Download - The Wolfish Stalker Part 4

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Sorry about the delays guys in regards to this chapter. I wanted to make it a bit longer than the previous ones as well as to develop the characters a little more.

Anyway Chapter 4 is up and I promise chapter 5 will not take nearly as long.

If you have any comments, concerns or questions then please feel free to mail me on [email protected]. It really made me smile to a lot of the e-mails you wrote. Thanks to you all.

Mike finally arrived at the school on his jelly legs that had carried him to school. Mike had walked again to clear his head from the events that had happened. He had seen Kyle again that morning but had declined the offer for the car lift. Kyle had looked genuinely disappointed at first but had managed to hide it under a mask of indifference and then tried to cover it by cracking a couple of jokes about Mike smelling out the car, or not talking to him due to having his nose stuck in a book. However Mike knew better.

He was extremely glad that the weekend was tomorrow, with it being Saturday. He could use the time to get away from both Derek and Kyle. He felt like he should go to Kyle and speak with him but he also felt like he just needed a little space. Somehow he felt like he would either need to stay in his room or barricade the doors as he felt like Derek would come over to his house if he knew his parents were going to be out. This thought seemed to excite him, especially his hard on. But his common sense loathed it.

Mike went into the school through the front doors. He looked at the time and seen that it was five to nine. That meant that he would have no time to talk to anyone before it started. Not to worry it would give him time to think on the homework that he had been given yesterday thanks to Derek. Mr. Macgregor would at least not be able to give him into trouble for it but maybe it would teach him. Mike stopped and pulled out his timetable to see where he was at first. Gymnastics, great his favourite subject. And it would more than likely either be athletics or football practice. Perfect.

Mike sighed but made his way through the mass of other teens trying to get to class. Today was going to be another day.

The morning seemed to fly in rather fast. Mike wondered if someone had a watch that speeded it up a little for him. He found a chair and sat down with a chicken curry that he had bought at the canteen. It actually looked like something in it might still be alive but it smelled unbelievable so he decided to eat it.

While he was eating he heard a small disturbance coming from the other end of the canteen. He dreaded to look because he knew exactly who was causing it. When he looked up he seen Bobby, Dimetri and to his hearts discontent, Derek. They walked right through everyone like they owned the place but Kevin seemed to sneer at the three of them as they walked past him. Mike didn’t think that Kevin would challenge Derek but he didn’t like that look either.

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Kevin said to Mike “Hey little man, were gonna sit with you today, That OK with you?” he asked. Although he sat down right before Mike saying anything.

Mike began with “Well I....” but he was abruptly cut off by Derek once again as Bobby and Dimetri sat down on the other two chairs on either side of Mike.

“Good, glad to hear it see guys, Mikey boy here is a good sport” said Derek who smiled quite evilly at him. Derek seemed to be in a pretty good mood today and in a pretty joking mood too as opposed to how serious he was at Mike’s house.

“Uhhh yeah” said Mike as he sat down and put his eyes down to his meal and began to eat again.

The table was quite quiet after this but Mike could feel the three jocks looking at him and when he looked around he could see several other people looking at him. They were probably thinking something along the lines of “How the fuck could that little faggot get the hottest guys in the school to sit with him”. Mike hated to think of the questions he was going to get.

To be honest Mike felt extremely intimidated by this whole encounter and he was sure that Derek and his friends could sense it as they kept on looking at each other and at him.

“Mike you haven’t even said a word” asked Derek as he continued with “Come on, were just here to sit with you. And that’s me being serious” he said as he indicated to Bobby and Dimetri. “Let me introduce you to my buds, this shithouse over here is Bobby. Sure you have seen him around he is the QB on the football team and the captain of the local boxing team in town” said Derek.

To Mike Bobby let out a small nod to him and then put out his hand to shake Mike’s. Mike did so and then shook Bobby’s hand. Like Derek he felt like a furnace and this was without even touching any other parts of his body. “Good to meet ya man” said Bobby.

Mike let his hand go as Derek introduced the third member of their group. “And this small fry over here is none other than Dimetri” said Derek as he let them introduce themselves. Dimetri stared at him but then slapped Derek on the arm in a playful gesture. “Pleasure mate” said Dimetri in an unmistakable Australian accent. Mike shook his hand as well and then let it go.

For Mike this was quite strange for an introduction but from the surface Mike could tell that they both seemed like genuine guys. He was fairly certain that they would not touch him. “Sooooo.....why are you guys sitting with me. You normally sit just the three of you or with some of the other guys on the football team” asked Mike to the group in general.

Derek raised his eyebrows and then asked “Well do we need a reason to sit here”? Mike could not actually think of a reason to deny them it was just that he had never had much company aside from Kyle and sometimes Amanda. It made him feel....liked to have them there but he was still sure that the other two were just there because of Derek.

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“Listen mate were here to give you a bit of company. Derek has told us a bit about you and well.....” said Dimetri before he was interrupted by Derek.

“Come on man you promised you wouldn’t” said Derek shaking his head but looking like he was trying to hold back a grin. He knew what was about to come and he could not hold back a bit of a snort. Bobby rolled his eyes trying to keep his composure.

Mike was a little lost in what was going on here but finally Dimetri continued. “Well Derek here says your quite smart and well.....I’ve sort of....been falling behind in my computing and I was wanting to know if you would help me cover it” asked Dimetri. All of his earlier sarcasm had vanished suggesting to Mike that he was completely serious about it.

Mike was taken aback slightly by the request. He knew that he had a bit of a gift for things like this but he had never actually been asked to help anyone study before. He had no idea on how to approach it. Should he help someone he didn’t know very well. What if they made a fool of him for it. “Ummm...well I guess it couldn’t hurt to help you for a bit” said Mike as he looked at the three of them one by one.

