Download - The West Somerset Singers 70th Anniversary … 70th Anniversary...The West Somerset Singers 70th Anniversary Concert 1945 ... The main work in our concert is Rossini's Petite Messe


The West Somerset Singers 70th Anniversary Concert

1945 - 2015

Saturday 16th May 2015 Taunton Baptist Church

Musical Director: David Knight

Organist: John Bodiley

The West Somerset Singers wish to acknowledge with gratitude the generous contributions of all our sponsors.

We thank them for their support and extend our best wishes.

The Castle at Taunton

Taunton School

Calverts (Taunton) Ltd

Sunhill Nurseries

Gillian Greig Music

Blackdown Storage

This concert celebrates the 70th Anniversary of the West Somerset Singers. The first

piece was specially written for the choir to celebrate their anniversary year. The second and third pieces were performed in early concerts of the choir. The main work in our concert is Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle, which, not in the least petite or solennelle, is suitably grand to mark our anniversary. Having composed little since he retired from opera composing in 1829, at the age of 37, Rossini composed the Petite Messe in 1863 as the last of the sins of his old age. At the end of the score he wrote a message to God: Dear God, There you have it – finished, this poor little mass.......I was born for opera buffa as you well know! Little technique, a little heart, that is all. So be thou blessed and grant me Paradise. G. Rossini

Welcome from Musical Director

David Knight


Psalm 150 - David Knight (first public performance of this piece)

Turn back, O man - Holst Let their celestial concerts all unite (from Samson) - Handel Petite Messe Solennelle - Rossini

Kyrie - chorus Gloria

Gloria in excelsis Deo - soloists and chorus Gratias agimus tibi -trio for contralto, tenor and bass Domine Deus - tenor solo Qui tollis peccata mundi - duet for soprano and contralto Quoniam tu solus sanctus - bass solo Cum Sancto Spiritu - chorus


Credo in unum Deum - soloists and chorus Crucifixus - soprano solo Et resurrexit - soloists and chorus

Sanctus - soloists and chorus O Salutaris - soprano solo Agnus Dei - contralto solo and chorus

Please join us for refreshments in the main hall following this evening’s performance.

Programme Notes

Psalm 150 – David Knight

This piece was specially written for the West Somerset Singers to celebrate their 70th Anniversary.

The text is taken from the King James translation of the Bible, and there has been some attempt at word painting in the music.

Turn back, O man – Gustav Holst

This was sung at a concert very early on in the life of the West Somerset Singers (the programme for the first concert is lost.) The words are by Clifford Bax (1886-1962) and was written in 1916 at the request of Gustav Holst to fit the Old 124

th Psalm tune from the Genevan Psalter of 1551.

Holst based the music of the piece sung tonight on that psalm tune.

Let their celestial concerts all unite – Handel

This is the final chorus in Handel's oratorio, Samson, and this, too, was performed at an early concert of the West Somerset Singers. Handel's Samson was written immediately after Messiah, and was first performed in 1743. The words are by the Irish poet, Newburgh Hamilton (1691-1761), who based his text on Milton's Samson Agonistes, rather than on the story in the Old Testament book of Judges.

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Petite Messe Solennelle—Gioachino Antonio Rossini (1792-1868)

