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Erasmus+ Call 2016

KA 202 Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Stage Design Professions in Bulgaria: Scenographer and Stage

Costume Designer


Technics Handicraft Exchange Around The European


Project ID 2016-1-IT01-KA202-005358 CUP 616J16000550006

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Stage Design Professions in Bulgaria:

Scenographer and Stage Costume


“with what care he selects a chair, and with what thought he places it!

And it all helps the playing…”

The Playwright’s speech about the

Theatre of the Stage Designer Caspar Neher THE MESSINGKAUF DIALOGUES, Bertolt Brecht

I. Conceptualization

1. The Local Definitions in Global Context

The international discussion on the indefinable conundrum, called “What is Scenography?” is still vivid and ongoing also in Bulgaria. A wide range of

lively debates show a large spectrum of local and global views. Here is just a small exampled list of responses of world prominent artists on the ques-

tion. What is scenography?

• Jerôme Maeckelbergh, Belgium: The adaptation of a given space for

a theatrical happening.

• José Carlos Serroni, Brazil: The spatial translation of the scene.

• Iago Pericot, Catalonia: The visualisation of the dramatic text—

seeing is believing!

• Stavros Antonopoulos, Cyprus: The visual intersection of the ordi-

nary, with the imaginative.

• Jaroslav Malina, Czech Republic: The dramatical solution of space. If

architecture is a huge three-dimensional sculpture in an outdoor sit-uation, so then scenography for me is a sort of reversed sculpture

inside (and sometimes outside) any concrete space.

• Antoine Dervaux, France: To make—and break—the performance space.

• Achim Freyer, Germany: To create an open and transparent vessel

which makes wealth and character of the work experienceable and


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• Dionysis Fotopoulos, Greece: A self-contained design beyond the

word—a meta-lingual image.

• Tali Itzhaki, Israel: Everything on stage that is experienced visual-ly—in essence, a human being in a human space.

• Luciano Damiani, Italy: Not one entity. It only comes to life when

the dynamism of the human body penetrates the space.

Conceptualization of Scenography in Bulgaria

In line with the above-mentioned ideas, the internationally ac-claimed Bulgarian theatre director Galin Stoev has defined Scenog-

raphy as:

“Choosing a text to stage. Which means to define your own world “here and now” and determine your priorities. But you never stay at

one point, because your concept constantly experiences all kind of

metamorphoses on the way.”

The famous Bulgarian scenographer Nikola Toromanov explains the

process of stage design as starting from “the pleasure of reading a

text, which is about to be visualized: probably the happiest moment

of the whole process. Everything is yet to be explored, a whole world

of (maybe) endless directions and possibilities. Often, the text turns

against you; it fights back until the moment when you nail it down

(or it nails you down).”

Being a scenographer, stage costume designer and director, as well as a

multiple ASCEER Academy Awards winner, Toromanov was asked wheth-

er he thinks that scenography is, or could be, a separate art. Here is

what he replied:

“If you go to a scenography exhibition, you can see great ideas in

the scale models and sketches, but this could be noticed by experts

with a sharp eye. Apparently scenography is part of the applied arts,

and the success of a scale models depends on the general level of

the performance. If the question is, “Does vision make a

performance?” It does as an exception but not as a rule.”

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II. Historical Context

The Stage Design Professions in Bulgaria emerged from the old

shadow theatre, drama performances and puppet theatre in the

folklore, merging with the musical performances traditions and even

with those, related to Pagan and Christian Carnivals, as well as with

travelling sports and circus shows.

Through the last two centuries, the stage design professions in

Bulgaria were focused on all visual elements of a performance:

scenography, costume design and light design.

Some of the biggest designers in Bulgarian performing arts lived and

worked during the second half of the twentieth century. They have

worked with the most interesting filmmakers of this period, and are

built up and evolved the Bulgarian theater, opera and film art.

During the times of Communism (1944 – 1989) and the following

post-communist period (1989 - to date) in Bulgaria the scenography

for performing arts and cinematography were quite advanced both as

studies and practice.

