Download - The Weekly Newsletter of Ateres ais Yaakov דעשת אשת … · Suri: When you daven and you really mean it, you don’t just say the words with your mouth but with your heart.


A nother wonderful week went by at Ateres. Learning is in full swing. Please

ensure that your daughters complete their homework assignments. This accomplishes two things. It reflects your interest in your daughter’s success at school and it helps her be ready and prepared for the next day’s lessons. Thank you in advance for your partnership. Friday the girls enjoyed the first Middos Mailbox Raffle of the year. The girls work hard all week to do something special for their classmates or teachers or other staff members at school. When they do, they receive a middos mailbox card. They save them for two weeks whereupon Mrs. Samet comes into their class with middos scratch off cards. Four or five cards are chosen from the raffle each week. By the end of the year, every girl in the class has the opportunity to be chosen. If a girl is chosen from the raffle, she is given a scratch off card by Mrs. Samet. The girls enjoy discovering if they get to choose a prize or a treat. The middos displayed by the girls is truly inspirational. Lately we have been hearing that our fifth graders are bringing crayons and paper on the bus for the preschoolers long bus ride; others are playing games with them. We get tremendous nachas from watching the girls grow in their middos.

Now let's take a peek into the week:

Morah Miriam and Morah Ora are so proud of their Kitah Aleph girls who are davening so beautifully every morning. They are beginning to translate some of the tefillos so they have a better understanding of what they are saying. This of course, will lead to

davening with more kavanah. Morah Miriam asked the girls to try and explain what kavanah means. Here are some kinderquotes:

Kaila Kirsh: Kavana is when you get more mitzvos into your body.

Suri: When you daven and you really mean it, you don’t just say the words with your mouth but with your heart.

Henny: You daven to thank Hashem so badly for giving us our neshama again.

Nava: Kavana is when you really mean it.

Malky : To close your eyes when you daven so you won’t see the things around you.

Bailey: Other people will say in their heads that this girl is so special because she is davening with so much kavana.

Goldy: Not to play with anything when you are davening.

Aliza: Kavana is when you say something with your heart

Shalva: When you daven hard with kavanah, you get more mitzvos.

Let us all learn about kavanah from these precious girls!

Morah Heitner’s Kitah Beis is well on their way to becoming Shoresh Experts! They learned 12 new shorashim and spent some time reviewing them in so many ways! Just ask them for their song and motions! They also wrote their first Ivris Chibur this week! They played many fun Ivris games, like Pictionary and sentence building games. They are really working hard on their Ivris skills.

Morah Ehrman’s beautiful Kitah Gimmel is working on the second perek of Parshas Chaya Sara and not only do they know it so well, they are learning it in the style of Sarah Imeinu by working on their Middos. It is such a pleasure to see how they run to help each other without even being asked. The girls cleaned up the playground so all the students could enjoy a pleasant and clean environment. Our Talmida Hashavua is Chava Bracha for always being ready to lend a hand with a smile and doing it with zerizus!

Morah Almog’s Kitah Daled is continuing to learn about Yosef and his brothers’s in

Chumash and are doing so well. The class discussed the petirah of Rachel Imeinu whose yahrtzeit was last Shabbos. They also spoke about her special Middos. The girls had the privilege of singing a famous song about Rachel Imeinu with Mrs. Samet. Fourth grader welcomed Mrs. Resnick into their classroom and had a tea party with her and discussed the royalty of an Ateres Bais Yaakov students.

Morah Martin’s KItah Hey learned in Chumash this week that Moshe named his son Gershon because he was a stranger in a foreign land and Hashem watched over him and granted him a child. The class had a great class discussion about names! Ariella Nechama Ptalis shared that she was named Nechama since she was born in the 9 Days and Faigy Rothman shared that her sister is Bracha because she is a blessing. Last week at the MItzva Fair Kitah Hey discussed that when they would sell their items that they would ask their customers to make a bracha out loud so they could answer amen as a zechus for the Jews in Eretz Yisroel. Elisheva Ben Arbon came to let Morah Martin know every time that she made a bracha with kavanah. Kol Hakavod!

Morah Fergusson’s Kitah Vav had a very productive week. They took their first Chumash test and Mrs. Fergusson was so impressed with the high test scores! Kol hakavod! They also began a leveled yedios klalios program! In addition, the girls enjoyed learning a new theme in Project Yud Beis and use every free minute to complete each lesson adding their own personal touch. The girls are looking forward to sharing their year long journey through this wonderful program at the Bas Mitzva Dinner at the end of they year.

