Download - The Weasley Legacy|Chapter 2.2

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Chapter 2.2

The Weasley Legacy

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On earth..

Marius decided to take a trip to sim world.

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Marius created a portal beforehand. So, he is able to move back and forth from sim world to earth without bothering to make portkey. Marius: “Well, isn’t this fun..”

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Vince: “Welcome, Master. How long will you be staying this time?”Marius: “Not long, how are things with the weasleys”

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Vince: “very well sir, I’ve done what you asked. I’ve been watching their every move”.Marius: “and the portkey?”Vince: “I’ve already destroyed it”Marius: “Good,”

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Vince: “Master, I’ve been in this hole for weeks now. Perhaps if you allow me to go to town. I can watch them better there.”

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Marius: No!, you know, I can’t take that risk. You’re a wizard, in a place like this, where it’s full of muggles, you would surely stand out. I don’t want you causing suspiscions that would ruin my planVince: “B-but the weasleys seem to be doing fine”Marius: “They’re fine because of that mudblood. She’s muggle born after all.”Vince: “B-but-”

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Marius: ENOUGH! I don’t wanna here one more complaint from you. Or else..

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Vince froze in fear. His master is the only one who could use magic in this world. He once asked why he can’t use his, but Marius answered only with a sinister smile. He also knows how easily his master could kill him. After all he is the son of the most vicious death eater of all, Bellatrix Lestrange.

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Marius: “ I leave you with this, it won’t stop you from aging, but it would slow it down. After all, you have to watch the weasleys, for 10 generations. I’ll come back for more,. And remember, I am watching you, so you better not defy my orders.

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Marius: Now, go back to work!

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And just liked that, the portal closed. Now, It’s just an ordinary wall.

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Vince: “ just as master said, back to work.”