Download - Theme for the Month: Jesus - Our Guru Presbyter-in … Rev. Sanjay Samuel Theme for the Month: Jesus - Our Guru 1 Jesus - our Guru Our Country celebrates the 5th of September every

Page 1: Theme for the Month: Jesus - Our Guru Presbyter-in … Rev. Sanjay Samuel Theme for the Month: Jesus - Our Guru 1 Jesus - our Guru Our Country celebrates the 5th of September every

September 2014

Presbyter-in-charge: Rev. Sanjay Samuel

Theme for the Month: Jesus - Our Guru

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Jesus - our Guru

Our Country celebrates the 5th of September every year as 'Teachers Day' as a mark of gratitude to all Teachers. This day is specially chosen to remember a remarkable teacher, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, whose birthday falls on this day.

The Almanac very appropriately has assigned Sunday, the 7th of September this year as 'Teachers Day' with the theme - Teachers: Agents of Liberation.

We as Christians acknowledge our Lord Jesus as the Greatest Teacher in the world. The methodology he adopted, and his relationship with his disciples was unique. He not only taught them with authority, but also lived by example. He attributed 'goodness' only to God, when the rich young ruler called him 'good teacher'.

'Guru' means, the one who 'dispels darkness'. So, a teacher is the one who leads his or her pupils from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge.

Our Lord Jesus is the Light of the world and the liberator of all in bondage. He has liberated us through his great sacrifice on the Cross, thus bringing peace and reconciliation with God and with one another.

As we celebrate Teachers Day, let us remember our Lord, the Great Teacher and Liberator, who liberates us from darkness and bondage, and leads us to light and life eternal.

May God bless you all

Rev. Sanjay Samuel AyerPresbyter-in-charge

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Man is a gregarious animal; he cannot live alone. As God himself has decided, 'It is not good for man to be alone and I will make a companion for him'. From then on, the history of man began, and human beings ran through different civilizations. Man formed his own groups, his own clans, languages to communicate, and started a community living. Civilizations have come and gone, and today, man has stepped into an era of information technology, and the civilisation is at its pinnacle.

Yet, alas, there is something missing! There is no thread of love that runs through different communities living in this world. Why men who have learnt so many things, who have made so many inventions, and who have emancipated humans from slavery, still dwell on the evils of this world? As Somerset Maugham observed lamenting, 'What mean and cruel things men do for the love of God '. What community of Christ do we offer others, to our neighbours around us, and to the world? What should be our motto as we go through the pomp and mirth of our Sesquicentennial year? What should be new in us that people around us would see when we talk of the New Community in Christ? Should it not be a Community based on love, friendliness, peace and harmony?

Our Congregation, on emerging out of the ceremonious celebrations, should become a New Community in Christ - a community of peace, and a beacon emanating the radiance of God's peace! This is much more important than all other virtues we would generally talk of in shaping a new community. We must develop within ourselves a peaceful attitude and we must become the peacemakers of the new community in Christ.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me” (St. Mathew 5:11 – NIV). Even at such times, be at peace within yourself and God. Such a peace established and dominating in our life will make us establish a new community of PEACE. Then people all around us will see Jesus in our community! Stanley R. ChellappaEditor

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Events held during the previous Month

This year, the customary Worship Service at 8 am on August 15th, was held outside as the church is being renovated. Rev. Sanjay Samuel Ayer, our Presbyter, conducted the Service and gave the message. This was followed by hoisting of the National Flag by our Presbyter along with Dr. Vasanth Renick, Secretary, Bible Society Karnataka Auxiliary, and Mr. Watsa, the Secretary of our Church.

The children, teachers and the staff at St. Andrew's School, Siddapura, also celebrated the event as done every year. The School children along with the conveners Ms. Alex Namratha and Mrs. Becky Rajeeva were present on this special occasion. The Chief Guest Mr. Uday Shankar, Corporator, hoisted the National Flag and distributed note books to all the students.



The Bible Society of India, Karnataka Auxiliary and the Book Room organised a Grand Exhibition cum Sale in St. Andrew's Church Hall, from Thursday 14th to Sunday 17th August, 2014.

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The Bible Society of India Exhibition cum Sale also saw a rare display of photographs, which were taken through the 150 years history of St. Andrew's Church. These old, cherished photo-collections brought back many beautiful reminiscences, which dated back to 1860's.

As part of our Sesquicentennial Celebrations, the musical, 'Fiddler on the Roof' was organised by 'Cause Foundation' at Chowdiah Memorial Hall on Thursday, August 28, 2014. This Program was sponsored by TVS Motors, exclusively for St. Andrew's Church.

The play was directed by Leila Alvares and the music by Vivek Menzel. The evening was very relaxing, and the audience thoroughly enjoyed it. Rev. Sanjay Samuel Ayer thanked Mr. Cecil K. Dewars, Vice President - Corporate Communication, TVS Motors, the Director, Leila Alvares, and the Cast. They were all presented with the Sesquicentennial Mementos.

The proceeds from this event would be utilised for our Pipe Organ up-gradation.


