Church of New­that arc lots of temptations esled in somebody's r.ew scherne to arl' will ho ld a covered d ish supper that resu lt in a was te of this class cut down the cos t of distribu ti ng a t the home of Mrs. Harold T if­of precious funds. foods, as a means of ing the fany , Amste l Avenue, Oil Tuesday

EVLllts in the Sena te and House Iarm problcm a lilUe simpler. even ing, February 7, a t 6:30 0'- ~ee (U1/t ~ ~ si nce the nrst of the yen I' indicate clock.

~:~~~~ lyt~~~1V\~~e~e~~~~t;~~reb~::~ Fish And Gallle exlravagant and ncedless waste of N E URI TIS Iff money, and t.ha t under improved ( Continu~ Page \) 0 F

methods of admini stration that nct- buttons or tags, ~ll1d SUCll other ex- HO~tri~ingLi~' ~~~~a~e ~~Udle~i~, ~~eT tw l costs should be less. The Gov- pend ituI'es as m ay be necessary or R ~~I :.~:V/l~.1 t:,rt~~ln: ~!'1'n ::J. 1~.~r~t~S crnmcnt has recently issued s tatis· ~esir?ble l or the purpose of carry. f(>~~U I ~~\tn~l':'~. N~~iul~~'~ °t;o~t~~~a'}~r:;u J: tics that showed substanti al ga ins rng 1I1to effect the P':o\;slons at ~!llT() . Ucpclldnbt<r-no opinl ,no n.r-in employment. thi~ Chapter. ~~~;~. p~~ ~~l! ;~~~k 8C!~i~f~~u;,r;:ui~ 1;~1I?:\~

There seems to be commonsense flEvcry member oC said Board, be- mi nULCfJ or mon"y nt lJ ru~J:bL'i . Don 't in ilie statement o( a Democratic fore entering upon the duties of luffer. U80 NUIltTO on this guarantee today Senatol' that "we should proceed on hi s office. shall give bond in the new ABC Was e rs and Ironers have more the theory tha t things are getting sum of five thousand dollars to ~ Tr.d. M.rk Reg. U. S. P.t. Off . worthwh ile saf ety and conven ience fea , beller , not worse." Government re- the S tate of Del ith' tures than have eve r before been offered • li ef w ill continue. That's why plans more personal su~~~:: 0; one t:~e~; =.. • •• ,. ,I • • • , If your present washer is more tha n five years old, you owe it have been laid before Congress to company, in either case ilie sure ty • • to J.0ur~e lf to see .t~e new ABC. Se e how ABC e ng ineering coord inate many of the Fedt'I'!l1 to be approvpd by the Secreta ry of OPE ~ea e rshlp and precIsion manufactu ring methods as represented gr oups. such as WPA, PWA, CCC State, conditioned that he will well. N. an the new ABC ~ash e rs a nd Irone rs now make it possi ble for and NY A in a new Public Works and tru ly account f or and apply all • • you to. do your e ntIre la undry, both wash ing a nd iron l'ng, 'In on·

M on. & 'rue.

S ,lencer TRACY

Wed_ & Thurs, Department with a new Cabinet moneys which may come into his . For An OFFER d th ~ Member at the head . hands by virture of his sa id office. • dy ~I out .any trace of tha t t ired , worn out f eeling so long Thumbs V I) and that he will tully and faith- • LOT Id I • assOCIa te d w.lth w~sh ing a t home. Lea rn, too, of the savings D hi F tul

There's a gay story running the full y pertorm the dulles (\f his sa id •• ChaP'-el aenad LEOascattpiOanr'k'SpOlaucthe •• tha~ a re 'pos~ ,bl e WIth a com plete new ABC H ome Laundry • • • OU e ea ' rounds of the stock exch;1I1ges and offica. He shall t~ ke a nrl 5ubscribe Savings tn TIme, Money, Clothes, H e a lt h a nd Clot hes Investme nt_ f/ r. the de tecU ve bureaus 'not Stich the oath or affirmation required by III t t d AB Randolph \ a s trange partnership these days). the Constitution o( thi s Sta te. Every • • us ra e - C De Luxe "~:~c:~~~;' XA - ABC SpInner Washe r COTT /lAMP : The yarn goes that the Chni rman of member ot the said Board .'xcept the • Will Be Sold • thc Bonrd was introduci ng their Presidcnt pro tem. 01 \be State . Delaware P & L- ht C In n: freshly imported new Pres ident. Senat , w ho is An ex offi cIo mt'm15er .. ower Ig O. Tbe Road To 1:.

"Hey" yell d a very rude stock- of 1.he Board, sholl be .::ommission- • • 600 ~~~~,er, "has he b en fl nger-print- cd by the Governor ." • W. Harry Dawson • Market St. Wilmington Dial 6211 AL~O Something r nthcr significant and Steve J anco/l at Toledo, 0 .. was : 156 W. Main St. Newark· There's an ABC Washer and 'roner for Every Home and Purse R ay

ser~o~s in tbha t, too. wnen ~n old robbed o f his door key. Later . D'lal 2,0441 • MlLLAND an nora Ie company. n b ig na t- thieves entered his home and stoic • ion-wide busi ness, n lot of state and $50 worili of money and property. fl ••••••••••• :

The N e wark Pos t. N e war k . D e lawa re. Thurs day. .Ja nuary 26. 193 9 Five



A. ronhnrdt a nd her l R EAL ESTA TE nnOKE U , Ilelon, spent lust week­

BoWmor visiting relatives.

Calendar I


I WHEN OU I fo rcladlcrs pack cd Ihl: chl rkcns. Ihe Sl:l·d.

Thu rsday, January 26 the spinning Wheel, and the baby ~ · and Mrs. D. A. Cronhardt visit Mr. Cronhurdt·s sister In Hnve n Conn .. next weck -end.

~ · L incoln Ross, Arden was U,e

guest of Miss Edith Cou· 16 Kells Ave.

and Mrs. ~h Smyth, 68 E. P lace, visit d rela tives in Wi! ­

last Saturday. e~

H al'vey MHcheIl, II Prospect feil Saturday on the ice and h is knee cap. He is now con­ng In the Homeopa th ic Hos­Wilmington.

Cm ) Wi.liiam Slater 22 H aynes

bel' husband a surpri se party Werl nesday.

t N»

8:00 p. m .- Card party sponsored I in to a covered wagon and started

~d:;.ewOa;\;;~:~I~ r S~~: ti~~ , OUt into the western wi ldernt·,s. [hey sough I new \ urlds to cu •.

Fraternal Hall. II 6:00 p. m.-D Inn e l' meeti l1g of ' !,I lI"r

Newark Chapter No. 1. Soil . I I' Yuung lII 1ln ana WUlu en IOUU) artJ ull lUu pIUIl !;! lu Hi l all(J IIIU III U

Conservation Association, a t l I thHI t1l ur" al" nu 11'"1" IIUUII UI " P owell 's Restaurant. Iha l III LIl .. IUIlChUllltl!.1 C' VIII ~U:

Friday, J an uary 27 I ; tllIU Jo bs u r" r.,IV. UIIU IlI u"" lew 9:00 p . m.-Cec il County 's Bi rth- UI" dl"pulI "eO by 11I,11I " IiI UI UY,1)·'

day Ball for the President I' IU l'lls, th a I .IIIl/l /luI Uilly I. lIul sponsored by Cecil County calHul1I or hiS "OU I bUI Il tl doe.,, ·1 Committee, in Sta te Armory, I " Y" II WIUIU UII uar!

. d " ·"fllat . · ti UYH MaXine Uavis 10 Elkton, Mr. Billy Anll'lm an tile UClober I.s ut' uf CU$U l u~olltuo his orchestra. I . MugazIIll', "1. 1IC) 1I .~ IlS~ .

8.00 p. m.-Meeting of Christi ana ., I I I "Nev"r 10 I U ~ 1I1.IUI y' Of IIIUII 4-H Club at Chn stia na school. KIII U IlIlI !! tll " I" b""11 8" UIiI/lY KIIHJS Services III Odd Fellows I or jollH, ' Ili tl wrlt" r UlUl ut.tlII H. BUIldi ng, conducted by Rev. I "Nor Ilay!! Wil l " bu,," "0 Ill UIl Y

Claude J ones, p:J S tor of I r~II: ~~:U!p~~:U~/~Il~lI ~:~1 a :~~a tl ~~~ · and Mrs. Edward Delp, K ells spent the wee k end in Phila- .

C~urch of the Nazarene, WI I· I cuu lll ry IS In t ile w l(l HI or u 81lrl· mlllglnn. I OUs 0" 1'1 1l8Slun ..

Saturday, Ja.nuary 28 GeraldIne Phillip!! I I' ulnllll g OUI 1IlU I WIIIIOD 8 ure visiting f ri ends.

t <V and Mrs. Roy Nichols, 272 E. St., spent Sunday in Ceciiton ,

visiting Mrs. Nichol's paren ts. e C'f>,

· and Mrs. Walter Geist, E lkton took a trip to York , Pa., Mon-

8;00 p. m -Square dance at P leas- Eigh teen·mon th-old fosle r daught· UO "" ll'loy"u UII(I dully ,," gaglld 10 ant Valley School er of Mr. lind Mrs. J ohn W J ames, 1" ya lll II UIII ro r wur k, MI •• UUyl8

KaUtarlne Wilson Will iams Sunda y, J anuary 29 . ~'fac;~\~~~l p:t;..~e t~t :~r ~~':n:I~:~~ I ~~YI~ r~Il~~rll~'::uun~r~.~~I~~~"~"~I~~~ F ormerly connected with Brown 3:00 ~i mb-;M~:~:: s~~d~!l::~ll~~ Wednesday . I wllh vlgu r, hua l; llIulluU, aU(I will.

and Madden.Inc., Mrs. Williams, Schol of Music. 803 N . Broom A ca ke was dccorated with eleven ' b I:' Ill .. UUI:" tl ti tut". eUIlSu. or having successfully passed the state SLJ'eet, Wilmington. cand l~s, one. for each month she h~\~:"·II:t"r~/~~~;I~~8,,~~"~~ .~~!~ exami nation, bas become an in - 7:30 p. m .- Film of "T he Passion has hved Wi th her foste r parents. Ull tl WUIII "". uecurtllllg to lll .. ur· dependent real estate broker. Her Play" to be shown nt Newark T hose presen t were: J acque line Bar· ' tlcl.. . ID lh"a" Irutl ,," Il " " r. uo office is no w located at 24 Center M. E. Church . rell, Barbarn Ly kes, Ernest L loyd, . CUll CIlrIl 11 r"u"ollulJl" Incullle, Bul· Street. 8:00 p . m .-Most Rev. Edmund J . Belly and J ane Brown, Connie tl cltm l ror lllu r r lug" . bowe. und

Besides acting os a real estate FitzMaurice. bishop of Wi!- Gregg, Henrietta and Helen Russel, cblldrcil . agent, she also handles a complete mlngton, to give benedlcHon Ray and J oh nny Mor rison , and MI.s Uuvla , after aD InyeslIgll' line of insurance. a t st. J ohn's R. C. Church . Mesd.ames Clifton Brown, R obert ~11~~'ly~~~"~lJ~UI~"~::~~:1 ~::uk:~ :I~~ -----_____ __ l\IondllY, J anuary 30 Mor rison, and James. " rul'''"KltIllH. UIIIIIIII: tll ew lI1luUIY Co liege Avenue, attended a showing 7:00 p . m .- American F lag Coun- cUllur". rudlu . " rvlcln l; . tIlU IIlUD'

o! the stage sensation, "The Wom- ~~I~O'!;I~ty~~~ ~1~ 1~~e~s'a;~ OBITUARY ~I~n lJ~:IJ:I~~' "U::,~:I~~ r~hll I~I!~~~~ en," 'iednesday aller noon in Phil · at Newark New Century Marsha ll J . Shakespeare "ror".sluna. the wrllur I,al 100lilld adelphia. Mrs. Daniel Thompson. Club. Marshall J . Shakespeare, of near I IUlO UIIUlIuul OCCU"UIIOIl8. Mrs. Russell Morri s, Mrs. George Tuesday, J anuary 31 K emblesville. P a., died at his home "y,,"," IlliYS MIMB UilYII. " tb"r. Baker, Mrs. Weldon Waples, Mrs . 8:00 p . m.-Card !lnd bi ngo party, on Monday, J anuary 23, a t the age ar" r"w 10rIUII". lO b .. IlIUtl" 'A lbe T. A. Baker. Mrs. P . K. Musselman , sponsored by Ladies of the o~ si~ty.six. He had fa rmed in this ::~~,I~~ ~~~~"~h~U~ul.~~~:.I~»1i y~~tl:.~

ed the pcrfonnance Wednesday eve- Ch urch, Elkton, in basement Services wlIl be conducted from hU"rnY,,"umll . you ar" 001 u co, a nd Mrs. Geor ge L. Schust~ r allend- Immac ulate Conception R. C. distr ict for ~ore than 35 years. II ylIU lir .. nOI arruld IIr le"',nolo,lcul

n ing. of church . the R. T. J ones' Funeral Parlor on to u blK wuchlne aoa you are ~ The Soil Co~';va li on Scrvice 8' 15 p m Mid winter meeting of Fr iday, J anuary 27, at 10 a. m . and I Wholly 10(l" " e lld"nl. And bell or

William Brown E . Ma in St" wiil hold " banquet t.his evening a t . New';;:;:-k ~usiC Society a t fu r ther se rvices wiIJ be held at ., :11 . ylOU b:ve Ihe ~ulI.ruellon 01 Mrs. Charles Currinder, home of Mrs. Fr ederick Ritz, Northwood Cemetery Chapel Phila- I IIUW 11K t ul yuu ertlul ed Ibtl Job

Mond ay. the Newurk co~ Cbb. W. P ark Place. delphia at two o'clock. lnt~rment aod tlJ~1 It Is YOllr owo . So you C'f» Mr. R. T . J ones J r ., Colga te Uni- Thursday, February 2 wi ll be in NorUl\vood Cemetery. His 11, ~e;~r" tll:;elll~r~Ob:.l.I,1t