In the 1990s the works of many of their young colleagues reflected

this tradition and determined the development of the Bulgarian

scenography and theater in the first half of the twenty-first century.

The artistic collaboration between those temporally distant

generations of stage design professionals built a bridge through time

establishing a continuum in the stage design school.

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III. Socio-economic context

The Scenography and Stage Costume Design field before 1989 was a

well-developed field of study, serving the advanced cinematographic

industry of Bulgaria, which hosted the biggest film studio in the

Balkans, Boyana. Theatre and cinema costume design before 1989 was

only studied in the National Academy of Fine Arts in the capital, Sofia.

After 1989 there was a turbulent evolution of the profession of the

stage costume design, as there was a rapid and significant decline of

state support to arts and cultures, combined with an economic and

political transition.

The market of stage design production, including scenography and

costumes for theater, cinema and musical performances shrank

significantly for the following reasons

- The cinematographic industry faced very intensive decline during the

post-communist period of transition between 1989 and 2007. Founded

in 1962 as Boyana Film, the Bulgarian Film Production Complex was

unique for Southeastern Europe. It was one amongst the few sites

in Europe that combines all the necessary facilities for a full film

production cycle with complete services and facilities for film, TV

programs and commercials pre-production, production and post-

production. Boyana Film was the main location for film production

during the communist regime when Bulgarian cinema was at its peak.

In accordance with the economic and political changes in the country

during the early 1990s the studio was transformed into a state-owned

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company in 1995. In 2005 it was sold to the California-based studio Nu


- Theatres in Bulgaria faced a transition between a well-provided

state-financing during the regime until 1989 to a very modest state

support in the 90s until now. Market-orientated approaches were

promoted and lots of small private theatres were created.

Unfortunately, due to the financially worsened situation in the country,

the theatre and high music performance industry faced a serious

financial crisis, which led to significant lowering of the interested in the

profession of the scenographer and stage costume designer.

- During those changes, the scenography and stage costume

designers faced a traumatic transition between a state-funded

professional domain to a market-orientated creative enterprise, which

led to the exclusion and bankruptcy of many professionals in the field.

- Although by 2017 there are more professional education

opportunities in the field of scenography and stage costume design, the

profession does not receive adequate public attention and student

interest. In contrast to scenography and general stage design, which is

well covered in the national vocational training, there are very few

applicants for the high schools and universities that offer the

professional qualification “Stage Costume Designer”. This is mostly

because of the shrank market and the withdrawn state support, in

addition to the fact that the young professionals starting salaries are

usually as low as 200.00 EUR/month and the theatre industry in the

country is facing the most serious decline since the beginning of 20th


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IV. Holistic Approach to Stage Design

The professionals worked with exploring concepts, following the

holistic idea that the subject chosen for the artwork does not only

include text and actions on stage, but is crucial for both the creation

process and the final production; in visuals, space and atmospheres.

This way, all disciplines are thoroughly analyzed from the start to be

tested against the visual dramaturgical concept of a performance.

Stage design professions in Bulgaria at the moment are including not

just the Scenographer and the Costumographer, but also the

Costume Assistant, Costume Maker, Costume Supervisor, Dresser,

Puppeteer, Set Designer, Stage Assistant, Video Designer, Wardrobe

Assistant and Wardrobe Supervisor.

• Distinguishing between Costumography and Stage

Costume Design in the local professional tradition

Тhe term costumography on the other hand has been mostly referred

to the study of traditional Bulgarian costumes, which were part of the

highly politicized ethnography and folklore studies, serving the

building of nationalist ideologies.

Costume designing professions were mostly connected to


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V. Professional Education Examples

1. High Education in Scenography and Stage Costume Design in

the Stage Support Technical High Schools in Bulgaria

Bulgarian vocational training schools for stage costume design

professionals are specialized high schools which prepare designers,

able to work in the system of performing arts as scenographers and

designers of stage costumes.