Rossini was born at Pesaro and moved with his parents to Bologna at the time when Napoleon's troops entered Northern Italy. There Rossini had a musical upbringing and started composing at about the age of 12. By his late teens he was writing seriously for the theatre. He studied at the University of Bologna, becoming an enthusiast for the music of Mozart, who had died little more than two months before Rossini was born. Rossini later referred to Mozart as 'the admiration of my youth, the desperation of my mature years and the consolation of my old age'. Rossini achieved both fame and fortune early in his career, continuing opera-writing until he was 37 years old. In this period, he held positions as Musical Director of theatres in Naples and later in Paris. However, in 1829, his last opera William Tell was produced and he retired, having written nearly 40 operas. For the next 25 years, he wrote virtually nothing. Then, after settling in Paris in 1855, he started to compose again, mainly songs and piano pieces, and often parodying contemporary styles. A collection of about 150 pieces date from the last 13 years of his life, many of them humorous or quirky in nature – he called them the "sins of old age". During this last period, he was in 1863 asked by a friend, Countess Louise Pillet-Will, to write a solemn mass for the consecration of a private chapel. He scored the work for intimate forces – two pianos, harmonium, four soloists and small chorus. The resulting work was first performed in Passy near Paris in March 1864. At the end of the score he rather touchingly wrote: Good Lord, there it is, finished, this poor little mass. I do not know if this music is sacred or sacrilegious (musique sacrée or sacrée musique). I was born for comic opera as you well know. Little skill, some feeling and that's all. Therefore let me sing your praises and grant me your paradise. G. Rossini – Passy 1863.His description "little" has stuck to the work so that it is customarily referred to as the "Petite" Messe Solennelle, in spite of taking over 80 minutes to perform! It contains the full text of the High Mass – hence solennelle in the title – but in addition, Rossini has set O Salutaris Hostia, a text suitable for the feast of Corpus Christi. However, it is not really solemn in any emotional sense. For this was as quirky in its way as any of his other pieces written at this time. Indeed, among his annotations to the autograph, he self-deprecatingly described the work as 'the last mortal sin of my old age'. This was the last of Rossini's major compositions and was immediately received enthusiastically by Meyerbeer and other musical eminences in Paris at that time. Although it was commissioned for small forces, Rossini clearly envisaged performances on a larger scale and he orchestrated it a year or two later. The hand of the opera composer undoubtedly shows in the writing, but does not dominate. Indeed some sections could be taken as Rossini showing his mastery of form with affinities to older styles, for example the strict canon of the unaccompanied Christe eleison, early in the work. This is framed by two Kyrie sections, where the smooth vocal parts are underlain by rhythmic piano writing in quite different style. Occasionally, in such solos as Domine Deus and Quoniam, the theatre takes over, and there are times when the Rossini of 1863 comes stylistically close to Verdi. This perhaps is less to be wondered at than the contrapuntal skill and vitality of the fugal sections (Cum Sancto Spiritu and In Vitam Venturi). Author: Edinburgh Royal Choral Union (May 2011) This programme note was written by Edinburgh Royal Choral Union and supplied through Making Music's programme note service.

Programme Notes


Kyrie: Lord have mercy upon us, Christ have mercy upon us, Lord have mercy upon us. Gloria: Glory be to God on high and on earth peace to men of good will. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, We adore Thee, we glorify Thee. We give Thee thanks for Thy great glory. O Lord God! O heavenly King! O God, the father Almighty! O Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son! O Lord God! Lamb of God! Son of the Father. O Thou, who takest away the sins of the world! have mercy upon us. Receive our prayer. O Thou, who sittest at the right hand of the Father! have mercy upon us. Receive our prayer. For Thou art Lord, Thou alone art most high, O Jesus Christ! together with the Holy Ghost in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Credo: I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of the Father before all ages. God of Gods, Light of Light, True God of true God; Begotten, not made; consubstantial to the Father, by Whom all things were made; Who for us men and for our Salvation, came down from heaven, [And] He became incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man. He was crucified also for us; suffered death and was buried. And on the third day He arose again according to the Scriptures. And He ascended into heaven, to sit at the right hand of the Father. And He is to come again, with glory to judge both the living and the dead; of whose kingdom there shall be no end. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord the Giver of life; Who proceedeth from the Father and the Son; who, with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified; Who spoke by the prophets. I believe in one baptism for remission of sins. And I expect the resurrection of the dead, And the life of the world to come. Amen. Sanctus: Holy is the lord God Sabaoth. Heaven and earth are full of Thy Glory. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! O Salutaris: O victim and salvation who opens wide the gate of heaven, we are oppressed by savage wars, give us your strength, bring us your aid. Agnus Dei: O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Grant us peace.

Programme Notes

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Judi Boobyer Marianne Bray Diana Davies Judy Donovan Alison Edwards Lucy Gratland Gillian Greig