Dunn. 52 K ells Ave., r eturn- v I'sity, wiii a rrive home Ih is even- 5:00 p. m.-Roast turkey supper. Wi fe Slll·Vlves. s~hool last 'Tuesday aller a ing to spend h is m id -term vacation sponsored by the Lad ies' Aid Ml's. 'rM. Mrs .. HT·azMle·tt".· a\Vzh' Coltfor mel'ly Srjuare D ance A nd Card Illness. wi th h is par ents Mr a nd Mrs R Soci ety of the Newark M. E. Mary An'R'~no tls entertai n. T . J ones, W . Mn;'n . I ~eel. .. Church in the dining ha ll. lived near Strickersville, Pa., d ied P a l'ty A t Pleasan t Valley

d J tSQ,) 7:00 p. m.- Dilmer m e e tin g a t on Tuesday J a nuary 24 in St. Lotus. On Saturday e venIng, a square parents, J ud?e an MJ's. . \ MJ's . ..,. Il is Ryan . E:. Mn in Street, De r P a rk Hotel sponso red by In terment Will t~ kc place at Lon- da nce \Vi ii be held al Ple,, ~ant Val-

and her Sister, Margare t, is su fTer ing w ith a b roken a rm re- Southern States Coopera tive. don Trac t, StrickersviUe on Friday. Icy Schoo l. and on " nur~day even. of Dr. and Mrs. Geor ge ceived in a fa ll on the ice. February 2 and 3 1 J anua ry 27. A brother, Admiral ; ., rt F'ohr" ~ I'" 2 " ca rd par ty has S . College Ave., where ~ J h G T

residing. Dr . a n' l M,·s. ChI' "ce Benson, 8: 15 P'. m.-Musical comedy , "Top o . n '. awre~ey , now of Philadel-

I been arranged. Proceeds from both

~", Por t Cepuslt, I\ld, a nd Mr. and Mrs of t he World" to be given in ph la, P " .. SllrVlves. of th s:! aJl aJrs a re for the benefit and Mrs Thomas L W? ters, , F ra n k Benson, Bulll r.lore. were Ursuline a u d i t o I' i urn , Wil . of the school. ay, en tert ru nerl a t rllllne r sli pper guests of Mr . and Mrs S mi ngton. Sponsored by alum. U I's lIli ne To Presenl I ------

e,V~'~ng E. Dameron Ogletown R ,)ad. S un. nae of acad emy. I " Top Of TIt \ V orl r)" Several Sundays ~ter the home ~ d Fe bruary 7 of Rev. F . R. D loph lll of New York

Fra nk Yearsley, M ill Cree k. f ny. c ~) 6:30 p. m.-Covered dish su pper at I A musical comedy entitled "Top City was robbed of $70, the collec· gues\ on Mond3:' of M,ss I The Miss s Isabel a nd Loui se home of M,·s. Harold Tiffany, of the World" will b~ prese~ted in I ~ io" ~~ a t.e held $70 and a note say ·

Nauda lll, t;;, Ma ll1 S treet. Hu lr hlson. W. H 31 '1 S tree t, \I () ,'e Amstel Ave.. sp nsored by I the Urs,ulllle aud itOrium: wII~lIlg_ l .n~ : . Did not .kn~w yOU" were a D()rothyt.! H~1l0n , a student gu sts ove l' the week end of M ISS Women's Aux ili ary of F irst ton, on rhu rsday and FrldaY,n.ghts, mini ster. Here It Is_b_a .... c .... k .--===

IdOll pll .. Ma.con Coli ge, L ynch- P ggy H igg ins, P t" ,adelph ia Presby te ri a n Church Fe~rua ry 2 a nd 3, .a t 8:.15 0 clock. I ("""::--::-:-~ ........ ____ _ is VISltll1g her parents, . ~ 1 he play, which IS belllg produc- W ' IS. W. E. H o ton, enl and Mrs. Will inm B. Lloyd. J .... a nd nIRTHS ti on Company , is sponsored by the . WHY l>OESHT

d M ' , I K Mr. a nd 1\1 , s. Haze l Reed, Mr . I ed by the J ohn B. Rog rs prOdU C' 1 '(0 / c:t '

<'0) ,-.. a rles .a.nd Clarence Llo.yd attend' j Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles Moore, La n- a lumnae of the school. L eadi ng 0 POP GET Ii Art Apprecia ti on Class of the I ed the fUl m show at Harrisburg, P a., de n berg, P a., a rc rec .. i\ ing con- I parts arc being played by Just in RUU1> GAS WAT~R HEATER

CO.liege und~r th.e supe;· on Tuesday of I~~ ~veck. qra tuJa tions on the birth o l a d augh- I Steel. of Newark. Mesrs. J ohn Con- I ,MISS Harri et B ,,, ley, \~1 1l 1 Mrs. E. B . Wrigh t, K ent w aY' l ter on Monday, J anuary 23, a t t he way, Fran l< Rega ~l . Earl K : apf, the I

], rld ~y fu r N C' \\' Y""k C' ly spent the week end in Greenwich. F lowe r Hosp ita l. M,.sses Belly Gnmm , Clmre Cer· they Will spend the "leek end. Connec ticut. A da ughter w as Dorn te M r. and I ChlO, D elle .Don ne. Flor·

. . ' <:.,.<'O;J ~, Mrs . George Moore, Marshallton. ence Lea ry, and Mar ian L ange. I Wallet ~{ ' . S teel, A I~ste l , Mrs. J ohn H . S kinner. Jr., W. 0)1 Saturday , J an uary 11, ::I t the

enter tained hC'r budge Main S treet. e nter tai ned her bri d ge Flower Hospita l. War S lops Ha l Worry I Tuesda~ ~;ernoon . clu b Tuesday e ven ing. I Women of Ba rcelona, Spa in, have

Mrs Chauncey WheeleSS, ) Mrs. P au l F . ; ;;''''w . Ma in S tr eet, WEDDIN GS no problem as to wba t is tha t la test spent the week is confi ned to her home with the I Dumall. Rhodes fashion in hats. There ar e no hats

~nd dMrs. F . A. Wheel- I grippe. I' Miss Margaret E. Rhodes, of New. ~~, t~~~C~~ty . War has stopped their o~ . 'XV . ark, d a ughter of Mrs. Mary E.

John~on Reeves. W. Ma io , vi!1tI;~gI I:e~~~~~e:; S~b~;,.:~,. ~~ h nodes and the. la te Mr. Fran k 0 is in Chicago 'In burJn~ss I 11 E M' S ' . 1 I P . R hod es, of Cecilton, Md .. and Mr. I ~ c e . a ll1 treet. Irvin J . Durnall. of Newnrk , son of F L O W E R S

Sarah P erkins. Wilmington, Dr . J ohn R. '~~wnes, W. Mai n I MI'. a nd Mrs. G. I rvin Durna U, of WIth her ~other, Mrs. Street, wus t he guest of Mrs. Rober t Newark, were ma rried Saturday FOR ALL OCCASIONS

ns, E. Main Street. I N. Downes. Washington , on sun- I evening in the parsonage of the '~J B P ' W day •• ewark M. E. Church by the Rev. OR AGES. WEDD ' NO Rot -an UIT rICe. . ' ~ Leonard White. Q~nJ' t~~~[RR~tRDp~~ '~S'lS

len on Tu C'sd~y for Mrs. Thomas Ingham and Mrs. _ ole bride was a llended by Mrs. Phone Orders Receive Special ~ Louise Cunni ngham, both o f W. Charles K elley, of Elmhurst as AtLenJ,lon

L e Maistre, J ack. P ark Place, arc vi siting Dr. R Obe rt i ma tron of honor . Mr. Kell ey was ., is v!: fri ends Sheppard, Englewood, N. J. best ma n. Mr. a nd Mrs. Durnall Newark Flower Marti

WilS ca: led to "'L wnrk by I Mr and M b<:Q) B ' U' h hove made the ir home a t Rich ardson FLORENCE M. JARMON, 111 sr. of her sister, Mrs. Ma rg- and . daugh t;:: ~~;:I~ne.r l o~, g ":i7'. Pa r k. ___ _ _ _ _____ 152 Eo 1I1 .. ln SI. Phone 2.0431 S . Coll eg _ Av. nue, w ho mi ngton , spent Sunday wi th Mrs . lege Avenue, enterta ined :ltthe Wil. F low;!' H os pthll. Bertha Perkins. E . Maio Stl'eet. m ington Counlry Club on Monday . C!;_wc ~lCgr~ Ph~lowcrs _Ev:rywhcre.

J . Fe'nton Of.ugherty, Mrs. T . D. M;I~, E. P a rk Place,

A. venue., S P ('1 , 1 Tuesday a U .nded a luncheon a t lhe Wi I- [ --- - A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTORS 'm inglon New Century Club on Wed· 113 I)elaware Ave. 11 5 I) I,ware Ave.

~ Evans, N . Col- ncsday. J 17 Delaware Ave . 55 Chontc Street Il!} D el awar e A ve.

entertained a t a din- Mrs . LaMonta~ whos home is Wril e to Tues~a~even lll ;: . in .ViI·gin ia , is visiting .Major and I MA~t~:~:s~~A~~k~;EIN


. D. MyJrea, presiden t, a nd I M. s. R. w . Arg(C'f>'j' Main Street. 1,--400 CI Uze IL< Hank BidS., Wilmington, Del.

T . J ones, dlred or o! the Mr. a nd Mrs. J . ~ester Scollon . __ I ANT~~.~CITE :t !\I('w CP~~lI ';;o~~~bt~~~~ [~ ; Ke ll s Ave nue, and Dr. ~nd Mrs. 'i":":";" :":":":":":":":~:":":";":";";":":":";":":": .. ; .. ; .. : .. ; .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. ; .. ; .. : .. : .. :_: .. : .. : .• : .. : .• : .. : .. ;. • .. 1 ~ \l c:. oe."'" ,,\~

- Paul K. Musse lman. W . Mr. 1n S treet, '1' .:. I~'" '" \"~\-or the D~l a· ::a ttended a da nce at the P h.: ladelphi a :.: II 'j' ~ ~ 0 O~

t ~ ,Women's Clubs. Navy Yard on S~day n i3ht ::: I EVERY DAY PRICES j~ :!: ~ :,,\,,\ ~eo9\e. ~ot'{. E .. Dougl~s . . s . ~ol . Mrs. Charles B. Evans N. Col. :t; 'j' ,\p ~O 1" ~ C~~ ~"Pi

h ::as Issued mVltatlOns . 'l' ::: ••• 0 t e<\ ~~qI~~'te~i' ~ Friday. For T imely B eauty IIInts 'I' I .;. • e.~~~''t't\ 't't\~ ~~e. ~ee~ . ~ :.: ',' ~e 't\ee.' <\ CO ~\\\ e~

Mrs. Raymond L. Kramer, VIsit T he .;. For t hc Family; Ci ty's Pel'fumes . . $1.00 Up :': ~<\ ~ 0\ \'t e.~ e<l. ~~ were guests on Sun- :t; Sal Hepatica 60c size .. Age Eve III Paris . . . 55e & $1.10 .;. ~~\~~e.~'te·e e.'I:. e.~e ~ •

and Mrs. Robert P olls, Tamargo Beauty Salon .!, Sa l Hepatica $1.20 size 98e Woodbury's F ace Power :': ~'t 't\O~ e <pec ;t(\~9i 'te 'j' 50c size . .. . . .. 3ge .;. ... o~t e.'t~t CO ~O ',' G, oves Laxahve Broma W db .. J ~t ~ote ~~.

65 E. MaIn St. DIal 2-0561 :1: Quinllle 35c s ize . .. . ., 25e ~gc s~~rs ~~c~ Po,,:,de~ . .. 190 -:- '(.et1\ <\et. \'1:. "P . ~====================~ I ';' Al ka Seltzer 30c size . . .... . . 25e Woodbury 's Creams 50c s ize 3ge :1: \\e.

t e.~~e I - 'I' Alka Seltzer 60c size . .... .. .4ge Woodbury's Creams 25c size 1ge .;. "PeC ~\\i' .. -,.."

:',: Ph illips Milk of Magnesia :': ~~ 1\ _~ ~ LESSONS AT A SCHOOL BRINGS ASSOCIATION music students-so important to young people, a lso the

t.s pCl"fofrn~.ppenrin g In monthly recita ls and oC hea rin g other

- Violin - Cello 'fI~~~eo"n - _ Fl:\':~A ~h:;~~rlnet - Trumpel - Oboe

DELAWARE SCHOOL OF' MUSIC N. Broom St. For Information Tel. 2-8417

',' 50c size . ... . . .... . .. ... . . . 3ge Dusting Powders .. .. . 4ge .'. <j~ ~ ::: Exlax 25c sI ze . .. . . .. . . . . . .. 190 For the Men : :l: ::: F ena mint 25c size . . . ....... 1ge Woodbury's Shaving Cream :1: ',' Lyd ia Pinkhams $1.25 size . . . 98e 25c size . . . . ... . . . .. .. . . ... 1ge .:. :t; Ha ley's M. O. 60c size .. . .... 490 Woodbury's After Shave Talc 't" .l. H aley 's M. O. $1.00 size .. . ,. 8ge 25c size .... . .... ... ...... . 190 :':

. Inquire NO~ abo,!!.._

',' F uther J ohns Medicine Wnodbury's After Shave Lotion .;.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::: Fa6t~Cel~ I;~hl~~ · M~di~i~~ .... · .. 49C 50c size .. .. .. .... ...... .. . 3ge :1: Y $1.25 size . .. .. . 980 Colgates Lilac . ... ... . . . . . .. 490 .:.

E. J. Hollingsworth Company

.... ·· ............ ...................... 2 L g e . Can s 37c R AI INS ........ , ...... .. ................. ....... ... Lb. Pkg. 8c

.......... ·· .. ........ ..... ......... L b. Can 19c- 3-Lb. C an 53c


:l: For tho Ladles; CWca t;isze~t~.r .. ~~~~.e .. ~~~~ .. . 190 :1: .:. Colgates Afier S have Lotion .!. Lumber, Coal, Fuel Oil, Mill · ',' Max Factor's Cosmetics . . . $1.00 35c size . .. . . . . .. .. . .... . 330 'j' k B i I diM t • I ::: Max Factor 's Cleansing Pinauds Lilac Vegeta l :': wor , u n g a erta s, y Cream .. . .. .. . . . . .... . .55e $1.l 0 size . . . . ... . . .. . . .980 -I- Hardware, Paints , Glass , F e n ·

:1: Co~;~~v '~a~~s';~~~~er .. .. . . . $1.00 S~~Tfh Ir~e~\~~e~azor . . 980 ::: eing, Fertilizers , Feeds, E tc . :,': Coty's Rouge 60e New Gil lette RRzo~' ~ith . ),: :1: Coty's Lipstick ': : : :: :SOc'& S·1.00 5 blades ........ .. ... ... .. . 690 :': NEWARK, DE LAW ARE ',' .:. Phone 5 07


i 71 E . ~R~E DRU(L~9,1~2905 i ~~~:o<--:: .. : .. ;: .. ; .. : .. ;.-; ... ; .. ; .• ; .. ; .• : •• : ... ; .. ; •• ; .. ; •• : .. :.,: .. : •• : .. : •• : .. : •• : .. : •• : .. : •• : .. :.,: .. )-,: .. :-,,: .. ;. .: .. :-: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. ;..: .. ;..: .. :_: .. ; 1, .. : .. ;.-: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :_: .. : .. : .. : .. :_: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :_: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :.