Mazel Tov to:

Mr. and Mrs. Shloimie Daskal (Ruchy, 6) on the birth of a baby boy.

Mr. and Mrs. Shalom Gelbtuch (Gitty, 5) on the birth of a baby girl.

May they each be zoche to see these new additions grow l’Torah l’chupah ul’maasim tovim.

Best wishes for a lovely Shabbos

E ach year as we traverse the study of sefer Bereshis, we are again filled with awe as we learn ever more about our avos and imahos.

At the beginning of the Parsha, the inspirational episode of Avraham and the melachim strikes our attention immediately. Our patriach Avraham Avinu, on “yom shlishi l’milaso”, is running to greet guests in the extraordinary heat or the unshielded mid-eastern sun. Obviously, this story is not a tale of historical implications, rather it is an instructive lesson on how we, his children, are to act in similar conditions throughout the future. In many ways, this chapter of Avraham Avinu’s life is a story for our time. It is a lesson not only of chessed but of the quintessential approach to kiruv which we all should take to heart.

As we explore the psukim, we cannot help but notice, that it was not enough for Avraham and Sarah to offer their guests unbridled hospitality. Sure, a cool drink, warm bread and a delectable buffet menu were all welcome by the wayfarer who passed by their open tent. That was a basic a chessed. But, more than just food for the body, they offered nourishment for the soul and that was the real treat, the ultimate chessed offered by Avraham and Sarah. How did they do it, and how can we follow in their footsteps? One insight from the Shla Hakadoash gives us the perspective we need.

The Torah tells us that Avraham Avinu invited his guests to sit under a tree. Yukach na me’at mayim v’rachatzu ragleichem v’heshanu tachas haetz. The mepharshim wonder what this pasuk is teaching us and why was it important for us to know that he asked his guests to rest under a tree. The Shla Hakadosh explains that “haetz” with the hey hayedia is referencing the etz chaim he l’machazikim bah - the tree of Torah of which we should all grab hold. It is to that tree that Avraham was introducing his guests. The corruption of the world began with Adam and Chavah’s eating the fruit of the eitz hadaas. The tikun for this chet would come about as Avraham Avinu redirected the natural temptation of wanting to be yodei tov v’ra through connecting each individual to the eitz chaim he. This took place as he taught his guests v’hishanu tachas haetz, if they would lean up against the tree. In other words, Avraham told his guests, it’s not enough to allow yourself to be sheltered by the shade of its branches, rather, you need to connect and become dependent upon Torah. Only if one looks for strength in the etz chaim he – the Torah itself could one truly be successful. It is dependence upon Torah and commitment to its values that help us people break free from the shackles of sin of the eitz hadaas tov v’ra. Indeed, Ba’raszi yetzer hara ub’rasi Torah tavlin, all of the answers can be found in Torah. But first we must lean upon it and let it be our support and our source of strength. We to, if we give our selves up Torah it provides all of our needs.

It is no wonder that it was in this zechus of Avraham teaching the world to become reliant on Torah as a part of their awareness of Hakadosh Baruch Hu that we were blessed with the anani hakavod in the midbar. They reflect this same co-dependence, kivyochol, on Hakadosh Baruch Hu and Torah hakedosha. Reconnecting others (and ourselves) to that awareness through our actions and our personal relationships should to be at the forefront of all that we do. Like Avraham, we have the tools to transform the appeal of the eitz hadaas tov v’ra, into our commitment to the eitz chaim he l’machazikim bah.


Only one week to go until our very much anticipated mother daughter

brunch Sunday morning November 8th!! We are putting the finishing touches on our preparations. What a fantastic raffle we have in store to go with our musical theme this year! Our grand raffle prizes (yes there is more than one grand prize) include an electric piano, an electric guitar, and an electronic drum set! Other musical prizes include iPod Nano fully loaded, beats earphones, color changing Bluetooth speakers, a complete Jewish music library of CDs, Kareoke machine, American girl doll with guitar, piano dance mat, a musical wobble deck, musical electronic games, and many many more surprises! Over 50 winners!! Come and enjoy a delicious hot buffet with mom while enjoying an entertaining musical concert performance by Lipa Schmelzer!