Each of them seemed a little cooler than a few moments ago. Derek nodded his head at Mike and then completely seriously said “Thanks Mikey, its good of you to help my buds” he said. Mike felt himself getting a big head.

The three of them spent the next half hour getting to enjoy their lunches. It amazed Mike how much the three of them ate compared to him. They seemed to eat nearly three times as much, it occurred to Mike that there had to be no physical way that they remained as trim as they were and not fat. Mike let it drop and was about to say something else before Derek got there first.

“So Mikey, is it alright if we come over tomorrow to yours house and we can get Dimetri here hooked up and hopefully get him to learn something” he said.

Mike rolled his eyes and then nodded his approval. It did leave him feeling a little uneasy but he could not back out of it. As uneasy he felt about it he knew it would be more dangerous to refuse the three powerful men. “That’s alright, hopefully it shouldn’t be more than few hours. I have plans for tomorrow night” said Mike. He needed to talk to Kyle and get something going for them to do. His weekend was going to be full.

“Cool then, sounds like a plan. We’ll be there at around 1 tomorrow Mikey boy. It’ll just be me and Dimetri here. Bobby has plans” said Derek looking at his friend.

Bobby smiled and then rolling his eyes once again said “Yeah my dad is crazy on fishing and this weekend is the once a month I have to suffer going with him”.

Mike found that rather intriguing as he had never even went fishing with his own Father. He was always busy working. He did not blame this on him, it was just something that had to happen but just once he wished that he could have a weekend with his Father. Maybe one year.

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Derek smiled and then said “Awesome man, we’ll probably see you on Sunday then. Maybe Mikey will join us” he finished. Derek then looked at Mike expectantly as if willing him to say yes.

Mike was feeling a little out of place now with Derek. It was almost as if Derek was willing them to spend more and more time together. Was this all part of his place to get Mike to go out with him. He did say that he expected an answer today but he hadn’t said anything about it yet.

“Well.....maybe I dunno” said Mike as he did not want to come between the three guys. They were all jocks and liked doing....who knows what at the weekend. Going around the town, drinking, partying. Who knows but he suspected he didn’t want any part of it.

“Well think about it man, we have fun at the weekends” said Derek. Dimetri’s smile let Mike have a glimpse of exactly how much fun they had.

Finally the trio picked up their trays and Bobby and Dimetri walked away from the table with Bobby nodding his head and Dimetri giving him a thumbs up and then saying “Thanks mate, see you tomorrow”. Both Bobby and Dimetri looked at Derek who had not risen yet.

Derek looked at them both and then said “I’ll catch up in a few” and then waved them away. Bobby eyed him curiously but moved away.

Now that they were alone this automatically made Mike feel a bit uneasy even more so that he had a few moments ago. It wasn’t that Derek scared him anymore but for someone he had only gotten to know seriously this week he still felt strange around him.

“So you given any more thought to what I asked the other day”? asked Derek looking over to make sure nobody else heard them. Derek wanted to know what was going through Mike’s head and what buttons still needed to be pushed.

Mike closed his eyes for a minute while he finished his meal. He then put the fork down with deliberate slowness and then looked directly at Derek. He then said “I dunno Derek. I can’t decide in one day. It’s too soon” he said as he looked directly into Derek’s Brown eyes.

Derek smiled back at him before saying “I knew you wouldn’t be able to decide today. Don’t worry I don’t want answer yet. All I want you to do is to think about it. And....maybe come with us on Sunday this weekend” said Derek. “You’ll get to see what we do and you might be amazed” said Derek trying to keep the pressure on Mike to get him to say yes.

Mike looked very sceptical at this as he noticed a girl behind him staring at him ever talking to the stud on campus. “Well....I’ll see....OK I’ll see I can’t say anymore than that. I can’t say I have ever been big on going out drinking” said Mike.

Derek’s eyebrow raised and he then smiled slightly at the statement Mike had just made.

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“You think all we do is drink all weekend” said Derek as he howled in laughter, attracting the attention of several people around then. Once he had a straight face Derek turned and looked at Mike. “OK buddy boy, your coming this weekend. If you think that we drink all weekend then you are gonna get the shock of your little walking toothpick life” said Derek as he began to get up.

He then took Mike’s tray away also and went toward the bins.

“I’ll see you later Mikey boy” said Derek as he kept a straight face.

Mike turned his attention back to himself when Derek went and caught up to Bobby and Dimetri.

He was not sure what to think about what had just happened. Sure he liked Derek and his friends well enough but what Derek had suggested would make them come to his house and then him go with them on the Sunday. It freaked him out to think about it. Although when he thought about it he didn’t usually do much with his weekends anyway. He never did anything with his dad. He sometimes went and seen his Gran or his cousin out of town. Or even sometimes helped his Mum run a charity but nothing like what he suspected Derek was suggesting.

As he left the hall he could not help but think of Sunday now and even Saturday. He actually smiled a little, at least this weekend was going to be interesting enough.

As he made his way through the school on his way to the next class he chanced upon Kyle sticking some books into his locker and taking some other ones out. He did not notice Mike coming up to him at first, or at least he didn’t think that he did.

Before Mike got to him Kyle said “Hey Mike, what happened to you at lunch. Were those assholes annoying you?” He then looked at Mike when he shut the locker and smiled. “I’m glad they didn’t do anything to you though. I would hate for you to be hurt” he said as he walked with Mike toward his next class.