M iss Edwinll Long E lcc t e ti the Indoor gardens was given by

Loca l G n rde n C lub Head ;~.~~. !" · r~·u~e~j~~ · an\rt i c~ S!:~~ MIss Edwina Long w ns elC'cted Adolph Muller and th fi ower

president of the N wark Garden dogwood . A series of questi ns on Club a t a meeting of the organi- fl owers ",us distrlbutej anti the za Uon a t the home of Mr. and Mrs . members en joyed try ing to solve K W. Heim, Orchard Road , Mon- th instl'uetive und interesti ng que r­day n ight. ies. .. He next session will be he ld In

Others chosen to fill posts w ere : March. hlrs. T . F . Manns. v ice-president ; I Ml's. Edwal'd Ginther, sec retary. In' "T he Scnool of Tomor row" nt Mrs. E . L. Richards, treasur I' ::Ind the New Yori< Worlu's Fair, visi tors Ml's. David R. Eastbul'l1 , cha il'man ill be "ble to wa tch the actual or the progr am committee. I functioning o f p re-school une' Ie-

_ ne program w as in ch arge of I me ntary classes, p Inrlzed glass Mrs. Al't hur B. Eastma n and Mrs. screens mak ing it possible Jo r the Alex D. Cobb. MI·s. Manns read the childl'en to be ooser ved wit hout gardeners' creed nnd u short talk theil' k nowing II. on the Christmas rose, blooming I ---- --outdoors this month, was given by According to the Keely Institute, Mrs. Cobb. which t or 60 yenrs has been trea t-

A ta lk on feeding the b irds and ing habitual dr unkards with its things to be done th is month f or 'cul'e," women n\Coholic palients

"THE!BEST FOR LESS ALWAYS" The Finest Anthracite



Dial 20501 COAL

No Order Too

Large Or Too Small

B. C. Malcom Co. 1SS E. MAIN St. NEWARK

r;;;'~~,;,~;;<;=',w,'wwm~-, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~( That I a m no longer connect e d wi th tbe 6 ... n )~ ~ ~ , of B" own & Madd e n , Inc . , a nd tha t I am n ow pre- "

~~ pat'cd 10 offer t o t h e p e o p lc of NcwllI·k and V i- ~~ ~( cinity a comple t e Real E s ta t e a lld I n lII'anC' e Sm'- ~~

~~ vice that I h elieve, w iJ) t ake car c of YOlll' CVCI'y ~: ~ ~ ~.. n e c r!' ~( $ ~ ~~ Li ling arc now being take n for aU I inti of ~~ ~~ Pro·pe l·tie fo r sale o r rClltnl. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~ KATHARINE .... WILSON WILLIAMS ~~ ~ ~ :~ Real Estate Broker ~:

hove Incrensed 42 pcr cen t In thr los t five yenrs, nnd 80 per cen t or U,ese nrc mar r ied .


d,is h a nd some gold locket! Gra n d m 0 1 h ~r' s f avortte wh~n thcy da nced thc schO(­tiKhe . .. d a u g lHCr's 'nOc­ilC nowad ays In modern .wing time. A JOYely aold Jacltel .•. real 10 karat .• • We know yo u 'll like it.

Mervin S. Dale Jeweler

Dial 3221 Newark

F or Modem Beaul'Y 8errice

'VIsIt The

Tamargo Beauty Salon 65 E. MaIn St.

<-x··:"',..x-:-: .. :-:-:->.;-<-<~'>9< ... '-<-+O +-! .. :.-: .. : ....... : • .:~ .. >-;..:..: .... ,,'< : C , = 0 e • 0

R. T. Jones Funeral Director


and Repair Work of All Kincll by Experiellced Mechanic"

All Work Guaranteed

122 West Main Street


Phone 6221

.:":":":";":.':":":":":":":" :":":";-';":":-:-:":00>

.:-: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : . .: .. : .. : .. : .. ;..)

FOR SALE 10-Room House

170-172 East Main S treet Mod r n Conven iences

·Newly·Painled Write or see

MIS' MIDGE PENNINGTON Flower 110sr.ilal , ~

~~ 24, CENTER T , Dial 824·1 NEWAll} , D E L. ~~ ~ ,~ . )~ - F OR- SALE- ] ' .,"i ',,",; ,',~,;,;," ,',",',' ,"," .. ' , ', ', ',',",',," ,'-,",tII-,~ ,~,',','" ,',',.' , ',"," ,til,,',",",',' ,F,.',',#,'," N e\v B u Ilg-u lo\v-.!j R ooms

======================== I InaL~~~johok \".~..,. ~~'~"",'.s..',,~).S~,,~~, ''':$''~'';S''S!':s.~~s..,,~,~~,S!l.'' "'. ~ Can I~;o~~e l:: n~at~~~~;y~fter .

N t ~ AI'I,ly ex ., I' JJ\~U;fl H AR I~' ~umbrook_

To Your Doctor

Your Druggist H elps Most-to Pro­tect Your Health. Your doc tor p re­sc ribes for your health. Your d rug­gist fills tha t prescription. In his ha nds li e the e fficacy of the r emedy, and for tha t reason, it is

of the utmost importa nce that you selec t your druggist wi th care. Rhodes' repu tati on of integrity, honesty . and sk ill has been

~ , , ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

won through e ffici ent service in thi s most importan t malter . ~ Three registered p harmac ists form the prescrip tion sta fT a t thi s ~

store . ~

RHODES DRUG STORE ~ Establi shed IR56 ~

Open Dlllly from 8 A. M. to 10 P. 1\1 . ~ Sundays " nd Holidays 9:30 to Noon; 5:30 to 8 ~

...., Dial Newark 58t -2n t't-2927-2929 We Deliver ~ (~~~~S~"U.~ ~~,~,~

Sewer Assessment Notice

The sewer assessment as levied on properties on Benny Street is now on display at Rhodes' Drug Store and the Office of the Coun­cil of Newark.

Appeal night will be between the hours of eight and ten on F eb­ruary 6 at the Office of the Coun­cil of Newark.


- -- ---------ituati o n Wan l e d

----- - _ .-YOUNC COLORED CIRL desire, gen­

eral h ')u o;c wo,·k . Can g ive re Cerences, Sorn h Amcs , 45 New London Ave.,

c w ar k . 1-26- llp.

Los t

COLD POCKET WATC II. chain . knife a n d Del awarc sea l a ttached . R ew a rd , T . E . R'mnwny, 186 S. College Ave. Phone 3:183.


Heip Wanted

MEN want ed fo r co ntrac t work on c atalog de li ve r y. Mus t be l llTI l lInr sm a ll towns and rura l sections in Immed iate countlcs. Sedan o r li gh t covered truc \( cssc nU a l. Ao')Jy in pe rso n on ly tn the Rell he n H . Don­ne lley Co rpora t ion a t P . R . R. Frt. Stn .. Elk 'on . Mrl . Thursday. Jan. 26, f"om 10- 12 A. M.

1-19- lte.


TWO AD ULTS desire two or three un­f urn ished housC'kceplng rooms. gas nnd IcelTlc. Must be reasonable, Wrlle Newark Post Box 60, F.xl. 1M.

1· 19- ltp .

ABOUT TEN ACRES-ncar Newark. su itable to bu il d COllnt l' v home on hp rd ,·ood . J{atharl nc \V ilson W il­linms. Real Est" le Broker. 24 Center St l'eet. NCWD"k ,

J-26- lte.

OFFIGE-on M ntn Street, one room. yea rly le ase , Kalhcrinc W ilson WIJ­II ams. 24 Cenlcr Sl .. Newark.

1-2G· l le.

For Rent ----------------------ROOIl1S-Comfortably furni shed. Sec­

ond floor , A 11 can veniences. 21 Am­s tel Ave. Phone 6761.

1- 10-110.

For Sale

zW';;wa~t'JI~;;'~j;~&'if r:~m~~~ dwelling. on Mai n St. Nice setUng. Barn. Garage, Gar den . $2000.


WHEELER & CRIER. Renltor,. Oxford, Pa.

SLED- Flexible Fl vn t' . ;'Ilrn" ~ t ,... ·· - '"' d new. $6 .Ied. will sell for f3.!IO. Phone 3484 and ask lor BlIt.

I- W- Il e . '

CftS <:TOVE. 4 burner and aide oven. Apply J . A. Livingstone, Academy

mcnL'i , 1· 19- lIp.

STEEL COW STALLS complete tG.50 each. Alway" In stock freight la­eluded. Wrlle or phone Alberl MaK­ne,s. Bel Air 837FI4 l or appol nlmeAt bc(ore you come to sec them.


C HI C K S - Pullorum olean ehleitt!. Rocks , Nf'w Hpmr,," ' .. n '1 Lcrh "~<q . Newark F. F. A . Halehery. A I'-t Aike n , manager, Newark.

1? I tF ,..

Miscellan eou~

SHOE REPAIRTN Women's small leal her heel lifts 15c. hair 001 heelll 6ge ; Me,,', rubber hert. - hal1 "" Ie. Rne. Allwork guaranlced. FlDft NRrdo. 22 Aendemy St.

12-22-Up. . ,


The Newark Post with

Rutledge -=-- -=--- --====~

Cap'n. Waters ... The Fearful W e were a ll set to take Captain T. L. W aters, R . O . T. C.

officer and coach of t h e rifle team at the Univers ity of Dela­

ware, over the hurd les for handing u s a bum steer, but we

have learned ( to our sorrow) that hi s weeping was not in

vain. It was sim ply too fa r advanced .

Six The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, January 26, 1939

Beagle Field Trials Listed Feb. 4 ~~. IInI

. ®--------~~-------~~--------.®---------®---------®---------.~---- (->------<!>------(.)--

Jus t in case you Ilren' t In step,~------ ---- -----_.$---------+--- Vict~~bI VI" nutrients. ___ .ccordlna to

::t1~.w~!~u~,ki~~p~~~c~~~c:~,e h~~ \' N. H. S .. (It was 1936, we seem t o • done a ,,'rand Job wi th his musket remember) Bones sull'erc~ A. d,s­

totel'S. With all of their mulches located shoulder. Some SIX times but one, In the last two yea rs being since then I~e a~grava ted the In­staged b mail and t I ' r ) th Jury by having It di slocated anew Hen ~ksmen find U~e~~s::~~s o~ In sandlot footba ll and independent the winning side of the ledger. bas~etba ll con t sts.

Newark High School Cagers Crack Win Column With Smith Triumphs Over Tweed JACI(ETS ~a~~:~ EASTERN CLUB SPONSORS ! \DELA WARE

FIRST CLASSIC OF YEAR SHOOTERS As Morrison Ties For Lead ICINOP FIRStl:f~ Which Is an unusua l stAle of af- FlIlaUy. last CaU, he marched off fairs (or any com eUtive learn at to the Wilmington General Hospital Delaware. It evenP borders on the wh~re a bone specl~lI st performed a remarkable when It Is r emembered delicate and expensive operation. It thaI Cap'n. Waters' proteges are did the trick, but the problem of pseudo artillerymen schooled In payl~g for the operation r ested Secretary R. V. Buckingham Also

Announces Federation Trials

I LOSE TWO Handicap Too Much For Defending 23 ~.~~~ Champion; Keeley-Gula Near Top COMB ~t,ot handling heavy firln~ pieces, while he~v '.I Yt1 on B~nes;t;:'lnt I .

the majority of their opponents ure u_e y an . w ou g vlng any infantry units, specializing In rille reas~n for dOlllg. so, his basketball

work. ~~:'~~te~t ;h~u:~~;P~~~:~~. ra~~! To Be Staged On March 18-19; Winners In New Jersey Finals

Rutgers Downed; Pitt And UCLA

By "Cue K.eeley" of the Tweed-Morrison d uo. ATS A major upset was scored In the Steve Gula, University of Dela-

- r w r - proceeds amounted to $15, which the Boo, Hoo , .. Drexel lads handed to their repair"d mate

Meeting up with the usually Saturday night. cheerful officer on nn evening some And th at ac t, we'll even go to two weeks back, we were surprised the mat about It, constitutes the By "B'rer Rabbit" ---to fi nd hlm dropping large tenrs Into finest gesture ot real sportsmansh ip A d ' t It f t I it worn crying towel. "No, It's my in the ne:-v year. BO.nes isn't the Owne~'s a r e grooming their hounds in pre paration for mat~~~~ 'r:~ei v~d r~~u C~Pt~in p;.s ~ .

Are Victorious class B pocket billiard tournament ware, jumped a tough hurdle on at Jimmy Martin's State parlor on Wednesday afternoon when he best­Tuesday night of last week when ed Frank Porter, 75-73, in a m atch Ernie Smith registered a surprise tha t was close throughout. It was victory over previously unbeaten Gula's filth win in seven starts. Dick Tweed. Taking advantage of The se tback tumbled Porter from a 20-ball handicap, Smith managed fifth position to eighth, w hile Gula to stagger home agai nst the defend- remained on the trail of the lead­towel," he blubbered, " I dld n'l bor- most brillian t athlete III the world, t he first big field event of 1939. The lid wi ll be kicke d off at l Walers, coach of the University of

row it from thc football coach." I but hc has had his days pnd nights lhe estate of S. Hallock du Pon t , Milford Cross R oad s. \Vhel'e Dcla. ware rifie team, the Blue Hens, "My m arksmen, my poor, poor without suffcring a swelled cranium, I d marksmen! That's why I'm crying. \ and he IS dcpendable, which is morc t h e Eastern Beagle C lub will stage a two-day event on F e b- l~n:C~r~~e a ~~~l~r;n~~~~ t~~n~a:;[.