1. Students are getting acquainted with the peculiarities of the whole

process in the implementation of stage costumes, the main types

of theatrical genres, materials and techniques in its


2. Students acquire basic skills and knowledge to design, silhouette,

styles and historical development of the suit as part of the

material culture of the people.

3. The high school profession education programs are designed in

relation to the overall implementation of stage performances and

screen productions. Both classic and new technologies for

production of costume are taught including disciplines such as:

computer graphics, practical stage costume design, theory of

costume design.

➢ Examples of High Education Programs, offering Vocational

Training in Scenography and Stage Costume Design

National School for Stage and Screen Arts, Plovdiv

MAJORS in School Year 2016 - 2017:

➢ "Theatre, film and TV decor"

➢ "Decorative lighting for theater, film and television ''

➢ "Stage Costume"

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➢ "Pantomime actor"

Entrance examinations - after VII grade of high school education

(age 14)

➢ Entrance exam for the profession "Designer" majors

"Theatre, Film and Television Decor", "Decorative lighting for

theater, film and TV" and "Stage costumes".

➢ Exam in painting - painting of a group of three bulky bodies

in kind. Version with black material chosen by the candidate.

Size drawing sheet - 35/50 cm. Duration - 6 hours.

Professional High School in Clothing, Sofia

➢ The course for professional qualification "Stage Costume Design"

will prepare designers who will be able to work in the sphere of

performing arts as designers of stage costumes. Students are

getting familiar with the specifics of the process of design and

implementation of stage costumes, with the main types of

theatrical genres, with the materials and techniques in drawing,

sculpturing and sewing. Students acquire basic skills and

knowledge in costume design, silhouette, styles and historical

development of the costumes as part of the local and European

material culture. Specific focus is put on the stage costumes in

relation to performance and screen productions.

➢ The professional training includes the following disciplines:

professional foreign language training; computer 2D and 3D

graphics; stage costume, color science, construction,

perspective, plastic anatomy and more.

➢ Along with the specific vocational training, students receive

training in a number classical art disciplines, such as art history,

drawing, painting, sculpture, history of costume, as well as

computer design. They are a necessary and important

component of the overall process of training and preparing

executives for dramatic theater, puppet theater, opera, cinema,


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➢ Students obtain very good theoretical knowledge, which they

apply during the school practice in a real working environment.

2. University Level – Higher Education Programs for obtaining

Stage Design professional qualifications for Scenographer

and Stage Costume Designer

Bulgarian BA programs in Stage Design incorporate a wide range of sub-

jects aiming at educating artistic designers in all types and genres of stage

and film art, as well as in stage costume, state lighting, digital stage de-

sign and animation, multi-media performance and installations.

In the local universities, the nature of this discipline is determined by the

main, traditionally established specific characteristics in the profession of

stage designer, taking into account the dynamic changes in visual arts and

theatre and film, resulting from the overlapping of inter-genre boundaries

and the effect of digital technologies.

The artist in the repertory theatre or the opera, in the marionette theatre,

as well as in ballet, film, video, TV, digital animation and visual perfor-

mances, is also a creator of a synthesis between time and space in which

the principles of visual and space composition are interpreted in the con-

text of time composition and drama conflict. Tuition and curricula aim at

meeting these diverse requirements.

Generally, the BA level of study on the subject "Scenography" prepares

artists - designers and developers of tailored artistic solutions for stage

works and screen arts. Its characteristics are determined by the Bulgarian

traditional features of scenography, new technologies, media, fine arts and

the film.

Generally, the Bulgarian BA programs in Scenography and Stage Costume

Design aim at providing students with multilaterally addressed fundamen-

tal and special theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the main gen-

res of stage and film art: in the repertory theatre or the opera, in the op-

eretta, in the marionette theatre, film, video, TV, digital animation, as well

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as in the authors para-theatre skills such as multimedia performance,

happening, kinetic installations and other forms of interactive public spec-


Therefore there is a smaller number of BA programs as they seek to pro-

vide a general education, while the MA programs on the other hand offer a

an in-depth specialized knowledge and skills development in a wide range

of subjects in the field of Stage Design.