Mike looked at him and then said “Ummm yeah, its fine I found out what Derek wants for” he said as he looked toward the floor. He could not tell Kyle that he was spending Sunday with them. It would more than likely upset him and he did not want that. He knew that he would have to tell the truth sometime but he would worry about that when he could pick up the courage.

Kyle looked at him expectantly and then said “Well what did they want?”

Mike shuddered and then said “Well, tomorrow I said that I would help Derek’s friend Dimetri with some computing work that he is struggling with and Derek himself wants some help with math” said Mike as he said the first thing that came to his head regarding Derek.

At this Kyle nearly burst out laughing and then said “Well well well, looks like they are all muscle and no brains. Even Little Tommy in the fourth grade is smarter than them”. Kyle looked as if he were about to smirk for the whole day.

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“Well considering it gets me bully free for a while, and all I have to do is help them with a few lessons I would say it’s worth it” said Mike looking at Kyle with a matter of fact face.

Kyle stopped smirking for a second and then looked to the ceiling as if thinking about it. He nearly tripped into someone not looking where he was going. “Alright you got me, it is an alright trade off but keep your eyes on them Mikey, as I said a.....wolf can’t change the color of its fur”.

Mike rolled his eyes before he continued. “Well it’s not too bad. Anyway man I have to get to class, I think you’re in chemistry this time aren’t you” he asked.

Kyle nodded as he grimaced at the reminder of it. However before he went he looked slightly depressed before saying to Mike. “I’m sorry man to have to tell you this but I’m gonna be away all weekend. It’s some trouble with Amanda’s Dad and she wants me to go with her to sort it out” he finished.

Mike looked at him with concern at the statement. He normally told him things like this right away. It must be worse than he thought or Amanda had asked him not to tell. “Sorry to hear that man, I hope things go OK. Is he sick or something?” asked Mike.

Kyle shook his head and then said “No that’s not it, he is causing trouble for their family. It’s the reason they moved here in the first place” said Kyle.

Mike nodded his head and then continued toward where he had to be that period but before he went from Kyle he said “Well man, all I can hope is that things turn out OK. This must suck for you”.

Kyle nodded and then said “Well never mind, get to class and if I don’t see you after school then I’ll see you on Monday”. With that Kyle turned back to the direction of the chemistry class.

Mike watched Kyle leave as he noticed the books in his hand and then corrected them. “OK man, come back soon otherwise I’m gonna be bored” said Mike trying to make Kyle feel a little better.

Kyle did not turn around again but gave Mike a backward thumbs up before turning the corridor.

Mike felt quite bad for the rest of the day even when he got home and had the house all to himself. He had spoken to not only Derek but his two friends also. He learned a little more about them and what they were like. Apparently they were as inseparable as friends could be. It was the kind of loyalty that Mike wished he could have had his whole life.

Finally Saturday came and Mike found himself a bunch of nerves today. He knew that it was almost time for both Dimetri and Derek to come along to his home and also for Mike to become the teacher for the day. Mike’s Mum was in today, not having to be at work until much later but Mike’s Dad was out of town working with the mayor at a convention. He was not sure when he would be back but it didn’t bother him too much.

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Mike looked at the clock and seen that it was two minutes to 1. Mike raced down the stairs, wearing a rather tight smart shirt as well as dress pants. Truth be told he was not sure what to wear but he figured that he should wear something smart for the two guys coming over.

Finally to Mike’s mental alarm the house door bell rang and Mike shouted “I got it” and finally reached the door. When he opened it he got a shock of his life. It was Dimetri, although there was no Derek. Mike looked outside the door to make sure he had no missed the older jock. However that did not seem likely due to the bulk of him. “Hey, mate face is here” said Dimetri smiling at him.

Dimetri was a good looking guy to Mike but he did not think him better looking than Derek. Mike smiled slightly and then said “Ummm, yeah. How are you doing?”. Mike gestured for him to come in and Dimetri stepped through the door and then wiped his feet on it.

As they went up the corridor from the door Dimetri looked a little freaked out at the pictures of Mike and his family, and extended family staring down at him. His eyes shifted from left to right a little uneasy. It was quite funny for Mike to watch. However as they passed the picture of Mike’s great grandparents Dimetri actually stopped and looked at it.

He picked up the frame and then stared at it with focused eyes. His eyes opened widely in shock but before Mike asked he put it back.

“What’s wrong?” asked Mike to the older jock. He could not figure out why Dimetri had just stopped like that or what had made him focus on the photo but it was the same one that he thought he had seen Derek stare at also.

Dimetri put on his ever present face again and then said “Nothing mate, let’s get the lessons on”. With that he and Mike made their way to Mike’s room. However before they could go through the kitchen Mike’s Mum found them and then looking at how big Dimetri was she asked “Who was....well I assume your friend was at the door, but who is this?” she asked doing her usual nosy.

Mike was about to answer before Dimetri interjected by saying “Hi there, you must be Mike here’s Mum. He talks about you a lot, I won’t be here long Miss, I promise. Mike has just let me come by to pick up some pointers so that I won’t fail in computing class” he said in a practiced voice.

At this flattery Mike’s Mum’s cheeks went slightly red and she said “Well your certainly welcome to stay as long as you want. Although I’ll need some help before dinner time Michael” she said.

Mike nodded and then said “Sure Mum, I’ll be down later on” and with that the two of them made their way up to Mike’s room. When they arrived Dimetri looked around at Mike’s things. He had the computer in the corner as well as a guitar in the corner. His bed sat in the centre of the room and there was a couple of book shelves. All in all it showed what kind of person Mike was, a geek with a bit of a passion for music.

“You play the drums?” asked Dimetri to Mike.