Herc I've gone and matched them than can be said for somc of the rua r y 4 a nd 5. - I gel's University mark~men while

~~~ till ist by the close count of 55- ers in fourth position. Rube Heath exchanged places

with P orte r when he scored an easy lriumph over Harry B. Willi amson , 65-45, on Friday night. In the other malch of the week, Curt Ril ey r an true to form in stoppi ng Charles (Spike) Daly, 75-52, on Tuesday night. Daly, one of the leaders in the summer tourney, has dropped bi x matches in succession without a

in lheir first car-to-cur, eye-lo-eye, so called stars in thi s arclI . Derbles-Dogs-Bltches ---I dropping lil ts to Pittsburgh and the ,.e~~l:~~d lISis~r~~~~o~~~y~il~:~t hd~~ t t

.th ( b b Noted I n Pa I' n g EXAMS MAY ll'at before meeti ng Smith , is en-shoulder-to-shoulder, knee- to-knee I - I' W I' - Announcement of the forlhcom- University of California at Los

Newark Hi~cl;,l's team pul!ed a surpriseouldl last Thursday nlghl whee istered its initial win '

con es WI . .. so . .. so . .. ing attraction was made thi s week Angeles. sob) ... Drexel Tech." Wc liked thc manner in which by Rnymond Vansant Buckingham, Four-Point M:ugln ~~:~ ~sn:bi:cib~~~;~ri~r 'm~~: ~~~~

'b'Tbedhat'B an "infdantry koutfi t," he J aCtkl

Dtehmps.eY thand Jcs~ Willard secretary of thc sponsoring organi- TELL TALE Thc Pittsburgh match was ex- cleventh position in lhe stand ings. so . anew, an you now what go oge cr III cir r ecent busin ss za tion and one of the ou tstanding Drcxcl docs to Delawarc anyway." venture .. . Imaginc the laIc J ohn breeder-trainers in the East. ;~~i~~ ~~~se H;;~;h b;~~ ~~nt~:~~ T;u~~da~a~~gh~:she~~~!~i~k~~uc~~ Natu rally we werc touched by the L . Sullivan signing a partnership The tr ia ls wili opcn on Saturday, points. Delawarc easily defeated Morrison downcd Marty Howard ,

captain's sad plight. agrecmcnt with Jim Corbctt? . . . February 4, when derbies, includ-victory.


but reverted back on Tuesdny when the score was again the locals.

The Yellowjackels, 22 ba ttles, an earlier I. duPont High gymnasium, 32-16. But came the dawn and thc day The modcrn boys arc smarter ... ing dogs and bitches rcgistered in Every Available I Rutgc rs whilc UCLA scored an University of Delaware, 75-63. It

o{ thc match ... Score: Delaware Dempsey and Willard arc on the the 1939 derby class, will hit the I I ~~~al~I~~cisive win over the Blue was Morrison's sixth win as against

1,322; Drexel 1,284. We were ready cash register side of the bar , while trail. Drawings will take place at Man Needed For TI\e Delaware freshman gunners ~~d 'ss ~::~~i~ -;:e a=:~~:; ~:~ H;;;:~ to tum the hose on " Weeping" Suliivan and hundreds of his kind nine o'clock and eliminat ions will Court An(l Tank were able to win the ir second and served to drop h im from elev-

Player Won 'T'weed .... . ,. 6

Lost 1

Pet. .857 .857 .833 .714 .667 .600 .600 .500 .5 ~0 .429 .400 .333 .1 67 .1 67 .000 .000

Bellman and George ...... -"'.-...... locals took the lead in U.I minute of play and ftC:

W;~~9. caus fib r ~~U~h~ i\ ou t t~ the'l sad end with start immedia tely thereafter. match of the season by shooling out enth to twelIth place in the stand-

h 11 c or ce e I'll Ion was ell' ee on Q ral. Prizes wi ll be given for first , ___ I a victory over Virginia Polytechnic ings, a notch below Smll h

S ort- ved, however. Even Dela- Not conten t with havi ng Rose second, th ird , and fourth positions, I ware's r iflemen have reverted to Sugar, Orange, Cotton. Sun, and Buckingham an nounced. With the balance of power in the freshmen by a comi.ortable margin. Keeley In Race

form, as you will note from the Yam Bowl games schedul:-d for next To Serve Dhmer hands of mid-year (Frankensline) ' U. S. Eberha l·d t .w lth a ll excellent account of matches with Pitt, U. football season Akron, 0 ., has to examinations, the success or failure s~o~e of 381,. aga m led In the in-C. L . A., and Rutgers in a column step forth with a rub>,~r bowl The following day. Sunday, Feb- of the University of Delaware's d,v,dual scoring. to the right. ballle . . Which is stretching the ruary 5, tr ials for the regular a ll- baske tba ll and swimming seasons : Scores were as follows:

But we're all set for Captain thing a lillle too far . age classes will be held. The draw- wi ll probably depend on the num- I Delaware I'lttsburgh Waters this time. We're donn ing Despi te the thousands that follow ing time is scheduled for n ine bel' of Blue and. Gold a thletes who ~~~r~1:':~~ :: : g~ : ~M?ey ... . . .. m

Scowling George Keeley con­tinued to upset the dope by mark­ing up his fifth tri umph in six matches. He victimized J ack San­ders on Wednesday night, 60-42, to hold third place, a hali came back

Morri son . . . 6 Keeley .... 5 Gul. ...... . .. 5 Hea th . 4 I-logan . 3 Cro\vc . .. .. ... .... . 3 Porter .... . . . ....... 3 :")ul'ratt .• .. .. . . .. 3 Riley . . . .. . .. ... 3 !<mll h .. . ........ 2 Howard .. ... .. . .... 2 Williamson ..... . .... 1 Sanders . .. . ...•.... I Perry ........ .... 0 Da ly ...... . ... . 0

a rain coat and fix ing him with a baseball, football, horse r acing, o'c1ock and prizes will be awarded surVive the semi-annual tests. Klotz ....... ~7 1 HolTman" ::::: 371 s tony slare when next he un.furls fig hting, and wrestling. basketball for the first four positions. Every Man Needed ~now 365 Borkey .. . . . 368 that crying towel. according to recent fi gures leads all Dinner wi ll be served by the cott ...... 365 Schaper . . 366

-rwr- American sports (rom the stand- ladies auxiliary of the Eastern Coach Steve Grenda's cage squad Totals ... . . \853 Total .. s .. .. 1857

Bowling League Results

A Grand Gesture poin t of attendance. .,ast year, Beagle Club on Sunday only. wi ll need every available man to UCLA Rutgers 80 000000 paid ad . Itt Another important two-day event combat the stern array of toes lined Marlin ... . 380 E II WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE

",:';';~~;B:~~: I!';'::~":~:': ~~::":::,:~,,,,,,,~;~;~, ~'~~::I :~:;'~!,:~~ M;:~~,;Z:""'O;\::;I~ :~,;;":~:, I:~, ~~UI:' ~~~ :::::";::~ g:~~!o .•..... ~: ~Tul'!,y~lelrrne' g: .: .:. :'.:.:. 3g5~:07 ~~~~\~~~ta l Plant .... . . . . ·:T Lt ment, bas been remembered at The Shenandoah College Hornets Clubs w ill con~uct the American by the wayside, the Hens' ending Golden .. :: ~~~ Stowell .. ... 357 Elkton . .. . .. . ......... . . .. 7 5

C. Gerstenberg 204 C. Lomax ...... 158 E . Lay m 'ln . ... J21 T. Boland .. ... 140

Totals .. . .... . 833 Scru Ds

F . Dunn ... . .. 192 lasL And the lads who d id the had positively no sting at all against Kennel Club trwls over the Mil- will probably be far from h appy. Totals . .... 1891 Totals .... 1807 ~;~I~~~r~~~~efi i:~~: : :::~::::: 43




"right thing"'t beating any the University of Baltimore Bees ford Cross ~oads course. On the other hand , Ed Bardo's FRESHMAN MATCR J. H~pa~:~~aJ vut'i~lzecll~lbre l~;- 406 ~~~:I~~~;d"" " ~ ~~ ;;I~~~s .::::::: :: : m m 13~ ~~g rt~';~:k~~. ::::: ~~~ ~mtoms of . praise for themselves, last Saturday night ... The Monu- The test IS for derbies on ly and aquatic stars have much to gain , Delaware Fre, " V. P . I.

e ither. Which Is as It should be, menlal City lads took a 43-to-4 de- the first four hounds to place will and the studiousness of one swim- "colt ..... 272 Rennick .. 277 Wall~"c'~ .... ::: : m 19~ l~~ m Totals .. . .. . .. 7 7ii

158 163 174 158


159 ! 7~ 152

822 ~i~~I~~~~;:' isn't, if you get the I f~~~n , ~:~~~~~0:I:o:'~~s~:~10S~~! ~: ~~~~~b l:t to G~~~'s t~~e~h~.fin;.~s ~~ ~:~ ::~~~~~;, ;~et;!I;~:s~~:~rm~ i~~[lnS:. : : ::: m ~~~~:~:. ::::::: m In fact, they wont even talk I field goal for the evening. We sug- Apfll 22 and 23. The winner of a dismal selling. Thornton ... . 247 Hampton .. , . 227

Herman 16&- 166 Cranston Hel~ht.

about the malter. To get the story ' . 1 Ihl! Hornets as an opponent the latter event will r ank as the Forced to d rink the backwash in Totals .. .. 1200 Totals ..... 1234 at all, we had to resort to the key- for Delaware following the to11 Easter~ Federation of Beagle Clubs their first three plunges, the n ar- Totals hole ~ethod . li kely to be taken by m id-year champion for 1939. rowness o{ the winning margin in- Lamb Makes B e"t Time Crowe U~~I~~~5 M~~9

In hiS final season of football at exams. Disease-Free Rabbits dicates that the addition of only one Crowe .. .. . .. 140 169 In preparation for the trials on speed merchant could turn the tide In Olympic Ice Trials ~~Vai~~5 ::::: i96 l~~

February 4 and 5, the Eastern club ~f. b:t~le . And the man to turn that Delbert Lamb, Milwaukee Olym- ~17~~ . ":::: .':.' 115373 178

will r elease 100 rabbits three days riC IS in school .. . Marty How- pic veteran, opened his bid for a before the tests. ard . place on the 1940 United States Totals ... ..... 784 855

The consignment of bunnies was Marly Howard Needed Olympic ice speed skating team by Continental orrlce purchased from Conrad C Duran t One of the fastest swimmers to turning in the best time in the re- C. Hopkins .... 179 155

.. 837 732-2290 ~~~I!;:.t.: ::::::: ::: ;:: 15!)- 486 _lew art .. 100 144 m= ~g~ Preston .. 188 210

199:= ~~~ Totals . .. . .. 813 783 . . _ 133 K Fair Hili

w~liifil.. 'j;.:.:::: l ~~ m 84&-24~ P. Mackie ..... 137 172

VanPelt . ..... . 180 192 m= m R. Mackie ...... 178 179

168- 502 Totals .. . . .... 814 872



1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 4 5 5 3 6

By Greensburg, Kansas. Each crat~ ever represent the Blue and Gold , ocecnotnloOmnogw-dorca,wwn Is5

.,000-meter trial at Silk . 180 169 LADIES' LEAGUE

150- 512 143- 46 121- 418 153- 451


16()- 501 !~!- ~80



173- 477

1 5~ 453 197- 491 22()- 618

937- 2533

174- 540 178- 460 201- 510 163- 535 203- 560


front throughout. JIaI Leading 17-8 at Ill! ~et

mark, the J ackets inClll! gJlrl1l" .. I. marg in irom time 10 Iir! up final two periods. Bei!Jr.ll~ble scoring leader with nI'J

;~~:n~o:~~r:~d r~:~:IDlge.tlblllt>'l. with eight points each. ' ~r~:;;

Reserves Cop hi carbohlYdr'. Charlie Weldin led 1h! le stolrj-·thlll.

reserves to a 17-6 CODqIlelt ,tlblllty as duPont junior varsily in II the more was nlp-and-tuch throu!hl: and make in accounted for sevenpc!:lwould Brown, of duPont was ~g'estlble nu. of the evening with ftve !!ard In

It was the same old 11:. says. day night, however, wh!ol lut In Penn School of New Ct<llr entPl the locals' batt!" ""'l:!N,h ed the Jackets by a 3I-nt!!!,t1sfied

The J ackel,s held theM.J felt that to a 6-5 lead during ilt l ts did not quarter, but proved IlO were the the talented New Castle q::, Industry hte final three sessions. r breeding

Walls and Bowen sha.'Il Ury honors with 12 points edwas Bellman was again high a tnllk Newark with II. would

In the preliminary, thetmong serves chalked up anoihtl'tlsts

is tagged with a vetcrin ., . H ~~~!.~t ·: ::::: :: m m 169- 495 184- 509

Bill Fletcher fi t h . h . arlan s certl - oward, a Wilmington High School Lamb skated the watersoaked Williamson . . .. 173 152

e~:e~{I~e:";;~": ~n e ;e~~~!~ ~~:~diS- E~~d~~t, ; Fowler Lake course in 9 minutes Totals hi s stud ies, however , h is academic 3.1 se.c?nds. Holding second place, ' C~'~~I~:~~al ;;:nt 86&-2534 standi ng is precarious and whether surprl slllg most of the r ailbirds, was ;Yo Smith . . .. .. 161 159 or not he will pull through is a big ~~:;I~S m~:~~:;o; 'se~~n:s.inneapolis, J: ~~~~~ ::: ... : :;g m

\8!)- 509 135- 467 179- 572 167 -508



column p la nne d out in OU1" mind and we can' t get our From Oi tl"i c t Tourney

~{~~~;:: · •• ··•• ••• WI Lost

o 1 3 5 7 8

a 27-20 conquest over Ih! I who Penn junior varsity outfill with a ticks, fl ashy subsUtu~ \Iy what chalked up four field toS!!lrct of verted three foul shol!, Ilngh a scoring. a l1uslde

The scores: tests. A .

m ind off those damned s uspender s . It wouldn't be so bad if Forty-one semipro baseball teams th . I . wi ll be permitted to defend their

ey were Just p a lll white, or g r een , 0 1" b lack, or even a mix. title III thi S year's sta te tournaments ture of a ll three colo r s--in fact it wou ldn' t bothe r u s at a ll Withou t quailfYlllg through di strict • , _ , , but the lo u sy thi n gs are ... .. w h at do you think playoffs Raymond Dumont, presl­.. , • , Purple. dent of the National Semipro Base-

ball Congress, stud Saturday

YE:~ =e:'~~~e:~~~~ so dls-® Two teams-Buford, G; , and tracling since the lim: Len gFossetl's hiS only mvislble means of support. ~e:~~d O~::~'e, w;~sne::lI~:1 first and red flannels danced In uller aband- ANYHOW, DESPITE I\lR. ARM- year 's nallonal to" y , In la~t onment while attached to a back- strong's undisputed sprlntlllg abll- ously were u rfiu~n~ent-prevl­yard clothes line, but red Is still a Ity, we'd be Wi lli ng to give odds on 1939 national

q n:'e~t e t ~rec~ to d t~e

utUe more pleasant, a lillie easier a bet that our Lochlnvar can't run Wichita August 11 to 23e

p aye In

to digest, and more easily accepted any {aster than that purple I{ water Oth ' to . than . . . purple. eV:

n hi ts it tmt e~ua~~f~,sn;xet~~~~n:;~~ d;~;

Purple suspenders, ughl d so, E. Victor, for yo.ur arlls- 1939 included: lIc soul. for your refined IIltel'pre

They first smacked us in the eye ta tlon of color for your 11 ~ East-D~laware, Clay mont Worth

question mark . ~oS~?~' : : ::.:: l~ m Nine court games remain on the Half the field of 35 had completed

155- 492 Fell .. .. .. .. ~1.~m~~dettff6 slat f th D I the trial when Henry Kemper of Totals ...... 731 892

e ·01' e e aware pasers, while St. Louis the referee, called a halt Elkton Marquess 150 ' 185

825-2448 ~~Ht: ::::::::: :~~ :ig ~ea~~~;int;n:;~~e h:c~ee;~~~n meets because of soft ice. At 4.30 P . M.

Dickinson will open the second the tri als were resumed. Rudolph ....... \51 191 Dca ver .. 144 203 Weldin . . 168 171 Sionecker . 195 169

192- 527 :~~= ~g~ Totals .... 430 546 l~t:~: Bridgewater .c~n:!~ette~64 half on February 4 when the Red Eddie Schroeder, of Chicago w ho

Devils invade Taylor Gymnasium to skated with the second half ~f the op~ose the local courtmen, after ~~~d4 wen~ into third place with Totals ..... . . . 808 which three stra ight games, West . . . pus !ng G~orge Wallace, of Chester Teachers College, Pratt In- ~~7 5 Fr1nclsco, mto fourth with stitute, and Broklyn P oly Tech F .. Wallace came husky will be played away. Following th~ I rank . Shimek, of Cedar Rapids,

910 Revelers

rH;~~i~~::::: li9~ 171

~t~'i1; :::::: :::: 1~~ ~g 931- 2658 McDaniel . ..... 1 "i 1 '6

205- 578 Totals ...... .. --.::4 469

tilt with the Carlisle, Pa., outfit, owa, In 9.14.9. only two more games will be play- • , - .----cd at home, Haverford on Feb- ChUln s Filly Obta ined

8'0~~:g;40~n:e~~~~::I~;.nia Military By J ersey City Stable

Slippery Rock Teachers' College Clar~nce Turner, acting for Phil will re-open the swimming season T. Chinn, has sold the 2-year-old here on February 16, after which ~lIy , Caught Napping, to Mrs. Wil­two away meets are scheduled Le- lI a.m H. Cane, of J ersey City, at

Neighbors . .. .. 158 H~ I{ . Sheaffe r .. . . 187 176 Tasker . ........ ... 163

... - 157 l~ m George ........ ~on9~llIco 141 195- 558 '> . Smith ...... 110 124 214- 377 ~~~~~r .::::::: : m g~

Totals ... . . .. . 883 825 939-2650 A . Chambers .. 146 171

THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE Totals ..... .. . 605 682 Scrubs Won Lo, t Larson ..... c.o.~n:~K CI~~6

11~~iH~~:~"": / ! ! g~~: Hi m Totals .. . .. . .. 689 617

112- 315 125- 338 1 2- a o9 163- 476


150- 457 1I!)- 312 7&- 228

1 ~ 1- ( "2


13()- 368 Ut= g~~ 'fr~Wstlm~ . ·s ~;';~~ : "N~~l 10!)- 384 du Pont. 6. 15&- 473 Referees: Wore and ~

615- 1902

135- 397 122- 425 114- 342 II!)- 363 13J- 399

620-192ii the mmute we stepped inside the taste in cloth in~ and for sh::~:a~~r Steel ; Maine, Lisbon Falls Indians; eslabllsbment of a local clothing displayed in wearing th" damned Maryland , Glen Burnles; Massa ­merch~nt early this week and they things III public, come springtime chusetts ,. Reading .1o~n team, New weren t Just for sale ... they were we.. shall. wi th utmost leasure' Hampshire, Dover ~Ity team ; New attached to a pall' of black trous'~rs crown you Queen f th ~ , Jersey, Trenton 0 Donnells ; New

Not green. or white, or red, or Purple Suspender~ e Z ay. I York, Buffalo Aircrafts; Pennsyl-

high on February 18, and johns p~lvate terms in a deal closed at b -Hopkins on February 21. Carnegie Hialeah Park. . C. Co le . E enezle::7 Ch~~~h 14 Tech will invade the local tank on C.aught. Napping. a daughter of ~Ia'i.t hi i;'il; ~ ~:: :: : ~~ m 15t: :~~ t ' l~h almers .. ~e;r.;~tte·169 114- 459 February 24 and Temple on Febru- TWlnk, IS entered in tne Miami R. Whiteman . 158 179 l~~ ~~~ S~el;-;'~~er" : :: :: g~ 114422 11

252-J_ 343101

black . . . but good, old-fashIOned STUDE . . . oweeee vallla. Schenley; Rhode Island pOi pie. Athletes : TS CO.A C !' E S, AND Westerly S uth County All -Stars:

AND THEY ARE THE PROP- ware hav~tt~~~r ~~'vers'ty of Dela- Verrr.'l nt, Windsor .. Ingfoo ts. erty of none other than Newark's '111 aWaitI gel's crossed . .. Soutn - A1 abama, Tallahasse In­gay caballero th is town 's Lochinvar :n,d y~" r ~g the tutcome . of the d ,ans; Arkansas, Lillie Rock Re­Don Juan, Robert Taylor and Clark nua ~IY ~omex~:~~a '~nt~ which an- search Hospital; F lOrida, Daytona Gable roled in to one . .. E. Victor at the loca l in stit~~,~n lose enrolled Beach A,u-Stal's; Georgia , Rome Tu-Armstrong, noted far , wide, and Those esk: b,ze Mi lls; Kentucky, Covlllgton 10caJly {or h is sprintlllg abi lity ha c it PrY semi -annual tests Beccos; Louisiana, Baton Rouge Es-

At first we thought these h ideous sld:JI~e °ono po~e l' . 'f ' they m ight sos; Mi SSissi ppi, Laurel AII -Stal's; pants-prompters must have been a of the B1U~ o~ wOb 0 k t~~ i~eymen North Carolina, Roa nok(' Rapids; Christmas gitt from some fond and fo rc ir to ina ~~l t asUe a team, South CarOlina. Liberty; Tennessee, wea lthy relative but we weI' 1Il - mond h' I ,c IVI y le s tnr d,a- MemphIS DenIes; ViI'gin"" Lynch­formed that EVictor, Newark's mi 'ht II~" (' I , or ~v~n ~~'~nd th ~l r bur~ C,·addock-TeITYs. mnn with the smile, had purchused I tI O~ b ~o ne~t f,'ll ~ gridiron edl- Mldw('st- lIlinOlS, Chicago Spen­tbem by himself for himself with ' y nocklllg 011 th ~ Cl u lslllld- ce rs; Indlann, Ind ianupoli s KlIlgans' good, hard, clca; -cut, ccrt;ned and ~nu~rt~~~~~~-gni ner or a va luable Iowa, Algona B" owllles; Michigan: solid Amer icun cash <. FllIlt Kennedy's; Nebr"~ka , Kear-

A ' I WilEN Oi\11\lENTING U l' 0 ney Iri shmen ' North Dako ta MUll ~d so fo r t~ r~ Illghts thi s week the very fil1(, cnrtooll of himself In dn n Tr:lining 'School' Ol;io Youn'ys­

;~.s o~e sr en b ours o( sl epless- the Wilmington papcr don(' bv Dob town Sheet and Tl;bc' S~uth l;~-mi:f~r~u~~ fo seec~~~: p~~ r o';nd t1;e v~nce last week, Dr J . Fenton kota. Lend (S D.) MI;, crs. -

, purp e D,1l1gherty, pr sident of thl' 'lthl etic I ~~~:~~~~~~~Ie SOth~'t~~~:,oxd and bSO coun Ci l, and . profcsso r o( ph;slCS at Mllck Gets J>l llJlC;,

, ' <e us c- thc Unlvelslty of D' laware declar t~ en the yes when we stepped in- cd: "My, what a wondertui ob h: Henry Pi ppen, former Nallonal Side the establishment. did ," th my hai rl" J CLague pit her whom Conni Mack

We couldn ' t sign an nrTid avit All of which Ill IlY be downr'ght drnCl ~ fre III S'lcrmn nto IS a con-sw aring to the fnct that h(' actually ~Ilvy , or just outspoken prmsc I Cor trol. pitcher . Tn 222 IIlnin p,s in 1938, wears thi s hideous I lece of cloth - a fine arti st's work "'~ \I l1 "n ~ I he Issued 40 pusses. He won 18 and lng, but all evidence points to lhe ' DORES TO ' lost 8 games. Pippen usnd to be fact that he docs ventur Into the rad School I It '{"'> CON'

j known as n grea t hit ter and the Car­

s treets with lhe brilliant clastic as ' (Pie Te er~l~enp .1st week dlllois a t on time considered shitt-usc urn 0 IIge 7) mg him to th outfield .

ary 28, aIter which the Hens will J ockey Club Invitational Dinner K. Whiteman .. 165 189 17()- 5 (PI T take two trips, Manhaltan College Stakes to be run on February 22. 24 __ ~s~n 1'0 Paee 7) on March 3, and Brooklyn College Mrs. <?ane won .with her fi rst starter Tota ls pr~~bYte7r~; n C~~rch 811- 2466 ------------- - --' on March 4. at Hi aleah With Sugarage. Her E. Smith . . . .. .. 142 173