Catherine Hartland Anne Jordan

Christine Knapman Pat Moore Pat Phillips Julie Pope

Anne Rogers Hilary Shaw

Pam Whittaker


Alix Cathcart Janet Hall

Louise Hayden Ann McCabe

Esther Naguib Ruth Patterson

Katy Ravenscroft Sheila Ruff Sue Sutton


Alan Boobyer John Cottrell

Mike Hawkins John Page

Peter Ravenscroft Guest tenor: Will Bugden


John Evemy John Gillard David Greig

Bob Hart Malcolm Summers

Keith Taylor

List of Choir Members

Seventy years ago in 1945 Arthur Temple, head of music at Taunton School, founded the West Somerset Singers with the intention of performing lesser known works in contrast to the more well known works performed by Taunton Choral Society. At this time the choir had twenty-four singers drawn mostly from the music staff of local schools, and concentrated on cameo, unusual and frequently modern works. The great Soprano, Isobel Baillie, was also a soloist in those days, and works such as E.J. Moerans ‘Songs of Springtime’ and Malcolm Sargent’s ‘The Second Cruxifixion’ appeared in the programmes. Arthur Temple conducted the choir for the first fifteen years or so before handing over to the leading soprano, Elizabeth Rowe. Three years later, the remarkable Bob Tullett, the musical director at Bishop Fox’s School, took on the baton. He coached the choir to success at Bath Music Festival. Over the years the choir has seen several changes in conductor, each of them enriching the choir with his or her own unique talents, and we thank them for all for their varied contributions to our growth and longevity. Choir numbers have fluctuated throughout the decades but Arthur Temple’s original concept of performing little known works has largely been maintained. Moreover, the commitment and passion for singing has remained. Here’s to another 70 years!

A brief history

Musical Director—David Knight MA, MMus, LRAM, ARCM, ARCO David Knight was educated at the Royal Academy of Music and the University of London. He has held posts as Director of Music at a comprehensive school and a college of higher education. During this time he also had posts as accompanist and conductor of a selection of choral societies. He has been a church organist for over forty years, not only for the Church of England, but also for the United Reformed Church and the Church of Norway. David has taught at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, and was an examiner for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. He has performed in cathedrals in England, Ireland, Norway and Hong Kong. In addition to his post with the West Somerset Singers, he is Music Director of All Saints’ Church, Dulverton, and the Casterbridge Male Voice Choir. He is currently President of the Dorset Association of Organists.

Soprano—Lisa Tustian

Lisa Tustian is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Music. Her versatility as a singer has seen her performing everything from Baroque music to jazz, from folk song and oratorio to opera, both locally and further afield. Alongside this, she enjoys both voice teaching and conducting choirs. She has a particular interest in young singers, with her award-winning Blue Weasel Choirs. She has helped develop SingingWorx, taking great singing into state schools and offering opportunities to gifted and talented youngsters, and the thriving Young Performers Programme at Somerset Opera. She runs workshops for a wide variety of singers, and is assistant conductor to Taunton Children’s Orchestra. Lisa lives in Somerset, with her partner, 4 sons, small dog, two cats and eight chickens. She is a keen allotmenteer, a nod to her farming heritage, and loves playing netball and hockey.

Contralto—Rebecca Smith

Rebecca Smith graduated from Trinity College of Music where she won many awards and prizes. Operatic roles vary from Dido in Purcell's Dido and Aeneas, to Jocaste in Oedipus Rex, Stravinsky, and 'The Traveller' in the premier of the opera, 'Victory over the Sun' by Jeremy Arden performed at the Barbican. She was a member of Glyndebourne Festival Chorus and Touring Opera for several seasons, touring also to Paris. Rebecca has sung at the Purcell Room, London with the Company of Singers and Players to critical acclaim, at the Festival Hall, at several Promenade concerts at the Albert Hall, and other venues such as the British Embassy, Brussels, St George's, Hanover Square, St Martin's-in-the-Fields and Exeter and Truro Cathedrals. Future engagements include performances of B Minor Mass, Nelson Mass, Mozart Requiem, Elijah and the Christmas Oratorio. Recordings include Handel’s Italian Duets, and The Nurse in Laurence Romans 'Isabella and the pot of basil'.


Tenor —Chris Davies CBE, DL Chris learned to love singing in the chapels and rugby clubs of his native South Wales. He sang in his first major choral works and opera chorus at University. On coming to Taunton, in 1972, with his wife Katy (his built-in great accompanist) to take up work as a social worker, they were lucky to be in at the very beginning of Somerset Opera. Over 10 years or more, he sang principal roles, including Tamino, Canio, Alfredo (Traviata), Lysander, and Don Ramiro (Cenerentola). He currently sings with Amici, plays bass trombone in the Wednesday Orchestra, and enjoys performing relaxed ballads. He is semi-retired, and runs his own small business. He is non-Executive Chair of the Somerset Care Group, Associate for the Social Services Improvement Agency in Wales, Associate Director of Research in Practice for Adults at Dartington, and Chair of Taunton Music Trust (which runs Orchestra West and SingingWorx). He is a Deputy Lieutenant of Somerset. Baritone—Stephen Page Since performing Bach’s B Minor Mass at the age of 12, Stephen has spent a lifetime singing in choirs large and small. He has had the privilege of performing in venues such as The Holly-wood Bowl, Los Angeles, the Albert Hall, Edinburgh’s Usher Hall and cathedrals as far-flung as Durham, St. Paul’s in London, St. Mark’s in Venice and St. Patrick’s in New York. Resident in Wellington since 1991, he has sung regularly with the Chapel Choir of Wellington School and the Taunton-based chamber choir, Amici. He has also sung with Wellington Choral Society and the Phoenix Singers. Although principally a choral singer Stephen has featured occasionally as a soloist with these