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Mike shook his head before saying “Yeah, I used to not been able to get into it for a couple of years now due to the whole study thing. I barely have time for anything” said Mike as he flicked the little button and booted up the computer.

Dimetri smiled slightly and then said “thanks by the way for this. I won’t be here too long. Got a bit of a game tonight” as he sat down on a chair that Mike had especially for guests. He sat and then looked at Mike’s wallpaper on his computer of Linkin Park. Mike’s favourite band.

“Where is Derek today anyway, I thought he was coming with you?” asked Mike as he sat down on the main computer chair.

Dimetri’s smile faded slightly and then he said “He wanted to be here but he had something that had come up. And he couldn’t get away from it no matter what. He said he would be here shortly though so don’t worry about it”. At this Mike began gesturing certain things to him on screen.

About an hour later when they were almost done with this part of the lesson Dimetri asked Mike “So what is going on with you and Derek. I have never seen him like this with anyone mate. He talks about you as if you were some kind of god. And believe me he usually never took an interest in anyone?”.

Mike felt himself going a little red at how much Dimetri knew about Derek and himself. Although it did tell Mike, somehow that Derek was completely serious about going out with Mike. He did not know himself how he felt. He felt like he could trust Derek. He himself seemed alright, he had fulfilled his word to Mike about keeping Kevin and his gang away from him and even his two best friends seemed nice enough. Dimetri here was proof of that. The two of them had went through the lesson with ease but that had not stopped him asking questions about Mike’s room and things like that. Mike even got to learn a few things about Dimetri in turn.

Another couple of hours passed when they were finally done with everything that Mike had set down to do today. They had went over a few modules that Dimetri couldn’t seem to do on his own and it helped him improve.

“Thanks Mate, I hope this helps me pass on Monday” said Dimetri as they headed toward the door. Mike opened the door for him to leave but before he did Dimetri’s phone rang. He took it out and then his eyes narrowed slightly. “It’s Derek” he stated before pressing the green button. “Hey what’s up” asked Dimetri to his friend.

Mike could not hear the conversation except for what Dimetri was saying but since Dimetri looked at him a few times he could tell that it was partially about him. He was sure about that.

When Dimetri put the phone back in his pocked he looked slightly guilty and that said “Derek won’t be able to make it home tonight. He is out of town just now running an errand for his Dad. It’s important business”.

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Mike tried not to look disappointed in this news. Now not only was Derek away but also Kyle. Both of them. The only two people he talked to outside his home. Well the night was going to be lame now. Maybe he would go and practice his drumming, like Dimetri had suggested he did.

“Sorry mate, he said he will make it up to you tomorrow” Dimetri said in an attempt to make Mike feel better. He did feel slightly guilty for the younger man. He then made his way out the door.

Mike scoffed and then said “Na don’t worry about it, least having you over gave me something to do today. Thanks for that” he said as he began to close the door. “Just hope it helps on Monday” said Mike.

Dimetri laughed a barking laugh and then through the tears said “It’s cool mate, you explain it better than Mr. Matthews. He has a voice that puts me to sleep”. When he was finished he made a sleeping gesture that made Mike laugh.

“Well thanks man I’ll see you....maybe tomorrow” said Mike as he began to close the door again.

Dimetri smiled and then said “No way mate, don’t act like you have forgotten your gonna have a good time tomorrow. Count on that” he said as he smiled even wider. It made Mike’s skin crawl slightly to consider what it was that he had in mind. What the three of them had in mind.

With that Mike closed the door on him and then put his back up to it. Letting what had happened in the last couple of hours digest. Dimetri was good company and he reminded him of Kyle with the jokes he made. It was amusing to say the least. He could not help but wonder what happened to Derek though because something important must have come up to keep him away until tomorrow.

As he walked back to help his mother with dinner he caught a glimpse of the picture with his great grandparents. He remembered spending his last time with them before they had died. It was strange they had died within two days of each other. People said that His Grandmother Johanna could not live without his Great Grandfather. Or at least that’s what had been said. To this day nothing had been said.

Mike replaced the photo and proceeded to help his Mum with the dinner and cleaning. However as he did so something else came to him on what he could do tonight. Go out and see his wolf. Aside from Kyle, and now Derek as it looked like he could talk to the wolf and it would listen. Even if it didn’t talk back.

Mike felt full after eating dinner from his Mother he always did. Aside from caring for people and crosswords she seemed to be at her best in the kitchen.

Mike made his way into the forest just shortly after 7 o clock. It wasn’t dark yet or else he wouldn’t have went out at all. He wanted to see the wolf but not badly enough to risk his life in the dark. Mike went deeper and deeper in until he was sure that he was away from the parts where he would be seen by anyone but still close enough that he would be able to find his way home again.

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Mike looked around and found the forest good to look at, it was a mixture of green and brown colors with a lot of colors in between also. Mike found the scent refreshing of crushed leaves and the summer breeze in the wind. It made him feel good about coming out tonight and seeing his silver wolf would make him feel a lot better.

Mike continued walking for another ten minutes. In all honest he had expected to see the wolf by now but as of yet nothing. He hoped he would see it because it would suck if he didn’t after coming all this way. Mike reacted to all sorts of little noises around him from chirping to hooting to some small crickets around.

Finally Mike entered an area which seemed to be free of the usual forest noises. No birds seemed to be there as far as he could tell. That might not be such a bad things since they were giving him a headache. However as Mike walked in he began to feel a little uneasy about something. He could not place it but the feeling increased the further he walked in. Finally Mike thought about it more rationally and finally realised the true extent of his folly in even coming into the forest. What the fuck am I going? Wolves are wild creatures and even if one did save me I can’t just wonder around randomly looking for a wild animal he thought to himself as he sharply turned around and began to make his way back home before the feeling of unease crept up on him anymore.