➢ Master Programs

The MA programs aim to create a personal creative form of education of

specific artistic style, following the work in various manners of interpreta-

tion of the MA task. New theoretical material is under viewing, to prove

the relations between elements of the newly created style and some basic

aspects of the entire history and theory of culture and art.

The related masters degrees offered currently in Bulgaria are:

• Master Degree Program on Stage Design of Drama Theatre

• Master Degree in Musical Scenography

• Master Degree Program Stage Design for Puppet Theater

• Master Degree Program Stage Design of Film and TV

• Master Degree Program Costume Design

• Master Degree in Stage Costume Design of Musical


• Masters of Sculpture – Shape and Motion

• Master Degree Program Design of Stage and Film Lighting

• Master Degree in Costumes and Accessories for Thematic

Games, Carnivals and Attractions

• Master Degree in Digital Scenography

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At PhD research level, the doctoral dissertations in Bulgarian academic in-

stitutions usually focus on a research which studies on specific fields of

knowledge mainly relating to the wide range of problems of Stage Design.

➢ BA in Stage Design

1. Examples of Higher Education Programs in Bulgarian


National Academy of Arts, Sofia, www.scenography-

➢ BA in Scenography trains artists to design and implement artistic

solutions related to stage and screen arts. Its characteristic is

determined by the specificity of traditional stage design, new

technology, media and transfusion between genre boundaries in

visual arts, performance and film. Stage designers graduating with

BA degree obtain complex knowledge and skills of space vs time

fusion creators in all stage and screen arts as follows: drama, opera,

ballet and puppet shows, film and television productions, musicals,

commercials, fashion shows, carnivals, etc. They are capable of

working in cooperation with directors, actors, conductors,

cameramen, choreographers, playwrights, screenwriters, animators.

They are also competent in forming and heading performance

teams. Those who have a minor in “Theory and practice of art

education” obtain professional qualification and are entitled to

teaching in general education and vocational schools.

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National Academy for Theatre and Film Art, Sofia

➢ Bachelor Degree in Stage and Screen Design

The course aims to prepare qualified artists who specialize as a

stage, screen or costume designers. From the very beginning of their

studies students work closely with prospective filmmakers, actors,

cameramen, etc.

o Form of education: Regular, lasting 4 years

o Founded: 2004

o Educational level: BA

o Graduation: The training ends with a public defense -

theoretical work (minimum 15 pages) on project design stage

and costumography work (colored designs, models, drawings,

sketches for costumes and props) and participation in the

implementation of audiovisual work.

➢ Examples of Master Programs

Master Degree Program Stage Design of Film and TV

The program deepens professional skills of the artist at work in the

field, in the pavilion and in design and creating complex special

effects in modern cinema and television. Students are working on

scenarios, selecting and developing complex stage design tasks. A

detailed plan is drafted for the preparatory work to create a

storyboard and animatic in which areas of action and plans are

brought to the concretization limit. The aim of the program is to

guide the efforts of the artist to cooperate closely with the operator

and director of film production.

Graduates who have acquired a diploma may exercise the following

activities: artist, producer of sophisticated complex performances,

film productions and others, requiring management of large design

and executive teams; Manager, Director, Deputy Director of artistic

and technical issues, chief artist of theater, film, television, private

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companies, public non-profit organizations; expert consultant on

issues of artistic technical nature of performing arts and film and all

forms of public performances under the auspices of ministries,

municipalities, community organizations and others; member of

scientific teams with creative and exploratory nature.

Master Degree Program Stage Design for Puppet Theater

Theoretically, methodologically and technologically based on Bulgari-

an academic school of directing, acting and stage design for puppet

theater. It presents the specifics, history and excellence in tradition-

al systems and types of puppet theatre; introduces into the specific

literature and its forms in classical, modern and contemporary dra-

ma; informs about traditional acting techniques and their modern in-


The program focuses on the diverse symbolic nature of puppet thea-

ter space in the different systems and the interaction of the actor

with a mask, puppet and figure, with music, dance, lighting and oth-

er components of the show in light of the idea of the ‘triple actor’.