~~~~:be~::e tra:ned by Harvey L . b:B;rll~,I,j(~1 ~~ .:.::. ':.:. '.: ::.:. :: .. :. : 19!3!7 1~1 5::2 " I:Jlts, 11 Walks, 1 Defeat Mr. Cane is a member of the New

Bob Feller he ld the Yankees to fOllr hi ts Augus t 5, but walked 11 III

seven IIlnlngs and lost, 6 to I.

~ersey Rac~ng Commissi'ln, and is Totals ........ 706 846 ~~~~~~sted III the Gosh~1J trotting




Independents . . . 210 208







OUT OF FEED FOR MAKING MILK knowing feedstutIs will

that nlfal1n hay Is n feed for dulry catLJe

Yet on a total dl-(T. D . N.) basis,

standard for values , there a ppcars to

In 100 Ibs. ot

products are practically equal In to­ta l d igestible nut rients, So much energy Is burned up by the cow In d iges ting the corn cobs that only 13.2 thetms ot n et productive energy rem a tn out of the 46.2 Ibs. of di­ges tible materia l In 100 Ibs. ot cob. On the other hand , the alfnlfa hay is so m.uch m ore easily digesLed that far less energy is used up in the process of digestion and assimila­tions, leaving 38 therms of net energy from 50 Ibs. of digestIble material In 100 Ibs. eaten. That means that alfalfa hay has prac­tically three times the feeding value of corn cobs.

"Recently Professor O . S . Frapps of the University of Texas, one ot the outstanding dairymen of the na­tion, came to the front with a state­ment corroborating these tesl.'i," says Summers. "Frapps said that all dairy teeds were being figured on tlle wrong basis and that productive energy values should replace the use of total dtgestlble nutrients as It had done in Europe many years ago,

"Of course, It Is still very Impor­tant to have a properly balanc(>d ra­tion. And It Is also important that the ration be htgh In total digestible nutrients. However. It is most Im­portant of all to go one step farther and see that toda" 's ration Is rich In therma of net energy, for produc­Ing mille after tile cow has digested tho teed.

"About 2 years ago Purina Mills began a ser ies of feecUng tests at the P urina. Experimental Farm to deter­mtne tl1e c.tIecUvencss ot this net energy basis for building 0. dairy feed. The climax of this experi­mental work was reached in 0. test with eo grade cows, divided In 2 herds of 30 head each.

Checked and Double Checked " One h erd was fed the r egular

Purina. dairy r a tion on the marke t a L the t ime , h igh In total diges tible n utrien ts," 6:\YS Summers. "The oth er \lerd was fed a ration bo th h ig h in total digestibl e nutricnts and r ich in lher ms of net energy. The I'c!;uIL \I'(1S startling. Bolh h erds did well, but the cows on the t herm­rich feed :\\'cmged 40 pounds of mllk da!!y while tl:e cows I'Pceiving the rr~lIlar Purina Hllion gave 35 pounds of m:lk. Tesls were r epeatccl for a spcond full InctaLlOn \Jer iod, with vcrifying l·t'vult. ..

"For finnl aul conclusive proot, the herds were reverted a nd the cows thaL had bcen given the regu­lal' P urina d alJ y TaLlon were fed on tl1e new t herm- rich f eed while the h erd Iha t h a d been r eceiving the therm-rich r aLion were gIven Lhe Purina ration. The 30 cows fed 011 the lherm-rich ration confirmed the r esul t.s f rom the fi rs t herd. By this time Ollr mcn In the Dairy Depart­m ent were calli ng these net energy unit.s 'milk-mak ing lherms.'

"Those 60 cows gave us the in­forma Llon n eeded to make our prcs­ent improved dairy raLions. Today our customers have a milk-makIng ration t h at noL only has its ca rho­hydraLes and proteins balanccd , not only is r ich in Minerals, not only Is high In tota l diges tible nutrients, but also is rich in milk-making therms. The resu lt to our custom­ers is extra dollars of profit. "

Bli nd

'1'ota ls

... 134

...... 814



Unity Lodge Bowlsby, Sr. .. 171 189 '1', '1 ,'115 ,. . 140 IG7

163- 430


McVey . 152 151 525- 1654 ~~~~'I~bY,' J'~ .. :: I ~~ 12B

Milchell iso

135- 495 1/17- 494 154- 457 1811- 491 ... - 117 141- 291

'1'ota Is ...... .. 760 78;; 803-2348 Fort Du Pont


The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, January 26, 1989

Jackets National Pro Circuit :~~~~:~~ May Extend Grid Season OF

,Continued From Page 6) The Na tional Professional F oot- 1I0useboid Furniture and Antiques Ingram, center .... ... .. . .. I 0 ball League, ha ving completed the Saturday, Feb. 4, 1939 at 1 P . !\f. ~ h ~o fTer. guard .. .... .. .... 0 0 m os t successful season in its hi s - 28 Annabelle S t. Newark , Ucl.

~~fJ~; . S~t~~~d . :::::: : :::::: g ~ tory, m ay decide on a longe r schcd- SPEC IAL AN1'1Q ES

~~}~~~e":" \V~~c' 'on,1 · R(ibc~t" . 3 17 ~~e ci~:'c!:!9 ;~~~.~aC;~b9~1\;I1::: ~:~,~ I H~:;~. ~:~~~s~~dr~t~~~:,t~a::c:e::: eighteenth annual convention . CI ck . MO"rls h II' . Vase,. P.e u,.~

William Penn G .