Mike came across a tree that looked like it had a lot of bark missing on it and then it was there that his heart skipped a beat and if they hadn’t already his balls would have dropped.

He beheld the nightmare he had been having for the last few nights. The wild black wolf he had nearly been raped by before had reappeared again and this time he looked more angry than before. Mike began to back away slightly from the large wolf. Its bulk still scared him, it was massive. Just a bit bigger than the other wolf he was familiar with. It had large black hair and black coal eyes that matched it’s furry hide. Just the look in its eyes scared him.

Mike then turned and ran as he heard the growling behind him, it was coming closer and for every foot that Mike gained from the wolf it gained two more on him.

There was nothing he could do this time. The beast would do whatever it wanted to him and there was no help coming.

As Mike ran over a loose log on the ground, he tripped to the ground. He rolled a couple of times before he was finally able to stop himself. He growled to himself a little thinking Great of all the ways to die, I have to fall to one that’s so cliché and then proceeded to get back to his feet.

However before he could the hair on the back of his neck prickled as the wolf’s large paws pinned his arms to the ground and then he was face to face with the wolf. It’s white fangs gleamed in the light that was left in the sky. He smelled what smelled like rotten fish coming from its breath but it could just as easily have been something else. Mike felt the instinct to gag. “What have you been eating big guy?” he asked not being able to help himself.

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At this the wolf snarled at him and then nearly took a swipe at his neck. Terror filled Mike as he closed his eyes and then moved his neck away. He felt himself being swung by the wolf onto his stomach. He opened his eyes shortly after and then felt his T shirt not covering his stomach as it had went over his neck now. He turned and looked at the wolf who snarled at him again and then seen the wolf’s dick which was no longer contained within the wolf’s sheath.

Mike’s heart dropped as he knew what was going to happen to him. If the wolf didn’t kill him then he was going to hurt him beyond belief. And the worst part was that he was not even sure he would be able to go to the doctor. Maybe it would be better if he died here he reasoned with himself. Mike wished that he could have gotten to know Derek a little better and that he could have at least seen him one more time. And what about his parents and Kyle. How would they take his death.

As the terror that filled Mike began to come to acceptance he wished that he had not come out tonight.

However as the wolf was about to have full wolf sex with him Mike heard something else in the forest. It sounded like branches breaking along a path but he also heard something else, it sounded like a growl but one he had not heard before. It sounded a lot more drawn out and more blood thirsty. Mike found it strange but he also seemed to be able to smell something else coming toward the area.

It was then that Mike felt a great weight lift off him, especially his arms. He looked and seen the wolf turning to face the direction where he heard the noise coming from. Whatever was making it was coming up fast, very fast.

Mike got to his feet and then backed off slightly, but before he could completely he almost let his mouth fall to the ground from what approached them. When it entered the area Mike could not believe it. It was a wolf, one like the black wolf. The wolf was a very deep brown color, like the colors of Fall. It was very dark on the top and then got a little tiny bit lighter as it went under his stomach. He was pretty sure it was a male and then when he looked closer he was sure it was.

It’s green eyes were like slits looking at the black wolf, it was scary to watch the two of them as all he could hear was growling from both sides. He nearly had to cover his ears. The first chance he got he was going to bolt from this craziness and he swore that he was not going to come into the forest again, even on threat of death.

Mike tried to find a way to break from the area but the way back home was covered by the brown wolf that arrived and the way to the other side was covered by the black one. He was trapped.

However, Mike his behind a tree in order to avoid getting seen. Not that it would do any good because the wolves could smell him from miles around. The brown wolf had a smaller frame than the black one here and the silver one from before but it crouched closer to the ground and looked just as fierce.

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Finally the black wolf ran toward the brown one intending on ripping out it’s throat with a snarl and a growl. The black wolf narrowly missed as the brown one dashed out the way and then came around the black wolf and bit him hard on the back leg. The black wolf turned in order to try and catch the brown one but it was gone and then bit the black one on the tail.

The black one didn’t flinch this time but took his jaws to the brown wolf. He grabbed it by the scruff of the neck and launched him into a tree. The brown wolf flew into it with a bone wrenching crash. Mike looked away but as he did he heard the brown wolf get back up. It didn’t look to be in any pain but the attack must have hurt at least a little.

Again the black wolf went toward the brown one and again it dodged and this time took an attack at the black wolf’s neck. The brown one looked to be trying to break the black one’s neck. However it did not happen and the brown one jumped quite far off the black wolf. The brown one now stood in between Mike and the black wolf.

That fact got the black wolf to snarl more at the brown wolf. The black one launched himself again at the brown wolf who had his belly close to the ground again and like before jumped out the way of the attack. However this time the black wolf was ready and caught the brown wolf in mid jump. His black eyes seemed to gleam at this fact. It launched the brown wolf into the tree again with its full force.

The brown wolf sank to the ground and then unsteadily got to its feet. It still stood in between Mike and it’s opponent. The brown wolf launched itself toward the black one with blistering speed but this time it looked like the black wolf was ready for it.

Mike knew who he was rooting for in this bloody match up and he was going to do everything he could to make sure that the brown wolf was not struck down. He looked at the ground and then found a large stone that was nearly the size of his fist. Mike picked it up and then as fast and as accurate as he could threw it at the large black wolf.