Graduates who have acquired a diploma may exercise the following

activities: artist, producer of sophisticated complex performances,

film productions and others, requiring management of large design

and executive teams; Manager, Director, Deputy Director of artistic

and technical issues, chief artist of theater, film, television, private

companies, public non-profit organizations; expert consultant on is-

sues of artistic technical nature of performing arts and film and all

forms of public performances under the auspices of ministries, mu-

nicipalities, community organizations and others; member of scien-

tific teams with creative and exploratory nature.

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Master Degree Program Design of Stage and Film Lighting

The content of the Master Degree Program Design of Stage and Film

Lighting is related to the peculiarities of development of stage

lighting in dramatic theatre, puppet theatre, opera, ballet, film,

television, fashion, museums, galleries, architectural interior and

exterior. Classical and contemporary lighting concepts are studied,

which lead to intentional suggestions for perception of art objects.

Modern technical means are explored for achieving kinetics and

recomposition of stage reality.

Students must learn to collect and systematize bibliographic units

associated with the thesis of the Master project; to create and work

with notions directly related to the clarification and formulation of

Master thesis.

Graduates who have acquired a diploma may exercise the following

activities: artist, producer of sophisticated complex performances,

film productions and others, requiring management of large design

and executive teams; Manager, Director, Deputy Director of artistic

and technical issues, chief artist of theatre, film, television, private

companies, public non-profit organizations; expert consultant on

issues of artistic technical nature of performing arts and film and all

forms of public performances under the auspices of ministries,

municipalities, community organizations and others; member of

scientific teams with creative and exploratory nature.

Artists who have completed Master Degree in Design of Stage and

Film Lighting can be teachers in all high schools of the arts, work in

public administration, produce and distribute works of culture and


Digital Scenography and Animation MA

The Master Degree Program Digital Stage Design and Animation is

closely related to the development of digital technologies and opens

for the artist – stage designer endless opportunities to create all

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kinds of digital objects, characters and spaces. Exploring the

techniques of the TV screen, alpha channels and animated masking

allows live captured or computer-made characters to be embedded

in the digital space simulations. The aim is to prepare artists-stage

designers who have in-depth expertise to work with specialized

software. The program provides work under one of the following

areas - working on advertisement clip, working on a music video or

working on a short digital animated film.

The Master programs are based on the artistic achievements of the

visual arts and theatre of the twentieth century and have focused on

identifying unique experimental guidance in career development of

artists-stage designers. The purpose of the general academic

professionalization is to deepen students' knowledge in the field of

modern concepts for the development of the visual arts and theatre.

In this respect, their interests are directed to areas of scientific

knowledge, such as philosophy, aesthetics, psychology, semiotics.

Students must learn to collect and systematize bibliographic units

associated with the thesis of the Master project; to create and work

with notions directly related to the clarification and formulation of

Master thesis. Graduates who have acquired a diploma may exercise

the following activities: artist, producer of sophisticated complex

performances, film productions and others, requiring management of

large design and executive teams; Manager, Director, Deputy

Director of artistic and technical issues, chief artist of theatre, film,

television, private companies, public non-profit organizations; expert

consultant on issues of artistic technical nature of performing arts

and film and all forms of public performances under the auspices of

ministries, municipalities, community organizations and others;

member of scientific teams with creative and exploratory nature.

Artists who have completed Master Degree in Digital Stage Design

and Animation can be teachers in all high schools of the arts, work in

public administration, produce and distribute works of culture and


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Master Degree Program Costume Design

Master Degree Program Costume Design is aimed at enriching the

professional and specialized knowledge in the field of theatrical

costume and makeup. Master thesis is related to the specific

requirements of the type of theatrical performance (drama, opera,

ballet, etc.); to the requirements of staging concept in terms of

compliance or violation of the schematic requirements of the genre

(comedy, tragedy, etc.); to the characterization or theatricalization of

the character; to the formal and semantic connections of costume

design projects with stage design solutions of the performance. The

ultimate goal is the costume design solution to be a set of visual tools

containing in concentrated form aesthetic, philosophical and moral

categories of perception, served in a non-literary kind.