We are still accepting volunteers for this event. Email us: [email protected]

Musical Joke corner: Q: what is the difference between a piano and a fish? A: You can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish

Q: How do you repair a broken tuba? A: With a tuba glue

Q: why was Mozart upset at his chickens? A: Because they ran around yelling Bach Bach Bach

Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos replete with beautiful z'miros and nachas from your family at your Shabbos seudots

Ateres N'shei

Chaya Cohen

Michelle Gabay

Chany Silverman

ד“פרשת כי תשא תשע" The Weekly Newsletter of Ateres Bais Yaakov


As we commence our fifteenth

year, we welcome you to this

year’s new feature column

"הקהל"Insights into building the

parent-child relationship,

reinforced with a “quote of the

week” inspired by the

parshas hashavua.

“V’hu yosheiv pesach

ha’ohel k’chom hayom” (Bereishis 18:1)

Avraham sat outside at the door

of his tent despite his personal

pain so that he could engage

in acts of chessed. We must

remember to teach our children

to follow his example and

make chessed a focal point of

their lives.

פרשת וירא תשע"ו

The Greatness Within Us By Mrs. Jenny Samet

The Power of Tefillah- Davening for Peace In Eretz Yisroel

Unfortunately, the terrible matzav in Eretz Yisroel has us all on edge; constantly checking the news, calling our family, speaking to our children, brothers, sisters, family and friends in Eretz Yisroel hoping for a quick resolution for this terrible conflict. IY"H soon b'karov we will hear good news. We as bnei emunah know and believe, "Yeshuos Hashem k'heref ayin", the salvation of Hashem comes in a blink of an eye. But what can we do realistically and practically here back at home?

The Ben Ish Chai tells us the answer. The essence of a human being is tefilah.

He proves it by showing a something so beautiful- If you take the word "adam" and you look at the hidden part of adam; in other words if you spell out the aleph, daled and mem, you have after the letter aleph, you have the lamed and phei; after daled, you have the lamed and suf; after the letter mem you have mem. If you take these hidden letters, you have the word mispallel, because adam is a mispallel. That is what we do. That is what defines us. Hakadosh Baruch Hu blew in us an ability to speak, to express ourselves to Hashem. Even in the darkest of times, even in times when there appears to be no solution.

We hear people say, what is the government going to do? And the government does have to take extreme security measures. But all of that is irrelevant to us. The one and only thing that matters to us is to daven, to be a mispallel. We are armed with the tools, the necessary ability to change the situation.

Today, say an extra kapitel tehillim. You can even say it together with your children.

Maybe shed a tear or two thinking about those who's lives were snuffed out in seconds. Because many lives have been altered forever. Using that, as

inspiration, adding momentum, should help us channel our tefilos and a little extra kavana. Hopefully IY"H soon we will hear the news that we await. The good news that not only will this conflict end, but all conflict will end and Moshiach will soon arrive.

May the zechus of our heartfelt tefillos bring true yeshua bekarov!

It has been another wonderful week in Ateres General Studies! It is such a pleasure to do a walk-through of each class and see how engrossed and engaged the students are in their work.

This week I received an unsolicited compliment for our school. A new Ateres parent came to pick her daughter up before dismissal. She related to me that every time she comes to get her daughter to go to an appointment, she doesn’t want to leave school!! She told me that to her this is this greatest indication that her child loves Ateres and the nurturing she receives here. Nothing could have made me happier than to hear this lovely warm comment from one of our parent s.

Communicating thanks through words or written notes is always appreciated by the recipient. Let us try to always remember that “one kind word can change someone’s entire day” !

Good Shabbos!

In math, Mrs. Wingate and the first grade began learning addition. The class learned many new words and symbols including the plus and equal signs. The word addend is used to name the numbers that are added together. The answer is called the “sum”. The girls had so much fun practicing joining two groups together using marshmallows. When the girls got all of the addition problems correct they got to eat them. Learning in first grade is so much fun !

Mrs. Baron’s second grade class is enjoying the new addition of gold fish in their classroom. The students are taking turns caring for the fish. Currently the science unit they are studying is about fish. Second graders are learning about the life cycle of salmon and trout and their habitat needs. After reading some interesting information about fish and learning some awesome vocabulary, the girls asked some riveting questions. Leah Gittle asked if fish know who their babies are after they are spawned. Small fish are feeder fish for larger fish. Lieba was quite optimistic stating that mother fish are selective and do not eat their own spawn.

Third grade has had a fantastic week. They read the story Water Woman, a biography about an Olympic swimmer. The girls then got a chance to write their own personal narrative. They first had to fill out an outline and then write their stories using detail. Mrs. Feldman is enjoying seeing their progress.