As the wolf was focusing on the brown wolf heading toward him he did not see the rock until he slung him on the head. The black wolf shook its head as it appeared dazed at least for a few seconds. This however was all the time that the brown wolf needed. Just a few seconds and it was on the black wolf’s back. It balanced for a couple of seconds before, like the last time sinking it’s teeth into the black wolf’s neck. He was trying to break its neck and if it were any animal or human it would have worked. However that was not the case with this wolf. It just seemed to take it.

After a second or two more the brown wolf leapt to the side, it’s fangs had blood on them and when Mike looked over he seen that the black wolf was dazed again. This time it seemed to be from its neck being breached. Blood was dripping from the wound. This caused the black wolf to once again retreat.

Mike hoped that the brown wolf would go after him this time just so that they would both be vanished. He did not want the black wolf to die, it was his fault for coming into its territory and it was simply defending itself.

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The brown wolf kept looking at the bit of the forest where the black wolf had escaped. This continued for a few minutes, until he was sure that his nemesis was away. Mike could not hear it anymore or anything of the sort but that did not mean he was out of danger. Standing in front of him now was yet a third wolf.

The wolf turned and looked at him now with its bright green eyes. They were almost like a lime green color. Mike did not think of them as feral like the black wolf or intelligent like the silver wolf. They were more like impassive or generally uninterested. He was not sure if this was for him or just in general but Mike decided to not take his chances. He began to walk away from the wolf saying “Thanks buddy for saving me, but I should be getting home”.

Mike barely had enough time to move a step before the wolf leapt in front of him again. It’s eyes did not change and neither did it’s posture. In fact it did not do anything except stare. It made Mike feel like he had something on his face or T Shirt. He pulled his shirt back over his back and stomach and then said “Listen buddy, I need to get moving back home....soooo...please can I go?” he asked the wolf sounding quite desperate. The wolf made him feel uneasy as he stared. He did not think he would rape him though which was an improvement.

Finally the wolf looked at the sky and then took a few steps closer to Mike. Mike tried to back up but the tree behind him stopped that. This continued until the two of them were almost face to face. Mike closed his eyes as he felt the wolf’s muzzle approach him, or rather his neck.

Great so I am going to die here he thought with a thought of terror. However before he could do much else he felt himself being lifted off the ground. His muddy boots were no longer touching the ground underneath him. He opened his eyes to see the wolf’s head lifting him. When the wolf had him a couple of feet off the ground he took Mike around with his head and then deposited Mike’s weight on his back.

Mike felt the teeth let go of his shirt and he was sure that he was going to have a hole in them tomorrow. However that was not his main concern. The wolf looked at him with his story eyes again as if trying to tell him something. He could not figure it out. However for all of this it might have said “Hold on tight” because before Mike knew it the wolf ran into the forest with Mike on his back.

The wolf’s muscles moved around below Mike as the wolf used his legs to traverse the terrain at blinding speed. It made Mike close his eyes and all he could feel was the fur in his hands as he held onto the beast’s fur. He felt the warmness of the beast below him was almost enough to set his backside on fire.

However as the strangeness of the situation wore off Mike felt his eyes begin to tear open. At first he was terrified with the situation as he did not know where he was being taken. He could not get off, if he did then he would more than likely break his legs or back. But as he felt the wind on his face and the scenery go by him at full speed he actually began to enjoy it. He could not even make out any of the details of anything as the world was a blur. Was this what the wolves seen every time they ran. It made him wonder how they ever wanted to slow down.

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They ran for a little over five minutes, by which time Mike was sore on his legs from the wolf’s body moving under him but he recognised where they were now. Mike noticed the part where he had entered the forest. He was home, or at least close to it.

The wolf suddenly dropped to the forest floor. It was to let Mike off his back or so he figured. Mike moved his legs to get onto his own weight but found it his legs surprisingly sore from sitting for just five minutes.

When he was off the wolf he turned back and looked as the wolf rose to his full height again. From the light he seen that the wolf’s fur was different, besides just the color. It seemed to be a little more fluff like than the smoothness of the silver one. “Thanks for saving me boy. And thanks for the lift” he said as he nervously put his hand toward the wolf’s snout. The wolf however was having none of it and moved his head away. He then moved back toward the forest and then turned and ran almost back the way they had come.

Mike moved back slightly also as he thought that the wolf might come and get him again. He turned and went into the house through the gate. Mike did not see his Mum when he came in and maybe it was a good thing because he did not know how he was going to talk to his mum after just nearly being raped by a large wolf again.

So many things were going through his mind now. The two wolves from today as well as the friendly silver one. Where did they come from and how did they get here. They couldn’t have always been in the forest. Then of course there is their strange behaviour toward him. One was trying to rape him and one had saved his life and been a friend to him. This new one tonight though was different, as if it was there to protect him but nothing more. What a freaky day it had been but what was worse now. That he had a hard on from riding on the back of the wolf.

Mike would take care of it in the shower. He could not wait so much that he reached into his pants and took his dick and started stroking it. It felt good to him as he felt an orgasm building in his dick. With that he went in for his shower.

When Mike awoke in the morning he actually felt quite good. He looked around. The sun was already high in the sky and when he looked at his alarm it was nearly 11. What the fuck he thought to himself as he knew he had slept in past when he should have. Yesterday felt like a distant memory but he could remember it clear as day when he didn’t want to.

Mike got out his bed and then looked at his phone. He seen that Derek had left him a message. He flipped it open and then read it out. “Mikey boy, feel really bad about yesterday so gonna make it up to you today. Meet me at about 3 in the town centre and we’ll go from there” said the text message. Mike looked up from it and then figured he had a good few hours until he needed to be there.