Master programs are based on the artistic achievements of the visual

arts and theater of the twentieth century and have focused on

identifying unique experimental guidance in career development of

artists-stage designers. The purpose of the general academic

professionalization is to deepen students' knowledge in the field of

modern concepts for the development of the visual arts and theater.

In this respect, their interests are directed to areas of scientific

knowledge, such as philosophy, aesthetics, psychology, semiotics.

Students must learn to collect and systematize bibliographic units

associated with the thesis of the Master project; to create and work

with notions directly related to the clarification and formulation of

Master thesis. Graduates who have acquired a diploma may exercise

the following activities: artist, producer of sophisticated complex

performances, film productions and others, requiring management of

large design and executive teams; Manager, Director, Deputy

Director of artistic and technical issues, chief artist of theater, film,

television, private companies, public non-profit organizations; expert

consultant on issues of artistic technical nature of performing arts

and film and all forms of public performances under the auspices of

ministries, municipalities, community organizations and others;

member of scientific teams with creative and exploratory nature.

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Artists who have completed Master Degree in Costume Design can be

teachers in all high schools of the arts, work in public administration,

produce and distribute works of culture and art.

➢ New Bulgarian University, Sofia,

MA in Film and TV Design and Costumes

o Subject: Film and Television Arts

o One of the 5 possible Qualifications is Master of Film and TV

Design and Costumes

The MA academic program goes through theoretical and practical courses

in film and television directing at the different types of cinema, working

with the actor on camera presents cinematography theoretical courses on

the structure of the screen image, to build a vision and operator style

feature and documentary films, television, introduces digital technologies

in film and television.

The program contains courses in screenwriting, creating knowledge and

skills to understand and create a narrative structure and writing well-

structured scripts for feature films and documentaries and formats for

different series. Students study film marketing, aesthetics of cinema,

directing the installation, producing at film and television, cimena scenario.

Division in five specializations happens during the third semester. During

their studies, students have the film practicum shooting a movie in

conditions that resemble production.

The program offers preparatory module for candidates from other

educational areas and building on module for professional bachelors

candidates from the same professional field

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Academy of Fine Art, Music and Dance, Plovdiv

MA in Scenography

MA in Stage Costume Design of Musical Performances

Started in September 1995, the MA program provides an opportunity to

get an MA in Scenography and Stage Costume Design.

The academic curriculum includes basic courses for the acquisition of

knowledge, skills and creativity in the field of:

o Stage design,

o costume,

o lighting,

o drawing,

o painting,

o computer animation and multimedia,

o directing analysis,

o history of art and others.

Developing students`creativity, the program prepares its trainees for a

postgraduate career via a wide range of activities relating to all forms of

theater, cinema, television, opera, advertising, design, contemporary art,

teaching and others.

➢ Theatre College “Liuben Greuss”

Graduate Course in Stage Makeup and Costumes, focusing on

stage design, makeup, costumes. The course lasts 60 academic

hours, divided into 2 modules, and carries 4 credits.

Annual exam is based on developing the theme of the studied material and

determine the membership of a particular style and era of shown

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photographs and reproductions

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VII. Classification of the profession of the Stage Costume Design-

er, according to Bulgarian Ministry of Education

✓ Occupation: DESIGNER



✓ KEY WORDS: theatre, cinema, performance, scenery, makeup,

wigs, arranging, dolls, design, costumes.

✓ POPULAR professional nominations: Scenographer, Stage

Costume-maker, Makeup Artist, Arranger, Light Technician.