Walls, forward . . . .. 5 flees, forward . ... . . . . .. ... 0

F. P . Som e owners, said J oe F . Carr, ~~~~~'lo~tan'~~h .'eAt~at'gil~~~ t l}:'0C::~ 2 12 league president, have indicated Chai rs. Sldeb01rd, Magazi ne Rack. 1 ~ ? they fa vor schedules longer thun ~~~: L~:dl~rnb~e, g~~\!rct~abl~~~:r;'~s~ Bayne. ce nter .... ...• . ... . 0

Freebury, cen ter . .. ••. .... 0 Rowe-n , g uard . ... . . . • . ... . 5

o 0 thc II -game chart which has been Clolhes Rack, Double Bcd. Mallress, 2 12 us cd for three seasons. Tht' success- SP"In!: and Feather Bed. Bolster, Bu·

~a 364 tfaUIII in(,t1r,.o'1deucnt,igohnt 0gfanmigesht\vgearmeespllaRyS_t ~~atg"'a~~~ir~a ';;'0Jle~a~f~~ .. s H~:~fcle~he~;

furniture too numerous to me n tion . F. P . cd) is la rgely responsible for the CI~ssBI~;n~rrr~~1 Kitchen Range in fi rst

Geb hart, guard . . . .. .. .... 3

Totals .. .. ........ .. .... . . 3 Newark

1 11 d esire to play more games, Carr rc- nEAL ESTATE g ~ ported. At 2:30 P. M. the property known as

G . Bc llmrm. forwal'd . 6 "'n t aJd!. fo r ward . . 0

I 5 Increasing the number of night ;:I~~na~~~I,~y . S\h~~~le be rg:?tere~" a ;'~~

~ ~ ~~~!e:t~o W~~~d :oar:e ~a~O~~ib~=~~~ ~~J~~~7ib:eL~to:5tS''b~~;~~6~e ~'teabc;,: T JAneoek. forward . . . . 1 Norris, centcl' .. . . . .. .... 2 Mf'ody, cen ter .. .... ... 0 Aiken, {,,'l.IDl'd . . .•. .• , . . . ... 1 ~ t l ll 7. . gual'd .......... .... 0

o 0 without extending the actual play- TERMS OF SALE- IO o/c when the ing period, Carr pointed out. prope,·ty Is s truck 01T and the balanc,

Stewart, guard ........ . . . . 0

'1'otals ....... .. ........ ... 9 3 21 Referees: McGraw nnd Roberts. Half-time score : Will iam Penn. 15;

Few, in any, radical rule changes ~~y~rIr~~o~~e'~~t:xg~r:!\~~' of twenty arc anticipated, club owners gen- Title to be a good. marketable title, erally feeling the regulations now free of liens and encumbrances. in force give the fans the kind ot FARMER~~;'~~~Tof?j,eOfsr.:;'Wo1RK .

Newark, 10.

Wm. Penn J . V.S G .

LAwson, forward ...... . . . 2 Proud ,for ward ...... •. .. 0 Russell. (orward . 3

r Pa football they want. A few minor David W. Sheppard, deceased. I 1 suggestions probably will be made R. A. O'NEAL,

~ ~ to the rules committee, of which I -==A~UC~L1~on~e~e~r ======= Kee. center .............. 0 2 4 George Halas, owner-coach of the I ' g ~ Chicago Bears, is chaIrman.

Moore, A'uard .. . . . .. 1 Jones. guard . . .. ....... " 1

o 0 Maske, guard .. .. 0 Castlglone, guard ....... . .. 0

Totals .. "N~~;';'k"j:' v.s·7 Ii 20 out of a job, just trying to assure

~~I~~~', (?O~:~d ':::: : ::.:: :' r r~ ~~~~l! I:~tath~~: ~~~~s.OfA:t~~le~l~ Inllham, (orward . .. . , . . . .. 0 0 0 a guy might be able to blast a line ~~h~~ff~~~' ~~~~e~ .. :: : :: : g i drive out of the lot, drop in shots Moore. guard . . .... . . , ... . I 2 4 from a ny angle of Taylor Gym-~~~'~~~~~n,~~~d .: .. : :: : : g g g nasium, and snare passes like a

'1'otals .................... 11 5 Referees : McGraw and Roberts.

- bushel basket, but he's not a bit of 27 good to his tellow-students, his

FLASHES coach, or his school if he's on the Dean's "Honor" 1'011.

(Continued From Page 6) • Steve Grenda , Delaware grid and !JII--- . ___ .. basketball men tor , advised placing ~ s tudies before athletic participation.

~~' ~i~i~:~~~~at:~~ ~o~~::~;h~~;d Lot bear down on the books and enjoy sports only as a side dish. THE DOWN to A~~'\:I~~~, fl~:t ~~!~:,:o~ ~~~~~~ PAYMENT in the m adness of this d octrine whe n you consider thc pe rcentage PLUS of a thlctes lost either at mid-term

orl;:'sth~o~n~r~[n~het:r~~~;;,a~i~~:~f F. H. A. Stewart ...... t87 Tasker . .. .. 18H Williamson 165

Tota ls . 844

175 180 123


155- 517 17( 544 1511- 446

741 - 2450


Wolf lI all ....... .. II I llopkins Brothers . .. . . . 6 6 II lgh School Facully . ..... 6. 6

~~~~n~h~~I~~~~. ~.t.ation. ::. g ~ Coll ege F'nr rn ............. 3 9

Wilson's ervicc Station C. IVI L'on ...... 127 119 123- 369 1 r.CI~o g~~~n .... :: ~ ~~ 126 gt: ~~~ 1\. '1'imko ..... 126 i:io 11 9- 374



Home Phone-2-0441 or Wri te

F or Appointment To S ecure Full lnformatlon


DAWSON 156 West !\fait! St,

~l'l:gmko ..... 15U In 1 ~3= ~~~ 1 ======~~===~ To ta ls . I~ IO~~O CIU P,50 69220221 otices

"Hall l in 1:J4 . - 253 Lega l

------'lho<ic' .,. 128 14:l 141 412 P ursuunl to SCC;11)11 19. Chnpter 192. 30 lJ('lilwurc L ows. [(cit Motor Co .. A'­c;ignec. Il corpol'.Jtiou of t ill' State or Dl'lawarc. will c!-'l'o. e to pUb'C sole Ull

T. A. r"kl'r .. 121 15:1 150 424 'In.lts . •. laa 141) ll H :J!12

i.~~d~~~;I'. . .. 115 jO t ~ ~g ~g~!

'1'Ot:113 GIG 75 1

CoUrgc Farm P-o\·l:iby. ,II'. 1fj(i 176 \ Hlnoy.. . 17" 179 F,\\j'lI ••• 143 122

hpJL'r . JaR 129 '0111115 .145 I:W

697 20U1 ')'m·t d ay. J 3nunry 3ht, 1939 A t 9 /\. . M . a t " \V. l'orner of

I U h & T atnall S tr('cll.

f!:~= ~g~ lh" rOllo~~~!,"~f nrft~~~;· l~~'~~I~l~~ C'tO_Wil. 13(;-- 4'11 ONl, Pkt~~~~UrJ~.t 1~~I.;Ym~.SEDA'

:gt-: m in or<l,r l~t~~~!Sf~OiL,I ~~~~5~~"rsuont '0 Totals Il i .it 'S C ~!~1 FJ~~lty 698-:200 r6~nf~~I~n~~ ~;~~iS b~~~~~~~ t ~~!}fdM'~~;

G ~~~~" . : : ~: ::. : ~g : ~~ l ~~- ~~~, \&I~S ~'g~gR81~~<?~~~~~nJ\~!5l'6';mF: ~I'()\\n '" J:m 104 J5G- :UJd I 11th Dnel I a tn nll . S trc~ ts g~\'[i',~n . :: m g~ : ~~_ ~~~ 1_26_ lte


gtulI . Oel.lwo , .

Totals ..... 791 756

Hopkin c; fjr others 1'J'''''~1l ..... 130 177 M. Hopk ms ... 140 133 ro'omc:; . 123 144 Task,'r ....... 144 19 Neighbo rs . t66 142

Tota)~ .. 703 786 Woll 11 all

' nCQuotl ....... 179 166 Good wi n 130 167 .;t<:l lcr .... . .. . 155 141 Picr f}ont . . IG8 145 Phil lips . 210 19G

.... . B42 11 15

SPECIAL MA'l'CH N l.!' war k Gi rls

~~ B:~i~l~~~~: le j. · g~ : ~~ C . . h,' lIender .. 136 155 C. Cll1lmers .. 114 133 N. Mc Daniel .. 150 143

Totals ....... 674 71 0 New Cas Lie Gir ls

~: ~~\~~~r .... .. . 77 122 A. Newsom .... . .. ii i c. DufTy ...... 1007

r.: ~?"7~rd ..... : n: ii7 I. Booth ...... . 105 136 8. SIpple 136

'1'otals ..... . 507 642

701- 2308 1

~~:\= ~g;! .. J;.~~~TJ=:;.;..:>~G7,~/~\\~e o~~ldo~;_I:~I~ :~:t: ~g51 nll lf.'s from N cwar k. on

152- 460 Monday, February 6 8211-2317

152- 497 1 2 ~O- 497 147- 443

T~:t: m, 877- 2534

11 0- 3D0 137- 42~ 151- 442 121- 36B 145- 43~


99- 221 ... - 77

J\T TWO O'CI.OCK 1' . M .

The following

Live Stoek and FaJ'l11 Implemcnt

will be S OLD A'I' P UBLI C AUC TIO N on the p rem ises at t he above adelrcss: 0 110 b la(' k hor se, one sO l'rc ll horse, t.wo ,:: ray h o r ses, four (:OWS. o l1 e (:n U. 0 11 0 fnrm wl.lgon , one h ay rak e. one " Olive r 19" plow, on c " John noero" ridin g plo w. one " Ire n I\ ge" rid ing culti vato r , one I-ho rc;e plow.

The " Brown Farm" Js Jocated on thc road lead ing (rom the Ncwark-Applc­ton Road pas t the head o ( Chris tiana Church . il bei ng thc s cond farm on the Icr t pas t thc Christiana Church .

'1'E nMS-CAS H. To b e sold by

SAM UEL UANDLOFF, Trustee In Ban kruptcy.

110- 23 1 11 6- 232 1;18- 252 132- :lG3 ... - 2'1 ... - 136

J . Leslic Ford, Auctloueer. 595-1744 1-26-21.


On Saturday, January 28, 1939, at two o'clOCk In the afternoon. there will be olTered for sale, on the premises, the following described prop­erty, belonging to the Estate of Mary A. Major, deeea8Cd.

ALL that certain

Lot or Piece of Land with the

DWELLING HOUSE and other buildings thereon erected, situated on the Easterly side of Elkton Avenue, in the Town of Newark; hav­Ing a (rontage o( two hundred and nineteen feet, more or less on the said Easterly side of Elkton Avenue. and a depth of six hundred feet, more or less, and containing

Three Acres of Land. TERMS OF SALE- 1l!.% when the

property is struck otT, and the balance on or belore the ex piration of twenty days from the date of sale.

Title to be a good, m arketable title, free of liens and encuJnbrances.

CHARLES K . LYNCII Surviving Executor under the Will of Mary A. MIlJor, deceased .

JOliN 1'. CANN A ttorn ey

1- 19-21.


On Saturday, January 28, 1939, nt two o'clock in the afternoon. there will be offered f or sa le. on the premises . he (ollowmg described prop­erty, belonging to the Estate of Clar­ence B . Major. deceased.

ALL tha t certain

Lot or Piece of l.and sl tll at~d on the Easterly slrle of Elk­ton Av nlle , in l h e Town o( Ncwrlrk: h 1v lng a fron tage o ( one hundl'cd unci nine ty-two (ect, morc or l ess. on the said Eas terly s ide o( E lkt on Avenu(' and a dcpt h o f seven h undn'd Lee t, more or less. a nd crm toin ing

Three Acres of Land. Tt+' RM S OF' SALJ:-I O(/~ whon lhe­

properly is strucl< olT ~.nd the b" lanc{' on or hl'lm'..:: Ihc expiration of twcnty days from thf' cJ;tl(· of ',alp

TltlC' to be a nood. rn:lI'kC'lnblc ti tle. (rt'e o f hellS nn(1 cncu m brance;.

Hcir'" nt Lnw o r Clnr c nce n. Major, Dec(" •• s d .

JOll P . CAN"! :\ Uorn ey



OF McCLIN'1'OCK-Fl81. 0 CO.


a cor porat ion crea ted by and xls ling undcl" the laws o( the Slate of Deb .. wa re. the resid e nt agent In cha rge of Its prinCipa l office In th e State of D c la­ware bei ng D8LJ\WARE ·CIIA R'1'F.R GUAllAN'1'EE & TRUST COMPANY. 900 Ma rke t Slreet. Wilm ing ton. D cla­w~r(' :

TlI A'1' upon the filing o r a cert lneote of amendm ent simultaneou sl y here· with. the authorizcd c tlpl tn l or t h (; sa id corpor:ttlon will cons is t o f 10.000 ~ hares of common stock withou t par value and 10.000 sh tl rcs of prc rerretl stnck o f th c Plll' va lue o{ $75 each :

THA'1' the board of d irectors of the solei corporation. a l a meeting call ed (or til t purpose, voted In favor o( fl I'od uet Ion of capital o( the said Mc­CLINTOCK-FffiLD CO. fl om F our Hundred For l y -five Thousa nd Th rce Hundred Ooll;lI's ($445.300) to Three Hundl"CcI T hirty-three Thousand Nln Hundred Se venty-fivc Dollars ($333, -9751:

'1'1-1 A'1' therealter the holders of I' c­ord of more than a majority or the lotal number of shares o( the sai d Mc­Cli ntock-Fie ld Co .. Invln{{ voting pow­er and now outstanding. voted in f avor of thc said reduction of cllplta l at n mcctlng of stockho ld ers co iled a nd held In accord ance wit h the s ta tu tcs ilnd thc bv-1F1wc; of the corpora tion:

' THA']' the sai d r cdu ctlon of capita l i s to bc efTected by reclucln~ ( in con -

~~~C~~~lio~~ikl~ oatrh~PG~a~~ra~eg6~'po~'~:

I Lewis . ....... 17B 146

.: .. : ... : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : ... : ... : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : ... : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :.-.: .. : .. : .. :,.: .. :. 175- 490 ' ,',

g§ ii!\ll EX E CUT 0 R 'S \;\

tlon Law of t h e Slate of Dc lnware) t h e pa r vA l lIe or F our Thousand Four H un ­dred Fifty \hree (1453) sh .res of "re­fCfl'cd slozlt now outsta nding rrom $100 per share to $75 per sh re;

Mc l<enzl .. 178 133 Valone . .. 175 182 Buschel . .. 138 189 Verbeck a . . 142 170

'1'otals . a ll 830 csb ytc rlilu Church _ .. . 165 133 IBII- 464 \ Texaco . 134 154 20 497 Crowl . . .. 170 177

. 160 153 IR1_ . '/1 C.ow . . . . 130 142 . . .. 185 147 183- 515 Barrett . 173 173

.... 167 153 115- 4U" \ P . Wh iteman . . 155 188 - - K. Wh iteman .. 137 162

.. .... .. 811 740 8911-2447 Mote ...... .. ... . .. Nrwnrk

.... .. ... 147 189 142- 478 Totals ........ 765 842 .. .. ... 210 l HI I b~- b;).i CounLry Club ...... 191 149 147- 477 Gin ther ....... 147 175

. 142 133 125- 400 PI ~ . . .. 157 222

802-24:13 ':' 'PUBLIC SALE ':' 145- 492 ~ll~ 0 F ~:II~ .- 272

151- 497 'j' 'I'

l~~ m I Furniture and Antiques ~!~ 763-2360

129- 451 123- 502 Saturday, January 28




1. Hand Woven HOI'se Blanke t, I Hand Knit· ted Horse Fly Net, wool aud colton, real pretty, I Hand Worked Rai etl Flowered WUfYon Robe, an cxceptional piece of work,

Many olhel' valuable antique a1111 complcte 11011 . ehold furnishing. TERMS CASH,

JOIlN p, CANN, Auol'Uey

R. A, O'NEAL, Auctioneer

GROVER C, GREGG, Executor of the Estate

of .To1m Greg"', dl'cea cd

T H AT the asscts of thi s corporation r em a in ing a (t cr such r ductlon a rc suf­ficie nt to p ay a ny d ebts. the pay ment or wh ich sh a ll n ot ha ve bec n other­w ise provldrd for.