Mike found which clothes he was going to wear today. Going on Dimetri’s advice on his dress from yesterday he was going to go much more casual. He wore a blue T-Shirt with Linkin Park on it as well as a pair of tight jeans which made his dick look bigger and a pair of his trainers. Mike went down to

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the kitchen and got something to eat before he would help his mother with the garden. Hopefully his Father would be back today to tell them about his trip.

Mike’s Dad did not return by the time it was half 2. He was getting a little worried about him but quickly shrugged it off, he would be back in his own time nobody could force him to move. Except maybe his boss of course. Being employed by the major would make certain things a priority in life.

Mike bid his mother fare well and said that he would be back for about 8, maybe a bit later. Mike made his way down the path that would lead him into town. The journey was pretty uneventful he simply listened to some music on his phone to pass the time. He listened out for any messages or anything as Derek had not told him to meet anywhere specific yet but he had a feeling he would see the three big guys before anything as they were pretty hard to miss.

Sure enough as Mike passed the local Wal-Mart store he seen three people in the crowd that was unmistakably Derek, Bobby and Dimetri. Derek turned to see him even before he seemed to have spotted him. It was like Mike had a large radar on his head that he could always be seen by Derek.

Derek smiled a small smile in that evil way he usually did for Mike. It was like it was something that he only used with Mike around. Dimetri smiled larger than Derek did while Bobby remained impassive. It was probably because he knew Bobby the least of the trio. Mike approached them and seen that Derek had a set of keys in his hands.

“Hey guys, how are all of you doing?” asked Mike as he did a bro fist with all of them in turn.

Derek laughed slightly at Mike’s feeble attempt at a bro fist and then said “I’m doing great little man. You look OK” he said looking slightly guilty now and then said “Listen, sorry about bailing yesterday. There was something.....something kind of important that I had to do yesterday and I couldn’t avoid it” he said looking extremely annoyed at what Mike could only guess was an unpleasant memory from yesterday. Mike seemed to be waiting for him to elaborate on it but when he remained silent that’s when Dimetri butted in.

“Anyway Mate some of the shit you said yesterday is actually sticking in here” he said pointing to his head and then grinning like a kid. Mike actually laughed at this also.

Bobby then butted in with his rumbling voice and then said “Yeah he hasn’t stopped trying to use big words. He thinks he’s all smart” he laughed as he said this.

By the end of it all of them were laughing with each other. It was causing people to look at them who were walking by. However Derek stopped when he looked at Mike a little closer.

“Hey Mikey boy, you alright you look a little.....I dunno shaken?” asked Derek. He looked at Mike on both sides of his cheeks and then took a step back. Dimetri also looked at this although he was not sure what he was looking for.

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“Yeah, Yeah I’m fine guys” said Mike as he laughed it off. There was no way he was telling them about the pair of wolves yesterday. The fact that one of them had tried to rape him once again and one of them had given him a lift on his back or that he was not planning on stepping foot in the forest ever again. He made a vow this time. He could give up not seeing the silver wolf again but he was not putting his life on the line again.

Derek looked slightly concerned still but shrugged it off as he waved the keys around and then said “My dad gave me a loan of his car. It’s a pretty sweet ride and he gave us full use of it for the day” said Derek as he put the keys in his pocket and then got the other guys to follow him. Mike did so behind Bobby, with Dimetri behind him as it they were worried he would get lost.

About ten minutes later they were in a car park, where Mike looked about for a car that someone would be as proud of as Derek evidently was right now. Truthfully he could not see anything worth boasting about.

However upon closer look he seen a car that might actually be worthy of that kind of attention. Mike looked at the car and then approached.

It was a red sports car with a shine on it that made everything else in the car park look like cheap trinkets. The car was a Ferrari 456. To be honest Mike was not at all into cars he didn’t know much about them. He had no reason to but this one he could tell was quite a collectors car.

“What do you think Mikey” asked Derek to his younger companion as he opened it and got in the driver’s seat. He opened it for everyone else to get in. Mike got in the back behind Derek and Bobby got in the front with Derek with Dimetri behind him.

Mike felt a little cramped in it, as with some sports cars it sacrificed it’s space for its beauty. It wasn’t uncomfortable though as it had large leather seats.

“I like it, it’s really nice” said Mike in appreciation.

Derek looked at him with a fake look of mock on his face. “Come on Mikey, its “nice” is that all?” he asked as he looked in the mirror focusing on where he was going. The car was in full motion now and although it probably had a good speed to it Derek never got the chance to use it until much later.

“Yeah.....” said Mike awaiting a response. It was like he had told Derek that he was the ugliest man he had ever seen.

Derek looked at Bobby and then said “I’m glad I have you guys to show the right level of appreciation”. At this Dimetri and Bobby started laughing leaving Mike feeling a little odd with the situation. However before anything happened Dimetri tapped his side and then said “Were only having a laugh mate, you don’t need to be so uptight ya know” he finished grinning.

Derek nodded at this and then said “Yeah, listen to Dimetri here because he knows all about that”.

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At this Dimetri laughed out loud and then tapped Derek on the back of the head and then sat back down on his seat quiet for a little while. Derek and Bobby talked about a few things of trivial concern like the big football game next week. Mike generally watched the world go by but also listened to his phone for the remainder of the trip.

Mike stirred awake as he felt a jolt from the vehicle came to a dead stop. Mike rubbed his eyes and then said “Where are we?” asked Mike to the others as they made their way out of the car. Derek slammed the door closed and then clicked the button to lock it.

“Were in the hillside next to the edge of the forest, were only about an hour from town in the car but I thought we could go for a run in the forest and then have something to eat then go back to town for some fun” said Derek to Mike and the others. He said it more to Mike though as Dimetri and Bobby seemed to know the plan now. However this seemed to be a smaller part of Derek’s plan.

