Download - The Young Creatures



EssayEssayEditor: Humberto GEditor: Humberto Góómez Sequeiramez Sequeira--HuGHuGóóSS

9 February 2015 9 February 2015 –– Los Angeles, CA, USALos Angeles, CA, USA

The Young Creatures

The young creatures of hope for the urbanisation of the chemical, intellectual life found

themselves at the point where their sadness flipped into sensational moments of aerial

laughter that they extracted from their imagination to stimulate their mind into a state of

phrenetic movement toward the outer edge of the accidental reality that they created with

their brave experiments with intoxicants.

Like children they lived in a park where a wizard infused their eyes incessantly with

ephemeral images of amusement. Objects of the attraction of their common chemical

inclinations, they tried to tame the wildness of their sex cells with incoherent monologues of

friendship embellished with self-cherishing. The chord they invented to conjure their desire

to enact the play of innocence, caught in the impetuousness of their primitive blood, faded

into the indifferent emptiness of their memory after the curtain of unconsciousness fell.

For Javier C. Gómez-Ubau on the occasion of his birthday.