IN WITN8SS WHEREO F the said corporation h as c aused th is certificate to be made nnd ex('cuted under Its corpora te sea l a nd thc h ands of its Pres ident and Secrelary th is 29th day of December. A. D. 193Q.

McCLINTOCK-FffiLD CO . By J . '1' . McCli ntock

President and Fred W . O'Nenl .. ... •• ••••• ~c<;.rc lary

MeCLTNTOCK-Fn:LD CO . • Corporate Sca l •

1920 : • • • • I?e l.a~ar .. c • • • • •

~bt~$~:~~v'bCKY ~ SS BE IT REMEMBERED thot on th is

29th day of December, 1938, before me. the subscriber. n notary public In nnd for the Sta'e and County aforesa id . pcrsonnlly appea red John T. Me II n ­tock. Presld nl o( McCLTNTOCI< ­FIF.LD CO .. th e corporation mentioned in thc f oregOi n g certlficatc. known to m e pcr~on:ljly to be !;uch. and ~lcknowl ­cd lied the said eertlRcnte to be h i' net and deed and Ihe ac t Rnd dced o( the said corporation. a nd lh fl t t h e senl the rcto affiX d was t he common a nd corpora te sen ' of thr W'~i d corporntion

IN WI'1'NESS WHEREO~' , I hwe he r unto set. my h and and nfrlxcd m y ofT lcla l seal th e day and year herein· above w ritten .

CHAnT.ES M. RUSSELrJ NotAry Public.

Boyd ounty Ken'ucky • ~y. e?",! ~x~lr;B A ug. 20, 191\2

Notary Public • Sell 1 : ~o.vd. ~o~n!y,. r;y. : 1-12-31.

Mr. Merchant. ..... . Send your message on a

Cruise that touches a thot;ls­

and Ports. and that's put­

ting it mildly.

Actually, the Post reaches

every desirable home in New­

ark and for ten miles around.

It is possible for you to get

your message into those same

homes at no inconvenience

and at little cost by using the

columns of the Post that

reaches the business-buying

centers of the commull.ity.

An ad in the Post is like an

introduction for you by and

old friend of the family

You get an immediate accept­

ance, your message stays In

the home.

This has been going on with us for twenty­

nine years, hence we know whereof we speak.

It's not something we hopc to be able to do for

you, it's somcthing wt;'ve he en doing for a long


No matter what you have to sell in this VI­

cinity, the Post is your only ~hol'ough means of

conducting a campaign.

And if you desire to prepare direct-mail ad­

vertising 111aterial, posters, circulars, or should

you need office fornls, letterheads, envelopes, or

stationery, remClnher the Post's facilities are

cOlnplete and always at your command.

Dial 4941



Printing Publishing Advertising



IN REVIEW January 21, 1914

Robert IIllwtborne

The Newark Post. Newark. Delaware. Thursday. January 26. 1939 temperature, d ay and night. Hov- I lts price surpasses rubl~s .


in taken a hot ba th, a person 'I ha t ha ve stood the a~ld ~est .­sh~u1d wrap in a blanket and keep ...... . ... , ,,1- -- r" " .. 'T" 'ons It thldde,~ ' w arm and under no conditlolll! go 11. her private treasure chest. into ilie cold out-of-doors In less - ADAM N . REITER tha n t our to six hours.

The Baby's Spoon Mother h as It tucked away, With th ings she doesn ' t use ; Like picture books, a curI oI' two And dolls an baby 'shoes,

High School Baritone To Sing With WPA Orch estra remain for

The assisti ng artist on the pro-. II UIJ lors !11tl

Roberl Hawthorne, aged slxty­eight years, d ied at h is home, in White Clay Creek Hundred near Ogletown, on Saturday, J anuary 24 . Death wns due to a parlylic stroke. A wUe and four children, two boys and two gir ls, sur vive. Funeral ser­vic s were held at the latc residence on Tuesd ay. Interment White Clay I

\ Cost Industry More Than OthetO Diseases

And other precious odds and ends A mother holds so dear : That gem-like, ga ther richness In her eyes from year to year.

gram of the W. P . A. Orchestra , di - cloth. However r ected by Carl Elmer , a t the h all. I ~u ~s, kept nch and 909 West Street, on Friday .evening , quen t replel1i~hlng will be J oseph Booth barItone a ~ways be coun ted on 10;====" student at the P . S . duPont High Job of routing soil School. H is selections w ith the 01'- 1 through the Cabr'le chestra are Absent by Metcal!, A I th ree times in clear (1(=====1.

l. n~~~;y0':noCr~d~h:~hl~~m:n~f C~~! JNUostthiangtl. mnyUCS~I ;~/~~t,k a t, ~;nj~2~~~~r~0~;,.; ~:ot~eas~~~~~ ~~~~~~n c~~~~~-r~~; ~e Creek Cometery.

MIss B esle r Whitely Miss H ester Whitely, d aughter of

the late General Rober t Whi tely, well r emembered by ma ny [rlends tn Nework where she made her home for 1\ number o[ years, died at her hom In Baltimore on Sun­da y, J anuary 18, of pneumonia . The deceased was 04 yea rs of age. The body was brought to Newark on Wednesday and in terred in Head of Chris tiana Cemetery. Rev. W. J . Rowan conducted ser vices at the cemetery .

F.drnuml M. Peach Edmund M. P each, aged 57 years

d ied early Thursday morni ng at the home of his brother-in -la w, Louis Derrickson, ncar Un io n. Ten days ago, Mr. P each became ill [rom pneumon ia. Several d ays later neu­ritis of the hear t and liver develop­ed , resulling in death. I

Ul;:~gh~~~e f~~e: S~~~. W;~:.-k:'a\~~ I yea rs he was an aclive member ot

:'t,l~i;~h ;'~~YforC~~~eli!~e~~.:st~!:~ I presid--nt of the Board of Trustees. 1

H e was one of the stockholders o[ the P each Kaolin Co. of Union , a prominen t grungeI' , member of 1

Hi r am Lodge No. 25, A. F. & A. M., Newark, and St. J ohn's Command-ery KnighL~ Templur, Wilmington ; also a director of the Delaware S ta te Fa ir Associ at ion. Mr. Peach. who wos un mar ried, is Sl\l'vived by two brothers, Wm. P . Peach, New­ark , J ohn H. P each. Wilmington , and one sister, Miss Margaret P each, Union . 1

Funeral serv ices were held from the Inte residence on Saturday mornin g a t 10 o'clock with Inter- I ment in White Clay Cree k Presby ­teri an Cemetery .

LoonJ Mcn Honored Drs. Manns and Taubenhaus have

recently been e lected to member­ship in the Bota nical Socie ty of America. As the membershi p of this organJzation is very limited the I election of these men is an honor

~ ~~Ja~:~~r~!~:es~~~on~speCiaIl Y I Dr. Manns will a ttend the farm- I

er's Insti tu tes which are being held this week at Selbyville, Georgetown and Lewes.

SoclnJ Notes

prep .. ecl by Your Newapaper--BeUy Croeker Home Servlee Department


voice a t the Delaware Sch ool of to dry. S Ul~ more dreaded ailments, according With two initials graven

. . d b the Music. Neither wools nor I'· r to a bulle tin Just Issue y ' On the handle end of it , "J

State Board of H ealth to. w arn And bent a nd dented out of sha pe ever be expo~0d to diflt' aga inst thi s "everyday" dIsease. From banging on tho tray- Bathrobes Or Housecoats the sun, intense beat ~)

ltd temperatlll' s. N The bulleti n urges peop e 0 guar When baby called for "servi ce," Worn In Early M.ot'nine against cold during the alternately l In a most emphatic way- ~ cold a nd warm days Dela ware h as 'rumbling out of bed ihese chill "S ix dol1ars isn't b en experiencing of la te. I Don't suppose its worth much winter mornings isn't so bad if you key with," a holdup

I Whal Not To Do In the current money m art ; can snuggle into one of the new sand wich shop proprielo . . But measu red by the stand ard bathrobes or h ousecoats m ade of m., a fter looking Into \h:

1 To prevent colds and theIr serIous I Of a mother'S loyal heart, wool or r ayon chenill e. Soft, warm ister . The bandit then w,~~ I consequences, people arc cautioned I ~ to aVOI d ove reatmg, overheatmg, ! _______________________________ ...

and chIlling specially atter a mea l, they should not associate WIth I I another who has a cold, particul ar ­ly durmg the first few days he h as lha t cold Children with ac ute colds should be excluded from school, or from play WIth o ther children ; it should be r emembered lhat what


AND SPECIALIZED SERVICES seems to be an acute cold may b e :m_ .. _____________ .. _ ... ____________ ... the beginni ng of a more serious communicable d isease, as measles; AUTO & UPHOLSTERING people shou ld avo id crowds in TOTPERN A TO TOP &-nO-D" CO . which there may be coughers or 1

I sneezers. SEAT ~~~:~~~~ p~,~l~AlRE D Wba.t To Do Duco P ainling-S, re ly Gl:lss

Measu res to take to combat t~e I~Od Yl & t~~ii:i~f~~~n~-53G3

FA RM SUPPLIES ~=-=-:===-='O'\

--- --EEDS

F EEDS F ertilizer P INTS PHONE 8171 cold include fOl'lnlng r egular habIts \ 906 Tatnn I l. g

of body elimina tion, b rea t h I n g , I through the nose, sleeping. in .a well AUTO WRECKS REBUIL r FEED & SEED venli la ed 1'0 m, and dl'lnkmg at I F --&- A- I t ghtcnecl 1 .-----

I least si x glasses of wate r, dal ly, be- W~th~~t Re;;V~ng rF~um Ca l' ON~E:'~T;r~R:'LJ{ ~~ tween me~l s. Plen ty ~f r est IS es- R,!dlators Repaired & Recored T"r,, "" Un.on·' Oil ), sentlal. WIth at least eIght hours of I E lectr JcA}j~~mi,-~8~Ys Work FLO ~CER.EAL .-: Jl ~l e('p dUl'lng the t we n t y -f 0 u I' 1127 French I Wihnin ~ton 2-5416 P" n ts-O ' I~-F~rtl"zor Fatigue should be aVOIded, but - ..:.... 0 -- I EASTERN TATES FARlI-lER EX. light regu lar exerCIse, preferably in AUTO DEALE~ _ Ne wark Phone 561

I the open a ir, should b.e mdu lged I.n . - - S1- -I>EBAKER Physical defects, as dIseased tonSIls An~ or 'bad teeth, weaken the system a nd ' NASH

1 should be aVOI ded. The feet should I ALES-SERVICE be kept dry, the body warmly, but 3~ , spd a rs To Choos~ From

National not bulkI ly clad a nd the home and DEN1~le,~a~k~p~!n~~~ANY classroom well ventilated. All' 111 1

, T I rooms should be kept me 1st by pl ac-U. Of D, A sOCiate fo Tall- mg pans of water on r adiators or On " Bees" At Christiana stoves A tem perature of 70 de­

J ohn Amos of the Umverslty of grees Fahrenheit should be ma m-


' tained in home and classroom Delaware, WIll be the guest speaker at the regular meetmg of the ChrIs- I If Yo u Catch A Cold l lana 4-H Club m the school audi- A person who h as caught a cold -. --_--------

should see a doctor Ilnmedlately , ~ torium, Friday nigh t at eight even though the symptoms a:e a, ,~~ I .

o·~~~~~ D~~idto~:i~ ;~~d:: : ~ '~~:~~ ~~~h\~es~~~~~d ::~; ~::;~~:'I~~~t • ~ • T c ; AUJr~~~ED solo while Louis Hutchison will and plenty of fluids to drink. If RECONDITIO!l.'ED USED CARS have char ge of recreation. New there is a fever it is essential that WILMINGTON AUTO SALES CO.

J ohn Takach , Virgini a Murray, vegetables and fruit, with plenly of PLY~tOUTI{

EE AND SAVE Ma nv Lale Mode ls At J'r ices That'Reprrsent A Rea l Saving

1 To You. Also A Few New 1938

I D"sntos nn'l Plvmouths

FIR ST TATE MOTORS 371h & Mark ct Sts. Wilm. 3-5212


McCormick-Deer ing Dealer J amesway Barn & Poultry Equip.

P ar ts For Anv Farm Machine Har ness-P aints-Stoves

Get Mv P rice on Clovpr & Alfalfa 132 E. MAIN ST. NEW ARK 4231


FOR THAT NEXT PAPW Y in Can .ndolph. Mr. ~d Mrs. J . H. Hossinger will

entertain the Evening Card Club on January 29th.