VIII. National Register Codes of Professions

✓ 2140101 - Theatre, Film and TV Scenography and Costumes -

third degree of professional qualification. Held training for acquiring

knowledge, skills and competencies related to the basic principles of

design of theater, film and television scenery and props.

✓ 2140102 - Artistic Lighting for Theater, Film and Television -

third degree of professional qualification. Held training for acquiring

knowledge, skills and competencies related to complete construction

of the artistic illumination of the show.

✓ 2140103 - Theatrical Makeup and Wigs - Third degree of

professional qualification. Held training for acquiring knowledge,

skills and competences for the development of all types and styles of

makeup, wigs and accessories.

✓ 2140104 - Arranging - third degree of professional qualification.

Held training for acquiring knowledge, skills and competencies

related to arranging showcase booth and exposure and development

of artistic props.

✓ 2140111 - Theatre Doll Design - third degree of professional

qualification. Held training for acquiring knowledge, skills and

competences for the development of theater as plastic doll work and

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✓ 2140113 - Stage Costume Design - third degree of professional

qualification. Held training for acquiring knowledge, skills and

competencies related to the production of stage costumes.

Description of professional responsibilities

• Main activities - Depending on the field of activity can be made

scenery, designed and constructed all kinds of puppet structures and

props, masks, costumes by various technologies to realize their

artistic lighting for film, television and theater to create wigs; make

up a human face and body, arrange displays, stands, exhibitions,

design, toys and souvenirs from different materials.

Scenography designers develop, describe, analyzed and presented

artistic fashion sketches, photographs, clothing, accessories and


• Responsibilities - Planning and organizing work in the performing

studio, on stage or on the set, draw diagrams, drawings and

sketches made templates and patterns; shape and decorate.

Responsible to develop the concept and idea and looking for ways to

implement it. Also, one of their responsibilities is marketing the


• Working schedules - Depending on the specifics of the work can

be both normal length in accordance with the Labour Code and late

evening holidays and weekends.

• Professional regulations that must be followed – Stage

Designers must use means of securing each job depending on the

activity they perform. All work tasks must be performed in

compliance with health and safety at work.

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Professional Challenges and Opportunities

• Professional Opportunities

Can work as a freelance designer in artistic team working on the

realization of an artistic project in enterprise cultural institution design


• Opportunities for additional benefits - participation in projects

for various events, promotional fairs and exhibitions.

• Difficulties and challenges in this profession - designers are

expected to have always new and original ideas and this can lead to

stress. As the profession is creative and involves individual

subjective approach, it is possible that the creative and quality work

of the artist is not always appreciated by colleagues and / or clients.

• Possible contacts - with fellow designers, event managers, theatre

directors, scenographers, performers, models, heads of departments

and creative directors of companies; customers, vendors, suppliers

and users, organizers of shows and other creative performances,

visiting fashion designers, media (especially regarding freelance


IX. Types of Stage Design Professions, as certified by the

Bulgarian Ministry of Education

Field of professional activity - Design.

✓ Organizations / institutions,

which can be realized designer - Industrial

enterprises, cultural institutions, design studios and



✓ • Theatre, Film and Television

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Décor Designer

✓ • Stage Designer

✓ • Artist of models and props

✓ • Decorator of Stage Scenery

✓ • Light technicians

✓ • Electrician, stage and studio

✓ • Theatrical makeup and wigs

✓ • Makeup artist, wigs, hair


✓ • Arranger, windows / Stands

• Decorator, exhibitions /

museums and galleries

✓ • Toys and souvenirs

✓ • Artist, artist dolls

Costume design

✓ • Stage costume Designer

✓ • First Assistant Costume

✓ • Space Design

✓ • Arranger

✓ • Artist Models

• Decorator, exhibitions /

museums and galleries

Opportunities for Professional and Career Development

Persons who have acquired this professional qualification have the

opportunity to enhance their skills through courses and seminars

organized by training institutions, professional organizations and others.

Those who obtain the secondary professional education, are acquiring the

level of proficiency in the profession and can continue their education in

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subjects with educational degree "Bachelor" and later on - "Master" in

higher education.