This week Mrs. Paley’s fourth grade class read ON THE BANKS OF PLUM CREEK by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The story, historical fiction, was enjoyed by all. The girls learned how to summarize the story by completing their cause and effect fishbones, a graphic organizer found in their reading workbook. The class then worked in groups to make up stories, using first and third person point of view, a skill taught during the week. As a culminating activity, the girls are working on a time capsule, comparing life in the 1800s to the present. Everyone agreed life is so much easier now! Another great week with a great class!

Mrs. Horowitz’s fifth grade completed the first large unit in math! They now move on to patterns and properties in multiplication. This will be a concentration in multiplication with several digits. As usual, there will also be a spiral review for earlier concepts. Keep up the hard work!

Mrs. Karash’s class has started a Mesopotamia group project. Each pair of girls is researching a different topic and preparing a poster to present to the class. In science the girls are working in pairs to research the various organelles in cells and they are creating fold-ables for each one. In math class the girls are learning and reviewing long division

In Mrs. Berkovic's 6th grade English class, the girls continued to work hard on their literary analysis essay. They learned how to include a quote from the story to support their analysis, and they began to write their conclusions. Their great ideas, hard work, and enthusiasm are really impressive!

W hat do toothpaste, dimes, gasoline, and cell phones have in common? They are all made of materials

containing minerals! Mrs. Eisenstein’s seventh and eighth graders delved into their new unit on minerals and rocks by learning the many ways we use minerals every day. They also explored different methods by which minerals can be identified, such as color, luster and hardness. Just as we can't judge a book by its cover, we can't identify a mineral by color alone.

Our seventh graders in Mrs. Kahn’s American History class learned about what motivated people to move to the colonies and what the holiday of Thanksgiving is all about. The eighth grade discussed the Dred Scott decision and learned about Abraham Lincoln. The drama is building because the timeline in history is currently at the moment when the South officially secedes, leading to the beginning of the Civil War.

Mrs. Karash’s math class began a unit on algebra. They learned how to write algebraic expressions and solve equations. They have made an incredible amount of progress in such a short amount of time!

From the desk of Mrs. Kayla Stimmel

In Yahadus class, Mrs. Rokowaky taught the girls all about the significance of Rochel Imaninu’s yartzeit. In the zechus of Rochel’s incredible vatranus to her sister, her kever is used as a special makom tefillah to arouse rachamai shamayim. The girls wrote down their own stories of vatrunus and hung them up around the room as a reminder of this special Middah and the power it holds to bring the Geula IYH.

With much simcha, our seventh graders have completed Parshas Devarim! We were thrilled to jump right into learning V’eschanan. The girls were fascinated to see how the gematriah of the word V’eschanan, which is a lashon of Tefila, equaled the gematriah of the words tefila, shira and yeshara. This teaches us that proper Tefila should be sung in a pleasant tune and with our feet standing straight.

Together with Mrs. Hoffman, the eighth graders delved into the halachos of hashkamas haboker. They focused on the idea of always putting Hashem in front of us, even in the privacy of our own bedroom. They discussed the best way to take care of their neshamos and our bodies. We must always remember that we are a tzelem elokim and give ourselves proper respect!

Mrs. Brecher’s class was introduced to a new and exciting davening program this week, called “Connect Four.” Each girl received a Connect Four board with which they evaluate themselves each day on that morning’s tefila, targeting four specific tefilos. At the end of week, any girl who has completed a line on her board will receive an incentive. This week, the girls who have a completed row were awarded with an extra +2 on their Beuir Tefila quiz. Additionally, at

“Parent-hetically” Speaking Mrs. Levin’s Update A Peek into the Week

236 Cherry Lane ∙ Monsey, NY 10952 ∙ tel. 845-368-2200 ∙ fax 845-368-2210 ∙ [email protected]

Kitah Hey begins year long scrapbook project of Sefer Hamitzvos

First grade learns addition

the end of month, anyone with four completed boards will be awarded a special hot cocoa breakfast.

Also in Mrs. Brecher’s class, the girls are knee-deep in the topic of Yiras Av V’em. They learned this concept in the Chumash and are now putting these ideas into practice through a guided learning with the kitzur shulchan aruch. This helps us apply what we learned in the chumash to our everyday lives.

Mrs. Rube’s seventh graders read a fascinating story, “The Red Headed League,” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This is their second Sherlock Holmes mystery. They discussed how this is a tall tale and has a lot of unbelievable and intricate details. The twist ending of the story kept us in suspense until the very end! Mrs. Rube’s eighth graders have been improving their writing skills by using figurative language. This includes using metaphors, similes, and techniques like personification to make their writing sound more sophisticated. they practiced by doing sample writing to master these skills.

Kitah Beis and their exciting Chumash workbooks