Everybody orders orange rolls who viaits a certain tea room, Vou'll see a crestfallen look of disappointment on the faces of the late arrivals when they are sometimes informed that there are no more orange roll s, If you've ever tasted thpse orange rolls you'll understand all about that look of di sappointment. For these li ttle orange rolls are uncommonly delicious. They are the shape of small cinnamon rolls­but instead of a cinnamon and sugar filling, you'll find that bE'fore wind ing them up, they ha ve been spread with a luscious r efreshing golden orange filling , Really one feels one could make a meal on these delightful little orange rolls with nothing more than a cup of tl'B or coffee,

members to be in iti ated ~re: J ames 1 he r emai n in bed. Diet should con- New!~.!.~~me 2991 French . Cor a Ba ker , Ruth Shelton. sist of light portions of cerea ls, DESOTO lit. _

Louise Ma rousek, J ack Cunning- hot lemonade, orangeade and hot Sate~S6~~~ce , I I

T. M. SWAN, Chiropractor X-Ray and

Ne orocalometer Service OFFICE HOURS 11 a . m. to. 1 p, m .

2 to 5 p . m. 108 E. Main St. Newark 4291 ECONOMY DECORATOIi Sold

Dr. W . Owen Sypherd enter tain­ed at two tables of Auction Friday evening, In honor of Miss Harter's guests. MIss Brewer and Miss Mc­Cucheon_

Mrs. E. W. Cooch was hostess at Auction on Wednesday, J anuary twenty-first. The prize, a book, was won by Mrs. A. T. Neale. Those who played were: Mrs. Whitting­ham. Mrs. J . H. Hossinger, Mrs. R oughton, Mrs. Penny . Mrs. Hay­ward, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Whittier , Mrs. Finnan Thompson MI'S. Hilton, Miss Anne Hossinger.

Mrs. J . Pearce Cann entertained most pleu an Uy a t Auclion on Fri -

~:s ~:.rnao;; . atT~~c~o~I:C~C~t~: I souvenir baskets, tied wi th red a nd I fill ed with red almonds a waited the players. The first pr ize. a guest towel, was won by Mrs. Houghton, and the second prize. a "uti lity box" was won by Miss McCucheon. Refreshments of salad, oysters, roUs, ice-cream, cake, peanuts a nd coffee wcre served . Those present were : Mrs. Hermann, Mrs. Whittingham, Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. C. B. Eva ns, Mrs. Bossinger, Mrs. Cooch, Mrs. Neale, Mrs. P enny, Mrs . . Blake, Mrs. Hilton , Mrs. Reed Mrs. Wilson, Miss Lindsey Miss Wrigbt, Miss Kerr, Miss Harter Miss Brewer, Miss Springer, Miss Raub, Miss Whit­tingham, and Mrs. Pilling Wright.

Here is how they are made. I'm go ing to give you the r ecipe for enough sweet dough to make a coffee cake in addi tion to the I 'h dozen orange rolls. And these rolls will be larger than those I've de­scribed.

Sweet Dough for Faney Rolls and Coffee Cake 2 cakps compressed yeast 1 2 eggs (or 4 egg yolks plus 2 2 cups milk (sca lded and cooled tbsP. water)

to 80' F.) 7 cups all-purpose fiour 'h cup sugar ¥.a cup soft shorten ing (part 2 tsp. salt . . butter for flavor)

Crumble the yeas t into a bowl. Add the lukewarm milk (80' F.) (If th e room and Rour are cooler than 80' F., use milk a trifle wormer tha n 80 ' F. If the room a nd fiour are warmer, as in summer, use milk cooler than 80' F.). Add the sugar and salt and sti r to dissolve com­pletely. Add the well beaten eggs (or egg yolks and water), Sift t he fl our once before measu ri ng. Spoon lightly into cun to meosure. Add all the flour to the liquid at once, working it in thoroughly with t he hancl". Work in the sMt shorten ing . When the dough is well mixed, knead gently in a bowl or on a l ightly flou red board until smooth and ela"tic. Round up and set to rise in a well greased bowl. Cov"r with a damp cloth. Keep dough at 80 to 85 ' F., until double in bulk (about 2 hours ). (Dough should feel nE'ilher warm nor coo l to the touch- just " in-between". Place it ou t of draft. If kitchen is cold, put doug h in a clo"ed cupboard with a pan of hot water beside iL l PUllch down, and let r ise aga in un t il olmos t double in buik (abou t 45 minu es ) . Remove from bowl. Knead lightly to round un on light ly floured board. Cover with a damp cloth, and le t stand 16 minu tes (to loosen up) before shap ing into rolls and coffee cakes.

Orange Rolls 1 cup sugar I 'h cup orange juice ond pulp 2 tbsp. grated orange rind (J orange)

(2 oranges) 'h cup butte r 'h of Sweet Dough

Make an Orange Filling by cooki ng sugar , orang e rind, orange juice and pulp, and butter together for 3 to 4 min utes (until slightly thickened). Cool. Roll out Sweet Dough (about !t:I inch thick) into a

Misses Raub and S tr ahorn enter­tained a party of fri ends at dinner dast Saturday evening at their North CoUege avenue home. The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. J . Frank Ball, Miss Dorothy Ball and Miss Perkins of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. J . Pearce Cann and Mr. Rnd -Mrs. J . H. H osslnger . lira. NeW. Savage of Battle I B'nai B'rith Makes Plans

R~llo:p °t?~~~fy (l~~~U! relt: ;:11 i~~:ii~)g ~;:sadfir~:;. °C~r~~:i~l\~:~ C~~~; ~ithC~a~~e~l.::h~cL:~i~i:e C~~tii~l~~~n d~~bV:~~lybu~ke(~~d t~a;o minutes), Bakl' 5 mlnutea or until rol1s are aet in a moderately hot oven, 400' F " then reduce to 376 ' F,. quick moderate oven. to finish baking, about 20 minutell.

!f you have any .peclflc cooking problema, sencl a letter requeetlng Information to Betty Crocker In care of thla new.paper, You will reeeiv. a prompt, peraonal reply, Ple .. e enclose 3 cent stamp to cover poatag ••

tai~;d a::o~r:ig~'t ~u:~s~: ~~:~: ~ight ankle:....~~~ "~~~ ~r~~:ct~;~~ To Form Ladies' Auxiliary day evening at their home. W. Main kneeling during a funer al of a rela- Pians for the organization of a street. ~. and Mrs. Wilson were live. lad ies Auxili ary to Wilmington assisted til receiving their guests by Lodge No. 470, B'nai B'r ith , were

ham, Henry Purzycki , R o b e r t water to drink. Moist fresh air General R epairs Thorp, Layde Levey, and Renda I should be maintained , at an even Mi\CKENZIE & STRICKLAND Lane. 1-- -- Newark-P11one 377


Beauty and Permanence The following students at Chris- ~----.- PONTIAC tiana school were on the honor roll : I '(oW/-:;{ .lor Sales-Service Second-grade-H a I' 0 I d Vincent, . . WHY DOES" I Atlantic Char les Burge, J ohn ny c astelow'l CI POP GET A I G'ts-Oils In J EWELRY and SILVERWARE

Lubrleatlnn MILLARD F. DAVIS, INC.

~h~~~tta g?:;=D~~~a DO~~ ~~r:r;'~; GAS WATER HEATER Main & Chapel Sts.H . TN~!~: 2937 831 Markel St. Wllrnington fourth grade-L 0 u i s e Mar ousek, ~:.:~ Newark Has Never Seen

J ohn Takach, Elva Edwards, Cora AUTO PARTS-New-Used ''''''"V' ;i~~O~~:~;::cu;:s Ba kel', and Renda Lane; fifth grade - Clocks-Silver Sets - Virginia Murray, and Herbert - AUTO and - TRUCK PARTS Set Rings, E tc. Cleaves; sixth grade-Lewis Hutchi- ~1~:~e~::;)~rC:~~ ~1~inT'G;;'~ NORlI-tAN I. HARRIS, INC. son, Charles Lebegern, Laura De- Full Llnc or Ncw Spring Leaves, Main St. Newark 20051 vel' , Dolores Amoroso, and Ralph an 'l Rebuilt Sprlnl!'s Cleaver ; seventh grade-Pa tsy Mor- PLOENER i\UTO S i\LVAGE CO. gan. Margare t Marshall . and Bar- 520 S. Market St. Wilmington 3-5296


bara Murray ; e ighth grade-Be tty ~ - - A UTO TIRES - ---Hutchl so~ . I ~.

Using Globe Rock-A-Car Equip. Under ActunJ Road Conditions T ires Re-Grooved & Retreated


A judge in Milwaukee, Wis., DELAWARE POWER c~~EC~lie~~~/~~dS6~;~~~~ ~~~.~!e~~s·s~el anteCshte,. r.,eFdolehyer ahudsi: I & LIGHT COMPANY EWAR K PHONE 2907 " I MACHINE SHOP WORK band had char ged her $6 a week for 1 600 MARKET T., WILlIUNGTON

~b~oar~d~a~n~d~r~00~m~.~~~~~~~~~~~~D~IA~L~6~21~1~~~~ RI'rI'ENHO E MOTOR CO. PORTABLE WELDING 24 S. COLLEGE NEWARK 4381 Equipment --- - --- _ _ Au to-Tractor \\'11"-

DC}l~~~v ND~~~aIf~tuc;waTi~:ed Eng;.rp~at.!ctarts ,'W

Ib 27(\

New Peas 2 Ibs 2Sc

Lima Beans 2 for 2Sc

Green String Beans12 1-2c

Cauliflower 1Sc & 20c

Broccoli bch lSc

Brussel Sprouts lSc Ib 30~1 Home Grown Celery 12 1-2c

Turnips 3 Ibs 10c Ib 33c

SAVINGS 50% or MORE HERBERT F . WOOD ygllSt~cokcab?~~~1' l!; tS :f;::;: 14 Cleveland i\ve. Newark 4401

NOWLi\ND TntE CO. , D law are's Largest Tire Factory



Permanent Will Not Disr~ J ~ r W··p · " ' tr

"nOB" SHOPPE 71\ )\>f"T" pf Qt. WILMINGTON

BEAUTY SCHOOLS Give Your Daugh ter A Foundation For Life, With A T rai ning Course

A t Our School of Uair and Beauty Culture-Est. 1901

ELLIS SISTER'S 911 Mr.rkel 910 Shipley PHONE 3-4079 WILMINGTON



Fresh Mllk

MILK and Cream Delivered Daily To Your Home

Ph. 20971 Orders R eceived to 4 p . m . 22 CHOATE ST. NEWi\RK


SHEET MUSIC Robe1en Plano Co.

710 Market Wilmington 6369 PIi\NO TUNING



Complete Line of Dr. and Mrs. Marvel of Atlantic made at a meeting this week in City, Mr. and Mrs. Mendinhall , of suffer ing w ilh grippe tor the iast the quarter s of lne lodge, Wilming- I Avondale and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson week is improving. ton . Prime Rib Roast Ib 3Sc

of Toughkenamon. Dr. and Mrs. Marvel o[ Atl antic The organ iza tion body consists of I S Fh' roesuhlder Pork Ib 20cl Miss Beuiah Welsh of Aberdeen, City, N. J ., were recent guests of Mrs. Ra lph Bell , iVlrs. Harry Braun-

I R~;.~eRoast Ib 42Cl JOHN F. THORNTON

Good Clean Coal- Quick Service SAND- GRA VEL- LIME


P~'i:eb!~~ ~~B~~~S J . ~f , SINGLES

151 E. ~laln St, Newark 4501

Md.. has been lhe guest of her Mr. and Mrs. J . P . Wil son . ste in, Mrs. AJbert Bun in , Mrs. Fresh Pineapple large 23c brother J oseph Welsh for the last I Miss Mabel Davis of Wilmington Juli us Cooper, Mrs. Edwa rd A. Strawberries lowest price two weeks. is viSIting her aun ts, the Misses Elsenhand ler, Mrs. J amcs H . Ginns, I

Mrs. '1'. R. Wolf of Philadelph ia Springer . Mrs. Maurice Goldstei n. Mrs. J os _ph Pears-best eating 6 for 25c Boneless I Distributors For t I - Rolled Veal Ib 30 SJ I I T

is r:;;~ g~~:~r!liS~~~~~~~~O~ur:f g:~s'JM;~~ :~,~, ~~:r t~hee ':~~~~ ~~~d~:,x :;;~: M~:m~:~ id H;I~~~oe~: ToKay Grapes 2 for 27c c ct3~t~;~~~I,~ ,i~~~~~~s ." Baltimore, Mr ., Is vi siti ng Miss cnd . Mrs. Lou is Ra phaelson. Mrs. Louis Tomatoes Ib 19c I WE T KlDDrF. HOP . Eleanor Harter , PrOf. Gra ntham is confll'cd to h is Roscnblatt Mrs, .. . ax L . Ta radash , I Veal Chops U;_I> I I> 2M.. "Sty li sts For Youth"

Mrs Wiil iam Cope of Philadelphia bed with a severe attack of tonSO- 1 and Mrs. Frank H . Toor . Fancy Mushrooms Ib 33c 1.0111 II> 320 822 Market l. Wllrnlll ,.; ton

visited her s ister, Miss Fan nie Shap- li tis. P I-WILMII NU-G~T~O 1(' ~E~XCI IL I LS IIVE-Mr. George Mcd ill of Wilmington is the guest ot Mrs. C. B. Evans. though t h is appendIx " >

and Mr. W. F. Mcdill of Baltimore Misscs Wini fred Fader, Le ta Wat- . ~ "<-nlY pictu r e showed tha t a J h F R" h d Phones 586 and 587

Ncwark P'hone 6883



Our Rebuilt Heavy Duty lIruDSHU TIRE

SAVINGS TO 50% OR 1I1ORE Sil ~nt- Sa re-EITir i ent

Ask Your Local Dealer NOWLAND TmE CO.

D~l awal'e's Larges t T ire F ac tory

Prompt-Reasonabl~iU.'imlng OALL tm\ ,uld

S. E. Cor. 4th & Onlll.·wo"ds,


CA-M- ER :~eSOfL ~r?~~~h;.

Bought, Sold, Exchang~ 1 the place

BLAKE'S At 811 ~'m, and, Wilmington, IId le

---R-A-DW SERV1~~e


leigh on Tuesday. Mrs. Edga r Dawson of New York George F aucher of Sanford, Me., otatces bas 62c Butter (Hearn's) ~;;J'~I 29c J spent lhe week-end with thei r par- l'rs, and NeUie Wilson spent lhe half-dollar Faucher had <,,·,.11 , on . Ie ar S Free Delivery ~' L'lL .. ents, Mr. a nd Mrs. G L. Mcdill. week-end with Mrs. J ames Conner, before was stiU in bt. -AIIJmA

A~rew k F~hR w~ hM b~n B~timM~ ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8~2~9~'~~~R~K~M~ST~R~~~~~T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _____ VI MING10N , DC ': _ -----