choirs, most recently with Amici as The High Priest in The St. Matthew Passion and then Pilate

in the St. John Passion. This is the third occasion he has joined the West Somerset Singers as

a soloist.

Organist—John Bodiley John taught English professionally in comprehensive schools and adult education, but following organ lessons from Michael Nicholas and Stephen Cleobury at St. Matthew's Church, Northampton, he held posts as organist in parish churches in Oxfordshire and Bedfordshire. A later move to teach in Lancaster brought another organist's job, and he was also the conductor of two choral societies. Following early retirement in Somerset, he has been the organist of St. Mary's Church, Bridgwater, and Holy Trinity Church, Taunton. He was the accompanist at Richard Huish College for ten years, and the accompanist to Bridgwater Choral Society. After a second retirement, he plays occasionally in a number of churches in the area.

Pianist—Rachel Robinson

Since graduating with a degree in music from Cardiff University Rachel has been teaching piano in schools, music centres and at home. As well as being the West Somerset Singers’ regular rehearsal pianist Rachel accompanies the New Horizon Singers and North Curry Village Choir.


I cannot remember how I came to join the West Somerset Singers 68 years ago. I was a keen musician, having received excellent teaching at Blundell's School and had some success - choir prize in my penultimate year and the Swan Music prize in the year I left. In fact, I told my father I wanted to be a musician but he was a bank manager and said "There's no money in that lad, you will be a chartered accountant!" Arthur (Spike) Temple, Director of Music at Taunton School, who formed the choir did not have a particularly ebullient character but he was a fine musician. His friend, Henry Cummings, an internationally known baritone, was patron and came down to sing with us for free! We rehearsed in the Gwyn Williams Rooms at Taunton School, as we do today, and I used to cycle down Chip Lane, over the railway footbridge and through a gate into the sports field. The lead soprano and one of the basses, both on music staff at the school, became romantically entwined and eventually married. I remember another of the basses was Howell Reed who was organist and choir master at Temple Methodist. I remember it being great fun back then and all these years on, it still is!

John Evemy, choir member 1947 - date


96/108 Station House Taunton, Somerset


Tel: (01823) 335 823 Fax: (01823) 336 186 email: [email protected]

A trip down memory lane...

January 1973



From the Archives


1983 1992


From the Archives

50th Anniversary Concert December 1995

Lisieux Cathedral June 2004

December 2005

From the Archives

The West Somerset Singers would like to thank Taunton Baptist Church for their hospitality.

Special thanks also to Rachel Robinson for accompanying the choir during their Monday evening rehearsals.

Thank you to Somerset Library and Plymouth Library

for supplying the music copies.

Thank you to Making Music for the Rossini programme note.

The West Somerset Singers are members of TAPA (Taunton Association of Performing Arts).

For details of all forthcoming events please visit


More Voices Needed!

The West Somerset Singers are a friendly, mixed voice choir who meet on Monday evenings for two terms in the Gwyn Williams Room at Taunton School 7.30pm-9.30pm. We are seeking singers for all vocal parts to enable us to continue singing the wide variety of music we enjoy and perform a minimum of two concerts per year. Perhaps you haven’t sung with a choir since school days, or have just moved into the area and are looking to join a choral group? Or maybe you just have a passion for music and singing? Whatever the reason, the West Somerset Singers would welcome you as a member. We do not hold formal auditions but experience of singing in parts and the ability to read music would be extremely helpful.

To see our past concert programmes and for membership

information please visit our website

or ring Secretary, Chris Knapman on (01823) 335303.

Rehearsals for our varied Christmas programme

will begin on

Monday 7th September 2015

We would love to see you there!

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