The secondary professional education in Stage Design as Scenographers

and Stage Costume Designers in Bulgaria is conducted, according to the

establish by the national Ministry of Education curriculum and training

programs for the profession "Designer" within the Framework program "E"

for initial vocational training to acquire the third level of qualification

pursuant to Art.10, para 3., Item 1, article 11 and article 12 of the VET

Act and in accordance with the requirements of Decree №12 of 12.12.,

issued by the Ministry and published in the State Gazette. pcs. 10


• Necessary personal qualities - a sense of form and space, sense

of form and color, ready for independent work, readiness for

teamwork, concentration, creativity, imagination, visual memory,

planning and organizing activities, ideas and improvisations,

technical flair and ability, good sense of color and light, aesthetic


• Required knowledge and skills - reading and creating sketches,

drawings and design schemes; ability to choose suitable fabrics and

materials; work with specific instruments; making models,

templates, patterns and molds; ability to work with specific

equipment, materials and tools for the specialty; computer work;

knowledge of the terms in the specialty of foreign language; use of

appropriate props and aids.

• Required level of education - Inbound minimum educational level

for attainment of professional qualification in the profession is

completed VII grade or primary education. Successfully passed state

exams in theory and practice of the profession receive a certificate

of qualification.

Where can the professional qualification be obtained - in

vocational schools in classes for the acquisition of professional

qualification in mainstream schools, art schools at the Ministry of

Culture and vocational training centers.

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Subjects that are studied in relation to the profession of the

stage costume designer - depending on the specific

professional profile – Scenography, Performing Arts, Design,

History of Art, Design, Architecture, Plastic Anatomy, Computer

Graphics, Drawing, Sculpture, Color science, Ergonomics, Painting,

Working with specific techniques and materials, among others.

➢ Entry Requirements for Higher Education Training

1. Requirements for admission at educational level: applicants need

to have finished their secondary education with a high school

diploma, approved by Bulgarian Ministry of Education.

2. Health requirements - candidates must be physically and

mentally fit to practice the profession of the “Scenographer” and

"Stage Costume Designer" which has to be certified by a medical


➢ Examinations - State examinations for acquiring professional

qualification - theory of the profession and practice of the


1. The full higher education courses of professional training allow

acquiring degree professional qualifications in the professions

“Scenography” and "Designer", under the profile "Stage Costume


2. The vocational training for acquiring professional training ends

with state examinations in theory of the profession and practice of

the profession.

3. The State exams in theory of the profession and practice of the

profession are held at the national examination programs

accordance with state educational requirements for acquiring

qualification in the profession.

4. Completed vocational training attainment of the qualification shall

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be certified by a nationally approved by Ministry of Education

Certificate of Qualification.

➢ System Assessment and Certification

The assessment of knowledge, skills and professional – personal

quality of students is carried out according to the DOI system of

Measurement - Decree №3 of Ministry of Education (SG. 37 of


The assessment is done on three levels - input, intermediate and

output level.

1. Entrance evaluation

Incoming educational level of the trainee is certified by

document secondary education. The input qualification level

learner is certified by a certificate of vocational training or

professional training.

2. Evaluation of intermediate level

2.1. In theory - tests

2.2. In practice - monitoring by a specialist in performing

practical task

3. Assessing the outcome of the professional training

State examinations for acquiring degree of professional

qualification are two - on the theory and practice of the

specialty and held at the National examination programs in

accordance with the SER qualification in “Scenography” and

"Stage Costume Design" for third level of qualification in the

profession "Designer" - Decree №12 of 12.12.2006

Examinations on the theory and practice of the profession are

held in jobs developed by the training organization.

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X. Related Links

✓ The web page of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education - - Professional Education, State admission

plan in state and municipal vocational schools and classes for

vocational training in general secondary and special schools

✓ The web page of the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture -

✓ List of schools of arts and culture - Bulgarian National

Register of licensed vocational training centers.