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Sunday School - Sparkles@ St Andrews

Sparkles@ St Andrews started their activity with Cookery Class on 23rd August, from 2pm - 5pm. Mrs Celestine Ashwal and Divya Ashwal patiently taught our Sparklers to prepare Chocolate Fudge, Strawberry Soufflé and Wheat Bhelpuri. It was a wonderful experience, and the children with their aprons on, enjoyed every moment - blending, mixing, pouring, cutting and licking the dishes!We request parents to encourage children to attend these classes to learn new skills. The classes are held every month. Our next class will be on 'paper quilling', 20th and 27th September, from 2pm -5pm. Registration forms are available in the church office.

The Lutheran Men's Voice from Chennai, conducted by Dr Prabhu Dorairaj, performed at St Andrew's in the 9.30 am Service on August 24th. Started in 1975, this Gospel Choir is heading to its 40th anniversary, acknowledging God's grace, bounteous blessings, guidance and sustenance through their long and harmonious existence. They have toured extensively, performing concerts across India.Started as a double quartet, it has grown in strength and quality, with its commitment of singing only for God's glory. Audio tapes and CDs have been released and they have featured in all the “Classic Hymns” series of DVDs.The choristers jovially remark that though the colour of their hair has changed, their enthusiasm, determination and commitment are still very green and that they are growing stronger as the days roll by, singing for His glory alone.

Lutheran Male Voice Choir from Chennai

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Happenings during the Month of August 2014

Joshua Alden Mohan RajS/o Mr. John Mohan Raj & Mrs. Rashmi Mohan Raj

on 24th August 2014

Mr. Augustine P. AiyaduraiAged 58 years, expired on 2nd August 2014

He was the brother of Mr. Mohan Aiyadurai and Mr. Godfrey Aiyadurai

A Warm Welcome to St. Andrew’s FamilyNew


Mr. Albert KotianAged 82 years, H/o Late Greeta Kotian

expired on 26th August 2014


Mr. Lohith Raj. S.N

Mr. John Prem Rabindranath. C

Mrs and Mr. Emmanual Preetham Maben

Mrs and Mr. B.R.M Kumar

Mrs and Dr. Maneesh Paul. S and family

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Preacher: Rev. Sanjay Samuel AyerCelebrants: Rev. Sanjay Samuel Ayer,

Rev. Dr. Allan Pallana and Rev. Dr. David Joy

Joint Worship Service*(Holy Communion Service)

Old Testament Proverbs 8 :1 - 12 Mr. Franklyn James

Epistle Acts 8 : 26 - 38 Mrs. Sushma Annet Sadananda

Gospel St. Mark 6 : 34 - 44 Mr. Eric Paul (K)

Evening Service 6:15 p.m.

Preacher: Rev. Rueben Manohar Kannada 8:15 p.m.

Rev. Abraham George English

Old Testament Daniel 1 : 1 - 21 Ms. Risha Mathias

Epistle Acts 10 : 9 - 16 Mrs. Soorya Asir

Gospel St. Matthew 13 : 31 - 33Mr. Elish Nischal

Mrs. Rashmi Mohanraj (K)

Evening Service 6:00 p.m.

Preacher: Rev. Paul DinakaranCelebrants: Rev. Sanjay Samuel Ayer

and Rev. Paul Dinakaran

Kannada*(Holy Communion Service)

8:15 a.m.

Rev. Sanjay Samuel Ayer English

Old Testament Genesis 13 : 2 - 12 Mr.Oscar Ravikiran Prabhakar

Epistle Acts 6 : 1 - 6 Mr. Jervis Deuel

Gospel St. Matthew 20 : 1 - 16Dr. Roopa Rachel

Mrs. Hanna Dorairaj (K)

Evening Service 6:00 p.m.

Preacher: Rev. Sanjay Samuel Ayer Kannada 8:15 a.m.

Preacher: Rev. Dr. Allan Pallana English

Old Testament Genesis 17 : 1 - 8 Mrs. Geetha Billy Graham

Epistle Philemon 01 : 08 - 22 Dr. Mrs. Thilagam Meialagan

Gospel St. Matthew 7 : 13 - 20Mr. Kevin John

Mrs. Rose Devadatta (K)

*Evening Service 6:15 p.m.

Theme - Christian Presence in a Multi Faith Society14th Sunday in Pentecost

Calendar for the Month of September 2014

9:30 a.m.

*21st September 2014

3rd Sunday

*07th September 2014

1st Sunday

Theme - Teachers: Agents of Liberation13th Sunday in Pentecost

Education Sunday & Teachers’ Day

Theme - Fruitfulness of the Elderly16th Sunday in Pentecost

Senior Citizens’ Sunday28th September

20144th Sunday

Preacher: Dr. John Vasumithra

14th September2nd Sunday

9:00 a.m.

Preacher and Celebrant: Rev. Sanjay Samuel Ayer*(Holy Communion Service)

Theme - Peace and Conflict Resolution15th Sunday in Pentecost

International Day of Peace

9:30 a.m.

‘Mozart's Requiem’ with the Majolly Music Trust Choir The Requiem Mass in D minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is one of the most widely studied and performed pieces of music. It was the last piece

composed by Mozart and was left unfinished at his death.

9:30 a.m.

Classical Guitar Concert by prolific Icelandic classical guitarist Ögmundur Thór Jóhannesson

Ögmundur is currently based in India, where apart from international projects, he is working on promoting the classical guitar in India.