At the mention of the forest Mike shuddered and then shook his head. In his head he imagined a rumbling coming from the forest followed by a growling noise that came from the black wolf that had came to be known in his nightmares. He imagined it heading toward them and then attacking Bobby, Dimetri and Derek and then finally raping Mike with none of the wolves coming to the rescue.

“ike.....ikey....” said a voice to Mike. Mike finally focused again on the trio and then looked at Derek’s clicking his fingers. Mike homed in on it and then shook his head again.

“I’m....I’m alright, what is it?” he asked as he did not take his eyes off the forest. Bobby looked concerned while Dimetri tried to follow what he was looking at but he looked slightly concerned also.

“Well you’re as white a sheet and you were saying something about the forest” said Derek as Mike looked around the area to take his eyes off the evil forest.

“What’s up mate. Come on tell us, were all friends here” said Dimetri as if he were trying to make a joke but lacking the smile that usually accompanied one. Dimetri was being completely serious in this.

“I don’t want to talk about it guys, I’m fine really” said Mike as Derek looked away and pulled his backpack out of the car and then shut the storage.

He put it on his back and then said “OK guys, me and Mikey will meet you at the point we talked about. We’ll race” said Derek as he smiled evilly again igniting a competition with his comrades. They always did stuff like this but this was the first time they had divided it in two.

“Cool mate, we’ll kick your asses and still have enough time to have something to eat before you two come out of the forest” said Dimetri as he and Bobby began running into the forest.

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At this Mike looked at them leaving with a confused look, these guys were weird to say the least. It was actually quite scary. “So which way are we going?” asked Mike as he began to follow Derek. As they neared the forest again he struggled with himself again and stopped at the threshold of the trees. It was not dark at all in the forest but Mike felt it the most forbidding thing he had ever seen.

Derek noticed this and then looked at him with knowing eyes as he approached the younger man. “Mike, what’s wrong. You haven’t been the same guy I met just a few days ago. You seem to be.....I dunno afraid. Even more scared than with Kevin” said Derek as he finished his scarily accurate picture of Mike’s feelings.

Mike looked away from him but after a deep breath looked back and then with sorrowful eyes he said “Do you know everything that’s in there Derek?” and then he waited for a response.

Derek looked at him a little confused but he took it seriously when he seen that Mike’s face was not going to take no for an answer. “Well, squirrels, dear, owls and birds of all kinds” he said trying to get an inclination of what Mike was meaning. His face remained perfectly clear through it all.

Mike waited until Derek was finished before responding. As he was about to talk the memories of the three wolves came to the front of his mind. “Well, what would you say if I said something about Wolves?” asked Mike.

Derek seemed to trip over himself when Mike mentioned wolves. He seemed to be a little distracted as he thought of what to say but his eyes said that he was surprised to hear the words. “What do you mean Mikey, you have seen....a wolf in the forest....or wolves” he said as Mike had mentioned the plural form meaning more than one.

Mike shuddered again and then said “Yeah I....seen three of them”. Mike looked up to the sky and then said “Yeah, I was almost raped by one....”.

At this Derek nearly had a fit. His voice raised sharply and he said “What the fuck did you say” asked Derek. Something about him freaked Mike out and made him take a few steps back.

“Well, it was a huge black wolf and it was as savage as a rabid dog. Maybe it was but I was saved by another wolf. A silver one” said Mike as he remembered his wolf friend with great fondness.

Derek looked slightly lighter at the mention of this second wolf. “Seriously?” he asked.

“Seriously. The two wolves fought and the silver one had won. It was the most gentle wild animal I have ever seen and it totally made sure I was OK. I have seen it twice since then and it has sat with me and listened to me talk to it” he said as he fondly remembered spending time with his large wolf friend. It made him wonder where it had been the last night he was attacked.

Derek looked and waited for him to continue as he could almost sense there was more. “The second attack happened last night. I went to see if I can find the silver wolf again and boy did I get one. Pity

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it was the vicious one” he said as he shuddered and looked at the ground. Derek came and wrapped his arm around Mike’s body and then supported him.

“It was then that I met...another wolf. This one was a smaller one than the other two with a dark brown coat. But when I say smaller, all of these wolves were giant. I mean like a head taller than me and their bodies were huge” he said. He remembered riding through the forest toward his home. He liked that feeling with the wind on his face. It felt like he was truly alive. “It was like something out of that retarded shitty twilight movie” said Mike making an angry face.

Derek couldn’t help but laugh as everyone he knew hated the movies. That was yet one more thing that Derek had picked up on. “Huge that isn’t normal for a wolf is it, they are usually not much bigger than dogs” he said. However Mike seen something in Derek’s eyes. He could not place it but it looked like he had more to say but didn’t

Before Mike could pick up on it Derek then said “I’m surprised you didn’t tell anyone about this. But listen Mikey I promise you that today nobody and nothing will get you here” he reassured Mike that he wasn’t going to let anything happen to him. He then put his hand on Mike’s head and then began to rub his shoulder.

Mike felt a sudden shudder go up his spine as he felt the hand on his shoulder massaging him. It felt really good. Derek was not the type of person he expected to be good at it but he was indeed. “Ahhh.....thats....good” he said in between mumbles.

At this He turned Mike’s head around and then kissed him on the lips fully and roughly. He forced Mike’s mouth to accept all he had to offer and Mike moaned into Derek’s tongue. It felt too good to him.

“Derek....I....” he moaned through his lips. He felt Derek’s hand come away from his shoulder and felt his crotch where his member was practically trying to escape from his pants. Mike loved that feeling but for some strange reason he felt it was going to go further this time.